-$-, VH-" !- ' " ' ill PATJEF0U1. MEDFORU math tribune. MTCDFORT). OREGON. SATURDAY NOVEMBER 2!), ini. , L , IIHBH . J.I- Medford Mail tribune AtTimoPEunrNT NnwRiAiRii rutiMHincn F-vr-nv aktiminoon KXCKl'T KUNIMT IIV TMH MUUrOIlD HUNTING cu. The Dumocratlc Tlmtn, Tho MeilforJ Mull. Ttio Mcdford Tribune Tlie Houtlf ern Orffronlnn, The ABhmnd Trunin Offlc Mull Trlbuna IltilltllnK, Si-IT-SP North I"lr street: telephone "fi. btricUl l'annr of the Clly of Medfonl. Offlclni i'apcr of Jnoknon Ooutitr. OKOUOI3 1'UTNAM, Editor and Menafrer ICntered na Brcond-clAis matter nt Sdrdford. Orrpon, under tho act of Urch 3, 1879. STJBSCnXTTIOW HATES. On jrrar, by mall 1&.00 One month, by mall. 50 Per month, delivered hy carrier In Medfnrri, JacknttnvlJlo nnd Cm trat Point . . .50 flattinlajr only, hy tnnll, per yenr 5 00 Wuekly. per yeur ........ - . l.&i SV70RIT CIRCULATION. Dally avrrBKP for clcen monlha end tn November SO 101 1 i5t CHMES E G 1DRTUR E WIVES a 0 M NA E RITCHIE 10 TO 8 FAVORTE OVER I MM MURPHY 1KKIN Nov. '29. Tho suffering nml nnxiotios endured ly Iho little colony of American ami Xonvcpan missionaries, captured and for many tlayp held prisoners by Chinee ban ditH nt Ysnn-Ynnjr, were described Srnpliically today by the He v. II. S "nnskc, jntL arrived here after a Ioiir ovcrlnad journey from the scene of this hnrrouinir experience. Tho bandit, under tho nolorom "White Wolf," as tho Chinese call him, took Tnso-Yanjr. Fouskc said, nnd occupied it with no more thnn n skirmish. Tho mission wns raided September 20. The bandits not actually mal treat tho missionaries, but they sep arate husbands from wives and a neither knew the other's fate, they suffered agonies of fear for one an other duriiif: the period of their captivity. SAN KKAXCISCO, Nov. 2P. Hot tlsiK on the 20 round contest between Lightweight Champion Willie Ritchie and Harlem Tommy Murphy opened hero today nt 10 to S with Ultculo on th6 long end. The betting com missioners thought, however, that this price would lengthen to 10 to 7 before night. Ritchie has started training for the contest, and today, according to Harry Foley, his manager, Just tlppoJ the scales at 141 pounds. The cham pion has engaged Quarters nt Mil ieu's training camp at Colma. Rit chie will spend his nights in San Francisco, however. Kory morning at S o'clock he will drive himself nnd manager to the camp for tho day. Ho wilt go on the road dally, take his loafing spell, eat his lunch nnd In the afternoon work In the gymnasium. Then, after a rubdown, ho will bo bundled Into his enr and will drive back to San Francisco to spend th? night quietly at homo. Murphy is getting Into condition at San Rafael. COFFEE .Do von want io road twenty reasons why Schilling's Host is tho coffee for vou i One is eneugh: you'll say it yourself or take nionoyimek at your grocer's. In nroma-tlght caus, ever fresh; cleanly granulated. ISIS THEATRE FOOTBALL TEAMS PLAN CHICAGO, Nor. 29. Coach Stags of tho University of Chicago pre dicted here today that before the end of tho next season every prominent football team In the west would adopt the system of numbering players. Sport directors of nlno big west ern universities last night agreed at a conference to number tho players In tho first two games next season. Stagg was appointed to doriso a code whereby tho officials may inform the spectators tho reason for various penalties. BURNS GETS REWARD SAORAMKNTO, Cal., Nov. 