And the Paper Is Still Waiting for Jeffs War Story tAM(u..fv0UJ roNiwu -rwvii , ft,j,.M MjfUSRii3HKWHVf' (VA .LLLLHI which wav arc "l fl HBlLLD&TWiflHiflPv LLLLBLalllllllH M tiw I tmc. wicm i cr Acn(jaKECTMI1WWt Ayw 1 I fa ,i (0 JsCK kkHh fSMjwQf A JPjMs I 1 J J ht I9J By gT, ct, COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS For October. 1913 llo It remembered, thnt n regular term (if li county rinirl (if Jiichsou in ii tily. slate of Oregon, wn begun unit held nt Jiuliniiiivlllii In tint court hmisn In anlil county nnd stnto (in Wednesday tlin first iln of October, IV 1 3. snuin lining tlin limn mill ) 1 a o fixed by ln for tint holding of snld uiiirl, when worn present, linn I I.. Toil Wlln. county Judge, Win t'. I.mivnr. Mill J (' .Smith, count) oni iiilislunurs ( A Gnrdnor. county clerk mhI W II Slimier, sheriff, when ttiti following biihlin wan transacted Reports presented nhuHltii; amount r rich i'i nml disposed of fur the iiiuiitli (if September. W II. Hluglor. sheriff. tii(i Mill frep, flu, 370 St. Fred I. ('olrlg. recordor. feci, I3M- 50. tJ A (Innlncr. cl.-rk. f " 00. nil of wlili h liml lirun tnriioil ovit to thf trinmirnr im ri'ijiilriul liy lay AUo rrport of Jn M Croticmlllur, (rcnnuror. iIiumIiik rrilit In tliu ninount of 23 171 :S mhI illnlinri1!" iiHMitu In the nintiiint of -.'l.o:t.0i! Vliiiriiiiou oil tlm forrKuliiK r portu Kern niitiitliinl mhI tipirnicil. 'fin' following lillU Hurn nctMl iipon Milt llllllVSIll CiMinty Viur( unit ('oiiiiiilliuti'r J hi. M CriMii'iiillliT, utMiipi I 00 lloiiin Ti'lcpliono Mill Tnlit- KrM.ih Cii, tolnplioiKi tit II 4 15 Mrildirtl I'rlntliu; l'o print IllK 23 0" J (' Huilth. ronitnlimliini'r'ii coinpi)iintlon . . . 22.00 V. . Ton Wlli. ooutity JiiiIk1 alnry 150 00 Jnckmni County I'lrn I'ntrul, M'lownnro for JncUnoii couut r.oo.oo V. C. I.i-mor. coiuiiiUlunur'it CIMIIplMH.-ltldll 27.00 Tntnt I.S59.15 Circuit Court Crunk Knliitfr, court crlcrl IS 00 P Hoy Dnilit. court roportur Ciliipiiiiutl(ili 5 00 I" ,M Cnllilim. liool. for court 15 00 lliitlin Ti'li'itioiiii unit Ti'lc- Krnpli coiupniiy. tulcpliono hill .. .. 2 3. 0 Ii Irvln. crninl Jury wltiii'im for Mnrch tonu . 3 20 V. II. Hliutlnr. tnkliiK Spnuoit nml Hi)iuour to Hnlctu tS.12 II. .Slimier. lirliiKltiK Ml'"- nun nml Hi')iuour to Jnck oiilll.i 70.00 J W U'lUon. lirltiKluK prlnif tier from llruutM I'm" . & 15 Total $iac.h2 Jimtlio Court (I. W Crnurord. uUih-m I J. 00 J, C. Dniuiy. wIlni'HH 1.00 J. i: DlllllclH. wltllCHK 1.00 Hurt DnrlhiK, wUiickm 2 ;to Hiinkln KkIih, coiiNtulilii fecit 1.20 J (I Hurt, JiiHtlco fci'ii 7.05 Crouil llniuou(t, wltumm 2 30 J I., llMiinicrnlt'y, wUim'mh 2 30 Aniin lllitlillmtlinlii, wltlicHH. 2.30 Kliiicr HlKlnliotliMu, mUuciim. 2.30 O, (). Iluiituifkur, wltni'nn 1.00 J (J. Hurt. JuMlro fiwn 7 75 Mm. .Mary lliuti. wltuceu. 1.00 Wnltur IIiihIi, wltnoHH . . 1.00 J. (1, Hurt, JiiHtli'o fccH It 10 A, Ii. Irwin, roniitnlilii fiu'H 8.00 A, 1.. Irwlu, coiiHlnlito fui'H . 5.00 1.. Ii. Miilllt. wltuciiri 1.00 II. T. l'Mikiiy, wltnoHH 1.00 Wnltur Plomoti, vIIihh 1.00 1'iiclrio Tuli'pliouo nml Tele- Krnpli roinpnny 1.40 John P. lltii'O, wltniian 1.00 Wiirniii HtlckclH, wUiiobh ,. . 