V MDFOttTf MATTJ TRTTHJm MEDFOTW, OttTMON, flATUTTOAY, NOVEMBER 20, "JO'IH. - POTiDTrmTJ - .'.' ill,'",1'!,- "f r -- PP .JLN- V 3N, I'or Hut pleasure of Mis Vorvn Hmiiinnnil. ii luliltt of llin Now Yi'iir. Mini Dura Hmoik gnvu u charming IIikiii shutter ul luir lioino on North Central, I'rldny evening. Miss Himii'k iu gratefully iimmIhIimI hy Miss Vera llmniiioiid. Tlio house wn beautifully decorated with rod hrurlH, evergreens nml ehrysanlhn HiuiiiH. Music mill names filled tlio evening. MIhh Hmmiioml wits seated In nn archway, under it basket of ferns mid flow urn mid when u rib lion wits imllnd, Hut L'onfi'iitH, rlco, flonnr putMlH und dulnty imilniKcH, ftdl itioiind Imr. A dnlnty thri'D con run mipiior tn miru'il hy thrrti joiiiik htdlcii, .Mil won U'llrlon, Hrrlu HluMnrt mid Murlo llniniiiond. Tim fnvom worn tiny Im-o trltiiiiiml Imnilln'tchlofn In rlhtion cov tired hoxoit, diitorulfd ssllh lu.'iirtc. Thomi prcm'iit wuro tlio MImik'H llulil inoiiil. limnrM, Itmidnll, mnl Hmmtiii. Oiml Dnlcy, Vtru limiinioml, Arm ntroiiK. U'orliiinii, (loro, HolloMity, Hmook, AllUon O'llrlnn, Mnrlo Ilnir. inond und Krtlo .Stuwurl. "Tlio Itimilori,' 'n cluli orr,nnlii)d mnotiK tlio )ouiiKir Mudford aoclitt ul, vslioio nrlfii of part lf Inat win ter wan prolmlily u iicc'ful iu uiiy over hold In thU city, lutvo roort'.nn lied for tlio coinltiK uiiion and will ;ho tholr firm jmrty nt'Xl Wedm-i-day uvonliiK, Ui'ionilior 3rd, ul tlio Nutnlorliun, I'ollenlni: I ho riutoin of lat your, tlio flml part of tlio owiiiIiik will bo Klvon ovtir to orlKlnal vntortalnmonU and "atiinta" followtid hy duiicliik. Kuril party of tlio M.'rk'n U to bo In chnrKu of a inplaln nml a kocn rivalry hnii duttdopod nineni: thoni a to which shall conduct tho moil ori ginal and oiitortalnltiK dUorsloii. Don Hhiildon Is raptitltt for tho flr4l party to ho i:lvn noxl WVulnvuday, Ho proinlniHi a siirprlmt that will not a paco for tho oth-r partlos. "Thoy hati flriit hlotuU tlmt follow" ijuotli Mr, lion and III coiiunlttto of aiUt ants, and tlio club tnuinhor aro awnl: ItiK with kion Intoruil tho duvclop uiotits irotnUud tlioni. Tho C, W. II. M, hold Its lasl WKif lnr tmiotliiK at tlio homo of Mm, llvorolt Hads on .South OruiiKo strrut, thvro woro fourti-uu In attumlancu. Tho JucutliiK was oponoil by scrip turo roadliiK followed by prayer by Jlrothvr lloylo. Mrs, Krdmau avo a very Intoroat Init piipcr on tho topic, "America for Now Ainorlca," Ilrotlwr l'utiiniu ro- spnmlod with a flno addrors. Mrs. (juUoiibnrry cnvo u vocal solo which was much appreciated by nil. Mrs. llaiiky'Kavo ait Instructive! paper on "CarliiK for Klrls who arrive from forelKit Iniitls." This was well ro upondiHl to hy llrotlmr lloylc. Tho ineolliiK was thou turned over to tho president for tho business ses sion, Tlio next meotluK wilt bo held at tho homo of Mrs. Will Wolssor on Hon Ih Onkdnlo, Wednesday, Decem ber 3rd. Mm, Kveretl Kiuls will lend tho meeting. Mr, nml Mrs. H. A, Nye woro do llRhtful IiosIh ThmiksKlvliiK day. nt their homo tin Knst Main where they obsurvod an old tlmo celebration of tho day. Tim house was prettily decorated, suitable for tho occasion Coverri were laid for '21. TIioko euJoyliiK Mr. nml Mrs. Nye's hospitality woro Mr, anil Mm, I, tike, Mr, ami