Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 03, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    JP.Ultt TWO.
Kiox, wKnxKsn.w, dkcumhkk w, iflta
Alirty Cnno tf the Hfn llutto spent
the flrnt (tf tho wcoK In Mcilfonl.
OoorRO KliiRHlon of MontnRtio Cnl.,
In iilfoiullhK la tniliii'M In Mcilfonl.
W. n. Colamnn wnft over from
jficWvonvltlu' Tucidiiy tor n few
. 5c. Mn&iii. of Tiimoott t' snoiul
nn ftk ln't"m thfj city.
Mt&tcg lirWySt liomiio n't the fol
lowing groceries DoVoo'f. Olm
etfufr N'lohol, Fo'uts, Warner. Cash
fctoro. On Wutlnostlny't at booth 20
In'lfriMic innrlceL Saturday' from 8
to IS -.10. 220
Sam Roger, n we'l Known llltto
LoJrh minor and prospector, who has
hcon In Montana tho last enr Is ex
pected to return to Medford ilflor the
Um Viola Kneshrtfer who has boon
at Redding, Cnl., for the Inst year re
turned Monday to spend tho Christ
mas holidays with relatives in this
Oregonlan ucency et Do Voo's.
John 'Green of.Hutton, Cal., is in
tho city for a few days attending o
business matters.
II. J. Clarke of Rogtio Hlver was In
. tho city for n few hours Tuesday.
A niimbor of .Mcdford people will
Irax'o this ovenlnp on Slater John
son's special to sec Margaret Wing
ton fn 'Within tho Law." at Grants
Holiday offer CO per cent off. Up-to-Dato
Stsdlo, 232 East Main.
The National Guards held its regu
lar session Tuesday cxcnlng.
Court Hall Is transacting business
in Portland this week, and will re
turn Thursday night.
Attorney Gus Newbury was n
court visitor In Jacksonville this
Dr. E. Klrchgessner has .returned
and will bo at tho Nash Hotel on
Wednesday from 10 to 3. tf
Tho street cas track has been
paved to Central avenue on Main.
The work of stringing wires and In
stalling poles will begin Boon.
G. K. Anson of llunconi spent
Tuesday In tho city.
Miss Irene IMotncr nf nuncom vis
ited with her nunt, Mm. Lucretla En
yart last week.
E. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives mado any time or
jilaco by appointment. Phono M
Pension Attorney Stennctt of Ash
land, accompanied by several appli
cants for increase in pensions, tvero
beforo the IX. S. medical examining
board in Medford today.
George A. Morse of Talent district
transauted business In Mcdford Tues
day, l . .
kodak finishing est In town nt
Weston s.
Mr. and, Mrs. K. II. Watson of
IJut'tq j Kails spent a few days in
Medford this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F, Duller, former
ly, rebldqnts of this vellcy, aro down
froin. Cheney, Wash.
Milk and cream at DoVoe's.
N. L, Narrcgan and D. L. Swlhart
of Eagle Point district aro in Med
ford on a short business visit.
David Duncan of Eagle Point was
In Medford this morning, coming to
meet Miss Johnson, his sister-in-law,
of Victoria, n. C, who will pay this
section a visit.
"Insurance your best asset." Have
tho est. Placo your Insuranco with
Holmes, the Insuranco Man, right If
bo writes It. ' ' tf
II. C. Egan, Edmund Ilurke, Clias.
A. Low Is and Sprague Illegcl wcro
among tho horticulturists In Medford
during tho weok.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Milos Cuntrall of
Applegalo woro In Medford Tuesday
Hiinte Ilros.' chocolates, DeVocs.'
' II. i:orhnrd hold 11 lots In
Onkdalo Park addition to Clara Ding
linSn of ltapld City, S. I). They will
rf.fcldo hero.
Miss I.ema Jorgenson visited
frlouds living In Jacksonville- Tues
day. A. V. Sllsby was of tho many who
wore down fiom Afchlmul Tuosday,
. ludgo J. II. No I and J. W, Opp of
Jacksouvillo. turrlod a while In Mod
ford Tuesday afternoon.
4 Pofituwihter Jucob of Tola was a
business visitor In Medford Tuesday.
County Assetior (Irlovu und T. J.
