pt - f ' 207 Scronrf Sfrnt Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER I-'nlr tonight anil tomorrow Mnx. IH; Mln. lit. I'lirly-thlnl Timr Dittlv KlMtilh Yr MKUKOIU), OKHCJON, Tl'KSDAY, TJKC'KMHFOIt 2, 191,'j. NO. 21 G WILSON URGES DIRECT PRIMARIES AS MEANS OF NOMINATING PRESIDENTS N MS II RFAD T Mexico Only Clout) on Foreign Hori zon and Hucrta Must GoCur rency Reform Ur(jcd Rural Cred its Advocated. Many Important Subjects Treated by President Alaskan Railroads Ad vocated. WASHINGTON', Dec. 2 - I'or the fourth tlnio Mnco hi Inauguration, l'nr,dut WHInou toitny pronally addrcMed n Joint imnloti of thu homo of reprpentntlv; nnd tomato of tho I'nllf.l Klnlcs. Tim lawiujikrrs ftnthnrod for tho ocrnnlon In tho representative' chamber, whither tho senators iimrehml, two by two, with Vlco Prc-ddcnt Marshall nmt Scrgcant-Al-Arum HlnKlim In tho Innil. President Wilson nrrlvcil nl tho raito by automobile, d deftly from tho whltn hoiun. Vlco Pruildent Marshall nml Bpenkor Clnrk had been nnincil a n committee of two to ro ndtii him. Meeting him nt tlio en trance- to tho chamber, they escorted tit hi to till plan berddo tho speakers' desk, where, nluiidlng eanlly boforo ilio Knthrlnirr mtieh, llhn a profrsnor nddrmtdiiK hln class, ho read hi mes sage In tho clear, cultured accents with which, since ho nuiimed offlro, tho lawmakors Imiu grovtu o well ac quainted. KW'iit n I'uiiiiloti Permission to tho galt-trlos of tho house was by cnril. ItoprcNoutatlvtt received olio cnrtl ouch for tho bone fit of their friends nml mutator two each. .Mont of them wero given to tho lawmnlmr' when, itniiKlitont or sinter. Legislators representing Mate In which equal rlKlitM prevail In partlriilnr wero deluged with ap plications for ticket from women votom, Thu result was Hint women fnr oiitntimliurcil men among tho specta tor. Tho orrnilou wna made illitlnctly a fnHhlonnhlu ono, magnificent gowns nml gorgeous mllllnory crontltiK a splendid show In tho galleries. Ono tho floor of tho house tho front scats wero reserved for tho motors, who worn received hy tho representatives, standing, us tho vis ItliiK upper house inomherM marched In. All kept their foot until tho tap or thu speaker's gutol wnH hunnl, ItoaiN Ills MciNiigo llo remained only long enough to finish tho massago, bowod courtcnim ly to tho legislators, loft tho clinmhnr, escorted, an lm had untorod, hy Mar shall and Clark, nml motorod hark to thu oxocutlvo mansion, Ho imltl In part: Tho country, I nm thankful to say, Is at police, with nil tho world. Moro nud moro readily do tho nations mnnl- (Continued on Page 3) PARIS, Dee. 2. Tim niliniiiiHtrn Uoii'r iuooniu tux )litn wum ttofuntod in I ho (liuuilu'r of deputies thin niter noon hy n vote of 21)0 to 2(15. Tho riiliiiict, uh in eiiHlomiu'y when Hh polieioH nru voted down bv thu luw niiikeiH, iiniueilintel.v lOidKiied. RESERVATION EXPENDITURES RECOMMENDED BY LANE WASHINGTON, ot)e. 2. Tho hco rotury of tho interior loduy reported to coiiki'ohs tho following e.xpoiidi turoH for tho liHt fiHcnl your in the luuttor of timlior mid ludinu ruboivu tioim: , Klnmnth, $0,707 , Rohehurfr. 4-200; Siletz, $1,230) Umatilla, $1,880.17; .Warm SprinuB, $7,331.70. IN llll SESSION IIAILKO AS TIIK NKW MAN OF MEXICO. "VHh ill rB rnKiwP 'immmTmWS '7MmmmmV3mT?' W& ' v vw i I- -1 ii 1 1 1 iii LinniwMMiwr vtkb m QfQ Tvl-svijHiiiiiiiBHiHftLK' IBSiliiiiiiiib'i3n OnHEllAT. TANCItO VII.T.A. STRIKE GUN PLAY KILLS 1 , WOUNDS 4 AT INDIANAPOLIS: INDIANAPOMS, in.! . !.. 2. In iiiMirt of llio tiuiihtorr' wnlkout it wiih niiiiotineed IIiia nflenioou (lint n ;eiiern triko hy every union work ing man nml woiuhii in ludiannpoli will lm linked nt n inrcliiie of the elty'ri eeiitrul Inhor hody tiHiixlil. (Inn riKlitiiiK hroko out hero ludny in eoiiiii-etiou with tho teutiiBtoiV Hlrike. One mini wiih killed mid four were injured hy hiilletH. Tliu hIioIh wore fired lv nniii'd Htrikrlireukerx depu tired at (.peoinl polieemeii. Of the vietiiim Cliiudo Willhitiw, u ueKro, who wax hliiiu, Imd uoiliiu to do with tho Ktriko lint hnppeiied to ho lookiiii; on when the fusilliide Im'kiiii. Tho four