Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 29, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Owing to the storm, Attendance nt
the Hospital Fnlr was small Frlilny
night but thoso who cnmo woro all
ranald by tho special concert.
Mention bad been inn do ot tho first
npnonrnnco of tho noguo River Val
loy ripping. They certainly justified
tho name and It describes them ac
curately. Their voices, blending in
perfect harmony In Old Mlnck Joe,
Is something to bo remembered.
Their lullaby was n dreamy thing
that every ono enjoyed, though, ow
ing to tho position of tho balcony
from which they sang, their voices
did not carry well.
Tho duet by Josephlno Hoot and
Carollno Andrews was beautiful, giv
ing both their voices a wldo range.
Thcso charming stngors wcro greatly
William Vawtcr'o baritone solo
was a wonderfully pleasing selection,
showing his volco at its best. In
depth nnd richness ot tono as welt as
In volume this young singer Is prov
ing tho many flattering things pre
dicted for him.
Zatdco the wonderful Egyptian
braved tho storm to bring peace and
light to thoso who needed her help.
Tho dnlnty Fnnchon pitched her tent
besldo 7-aldee's and many who wished
to know how tho cards would fall
for them sought her. Shllk Al Abra
ham In his pagan glory stood without
tho tents and parted tho supplicant
from their coin.
They will all bo there tonight again
and It is your last chanco to meet
these wonderful wanderers from a
desert land.
Tho danco tonight is to havo a
special orchestra beginning at 8:30
and Mr. Den Sheldon who has cbargo
of tho floor promises that all tho
peaches and pippins ot tho valley of
tho Itoguo will bo there.
Tho services of Mr. Geo. E. Boos
of Good Itoads fanio havo been se
cured to auction off tho articles re
maining In tho booths. There will
bo merriment In plenty and goodly
bargains too. Bo sure to como and
bring your friends that you may aid a
little in making tho last night ot the
fair a success.
Mrs. J. F. Rcddy as chairman of
tho fair management, has been un
tiring In her efforts to sccuro aid for
tho hospital through this undertak
ing, and tho hospital needs aid badly.
Equipment and maintenance are both
very costly. Expenses go on Just
tho samo whether there arc four pa
tients or forty. An engineer and his
assistant must bo retained surgical
appliances and tho thousand and one
things such an institution uses must
bo purchased whether tho patients
are charity ones or pay their way.
Fifteen hundred dollars nlono Is
needed to properly equip tho second
surgery, not to mention tho furnish
ing ot almost twp entire floors.
Nearly every merchant In tho town
has contributed money and supplies
to tho fair management.
What wo need most, however, is
co-operation in tho proper attitude ot
mind in regard to a worthy charity
whose work among us is crippled
by lack ot funds.
want to rmss it on to you, Governor
tyst, nml to you, members ot llie
county court, ntnl to you public
spirited citizens of this progressive
county, ns nn earnest token of the
pcrvleo wliieli lies wllhin your power
nnd which I know you will diligently
iinrfiinii. n cnrvlm. tit vmitSiMvn. In
'your neighbor, to your stnto nnd to
"TtivW Judge
Governor West wns firsl intro
duced and Irs first remark wns Hint
the occasion was rt tribute to i!i
"tireless" county court, which rally,
refcrrinc to Judge Tov Velio's auto
tiro experiences with cerlniu disap
pointed contractors, evoked much
enthusiasm. The Governor mnde n
strong, strntght-from-tlic-shouldcr
tnlk, pledging his support to net n
Inrgo stntc-wide crfort for etioo
ronds there inaugurated, nnd appeal
ing to nil to mllv stronu!v
to the support of the stnto nnd the
county officials who were standing
firmly nnd unswervingly mrnms,
graft nnd extravagance in public e.
"Public contracts have been the
rich picking of crooks the country
over for years. Some of them arc
J learning that thov are utt ncnint
i a new order of things in Oregon to
! day. They had a recent lo-son in
, Jnckoon county. You citirciw do
your part in supporting vour honest
public servants in their fight ngnmst
these pirates and we'll get one dol
lar's worth of work for every dolln
The Governor's remarks were fre
quently interrupted by Iionrlv np
plnne nnd tho enthusiasm which !
reference to the attempt to influence
Major Howlliv nnd Judge Ton Voile
evoked showed the strong feeling of
the gathering.
Howard Shares Honors
Mr. J. S. Howard, father of Moo
ford, and the original good roads en
thusinst of Jackson county, shared
tho honors with Governor Wel and
Mr. Hill. He $oke briefly nrg'ng
Governor West to see to it Hint the
state give Jackson county the sup
port to which her initiative nnd en
ergy entitled her.