Konnoy woro over from Jacksonville
this morning,
K. Gnrlg, vlco-presldont of tho
Pacific & Eastern, has returned to
Poit'anil after u short business vjbii
In Medford,
V. W, Mears and t. F. Piatt were
In Jacksonville the forepart of tho
'weelj cjn ljrofpnlpnai business.
P. D. Illnckdcn of Cllmn spent
Tuesday night In Medford,
'" H. li. Hartley, bishop or the United
Hrcthren church, has been making
Mcdford a pastoral visit, lie was on
his way to California.
Fred Hurst ban returned to Med
ford from n trip to California.
Harry Mills of llutto rails', tunnn
ger of tho Dewing timber Interests
camo to .Medford Tuesday to attund
a meeting of tho dTroetors of ,thi
Jackson County KIro Patrol associa
tion. K. A.' Hlld'reth, secretnry
tronsurer of that orgaulsstlon, was
he'ro fotthe same purpose.
. JV. V.Uarnum of PhornK was a
vinttor In Medford Tuesday.
Mrs. A. A. Dals, who has boon
making Medford a business visit,
leaves for her homo at Berkeley,
Cal., Saturday.
J. Harvey Clayton or Portland died
In Arlronn lntoly. of heart,
aged C3 years. He was a resident
of Itogue river valley 3." yoars ago.
Ud Wilkinson Is overhauling tho
lower story of one of his building on
Front street, which will bo occupied
by Halo & Lyons when the improve
ments are completed.
A. A. Davis has sold his residence
on Tenth street to parties living In
Alameda county, Cal. The ranch lo
cated on Rogue river In which he was
Interested with his sou, Scott Davis,
was Included in the sale.
Senator Von der Hellen of Welen
Is In Mcdford, coming to meet Pro
fessor Hctxel of the Oregon Agricul
tural College. They will appear be
fore the county commissioners court
In behalf of a proposition to supply
tho experiment stntlon at Talent with
an expert agriculturist.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wobb of Cen
tral Point, arc making a short visit
with Mrs. Webb's parents In Roches
ter. N. Y., before sailing for Eng
land where they will visit relatives
and friends until spring.
E. A. Illldreth of Uutte Falls camo
down Tuesday to attend tho meeting
of tho Jackson County Fire Patrol
association of which he Is sccrctnry.
His reports show the most favorable
season In years.
Miss Marion Dell or Gold Hill vis
Itcd Medford friends Tuesday.
Don Griggs of Klamath Falls has
returned to his homo after a short
visit In this city.
P. E. Hale of Eagle Point Is In
the city for a few days.
It is likely the suit of I. H. Wheel
er of Coos county for $10,000 al
leged damages against ex-Sheriff
Jones will be held over until tho
spring term of court- Tho court
will rule this week on a demurrer.
J. It. Seal of Grants Pass Is a busi
ness visitor in Mcdford today.
i 'tossk ....usF-y titmvirT ' J
w h m.t M:-
m E-ri"
?? lifit t
NKW YORK. Dec. .. ,l.s
lard und ('arl Motrio, liwivy wviuh(,
are mIhMiiI1 to elith here ttniiul"
in tv ten-round bout. Mow i .
flight fuvorile in the liettimr. Wi
ld nl was siuspeiuWd Inst Jnnuarv l
the .tnte nlhletie eoinml l fi
fnillne to kfep an ennnetnuont to bo
in Huffnlo. hut the u-penioii -ji
lifted vo,teiilnv.
SluM-iff Sinlllt, in olinrge of the
IHipntM wliicli liuxe linen lniHmiiiK
liitlph l.opoi-., Mmsienn nrvliyOo mur
' ilorer, in tliu" I'tnli-Aix titiilo' tin
MUiikIimui, ViiM tmlnv Unit lu i
, -miv l.opuit vw di'Mil.
i Tim lnt I ti in tr nf wet uuttiiwilei- fol
I In Hfttti-Htirtti il' Oiil til il lie ni'iil i.'il-
' wltli wliieli the mine wn fillel lu
'ih piH'Me nt' MiffiifMliiig lh mil
In,, hud liven iit'onliuiii'd lor li'iu
.of .itiiiliniiiux i'ouiluttioii unit nil
iloimi which iiiivtht itelrov pioi-
eilv viilin-d lit iiiillhilis.
