Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 01, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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07 Sccui s!St l
Medford Mail Tribune
I'nlr tonight and tomorrow
Max. IHj Mln. 2(1.
forty. tlilrrt Tr,
Dnlly ICIhIiIIi Yimr.
NO. 215
m' i m i ' --,. -- ' M , , -s 0t3QlOJBBr
Hh iK-b " " k a v r livi i-k. ra a.m v
..iaiUTT:2s-r- :l&r POLICE ARMED ;
THa AMBRIGW BArttESHlK Of F VERA CRfpgWg '4 I U DC H li 0 1 I IlnL
- - g-.: JH AT NMNAPH R
Most Important Lcylslnllvc Proijrnm
In Years Interest Centers In Ap
pearanco of Wilscn Tomorrow to
Read His Annual Message.
WASHINGTON, Dee 1 CmiKruim
convened ut noon today for the regit
lnr. or "Iuiik" svstloii. It faced tlio
iiiont Important legislative program
In )cr, Interest ci'iituroit In thu
appearance tomorrow of President
Wilson before n Joint session to road
IiIh uiiiiuiiI message.
Legally, thu event marked tlio ad
vent of tlio "second" session of tlio.
03rd congress. Practically, tlio ex
tra i.osslon liipttnl Into tlio regular
mHloti. Final preparations for re
ceiving. I'ri'Hlilunt Wilson tomorrow
wero innito. It wiyt curtain tlio presi
dent woulit deal principally with tlio
necessity for regulation of nlant cor
porations. .xilot Commit (cc
Tottny practically tlio only business
transacted by tlio suuuto ami hoimo
iih to npiolnt commltU'ON to notify
ouoli oilier uiul iinotlior to notify tlio
prtHlili'iit Hint thu coiiKroHfl hail ro
atiNutnliloil. Itcnl work will IickI'i
Wuiliicsilny whon tlio mointo wilt tal.o
up llio"llutcli-ll(itiliy" lull,
llfforo thu Iioiibo mloH coiiunlttoo
lii'iirliiKH will lioKiui of orKunltntlon
of i upoclnl "woiuun HiiffrnRO com
inltlDo." Tlio "nilniliiUtrnlluii" enr
ronry bill will bo tnkon up by tlio mm
ato Into thH wuok or oarly noxt. Tim
tmnato will voto Dorombor hIx on tlio
"llotcli-llotcliy" bill nml thon prob
ably alto up tlio currency bill, l'ro
HpcciH nro for piiHHnito of tlio curroiicy
mi'iimiio within 00 or UU ilayu. Tlio
Alaulinu rntlroad bill will como up
noxt Moudny li) tlio uonato, butjirob
ably will bo pitHfiud ovor to contluuo
uiirroury iIIhcudbIou, Adjounimont
of coiiKroHu Doc, 11), until January 5
for tlio holiday In phiuiuul,
llcuvy Ntliciliilo I'ropoNoil
KacliiK coiiKroHu tlila wlntor Ih nil
uiitmually "buuvy" no!iodiilo. Twolvo
roKUlnr nnd aovoral upoclal npproprlu
tlou lilllu iiiuul bo pnsaud. Truat
icKUlutloii and umoudmout of tlio
Hhormaii liiw will bo tnkou up by tlio
liouvo Judiciary coiiunlttoo. Movu
intuit for coiiKroKHlonal IuvchIIkuIIoii
of tlio copper Htrllio at Calumet,
Midi,, and tlio Colorado coal utrlko
wiih ronowod today,
ItoporlH from tlio hoiiiKo mid liouao
"lobby," luvoHtlcatliiK commlltcoH nro
oxpoctcd noon. Uoforiu of tlio nu
tlunal ImnkliiK luwH, iih an acljum;t to
tho curreuoy bill, uluo e1 uidor wuy
Departmental Estimates Sent to Con
(jress Medford Given $24,000 on
Postofflce Large amount for Or
egon Rivers and Harbors.
