W3T' vi v iV PAGE TWO. MEDFORD MAlh TUlBUNti. MI8DKOWI). ORIOOON, Tl'MSDAV. DIOTMHUU 2, Win. e-ses IOCAL AND li PERSONAL J. P. Uughoa nnil Prank Nether lnitil were or those who cnnio to Moil ford rrom Ilutto Kails Monday. O. W. McDonald, cashier of tho Jackson County. UanU, has rouo to Portland on buslines. Mlssos llnosoy'a hotnln at tlio fol lowing groceries -DoVqo's. Olm xtoad's Nlchol, Fonts. Warner. Cash 8toro,' On Wednesday's nt booth 20 In public market. ' Saturday's from S to 12:30. 22 Mr. 'nml Mrs. K Whiteside- wore down from Central Point Monday. MUs Myrtle Qulgloy of 'Siskiyou county, Cal., has been visiting In thin section, tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. Darnoburg. Oregonlan neency nt Do Voo'e. Charles K. Hoyt of Fort Klamath Is mnklng Jackson county a business Vicil. William Lewis and George Lamed of Kanes creek were In Mcdford and Jacknonvllle Monday. Holiday offer CO per cent off. Up- to-Dato Studio, 232 East Main. A. Throckmorton of Applegate ha returned from a trip to Yolo and Sonoma counties, Cal. Mioses Dora and Delta neuter are making Jacksonville, their former homo a visit. They spent a few hours In Mcdford Monday afternoon, accompanied by Mrs. E. Vogt. Uunto Bros.' chocolates at De roe's. Col. and Mrs. It. C. Washburn of Table Rock visited In Mcdford Mon day. P. E. Upton of Central Point transacted business In Medford Mon day. Dr. K. Klrchgeainer has returned nnd will bo at tho Nash Hotel on "Wednesday from 10 to 3. tf Dr. T. T. Shaw and Itoy Ulrlch of Jacksonville motored to Medford Monday. F. C. DoremuB has gone to Califor nia whoro ho will spend tho winter months. Tho special services at the First Daptlst church are being well at tended. A good Interest Is mani fested. Sis havo decided to take .1 stand for Christ. Tonight Dr. Mac Cullough will preach. All members of tho I). Y. P. V. are. especially In vited to bo present. Sons service at 7:30. Come, a hearty welcome awaits you. J. M. Croncmlllcr, county treas urer, was In Mcdford Monday, on his return to Jacksonville from a trip to Grants Pass. County Superintendent and Mrs. J. Percy Wells drovo over from Jack nonvllle this morning. E. D. Weston, commercial photog rapher, negatives mado any time or place by appointment. Phono M 1471. H. D. Tronson of Eaglo Point tar ried a fow hours In Medford Monday. Mm. F. H. Hopkins of Central Point motored to Medford Monday af tornoon. Horace Pelton of Sams Valley was a business visitor In Medford Mon day. Regular convocation of Crater Lake chapter tonight. Work In M. M. and P. degree. W. E. Lane, sec retary. M, A. Womack haB gone to Lowls ton, Idaho, tp assist In tho settlement of an cstato In which ho Is Interested. Daniel I). Winkle, a pioneer of Rogue river volley, died at Dunsmulr, Cal., one day last week, aged 73 years. I). F. Mulkey and his family havo returnod from a trip to tho Willam otto valley. Fresh eggs. Phono 201-J4.' 21C J. X. Miller has finished teaching tho fall term of school In Mountain district and returned to Medford. T. n, Hanley is back from Alaska whoro ho has been looking after his Halmon canning interests. Kodak finishing est in town at Weston's. Mr. uud Mrs. T. W. Dally of Trail district aro vlHltlng In Mcdford. Mrs. J. Walr and Polk Hull were or thoso In Medford from Urltflu creek Monday. Milk and cream at DeVoo's. John Mast of Phoenix product tran sacted business In Medford Monduy. Judge Prim of Jacksonville, made u trip to Medford Mondny afternoon. George Nealu of Central Point is one of the many who came to Mcd ford today. Luwroiico Cardwell of Gold Hill tar ried a