Mrs. Watt, Mr. mid Mrs. Cliuoiiro Knight, Mr. mid Mm. Mer rick, Misses Until Merrick, Mildred Hiulth of l'ortlnud, Helen Watt, Nye, Mildred Nye, I'ark of 1'lttnlHirR, l'a.. Dr. I'iiko, Messrs. W. II. Wntt, Wal tor Merrick, H. A, Nye, Jr. nml Col. l'oalio, of Valley City, North Dakota. Tho members of tho llovolem cluh will attend tho dituco at tho Hos pital llitzaar this ovouIuk. There will bo it kooiI orchestra lieKlniilnt; ut 8:30 I'clock nml all will endeavor to Smtko tho Inst ovouIiir of tho lliunur a Kront success. Mr. lion Bholdon wil bo In cIiui'ko of tho dance, MIbb Merrlum L. Doylo left for Han Francisco mid Southern Califor nia Haturday morulnt;, wlioro sho will bo tho i;utmt of hur Blstor, Mrs. Clin ton J, l'oyton, Mlsa Inn Cochran, who la attond liiK tho UnlvorHlty of Oregon la spoud- Iiir tho ThanksKlvlug holidays with lior pitronts, Mrs. A, C. Alloa has roturuod from a trip to Sau Francisco, ' .. y .KtfL f n r m i -' ilS h " iT'' '- m''k' S 'jJu aSfi m. Jp fir" -wijy MIhh (HiiiI)ii Peart ami Mis Mar gin el mill Mr. Ilniiry Soulier guvn 11 dancing putty lit ii largo number of tliulr fi lends lit Kt. Mark's hull Thmikeglvliig evening, I'or till ' ciihIoii Din luill wun nrllHllciill)' dec untied with jullotv chrysanthemums nud litiirel. Tlio host mid IiukIcsxijs were assisted In tclvlur, by Mrs. IMward Houltiir, Miss Kvlon Htiuttnr and Mrs. A. I'. Hteuuutt. Miss Kvlon Houtler also proslded over tli pnm.n bowl during the tivtmliiK- The' In tiled guests woro tint following' .Misses Francis York, l.nrllu York, (llndyn Wilson, l.uclle Messuer, Jean Anderson, l.oulmi l)add)smau, Caro lyn Andrews, Vera .Meitlmmi, Alleen Irene Htnltli. Helen I'uruiker, Clrace I'url, Hthet Oiithrle, I.enoto Value, I'urkeyplle, llubo Cochran, Jo"pliliu Hoot, Hiiro) Antlo, Jean lludite, Hutu Warner, Htlher Warner, Vera Olm stead. Mario (laten, Katherluo Hout ler, Nellie Campbell, Aleuo Allen, Francis Keiinoy, I'hllls Tlsdale, Ma rie i:ifert, Klhel Klfert, Vivian Child ern; Messrs. Nolo l.lmlley, Charles Itay, Dun Hader, Francis llcnuett, l.loyd Williamson, (leorgo (lutes, llouiro llroinley, Itnlph l'l'rce, Wll limn Vawter, Don Newberry. Frnnk Itay, John Deinnier. Kohert Strang, Karl Hubbard, James Vance, Hubert I'elouie, Ward Harnett, Turner Daws, 1, other Deuel, Italph llslcom, Harold Cochran, Theodoru Fish, Luther Tlsdnb-, Dolph I'hlpps, Her bert Alforil, Carder Hrandou, Milton Krhuchard, Italph Norrls, Clinton I'urkeyplle, Jay (lore, Hobrrt Klnley- side, Tim ladles of tlio Fresh) lerlan church will hold their annual sale Friday and Haturday, Dec G and . In tlio store room formerly occupied by Alireus, In Ht. Mnrk's block. The Indies linvo ninny inoro beau tiful things than they have ever had boforo- tlio handicraft booth will have roiiio unusually hitudsonio ar ticles; there will be different booths containing nrtlctes for 50 cents, 35 rents mid 25 cunts. In tho kitchen booth boslden useful articles for the kjtrhcit will bo found a variety of home cooking. In the children's booth will be found clothing for chil dren up to six years of ngo. Ten nml wafers will bo served freo both afternoons mid there will bo a musical program In tho evening, af ter which coffee will ho served free. Kvery one Is asked to attend. A