"!' rmiM'H'.tii 207 Second Street il Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER 1'nlr tonight, mid Htunlny ytnx, lj Mln. at. rurlyllilrrt Ynitr, Dnllr niMtllli Yr E All Records Broken fcr Snowfall Schools Closet) anil Traffic Sus prmls Irrlrjnllon Ditch Breaks anil Floods Suburb. di:nvi:ii, c.i..., i r..--Thn iniixt li'rriln) niiims kIoiiii in Colo niclnV lilklmy was still raging today lit I li'tuuli it wa Kliuviliig some, signs nf nhiiltmcnl. Truffle of nil kinds was absolutely at it MliuiiUlill. Street I'lir trucks downtown with Itnrii'il under from two to four fri't of Know. All IruliiH went between two iitnl fifteen hours !lll. ThiiiiuinU of person wrri' com pelled to fittht their wny through wnnuliifl mill to walk to work. SrliiMiln ,ro (,'liwiil At Ti oVIui'k this morning it win tliinulcil thnt -'.!' Inches of no IiiiiI fallen in tH'itt - four hours, bienkintc nil leconls for till' HHIIH' period in Vt. Since tint slonn begun hi midnight WVilni'xiliiv there H IlltWI IIO t'l'KNnllOII of till! MIIIM- full. At ilimk N'olrrilnv it hlizunl blowing Hint hiiow hunk were c i' nil feet ihhi in tlu downtown street. Hundred of worker nt iho niulit downtown mnl pmtv hotel niul bullring Ihiiim in the I'ily wns crowded to onpneitv. Hundreds slcpl mi iHitK in offii'i' building. Police HtHtioiiM. public hrliiHiU mnl tin1 i'ly iiiiilitoriinii building sheltered liiiiulri'iU of other. All IttfonN llnilifii All tlii imlilii' schools wi'ri' closed IihIuv mnl uiHiiy concerns, miii'Ii iih nxpii mnl tinuM'er compiinies, were compellcil fit' nliuhitiMi I'lislne nltogchi)r. At noun tin Niiow wiim fnllinc half nn inch nn lunr. Tho weather hii rcnu, i'liiimt'il thnt twriitviiiii" in rlii liml fallen nt thnt tune. A ri'Kirt received here nt noon hiiIi'iI thnt n hit: irrigation ilitrh at (liiii'illii liml girn wnv. sending ii Hon. I of water down iihiii n number of li'iiii'x. 'I'm wit fiM' families, it wii 'iiiil, wen drive" ml i tli" hiiow ilnfK So fur iih known no fatali ties neeurri'd. AVERTS WAR OVER WASHINGTON, Dee. :.. Win I'nnt in the Nntioniil Kimmm mnl Harbors eoitKreHM, in Hehhinn here, over the wilt or power iiention was averted this nfternoon by I he. mloption of a innohition ileelarint; the Mihjeet wiih ''beyond the Heopn of pnrpuM-H mnl policicri of (hi) cioiiKrexK." 'Hie resolution dh mlopteil not only ilihtniKHiil Ihn ipiexlion of Mate' liuhl", hut nlno reeoinineiiileil the ereation of a ilepnilinent of public work, with u member of the cabinet nl lis bead. Oilier rcftnlntiniiR adopted by the eoiiKicxH nred nn annual appropri nlion of .fr.0,nni),(in0 for morx anil hailmrs; tin) Hlnndarduatinn of va terwavH iih to (lin ilpth of ebanuelrt; eoinpelliiiK' a freer interelinnKU of inloihlale traffic; piidiildllon iiKiiitiHl Hni iloiuinntion by the rnilnmilH ot wnler Irnfie, mnl favnrliii; either htnli) or municipal ownership of wil ier tnriuinnlri. ' Approval of the exemption of Anniricnn viirtseN from M'anmnu cii mil lollri also wan ONprenseil. "All Ihn present officers of Iheenn (ithh we ro releeteil thin afternoon. SUSPECfARRESTEO MAKSIII'ir.l.D, Ore., Dee. H. ('haiKeil with robbing' the Statu Hank nt Myrllo I'nlnl hevernl ilnyn nun when if I (1,000 wik neeureil, (leoi'KU Woodrt wiih nrredted nt Hiuulon to. day. WooiIh had a ticket to Sim Francisco on tlm ulennier Speedwell mnl wiih about lo Hail when taken into cublody, NV IN I ffi N W M If) YEARS E CONGRESS POWER OEM AN