wounded men wete strik intr lenuiHteiH. Ale Znliini nud !. II, Muhnu, )dt rexpeotivelv in thu jaw nud ueelc, were tho inn-t Korinucly liurt. llolli wero white, Tho Htrikelirenkerx, rtx in uumhei, wero uuliuidiiiu' u nonunion io uukoii JiinI before tho oiieounler. A erowd Kittherod uhout (hem urn! uudouhledly tlunkiiii; they wero uhout to bo at tacked, all tix opened fire. POHTI.AND, Oro Dee. 2. Sclioil- ulog or tho Imlobtmlnrsa and nssotB of tho Trnll I.umbor company o( Mod ford, which wont Into Involuntary bankruptcy ' November 7, wub filed hero today in foilornl court, llablll tUH nro kIvou nt $11,177 nnd ndtfots MKM ELM 0 RANTS' PASS, Oio Pee. 2. K. T. JfoKiiihtry wiih eleotcd mayor of GrnntH J'iihh at ycsU'iday's eleo- tloit by u Jiiajority of threo voted over A. A. Porter. Only 1,071) of a possible 2,000 votes wore oust in tho" city, thoio heiiiK no iumie in tho earn-paij;u. VILLA TAKES ABOUT OCCUPYING CHIHUAHUA CITY I'.r. PASO, Texas Dee. 2.-(leneral Villa heemed to b takiiii; lu tum to day nboul oceupiiiK Chihunbua city. how doHerled, neeordlnt; to all lie counts bv its federal iiirrioii, nud it wan tho Keneral iinprocoion that ho wiih in communication with Gcu craf Carian.a with n iow to effect im; n conceiilmtion of nil mailable rebel forces (hero preparatory to an udvnnco on .Mexico City. lire-ident HuertaV forces throuch- out Chihunliua were disintegrating thin afternoon, The rebeU controlled tho entire fitatc. Colonel Medina, who commanded in diinrer. while General Villa was waning tho buttle of Tiorni Plnnea. wna nrrenled hero to.!ay charged with violutiui; the neutrality law. Medina wiiuted to neizo (be Mores for tho rebels' benefit. Villa ob jected and carried hi point. There upon Medina came hero nud ivns locked up on an old charge. General Cnrrniixn was expected to moo the ivhoU' provisiouul capital from Ilermohillo to Junreis Sunday SUFFRAGISTS FEAR STATE SECESSIONS WASHINGTON, Doc. 2. Leadens of I lu. national suffragists' conven tion hero today feared tho secession of hcvera! state organization uh a result of a fight over the now con stitution which in its changed form provided for tin assessment nystom by which each slato is required to pledge a fixed sum, according lo its size, for tho benefit of the national body. Opponents of tho plan wanted to stick to tho old method of voluntary contributions. Nevertheless tho com mittee engaged in considering the matter reported at tho forenoon ses sion in fivor of tho change. Dr. Anna Shaw, Mrs. Carrie Chap man Call, Miss Juno Addams, Con gressman Raker and other suffrag ists wero sehoduled for speeches to- 'day. Tho aiiti-suffragisls wero to havo thru innings 'lhursdny, Wlnthrop Amoa and his associates will announce tho winning play In the prlzo contost about Docombor 1. Tho namo of tho author, howovor, will bo withheld until tho play Iiob boon pro duced. TIE FEDEMIS KN CAPITAL GAIE Mexico City Shows Signs of Panic When News cf Desertion of Chi huahua by Federals Without Wait ing for Rebel Attack, is Received I Huerta's Trcops Unpaid and in State of Semi-Revolt Villa Hastens South. WASMINflTON, f)ec. 2. There was almost a panic In .Mexico City to day "following receipt of news that tho federal garrison had evacuated Chihuahua City without waiting to flRht tho robols. (Jcncral Villa was reported concen trating tho rebels to move from Chi huahua City on to tho capital. Many thought Mexico City would fall as easily as tho Northern Mexi can metropolis. I iironflrmciJ reports wero current that tno federals had evacuated Mazatlan and Uuaymoa too. Admiral Craddock. Ilrltlsh, paid a short vUlt to Presldunt lluorta. Tlio vlf of Manael Madero, a roll tlvrt of tho Into president, to bo tried In Mcxleo City, on 'sedition charge, appealed to Chargo d'wVffalrcs O'Khaughnossy to savo her husband. A military court was expectod to try Antonio Caballoro at llermoslllo, charged with plotting a rorolt against the rebels. (cueral Vila! tried to put Max Wobor, German consul at Juarez, on record by demanding that ho sur render General Cnntro, a federal fugi tive supposed to bo sheltered at the consulato