luncheon will bo given by tho Junior class of the Domestic Hclenco department of tho high school Tues day of next week. linked beans, brown bread, pump kin de mid coffee will be served nud tables will be set tor fifty guests. Mr. and Mrs. J, A. I Audrows hni as their dinner guests ThntiksglvluK Day Mr. nml Mrs. U. I. Hutchison, Mr. ami Mrs. l.ludsey of Central I'olut, Miss Fern Hutchison and Mr. McCurdy, Mr. nml Mm. H. D. Howard enter Inlned Thanksgiving day ttt dinner for Mr. and Mm. Win. Angle, Mr. and Mrs. Caddis nud son, Mr. mid Mrs. 1'latt and son, nud Mr. nml Mr J H. I'. Howard and family. Tho Ladles' Aid of tho I'rosbytor lan church will meet Monday nfler noon nt 1:30 o'clock nt tho chapol. when they will finish tho work being done for tho Fnlr. A full nUendanco Is desired. Mr. and Mm. II. C. (larnett en tertained Thiirsdny at Thanksgiving dinner for Mr, mid Mrs. Hon (larnett and children and Mr. and Mrs. Drat uey ami daughter. Tho Missionary society of tho Presbyterian church will meet Tups day nfternnon ut the homo of Mrs. J, 13, Watt, on Jackson street, at 2:30 o'clock, Mm. 13. V, Coffin left Wednesday for Chicago whom sho will islt hor children, Miss Inez and Hoswoll Cof fin, who nro studying music thoro. Hho will bo uwuy about hIx weeks, Mr. nml Mrs. Qunylo outortajned nt dinner Thursday. Their gueslB wero Mr. and Mrs. Hrackoniied, Mm. Ooff and Mr, Myron Hoot. . Dr. and Mrs, French had as their Tliaiiks'glvliiK guests Mr, mid Mrs. Delroy Ootcholl and Mr. Hlchnrd WIN mm. g T Mlsa louo Orealinm of Hod IMuff, On!,, Ih tho guest of Medford fiionda. Mrs. Win, lliulgo outertuluod tlio Tuesday luclioon ulub this wook, Mr, 10, I), Ilanloy roturuod from tho north Thursday morning. Ittissoll II. Hwnnli ami KOnil May Htnltli worn milled In marriage bylMr. Stanton (lilfflH winning tint first I llnv. V. K. Shields ut Hut Presbyter-Und Mr. John Orth tin- Inst uvent Inn mitiiso Tuesday, November 25, iunriQuri wan served nt tho club1 Mr. Hwmik Iiiih litught In tlio Hold Hill school mid iiIno In tlio high 'school of AstorJn, nml IiIh brldn In one of the beautiful young girls of tlio Hogtio river valley. Hor par ents, Mr. mid Mrs, It, I;. Smith, for merly lived In Medford, but npw re side near Tolo, Mr. mid Mm, Hwitnk will live In tho valley. About twenty neighbors gave Mr. ami Mrs. W. F. Sullenger a surprise last night In tho nature of a "house wanning" party. Ml, Hullohger hns just completed mid moved Into a handsome bungalow on Vancouver street mid the siirpi.'sn party was fot tho purpose of winding them happi ness and prosperity In their elegant new home, Cards and refreshments wero Indulged In until midnight, Mr, nml Mrs, . II. Ilelllnger enter tained on Thanksgiving day with an elaboralo turkey dinner. Tho hotiso was decorated with lavender chry santhemums. Tho Invited guests were: Mrs. Caroline Ilelllnger, Mr. and Mrs. Will Welsser and duughter. Frauds, Mr. Clarence Sutter, Master l.olnnd Wlllllts of l.akevlew. Ore., Master Italph Ilelllnger. Charles W. Austin and Mary K. Wilson were united In marriage by the How W. F. Shields at the I'res byterlan manse, Saturday, November 21!, Mr. and Mrs. Austin are from llutto Falls, where they will make their home. Their many friends In Medford, sii6ro (bey are