MTCDFOTtD MATH TR.TBT7NE. MRDFORD. ORKC10Nrk WKONKSDAV. UUCHMnKR il, 1010 JAB N EXHIBIT AI LAND SHOW MAKES Oregon Klnlo Kxhiliit I'nitiil States l.nml Show, Colicmn, Chicago, November J9th, I'.M.'I. Mctlffml Cunimcrcinl Club, Mcilfonl, Oregon. Ui-ntlcmcii: The Jneksnn county nupU's loom up In fine shape in the Oregon exhibit nt the Chicngn I.iiml Show. .lu-l neross the nMc we en-urn-cd a specinl space for Mr. Lowe to inslnll his One Farm exhibit nml itiuiileiilnlly nre m1verluing the whole ItoRiio Kiver vnllry. Mr. Ijowc is on the job enrly nnt Inle, from morniiuj until night, only being nwny to deliver leetures. He even ents nt the booth. Throncx of leoplo stop in front of his booth. !t would be linnl for you to nvw any one who eould do more for your see- j tion Hum n prnctienl fnnncr like Mr. i ovc. His nffnbility, willingne to I give informntiou, nnd his knowledge of formers nnd their ways Imv hwn of invnlunblc help to the state. Mcdford nnd Jnekon eountv nre liberally represented on both side- of the nisles ns we linvc over twenty .lack-son county lags like the inclosed in tho tnnin booth nnd about the same number from Ashland. The cooperation given u by Mcd ford hns been invnlunble toward the sucecs of the Oregon stnte booth mid we tremendously appreciate, it. Yours cordiallv, C. C. CHAPMAN. made thai he join. Ho remarked that thero was one difficulty in the wax nnd that wns he was minus the dollar, nnd just then Ihe treasurer. Mrs. J. V. Orover, roninrkoil that the 1'nion owed Brother Simmon- n dollar and mnde n motion to take him in nnd keep the dollar, whieh xvas earned unnnnimou-dy nnd he n" ndmitted as n honorary mem ber of the Union. After ,tho iulness prt of the mecling wn through and 1 va about to slnrl nwny, a 1ml v tetptet ed ne to remain, as "thN i w -ee-j-elary's birthday,'' nnd I settled down and soon n plate with a sand wich and two piece4- of cake and n cup of ten a- handed to each one. After the feal wns over Mr, h. I Sjinunons received some verv nice little tokens of friond-hip and wi-hes that Mio max live to sec and enjoy many more birthdaxs. E 10 BE 110 AGIUNIsss It. F. Flke. representative ot the Warren Construction company, was In Mcdford the flrat of the voek. The ease was given a reheating by the court, which today modified tho former opinion but reversed nnd re- the case to the lower couit w trial. The opinion Is writ ten by Chief Justice McHridc,' while I.. ,1.. . . I, .. ....1 l 1! I SAI.KM. Ore., Dee. It. -That u ' .,.' ! . ." ,'". , . stenographer i- not u fellow servant . .,m, "'" " '" ,wu '" "" "'""" ...-,, ... ., , .. ., . .Injured while umg the elevator on mm on nviiriir iipeniior ciiipmxcii , . , , . .. ,, .. ... ,. . ... i .... .-'. i. ,i i her wav to work, and belorc tho time in the same liniMitig bv the iuue i , i . , i i I... i .i i r :.... hvhen her hour to Login her labors ii... r ii... . i.. il'"" ninvwl, is not mjnicd while, in ,1 "l li ri'i villi' I I'MM Mlltllini todav in the personal injury cae of Mabel Putnam of Ashland against the Pacific Moichly company. While suing to woik for the Pa cific Monthly nt itu oflleo in Port-' laud, Mabel Putnam wns injured while useeudiiiK in Ihe elevator. She brought suit mid ob'.uiued n favor able verdict allowing bur damages. The company appealed to the su- eiue court and in n decision writ ten bv .lu-'ticc Hnrnclt the ca-e was reversed, several points being rai-ed, IIMO llf U'llil-tl WIN tllllt (till lllllilllll'f I ,d.j .i t' CMfi mil i. Ill ill.. .,!- ""), .1 - , ..I..... vll 11,11, ..v . . a or operator. the employ of the defendant, uuil she is entitled to the same consideration ii anv other piissrngers u-'ilig the elevator. THREE ARE NAMED FO REGISTRATION BOARD Tho council lust night appointed St. A. ltadcr. W. T. York and F. M. Jordan for tho registration hoard for tho city election January 13. The l applicants for tho placo wcro Charles Kd t'ottenger, Hoger ltetinett and It M, Clark, besides tho no named. V. il iWriiB il I 1 zk- tt lj m . ih - ih m m -yiT MflTa M T -r" T t-TT.; IAGLE POINT EAGLETS. By A. C. Howlctt. ,.- Here is what Marion Harland said in 1906 about t -. 