2D. A warrant for $10,000 reward for tho capturo of John J. and James IJ. Mc Natnara, dynamiters of the Los An geles Times building was drawn hero today by 8tao Controller Chambers. It was inado payable to George D. Crlchton of Now Yprk, who came here as the agent of Detectlvo Win. J. Rums. This is ho final chapter to a long controversy lasting for several years. "Sl.KUTIIS U.V.VWAUK" AM) "WW CASTLE l!UIlMi:SK" Bandy and Shorty happen upon an actor's trunk which is filled with much gaudy raiment. They are given tho contents of It, and going to a well-hidden spot, they chango and thon come forth, a blazo of glory. Thuy happen upon an Inviting pond mid go In for u swim. Their gor geoua wardrobe attracts the o)e of another und he mikes off with it. They chaso him, uliainolessly, In their insufficient clothing. They finally rntch him and no one Is more Htirprised than they when thu sheriff thrusts upon them a reward which has been offered for thu lapturu of an escaped convict. Romembcr that this plcturo is a VltagrapU comudy and that should ho a suflclent word to the wise to bring them ull out tonight only when they can seo it nt tho It Theator West Main, This romody of tho Sandy and Shorty series will ndd still more to their reputation as Inciters of mer riment and laughter. f- John A. Perl Undertaker Ld7 Assistant. V kw8. HAIITLETT Ffeea'e M. 47 mud 47-J-8 AiBhuUace gorvlco Deputy Coroner For wet weather fc dry clothes L " and comfort wtar Tonti Fish Brand REFLEX SUCKER it It 11 you want, or can t. in a rcuth MI ready acrric coal, ThcwoucUy waterproof and auoaf at nor paL ii at Tour " afJ.VU dealer' 5. Satltficttoa Goanatwd A. J. Tower Co. "SJ T&KXs BOSTON tytUiJpaMi Town CanadUa ouik .o o. V kTaVPia vrvj -i. w mm h3 The Oxford Trio In New Songs lhotopln)N IVlduy nnd Snturtbty THE TISiT Vttngraph Special In two Farts, Fea turing Clam Kimball Young A GYPSY'S LOVE Pntho Drama HIRAM GREEV DETECTIVE Comedy Hero Sunday LL'LV'S LOVE STORY My Prices Do not get the Idea that my charges are high Just because I produco a higher grado of work than you will ordinarily got. My glasses are good and depend able because there Is scientific know-I. edge back of them, but they are well worth tho price. There Is a difference all in your favor. Dr. Rickert Sulto 1-2, Over Deuel's ART STORE Reduced prices on pictures and plcturo framing. Century Edition of MUSIC 5c a. Copy while it lasts All kinds of post enrds at big re ductions. It. L. HEX.N'I.TT, PROP. Phono No. 007-J :) X. Grape St. Bittner's Real Estate & Employment Bureau For Kale Four acres, throe miles from Med ford, 'J room house, fruit, place high ly Improved, water right. Price $1000. 30 acres, 23 acrso In fruit, 3 room house, burn and other out buildings, water right, snap. Price $1000. HO aero stock ranch, 20 acres In alfalfa, good buildings, homo stock, bargain, C000. Good terms. 120 aero stock and general farm ing ranch, CO acres in cultivation, 4 room hoiibe, largo ham, 20 acres in alfalfa, G000. Rig bargains in city property, some on the installment plan. Number of small tracts cloao In, suburban homes at a baigalu. Houses furnUhed and unfurnished for rent. Employment Girls for general house work. MRS. EMMA BITTNER Res. l'ltouo lOOO-X Phone 858. Opposlto Niibh Hotel ' ROOMS O und 7, PALM RLOCK STAR THEATER TODAY Vaudeville ROBBINS & WELLER Introducing their Comedy Sketch entitled, "The Por ter, the Alaid and the Piano" ROBESPIERRE