but Wubcr sblstepped, say ing Castro was not there. PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 2. A tem porary order restraining tho city of Portland from attempting to enforce tho ordinance enacted by tho city commission Novombcr 0 requesting street car companies to sell tlckou calling for six car rides for twonty- flvo cunts, wob Issued by United States District Judgo Dean today on appli cation of tho Portland Hallway, Light and Power company. Mayor Albco and other city offi cials wero cited to appear In court December S to show causo why a por munont Injunction should not bo Id sued. Tho ordinance which was to havo gone Into effect Docombcr G, la at tacked on tho ground that It vio lates two provisions of tho federal constitution. POIITLAND, Ore., Dee. 2. J. T. Williamson of La Grande, a veteran in tho abstracting and timber buying business in that section, was tho gov ernment s strongest witness in the testimony that has been so far intro. duced regarding the Union county holdings of tho Oregon Inland Devel opment company, tho president and general manager of which, Frank Itichet and J. T. Conway, aro on trial- in federal court charged with fraud ulent uso of tho mails. Williamson testified in regard to sovoral sections of tho areas purchased by C. H. llib- bard for the Oregon Inland Develop. meat, all of which Wtllium&oii char acterized as too high, too frosty or too rocky for fruit lund. 1N INJUNCTION U FARE MRS. HETTY GREEH A MmmtMJW Sfl"SKBfMMMM B""B""""""M""pf-"f -dK. .TBKrij fBJBJBJBBJBJK'tBtk. " v FHBJr fBJBJBJBJBJBJH mmWJMmmmmm . . WpfUmMmWrnm &WiMmmWfMW'wrM mmwStfm M&UmWWwrJF'mt w.:?mt' JaT 'Mb mm 'tmmuummsw' 'mutmmnf S ..r ' - .... .. -- W:y Mrs.'llctty Green hns just passed Green oes to her office nearly every another birthday, and this is n pc'-lay t" lk fler hu investment of , i. . i .... ........ i .!hcr $o0,000,000, most of which she ture of her a? she was snapped on . N : ,' '. .. . , .. , ,...,, , I has made by judicious lending of the way to tho Park National bank , moncy to corporations and brokers in New York, where she hns rn of- i Xcw York. She ha not yet thought fiee, the dny she became 78. Mrs. 'of retiring. SCHOONER ON REEF POUNDS 10 PECES CffiW U AHKHDEEN, Wn., Dec. 2. After all hope of saving the vessel had been abandoned the Wcstport life saving crew early today removed Captain Anderson and crew from the four- mnster schooner Halboa, which was- caught in tho hcay s.urf outside the north jetty nnd driven nshoro early yesterday morning. The vessel wn. out of its course. Tho lhilbon will probably bo a total los. Tho schooner was sighted late Sun- day evening beating south toward tho harbor entrance and finally ctruo than 100 feet from the jetty. Tho Halboa had just arrived off tho harbor from Callao. For many hours doubt existed as to whether tho stranded vessel was tho Halboa or tho lvpiuln, a sister ship, which arrived off shore at the same time. JNE SALT L'AKE CITY, Utah, Doc. 2. Though denso smoko and sulphur, wet gunpowdor, cayonno poppor and for maldehydo fumes hart been pouring Into tho Utah-Apex mlno for more than fourton hours, Kalph Lopez, Moxlcan soxtuplo iifurdorer, was allvo Insldo tho workings as lato at any rato as 2 a. in. today as could Lo told by his hammorlngB on an alrptpo which outers tlio mine, In response to tho tappings on tho pipe by hU be- slogers on tho outsldo. To later rapplngs ho mado no ro ply. Whether or not this indicated, tat ho had succumbed, tho besiegers woro uncortaln. TJioy took no risks but coutlnuod to food their flro at tho only unsealed entrance to thu nluo. T 78 YEARS OF AGE. kfusisisisisisv3rw4rii sasisisisfcf W -tw - K J HELD UP ESPEE LOS AKOI3I.ES, Cnl., Dee. 2. Almost the entire force of the sher iff's office here today is engaged in a ninn hunt. The quarry is u youth ful bandit who Inst night robbed the passengers of the Southern Paeifie Sunset express of $750 in money nnd jewelry and shot and killed Horace . Montague, a traveling passenger agent. Tho man boarded tho train at Po mona, lie did his work quickly nnd twenty minutes Inter dropped off at