well known, wUh for them rich blessings In their new llfo und home. A box soclnl was held Tuesday night by tho students of tho high school to ralso funds for the girls' basket ball team. Iloxes containing supper wero auctioned off, one box bringing 10.00. Over $00 was raised from tho biddings. A musical pro gram concluded the evening's enter tainment. Mr. nml Mrs. Wilbur A. Jones of Hoas Initio gate a dinner on Thanks giving day when tho following were pri'MMit: Mr. nud Mm. Arthur Hose, Mm. 11, A. Jones, Misses Catherine O'Connell, Maud Newbury, Sybil Fish, Messrs. Donald Newbury mid Carl Newbury. Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Crlffln mid family have returned to Medford and living three years In tho Willamette valley. Mrs. Kdwiu S. Janiiey left Wednes day for I.os Angeles, Cnl., where she will spend tho winter with her sister Mrs, Kiniua Illhlmrj has returned to her home In Colfax, Cal., after a visit with her son, Mr. Joo Hlbbard. Mr. and Mm. 'J. 13. Hooth roturuod this week to tholr homo In Washing ton after a month's visit In Medford. . Mm, (lurdncr lltillls leaves Sunday for l.os Angeles, lo nttend tho wed ding of her brother. ' Mr, C. M. ICngllsli returned on Wednesday from several months stay lit North Dakota. The Wednesday Study club will hold their regular meeting Wednes day of next week, Mrs. l'atil Jaiinoy lenvea Saturday for San Francisco, where sho will Join her husband.' Mr, nml Mrs. IlUsel entertained Mr, nud Mm. Klmiucr nud family Thanksgiving day. Miss Vivian (Jreer of Ashland Is spending tho week-end with Miss Irono Smith, Mm. W. 1-3. Merrill Ih spending n fpw days ut hor ranch on Central Point road. Mlsa Alotha Kmorlck entortalned tho Olrls' Ilrldgu club Tuesday af ternoon. Miss Cnthcrlno King of Gold 11111 spent novoral days In Mudford this wool:. Mm. John llutler la spending tho week-end with her parents nt llnhu ranch. Mrs, Helen flitlo and children will rot urn next wook from a trip to Portland, Tho Hon Hur lodgo guvo another of tholr popular dances Friday evening. Mr, anil Mm. Hliiwiirt Pnlturson oiiliirlalnod nl dinner Thanksgiving evening. Tholr guests worn Mr, and Mm, l'hll Ilnmlll, Mr. and, Mrs. Pros ton, Mr. hihI Mm, iltmiton (IrlffU, Mr, mill .Mm. McCormack, Mr. nml Mm. Conro Hero, Minn Harvey, Sinter Johnson nml Don Clark, Tim annual ThnnkiiKlvInK 'Koir toiiriiatucnt anil Hhoot wan licit) a 'ii... ff.ir .. i.i riu.i. ..int. tr,wu,nv illMJ M'-'M OIIU vi'UllW ,IM.i lUHinKii; hotis and n Thanksgiving dinner wan served In the evening. ... Mm. Merldlth llalley la expected lo arrive Saturday for a visit In Med-1 ford. While here sbu will bo the guest of Mm, McCormack, Mrs, Ploro nud Mrs. Dunbar Citrpcntor. ... Mrs, D. M. Pratt of Klmlra, N. Y., who has been the guest of her sls-j ter, Mrs, Fred Hopkins, was called homo Tuesday b) tho sudden death 1 of her husband. . Cora' HiihIoii, Huby Ahl and Jack Slornh visited a few hours In Con tral Poln on tliulr way to Hoguu Hlver Thanksgiving. ... Mm. V. J. O'Cara will return to Medford uctx week from North Da kota, where sho was called by tho Illness of her mother. Mrs. II. C, Moore has returned U j her homo In Nebraska after a visit with her daughter, Miss Mary Mooro. ... The regular meeting of St Murk's guild