Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 05, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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I -
In Uiu cno of the stntu vs. II C.
Kentncr, cliftrgccl xvllh ombezrlcinont
JudKO Cnlklns, nt tho conclusion or
Ihci tiUt' evidence Instrurtutt tho
Jury lo return a cnllct ncqulttlns
tho defcnilftii'., for soxornl renponrf,
principally upon M n prntiml of n
lnck of any cr'mlnnl tntout upon tho
part of the dofonrt.xnt.
Tho court went xeiv fully Into tho
ilotnll of tho evidence. Ho sixlil that
ho would not, under nny clrcnin
tnmi, tnkr. a enso away from tho
Jury If therd was any evidence which
xxonld sustain a conviction; that the
chnrRO of ombvzzloincnt l a rhArgo
of Inrrony, (hat this necessarily In
volves a criminal Intent. Such a
criminal Intent 1b ordinarily shown
by false records, or some other evi
dence tending to show a criminal In
tent to steal. Ho said ho was satis
fied from watchltiR thci evidence
closely that the state had Introduced
over? hit Of evidence, that was avail
able. That ho had allowed much
evidence to go in In favor of the
stato, which might uot otherwise
havo been admitted, on tho theory
thnt (hero might develop In the evi
dence somo place, something to show
n wrongful intent, but that In this
caso whatever moneys of the firm
were used, were by the bookkeepers
put on tho books nt the time and
open to inspection by tho directors
and officers.
Directors llso Illumed
It alio appeared that Kentncr had
submitted regularly Inventories,
showing the assets, liabilities,' etc,
of tho company, and these had been
approved by the board of directors
from timo to time. Tho court said
that much of tho money that had
bcon used and charged to Sir. Kent
ner personally was for bills paid
when Mr. Kontner was not present,
but under a general custom that pre
vailed In tho store. Ho said that
under tho law the directors were as
much bound to know tho condition
of riffalrs as was Mr. KcntnCr, and
thnt thcro appeared to bo no ele
ments of crime Involves m anything
that was'slfawn.
He complimented tho stato uion a
full and fair presentation of tho mat
ter. It appeared In tho trial that ti
all times Mr. Kentner owned all of
tho stock of tho company, excepting
less than a fifth, so that every timo
a dollar of tho firm's money went out
to Kentner personally eighty cen's
of it was his.
, Jury Congratulates
It also appeared that ho had put
Into tho firm somo $32,000 in money;
also that during this period charged
Mr. Kentner had borrowed from Mar
shall Field 'and company, In .Feb
ruary, 1012, $15,000 which tho com
pany got. This wag loaned on tho
company note, but Marshall Floll
and company required the personal
endorsement of Mr. Kentner, which
Mr. Kentner gave, and put up consid
erable of his own stocka s collateral
security. Others of tho directors
put up some of their stock as col
lateral security. There were only
four stockholders of the company.
Mr. Kentner with 1C0 shares, Mr.
Merrick with 20 shares, Mr. Emer
Ick with 20 shares, and Walter Kent
ncr with ten shares, so that It there
was any loss on account of Mr. Kent
nor's over-draft tho loss was princi
pally hla own.
Tho Jury showered Mr. Kentner
with congratulations, and without ex
ception stated that their verdict
would havo been on acquittal.
Aium Held iiiH'i)ietl nt tin? I'm;'
t lien tor Thuitlny niclit iithl ilrmnii
struled t-hv has n fine vnuuVxillo
hlmw outside of lunx'lf. A tnoviim
pii'tim vnitili'vilU s-kotoh oph"miii:
no more merit than her not would lie
mmriiiir yet. However, ut the end of
her nol C. K. Ontcs the Ovorlmul
iiinn, on belinlT of (lie Kojjuo Hivor
valley, presented lior with it pinto of
npplo-, which tho heroine of n eore
of sillily esenpnilo eiiinou-h prom
Ned Uf cut. Mi-0 Held Miitr the
songs she siunr the year I'itNhurK
millionniro since Johnnie, cave her a
chnmpncue lintli.
Oeoryo Itehnn mid company in
"The Siuii of Hie Koo," made the
best improxxion. the Pekinese Chi
nese the mo-st nmnomohl, and Ward
mid Cnrrnn the nut-t laughter. Klo
rclto and Francos dnnoed tho tango
and tho Into society step. Mn.