while in Medford Monday, "Insurance your best asset." Havo Uio est. Placo your insurance with Holmes, tho Insurance Man, right If ho writes it. t( horticulturist, Mondny after- Monday com- 0. O. Gall or Gold Hill Is vIsltlnK relatives living near Jacksonville. S. ll. Simmons hus gone to Waldo and will bo etnploji'd near there hoiuo time. Walter Chapman of Antlooh tuul James Peart of Central Point were In Medford Monday. Phil Hamlll, tho motored to Medford noon. T G. Hurrows on plctod hujlng dried prunes In Uoguo river alloy for W. V llrngor of Salem, who shipped four large car loads Monday. There vvero nearly 300,000 pounds In tho shipment, which brought more than f 10 000 to thoso who, sold them. James It. Kelly, Mall Tribune United Press operator, who has been visiting in tho northern part of tho 8tato ror tho last mouth returnod homo Mondny atternoon. Frank Farrcll Is in from his ranch work for a few das. Andrew Jeldness left Tuesday for his claims In the lllue Ledge district after spending Thanksgiving with his family In this city. J. A. King of Sacramento Is spend ing a few days In tho alley on business. The San Francisco ball players ar rested for killing deer out of season near Hutton, Cal., were fined $25 nnd costs before a Yrekn justice. Hnppy Hogan returned yesterday from his trial, and left ror tho camp. Tho athletes will now hunt bear nnd pro spect. Dr. Klrchgcssucr of tho upper Rogue Is in the city for a fow days. Merchants report that tho "shop early" campaign Is bearing fruit. Monday was the busiest first of the week day in months. Many gifts be ing purchased. It Is reported that tho post office at Hutton. Cal., will be discontinued after January 1. Frank Edwards, tho postmaster, wants to resign, and devote his entire time to a gold mine prospect. Tho offlco brings mall to .bout 50 people living on tho Oregon California line. A. J. Greer, brother or Editor Gror of Ashland visited In Medford Mon dny. Tho brick masons havo begun work on tho' structure Charles Palm Is erecting on South Fir for Court Hall's garage. Silas Wayno of Darron is In tho city for a few days on business. F. E. Merrick attended to business matters In Jacksonville today. Ray Gibson of Grauts Pass was n business visitor la Medford Monday. Tho city council will meet in regu lar session tonight. A big batch of monthly bills will be presented. Henry Hawkins of Dig Butte spent Monday In Mcdford. Monday was the coldest night of tho season, frost settling on the ground by eight o'clock. A heavy fog settled about midnight. Miss Amy Tuttle of Steamboat vis ited Medford friends Monday. Tho Greater Mcdford club musical at the Page Monday afternoon netted $30. Mcmbors wero admitted freo, children flvo cents, and non-members a quarter. James McDonough of Trait spent Tuesday In Medford. William Vawter, Jr., while crank ing an auto Friday, broko tho wrist ot his right arm, and now has same In a plaster pads cast. E. M. McKeany, manager of the Pioneer Fruit company, will leave Wednesday on a month's business trip to New York. Rev. J. A. W. Sharpo of tho Freo Methodist church returned Monday from his quarterly trip in tho Inter ests of the church and reports con ditions flourishing in churches at Roseburg, Cottage Grove nnd Springfield. FRANCES AND FL0RETTE, WITH ANNA HELD AT PAGE DEC. 4. HBMOQ UkSiAsHiiBB&wHJIkDIQ ------- tB k- KKf USBWafffStJ ; JKte.yS PB----- HHLzLl Tv ...