PtftJE EIGHT MEDFOTTO MATT; TRTKUNR BEDFORD'. "(WECON, TnTHSDAY, T)ECEMTtEtt I. 10ln .-. t- rf p(r,T- P . p -fJT COLONEL TENGWA CANNED FROM I OF SLEEPY SEVENTH Tlii'iy U Irouljle ami tiinnoil in Hip rnnks of tlit" "S!com Seventh." Slnlford'H valiant ilelomlep nre iv jiorled to have diuri'(l into tho hill upon report that tho oompiuiy wonM be onluiwl lo norvife in Mexico. Soma nre Miiil to lmo been so -ontvit tlmt for sevenil nialiH they eoitbl not nlnnibcr jienecfnlly. However, it in repoiteil thnt six of the unterrifieil ii)tpinroil for tlrill Tiieilliy nipht and proeenled to tiwke "Colonel" Tens Miihl the eompnnv iiit by tyinir n ean to lii tail. It may have been envy of the col onel's rank ami title. It certainly tlul seem iiH'onprnon to nave n eoionei in the ranks when the eeinmamliin: of fieer' was only a eaptain. Ami it jnnv have been heeaue the colono. wa- nlmot the only one in the eom jmnv anxious for iictivo crvit'i ami the -ix wmited it iiiiiiiiimoii for mother nml ence. Hut the probable reason is the luek of humor wwm! el by the unterrifiel ix in being un able to take n joke. A few ilays njo a eub reporter on The Sun incited as u joke, follow ing a talk with a badly beared vet eran, the follow hit; lecal: "A number of the members of the Seventh company were frightened out of a year's growth Tuesday by the report scattered liv Colonel Tenj:- wnltl that the sound had been ordered to the Mcienn border for active sor vice.' Thursday Colonel Tcnj-vvnld. who from patriotic motives occupies the humble birth of first erceant of the Sleepy Seventh, received the follow fellow follew ing: Headquarters Seventh Company, C. A. C. Oregon National (luard, Mcdford. Pee. 3, 1013. Sorgeiint C. Y. Tenpvald. Seventh Comiitiuy, C. A. It., Hertford, Ore. At a meeting held Inst evening of the members of the Seventh com pany nt the nrmory, a unanimous vo'e was taken militating the enp an to relieve vou from the duties of firnt sergeant because of certain itu military actions and talk with the en litert men regarding tosible service in Mexico nml of publication that have appeared in the paper of the town over 'he signature of Colonel Tcnpwahl, reflecting directly upon the courage- of the men, and it is be lieved that the best interests of the company will bo served bv relieving vou from the Hslliou of first ser pen nt. AHTICMAS V. DKAN'K, Captain Seventh Co.. C. A. C. Colonel Tonjrwnld is highly iudi'i; He demands n hearing a courtmartinl. Ho will probublv it and he vliol at sun ne. VAUDEliTillLL WSWR TODAY OjicnlnR nt the Star thejtro today Manager Hurkliart has secured an ex eontlonMly strong act of vaudeville Mack & Pox In their clever singing, national and novelty dancing net, the only act of Its kind In vaudeville, fea turing their own orlglnnl shackta dance, pedestal danco and electric spark dance. Special scenery and electrical effects are used. The photoplays for today are above the average featuring a two rceler by the Imp company, dealing with the white slavo question. V A MET ENEMY MARCH KI. PASO, Texas Dee. I. llcncral AMERICANS FREED FROM MEXICAN JAILS WASHINGTON". Dee. -I. Seen tiny of Stat eHrynn nnnouuecd this Villa tcUgraphcd to .luutv. today' ".oon win uover.ioi mveies o i '(Ur Vl I HIM t ttU'Ml't'i 1 1 II t UUH'IVII HAMB RLAIN E TALKS ON CANAL THANKSGIVING REUNION FOR THIRTY-THREE KANSANS Thlrty-threo formerly of Island, Kansas people held their an nual reunion at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. O. V. Young, at Orchard home, on Thanksgiving day. They had a big turkey dinner, with all the Mxlns, and a royal good time, reviewing the happenings and the weather In the Sunflower state. that he and his rebel followers were meeting with no opposition to their march on Chihuahua ity. He left Montcxnum. ll"i miles south of Jim re, this morning and Miiil he ex I pocted to lea eh his destination to night or tomorrow. The