2.30 Joo Rlionuiitkiir, vltiumn ,. . . 2,30 Mm. (I, It, miiiMitrlMiil, wit- nosu . , . J. 00 Mlniiln Hnnm, wltncnii 1.00 C. K. Hnuiti, wUiiohi , 1.00 Hluurt HnunilorH. wltnons . 1.00 (J, H. KnnilorHon, coniitnlilo foi'H H.00 (I. O, Taylor, JiiHtlco ftum 5,80 (I. O. Taylor, Jmtlco foim. .. 5.25 (I. (). Taylor, JiiHtlco fcui . . 13.70 (I. O. Taylor. Jimtlco fmw .. ,. 5.80 O. O. Taylor, JiiHtlco foes 3.10 II. 11. Warren. wltiumu 1.00 J. . VWf, WltllCHH 1.00 lloinor Wlyatt, wUnotm 2.30 Mm. (Irnto Untoll, wllnoji 1.00 Total f 135.70 HIicrlff'H Office Jan. M. Cronoinlllor, Btniu)8 14.R0 City DniK Btoroi huppllo 00 1). 1). flood, doputy him .... 31.u (luy llnrpor. doputy litro . 78,00 Home Tnlopliouo and Tolo- jsniph Co., tolophono bill, .. C20 JackHouvlllo I'OHt, prlntliiK for Hhorlff Win, Kinney, doputy hlro . . . 2.00 CliaH. H. I.obo Co., oxpoimo (niiiiual) 13.0 Mudford Hook fltoro. HUpplUm 1.00 Medford Printing Co., prliit- lut; ... .-. .' 3175 W, 111 HltiKlor, 'salary 333,33 W. II. Hlnfilur'oxpynBO (uu- uunl) .r...U...l.a G0.80 ttfTCDFORD i:. W. Wllmin. duputy hint . 75.00 ! Total lf.2K.5K ctcrk'Ntiffldi llimhouK iiud Co,, prlntliiK 10.(11)0 MiirMlU 40.00 Jan. ,M CroniiinllliT, utiiuipn 13.00 P I. Ci.lntiiMi, doputy him H5.00 City Drue Ktom, fupillitn ..'lp. (I. A (Inrittiiir, unlnry 250 00 (I. A Onrilnor. cxpuiiini to I'ortliiiul 20 55 CIiuk k I'rudlioiuiuo Co , niip plli'H !i 32 llotiin TiilcpliMiH Mid 'IVIi" Krnph Krnpli Co 1 3. SO Jnrkmiiiilllii I'lmt. prlnllni: 11.00 .Mrdforit Hook .Slorn. mippllnH 15.70 ItuKuit Itliitr Vullcy Itnllwny Coiupnuy, frclKht on tup piled 25 Totnl 1141 97 Tmiiurt'r'w Off hit Joi. M. CroUKinllti'r, KtiunpH 3.00 Jn. M. Croiiitiulllur, doiiuty lilrn no oo .In. M. Croiiiunlltiir. imlnry 100.00 lloiiin Ti'lopliomi nml Tele- Krnpli Co., tuluphouo hill 2 00 Jnrkumnlllii rout, prlntliiK 14.00 Totnl Coronpr'w Office II. J. A)dlott, Juror. Mnrdcii Illnhop, Juror . It. W. CliiKcnld, wltnom W I., Hnlloy. Juror A i: KiitloKK. natnry I'At MCUO, Wlttll'IH t. W I'ortcr. wltniHiN (1 K Pitt. Milieu K It. Mcitlny, rorunur'M !!) mI clan .. i:. It, Soolity, wlttii'Hii ill. I.. Vokuui. wltncm. .Kriii'Ht Iillc, Juror Ij. II. WIioiIh, Wltl)CH IIK5.U0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 25.10 1.00 1 00 1.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 J l' WOOllH. WltlllHll Totnl .$12 10 Milium MiH'riiiiriiueni n iiiiici Jns M Crotiemlllur, Mnmpn $ 30.00 Arthur It. Chnio, suporilsor'H u... I ,.,1 A A nninr) City Drug Store. NUppllo Home Tolopliono nnd Tolo Krnpli Co , telephoiio bill . . Mi'ilfonl Hook Store, supplies Meitford Printing Co., print lug i: 11 PotorHiin, supervisor's 120.00 1.05 0.55 29.110 34 25 120.00 snlnry ItoKiie Itlier Vnllej Itnllwny (i fr.tli.lif ,iti Mimtillna .08 ti Z UUJd 'snSJV ui.L J. Percy Wells, sslnry . . 150.00 J. Percy Wolls, traolliig ox- penven, iiiiiiiiun riiuiiiH wciuuei iut May II, WoIIh. doputy hlro J Percy Wolls, express i octoiior lul 50.00 35,00 3.95 suppllcn Totnl . . $590.21 1'iult IiiHM-(i.r'M Of flic J. C Altkon, doputy oxponso for Roptombor $ 7S.00 J, C. Aitkin, deputy oxpouses fur August "8.00 J C. Aitkin, doputy snlnry for Soplombor . . 