WAHIIINdTO.V, Dor. J. It win
cohI iino billion, ouu hundred nml
rilit million nml n- few odd Hkmih
miilft of dollar to run (ho V. S. nnv
crmiiciit umU'r llm democrutic econ
omy roKiino in 11U5, uccordiutr to do
imrliiH'iilnl untiumtcH Hiilmulti'd o
coiiiohh today liy Secretary of tlio
Treasury .McAiloo. Tlio pruuiiif
kuifo wiih thoroughly npplied to tho
figure with tho remilf that, thoupi
tho uoNernuicnt liiixiucHK will ho
much viihter in 1111.1, the cHtimntcx
call for only uhoiit .l 1,0(10,000 uioio
limn wiih uppropiiiitcd for 1IUI.
Tho tnlul cfttimntcx, iiicliulinj;
.f;itltl,ll.r:i,117 for tho postal .eriei
(imyiihlo from postnl revenue) call
for 4-1,108,(181,777.02, n niinst
I,7l,:i0r,8tH.7: nppropriated for
11)1 1.
IViihIohn Slimv Cut
Wlioro in other ourx tho ppiision
roll Iiiik urowu hv enormous leaps,
lliix .Neiu'ri ehtimiilo callri for mora
Hum .fl 1,(100,000 cut. Tho total cs
liuialo U .fl (HI, 1 .".0,0110, us iiKiiiiiHt
Tho ilepnrliiieut of labor, which
Iiiih complained of tho pinch of pin-
Preparations Made to Stop Violence
by Bloodshed If Possible by New
Mayor In .Effjift. to Crush Team
sters' Strike fieup Complete.
Forty-Fifth Decision Against Traffic
Lines by Supreme Court, Which
Upholds tho Right of States to
Creato Railroad Commissions.
(Continued on I'"Ko Plvo.)
WASHINGTON', Doc. J.- (liniit
inu of "lijjhtoraKO nllowaiiccs," do
uoiiucod by inilrondH iih rchalcri, wax
ileohirotl alid holo today ly tho
lnitcd Slates Kiipremo court, which
affirmed tlio United Slates commerce
courl'ri dPoibiou, enjoining tho ordor
of tho lutoiHtiilo coinmoroo continU
bion oidoriiiK u ucbHatiou of tho
Tho decrco wiih considered a Vio
lory for thu Arhucklo Siifrnr com
puny in tho fio-cullcd Hiipir lighter
ii(jo caho iiistilutoil hy tho Federal'
Siikiii' ItofiuiiiK oompauy. Tho conn,
however, rofiiKcil to dooido whether
tho IIkIiIi'I'iiku ullownnccrt fell within
tho provision of tho "commodities
clause" of tho interstate commerce
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. Kcu-
tucky'ri ma.imum fieicht ralo law
was nppnivcd, la effect, hero today
hy tho United States supreme court
iu n tet htiit lirouht by the I.ouiri
villo d Nashville rnilmad. Tliju de
cision ivnffirmed tho rislit of staten
to create railroad commihHioiiH with
tho jKiwor to fix intni-Mnto rates.
While the hiiprcme court did not
directly tleolnro tho inaximum freight
law vanlid, it nffinncd the dcciidoti
of tho ICcntueky court.
Tho Kentucky rate ease was the
luM of thu forty-fivo so-called "rail
road rate cnhcn" betoro tho court,
forty-four ol which wero decided liibt
June !iKiiiint Iho rnilromls, beuiiiuinir
with tlio famous Minnesota case.
Itmtioo lluj-lics framed tho decisioim
in tho former ciisen, which nroso from
Miniii'Mitu, ArknusiiH, Missouri, Ore
koii ami Wet Virginia. In all the
rijilit of Rtao railway commissions to
rcKiilato iiilra-state rates, althoufen
they iiiuideulallv affected inerstate
rates, until conurcHrf acted otherwise,
was maintained by the court. Au
thority of htalo railway conimis
bions to rcKulnto their inlm-stato
rates was sipiarely raised in tho Ken
lucky case of today. The Kentucky
federal courts upheld tho "state's
right,1' dootriuo in tho trial holow.
Tho statu railmad conuiiis.sion of
Kentucky was created under tho
'MoChord" net, a state law passed
in 1000, as drawn hy Interstate
Coinnioroo CoiiuiiisMoner MoChord.
It kiivo tho btato commission power
to "fix reasonable rates and enforce
rchlitution of ovorolinrKOft'' upon
strictly iiitra-stnte I rut tie.