$fi!A5 KHNtfcjjflH4BuRpVJIMM vJirl! rjBNBPEr slwHIiii ? !,ffw-------------i FlN4R"flHflfiL. lp'' C3fcKHi Ml5N---t i iAAH HliV Chv .l. - jfc .! I 7fT "" - !tir JM-HBtjE-------------l F INISHED DANCERS WITH ANNA HELD SHOW NEW STEPS I'liilmliy I In1 moil mlvunooil, nill--tii iiiul I'inWioil ilniu'ois on tlio Amoiii'uii mIujji' loiluy mo "Kuturvi I iiiul I'loii'lli'," foatuiTil iitnniii llio liomllinorrt uT t!i I'i'li'liiittoil "Anni. ' Hi-lit All-Slnr Viuioto Juhlloo." wliloli i. nines l tlio I'tiRo nccvmlim1 I. (Innil lllllll'l'", i'lllll'V lllUH'04, lll'W hi vie ilnni'i'x Imvi) bei'Oiiio ii itiuoli onitlit utter pli'iiiiiri' "I'uil.' In New York niul llio fur KivMoin citioi ti ini'ii'ty mini or girl is not uonilil- i oreil nonuiil hiiIoim tliov nvo "up" on Hid lnti't Htt'H. Tlio ilcliutiiiitu, the liiuU of Now York suoioly, the not-re-, wliothor hho ho wiuilovilliiui or tniKi'ilitiiit the rioli itl uud tho uior i kiIi alike iH-o-uiir youtli, nro nil omroruosn to "cot on" to tho now iltiiH'i'4, We have no bettor intorpio. tutioiiK, no hotter portrayal of holh pttiu'tiuil looliuli' niul iiitNtli' uiiii'i' Until wo fiml In llio iiiliiii'UK of I'liin i'om nml Kloii'llo. Tim ti'iiihlo "Tmliov hot" in to ho tliiowu into iIIhomuI mill foim of "injrKliiK'' lH I" lw ilniii' nwny wllli, niul in tlit'lf pluoo come tho uioillfloil I'oiniK of llio "Tmiuo." tho "Uovoih," llm "Klmtlow." tlio "Jrmioliosloi-," llio "Slilu th'nn (llliliv' w 'IIohIimIIoii Ollilo," mul llm "SoiimiiIIoii Boinll." LONDON, Dor. I Tim 1 hilling hum polo cllih tndny challvngi'd tho Aiuci'lrmi I'ulo nssiiolntlou for a nor Ion ot iimlrlum for tho luloriiatliimil nip lo ho phi) ml In Amnrlm nort M'ur. Try MUSTEROLE For That lame Back! Rub It on briskly uintnitigii It In thoroughly, mid unto linu iiilol(ly MI'HTIlltOLi: drives out tho NtlfdnW mid HoroiioKrt, It hoivtrt a uiUHtnrd plaster seven unh, ami boHt or all, It donsn't hllstnr or burn. MOSTKROI.K Ik a I'lenu, shltn olutmont iiiado H oil ot mustard. It oomos In hmnly Mhltn glass Jam, (lot a Jar from jour drug gist today. Ml'STEROLi: Ir rorommouilod 1.n doctors nnd uiirsos. Millions ot Jar uro usod nnunlly for llrunrhltln, Croup, Htlff Nook , Asthma, Nournlgln, Cuugontldit, I'lourlHy, Ithniiuititlsm, l.iimlimio, I'uliin mid Aohos of tint lllmo or JnlnlH, HprnliiM. Hunt MumoIos, lliulsiis, Chllhlalus, Fiorilud Fi't. Colds of ChoHt (It prevent Pneumonia), At )our druggist i, In 2fio nml fie Jurs, mid u spoolnl largo hospital hUh for $'.' no Armpt uu NiiliNtltuti) If itir ilruglHt cmiiiot supply )ou, hoiiiI 2fio or ntic In the Ml'KTKItOLM Com pnny, CloM'laiid, Ohio, mul wo villi mall j on a Jar. postage (unpaid. W II Thurmond, Stockfish, Vn hidh ' Musloroli' Is tho groittost thing I 1'ior got hold of ror muscular rheumatism, arfurdlng limtmit rollof to nurn and stiff Joints mid muscles." "CASCARETS" RELIEVE SICK, SOUR STOMACH .Mow ArliN, ()a.ei nml Clongoil.up Wnsto Trtxn Stonmrli, I.Ivor, IUhu'In Ciirw ludlKo-itloii P1NDELL AGAIN CHOICE m OBITUARY. Get a 10-cent box now. That awful sourness, belching of acid and foul gases; that pain In tho pit of tho stomach, tho heartburn, nervousness, nausea, bolntlng after Died. WESTEHLUND At the residence lot hur mother, on South Laurel, Charlotte C. Wosterlund, aged- US eating, dlislnoss nnd sick headache , oars. -I months nnd "" dns, native o( moans n dlsordurcd stomach, which Swollen. Slio loaves a mother, MrJ. cannot bo regulated until you roniovo WASHINGTON, Dec. 2. The ). G. Westerlund, two bruthors, L. L tho cause. I Isn't our stomach' nomination of Henry M. Piudctl, of , Westerlund of Michigan nnd August fault. Your stomach Is as good as Peoria, Illinois, to bo ambassador t Westerlund ot liaillitgam. Wash., any. .... . .. i and two sisters, Mrs. McNctt of I Try Cascarets; they