TJt-rf-V v ii PAGE FOUR MT3DFQRT) MATH TRTRUNR MEDFOD. OflflCION. FRIDAY, NOVUM 1UW 28. )). r?rwrti AtEDFORD MaIl, TRIBUNE AN TNOKPKNniSNT NHWHPAI'HU rUnWHIIKP 1QVUIIY AFTKIINOON UXCIwI'T HONUAT OY TUB MKDI'OllD PllINTINO CU. The Dctnocrntio Times, Th MiMferd Mull, Tim Medford Trlbuno. Tho South ern Orcconlnn, Tho Ashland Trlhunn. Offlco Mull Trllmno llnlldliik'. JS-S7-2 North l"lr ntrcct: telephone t. Offklnt Pnpcr of .the City of McdfonL umcim i-npor 01 jncKiron wonny. OEOnOC PUTNAM, IMItor nnd Mntioircrj NEWS Of THE ORCHARD Some Historical Facts Concerning Blight Wlml (Ito United States Dvpnrtniont ir Agrlciiltmo l Done ami I 1oIir. PRESIDENT OFF 10 ARMY NAVY 1 E Rntrrrd ni second-class matter at Sfrdtnrrt, Orncon, under Iho net of Hnrch J, 1879. BOB80R1TTIOIT HATES, One year, by mall . IS.00 On month, by mnll. ... ... .60 Per month, delivered by currier In Mcdford, Jacksonville and Ccn- trnl Point - .50 Bturdy only, by mall, per yoir S.oo Weekly, per year . 1.6 BWOKlf OIBCUtATIOM. Dnlly nvvraci for plov.n month end Innr November 80V19H 1M- IN AT I AMPIO not AS BAD A PANTED (Continued from Yoltio-ltiy.l It would seem tltnt from thi louj; nig otir mihlio crvnuU for tiling thnt tlii'V tlo not tlo tin til wo know ...i. ..i . ... .. .i.i..... .i .... i i . i t ....... i...i:.,.l oiiill"""' m'ii "i iiumivm hum nv tin nrrav of immt UMni" Miulietl nun I . , . , J . . ' nuti-loxius or sem thnt will lutvo WASHINGTON, Nov. 2S.AI though President Wilxon expected to bo in New York tonight nml tomor row, ho hnl completed arrangements totlny to keep in the closest touch with Secretary of Stnto Bryan here concerning the Mciicnn situntion. Bryan will even rcicnt nil impor tant messages to the president ver batim and receive the chief execu tive's instructions in return. It was understood that President VwNon assured Sir William Tyrrel, privnto secretory to Foreign Secrc inry Sir Edwnnl Orey of England, with whom ho talked at length jes tcrdtiy, that England's repre-entu lives nt Ttlxpnn and Tampieo have exaggerated to their government the gravity of conditions in that terri tory. The rebels, he was understood to have told the Briton, had prom ised to respect foreign lives and property and the president believed they would do po. The chief executive was said to have admitted that he expected some foreign property would be destroyed during the rebels' forward movement from the north, but to have called attention to General Currnnra's plcdgo to mnkc Mich loes good n soon as the constitutionalists arc in control. described by men in the department of agriculture that they have every advantage for careful study as well nrf working out the control of epi demic diseases caused by bacterial agencies. They linve the best labor atory equipment and the best refer ence libraries that mono eayn buy. They are given every advantage for careful and thorough scientific work. The ynre not required to sieml u large portion of their time in instruc tion or teaching, but give their entire time and effort to the work in hand. They arc therefore much better able to handle work of this kind than any single individual or for that matter any county or state within the tint ed States or elsewhere. That these men spending all of their time for so many venrs have not discovered better methods of epidemic disenso control, does not neees-sarily mean that they lack in capability. It mut be remembered thnt there arc n good many human diseases which are not preventable by any treatment yet discovered. It was thought, for instance, that tubercu losis, the germ of which was discov ered about the same time that the rear blight germ was discovered by Dr. Ilurnll. could be cured bv a ser um first tested by Dr. Koch. Re cently Ihe much talked of Dr. Fried man thought he had discovered a serum which would for all time make tuberculous a disen-c not to be dreaded. So far the bet efforts of the best workers in laboratories en dowed with millions of