! Xo roHue hml been leoeivrd
-nice -! h. in, M'lertln, hotier, lo
"iKtuiU to the Hiunlerer, Mini iim
niiieli a hi tHMimleil n'liililv to
piti intis one it mi tiikeu foi
gniiilt-il lie hud viirotitnWd.
At !' loiiiuht the h-nfl' nniil he in
toMileit to un-i'iil the inllie, niul u
!! nfterwHttl n llie go hud
eleni'i'd purlieu woulil elder lo loul;
for the lioilv.
Weeks &McGowan Co
Lnrty Asittiluut
Day Phono 227
Night 1 W. Weeks 'loa-J-2
A. E. Orr 078OI
Presbyterian ClirLtttua Sale.
The Presbyterian Christmas salo
will open Friday at 10 a. in. in tho
building formerly occupied by
.Vhren"s store.
Do not fail to sec the fancy work,
tho 50 cent booth, the 35 cent booth
tho 25 cent booth, and to visit the
candy booth. Tho baby booth will
have a variety of dresses, caps, Jack
ets, booties, slippers, etc.
Tho kitchen booth will contain
many useful articles and a good
variety of cooked food. You will
find there tho best of cakes, Angel's
Food, Sunshine cako, Durnt loathe-,
Dlackberry Jam cake, Chocolate
cakes, Plum Puddings, Cookies
Doughnuts, J'les, Meat Loaves, DreaJ,
At 8:30 p. m. Friday thoro will be
a musical program. Program will
be anuouueed later.
Tea and wafers will be served freo
in the afternoon, and coffee and
doughnuts at night free.
A moral reform wao. caused by
an anonymous letter, hit tho en
council Tuesday night, when it
passed an antl-gambltng law, n re-j
enactment of what already Is n stale
law, which If strictly enforcod will
prevent shaking dice for cigars be
tween friends, bridge whist nniongl
ladles, the playing of cards for
treats, and practically mean uspwn-
slon of business by a number of I
local cigar stores. In Its drastlcuessl
It rivals tho "IHuo Law" of Now Eng-
land. Meanwhllo slot machines are)
running without Interference in sa
loons and cigar stores.
Tho ordinance passed without a
dissenting vote. Councilman Millar
and Stewart complained of Its wide
scope but voted for It. Mayor Pur-
dln. City Attorney McCabe. and Coun
cilman Mitchell lend the fight for tho
The ordinance was pasted upon
the allegations of an unsigned letter,
In which Noah Lyons and Dox Hub)
were charged with conducting i j
poker game In a cigar store on Front (
street. The writer said ho had lost
money there, und If called would ap-!
pear as a witness and bring others, '
The ordinance provides immunity
from prosecution, for him if ho doos. j
Mayor Purdln said Prosecutor Kelly
told him tho ordinance was necessary.
Tlie act proviuos ironi ; u i"u
.fine for tho pinycrs. nnd U'S to 100
I.' tie for the dealer, and Is a copy or
the state law, but under tho city
measure gambling Is miuto a mlsdo
J meaner. ItiHtoad.nt a flony. Every
1 form or gambling from roulette to
turkey raffles Is overed by the or
dinance. 1 In striking routrast to. the ordlu
jnuro passed Inst uliebt the on-
iwssod Juno nth. nmoudliiK section
10, ordinance IT A, prohibiting caul
plnvlng In saloons to read us fol fel fol
eows: "It shall be unlawful for niiv
poison o, permit, suffer, or
allow any games of dire or cards to
bo played In nu milium or Imrrromn,
or loom therewith, excepting In
rooms of hotels of fifty rooms ir
This exception was tho only ilinnro
in the Ian. uhlrh Is ordinance 753
There s no substitute
iot Royal "Baking Pow
det iot making the
best cake, biscuit and
pastry Royal Is Ab
solutely Ptote and the
oly Baking powcie
made from Royal
grape cream of tartar.
Funeral Not lie.
Tho funeral of Mrs. Harry L.
Young who died Monday will be held
at IX. 30 o'clock Thursday at Weeks
& McOowan's chnpcl instead of I0;30
o'clock as first announced. The
change is mado to permit the attend
ance of two brothers who will arrive
on tho morning train.