Hcrshol showed hi skill on the
Tho fighting or Totigwnld brigade
of tho "Sleepy Seventh" threaten '
flank movement that, will peel tho
petals off the flowor of Med ford's
mllltla, litpniumt for tho reduction
of the Jesting sorgennt to the ranks.
They want Adjutant General Kiniet1
to probo tho rumpus and the com
pany from stem to stern. Tho
colonel's friends sny he wns In Htm
for n lieutenancy but nuotller ap
pointed through favoritism which
started the disaffection soxornl
mouths ngu. The mllltla Is divided
between Colonel llongwnld and Cap-
Houston Hmtheis of. the Hiieko.o
orchard nt Tnleul won Ihiul mire ut
the Spokane apple nhv f.r Now
toiw. A poor pack kepi Ihem from
first honor. The apphvs weio ship
ped wilh instruction- to the secre
tary to tune tlieiu repacked for ex
hibit purposes. This icMiltcd in a
huiiglesoinc jdi. As far n color,
quality, etc., were concvrlicd the
Kocuo Kixer valley pmduet had no
Ititton ehamploued by tho suffragists,
xxhleh xx mild create a uffiagj slnud
(ng eoininltleo In tho house. Hcoreri
of xvomeit from various pmtii uf the
country, nmrshaled by Mrs. Arthur
Dodge of New York, appealed to tho
committed not to grant the wiiffrit
gists' plea.
Tomorrow the suffragists xvlll nil
ipxor the attack, Though the autl
suffrnge xvomeu occupied most of the
day, their nrgunieuts xxero closed by a
man, Kverett Wheeler of New York
icprcsontlng the Man .Suffrage asso
ciation, who sounded tho bnttlo cry
ngalust tho suffragists.
' inning today before the houso rules
I committee to protest ngatnst tho ruso
tnln Donne. j
Ono of the duties of tho deposed1 UASItl.NOTON. Dec. 5 -V onion
sergeant xxas to rustle up a qnohim 0im,,l1 l0 0,'U'U "'" had nn
on drill nights. To this end ho vis
ited the (tool halls threatening death.
court martini, military prisons, and
real xvnr to tho oung of his com pan
if they did not nusxxcr roll call at
drill, mis wns unmiiitary. hut re
sulted In the dropping of cues, for.
piano. The entire cat from top to. the shouldering of guns. In thin
bottom nro the best number of the I way more than a corporal's guard
appeared warlike. Another point ,
against the colonel wns the xvny ho '
yelled company orders. Ono of the
"scared six" said last night this left i
the impression "that he oxned tho'
Nat." her children "California Syrup of
The entire mnttur xvlll be given r. Figs." that his Is tholr Ideal laxntlxe,
threshing out next drill night.
Orpheum circuit for the liwt three
year., whoe drawing power in the
cities has fled, So thex nre on nn in
vasion of the ".small toxvns."
Delicious "Kiult I.aatlxc" Can't
Harm Tender Utile Slouuicli,
lilxcr and llel
Kvery mother realizes, after giving
ud It thoroughly cleanses tho tender
little stomach, llx'cr and bowels with-
tors A. K. Voorhics
Hoc. ."i. Kdi
of the Grant'
When cross, Irritable, feverish or
MKXICO CITY, l)ec. fl. President breath Is bad. stomach sour, look at
Ifltnrtn la inlltlliin tn 1.iwmt.. ttlj ! t f It tuMitll.i liinttinnl t ,,! it. I t .