dollars have not been able to effect n curative er iim, or even a preventive one. V should be careful in condemn- preventive or curative properties is not so simple n thine nfter all, et we often see the most ignorant man who hns absolutely no knowledge of chemistry or preventive medicine, at tempting to cure certain plnnt dis eases by the injection of some of the common salts of copper, iron, etc Copper sulphate and corrosive sub limate have been favorite remedies in their hands. The country is liter nlly full of fakirs, crooks and fools, who1 think that these simple chemi cal substances have not been thought of before. As a department official I have had occasion to tent hun dreds of proposed cures, nil of which naturally failed to bring results. We often find thoe who have secret remedies in fact they are so care ful about concealing what they know thnt thev do not even apply their own secret remedies to the very trees that nre dying under their noses. U has been the duty of the department to examine into all the various remedies which have been propo-ed, and sueh remedies have been carefully exam ined. I have been sent on ninny a long mis-ion to investigate n so called cure, only to find that it was a fake of the worst type. In tnot cases the remedies nre the simplest kinds of things nud often insoluble materials, such as charcorfl, enlomel, and sulphur, nil insoluble in wntor, are employed. It lint been as mucti n part of the department's work to keep such fake remedies out of the market ns it .has been the study of methods of. cent rid. , ; T WASHINGTON. Nov. 'J.S. I'resi deiitiWilson, accompanied bv his daughter, .Miss Eleanor WiKoii; Dr. Gnrv Grayson and Seeretarv .bw. P. Tumulty, stalled for New Yoik ut 10:110 o'clock today to attend the football game there tomorrow be tween the niiny nud navy elevens. The partv will spend the niiht nt the home of Colonel F. M. Ilou-c, and probably will attend one of the theaters. The president was sched uled to return to Washington at mid night Saturday. WHY NOT 9 KC is pure. KC is health ful. It really does make lighter, nicer biscuits, cakes and pastry than the old fashioned single acting baking powders. And yoti pay only n fail price for it. No baking powder should sell for more. $WTJ - u uHHMkMMMMHHMMMMMHMMHMMBB K!SSETMmaHIMHQrHlHHBimnSWBaBM"w""vnvH'" i in in i- (To bo continued.) m MAN LONDON IN T BY L SPURNS WN E POLE SEES RED ADEItDEEN. Wash., Nov. 2S. Frank Nierndzok, aged (10, shot nnd killed Mis Francis Iloyseek, ngen '24, nnd then committed suicide here early today. Tho tragedy followed n Polish dance nt u neighbor's home. Nicr lived in a small houc neat where the dance was being held nnd he asked the woman to accompany him for a drink of wine. WJien friends at the party heard the hhooting tlfey rushed to the place and found tho woman lying on a bed partially undressed. Sho had died instantly. Kicradzek died shortly afterward. L FOR ANNA HELD A rim Hgld, undor tho management of John Cort, now in full niwng ot hur American continental tour for ltUMt, will bo seen at tho Page on Thursday night, Dec. 4, Tliii "Anna Hold All Star Varleto Jubilee," traveling bpeclal In a do iitc tialn of Hr own, includes sovcii of tho uowost mid niott famous wjie clulty stars and nets of Auurba. Ku roiio and China. MIfu Mold will 1U closu her dinazlug wardrobe hero, mid llio celebrated "diamond Mock In kh" ulso. (looriro Uoban, with nib own little company of cnpltol actors, in "Tho Sign ot tho Itoso," Frances and Floretto, European btara In a'serles of ball-room dancing acts, which all lovera of ilnnelng will enjey: lllrschol Handler, the muster mimic ot the piano, and o'tlier features of equal excellence, give brllllnnt emphasis to the great array of feminine neuuty and splendid scenic Investiture which distinguishes tho production. Road Honors Dead Chief WASHINGTON, Nov. ''8.