federal refugee from Chilian -I him city were expected to reach Presidio Viejo, on the border, about seventy-five miles sou heast of heus I this afternoon. Several were rumor ed to luive died on the rond. Food and clothing for the survivors was sent from here lo Presidio Viejo. ltecont ruction of the Mexican Northwestern railroad was in pro gress nnd it was expected biMne in general would soon be lesumcd throlighout northern Mexico. WASHINGTON, cDc. -I. Picdie (ion that llu opening of the Patiamn .1 ...... .1.1 ...,., !.. II... .1... ..I, ,...., i,i. I ie iininediate tclense ol . S. Wind- .. ., r, , ,. , ... , , Ul It MIIMILT -trillllllt'lll till II lllllllllllll ha ,uof Pasndenu, I ,,l., and . lames , . ,,, r ,.,,., ,, Dunn, also ,,., American, held r; mr,,;irH ttllH Vll!,.,., ,ofori, ,M. ... rniisom by rebels nc.u- Maratlan. juU(, mr,(on iW(,riiii Ju,r May ,, item nrrtriPt-no np Senator .Clmmbeiliiiii of Oregon. He NEW OFFICERS OF ! declared that fear of criticism of THE MODERN WOODMEN "pork barrel" methods must he oici before the proper legislation The Modern Woodmen of America elected the following officers at n recent meeting: J. II. Hensolmnn, consul; C. S Webster, adviser: W. C. Klnyou, hanker; J. 1 Lawrence, clerk; J. M. conn' could lie secured Seerelnrv of Wnr Onrrison, who was chcduled to nddress Ihn congress today, wtis nuahle to attend. K. M. Olentlenning declnrcd that Kansas fit v, bv establishing a boat m ONLY Clothing Store to give . S. & H. Green Trading Stamps MILWAUKEE AGAIN SEES SUN-FIRST TIME IN WEEK UlgghiB. escort; Geo. Frees, watch- ,-, in ,m nIPII,jy aYi.t shj,, man: A. C. White, . II. Meyer, 0. T. j,,,, fioo.OOO, Parker, mnuagers. j ; . ; The lodge Is In a 8ileudld condi tion and will have Installation In the near future. MH.WAfKKK. Wis., pee. t. After eight dnv of seini-rtnrkness on necouut of a heavy fog, the sun -hone here today. The citv hall clock, ten stories aloft, was not visible in the fog for four days. Weather Fctecast. Oregen: Fair tonight except ruin or snow northwest portion; Friday . nun wot, fair east ixirlmu, southerly winds. FRENCH DIRECTOR FOR FAIR EXHIBIT NAMED PARIS, Dee. -I. Albert Tirmaii. director of v.Mi-ition and trans ports for the ministry of commerce, today was apMinted French com missioner to the Panama Pacific ex position to be held in San Francisco in J013. Presbyterian Church Fair. The ladies of the Prebyteri..n church will give n musical program at their Christmas .sale in the build ing formerly occupied bv AhrenV store, Friday evening at SJO. Piano Solo .Miss Flora Ornv Vocal Solo - .Mrs. George Andrew Violin Solo -Mr. Carlton Jnyiu- V......I C.I.. 1 utiil iiiu .... -Mrs. Flonnce Hollirtav Ilagh j t0 Ur0- ounK Kvprvhodv is invited to come ami i Members niii.iv litis- fin.. .misi..iil iiriLTiim. I Ashland Typogra Resolution. Inasmuch as It has pleased an Almighty nnd all wise Father to re move from among us the soul of Kdtta May Young, wife of our brother. Harry I.. Young, and. Whereas, In tho death of this de voted wife and mother we feci that the community has suffered an Irre parable loss and this union a kind and faithful friend, therefore, be It Ilesolved, by the Mcdtord-Ashland Typographical Union No. 559, In reg ular scsston assembled, that wo here by express our deepest sorrow at this ONE DOSE RELIEVES A GOLD NO E i'aiH.'s (Nilil CoitiMiitud" Makes Vou Feci Fine at Once lloii'l Stay Stuffed -up! Take It Now. Itetlef comes Instantly. A doe taken every two hours un til three doses are taken will end grippe misery nnd break up a severe cold either in tho head, chest, body or limbs. It promptly opens cloggcd-up nox- untimely death and extend to our trlls and ntr passage In tho head, brother our heartfelt sympathy In , stops nasty discharge or nose run this hour of trial and sadness ani I nlng, relieves sick headache, dultnes.i, our hope that he may find a measure