78.00 Clyde Dtirnuin, doputy ox- Ihmisoh for Boptombor . .. . 75,00 J, W. Myers, salary nnd ox- ponsos for Soplombor 109.95 J. W, Myors, oxpenso for Sop- lumber 78.00 Jacob Mooro, work for doputy 38,10 Medford Printing Co., print ing for O'dnrn 8.00 Medford Mnll Trlbouo, print ing for O'dnrn .. . . 8.10 Medford Sun, printing for . O'dara . ... . 8.25 P. J. O'dara, Inspector'! snl nry 410.00 P. J. O'dnrn. officii oxpoimo.. 122.00 T. P. Smith, doputy oxponso.... 57.00 T. P. Smith, doputy milnry . 09.00 Tim Argus, printing for O'dara 90 Total $1225.11 AMi'Ksor'H Officii Jns, M, Cronoinlllor, tamp8..$ 0.50 Chntincoy Flamy, doputy hlro 100.00 W. T. (Irluvo, assessor's snl nry 125.00 V. T. drlovo, oxponso trmol- Iiik 20.00 Kntlo M. drlovo, doputy hlro 05.00 Home Tolophono and Tolo- graph Co,, tolophono bill .. 7.10 Jncksouvlllo Post, printing . 3.50 Mmlford Hook Store, suppllos 2.40 Roguo Itlvor Vnlloy Railway Co,, freight on suppllos 1.00 Totnl $330.50 Aniomniiii'iU nml (Vlloctloii of Taxes Ashland TldlugR, printing not ices $ r.,20 JaokHouvlllo Post, prlutlng.... 11.25 Medford Mall Tribune, print ing 7.00 Tttn Puikoypllo, Inhor on rolls 05.00 M. P. Schinlt, lnlior on tax rolltf 3-09 MATH TRrBUNE, MFSDFOKI). Olfl-XION, TIITUKDAV, DKCMMHUlf I, UV. Total $91.45 Tn Itc-luito A. C. Ilniulall .. . .$ 9.75 JiiIiii Hocho 123.20 Total $133.01 I'mlflc IIIkIiiwi)- I;M'iin It. Morton. Inhor nurviiyliiK $ 20.38 Prult (;rowtr Supply Co., miipllch for HiirvoylriK crow 40.99 llorlicrt lloxln, iiirvnyliiK 53.00 J K Howard, HimcyltiK sup- illc . 1C.S5 IIUtclllllKOII nml I.umnili'ii. MUiiPlliw . i: 97 05 03 25 00 55 00 Hon IIiimr, mippH"" P A KlttrcilKO. oxpHiiin Btir- (')lllK Mi'ilfonl Hnnh ntid Door Co.. HUpplll' Mcdford Tent and AwiiIiik Co . nupplliiH Medford Hook Store. miippIIch Medford I' iirnlturo nnd Hitnl wnro Co . hiiiuiIIo 24 Mmlford Hrnih and Door Co., Hiippllc f,-25 I 'I'll Ik wan n ilupllcntii ntid linn hct-n refunded.) Medford PrlntliiK Co.. hup- pllon . 31.25 Mlmlon Kurnlturo Works, nuppllcH COO S'lchoU and Antipole, nuppllcn 1C.S5 C. A. HIkkh. mipplluB 35.00 J A. Hinlth. aupjilli'M . . . . 11. 9j P. A. KltterldRi', pnyroll an per lillU filed . 721.10 Totnl .. $1200.73 Court IIiium i:M'iio. M. i: Abbott, supplies $ .35 1.20 .10 12.00 4.00 00.00 1.00 2.50 I Cnllfornln-Oregon Powor Co., lights . . City Drug Store, supplies 1 Hon Knton. wood i Fred J. Pick, supplies )j A. Xorrls. Jnnltor's snlnry Tn)lor WIIIImiih Co.. supplied K. .s. Wilson, jnnitor worK Total $311.7? Jllll HM'IIM California-Oregon Power Co., lights $ 605 Clt) Drug Store, supplies ,9.05 Dr. It. K. doldeu. medical at tendance .... v , f".00 W C. l.eoor. supplies . 26.00 Royal Hnkory and Cafe, board of prisoners 1.55 Roguo River Valley HnlUny Co. freight LOO Rose R. Slugler, board of prisoners 10S.57 Taylor Williams Co., supplies 4.00 ttlrlch llros.. suiililles 3.90 J. W. Wilson, Jailor's solary 50.00 Total $313.72 Cure of Poor. deo. II. Hutz. architect work for hospital . . $ 78.00 Chns A. Ilroivn, supplies for poor farm 3.85 .Ioiiiih Mnrrett, supplies for poor farm 8.05 Stephen Carpenter, Indigent allowance 10.00 Jas. M. CrorvMulller, rash advanced for Indigents 24.75 Jas. M Crouetulllor, cash ad vanced for Indigents 35.30 Drew and Handy, repair on poor farm building 67.00 Drew nnd Handy, bnlnuco on contract for hospital 972.00 MrH. Patlg. caro of Indigent 15.00 A. II. Fisher, secretary, pay on telephone rental ... 