Tho spenking wa concluded by
Editor Bert Greer of Ahlnnd, who
mnde n stirrinc anneal of .wwirt li
our county court and Major Howlbv,
in their determination to protect pub
lic expenditures under their ehnigc.
His romnrks were few, but strong
ami clean cut and furnished a fitting
climax to a most enthusiastic nud
successful occnioii,
Mr. Hill lot"! Inst night for Wash
ington, 1). 0., en route to Kuropo.
Governor West and H. IC l.nwson,
superintendent of the stnto peniten
tiary, who came down to look into'
the proposed establishment of a con
vict camp to accomodate over 100
convicts who will cut out nhotit a
mile of heavy rock work on the Sisla-!
you grade not included in the con.
tract recently let, returned to Salem
last night. I
The sninn generous spitit that en
abled Medford to send over JI0 mittw
on a three-day trip 'to Crater l.nke
a year ago in entertaining many Km
ropean and American geographers,
and which repented, on n slightly
smaller scale this summer in taking
delegates from tho American lloton
ical society to tho lake, and which
brought the party of HO hall players
and friends from Ashland to Mod
ford in autos last week, was strongly
in evidence and the commit too had no
difficulty in providing autos for nil.
Those who contributed machines
wcre: Clias. Gates, l'erry Ahcrnft.
Wm. I.eever, ,1. A. Wesletlund, Judge
Tov Velio nnd lien Sheldon.
Tho party milking the trip from
Medford included Sninul Hill, Gov
ernor Oswald West, J, S. Howard, II.
IC. Lawsou, Supt. Hlnto penitentiary,
Wlni. (,'olvig, lioht. Kuhl, Judge V.
Tov Velio, 11. h. Hnwlliy, stale high,
way engineer, Wm. I.eever, Senator
II. Von dor llellen, J. A. Westerluud,
Dr. .1. M. Keeuc, W. II. Gore. W 1.
Vawlor. Or. K. It I'lokel, Geo. K.
Noon, Honj. (.'. Sheldon, Alfred S.
Carpenter, Stewnit Patterson, W, 11.
Canon, Porter J. Neff, 11. A. K'easol
and . M. McDowell, contrnctors, ,1,
T. Summerville, Chas. It. Gay, C. V.
Tcngwald, G A. Gardner, J. K. Wood
ford, A. S. Itnsetihiiuni, Hi C. Gar
nctt, M, Puidiii, Wm. Gerig, Geo.
Putnam, J. O. Gotkiug, Perry Ash
craft, 1 A. Kiltridoo.
Wonderful Chinese Remedies
from the Far East
Given Away FREE to the Sick
and Suffering of America
(Continued from page 1.)
To lo mm or womrn la tth locality will Im
firm in proof trnttrntat of I, h. Chin",
wtxvlrrfiil Chine Itoota, llitrk. and Ilrt.
Tbl proof irmtinmt. which U .JInr.1 without
oncrrnt of cent, lutibrrn uml in I hm forovrr
four thuJvl ynn .ml h&a ruml more mm
ant women than any known trratrornl now ir
ciijtmrc To prove what lhrc wooirrful
rnaliw wilMo w are oflcrinc (rr Wrnlmciil
o that the .krptiral may ce am! the tluubtrri
b roavincwl.
A cured patient U a tluctora lct Mvertiw
No rnattr how many other trratmrnt you
have tncl. no nutter how many doctor, har
fail I, Ix K. Chin lamU ready to prmr toyon
at hU own cxpenM that thn rrrilin will
do tho work. Hit down now and write to
telUnx in your on word juit how voir frel ami
from what you wilier imxt. lie will then M-ml
you a treatment preparol tn meet tli miuire
menu of your raw, and which will corn inceynu
that you are not In the incurable Mate, hut can
ami will be cure I. Thli treatment will lie wut
you in a plain wrapper with the iw.lare pail.
Don't put thU nutur oO until tomorrow Ju.t
tccauTC there Un't pa(ir or pencil handy. Ixtok
oiia up now ami wnt iminnliatcly. Thi i
jour opportunity to let well. Don't waatc it.
of Hint city, following tho luncheon
and u hhort delay to ullow n photo
graph to bo taken of tlto party, the
tlip was renamed, villi u lurgo Ash
land delegation, to a Mint near
Kiiigidjury's Spring.