ADDS TOSUFFERINGGF ;t Refugees Suffering; from Exposure and Starvation Loss of Life 50 to 100 Brazos River Rises Two Feet More During. Nlylit. FOHT WOHTII, Texns, Drc. 5. Cotil, Honking ruiiiH aggravated tin1 sufferings tinliiy of tin thousands of flood icfugccs In central mnl Htmtli iTii Texas, Tim wul i-r, too, In Him southern district continued rinltivr. though It WIIM beginning t" Hlllutidlt in thv ihii Hi mnl rriilrnl roiintii'H. I'oniiiinnk'iition wui tint miii'Ii rimlor loilny Ihiin vi'Hti'nlny, m it wiik iinpoKMililn to li'iirn ilofiniti-ly how iiinnv Hvi'M liml Imi-ii IohI. Miiiiv IKTMinii hclii'vi'il, Iiiiuiivit, Unit Ihi totnl wonlil filially ln foiniil In lumt rriutlii'il fifli'i'ii to oni hiiiulrril. An iinnii'iiKii nninlii'r of tin nuf frriTH wrri" fiiniicrrt mIhim nonroul iHijhlirK wi'rr nt oiiiHiilrraliln ili Imii'o from lln-iii, mnl it wiim iinpoM hilile to iirroiint for innnv who tuiulil hni nilliiT n'fii'hi'il jiIih'i'h of wiMy or hnvo iirrihiii'ii. Prom lli'iirm, on tin' lloiihton & Ti'xiih ('in) nil rnilroml, an urgent iiimiiI wiik inmli' for IioiiIh to ri'tuMio nt leant fic hinnlri'il iiiipli who hail foiniil ti'inpornry jilnri-H of n-fiiKi' in Iron topi, hut who, nccnnlint; to the llmmi ti'li'L'rnph oprrntor, worn in imininont ilmiRer of hi'ini; ilrowncil liv lhi Mcnililv riNinc wntcrH. TIik llrar.oH rixcr rono two feci nt Wiim IiihI niuht ami tlmro wtp mm IhoiiMiinl honii'li'Hs ihi'rn alone. Con Hiileralilo lootini occurred in Waco mnl vicinity mnl iimnv nrnts were niailc liv tlm Ktnte tronpn pntrolin Iho ilintriet. Ko reiirt wero re eeiveil of the hlioolini; of plunderer, though flovernnr (oliiilt ravc onloM to thnt effeet. l'verv rnilroml in the flmuleil ili triet told of heavy loi-.iv of htiilces mnl liy washed out trnokx. TO MKXIt'O CITV, Dee. .r. Foreign Minister Mohena announced this alt eriioon Hint It. J. I'onnver mnl I.. Smith, .fc.ico City eorru-pondents for the New York Herald, wonlil he deported unless they revealed to the Kovernnient tlm houreo nf a Mory they ient out to the effeet lint Queen Wilhelminn of llollmul, spcakinu' for the powers of The Hnne jteiieii tri hnnal, hail appealed to President lluerta to resign. G. 0. P. FAVORS SHORT BALLOT NF.W YOIMC, Dee. fi. Whnt was ehnraeterir.ed as tin) most "prnuret. sivo" assemhlaKt) ever held by the republicans of New York state met hero this afternoon mnl unanimously adopted a resolution plcdc'in the re publican stale assembly elected lust November to n constitutional eon vention that will pass an amendment Hiving tlm state n short ballot, SENATOR LANE AT HOME IN NATIONAL ASYLUM WASHINGTON, Dee. ' C Sunntor Harry I.nuo o( OrcKou this nttoruoon hiiiiihIiuiI nil records for brevity In rniiKrcHHlnnnl history whnn ho turnod In IiIh hloKrnphy na "llnrry l.ano, ilomocrnt, of Oregon; term oxplrcs March a, 1010." Asltoil how ho llkod Wn8lllBto". I.nuo nnawered: "Oh, I fool norfoctly nt homo. I iiboiI to ho Huporlntondont of tho OicKou liisiino asylum." KAISER SENDS CRRUISER TO ALSACIAN RIOTS IM-.lil.lN, Dec. r. Tho kaiser lo duy onlereil n cruiser to Alnsee, where there hits been trouble anions tlm troops, It has not been nunuiiueed whnt oimurred nt tlm meeliuir between tho knlser and Minister Hohveg Von Uutlimuuit, ROOD V MS NflSHFORD, BANK BANDTS T AIEL Cowboys Who Robhed Blythe Bank of $5,000 and Killed Cashier, Cap tured In Bed at Hotel Money Found In Their Possession. Kit CF.NTHO, Cal., Dee. fl. Two