5,00 WORTH W1IIL1J Tho Host Real Hargalu In Med ford. Lot 80x175 with good S room houso with 4 screen slooplng porches oponlng out from ench of tho 4 bed rooms upstairs, bath nnd toilet up stairs and down, i;nn In all roams, hot nnd cold running wator In all bed rooms upstairs, 80 gnllon, hot wntor tank, full commit basement, tllo drained, oloctrlo light, and on ono of tho best roBldonr streets In Med ford. Prlco If sold soon, $3200. 11KXNKTT IXVESTMKNT CO. SPECIAL TODAY For sale, 5 room houso, on good lot, uBsossineiits all paid, $900, easy terms. Flvo room hugnlow for ront, nlco law, $10.60 per month. 3ovoral houses for ront, from $10 to $20 por'month.. My specialty Is looking nftor non rcsldout proporty, E. J. STEWART Room 201 Fruitgrowers Hank Uldg. Offlco phono 531. Ilea, phono S22-J. W. It. (Inrrutt, huppIIoh for ImllKOiitH .... ... 9.91. W. It. Cnrrott, Hiipplloii for ln dlKontn .. ... 8.90 (Jrnnltct City HoopJItnt, care or IndlKontH 1 03.00 MrH. P.. C. Curd, enro of Inill- KentH 0.00 (irnnlto City IIoHpltnl, euro of ItidlKonm 24.2S Home IlroK., Hiipplloi for In- illKentK 10.00 J. 1. Hurt, i1iIcImi'h imlnry 30.00 It. A HoinoH, limunuico on county honpltnl 200.00 A.hort Johniiton, IndlKont al io wnnco ... G.OO II C KeUey. Kervlce for In dlKont 10.00 Minnie Kimball, Indigent al low unco .... 10.00 l.Mieo & Co., mntorlnl for In- dlKontn .... 20.00 l.nnro & Co , Hiipplles for In dlKontH .. 10.00 Henry Lew In, Indigent nllow- nnii) . .. COO ' J. X Pace, Muporlntondont of poor farm snlry 130.00 i.iw i ii..,. r,. rit.,...ii..u .'.l .v. .v,, aiil'I'lIKO or inuigcuts l&.'JU J X Pnco. rnsh ndvnncod for labor nnd supplies ns per bills on file ... 109.82 Spltzor A: Son, supplies for poor farm .. 2S.1& I .N'anrcy Sltemore, Indlgont al lowance . .... , Sacranicuto Chemical Co., supplies for poor, fnrm .'.. 1 J. A. Smith, supplies for poor fnrm ? Tnlont Hnrdwnrc Co;, supplies for poor fnrm ...; i Talent Merc. Co.. supplies for fnrm 'Talent Lumber Co., supplies i for poor farm ... I Mrs. A. i: Davis, care of In- lllCOIltH i Taylor Wlllinms Co.. supplies 59.S0 25. 02 15.00 i lor luuiKoius .,.,-.. 11..U1 Mrs. J. I;. Tlco, Idlgent nllow ! unco . ..... Talent Merc. Co., stipples for i Indigents 8.00 8 00 8. GO 84 15 2g.00 30.00 I'lrlch llros., supplies for In digents VnndersluU nnd Murgnn, sup plies for poor farm . . . Mrs. Vnuco, euro of indigents Weeks nnd Mcdowuus, burial of Indigents (2) Whlto nnd Trowbridge prem ium on insurance policy for poor farm 200.00 Totnl $2,001.91 Insane. Stnto of Oregon, enre of In sane $ 10,05 H.)' mul (Jlrl' Aid Society. Regular allowance from Jnck son county $ 10.00 Ferry, John Illness, salary $ 25 00 WHY? VV.XIX TRACTS 1'KAlt. TRACTS 10-20-30 aero pear tracts, bearing orchard, best varieties, threo miles from Medford, Deep freo loam soil. No hotter 10-year-old pear orchard In