Nicaraguan Government Withdraws
Extradition Request, Satisfied If
Former President Leaves Country
Carried In Trunk to Escape.
Indianapolis Veterinary Surgeon Held
Up to Jury as a Monster of Im
morality in Opening Statement In
Trial for Murder of Dr. Knalie.
WASHINGTON, Dee. 1. Slmul
taneous with the onenini; at noon to
day of tho regular bcsMou of con
Kii'hS, the fotly-fifth uuuiial conven
tion of tlio Amoricuu Woman Suff
rage association hcpin with Or. Aii'vi
Howard Shaw piof.i(IInj. Fully 1000
deloijalee, representln? every ututo iu
the Union, weio present..
WASHINGTON. Dec. 1. Through
its leual reprcsenlatives here, the
Nicaraguan Koverninent today with
drew its reiitioot for the extrudition
of ex-l'rcsident Jose Santos Zelnva.
The Niearncuan lawyers told So
licitor JospdIi W. Folk of the state
department they would ho satisfied
if tho United States deported the ex
proMdent to his home in Harccloua,
Spain. From tlio fact that the ex
tradition application was withdrawn,
it was surmised that miiuo such
pmmiso was civcu.
The application, as tiled, dm rued
Zelaya with Murdering two Niearai;
unns during his term of office. It
was believed, however, that what he
really was wanted for was the kill
ing of two Americans, Grace and
Cannon, executed In Nicaragua while
ho was dictator of that country.
The final guess today was that iue
Nicnrnguaii goverumont suspected he
was in New York, whore ho was ar
rested, to cook up a plot for another
descent on tho little republic and
wanted either to get him into its own
hands or scare him out of tho hem
isphere. When ho hoard tho extradition
wnrrant was out for him, Zelaya hnd
himself carried into a friend's New
York npartment in a trunk. The pol
ico found and arrested him, how
ever, held him for somo time, in a
cell and then turned him over to
the federal authorities, who locked
him up in tho Tombs, whence he was
subsequently released hy virtue of a
habeas corpus proceeding.
:$2000 1 F0R1VI0LATI0NS
United States supreme court nffinn
cd today tho ;'J000 fiuo imposed hy
the federal court at Buffalo, N. ".,
upon tho Lackawanna railroad for
violation of tho "commodities clause"
of tho inteilato commerce net. The
company admitted transporting hay
to ho sold to its own initio Atahles at
fioranton. hut challenged the validity
of tho clause.
SHKLBYVILLE, Ind., Dee. 1.
Opening with n scathing denuncia
tion of Dr. William II. Crnin, well-to-do
head of an Indianapolis vet
erinary college, as a monster of im
morality, Attorney Euh Ininnn this
afternoon demanded Craig's life, n?
murderer of Dr. Helen Knnhe, tho
hnndsomo young woman physician
found dead in her apartments iu In
dianaxdis, about a year ago, with
her throat cut from car to ear.
Tuman, a prominent Indiana crim
inal lawyer engaged by IudinuapolK
women's clubs, with several of which
Dr. Knnhe was connected, to aid the
prosecutor, iu tho Craig case, prom
ised tin jury to prove Hint tho pris
oner killed the woman during a (puir
rel, which followed his announcement
that ho did not menu to keep his
pledge to marry her.
That Craig has wronged many wo
men under promise of matrimony,
which ho subsequently repudiated,
was Jumna's assertion.
"Wo know of ono high school gi i
among his victims," declared the at
torney, who, when she asked him to
take her as his wife, as ho had said
he would, received tlio answer: 'I will
pay in cash.' "
The samo thing happened in the
ense of another girl with whom no
offered to compromise. This girl
turned up mysteriously in Florida
just heforo this trial opened.
"Craig watched Dr. Knnhe when
she was unawaro of it. Ho peered
iu at her windows nightly. .Finally
they quarrelled and he killed her."
Rumors Rife Regarding Dictator's.
Condition and Wrreafets HH
. Seen for Three Days BritfsH Ad
mfra Visits Capital.