eowbnyn, declared hy officerrt to ho the men who nibbed tlnMVnlij Val ley hunk nt Wythe or $.",0l)U and killed Cnsliier A. W. Uowlus, were arrested hern today. They Inn! in their possession f 1,500 and $5,000 in gold. The pris oners kiivo their names ns l'nul ('nsn nnd Tom Green and their residence us I.os Anceles, Arnliii Jn Hotel The two men were nrrested in the Franklin hotel by City Mnrshnl Wn iiev nnd Deputy Sheriff Cummins. Thev hud nrriM'd here shortly nfter miiluiht. The officer were watch ing for them, following the receipt of a telegrnin from Sheriff Mel (Irrenlenf of Yiinm county, Arironn. who trailed them from Holtvillu Inst night. Wliile n scorn of nnned men sur rounded the hotel, Wnnev and fum tnlns, with drawn revolvers nnd six other tinned officers at their back, broke down the door of the room where the men wero sleeping nnd covered them before they were fully awake. The men readily fcnve nnnie but refilled to talk of the Wythe nffatr. They refused o mnke n statement, even when the lings of cold they were thought to have stolen were found in their room. Until Voting CowIkj-s The ntnn giving the nnme of Cnse Is '2 1 yenrs old. The other was about a year younger. They claimed, to have been cowmen for severnl years. Tlm Wythe hank nibbery occurred Tiiesdnv ns the linnk wnH being closed for tho dny. Two cowmen, leaving their horses standing in the street, entered the ,bnnk, covered Howies with their guns and looted the vault. Howies was shot thniugh the neck by one of the robbers as he leaped on Uio back of the other ns tho pair were leaving tho building. EASY TONE ON ' STOCK MARKET NKW YOmC, Dec. C Tho oiH)n Ing of the stock market today was ehnrnetorUod by nn easy tono. Trail ing was small except In Steel, which was sold in largo blocks. I'rlco changes wuro unrrow. Tho Rouoral list dropped on tho hoavy soiling ot steol. lloforo noon tho movoment beenmo confused, ami llttlo progrosa toward a lower level was made. HomlB woro Irregular. Tho Jiinrket closed firm. UNSEAL MINE TO L SALT LAKH CITY, Utah. Doc. G. Deputy sheriffs today unsealed tho I'tnh-Apox mine, Into which thoy had beou driving poisonous gnsea in an effort to nsphlxlato llnlph l.opo?, murdoror of six mon. Tho air was bo foul, howover, that thoy dared not outor to look for Lopoz's body. Shorltr Smith onld ho thought u search would bo possible tonight. VILLA'S REBEL ARMY V.h l'ASO, Tonus, Dee. 5. Gen cm! Villa's rebel troops wero stated tiulu" in official messages to Juarez to bo rapidly nenrliig Chihuahua city. They were expected to occupy it, before night fall. It was believed no one remained there but non-combatants niul tunny of llieso wore known to Imvo fled., , UNDER AK OmSOON, FRIDAY, MWEMmil THAXSMITS VOCAL SOUNDS ACROSS TIIK ATLANTIC OCISAN IJY WIRELESS. (fill ' ' Jmh&m yfxrk' ' jyt lill. ,$ vt1 tEivf Cv a iil , ask Vornl Miiiiiils. lint not nctunl wird. havo hcn transmitted by wlrelwn lelepbune ncnis llie Atlantic Ocean from Cllfdcn. Ireland, to Slacc nay. Norn Scotln, nceotillug to n ntn'einent tunde by Wlllhm Mrfrcoul, the Inventor or the wlreleim telegrjiliy tilruor Mnrcont ileclareil I bat no conversation wai licit! In the recent es I frlmeuls mnile by bin MOUNTAINSTATES EXPERIENCE YEAR'S I SAN FKANCIS.CO, Cal., Dec. .'