. ,ailVtlM o CfJIitlltl tu iUlUU I9 llll" HIV.' UI4rUl- illWtllUI, It VlMtlUili t V
1 nss I miner, Hcrt Ureer ol the .li-lunce minister. Adolpf de I-n I.ama on n tenspounful of this harmless "fruit
Inild Tidings. William M. Hnxxver of .. mo,10v. .oeklnir mission. Tho mln- I lnt.illvi." nn.l lii ii pw honi-i iill tlm
jthe Kogue Itixer Arjru. .1. K. of sor ,crt for Vora Cnu ton,.lt nn,i tmt constipated xnstc. sour bile and
I the Gleiidale Ncxi C inrle- . luco w, proceca , !.ara. undigested food passes out of the
ol he Myrtle t reek Mail, nn.l hlhcr ,t ,,cvelo,,ej t0lln. lh(vt tho ,)lnll 0, uv. and you have a cll. playful
Bode of the Cottage Grave Sentinel ,,, forcgn co,onM ror defcnso ,n. Phlw nK!tn. Whctl ,0 rytm
iiuw mn n.,.rv..iiu.iiis ui " volvcs an effort to have tho mnrincs Is full of cold, throat sore, has stoni
Koscburc paiK'rs nt the Hotel I nip- Q nnt(ons othw lhan tho Uncd , acn.ach0f lUarrhooai lna,BOtlon. collo
qua ve.-'ieniay uiui iieruun m n-iui n
Southern Oregon Editorinl Asoei-
ley association. These nre to work ."" c" r u" "
in eonqunetion with the State FMil I but nrlean Charge O ShaughncsBy
torinl nssocintion. A committee cuo-j was not Prcwnt.
isti.. nf .1. K. Toe. L. Wiml.erlv Is Reported In caso the attack on
nnd C. I"). Shoemaker xvu niimed tii,tll can,ta' becomes Imminent nn of-. tomorrow. Ask your druggist for a
formulate a i-onstitiition and hv-laws i 'ort w"l u mado to Induco Huerta , .'0-ceiit bottle of "California Sjrup of
rfor the completion of the oruniza-antl a'8 'o"es to move outside the I Figs." which has directions for bnb-
tion. This will be done nt ii sosioti cll 'es. cniuiren of all ages anil grown-
to be held nt Grants I'ass in the! Tho Ilrltlsh minister has sent out a ' ups printed on tho bottle. Ilownro
near future. Other editors sent no-! second circular urging his nation tp ' of counterfeits sold here, so don't be
tice of their indorsement of tins' register and asking Information con-' fooled. (let the .genuine, mado b
"Till: I'lIlATHS."
They kidnap a whole boatload of
capitalists. They do not do It for
me: ey, It Is done for tho sake of a
pr' t'y girl who wears a mask and
glx an ulr of mystery to tho wholo
n':air. You will be astonished and
thrilled to watch tho daring of these
rolbcrs of the seas in tho moving !
pUture shoxvn on the screen of tho It ,
Theater, u two reel Vltagraph fea
ture. They hold their victims cap
tlo for novel! days, ilerlns whlo.i
timo thoy art a very Jolly and hilar
ious lot o' captives. At tho end of
tho tovon d';g thulr disappearance
fills tho uevtpn)tirs of two conti
nents, thfreuy ndvortUIng tho Bis
cuit company of which they are di
rector. Tho captain of thu pirates
marries the nuiukod lady and the
ovent is celebrated with great doings
Two other roots Just as good.
The barber shop In tho I'alaco
block has been remodeled and opens
UP for business undor noxv manage
ment Suturday, December C. Wc wish
to coo all tho old customers nnd muny
noxv ones.
, States brought hero to Join tho local
ntion, similar to the WTdlamette Vnl-i
organization being formed. Tho plan
runiouiber. a good "Inside cleans
ing" should alwas be tho first treat
ment given.
Millions of mothers keep "Califor
nia Syrup of Figs" handy; they know
n tcaspoonful today saxes n sick child
cernlng their military experience.
"California Fig Sru i Company."
MONEY, knowledge, time and effort were
employed to the utmost to produce
in OMAR the best Turkish Blend Cigarette
ever offered to American smokers.
and domestic tobaccos'
than any ever before
blended more delightful
than anything Turkish
Blend smokers have here
tofore known.
The men who produced
OMAR knew what HAD
BEEN DONE in the Turk
ish Blend field, and back
ed by the resources of the
GANIZATION in the world,
they succeeded in produc
ing something unquestion
ably BETTER.
We maintain IN TURK
EY our OWN buying or
ganization, and secured
for OMAR the choicest
leaf that Turkey grows
the most suitable varie
ties. We selected our do
mestic tobacco for OMAR
without regard to cost.
selected MATERIAL the
master blenders of the
world set to work. Hun
dreds of blend variations
were triedand among
them was the one PER
FECT combination of Turk
ish and Domestic tobacco,
now used in OMAR.