A magnificent dramatization of the most thrilling inci dents of the French revolu tion. ANIMATED WEEKLY Latest news in pictures FRONTIER GIRL'S HEROISM Farce Comedy rage i neaire, 1 nursuay, uei. t X t t X X f ? T f y X T X ? X t T T r THE THEATRICAL EVENT OP THE YEAR. John Cort's Attraction Extraordinary Xannaheld all Star VARiEit Jubilee Wir THE GREATEST CONSTELLATION OF. LUMINARIES ON ANY STAGE jJBT THE ULTRA VIVACIOUS A ItTlkT A WWV-W 1-V ROLAND OOTTOMLY. CHARLES JUDIX3 AND BEAUTY CHORUS In New Musical Playlet, "MLLE. BABY" Coining Mrs. Fiske, "Tcssof JD'UbeiTilles." Admission 10 Cents m IT Theatre TOSKUIT Friday nnd Snttinlajr 7 P. M. Satunluy Mutlnco 2:15 P. M. In Free to Chidlren Under 12 Yearn of ago "Dear Old Girl" Ksaanays Two Rcol Drama. of Love and Collego Llfo Is Very Interesting. "VAN XOSTRANR TIATA" niograph "SLEUTHS U.VAWARl-S" Vltagrnph "LOW CAST Rt'IOII-SE" Vltagraph We continue to kIvc away souvenirs of famous photoplayers until they are all gone. "Wo deliver the goods." Try It. I have Just received a consignment of JERSEY and DURHAM COWS which I wish to sell at once. L. H. HOUSTON One mile west of Talent. Draperies complete Una of. We carry a yen draperies, lace curtains, futures, etc, and do all claiaea of upholstering. A aneclul mun to look after tbla work exclusively and will give aa good aervlco as la possible to get In even tbe larjreat cltiea. Weeks & McGowan Co. f ? ? t X T T r t f f t r t ? t r f GEORGE BEBAN & CO. is aut EtBotlonal Skvtch (a on act 'THE SIGN OP THE ROSE" - The Emperor of Comedy WARD and CURRAN ia "THE STACE-DOORTENDER" CHINA'S LATEST IMPORTANT IMPORTATION THE IMPERIAL PEKINESE COMPANY MOST WONDERFUL OP COMEDY ACROBATS THE YOUNG HUNGARIAN H1RSCHEL HENDLER RIVAL OP PADEREWSJU THE IDOLS OP ALL EUROPE FRANCIS & FLORETTE IN ARTISTIC BALL ROOM DANCES CHARLES AHEARN AND COMPANY IN .THE MOST NOVEL 'AND STARTLING COMEDY BICYCLE 1 ACT OP INTERNATIONAL RENOWN O THIS WONDERFULLY 'ARTISTIC ORGANIZATION TRAVELING BY SPECIAL TRAIN ON ITS TRANSCONTINENTAL TOUR OF.CONQUEST The Management Guarantees That Miss Anna Hold horsolf Will Positively Appoar. SEAT SALE OPENS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2. Special Attention Given to Mail Ordors Recoived Now. PRICES: $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c tMiett????t 'W-W-W'W'W-W'-W-W-W-w-w-w-r-w t r -w -w -w aklata a. ak A A A. TakT iaT aV eaT TT !akT i TELEPHONE 418. " ?4V&"2"("?"Ci"w t 1 i Mazda Lamps f Another Reduction in the t Z price of Tungsten Lamps On account of improved methods of mimulnclure, Iho irieo of MAZDO TUNGSTEN LzVMPS Y , -.-4.V-'. " hns boon reduced ns follews: Vjgf '''. J Sie in .Candle Old New . , -WaltH. 'J'ower. Price. Priqe. 35 .12 $ .l() $ .ns ' 2Q (J .40 .115 '",:4 25 20 ,10 .35 "f ';'' . 'J0 Wl ,15 .1)5 ' '' . GO . 50 .(JO .45 " ' 300 80 .90 .80 . 350 315 3.35 3.20 - - ' 250 200 2.25 2.00 The old style carbon type 10-candlo power lamp nscs 50 walls por hour. The Now Tung sten Lamp of the same candle power uses ONLY 20 WATTS PI3R HOUR. You can save money on your light bills by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. We aim to furnish perfect eleelrie service. PHONE, WIUTM or CALL at our offico there is anything wrong with your servico, and wo will adjust tho difficulty promptly. if California-Oregon Power Co. 216 West Main Street Offico First Floor Phone 168 Salesroom in Basement r ? t X X ? T t T .? Y ? X X X X -re