- Every wheel hii the SlJulIlorii rnilwny wus p tupped for five minutes today oin of respect U tho memory of Presi dent Fiiiley, who died nt his home here curly ill the week. Funeral M'rvlcos'wuio held in' Si, .lohnV EpU I'ojml chinch. POORBARRMI T Dennis & Son wrlto under date of London. November S: BLUE TRIANGLE L A LEilN NDN NET GROWER 35 The first carload of tho famous niuo Triangle brand ot tho Uogtio Arrtvats of pears tins week totaled ;mvcr wntor Xou crop hng beorj rouna nootit ouou narrow, over uou of which came forward on tho "Mln- netonka;" and whilst there was not a largo carry-over from last week tho fruit being got out of band as soon as possible on account of Its over-ripo condition this quantity was more than sufficient for tho re quirements of tho market. Tho great bulk of these pears consisted of Kelffors, other varieties being fin ished, nnd wo have tho same talo to toll as regards tho condition ot thoso Kdlfers as wo reported last week. Prices for theso ranged from 15s to 17s. As regards tho fancy pear trade, Winter Ncllls are In very good de mand, and wo realized for cases ot Oregon Winter Ncllls 15s whllo we hear ot frtlr quantities of simitar fruit being sold at 14s to Its Cd. Easter and Clout Morceaus are not In strong demand, and sales havo been, effected at 7s per half-caso ox cold store. j Ah regards tho prospects for pear on this market, wo think there will bo an Improvement and that ro, muneratlvo prices will bo realized In tho near future for anything that Is green and bright, clear fruit; but for tho rubbish such as hns been coming ' forward lately there will ho no du nland at remunerative prices. Thcro havo been largo arrivals dur ing thb past week of box Nowtowus from Oregon nnd tho ealo has been ter; flow, not only on account of tho considerable arrivals, but also on decpunt of the green condition of tho fruit, and although doubtless tlm fruit would keep till tho Christmas trade required It, such an Investment finds no favor with buyers at this Juncture. The quantities coming for ward are, too largo wo trace some !2fi cars of box apples this week and they prefer to buy only colored fruit for prekout needs. Prices for what colored fruit there Is, rnugo around tOs. Yakima nnd Wenatchoo varie ties are soiling unywhere from Ks to 1 1s, ncordlng to variety. As regards Callfornians, tho quantity of theho Is uegllgenblo. reported sold In London by tho Northwestern Fruit Exchnngo at n price that Is far above tho record sale recently reported for a car at Glasgow, Scotland. Tho sale was mado at $2.35 a box, f, o. b, Hoguo Itlvor ofr 5 tier and J2.00 a box for C tier. Tho market for apples is firm.' Tho 'local exchange reports tho re ceipt of an order for six enrs of Hoguo Hlvcr Newtowns at $2,00 a box f, o. b. and $1.75 a box for No. ? stock. The orders wore refused be cause of tho present strength of tho market, holders being firm In their views of $2.25 for extra fancy. Showing tho extra high prices that Aro being rccelred for apples by Northwest growers Is tho announce ment by tho Northwestern exchange that during tho last eight days It had i mado returns ot practically 1G0.000 for CI cars of Cashmeru apples. When It Is considered that this prlco Is net for CI cars, tho exccllonco of the returns can bo plainly scon. TEN FACTS that explain why OMAR is the perfect Turkish Blend Cigarette. OMAR is a combination of Turkish and domestic tobaccos never duplicated in any OTHER cigarette, Anywhere, at Anytime. OMAR is made front to bacco aged for 3 YEARS to insure complete MEL LOWNESS. OMAR is made from 3 CROPS of tobacco to in sure absolute UNIFORM ITY. OMAR is full of attrac tive SNAP and LlFEbut so SMOOTH and MILD that there is no irritating "roughness" nothing to mar its PERFECT smoldng qualities. OMAR is rolled in the most Expensive French cigarette paper ever brought to this country. OMAR is MADE AS Carefully as a pure food product in light, clean, modern factories. NO HAND TOUCHES OMAR from the leaf to you. OMAR is packed in the handiest, most Attrac tive PACKAGE ever de signedthe foil -wrapper package that keeps the cigarettes FRESH and grows SMALLER in size as they are smoked up. OMAR is sold at aPOPU .LAR PRICE but NO BET TER Turkish Blend ciga rette CAN be made At Any Price. OMAR is the result of aU the KNOWLEDGE, EX PERIENCE and SKILL gained in making BIL LIONS of cigarettes for 25 YEARS. OMAR is the product of the most COMPLETE TO BACCO ORGANIZATION in the world. Ml Jht. tCo-w?xo- OMAR h CIGARETTE Package of Twenty FIFTEEN CENTS '. rv&zJZ' ?,s wmmmmmmmimmmmwr?' John A. Perl Undertaker 9 Lady Assistant. 