3. mm mmmm, j ISSii&k Coffoo Hivnlcfjisi I'omcH Imi ont'o a day: will vou s)til il it) savo u ploco of n jHMiny'f Spoil il, how Poor coffoo instead of fine. , Is that all the (liffcr- Ollt'C' 'I'lmfs all. Schilling's Hcst, Jthoul h; n t'up; you can't, trim that, iuiu'h, cvyn with trash. t lb, 2 Hi and 2 U lb aroma tight cans; cleanly granulnteil inoneyhack. GUS tho Tailor MARKS SUITS TO FIT AND FIT TO WBAU Cottolene A. Corbin, tho owner of the old Brndshcrs orchard, in addition to his ninny improvements has put in n pumping plant on tho bank of Little Butte creek to force, the water up the bill n distance of about half n mile into two largo tanks that will hold about 3,500 gallons each, nnd in t ends to take the water from .there to irrigate his orchard, and when he gets the pumping system perfected will be nble to show the orchnnlKts how to misc fruit to perfection. Harvey Stenley of Brown-boro xvns doing business in our town last week. By some hook or crook we nre not nlwnys fnvored with trains on time and on one occasion nt least the train xvns until near It o'clock p. m. before it reached our lc,xt, nnd the school .children who go from here to M'hool xcre quite lute getting their supper. Miss Mabel Brucll, who has been nfflieited for some time past, has so far recovered as to be nble to attend the dance Thanksgiving night. Mr. nnd Mrs. Bert Penchey, xvbo xvexe recently mnrried nnd went to Ashland to live, returned last week to spend n few dnys with the brideV parents nnd friends. Mr. nnd Mrs J. B. McKinney, also of A-blnnd, n brother-in-law of Sir. Penchey, came xuiu uicm. .xirs. .xieKmucy xvus partly raised here nnd taught in our hx-hool for some time. Her father also with with us for two or three days nt Ihe Mime time. Ho is en- ngged selling Ward's medicines, uud extracts. Ho put In n part of his time visiting old time friend.. The protracted meeting' Is pro gressing finch and there seems to bo considerable interest manifested. People who have not been in the habit of nttending church services nt nil now come regularly and the leaders of the mooting seem to be greatly encouraged. Key. Lindblnd had to return to Ashland Sunday afternoon to fill uu engagement but e.ccts to hold services here every night this week. His sennou that he preached Saturday night on the origin nnd work of the devil, nnd tho one he prenched Sunday morning on the "KuMirrection of Jesus of Nueerutli," seemed to ninko consid erable, impression mi the minds of those xvbo have, been ikiptieul on theso subjects. Miss Ijorrne flrigsby of Central Point and Thomas Abbot were in at tendance nt the Thanksgiving dance. ( Tho W. C. T. l met nt the church Saturday afternoon nnd ns an nounced, hud u prayer and song ser vice before the business meeting be gan. Tho regulnr busines- was taken up nnd disposed of, and when it como to the timo for the formal ud niihhion of new members Mrs. Bu elinnnn Fromo xvns added to the list, nnd tho question xvns raised whv tho pastor of tho church xvns not en rolled on tho list and tho snggotion ' W Vt firvc.' mtz&g ten '-th y iS2-" "Manv vonrs nn-n T rifcrnntt'rmp1 thn iko nf tnml in -... i.:i a mw j ....1.: r. ?' Trr: .. m . rr4 :rr " ".' " ku :ibi' iiiu OLJLKaLiLLiLtru iur ir. ii nn pTWnmnnT i nirnnnn fhnn - r parahvely a new product. Since my first trial of it I can truly say tnat it has given complete satisfaction. I honestly believe it to be the very best thing of its kind ever offered to the American housekeeper." MARION HARLAND. Cottolene makes biscuits that are tender when they are cold that Is a sure test of a good shortening. Try it yourself. Make the biscuits like this: m TWENTY -TWO DAYS TO CHRISTMAS Won'tyou follow thecxnmplc of famous cooks and make Cottolene THE fat for all your cooking ? Order n pail from your grocer; also cend to us for the valuable KREIi Cook BooV, HOME KELPS. DAKINO POWDER BISCUITS . 