will take place next Thiirsdny at 2:30 p. m. In tho Oulld hall. Miss Harvey, who has boon tho guest of her mint, Mrs. Phil Hamlll, returned Friday to Chicago. . Mr. and Mm. 11. F. Mulkey spent Thanksgiving with relatives In tho Willamette volley. . Miss Nell Storm and Miss Fay Pan key spent Thanksgiving with friends at Hogtio Hlver. m Mr. Win. Alford and family loft this week for-St. Iouls where they wil reside. Mr. Hnrry Coffeon of Yroka spent Thanksgiving Day with his parents In Mvdofrd. Mrs, (1. Dennis U spending Thanks giving with relatives at Klamath Falls; ' WOMEN'S CLUB NOTES Musical Department Mrs. K. M. Andrews, chairman. Monday, Dec ember 1, nt 3:00 p. m., Page Thea ter, public Invited. Social Hygiene Department Dr. Myrtle I.ockwood, chairman. Tues day, December 2, 3:00 p. m.. Li brary llulldlng. Lecture by Prof. Sweater. Public Invited. Wednesday Study Club Mrs. K. I). Picket, president. , Wednesday, December 3, 2:30 p. in., Library llulldlng. Tho regular mooting of tho Creat or Medford club wits held on Mon day last in tho club rooms at the library building. During tho busi ness session a motion was made and curried that tlio club Join tho iFrst District Federation of Southern Ore gon Women's clubs. An amendmont was proposed, to bo voted upon at tho next general meeting of th cclub. that article IV, section 1 of the by laws, bo amended to read: "There shall bo nn Initiation feo of ono dol lar and nn annual feo of ono dollar and twonty-flvo cents.'" This ad dition feo of twonty-fvo cents Is to cover the general, state and district fodoratlon dues. It was decided to sell tho Hod Crosa stamps this year aa usual. They ltavo arrived nml will bo put on snlo In n week or so. Tho program for tlio aftornoon wna In tho hands of the Civic depart ment. Tho chairman. Mrs. J. F. Hoddy, being tinablo to bo present. Mrs. A. A. lllrd briefly outlined tho work nml plans of tho department. nftor which Mr. Porter J. Noff was Introduced. Ho gave n most Inter esting talk on what ho said was n most stupid subject, "Tho City Charter." Ho closed his talk with u most tlmoly (timely becaiuo of tho uppronching city elections) sugges tion that city government doponds, prlmnrly, neither upon tho charter, lor form, but upon tho offlciei..-. of thoso whom wo oloct to imtnngo our municipal nffnlra for us, nud that doiunntU Interest mid know lodgo on tho iiart of tlio voters. Lot us all get busy nml aid our city council by giving It tho most nblo mon our city has to offer. Tlio Soclnl Hyglono dopnrtmont of tlio Creator Medford club will hold Its first public meeting on Tuosday, Doconibor 2, nt 3 o'cIock, In tho library building. Mr. A. U. Swootzor, professor of botany at tho university, will bo preseut nud ANNA HELD, FAMED STAGE Tlio Annn He'd All 'Slnr V...e Jubilee, wlicli couc- lo the !' Tl... .1 . 11. I . l.n ...,.1 l. John t'ort, it- I'mduoer, to lie tin epitome nud climax of fine lijclit on - tertuiiiment ns it in now o.ir-Hied nntl demnnded of the Amerlonn stn?-. He.'tuty visualized nud heard, n prime oxtcutinl is supplied to the ulitniHte limit; grout music, not prest with thchuninn voice in the latest nnd most oppres-.ive tnulitions of other days I perfect eloquence of appeal those and ruoes but great with the crowd-1 nro tho salient fonturc of the nd iu needs of America, of here nd vnnccd Ameriunn vaudeville of which now; ejreitt duiieinp, dunrinj: tlmt isiAuna Ileld's Variety Jubilee U of tho dciiionstrated ntoinl eapresaion ! fercd ns the be.