.. A storm zone, extending from north west to southeast practically acros the country, had nearly though not fpiite out off wiXt' cbmniunirntion. between tho Knstern and Western stutes todny nnd was grcnlly delay-1 uig nu I road tmffie. From the northwnnl well down to ward tho Texas lino the slonn wns ono of snow. Across central Texus it took the fonn of torrential ratio", with floods coeriug thousnuds of ncres. Conditions were practically tns same nt Cheyenne nnd intermediate js.)ints ns nt Denver and the weather department was predicting ten hours more of the storm. From Cheyenne west to Shennnn, Wyoming, tho wires were down nnd ns fnr as Lnrnmie tho blizzard raged in full violence. West of l.urnmie, however, tho stonn wns not severe. To tho south of Denver eighteen inches of snow wns retried, nt Colorado Springs drifting bndly. Even northern New Mexico fell the icy touch. Alburpieniue dispatches reported four to eight inches of snow in the north nnd enst nnd heavy rains nnd fulling temperntun' in the central and southern counties. HETCH-HETCHY BILL WASHINGTON. Dec. 5. With a voto on tho HotCh Hetchy bill sched uled for tomorrow, It was believed al most cortaln UiIb afternoon that not moro than half n dozen votes will bo cast against tho measure ,Tho principal speech against tho bill wns dollvored by Sonator llorah ot Idaho. Ho declarod tho measure was hut entering wodgo of a schema which ultlmntoly would lend to tho distribution ot nil natural resourcos to corporations and tho 'giving nway ot national parks. , llornh painted a gloomy picture of how thousands ot persons In Cali fornia would omlgrato to Canada bo causo tho water which thoy noodod to Irrlgato their farms would bo given to San t'ranclsco, which city had several othor supplies avntlnblo, Sonator llorah sugested public ownership ot all natural resources. LOSSS OF LIFE IN NORWEGIAN HURRICANE CIllllSTlNIA, Dee. fi. Some loss of life was reported in n hurricane which swept the Norwegian const yesterday and today. Soveral small bouts wero lost, probably with their entire crews. Considerable diininge wns ilono nko on bliore, WOR BLIZZARD BORAH ro 1913 E BOARD IS STILL IN EXISTENCE SAI.KM, Ore, Dec. C Holding that members of tho stato fish and gamo commission cannot vacate their offico by resignation until their suc cessors are appointed and qualified, Attorney General Crawford today renderod an opinion holdlngtbat tho commission Is still Intact. This opinion can prolong tho llfo of the old commission but a day or two as Governor West Intends to appoint tho commission within that tlmo. It developed today that tho governor has never accopted tho resignation of George H. KeUey, who was appointed on tho commission by tho other four members. M. J, Kin ney, whoso alleged actions resulted In tho dissolution of tho old com mission will bo ousted. It Is expected tho commission will re-organlzo tho fish and gamo de partments according to tho Ideas ad vanced by Governor West and that the offices will bo removed from Portland to Salem with a permanent secretary In charge Attorney General Crawford rend ered thoj opinion at tho request o! Secretary ot Stato Olcott. L Leter Hiekson, paroled by Judge Von Velio for horse stenling nnd who violated this kindness by steal ing from tho man who employed him, has been refused admission to the stato industrial school upon the grounds that ho is too old. Deputy Sheriff Harper brought tho youth buck to tho county jail for linnl dis position of his ense. Heing over IS yenrs of nge, Hiekson is too old for tho reform school nnd too young for fatate