88 S. HAJITLKTT Phones M. 47 nnd 47-T-a .Imbalance Service Deputy Curoupr Coffee Roasted eofi'ee drib bles its flavor from the moment it leaves the roaster; unless, like Sehillin's Jirsl, it is promptly packed in aroma-tight cans. Any other way yon don't get all you pay for. Schilling's Ilest Is over fresh; ;clennly granulated monoy-'back. N. Florence Clark VIOLINIST AND TKACJIKIt First-class Music for all Occasions It 10 Fourth St. Phono 71D-J Draperies We carry a very completo lint ot draperies, lace curtains, fixture, etc., and do all cIossph of upholstering. A special man to look after Mils work exclusively and will lve as food Bervlco uu Is possible to gat tu oven the largest cities. Weeks & McGrowan Co. STAR THEATfcR TODAY Vaudeville R01S1IINS & WELLER Introducing ihelr Comedy Sketch entitled, "The Por ter, tlu'iMniri and Hie I'iano" ROBESPIERRE A magnificent dramatization of the most thrilling Inci dents of the I'Vcnch revolu tion. ANIMATED WEEKLY Latest news in pictiires FRONTIER GIRL'S HEROISM Farce Comedy Coming Mrs. Fisku, in "Teas of DTborvillcs." Admission 10 Conta OmJm. $ t y t y y y y y I f y y y y y y y y y y NEW SUNSET LIMITED Daily Betweon San Francisco and New Orleans. No Extra Fare. Electric Lighted. COMMIONCINCI SUNDAY, NOV. A Fast Through Train leaving San Francisco at H I M., carrying only Stand ard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Diner and Observation Car. Connects at Now Orleans with Limited and Express trains from and to Atlanta, Washington, New York, Philadelphia and other Eastern and Southern cities. Through Tourist Car daily between San Francisco and Washington, V. O. THE SUNSET LIMITED L'SKSTlin SUNSET ROUTE . of the t r i y y y y y y y y y xxiiiii ! : : ; TTTTTTTT I (OCDlMiSHASTAl I I i ROUTES I I .rJ-' r J'The Exposition Line 1915" I'hc esquo 'Foilb'wihg theexli'enle Western and Southern rim of tho United States. '. Sunset Route insures low altitudes, mild, delightful elimato and pieturesi t i - i i i scenery, ncli witli color and nisioric interest. For reservations on the "Sunset Limited," tickets or information, call on any S. P. Agent, or address: John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon y y y y y y y T y y y y T y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y I - X S I i i i i i i t v ISIS THEATRE The Oxford Trio In Now Sours l'liiittiiln)N I'rlility Mini Snl unlit y Tin: tist Vltitgrniih Special In two I'arti. I"ea (tiring Clara Kimball Young . OVI'SVS I.UVK I'atho Drnmn iiiitA.M (Uti'.c.v iiinccrivi: Comeily ' lien. SllMilny M'M'.C l.OVl! STOUV t Theatre TOXKUIT I'rlility Mini Snlunliiy 7 I'. M. Sufimliiy Milling' 'J. in I'. ,M. I I'rm to Chliltrrii I mlcr I- Venn, of agn "Dear Old Girl" Kssnnnys Tuo Heel Drama of Lorn nnd College Life Is Very Interesting. "VAX NOS'lltANII TIATA" Olograph "si.r.irus iwiwAiiiA" Vltngraiih "LOW cast iu?it.Mi:si:" Vltagrnph Wo roiitlnnn In glvo away souvenirs of famous ilintoplaors until thoy aro all gone. "Wo deliver tho goods," Try It. I havo Just received a consignment ot JERSEY and DURHAM COWS which 1 wish to sell nt olico. L. H. HOUSTON One uillo west ot Talent. E.D.WeStoii Official Photographer of th Mcdford Commercial Club 'Amateur Finishing Post Oarda Panoramic Work Flash lights Portraits Interior and exterior views Negatives mado aiiv liino and any place by appoint ment. Ii. At. IIAItMO.V, Munugor. 208 E. Main Phone 1471 ri , . i