PTCGFESTX. mDPOTCB TiTATC TRtRUTTR. "MnDTOTlT)', FAKE ORCHARD LAND PROMO BS I TRIAL RENEWED PORTLAND. Ore., Nov. 23. Tlia Rovornnicnt todny Btnrtod tlio second halt or Itfl enso against Frank Ulchot nml J. T. Conway, being tried In Perioral .ludgo Tlpan'a court on , a chnrRo of coml'ietlng frauriiilcnl op erations through into of tho malls. It devoloped shortly after J. T. Conway heramo manaBor, thnt tho Innrts worn of ncarcoly any value how ever, tho company secured tho right to soil several largo sections of Wal lowa. Union and Baker counties. Most of thopo lands wcro secured by salo contract with C. A. Hlbunrd. Graham Duko Hart, cashier of tho I.un.bornmns National Uank today testiried positively that his Institu tion had rofused to act at any time as escrow agent for tho Veason deeds. Uultod States Attorney Itcames then stated that tho government had already shown that tho company in Its lltcraturo had mado tho statement that tho deeds to theso lands were held In scrow in the Lumbcrmans Na tional Hank In Portland. Miss Klla O'Gara, former stcno jirnphor for tho Development com pany, recalled to tho stand, Identified letters and advertising matter sent out lu promoting tho salo of con tracts for tho Hlbbard lands In Daker Wallowa and Union counties. Ono of tho pamphlets had a picture In colors on tho front page of threo big Oregon apples. "Tho apples wcro bought In tho market here," related Miss O'Gara In telling how tho engraving camo to bo nindo. VILLA CELEBRATES I TOP V CTORY BU PLANS MARCH RN Villa h thrvnt to i,onfiM,uto their htooks If tltev litl not tnko Iho rebel currency, mitl slill more i'riiihtetieil : bv the solt!ii't threat, which they deemed more likely to he sincere I than Villa's to stint loniiug. Villa I himself wits understood to lie sotne- imeny over Krumliliiii: by some . of hii followers" to the effect thnt If they hiul been imid in "real i iiumnv " lliii iliTfietill v uiuilil nut '..., .... .... .j . hnvo niNen. Eli PASO, Tex.. Xuv. 2S. Oen oral Villa took time for n review of hi rebel troops today, in eolebmlion of their victory nt Tierrn lllnmi... Unit even while it was in iirogros he was riving orders toward Im-teninc tho departure of hi force? for the 'OKTCflON. TTCTTAY, yOVT,MT,TCU 23, Ifltn. I 'liiir,. in.. Ilinl lut uiiu iinfnlrlv frlendlv to the uiiioiiH. local hifMitCHM i' men kuvo him hln choieo hot uvertliiK Iho wnlknut, rvMuliig helnt linpencheil. Shank tried ii xeuiiro aiiiiiraiioii, imieti iiimi ie solved to quit. Succeedlinr him, City Comptroller Harry Wallaeo becomes acliiu: mayor. Ho has promised In uu Iho police force, cncrgelically to keep or der and protect slrikebrcakers. i UNION FINDS TO SHE MONDAY INDIANAPOLIS. Nov. 28. Ma.vor Shank of Indianapolis replied to day. He did so as a '-exult of dif ferences of opinion coiiccrniii): the handliinj of tho recent streetcar strike and another ono threatened bv local teamsters. Tho mayor was . ii"v . in .3 wmm: vrGk - l If I !TWtliRI I' IT JW M weeitl.U-yi'M i I II - I sax n- & Canterbury WU7 ' '! x SALKM, Nov. US. State Superin tendent of Hanks (1. S. Sargent to dnv appointed, with the approval of the state banking board, Charles 11. Mowart. cashier ot the lust ao tional Hank of Alhnn, state bank criticised for not noting more vig filling the acancv etuwtdi orottslv agnin"t the striker. I MM 1...I e I.... 1. . .....I ..!.....