Special Iruiii for (Jnuit
l'n, for "Within the Lnw"
play will be tenm train with
iirue cojii.'lui-, will If-uvo
Mvilford promptly ut 0:4.") p.
m. tonight.
t- -f
To nil mcinlieio of Medioul
lodge, Jl. I'. ). K. will he
culled TJiiirmlny, Dor. I, nt
7::ill p, in., and hhort hcvnion
held, i-o us tlnisu ulio xvjfli
muv go to the x)iow.
A. a lU'lKJKSH,
K.vnlted Killer.
4I H
6iCb Ul A lip i es PoU er V& (1 o u Id
will havo a load of Spitzenburgu
at Public Market Saturday, 'i'i'l
If ('to, I'rwrMi, Contp.itcil, I H 1-
lous, Stomarli Sour, fi'lwj "Cull-
fornla Syrup or I'lg"
A laxative today caves a sick child
tomorrow. Children simply will not
take tho time from play to empty
their bowels, which become clogged
up with waste, liver guts sluggish,
stomach sour.
Look at the tongue, mother! If
coated, or your child Is listless, does
n't eat heartily, full of cold or has
soro throat or any other children's
ailment, give a (oiaspoonrul or "Cali
fornia Syrup of Figs," then don't
worry, becauto It Is perfectly harm
less, and in a few hours ail this con
stipated poison, sour bllo and fer
menting wasto wll goutly move out of
the bOMole, und you havo a well, play
ful child again- A thorough "Inside
cleansing" Ik oftlinoull that Is neces
sary. It should 1)0 tho first treat
ment given lii any sickness.
Hew urn of counterfeit fig syrups.
Ask your druggist for a &0-cout bot
tle of "California Syrup of Figs,"
which has full directions for bubies,
children of nil ages and for grown
ups plainly printed on tho bottlo.
Look carefully and sco that It mado
by the "California Fig Hyruj) Com
puuy.' Don't bo fooled!
.Mudr In Mcilfonl fiom liomc groiwi
Niigiu- jilnc.
If you aro going to build anything
or ro-shlnglo your Iioiiko or luirn soo
us. Mill on P. & K. track, phono
Moose Lodge Dance
do.vt I'oitr.KT tiii: nit.' i.xn:
(iivi; iv Tin: .moesi: leihji: at
tiii: HALL
Notice, all Ben Huts
Don't forgot the big Box
Social and Dance Wednes
day, December 3, 8 p. m.
It WW' 'til
H lrjL?.AlV i
t Jf J , J taw
IlnJt ct cletr, kltn-drltil Doubts Fir. btutlf ul tlttb
uincn, iiucwnc mnucu. li tuct la HOC,
FOR no,ORSCailii, IIc4 FOR WINDOWS-Ciiilnc,
C-5!r,Filet,CapMouJJ,l'limh If'aiJCailni.FUltt.CapMouUl,
tr.-!n uanclf. mainline aamlcd.
price to eytrytioaif anyiuanUty.
white von
and tave 2)1 oa Oaib,
i InUS, FramM, Moull
'jthHovlu.1 etc. '
III rks for cm ttJa
only. I'ertit - aoUAprca,
witb miDii stop, rartmt iitaii.out-
lia pi"ce.
WlnJnw tlopi, btool ft A .
a-r uei w w
lUe C.ini ana bill, 1'ullcy
I'ocveia cut, watcri ame
Cap. Far act
Vie Sw'.l Aoyuol-;anJ SLIv AnjrvttT
All Blood Disorders
Quickly Driven Away
Astonishing Slesulh With thi Greatest Blood
Purifisr Ever Discovered.
. H , , . -
Fw'S. .r - ?V.,,rA ri l
K5w,,'is? (L&" iv fin w
.Strrncth, Toner, Arint'll'' '
tlOinc Moel dierdrH tmim! ii l
rmt1 In the irM'ils ami tlMvie nn-i th
inimln U miuto r iraiil'in i' ilniHiiii
ill UK 'I'lit'itu out)' nsi.fiiMit br rui"i
ctlirr nint wurso tr uM i li -it r h'
VW Klimv tills ti. tin Ituo. Tlu-y lill"r
from I'lUntuI cNiMiilftn'o.