lmiuedlatoly Itussla. was sent to tho senate this ,,.,., , .. ,..,., .' , .. .. ..... . .. ... i .uicuifcuu nun .iri. n. m. viuiauis ni.cieauso mo siouincn, remove mo Hour, afternoon. This Is the second time Medfor,,. Notco of fimcrnl w, np Plndcll's nomination has boon sent tJ l(nr ntl,r tho senate, the extra session or con-' " undigested and fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess blto from the liver and carry oft tho cuiutlpatcd wasto matter nnd imUon from the appointment. Other nominations In ,iinrr.. Younir. died nt mldnlcht bowels. Then your stonmrli trouble c'uded those of George Fred Williams 'nocomi,or l ftl lhll gacred Heart ho- Is ended. A Cawarot tonight will of Massachusetts to be Jiilnlster to ,,,ta from , result of n1 operation 1 Btralsthtcn ou out by morning a to Gtcco and Montenegro, and Oral- ,,rformod Saturday. Sho was a nn-'cont box from any drug store will ton Little to bo receiver of public 'llvo of iaana( nKt.j iXf coming hora ,koep your stomach swuet; liver and with her family six years ago, and Ibowols regular for months. Don t I residing on a homestead near Urown boro. Sho lonvs-- husband, dnugh (tor, Mildred, and two sonB, William (ind Harry. Fnncral services will bo hoi 1 at tho Weeks & McGowan chapel clock Thursday morning. nt Oddfellows cemetery. Kov. W. F. Shields oflclntlng. "GOOD SHOES" nt "RIGHT PRICES" s2.5o--$:i.- -$:i.50 $i.-$-i.no J5.()() All Gradoa Pit Your Purso ns Woll as Your Foot. -al Opposite tho Post Offlco Protect Yourself I Ask for ORIGINAL GENUINE JM3jb:ZjuSSm Tkc Food Drink for all Ages Others are Imitations money at Eureka, Cal. OF FOR LIVE BANDIT' &. MM.uiaiu, lai. uec. .. I with Mcdford trado li Medford mado. VIco-PresIdent K. K. Calvin of tho ' ., ,. - Southern Pacific today authorized a $u000 roward for the capturo of tho bandit who last night robbed the assongors In a Pullman on the Suusot i Hxpress near Ios Angolea and shot ' and killed II. K. Montaguo, travelling! passengoc agent for tho railroad. STUFFED FROI COLD I'upoN Cdl ComiMiiiud" KinN Colds mul GrlpH' in IVvv Hiiiii-k TiinIcm .Mci- .it Gently forget tho children their llttlo In sides need a good, gentle rlumislug. too. Coffoo Weeks & McGowan Co ' ILNDERTAKERS Lady Asslstaut Day Phono, 2-7 Night P. W. Weeks, 103-J-a l'booM A. E. Orr 078-M BRIBERY CHARGED IN C0L- LECTI0NF0R ROAD WORK NEW YOHK. Dee 2. Madison Aldrich, a Poughkeepslo contractor. testified at District Attorney Whit man's John Dee inquiry today that he had been forced to giva up $1500 as a condition to getting his pay from tho xtato highway department for a road completed during Highway Com missioner Heel's administration. He paid the money in cash In New York, March 21, 1D1-, ho said, to Thos. Hassott, secretary to John llen sel, thou stato engineer. Hassett has disappeared. Aldrich said he gave tho money on the representation that Deputy High way Commissioner Charles Foley de manded it. Aldrich said ho received IiIh long dclaved imy March 28, came hero March 30, aud paid $1000 cash to Hassett. "Why did you pay him in cash " asked Whltmau. "I thought that was tho way to transact that sort of business" Aid rich replied. "IiUBlnesB ot bribing public offic ials?" "Well, If you want to put It thut way, yes," was tho reply, Aldrich further testified that in 1911 he made a further campaign contribution to tho democratic party through Consuulus, which never was reported. Cousaulus, who walvei Immunity, developed a poor memory when questioned. MTKX1CO CITY, Due. . 