NKW YQKK, Dec. 1. Tlio filing if
tho government suit against tho
American Can trust Saturday brougtit
sharp losses to its stock when the
market opened today, tho common
dropping 1-4 nnd tho preferred tl-l.
Fatly changes in prices, except i
drop of 1 11-4 iu L. & N., weio nar
row. Canadian l'acifio exceptional-ly-
roso 1. '
Later Iho toiio improved, Now Hn
n leading tho rise. Al noon the
prominent share wmo oif again.
Mnyor Shank deposed ns too friend
ly to labor nnd in his place ns act
ing imivor, Comptroller Wallace,
pledged to uphold capital's catie, In
diana)olis employers were prcpnred
to dcnl sternly with the tenmstcr'
strike, which began here today.
Mounted policemen surrounded the
wagons innnned hy strike-breakers,
which began starling out from scores
of business houses, nfter tho short
ticup of teaming during the earlier
hours of the forenoon. Crowds of
strike sympathizers surged ahont the
wagons, trying to persuade Iho driv
en! to (piit, hut tho polico charged
recklessly among them, hurling men,
women ami children aside, knocking
somo down and making many ar
rests. Policemen on fool carried long
night sticks with which thev battered
every head in sight in their efforts
to prevent street gathering.
Special deputies swarmed every
where and Acting Mnyor Wallace
served warning mat Iik men were
under orders to shoot to kill as soon
as thev deemed the Use of firearm
necessary to quell violence,
Xoveitheless there were employers
who showed signs of anxiety. In
several iiislauces nonunion team
sters were not allowed to unload coal
at shops whore union men were em
ployed, the owners fearing they
would precipitate htrikes of their
own forces. Thorn wero business
men, too, who would uot allow their
teams to be taken out, fearing violence.
Tho Commercial Vehicle Protec
tive association issued u Mutomont
this nfteinoou declaring the strike
unjustifiable ami arguing that the
majority of teamsters in tho city
wero nouunlonists.
Tho circuit court will resume iis
sessions Tuesday morning nfter Rio
Thanksgiving recess. Thu ei(so of
II. C. Kentuor, tho last on tho crim
inal docket charged with tho em
bezzlement of $.-)000- from tho II. C,
Kcuttier company, with which hu was
formerly connected, will bu called.
Upon tho completion of this trial, tho
civil docket will begin.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. It was
reported In .Mexico City today that
President Huorta was dead.
It was also reported that ho had
gono to Vera Cruz.
It was stated officially that ho was
Those who know him best wero
sure he was atlll In tho capital, per
fectly well, but too drunk to tran
sact business or sco visitors.
Mexico City newspapers onado tho
most of tho fact that Admiral hu
Christopher Craddock, British, was
Craddock at Capitol ,
Craddock, howover, said ho camo
to seo Kngllsh Minister Sir Lionel
Carden, not Iluorta; did not know IC
ho would seo tho lattor, and would
only seo him unofficially If ho did.
American C h a r g o d'Affalros
O'Shaughnessy, at Mexico City, an
nounced tho United Stnteshad under
taken to protect Japanese residents
Tho Mexican rebels coutlnuod to
gain ground and tho Washington ad
ministration thought Huerta's gov
ernment would faco a crisis In lestt
than a week.
Mexican Foreign Minister Mo
henu, returned from Vera Cruz to
Mexico City without seeing John
Llnd, who was not expected back
from Tamplco until this afternoon.
Halo iu Washington
General Agullar, rebel leader In'
tho Tuxpuu-Tamplco oil region, re
newed his pledge to Admiral Fletcher
to protect foreign lives and property.
At Philadelphia tho battleship Mon
tana, the torpedo boat Uoo and tho
transport Hancock wore bolng pre
pared to sail, presumably for Mexi
can waters, and somo persons thought
tno battleship Mississippi would go,
William Bayard Halo, who cou
forrod with (Soneral Carratua, got
back to Washington, talked with Sec
rotary Bryan und was expected to
seo Prosldont WIlsou later.
NKW YOKIC, Dee. 1, The veil
iug World published todtiy u Mexico
City dispatch declaring thut Presi
dent Huertn secretly loft thu Mexiwti
cupital'for Voru Crux Sunday morn-
iiitt traveling by thu' luter-OeeanUi
. n
' l
'' '