El Monto. ' Vice President Calvin of the Southern Pacific in San Francisco authorized ait offer of ?o,000 reward for tho bandit's capture. Sheriff llammel personally is lead ing a posse this afternoon in the foothills near Monrovia. Ho believes tho bandit is tho man who robbed several mail trains near San Fran cisco recently. Xenr Amarillo another posso is searching for a suspect who fled from A. O. St. George, a rancher, nnd disappeared in tho direction of El Monte. Tf PRICE . OF STOCKS NRW YORK. Doc. 2. Slight In creases in most of tho favorlto stocks marked tho opening of tho stock mar ket today. After the first fow min utes of trading prices roso gonerally above yesterday's closo, Canadian Pacific gaining a full point. Such leaders as Union Pacific, Steol and Heading nUo gained a point. Lator concentrated buying of coal shares caused tho bears to run to cover, llonds wero strong. Tho market closed actlvo. MAN N HR 1 BN 10 INITIATIVE BILL COTS OFF PAY OF I ;i II I NCI m Petition in Circulation AmemJInf Section 18 of City Charter to Re move Salaries from Mayor and Members of Medford's Council. Participation In City Contracts Made Malfeasance in Office and Pun ished by Removal. Citizens of Medford, exasperated at the extravaganco obtaining In muni cipal affairs, have Initiated a charter amendment to bo submitted at tho city election In January, and aro cir culating petitions for slicnatures. to an act to amend section 18, taking tho salaries off mayor and council. The act not only prohibits the draw ing of salaries, but follows tho pres ent charter and prohibits council- men from selling sunnlles to tha.cltr which is ruthlessly violated at thb present time and makes violation malfeasance punishable by removal from office. The act reads as follews: Tho people or tho city of Medford do ordain, that icetlnn tflnf th .hr. Iter of tho city of Medford, Oregon, , be, and tho sarne hereby Is, aorideT", so as to read as follews: . Section 18. 'Neither tho mayor. nor any councilman of tho city of Medford, Oregon, nor tho president of tho council, shall rocelve any salary or compensation for any sorv-. Ices performed by them, or any of them, nor shall such mayor, council man, or president of tho council, bo.' o party to, or Interested directly or Indirectly In any contract to which satu city is a party, or In which It has an interest, or ovor which it ha supervision or control. If any such mayor, councilman or president of the council, shall draw- any salary or rccolvo any compensa--tlon for his services as Buch, or bo. directly or indirectly Interested in. or a party to, any such contract, they shall bo guilty of malfeasance In offlco. nnd shall forfeit such oflfco Provldod, that when tho mayor or any councilman Is required to per form special 6r extraordinary serv ices, not strictly within his duties, as such officer, ho shall bo reimbursed for any money actually expended by hlni in such service, the claim thoro for to be audited and passed upon os other claims against said city. OF SACItAMENTO, Cn!.. Doc 2. Chris Evans who In tho nineties de fled tho sheriffs ot Tularo and Fresno counties for many months and had a. thrilling career in eluding and bat tling with them, was again at tho gov ernor's offlco today, petitioning' for a pardon, llo had come down from Portland, Oregon, where he was per mitted to go ro bo with 'his turnlly when parolod from Folsom prison, about a year ago and lu making earn est plea that ho bo pardoned' In or der that he may accopt a position -as city watchman, "1'vo been working lu a lumber yard, but I'm getting too old for suck heavy labor," said. Kvana as held up an aim trembling with palsy and the stump ot anothor which was shot away In his final battlo with pursuer. "1 don't want tp bo dependent on my children; I don't want to be' depend ent on anyone. "I want to tako cara of my wifa and our crippled child and durlue tho fow years thut temaln for me I want to bo a fret) man, "I didn't rob tho train as I wu accused of doing. Thau.8Mtati brothers comltted that crime.'1 "' ' CHRIS EVAN ASKS PARDON HIRAM "; r i1 1 t-ij ,v A