Jackson county. This must bo sold at onco. Pxloo asked $900 an Acre. It you mean business invostlgato at once. Wo will meet all compotlon. Wo do not bollovo this can bo duplicated for tho prlco In any fruit district In tho northwest. No matter what your business may bo, horo Is nn Invest ment worthy of your consideration. Vnluo Is twlco tho amount asked. Xoxt year's crop should not owner this ninount. J, O. ItAltNKS, Phono 120-J. First National nank bldg. NEW TODAY A fine D-roomeil house in fllonilule, n hiibiuli of I.os Angeles, is offered V oxolinugo for u Mimll uenernl iur poo ranch near Moilfonl, There is n nieo trnet of ground with tho iilneo mid plenty of fruit on it. 1 luivo n photo mid euernl in for million. The jilneo is u fine one. Home Kiiod limise-4 for rent elienp. o. i). nooN Room l'J, Jackson County Hank Illdfi, I'houo 10371 ItcKMriitlon i:iK,iie. Ktmlo I.. Allen, roKl"t.urlnK voters $29.80 (To ho continued.) 4 ANSWERS TO WANT ADS AT HAIL TRIBUHE UNCALLED FOR. Uox 102. U, .Sioxlcfoot. A. 1... $8. M. I. C. "-, 'JO. 'i24, .X.. J. , (JnnlH, Minor, II. II. ii.. in. urj.'jo.'jo. ii. w. m., HI, III, i:. S. II., K. A. II. 4 4 4; 4 4 iii.rHiiU i it.i. Ho It rcsohoil by the city council of the cltv of Modferd: ..t... .tw Tlnn l.rt ii(l linrnltt' UFA fl fl ft1 1 ri f Alt I tho following members of tho board of retlstrntlon. for tho reclstrntlon nt I'ninr. tn .itn nl Inn nnnitnl rltv ... .w.w, .w . ... ..... .......... ---t election in oo nciu iiiesua), jii- I nary 13. 1914: M. A. Under, F. M. Jordan, W. T. York. 1 Tho foregoing resolution was ' passed by the city council of the city of MeUToru on tno -jnd nay or ue- 'ceniber, JUia, ny me' roiiowing 10.00 vote: ' Porter, aye: Mitchell, aye: Camp 20.00 hell, ac; Stewart. ne; Millar, aye. I' and Summcrvlllc, aye. Approcd December 2nd, 1913. MAIH.OX PURDIX. n. a j .Attest: Mayor. K. T. FOSS. Recorder. i FOR !li:.VT FCRMSHLD ROOMS FOR RE XT Modern furnished rooms at tno uotinge. um w. lum I - ... 7T: 7Z T i. 7, run (rs JXT Largo sleeping rooms, l and modern housekeeping apart - ments, prices very reasonable WAXTED Dressmaking by exper Phono 247-L. 222 South Holly! lenced dressmaker. 405 So. Oak- street. FOR It KM MOU.-iKJi FOR RENT Apartment 7 rooms, and bath. 9 Jtoso Ave., comer W. Main. Phono 735-J. 221 FOR RENT 4 room house. $5.00 per months. Gold Ray Realty Co. FOR RENT Mpdern 5 room house, ono block from Medford Hotel, also 3 room house, modern, with range all connected. Phono 305-J, 7S-R FOR RENT Modern furnished house. M. A. Rader, CO North Orango. FOR RENT Bungalow at 109 Geneva avonuo, 5 rooms besides bath room, two sleeping porches, ono enclosed in glnss, and attic. Also garage and wood shod con taining lurge horse stall and bay loft. This Is a very beautiful homo. Has n pergola, and water Illy pond. In rear and Is surrounded by 150 choice roso bushes. Rent $30.00. Mrs. Potor Steonstrup. FOR RENT OFFICES FOR itENi Lnrgo, comfortable of flco rooms with elevator service, steam heat, hot and cold wator. Low rates. Apply Medford Furnl turo & Hdw. Co FOR SALE LOTS FOR SALE Hy owner, houso nnd ex tra largo lot. Terms. On tho east sldo. Phono 077-W. 220 FOR SAliK HOUSES FOR SALE Threo houses and lots, 412 Lnurol St., 411 South New town streot. prlco $t000. Owner now Snm Hauer, Noskowln, Ore gon. 229 FOR SALE ACREAGE FOR SALE A 5 nnd 10 aero tract closo In, Income property, easy terms. Call owner 392-M. 224 FOR 8AL15 Ml!cnt.iNKOUS FOR SALE Apples. Potter & Could will hnvo a load of Spitzeuburgs at Public Market Saturday. 