Colvig Talks
Judge Colvig represented the
county court, as master of ccrcmoii
ic, nnd upenvd with u ringing key
Jioto speech in which he declared Hint
thin day ninrked tho commencement
of a good road campaign in which
Oregon would bpcud at least $10,
OW.OOO to keep paco with California,
whero a hond jshiin of $18,000,000
for roads hud ulrendy been voted.
Concluding ho presented to Mr. Hill
n beautifully ornamented spude, re
ferring in fitting words to tlto largo
service, ho had rendered tho cause,
till io was today recognised iih tho
leading good roads unlhuiiiiiht mid
authority in tho United States.
In accepting the spndo, Mr. Hill
expressed his warm uppreciution oi
" tho honor, declaring ho would not
exchange that privilege for n neat
in tho United States seiiitc. Ho
mentioned the fact that King Ed
ward, of England, when nuked what
two men had done tho most for that
country, has selected the two fath
ers of Knglund's highway system. "I
liow," lie snid, "that this spud.c, nn
cidbloBi of hard work,. may bo taken
ltfqtaVnu iiafilfniir wvico. 1
Don't wnste cream
on poor coffee; don't
waste money on it.
It gives you a crumb
of satisfaction and
fools you into foregoing
the loaf.
A cup of Schilling's
Best With cream is
about as delitrhtful a
bit of inner-man com
fort as money can buy.
In 1 lb. 2 lb and 2 lb
aroma-tight cans; cleanly gran
ulated monoyback.
Ladies' Therapeutic
Massage Parlors
I havo located in Medford, room
420 M. F. & II. building, to practlco
sclontltic body massaging, using
Ilattlo Creek, Mich., sanitarium meth
ods and guarantee satisfaction,
Mrs. Emma Walker
l'liono 800-H
Work for physicians solicited
is indispensable to
finest cookery, and
to the comfort and
convenience of mod
ern housekeeping.
makes hot bread whole
some. Perfectly leavens
without fermentation.
These are qualities pecul
POWDER alone.
A Cream of Tartar Powder
Greatest of All in Leavening Strength
U. S. Government Food Report, Bulletin 13, page 399.
B ! Ij jr r v
StpSl JjV I
Monday Musical
at tuc
Page Opera House
For the benefit of the Greater Medford
Club, conducted by Mrs. Irene Hampton.
Isaacs. Splendid program.
Members Free
Others 25c
The Season for Gift Choosing
Has Arrived
AVc arc ready with a shop full of appropriate gifts and ask that you inspect
those interesting things before making your purchases. You know the wis
dom of early shopping. AVo list a few of the many articles:
You will find it really a relief to visit this shop, with its many beautiful ar
ticles. It takes all the unpleasantness out of Christmas shopping and makes
it a delightful pleasure.
Handicraft Shop
jpaFN XaUli
Our School Shoes
Wo lmvo boon nxrcmlliisil)' niruful In Uio 'loc
tlon of our nclmol )iocl
Wo ronlUo tlint It l no nun for iih to Ml hIioh to
Iioh or KlrlM kIiik to hoIiooI, Hint will not vtrr.
All o n hU In n trlii! of our nohool hIioh.
AftnrwnnW tho hIiuom hoII Ihoiimolvoal
Behling's SKTwi:
Sweet Potatoes
12 LBS. FOR 25c
At Consor's Cash Grocory, wlioro vou will find prices
always right
523 East Main Stroot
Any time any whiskey tastes
so rough and strong it makes
you shake your head and say
"bur-r"---let it alone.
Never put anything into
your stomach your palate
That's why nature gave you
a palate.
Try the ntw Cyni Nohte
the numbered bottle "(he loul of the Ruin."
W. J. Van Schuyvcr & Co., General Agents
Portland, Oregon
A Special Train
to tlie
via the
m w m m? A.
tO sun set
Tlu- Uxijsiti(in liliu- I9IS"
At Roseburg. Thursday, Dec. 4th
One Fare Round Trip
Good Going and Returning on Special Only
Rpecial will leave Ashland (5:00 a. in., Talent, (5:11,
Phoenix (,:l.r, JUedford (5:2i, (lentral Point (5:110, Gobi
Hill (5:52, Grants hiss 7:25, Merlin 7:f5, Leland 8:-ll,
Wolf Creek 8:57, Glendale ?):17, AVest Fork 9:51,
Kiddlo 30:44, Myrtle Greek .10:55, Dillard 11:25; ar-
rivo Kosoburg 12:00 noon.
Train will leave lloseburg at (5:1)0 p. m., stopping at
intermediate ioints shown above. Arrive Ashland
about midnight.
"For further particulars cull on any S. V. agent.
0 V