rW(,i(mMi MEDTORD MAIL TRIBUNE SECOND EDITION Itfllti tonight ami HuiHtfl) -Mm. Wlj Mhi. H Pre. .lb. ,- V f. . Knrljrllilri1 Tditr fnllv--i:iMlilli Ymo T Dlctntcr Cuntrnllcil Press Prints Wild Stoilcj of Ulnck-Whlto Revo lution In United Stales Relicts Harass Federal Forces. Wnshlnuton Looks For Final Clash With Mexican Factions Within n Month Tyrant Uses the Press. WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. It wiu i-iiiiiommI In Mexico City offlrlnl cir cle (it ii)' tlint all Mexican-American difficulties moid within 48 hours of Itlittllltllllllt, Mitvlcnn Foreign Militated Molioun illil, In (ml, bmvo (or Vent Crux Home thought In see American Hints Miry Mint llli ' tic" l lo-opetilug ncwitliilloim. Tim Washington administration looked (or t In final ehmh between Priwldoil lluorta mid tlm rubeln within ii month, mill tliu mnrncrji of tint rrUln canned anxiety concerning foiclgtinrii In Moxlco City. Iliiertn-roiilrollcil newspapers In Mexico City deflnred n mighty rnro wnr wm rnglug In tliu United Ktntun leaving President Wilson mtil Hcqro lnry llrynn, "1111 time lo bother with Minimi " Oniitirnt Vllln mill lil rlnIn were moving from Juitrox towiinl Chilian bun Oily mul It was thought limy nilKtit lio fighting fedoritU again tliU nftornoon or toiuoriow, .South of Hnlllllo, n battle was In progress between 1000 rebels nnl "un federal. Iteliol were reported lo linvo rap tured Mnmllnu mul (cdcrnU to Imvii ri'-enplurcd Vlrlarln lint neither re lori Him confirmed. IIuIhiU ambushed mul (irod on n pmucngor train Junt outside Mexico City nn II wny lo Vera Criu but woro hentoii off. WASHINGTON, Nov. 20.- Jiml how dcupcrntnly Provisional Provi dent Huertn U fighting to prevent Dm itlMolullon of IiIh regime wns In dicate,) In njiorlnl dupntchoH received In ro today. These said ttutt tho newspaper controlloil by Huortn In Mexico City woro printing storlm Unit n ruvoliillon Ik In progress In America between tho white mul blnck rnro. "Tho rnro wnr Ik spreading rnpldiy In Indiana, Colorado ami Texas," nit lil oiio of tho newspapers. "Presi dent Wilson mul Secretary llrynn linvo nn lima now to bothor about Mexico." P JAIL AS VAGRANT Hi:ATTI,i:, Nov. 20. K, It. BiiKor, ii woll luillt mul clemi (oakliiK young iiiiiii who nays ho Is n personal (rlutul of Col. Tln'o. HnoHovolt, wiih son tuiii'iiil loilny by Judgo ltonnlil In tho superior court, to hIx montliH In tho county Jail (or pusslng it wnrthloa clicck (or n nmnll denomination. Hngnr lolil tho court Hint ho hail boon In tho army seven yearn, taught mili tary tactics lo tho ChlnuHO, (oiikIiI iiiulor .Mmlorn In Moxlco mul waH for uiorly hih'cIiiI iigout In tho ilopurt iiiniit of Jmitlco. SAIiKM", Ort' Nov. 'Jl. -Cliiir;ml with iihIii Ma ot'fioi) to iiilviiur-o hib jmrrioiinl iiiliiioHls iiml Unit bin no tioiiH linvo licon Hiii'h Hint Urn four iilliiu officoiK of tlm hIiiId libit iiml imiiiiihri!nii roftiso Id hoivo with him, JI. J. Kliinoy h hoiiif? b'ivou u licnriiiK hoforo OoM'tuor Wust loilny. Till) llisfiPIIHillllH llllVO lll'l'll Ill'UW- iliK In tliu I'liuiuilHHioii rot- lUOIllllH iiml oulininiilcil Nov. 1-, in Ih" th'" four nionii'hhi' of tho coiimilBslnn liiiulcriiu' Ihnir icHlKiiulioim to tho govuiiior, . . A ON LAS 11 MA N H TEDDYS Ii FISH WARDEN TELLS GOVERNOR WOES ARMY WINS 22-9 FROM NAVY IN SPORT CLASSIC President Wilson, Diplomats, Service Olijitatarlcs, ami Brilliant Crowd Witness Ovcrwhclinlnii Defeat nt Polo Grounds. Result Dljiucst Surprise Football Season Balm Brown's Toe Saves Annapolis From Shut-Out. I'OI.O OHOIJNDS, Now York. Nov. 29, HprliiKhiK tho blKKi'Nt Hiirprlt of