22J! TOR SALE Whlto Leghorn hens nnd pullets at $0.00 n dozen. F. T. Hutlor, 1700 W. Main, 221 FOR SALE Indian Ruiinor drakes. O. H. Klukkort, Talent. l'hono 3-F11. 222 FOR SALE Alfalfa hay dollvorod. I'houo 349-J or call 010 S. Oak dtilo. W. P. Dodge. 220 roit haiiB Misci:i.ii.vxi:ous FOR 8AI.K 100 tons of first clan hay six frcxh cows, A-l drlrlnt; and work horo, covered top de livery wagon and special made driving cart. Walsh's ranch on Spring St., rnllo out X. Itooiovolt avonuo. 230 KOFI 8AI.I2 Spring wnson and.har neis $15.00. 1005 W. Main. 218 FOIt SALE One hay horse 5 years old, weight 1100; ono bay mare 7 years old, weight 1250. Phono 319-J or Inaulro C10 S. Oakdnlc. W. P. Dodge. 220 lli:iil UAXTKIi MAI.n ; WAXTKD Miners at Hraden mine. ' Gold Hill, Oregon, for contract nuiA ....', Gold Ray Realty Co. HKhi' w.xti:d FiaiALi: WAXTCD Girl or middle aged wo- man lor general nouseworK in im country. Addrcis A. L Mall Trlb- uno. tr A.NTf.ll MTl .nl ION WAXTKD Position cutting blight, or goncral ranch work, lfo would cook. Uoth experienced. Ad dress box 111, care Mall Tribune. 218 WANTED Married man wants po sition ou ranch. Experienced, ref erences, box O. O., caro Mall Tri bune. 29 WAXTED Housework by day or hour. 22S North Central. 220 WA.VTKl) MI.SCi:i.U.KOUh WANTED Four men to board ami room private family. 219 Xorth ;illill kUli Hl,lUUIUiUUU(U W tnblo boaruora also, beo J, M. Fleming, Fouts grocery. . i 1 . dalo Ave. 222 WANTED Second hand dpo fcx 1V4. Uox S., caro Tribune. 219 WANTTD Two furnished light housekeeping rooms in homo of el derly peoplo for man and wife, no children. Post office, box 025 Medford. 118 WAXTED City and country pro perty for exchnnge. Q. Alldor, room 3, RlaRo Dldg. 235 MONET TO IXA MOXEY TO LOAN On city and closo In ranch proporty. C. A. McArthur. room 3, P. O. block, phone 308 IIUSIXKSH DIRECTORY Auto &..ppl:cb. LAHEH AUTO SPRIXO CO. Oui big secret In making springs Is the temperlug. Wo are operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant In the Pacific northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Sold under guarantee. 26 North Fif teenth St.. Portland. Ore, AUTO TOPS Mado llko now. Med ford Tent and Awning Co., 100 N. Front. If it's canvass, we sell It. Attorney!, D. F. PIATT Lawyer, 210 Garnett- Corey HIdg PORTER J. NEFF. WM. 1 MBALEY Attornoys-at-Law. Rooms ? and 9. Medford National Dank bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnett Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sailor at Law. 123 East Main Btreot, Medford, Oro. Wo. M. Colvlg George M. Roberts COLVIQ & ROBERTS. LAWYERS Medford National Bank Building B. F. MULKEY & GEO. W. CHERRY Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun ty Hank Building. NEWTON W. BORDEN Attorney nt lav, room 7, Sparta building, Med ford, Oregon, Hospitals, THE DOW HOSPITAL, Central Point, Oregon. 