prison. TO PAIHS, Dec. 5. Unnblo to form n cabinet during tho day, Jcana Dupuy, who was tendered tho premiership by President Polncnlro today today, rejected tho oftlco horo tonight. Theophllo Dolcnsso, ambassador to ltussla, arrived horo tonight from St, Petersburg, Ho said ho would not consldor tho premlorshlp but wi j willing to servo us minister of war. KXKTEU, F.ng Dee. fi. Miy. Kntmelino Pnnkhurst collapsed in jail hero tonight from twenty-four hours' of hunger nnd thrist striking. Her condition was said to bo serious nnd it wns believed sho would soon bo relenbed on license, . a, CRAWFORD OLD GAM T BY Two. Strikebreakers Likely to Die Nine so far Wounded Crowd Re plies to Bullets With Bullets Situation Locks Ugly. INDIANAPOLIS, Intl., Dec. .'. Four men were shot todny hero n riots growing out of the teamsters' strike. Two of tho wounded probably will die. Up to todny five men had been hit by bullets since tho strike began. Two of them died. Of the five, four were striking teamsters, the fifth n casual bystnnder. Today, however, the strikers secur ed in nn nngrier mood nil four of tho victims of the day's shootings being uonunionistfi. Story of Shooting The first frnens followed nn at tempt by three stnkebrcnkcrs to drive n wngon pnst a crowd of strike sympathizers. First the crowd tried to persundc them to quit, then jeered them, then threw stones, nnd when tho strikebreakers nnswered with bullets returned the fire nnd brought down two of the nonunionists. The second shooting occurred when nn automobile whizzed up to n nonunion ice wngon in the street and several men. rising in their scats, shot down the two negro strikebreak ers in chnrge, then sped away nnd escaped without being identified. Of the two men whose wounds nrobnbly will prove fatal, one wns on the first and the other on the second of these wagons. Uotli Rides Are Firm The situation looked very "gly. Tho employers were prepared from the first for n hnnl fight. They hnd made their preparations thoroughly nnd their management of the strik ing campaign has been exceedingly resoluto nnd not very gentle. Then men nn tho other hand ap peared to lose their tempers when they voted yesterday nfternoon against compromise. With both sides in this mood the prospects seemed good for serious trouble. Pence mnkers were still trying to bring the warring elements together but with small signs of success. IDENT TO SEE SUFFRAGISTS WASHINGTON, Dee. 5. Presi dent VYhlson wns reported improved today. His cold was yielding to treatment and he wns able to take up his work in his office in the White house. Ho was not well enough, however, to preside' over the regular meeting of the cabinet nnd it wns abandoned. Neither wns the president well enough toreeeivo a committee nppoiuted by tho Amer- lcnn National Woman Suffrage ns soeiation to discuss Ins failure to mention suffrage in his recent mes sage to congress. SHOUY.VAGRANTS GKRVAIS, Ore., Dee. 5. Special City Mnn-hnl John Zoller wns shot and probably fntnlly wounded enrly today by ono of two unidentified men whom ho found lurking in an ulleyway. The bullet took effect in Zoller's neck. The men fled nnd are being sought for by Sheriff Esch nnd a deputy. STATE WEVY" AVERAGES 4.635 MILLS SALEM, Oro., Dec. 5 Tho amount of money to bo raised for stato purposes next year Is SI, 165, 000 according to tho stato tax comlsslon today. This Is Jl, 100,000 moro than wns over rained for stato purposes In any precoedlng year. Tho avor- ogo stato tax rata Is 4. 