OMAR is perfected to a
point beyond which it is
NOT POSSIBLE to go, and
which in the past has
Smokers who TRY
OMAR- are a UNIT in de
claring that there is
simply no comparison be
tween OMAR and any
other Turkish Blend
that OMAR has made of
Turkish Blend smoking
An Absolutely New
We ask but one FAVOR.
this carefully
tt unvUrt&vO rfaiZr-x
Package of Twenty f
Many Recoveries
From Luiifl Triublc
A medicine fur Throat sml l.inii! Trmi
tile, uhlt-li linn I'itii HioieiiKlilS t' ti'il fur
ttiuitv jfiiri. ntiil wlili'li Ikh I'H'ii liutni
lut'tiliil In ri'tirlnn i'hiiiIiIi' IhhIIIi In it
Inrifc nlimt'vr nf huTi'vi, nluuiM l I Imp
uiiclilif hivi'Mlk-nlnl litr I'vi'ivi'im. XXIills
tu utiilue t'lnliiit itiv mint (or II, nor ntiy
k'imriiiiii'0 Hint It nt, win ri-loio lirslili,
Kokiiinu'R Alli'rnllvi lm ln't'ii nhi'ii Urn
lull iTfiHt hi imii II r la innii) ntu,
lli'Sil llil t'ltur, XVIIiiiliii;tiiii, l"rl.
"(Iriitlrnirii III JKUiiury. Ittw, I iw
litknti ltli lu'iiiiirrliHKi'i of tin- Iiiiik'.
Mj li)U-Uii. eiu of tlit Imilliii; rnrtl
tluili'm nt XVIIitiliiKtun. Irl a. llml It
u. Inn- trtmliii' I tiaik ces mnl milk
In itinntttli'4. tmt I ki mtv Hivtk Mr.
' .X I IIH11I Of l.llltlll'tltt .V t'.v.
Ii'litrtiiit'iit .tnrr, .'toil tu :tll Mmkn
Ptrtx-t. XVIItntiieton, V . ri'iiinilili'lnliil tu
nn lkiiinn'i .Xltt'tittlw. Hut liiul limit
crtiit kimhI, ami uitiu lil niiim'allrtii I (n-k-nn
tuklni; It at nut'r TliU nun ntumt
Juiif, t'.itts. t omllmitM fnttlifnllf ilnit
nn ntlnr mmilr. itinl nnnllr iintlttit lh
t'li'itrliK nf tln linik'" I nun lutr m
trtiiiMt- Willi my titnn, I ttrinly Ivllrtn
i:kiiiun,i. Atli'mthi' mxivl mr llff "
I.XNI.Invltl J.XH. Mljl I It KM,
.I'ii ulitirrxMtril; ui.iru uu uu.-.l.)
unit Alli'MIHr lia lnt'ii iriiirni tiy
lii K inn
iimnjr jrttirn'
lint lo Ih intuit t f Hinri.'in
for rtrrt' llittuit mnl I, mie Arnlli'in.
...IK .1...1 .....
tl....l I..I lll.. U. ...........
..:...: i .:"...! "".:
i unit mui in iiiiiiiniiiitic
I'l'iilnlnt nn imriiillrM. i'lmn nr IntMt
futniliu- ilniKN. .Xk fur Naiklrt li'lllmt
f rrouiTlni. mnl wrltf tu KikiiKii
liilxirnliity. rtillinl.'li.lil i. '.t . fur t.yf
ilt'titv. lor lu tiy nil Irmlluc iltiiKKint
Kxposod ti air foil
tainiujr tlu mlorjj ol'
snap, fish, ciit'cso, t'tt;,,
coffee absorbs a Hide
of earh.
ftoap in I'Ol'fee!
IOven the ordinary
can isn't air tiht.
The answer is: use
.Schilling's Hest, in
aroina-tiht cans.
Cleanly Krntiiilati'il. rt'inly
(or use ni(iiif)lnrk
.Mnilo In .Mctlfurtl from homo Kroxxn
xiiciir jiliif.