248 PAGE SEVEN By "Bud" Fisher BUSINESS DIRECTORY Auctioneer WILLIAM ULRICH Licensed Auc tioneer for tho City of MHford, Oregon Terms reasonable. Resi dence phone 16I-J. Office Jack nn County Hank bulletins:. Clilrnprunorx DR It. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor. nerv specialist Rooms 203-204--'05 On mutt-Corey bldg Vapor baths and ncietitlflc muwnni' kItpu, needle spray, bead and shoulder shower In connection; udvlco lo dietetics, medical gymnastics, hydropthernpy Lad) attendant Phone office 945, residence 571-R ail. A R HEDGES. Or Louise E Hedges Mcchano-Theraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylotheraplsts Thesr systems. Including dietetics, cura tW ttymnnstlc hydro-thernphy Qlc produce rtiuiltn Id bo 111 acute aud chronb dlnfMset. Consulta tion freo Over Deuel & Co., cer: ncr Main and Bartlett. Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Other hours by appointment hon 170 (MtniiiK- OARBAGE Get vour prrmlsot cleaned ui for th lnter CmH on the city ttarbae skui tor Kood service Phoni- 42R-L F' Y Allen Dentin t dr. w7m. Van scoyoc? dr c c. van scoyoc Dentins Garnett - Corey bldg. salts ilO Medford. Ore Phon R .Votary Putilli HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lie. Bring your work to mo at lb sign of the Mall Trlbun Printer and t'uulbiticr MEDFORD PRINTINO CO. has the best equipped printing office lo southern Oregon; hoc.: binding, loose leaf ledgors, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Physicians una Surgeons bvL. F. 6. CARLOW. DIl7 EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 416-417 Oarnott-Corey bldg., phone 1036-L. Residence 26 South Laurel St. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physlclaa and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limit ed In diseases ot women. Offices 232 E Main. 1'houes, residence 814-J2; office 814. DR. J J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practtco limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes, scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Offlco 228 East Main St., Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Bank bldg. Office phone 43-R; residence phone 58-R. DR. MARION PHyslclan and sur geon, Stownrt bldg., corner Main and Bartlett sts ; offlco phono 27. residence phono 27-J-2. 904 Weal 10th. DR. MARTIN C. BARBER Physl clan and surgeon. Office Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phonos, office 36, resi dence 724-J. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD Ostoopatble physician, 303 Garnett - Corey building. Phono 904-M. R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and Surgoon. Over Hutchison & Lums den, 215 E. Main St Phono 77. DR. McM, M. DOW, Physician and Surgeon. Central Point, Ore. DR. LYDIA S. DOW, Osteopathic Physician. Central Point, Oro. Sieuogirtiiiiurn ELLA M. OAUNYAW Pala block. Stenographic work done quickly and well. Irmuvet EAD8 TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Offlco 42 North Front St. PkoM S15. Prices right k)rvlc gut, an teed. ,, ( . ,i