'Hint Tu.pnn Iiiul been captured by tho rehcl.4 uuri hinted in u private dis patch receiveil here toduy. There wsih no ot'tioiul confirmation of the htatcmont, which wus received with ooiihiilonihlo iloultt. lluscli to Cuptnlu CarHnIo , Your cold will brenk and all grippe misery uud after taking a doso o? "Papo'H Cold Compound" ovory two hours until three (logos nro takeu. It promptly opona clogged-up nos trils and air passages In tho head, stops nasty discharge or noso run ning, relievos slrk hendacho, dull ness, fnverlshneMs, soru throat, sneez ing, soreness and htlffuesn, Don't stay stuffed-tip! Quit blow ing and snuffling' Knso your throb bing head nothing olso In tho world CARLISLE, Pa., Dec. 1. An-'K'vmi such prompt rollof as 'Papa's nounioment was mado hero today of tho election of Elmer E. Ilusch, right guard, as captain of uoxt year's Car lisle Indian football eleven. I'uIN in HijMlncMH Suicides SAN FItANCISCO, Dec. 1. J. ICeennn, a grocor who recently failed in business committed uuicldo today by hanging hlmsolt in tho basement of his homo hero. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR SALE Spring wagon and har ness $15 00. icon W. Main. 218 Cold Compound.'' which costs only 25 conts at any drug store. It nets without QgBlBtanco, tastes nlco, and causes no Inconvenience. Accept no substitute. GUS tho Tailor MAKES SUITS TO FIT AND FIT TO WEAR "What has happened to coffee when it's, stale? It has given off part of its flavoring essence like perfume in an uneorked bottle; aud the rest has been taint ed with foreign odors. The only way to keep coffee fresh after roast ing is to pack it prompt ly into aroma-tight cans sa is done with Schilling's Best. Preserved In Its aroma; cleanly grnnulatod; 1 lb, 2 lb and 2 Yj lb cans monoybnek. My Prices Do not get tho Idea that my charges aro high Just bocauso I produce a higher grado of work than you will ordinarily got. My glasses aro good and ditpond ablo becausa thoro (s scientific knowl edgo back of them, but thoy aro well worth tho price. Thoro Is n dlfforonco all In your favor. Dr. Rickert Sulto 1-2, Qvcr Deuel's .!''', v ' S?J -tc ' r A.V INVESTMENT IX A DIAMOND Requires careful thought and tho proper confidence in firm, to warrant absolute satisfaction. To note tho proper comparison you must inspect them from a largo and woll selected stocksuch as I am ablo to show. In thla way you become thoroughly fa miliar, with values mid feel assurodiof safo and economical buy ing through my binding guarantee. iBP Fine Wutiji nml Jnvclry Itop.ililiig MEDI'OltD, OltEOO.V MARTIN J. REDDY THE JEWELER Dlmnouil Helling and En graving Done Hero Near Podtoffico BOOKS Hooks of all kinds for the children and growu-Ups Come and look over our stock. Medford Book Store Notice, all Ben Huts Don't forget tho big Box Social nnd Danco Wednes day, Docombor 3, 8 p. m. COMMITTEE. Sweaters $2.50 Auot lift Shipment of Wool Kwt'iitcrrt $2.50, $2.75, $3.00 up to $7.60 The Wardrobe "Wcul Main Street To Save a Dollar or Two a Week on Your Groceries AND TO ClFr 13VKN BETTER TMNdS THAN BEFOKI3 WOUld) HIO A GOOD "STUOK10 OK IWSrNKSS." And patrons of this store are able to do that positively. Wo nro (juotlng prlcoa on some or tho thlngii you buy ovory wook, 18 lb. Pure Cane Sugar for $1.00 (i bars of Pearl White or White Klyer Soap for 2f 25(5 package Aero Washing Powder for 15p 2f)o Cleveland Making Powder ,..,.120 fiOe Or. Prices Baking Powder 15 100 lb. Good PotatoeH for .' S1.00 ' 12 lbV Sweet Potatoes for 25d Pure Whito Flour, tho sack $1.00 7.r)c, Breakfast 'Drips (Jorn and Oane Syrup for.,55 40c Breakfast Drips Corn and Cane Syrup foivIJOtp Fouts' Grocery Co. 1M 10 AST MAIN. PJfONIO 271