tho (oothnll )mr, tho Army olovcn from Wont I'olut ilofoutvil tho nnvnl ncmlomy tunm, 22 to 0, huro thin nf tcrnooii In n Kfiino which hid thrll Hiik from Hlurt to (IiiIbIi. Tint Imltln wnii wltncBt'il by tliu uiont brllllnut crowil oor kiKIktciI nl n MporlliiK mrnt In Now York. I'ri'ilitunt WIIkou, rIUIiik In tho Army utaiiilM ilurliiK tho flrnt part of tho Rituio, hiiw jho army jimiIu buttixt about tlio fli'bl In rulhloiu (akIiIoi, but, vIdwIuk tliu w linl-up (rout tho nnvy wianilH, wlnro ho wont ilurltiK tho IntormUilon between tho second mul third purlodii, ho haw tliu imiuo miliiml pot ltd working; pnrtn In ordor mid liiimiuor out it victory. Only Iho ton of llnlio Drown, tlm iinv)'n Klmit r.unrd, nnvnd tho mid iIIoh (mm n dotcnt In which thoy would not oven httvo ncorod n iolnt. Ho put oor tbri'o conln from plnco mi'iit ono In each of tho first throo porlodH, Tho nrmy iirnrm! I In flrnt polntiTlu tho ncroud period on n (lolil Koitl by Coodwlu. Then rmno n touchdown, (ollowlni; by a beautiful forward pan by Murrllnt. n tho third period Jnuott ncored tho nriuy'n nocoud touchdowu mid McKwmt kicked Koal. Another for ward jmn of 20 ynrdH In tho (inn) iniirtor Kavo (tin nrmy Un final icorc. An noon nn tho whUtlo blow nn uouurliiK tliu end of tho name, pando- nioultitii broko loono. Tho Wont Point ciulota poured upon tho fluid oor Hoatg mid throiiRh boxm drlv- ItiK tho occupmiU of tho proim Htnnd to covor. Then they executed n wnr dance, nfterwnrd forming a ilnclu lino completvly iirouud tliu Krldlron. Tho nrmy rolorH nlood In tho jnld din of tho (lolil. With it null tho exultant rAdolH chnrKcd and mnHscd about their banner. Tho colom noro then tied to tho topmost point ii ( tho Koal pontH. SUFFS FRIGHTEN LONDON', Nov. 121). Seotiunil Vnnl wiih in n u'cutiino nuiiio loilny over n rumor Hint Iho militant Mil' friiKt'ttiM linvo ileeitli'il on u oeries of homo now form of ileuioiislriiliou even moio Ni'iihiitioiiul limn iiiiylliiui; in tho juiHt. TIiihikIi Iho roporln were vnnue, so fur- iih tho imhlio wiih eont'crnoil, it wus tliu (eueiiil impri'fhiou that Iho polieo Iiml lieeu (,-ien n pretty ilefi uilo iiiliiuutioii iih In wliut tho mill liinls liitvn in iniiiil for Ihey beemeil ileciilcilly more wnriied Hum u lueio Kmienil thieul wouhl linvo win ruiiteil. MILLIONAIRE AND FAIR LADY ROBBED BY THUG NKW YOIUC, Nov. -Jl). Autoim.. Iilinu; in l'dllinm l'urkwny, ConieliiiH DorenuiH, millionniro presiileul of tho (luiiumilii I -if n liiHiutiueo coiniipny, n .youiiK womiiii oouipnuioii mul the chmiffour woio liehl up by three ImtiilitH enily toilijy mul lohheil of iiionoy mul jewelry worth 2,1)0(1. County Jail Blind Pig. ANNIRTON, Lit., Nov. 121). Opoi'ko lliinis, ju'jjro janitor of Iho Cullioim eoiint'.y court house, wiih fini'il .f 100 today for ruiiuinc; u hliiul H in Iho county juil luiReuieiit, In which ho luul the Koyd. SCOTLAND MMDKOKM THOUSANDS OF WORKMEN ENGAGED IN CONSTRUCTING HUGE EXHIBIT PALACES ON THE SHORES OF SAN FRANCISCO BAY FOR MARVELOUS EXPOSITION IN 1915 ji eitZr fpyV . WBW -"rSr Ft m wyiHHtlHIIBIBIBilBIIIIB?Km"faWWIPi'f ORCHARD M DENOUNCED VINCENT SAI.KM, Ore., Nov. 'JO.