If yon arc KoIiik to build nnytlilni:
or re shlnKlo your lioimo or barn e
its. Mill on 1. & K, track, phono
Mi:troiti siiiNai.i: mu.u
llcilucod prlci'8
picture frixmlng.
on pIcturcB ami
Century Edition of
5c a Copy
while it lasts
All kinds ot post rnrdg nt big re
I'liouo No. DII7-J ill) .N. (lr;ip .St.
Dec. 5th, 7:30 P. M.
Dr. AlacC'iillonjdi, I'll. P.
Haptism at close of service.
Coniu and brin your friends
Sunday Hchool at 0:15 Snn-
IIoIiIIiik ulofl n iilrtnfi) of Or Annit
llnxxnt-il HIiiixv, inortldmit nf thn Nul
Innnl .Miiorlenn AcMnclatlnii for W'tini
nit itiiffmuo, Wlmolor niild:
"Whtm I n!w tli lit iirimin hero )ih
lonliiy mIwiKo linr oli'iirlii'd flint unit
tlci'lnro xno tliMiiniiil Vi'ii dniiuinil our1
rlltlilii.' I I'll Id to iiixitidt i'U'IU'IiimI fliiU
tut'iin flKlit- Tlio mniiliooil of llilnl
nntlon Iuim luu'it trulni'tl lo ri'iumi't
mnl rnvtirtt woiimiiliooil lint If wo nrrt i
t'liulU'iir.'d to riitlit IIiIk movement
lliiTu xvlll bo IiIowh lo Rlxb n xvtdl ni
tiloxxi'tn Inltf."
IIhMihIi flutl, titUij A r., Ut. H.,ti
S3.50 .l?:i. Sp:J.50 Jj?i.- S?1.5()
All Grades
Pit Your Purao aa Well as Your Foot.
Opposite tho Post Office
Christmas Cards, Booklets
Christ mas Cards in ureal ,trul, hand painted,
embos.ed and eiiyraved.
Med ford Book Store
I ltii.llody Kir.
g OAK cut from larue timber.
CIOIVIOD. l'hone in your orders for Tier Wood or
3 irilxvmnl in S
. ) -
Frank H. Ray
Measurement (iuaranteed
'5, Sixth and Fir Streets. Phono 750-R
Mix the Breakfast Biscuits
the Night Before
Set T h c m
Away in a
Cool Place
and Bake
them Fresh in
the Morning
If tho family do not nil cut lirvnkf.tit tot'.rtrUT, you cnu
bake a fewatntlmc. Ifyoitarcluvmnhot biaculin for tmppcr,
mix ntul cut out vuouch more fur brclfast. Tltcy will bo
much nicer freahly baked than xvnrmed over.
Of course you ain't do thin very oucccssfully with nour
milk nnd noda or with nny of thu old fashioned, niniJle nctlru,
baklnf, powders, but this convenient way of making hot biscuit
and muffins for breakfast is entirely unhsfnetory if you use
E Baking Powder
which in t rally a tiUnd of two tiaVlnf owdetB, one of which
titKlnn to five off leavening y, noon i ninlttuto le niMnl.
The othrr H Initctlvc until lirt Is amilled. The doiiuli will
lenuln In u partly teavennl ctniJIllim (or lioutu untl when
put In the ovrn will cumeu;i Juit mi light uml Huffy
aa If frrahly mixed.
Oct a cun (if K C I Hlny nnd tty ll In raty way of baking
lilscuira ut once. Yuull never ; nick to me uui way. ti
rm.wi&m. :mr
tC'lIS?,f7f'it 'ai
ys;x .rf-sj
yKP ? -
we-fozve rfptj&ti&
, -tl? - ) .
ST) to) ) . V P
((me. CfO-mu.cipe
MM 1
Our storo now gleams with many beautiful Ohrlstmau
prosents for ovory mombor of tho household from grandma
and grandpa down to tho baby. Tho "beauty" of gotting
presents from us is that thoy are USED and will last a long
time, and the giver will be long romomborod by thoso who
get them. Como, Bolect your presents NOW and let us
deliver them at Christmas timo.
Seo our lino of Christmas Cards, Foldors and Booklots.
, 77l fficntaj&. Stum
During tho past year Iowa produc-
cd U0,0fc3,l83'I)6Und8 of b
XVH8 sold ,fof'2 8,2 80,2 -0.
butter which
iday. 500 the goal.
.H WlW- " " ''"""i'