035 mills. I FOUR 0 SHIN AT NANA NO. 219 HUERTA PLAYS LAST CARD BY Unless Minister Succeeds in Borrow Inn Money From France, Dictat or's Position is Untenable Troops Ripe for Revolt. MEXICO CITY, Dec. 6. In send ing Finance Minuter Adolf Do La Lumn to KuroiK! after n loan, men very closo to President lluerta ad mitted todnv thut the dictator hnd played prneically his Inst enrd. Unless Dc Im Lama succeeds nnd Miccccds Hoon they owned Ifuerla's isisition would become untenable. Internal sources of financial supply were confessed to hnve been scpteez ctl virtually to the Inst cent. If lluerta could collect tuxes through out nil of Mexico the situation would be different, but from tho vast ex tent of territory under rebel conrol he gets nothing. The unpaid troops were in n sav age frame of. mind nnd a revolt among them at any time would sur prise nobody. General Villa nntl bis Mexican reb els wero expected today to occupy Chihuahua city before nightfall. It wns unconfirmcdly reported that President Hucrta hnd sent the family to Vera Cmz, too, presum ably fenring for their safety. British Minister Canleu is urging his countrymen lo prepnro for llieir mutual defenso against tho natives, but tho residents seemed little ex cited. Tho expected news was received thnt ex-President Diaz would ignoro Uuerta's order replacing his name on the nctive army list. CLOAK ROOM OF A thief without the fear of the law or the Lord in his heart has entered the vestibule, of tho ltaptist church this week during the progress of re vival meetings and sto!? three over coats, ono raincoat nnd n pair of dogskin gloves. E. J. Stewart owned the raincoat and II. N. Allnndcr tho dogskin gloves. The overcoats wero taken last night. It has been sug gested that nn early sermon text bo tho ono from St. I.uko reading "niul n thief entered tho tabernacle with the multitude." The prowler in the temple secured his "wng' nfter tho exhortation be gan mid tho ushers hud settled down to hear the sermon. At first i) was thought the overcoats were taken by mistake. This idea bus been aban doned nnd there is a decided tend ency to wear coats hi tho pews. Tho police have been notified of ' the depredations. They beliovo tho best way lo catch the crook is to trap him in the senium room, con vert nnd obtain a confession from a contrite soul. REMOVED.BY DEATH SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Dec. C Death has removed ono of tho state's star witnesses ngaltiht Arthur It. Coul son, a merchant on trial horo for tho murder of George Kovack and Wil liam Ackor September 19. A tolegrnm recelvod today stated that Mrs. Emma Stafford had died suddenly at Wlnnomuca, Nov. Mrs. Stafford was with Mrs. Katborluo Gallagher, who Is allogod to have posod as Coulson's wlfo, on tho auto mobile ride to tho beach here which procoded tho tragedy. Aftor the shooting Mrs. Stafford visited Mm. Galjaghor, who was shot In the nock at tho tlmo Kovack and Acker woro killed. Mrs. Stafford told the pro secution that Mrs. Gallagher said to her: "Coulson Is tho man who did tho shooting. I would not havo cared It ho had shot me, but I am so sorry that ho killed those two poor men, leaving their wives and llttlo children destitute Thoy were not responsible" . '" DE LAMA S VST ROBBER VISITS BAPTIST CHURCH f ' l I i : I . r II j V- W .1 I '0 A K, I I 'J i-'j Cfc iii -t m .