-Denniine. iuc tho iiIIckciI uiisrcprcxciittitious of the IJooil Kiver Orchard rouipmiv whicli Ims about 'J600 ncres of land nt Orllcy, in Wnnco county, of which 700 norcs nro net out to IruM, for- orntioii Innpcolor S. II. Vincent nuiiio un unfnvoniblo report on the ooiupnny'n opoTiitioni to V irpnr.. lion CoinmNhioner Wntson todny. t'oinmishioiier Wnlhon thereupon re fiiM'il to urnut the rompuiiv n p. mit to hcII stock in tho Mute. ".My itivoftiKntion of Hie properly wns it treat ilisnppointineiit to me nfer renilini; Home of Iho poiiiiiiii)'m nilverlisinir," hind Vincent's reHirl in pai. NAVAJOS QUE BACK TO TEPEES AFTER POWWOW FAIIMINOTON, X. jr., No. 20. After two weeks of wnr iluiieini; mul ineilieiiio nmUintr on Heniitifiit Mouii tuiu, tho hostile Nuvnjos, who linvo been terroririuir tho Shiproek nsciiey houthwest of Iicrc, wore Ronttorinc peneofully to their lepees todnv mid nil ilmiKor of trouble hceiueil over, (leiierul Seotl, who viailed Hie iiionoy with severnl troops of Uuiteil Sliiten euveliv to he used ill enso Iho iciIh proved iiitruelnhle, wrought (lie mlrnolo iluriiiir n lontf powwow with tho chiefH yohterilny. Ho xisitcil tlo eiiemiipiuent iiloue, mul whut lio biiiil wns not known hero toil ii v It wus ho effective, liowever, thnt the ludiuiis siinemlcr eil tho iMjjht outlnwH, to pi event whoso nrrcht they look tho wnr trnil, buried Iho liutehet mul promptly broko up tho eiiciimpiueiit. despee1attle - 2C LAUl'.DO, Tex., Nov. 20. -One thoiiHiiuil Jtoxiemi rehelH mul 700 feilernln nro onj;nj;eil in n ilusporuto Imttlo fionlli of Sultillo, neeonlini; to mlvipps received hero thi.s nftornoon, Tho feilerul urlillcrv, it was nnid, en nhlctl tho pivcriimiMit troops to nmin. tin n their- position hut tho rebel foivea wore holding their own mul uwuitini; leini'orc'cuu'iitti. OUIWON, KATlRDAY, NOVBMHKIt 20, 1913. I .19! WIIKATON, Ills., Not. 20. -Henry Sponecr, convicted here recently of tho murder of Mrglildrcil Allison Kevroat, wns sentenced loduy by JiuIko Klusser to Juinii December 10. When Spencer wiih nsked by .Imltre SlusKcr if he hud un tiling to say, tho murderer miswuriil: "Yon bet I have. I have n whole, tot to say mul I'm punt; to say it." Spencer then rumbled on ineoher- cnllv for nenrly nu hour. He recited tho utory of his enrlv life in ChiciiR-. his nsDoointiou with criminals mid filially his meeting with .Mrs. Hex- rout. Tho defense's motion for n retrial wns overruled. INJURES THIRTY! OUAND KAI'IDS. Mich , Nov. 29. During n (Iro in tho business sec tion today, dynitmlto, gunpowder nml gnsollnu In tho bmoinont ot tho burn ing building exploded, Injuring about 30 spectators mid 12 dromon and wrecking tho building from rooms In tho upper floors of which 40 porsona had Just escaped. EYWASHI WASHINGTON, Nov. 2D. Secre tary of tliu Interior I,nno announced hero today Hint mi ngreomcut had been entered Into between tho gov- oruuint mid Hi stat of Washington by which each is to pay $10,000 (or a survey to dotcrmlua tho feasibility of diverting water (rout tho Pnlouso river to Irrlgato Franklin county lands. y. M. A. Hoys' Conference SAGINAW, Mich., Nov. 2 S Near ly ono thoiumiid boys representing tbo G00 boys' organizations in Mich igan nro In attendance, nt tho Y. M. C. A. Hoys' conroronco which oponed hero todny (or a session extending ovor throo days. LOS ANOKLKS. Nov. 2S. Tlio American Historical Association of tho l'acKlo Coast oponud Us eleventh annua! convention iierortodtiy with u largo attendance ot momliers mul with mi excellent program for tbo two days of tho meeting. SPENCER ALKS m HAN DE R POWDER N N A ND A corner of Machinery Hall; Cnpt. A ten: Harris U. II. Connlek. Direct Chief of Department of Msnufact CRAIG DEFENSE SPIRIT QUERIES PUZZLE JURORS 8HKI.UYVILLK, Ind.. Nov. 25. Spcctatora at tho trial of Dr. Cralij, tho Indianapolis veterinary surgeon, on trial charged with' murdering Dr. Helen Knabo at tho Indiana capital about two )cars ago, were punlcd to day nt tho defense's persistent ques tioning ot candidates for juror duty as to whether they would attach