-t exaniJe. will addross tho mooting, his sub Jet being "Thu Mystory of Lire." This mooting Is open to the gensrul public and will bo of ospoclal in terest to mothers. Havo you finished It yet? Your Christmas shopping? If not, get busy! Do It early In tho month and onrly In the day. The Christmas season Is a time of Joy and happi ness. Wo can add to the sum toiUi of both of thooo by not overworking ourselves or others by leaving ovary thing till tlio Itat moment. So plan your Clirlstnuts preparations that no ouo will In anyway resrat this holy day because of you. Tho civics section of the Greater Medford club hold its rogular meet ing on Wednesday. Puro food, with Inspection of groceries, butcher shops und bakeries, was gone into thor oughly nml a plan mapped out by which It Is hoped to accomplish sys tematic lu.pootlon. Sample scoro cards wore shown giving per centagos In tho scale of ono hundred, those io bo bung In it prominent plnco In each store, nnd tho score written by the Inspector each week and published In tho nowspuuers. A committee has bceu mimed who will do this Inspect ing, beginning probably tho last of next week. Tlio health officer, Dr. Thayer, wits lutcniuwod und gave thu work bU hearty Indorsement. Ho will as hist In preparing tlio scoro cards nnd with suggestions from tlmo to lime as tlio work progresses. As n direct rasult of tho published account of the committee's Intuitions tho chairman of tho otvies section Is In rocept of tho following letter: Grcator Medford Club Civics De partment; Ladles: Wo tako ploasuro In in viting you to inspect our store una assure you of our co-oporatlon to supply the public with clean puro food. Hoping for ait onrly visit from you, wo are, yours respectfully, FOUTS CHOC13HY CO. Tho musical department of tho Greater Medford club has been doing soitio very splendid work, Soveral musical critics from othor cities who linvo hoard our programs havo been enthusiastic) about tho excellence of tnlont shown, At tho Novembor nieetlug tho nssouibly room In tho library building was found to bo too small for tho uudlenco. Tho nc- coustlcs nro nlso vory poor mid, re alising that tho public aro becoming Intensely Interested In tho musicals, Mrs. Win. Isaacs, who lias cliargo of tho program for Monday aftornoon, Docouibor 1st, secured tho uso of tho BEAUTY, AT PAGE DEC. 4. ! r voting A'. :rr.i, r w.l c ul in the synccpnicil wasiirt t f the T i.iff. lit. T ,L . Tr..l ,).., II,..i nl.l ing Wnltz and the folk-tew of the .younK staled; humor that is whole 1 some, clean, irresistible; mimicry J that is dofinitelv gracious ; physical effceicncl ns bestowed uon the greatest norobots of the Orient; the Page thoator for this nieetlug. This will give everybody an opportunity to hear tho excellent program that has J been arrauged. The fee Is 25 cents, for non-merabers, tho proceeds to bo applied to the fund for the purchaio of a piano by tho Greater Medford; club. The goneral public Is Invited and that moans mon as well as wou- on. Monday's program consists sole ly of Husslan and Polish music, tlio numbors soleotod sotting forth the national characteristics. "Poland's. Dirge, sung t .miss iirown, contains tho history and despair of a melan choly, heartbroken and persecuted race. Program Sixth Dance Suite Tchakopp 1 PolUh Dance. 