2 cups Bour, 3 teat poons baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, 4 table spoons Cottolene, 3-4 cup milk. Sift Hour, salt and baklnij powder together; rub In Cottolene; mix llRhtly and quickly; mixture should not be dry; roll out on board, cut Into email biscuits, bake ten to fifteen rninuten In hot oven. To make biscuits richer, mix with cream. Whole wheat, graham or rye biscuit may be made in the same way. Edith L. Cltft. the n.k. FAlRBANKpyyj CHICAGO siiVsR Hi -vl sTl rB "' ' ' Tv IsiiiiiiB wi llllBlllllllllllm i lllllS Vou Will Ho Welromi-d In the Ktrvs Todny Mont flmelousl)' 1)7 Cnidful Clerk. My llcmlipiiirfrrH Tlili Hciihoii Will llo at tho Wonder Store J444J4 T T t T T A ? Sensational Clearance Sale of ! X ! I Winter Coats, Suits arid Skirts I f ? f T ? T ? r T T r r t v v t CHILDREN'S COATS Tho balaiico of our stock on salo Thurs day nt $2.98, 93.93 and $4.98 each. -AT- MANN'S CENTRAL AVE. NEAR P. O. OUTINGr FLANNEL GOWNS Extra heavy, all sizes, tfood 85c grade, Hpee ial sale price, Qn each U J Vj EVERY WINTER SUIT and GOAT MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE Women's $20.00 Suits, till new styles to be clos ed out in this special sale each h.Llt12.5u Women's $25.00 Suits, in all colore and styles, to be closed out in this sale at each . . .$18 Women's $40 and $35 Suits, the very latest styles, to be closed out in this CO? sale, each ...i$0 Women's Heavy Winter Coats, all new styles, up to $22.50 values, to close out this i A AQ saUseaclitplb.tO Draperies Wo carry a very complete Una or 3raprle. laca curtains, rlzturea, eta, and do all claasea of ujiholaterliiK. A aiectal man to look after tlila work oxclunlvely and will give aa good ervlce aa la poislble to cat in oveu the laretat cltlua. Weeks & McGowan Co. 1 ? f T ? ? T T ? T ! T T t y t 1 FREEWM. ROGERS GUARANTEED TRIPLE PLATED SILVERWARE GIVEN AWAY FREE Opening Sale of Christmas Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Novelties NOVELTIES HANDKERCHIEFS Children's initial Handkerchiefs, .' in a box, at, box ., .25 Women's initial Handkerchiefs, at, each 10, 15 and 25 Glen's initial Jlandkerchiefs, at, each 10, 18 and 25 Women's fancv HaiKlkorchiefs, at, each 10-, 156, 206, 25c, 35, 48. liuy now while stock is complete. NECKWEAR All the latest novelties. Lace Collar. . . 256 up to $5;00 Collar and Cuff Sets on sale at, each 98, $1.50 and $2.98 Xew "Taiitfo" Sashes at 086, $1.25 and $.98. Xew Bulgarian Collars on sale at, each 98 and $1.50 Parisian Ivory, many new items to choose from at, each 25 up to ,..,$5.00 New stvlo Hand Bags from, each 98 up to $12.00 Pin Cushions, Fancy Baskets Coat .1 (angers on sale from, each 25 up to $2.00 CHRISTMAS SALE OF APRONS Women's. fancy Embroidered Aprons, all col ors and styles, very special, each 25c An endless varictv fancv Aprons for all occasions, form 48 up to $1.50 each Corset Bargain 'Warner's' new model, fitted with two pair hose support ers, a pair CHRISTMAS SALE OF SILKS 5000 Yards of New Silks Just Received Xew "Figured Crepes, all col ore, !5(i inches wide, sale price a yard 38 in. Messaline in all colors, .75 grade, sale price, a yard 48c New Channelise and Crepe Meteor in all colors. Special price, a yard $1.98 f ? t ? T y t y V 1 f y t t y y t f y f y f t y y t y y y t y ONLY Clothing Store to give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps v4l r II il ""-- Holepraof Hosiery FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. iroiut e(rtWwt W WMM iwuiB- ,. tjanui KWtrTlHW w,RMrjKrJto" 1,11. 1 JfeM,M rirf!Tvpiut A gpfTjappimlflPlW Daniels for Duds BusterBrown Shoes (lunnietal button shoes for children, all sizes, including young ladies $1.50 to $2.75 The Wardrobe W. Main Stroot. The drunkard will have none of mc. The heavy drinker says "no" when my name is mentioned. The man who craves rough strong whiskey passes me by. All this is as it should be ras I myself would wish it. I am not for them. Cyrus Nnlile . . W. J. Van Schuyvcr & Co., .General Agents Portlnnd, Oregon Bargains in Second-Hand Cars One BUICK ROADSTER, noarly new, all now tiros, in excellent condition $500.00 One Fivo-Passengor JACKSON Car, only $100.00 Ono Fivo-Passongor PREMIER, a big bargain at $450.00 Other Bargains in Used Cars. C. E. Gates i' 48c 59c Motor Cars and Supplies i XmOvMMH A..A.A.A. A. MXtXll$W "" T-TfcT T TT T T T 1 1,. Sparta Building.