weight to evidenco from "spiritualis tic sources." There was much speculation con cerning tho character of testimony tho interrogatory (orccastcd. Court adjourned until Monday with tho Jury box still but partially filled. E UKIAH, Cal., Nov. 29. Of three murderous lunatics who csonpei from tho violent wnnl of the state asylum here lust night, one had been onpturcu today. The other two were still nt hiro, with searching tho hills for them. The entire lo cality wns in a pnnic. The thrco madmen attacked their two guards so suddenly lat night Hint they overpowered them, beat them so badly that it was believed today they wouhl die nml fled to gether. TO , INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 20. With tho teamsters scheduled to voto Monday 'ou tho question of n walkout, tho now city administration prepared to- jday to hnndlo tbo strike, and started by forbidding cabs to congregato In tho down-town streets. ( Tho teamsters wero scheduled to Hold n monster mnss mooting tomor row. Two hundred doputy policemen wero sworn in, anticipating riotous times, E ACTOR HELD ON GIRL'S CHARGE I.OS ANGKLKS, Nov. 20. -Jimies Youngdeer, Indian motion picture actor anil producer, wus held todny by Judge Tuft for tiinl on u ehnrgo of contributing to tho ilelimpieiiey of Jlurio Wilkerson, 17 yearn of age. Tho giil alleges that Youugdeer lured her to his privnto offieo uud thorn assaulted her. Youugdeer furnished $1,500 biiih Plnkham, Hawaii Governor. WASHINGTON, Nov. 29. Tho sennto today, hy n voto of 20 to 24, confirmed L. K. l'inkhiim's nomina tion as governor of Hivwnii. MURDER MANACS E ASYLUM INDIANAPOLIS CURB STRKERS C linker. Director of Kxhlliln. at or of Works, and Charles II. Creea, urea, at bottom. E CALUMCT, Mich., Nov. 20. Tho end of the Michigan copper strlko was forecasted here this afternoon. A Joint statement was Issued at noon by tho operators offering to concede all but two of the demands mado by tho strikers. Tho conces sions Includo an eight hour day and a minimum wago of 13 dally for all underground employes. Tbo operators, however, flatly re fused to recognize tho union or abolish one-man drilling machines. They agreed to set asldo an afternoon of each week to hear grievances and also promised to not discriminate against union men. It was predicted that oflclala ot "the American Federation of Labor would ratify tho plans. ;U.P. NKW YOltIC, Nov. 29. No change oi imiwrinnce jrom yoieriiny's clos ing wus registered when the stock market opened todny. Fluctuations vvero unusually narrow. Copper stocks were firm. Union Pacific, which declined U-8, registered the widest movement mining tho leaders. In tho nftornoon Goodrich prefer red broks 4 ixiints to 7-1 1-2. In the nctivo Seeiiilties declines ran from 1 to f points. Hoiuls were ensy. The market clo-cd firm. TIUNIDAI), t'olo., Nov. 20. Tho military commission convened here todny to try nil enses growing out of tho Colorado coal strikes. Mnjoi K. J. Houghton, noting ns judge ad vocate, is directing its proges. He is noting both os proscuuior ami defender. The conimisMoii is sitting in full uniform, wearing side urius uud till other iuiguu of rank. Thin is tho lirst time in Colorado' history Hint a military tribunal has superseded the civil cotitK SUSTAINED FLIGHT PARIS, Nov. 29. Aviator Holon. liionoiilaulng to beat Fournoy's record ot 5993 miles Inside ot 30 days, was certain of victory today unloss ho should linvo an accident. Ho bad actually flown 3S days, totaling 12,- 1S9 miles but a technical error robboi htm of liluo days of this flight. Ho expected to avorago 333 mllos