( i ur smuiw til ii'iiui-Mi-m turn I'limu1 urs was ordered to begin Moiidnv. inonlhs ago it i .. .... fi,n.....l i examiner, puuiimuru, nisi ii (iiim-iv iiimimuin ... ., . . ., . . i Citv hml then to move ngainst ,wjy Wt t.nmt,oii to the nernl, tUC.MCUtl rillllilU thev Chlcnno Journalist Dead CH1CA00, Nov. t!8. Kritlik Kow ley, former managing editor of the now defunct Chicago -'hroiiicle, mid later associated with newspapers in San Krancisoo, died here today. He was stiickeu with apoplc.vy fourteen AtHympt-irwiur, ntmlinlly(iililln lli.iuHiilini. . ... . A istcul rtin wun ronns """"'", uhu w lti u lit up lu llir m " "T" frrxyr a Jde VI. Collars lot 26 Thf r Unit lor inrc Uni, cruiiy, Inflnllt CtO. I. IDK A CO.. MWi.. 1 HOY, N. Y. Cmtat U Uut tti'ti w Wui H tt'U leave0 !ltl ton'Khr1,Sat but many people believed he would t , be unable to complete his prcparn- A tf f VAT A. C - -.A.m t zsrsd? Annual uearanceaiewiiuenjarmtjuii i the diiac between the soldier, who V I wanted to make purchases in rebel money, and the local merchant, who refused to accept it, was growing very bitter. The merchants were alarmed nl T MILWAUKEE, Nov. 28. Kid Wil liams of Baltimore has another vic tory to his credit today ns n result of bis ten-round no-decision contest here yesterday with Dick ftodima of New Castle, Pa. Lodiruan brought tho spectators to their feet in tho I Iiinl round when he sent Wil liams to the mat with n short left jolt to the chin. Williams retaliated in tho sixth will a stiff right to the jnw, which sent Lodiman sprawling. The bell saved him from n knockout. Lodimnii, for tho remninder of the contest, covered up and hung on to save himself. OBITUARY. Krigur Daniel Colby. Died At tho late residence, throe m ties west ot Medford, Thursday, Nov. 27th, Edgar Daniel Colby, na tlvo ot Iowa, aged 03 years, five. days. Funeral services will bo held from tho Seventh Day Adventist church, on North Riverside, Saturday, Nor. 29th at X p. m., Elder Tabar officiat ing. Intorment In I. O. O. F. cemetery. Had Serious Lung Trouble-Now Well Saffcrrra from I.une Trouble rv often mlilrj lu flip belief that nothloit will myp thftn. It rut. treth air. wholesale food and rrsularltr In liMt do much In akllns to rvtor braltb, tut iouu thlne clue l nrnilfJ. Many pM)itt xh liar taVrn Kckman'a Altomtlti' hnru tea tlSr.1 tbat It wan tbla mnllrlnr which le toml thorn to health. Itrail till - AWMon. 111. "Octitlcmrn: Throoch your Inntrutiioa talltr I hatr K-tn kitiI (mm a trv maturi eratr. Ou DrcFiiitirr 14. ltM. I wan taken with Typbolit rueumouU, bleh drrrloinl Into l.unc Troullt. la Kobroarr. lwft. 1 went to Tort Worth. Trxaf. ami later to Canon City. Coluniiiu. After U-lne th,tr two ivk my rhl clan InformeJ ine, tbat my cae ln-pe-leu. Tbrr ueekn later I n turned home, welchlne liTt inniK the doctor bating Elrcn mi no .imuraarc of reachlnir there lite. (In Jaly 14. 111V.. I N-can tnklrnr Krkman'a wnderfnl rrmrdr for Liinir Troublr. Today I wilsh l.'.s pouil, I am mmt and well and ran do any kind of wnrk about my train elevator ' (AffldaTlt) AltTMlll WKIttl. jAliotr abbreviated, timr on mimit.) Krkman'a Alterative ha treii proTen by many year' tet to l most rfnencpu for Mvere Throat and I line .Iffeetlnn. llronchltlt, llronchhl Antbnia. Stuldmrn Cold and In upliulMliii; the nTntini. Contalna no narcotics. twlon or habit fornilns drucv. A,k for liooklrt trlllnj of ncoTcrlca, and write to I'rkman laboratory, rhlladrlnbh. Ia for otl drnce. Kor aar by all leading drucKlit Coffee It's funny how peo ple will kick about tilings and do nothing about it when they can. Take coffee. Nobody wants poor coffee; three-fourths of Un people use it; half of these under protest. And half of these do nothing, or put it off, or get put-off, when they learn about Schilling's 13est: money backed as von fine and the best money's-worth. Bestir yourself, you who want such coffee; your dealer has it or knows where to get it. No ono ever won a prize without trying In some way. X ? t f ? !? ? t T t ? ? V ? ? ? ? t t t t t t r T t ? I SWEATEE SALE AT "Women's Heavy Sweat el's, up to .