feverlshness. sore" throat, sneezing, of comfort through Hlni who was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And bo It further Resolved that this resolution ba soreness and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blow ing and snuffling! F.ase your throb bing head! Nothing clso In the spread upon the minutes of this , world gives such prompt relief as union and published In tho dally "Papa's Cold Compound," which costs papers of tho city and a copy bo given only -" rents nt any drug store. It I acts without assistance, tastes nice, of tho McIford-jcautcs no Inconvenience. Ho sure graphical Union. 'you get the genuine. Coffee A roasted eoffee lionn is as porous as a spenge: it can't keep in its aroma or keep out odors, if ex posed to air. Leaving it. whole, to be ground as used, doesn't keep it fresh. The modern scientific way, as used with Schil ling's Best, is to granu late it promptly after roasting and preserve it in aroma-tight cans. .1 lb. - lb nnd '.' s lb cans nnd money back. N. Florence Clark VIOLINIST AND TIUCIIKH First-class Music for all Occasions II 111 W. Fourth St. Phone 7III-J Draperies : VV carry a vry romplrtu tin or i nnuMTi-n, lcr curtain-, ri'lurr rlr nml ttu nil cloo of uitml-ti-riittf A -prclal mun lo look after Hit- work etclu-lvrly anil will kIv kuo.1 rvlce na la poaattil lo ! In mm ih Urjcmt cltlra Week3 & McGowan Co Have you ever tried Holeproof Hosiery i If you have, you know the time and trouble our guarantee has saved you. . No darning! Think what a blessing that means to you. It means no more eyestrain, no more of that "lumpy" feeling that darns give your stockings, no nioro money spent everv week or so for new hosierv. Whv I six pail's of Holeproof Hose are flUARAj TKI01) against holes for six months, or new hose are fur nished FUKKproinptly and cheerfully. And these soft, snug-fitting hoso cost no more than or dinary hosiery! Come in aiid see them at your first opportunity DANIELS FOR DUDS : f r T t T ? ? ? ? ? t t ? T t t T t J Y t Y t Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y Y t T Y T kxxx:xx A. A A. A. A A A. A. A A. A. : ! GOLDEN RULE o Friday Dec. 5th TWO BIG DAYS FOR MEN! Dec. 6th The best made Clothing on earth cut for Friday and Saturday. We want to move an immense amount of merchandise on these two days and we will leave nothing undone on our part to make them banner days Saturday Clothing, Shirts, Hats and Shoes are cut deep for these two days! Y Y f I Y. Men's Suits 25 Glen's )iire wool $25.00 hand tailored Kuppenheimer Suits, the season's best, i.0.!!:!0:.?" $16.90 M INfen's all wool $12.50 to $15 Suits, 'M to 42, all heuvv weights, at ; i If you need a suit you cannot afford to miss this mid-season opportunity. $8.90 John C. Wilson and Thoroughbred Hats FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT $2.45 Every $.r.00 Hat in our stock goes in this sale, including all staple shapes and colors as well as blues, browns, 0 I greens and blacks )jutO SEE OUR $1.39 HAT BARGAIN NOTHING LIKE 'EM E. & W. Shirts BIG VALUES IN Men's Work Shirts Men's 50c blue and gray Amoskeag Cham bray Shirts 39 Men's $1.25 worsted Shirts, sizes W to 3'A So at 75 ' Men's $1.50 worsted Shirts go at $1.00 at 95 and $1.25 These Shirts ean not be excelled and cost less. Compare oui',95 K. and AV. Shirts with others at $1.25. Compare our E. and W. $1.25 Shirt with other makes at $1.50 and $1.75. Socks, Gloves Men's 25c Cashmere Sox 19 Men's knit wrist (Moves, per dozen 8'i Men's plain Canvas Cloves, pair 5 Men's Dress Shoes FOR TWO DAYS ONLY $5.00 Shoes cut to , $3.95 15 pairs of Men's $5.00 patent kid and pat ent colt, sizes 51, to 10, (HJ'l QC widths IJ to m ." tJM. 7 D One lot Men's dull calf, hand made $5.00 .Dress Shoes, broken Q sizoH wOsD Men's $3.50 and $'1.00 gun niotal and dull calf Shoes, broken sizes, but 0J Q C all sizes in tho different lots .JuyD ' $$$$$ M."XK 5 - J - J- 5 5 'C , . "MH .