To itrt rlsht ibittli Into wliirn Kip MwM
tl vltlntwl iviultn H. a it. tlio urwilMt
I)Iiih puillUr ovur ilUtiivoml.
This itlnurluit'to tpimnl)' tvutnlMi iu
Instt'illrlit. tlir nftlvu itirMi f wtiU'li
In MlimiMlv III" tl"'nr to tli lipollh)
sclrvtlon of Us 'll hwiIII nulltnii'til
nml trio iiiihIU uml t ' m tils f tM mntib
Ii- MimM l-uittUr IHM JliHt II I K-llllUl t
welt tmt.iticil licnltll aa tlm niitrllldua
Clritirtlln of tho tncnK Kullia, fila nlt!
RUKttrs of our ilnlly fwl
Not onl) Oiln. Init If from ilia prewn"
of sontc illntuttilnu polaun tlirro Is n liial
or uniprnl Inlrrfcroiicu of nulrlihm to
cnufn txills, I'nrliiini'les, at,v''ii'n niol
Vln.lrr.1 troutilod. 8. U B. so illrrota tlm
local cetln ttul thU polaon l rcjccltt nua
cat aro tillTj?tnod Intl. M..
iliniiiiiitil fi. m ti ' -iff
Til-", to, !! M H I " "! HW'""
rtlimitl..ii on t ' l 'I U n- " l""
ht.VK ltt-l' IlKllll.l Vll'l ' ' it 'i'"
rvlntlvu a "I'lun. lo i ! "r
M Ik . Iff tlioo . ' ' '" tlu
rrilitfiillvi pt-'M iiii.Ibi uolilr '
Hi.. i h.nt.,1 uhin i ti iIikaii rat . . ! l All
iTliptiy pl" 1 1 it. Iiitrt'fii Pln "'
hi lit fcyi iti'ifr!''. o"' from to'l in
fiMit tlirro l l MMCWI'I "" " -
neotxl IiohIIK. . ,
V,mi I in. ti't tlittt H H H In tttirWy
II lil nili-.i! .iMiriitliil, II U srilwl !'
Ho yt ...kfat m.onii.'tl Bt hn Tft tnnl'l
litl'n.Muo .ii .mo itrvii of ilriisn or
nlin-rnU l ti-i'l III If frMirin AW
toe H K H nn.1 lni "l'li hum It.
Ami If i itolrn tuWM aJvhw upon an
niiitlw loncirnlnit tlo l'l""'l ""' "'''
wrllo to Ttiw llwlft IftNflrlO Co, JW HwUt
liMir. Atlanta. l Im not ""W c'lim
iraloll clerk tu Urnip tho aliuoapti'tn rj
rl.Miiinico over iNinintlilnit "Jl " R""I
nn II. ti. U. lUwaru t( Utl CUUUUrfslU
Soutlt Central
New 'Phone
Klin" A A
Behling's Shoes
( v
lloforo tlm Itcrulutloti onUnhlu
kiI woro tlm fAcliitho nn'1'i'rly if
tint K'Uitry.
Th IikIIvIiImiiI cmflBrtinu niul et
ly tiiMir(nil luuthqr liiivo l.iMtu iIU
kmhI f b iniHlorn fn tor prim hUi
Hh MNiHyfflyl,)'liln (ndlltlfM rmiI
ltd urmy of trnlinxl nriiuiin.,Tu4ii)f
llll oh n till)'
of tlm hliilMwt atilo. 'iillntit mtcr
lula uml miimriiir iiuwllty ut th pouu
I iir inlroK tif
N'J..tli TO MI.INI
' "t.
'.'I III.... , .v"
If You Value
. Your Child's Eyesight
You will provitlc liim with a tfood oil lamp.
Scientists agree that an oil light is hesit for study
ing and reading. ,
The J!xX&f$ Lamp
Rives a (.oft mellow lit-lit. An ideal liht for the
Home circle. hnentilicilly coiMiucted. No
Klarc: Mo lirkcr! lutsyto liutft fllitl Jure for.
Aik to see it at your dealers.
Standard Oil Company
(California) ,
V use
tyr-J s -