$12.50 values, now only..Jpl.4o "Women's Heavy Sweaters, up to ifl.tX) values, sale SS?J2.48 MANN'S Central Avo., Near P. 0. FLANNEL SHIRTS "Women's (Iray Flannel Shirts, sale pneo ' $1.25 Women's Flan nel Shirts, Malk ati style, special, "nVh.Jpl.4o Every Winter Coat and Suit Must Be Sold At Once! SENSATIONAL REDUCTIONS ON EVERY GARMENT IN THE HOUSE Outing Flannel Gowns made of good qualitv, price, eacn fast colors, sale AQ All $15.00 Coats and Suits now $ 9.9S All $20.00 Coats and Suits now ijvU.-IS All $25.00 Coats and Suits now ..$19.98 All $30.00 Coats and Suits now ..J?21.18 Houso D.rossca .Made of best p"rcala and ginghams, all new styles,. D1 1Q values, ea. $1.19 XMAS SALE OF KIMONAS Tho Most Sensible Gift for a Lady New Kinionas, made of heavv "Duckland" " fleece, several styles, all col ors, sale price, $1.98 New Kiniomis, made of fancy figured crepes, all colors, nice ly trimmed, salo price, $1.98 Now Silk Ki nionas, beauti ful patterns, all colors, sale prjeo, $5.98 XMAS SALE OF HANDKERCHIEFS Buy Now While Stock Is Comploto Children's Handkerchiefs at 3&, 5tp and 102 each. Men's Initial Handkerchiefs, 10S 15 and 125 each. Women's Init ial Handker chiefs at 10S 15, - ' "Women's all linen Handker chiefs, fine quality, special each 5c "Women's Fan cy Fmbroider ed Handker chiefs, .special, each lOit Women's Lace Fdge Handker chiefs, very. special. ea.!52 FREE WM. ROGERS' GUARANTEED TRIPLE-PLATED SILVERWARE GIVEN AWAY FREE OUR BIG SILK SALE NOW GOING ON 21-inch Fancy Just received New Brocaded Crepes in all colors, 3G in. wide, yd....59 18-inch Mossa line, all colore, a real 75e cloth, now, yd ..,.48 Silks for waists and dresses,' $1. oO values, now, a yard ... w :t -4 9 THREE BIG UNDERWEAR SNAPS Women's and Children's Fleeced Lined Vests and Pants, ea...25) Women's Wool Pants, values up to $1, sale price, ea.. 18t;i Women's Wool Vests and 'I 'ants, values up to i?2, sale price, en... .982 NOTION BARGAINS FOR SATURDAY ONLY Clark's O.N.T. Spool Cotton, 7 for 252 Good Uair Nets, each .Ad Pest Needles, a paper 42 flood Tape 22 (Jood Pins ..22 Darning Cot ton at 22 DOMESTIC BARGAINS FOR SATURDAY ONLY Pest Prints and Challies, a yard 52 (Jood Cotton Patts, special, a roll .. . ...10c 72x00 Bleach cd Sheets, (10c grade, ea...39;? ! t t ? t t ? ? ? ? ? ? V Y ? ? ? V t t y y y y x t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Saturday Last Day Removal Sale! XK-"XKKK"X ON n Coats , J Tailored Suits fl Millinery J Sweaters Evening Dresses J Vool Dresses (Jf House Dresses (If Skirts .''"V (Jf Furs Etc. t t y y T y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y t y y y T y y T JmJiJi Just A Few WILSON SPECIALS ONE LOT OF CALFSKIN GAUNTLET GLOVES, THE KIND THAT OTHER STORES SELL FOR $1 AND $1.25; VERY SPECIAL AT 492 ONE LOT OF LADIES' AUTO SCARFS, BARGAIN AT....252 ONE LOT OF BOYS' CAPS, VERY SPECIAL AT 102 ONE LOT OF SWEATERS, SIZES 32 AND 34, SPECIAL..-..49t2 Remember the Overcoat Bargains from $1 up ONE LOT OF WOOL SOX, VERY SPECIAL AT 10t2 ONE LOT OF CANVAS GLOVES, LIMITED THREE PAIRS TO A CUSTOMER 52 ONE LOT MT. HOOD BIB OVERALLS, VERY SPE0lXL..252 ONE LOT GOOD OIL GRAIN WORK SHOES..:. ;..j52.24 ONE LOT RUBBER BOOTS $2.08 .' fHih Will H. Wilson jUJ'i'; I . '"N f i Cheapest Store in the West phone 467 126 N. Front Street f y y y y y y y y y T y y y t y y y y y y T y y y y y T y y y y y T y T y $hHHll M r v s fc 'M , - V I . , , 4 11 f.frt'.4.i-4 A.,. 4 '