2 Clrcasslon Dance. 3 Sevillana Dance. Orccstrn Mr. Howell. Director. Tho Orchostra....Talk by Mr. Howell On tho mountains nnd In the Dale.... .. .. Urnlauft Trio Mrs. Thloroff, Mrs. Lamar, Miss Drown. Husslan Folk Dance Miss Grace Wilson Pollchluollo op. 3 No. 4 Haschmalnoff Piano Solo Miss Trueblood. Poland's JDlrge Ohopln Volcal Solc Miss Grneo Drown. Mermaids (trio) . Dvorak Arrangement of llumorosqtiel Mrs. Thleroff. Mrs. Lamar, Miss Drown. Ktudo op. 10, No. 12 Chopin Piano Solo Miss Truoblood. Spring (trio) Saar Mrs. Thloroff, Mrs. Lamar, Miss Drown. Jean D'arc Tscharkowsky Vocal Solo Mbw Urowu. Two Slavouic D.tncos Dvorak Orchestra. Tho great strlko of longshoromcn In Now Zealand has collapsed. M ens ALL SHAPES AND PLENTY COLOtfS $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.50, $3, $4. The Wardrobe "West Main Street This ts Guaranteed to Stop Vour Cough .TTnkn till, lnnilly Ntipptr "' Cough Syrup ut Home mill Muva ThU plan makes a pint of btttjr i could buy ri'ady .ii(i ufrniiii flinll inn fnll i.n.ln (..f .'.() A fnur ilniMil tuiiallv cotupier nn ordinary cniiah ru lev? run wliooplnjf rough nu'kly. Blinpla ih it in, iu litter tcuttxly cutt bo bad at any prirr. Mix on" pint of ernnulittiM smrar with ii pint r.f warm water, and stir for 2 mnmlM. Put'JVj otinoM of I'lncx (fifty ' worth) In a pint bnttlot then n-lil the Kojmr Krmi. It hns a pica writ t -to and l.i "U a family n long time. 'Iiiko a tfuxpiirinfiil every one, two or t'.ne li.i'iM. , r,u inn fd tltU take hold of a couli In a wnv tl at rm-ans biiilnrs. Has a t'oKl tout rlTect, braces up tho amwtltj', ar I i sbtrlitlr laxative, too, which is 1 1 1 .'ul. A Imndv muiedy for hoarse n -i. simiamlie rrotip, bronchitis, brou c1 il nt' nm iim! whooping cough. i iffwt of plno on tint membranes U ell known. Plnex Is a most vain n' lo ((.nfini utfd compound of Nortve fiiAn w He pmo rxtrnct, and Is r'sli In gitainfi and ntln-r natural healing finn cIct ut Other preparations will not work in t'll- coinbuiitilon. Tills P.n . and Hutmr Syrup rcmeily has often bcai Imitated, thoiieli never s-rcoinf' 1I , U U tuivf tucil In more homes than anv other cough remedy. A sruarantr of abohito satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, coes with this preparation. Your tlrugiHst has Plnex, or will eet It for you. Jf not, send to Tho lincx Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. N. Florence Clark VIOM.V1ST AND TKACHKU First-class Music for all Occasions lllrt W. Fourth su I'hoiio 710-T EAT Tho Manhattan has boon opened under now manngomont and lias everything to bo found In a first class restaurant and lunch counter. If you cat here you will rollsh your meals and will always got the cholc- est and best In tho markot. 0,,CI1 from A iu io t A M MAWHATTAW P&PP III Jlil It (1 1 I Jill XJikf Lt North Front St. STOP! i IS YOUR AUTOMOBILE INSURED? If not, SCO McCurdy At once, or tclopho.no ONETWO TITKER Office Spnrtn Building Hats " -!S3' M