dally, His (light Is not straight, but ovor a. metisurod course. MET COPPER STRIK TROUBLE m FINISH FIRM DELN MLARY N POMPTRIESSTRI KERS NO. 214 WEST SCALDS BOWLBY-TOU VELLE FOES Governor at Pacific Hlpjiway Cere mony Voices Determination to Prosecute Alleged Dcspollcrs of Public Official Records. Gives Straliht From Shoulder Sam Hill Turns First Shovelful of Dirt In Road Over Slskiyous. In tho presence of over 100 promi nent citizens of Jnckson county, nnd with the Governor, Oswald West, gracing the occasion with his pres ence nnd enthusiastm support, the ceremony of "turning tho first shov elful of earth" to murk tho com mencement of ncliinl work on Ore gon's first section of the Pacific Highway, was conducted under most auspicious circumstances Fridny nf ternoon, nt the foot of tho now Siski you grade. To Mr. Samuel Hill, of Maryhil), Wash., was accorded tho honors of the dny in recognition ot his yenrs of energetic efforts in be half of good roods nnd tho example ho has set in building the miles of model paved highwnys traversing hia 7000-nero cstnto outlookiiig the Col umbia river nt Muryhill. Tho nffnir wns arranged hy tho county court nnd to their efforts and those of Hcnj. C. Sheldon, to whom they turned ovcMhc tnsk of "com mittee in charge,' n most successful occasion must ho credited. ., West Speaks 3!lntl The sensation of the day was Gov ernor West's reference to the attempt of certain disgruntled contractors to "get" State Highway Commissioner IlowJby nnd Countr Judge Tov Velle by ranking it nppenr through fnlso entries on their books Hint Judge Tot Velio had used his position to secure automobile tires for his own use nt greatly reduced prices. "Wo know nt Snlcm of these dastardly attempts ngainst tho reputation of your pub lic officinls before wo heard of them from Jackson county," dcclnrcd Gov ernor West, in his speech, "nud 1 want to say now nnd hero that I , shall make it my business to sco that this affair shall he brought ho foro tho proper authorities for rigid Investigation. Wo have known ot tho nttitudc of these crooks for ovui n year. As soon ns it wsn known that Oregon wns to have n stato highway commissioner, thoy tried iu dictate bis apioiiitnient, nud thoy 'nt just tho man thov did not want. Then thev tried to "get to him." It didn't tuko them long to learn that was it vain effort. And now they nro trying to "get him," nnd the county officials when they find thcui determined that the peonle shall get u dollar's value in publio work for every dollar spent. It won't work. Kvory honest contractor should ho encouraged to bid on this publio work, but we don't vvimt those crook ed contractors to havo any connec tion with this work unless it is us laborers in some of our rond build ing convict camps." Gov. West, Mr. Hill and n party of representative Mcdford eitir.ens as sembled at tho Mcdford Hotel mid vvero taken to Ashland in iiutos, whero a splendid informal luncheon was served by tho commercial club (Contlnuod on Page 0) VILLA TROOPS ON WAY TO TAMPiCO EL PASO. Toxaa. Nov. 29, Al though purt of General Villa's mea wero on their way toward Chlbunhim City and It seomod certain that tho rest ot his command would bo off bo- foro night, thoro was every Judica tion that their progress to tbo south ward, would bo slow. Tho federals woro occupied with tearing up railroad tracks lu order to provont pursuit. Iu noma pieces tha rails woro up tor stretches of nearly ,n mile and many ot tho ties wero burned, so that a great deal of re construction will havo to be donebe fore Villa's troops can get over tho H"o. -. '.... LL? V