nit; , -'f-t P M&- ' i k'J If-- i , 1 ! t rn f i i'trirt,rtii MttrT . . - -r . r- . r -v- .' HlK'WWfiWftWt(l,SH(IWt18 MTCDFORT) MATh TRITHTNrc, MKOFOU1"), OREOON. FRIDAY, NOVKMIWR 28, 191?,. P7VQT5 TYIREV COUNIRY L CONDITIONS B I'OKTI.ANI). ()i, Nov 2H "I foiiiiil thu country hcIiimiIm Im .liirlt- IKIII, D(llt;lltH llllll Jl)HIIlllllllt I'lllltllltiM In ry limlv loiiilHlnti In rioniK lu Mtatu'oM, liiilcmillmlily flllli)," ro imrtK Mid. Kuthurlnii Kelly. Ulllim II li mo ror tlin iititto Imiittl of lieiilth Wll'u llllN lll'llll HiCIlllllK HOIIIII tllllll In thu I It rim uoiiiitlxH, invimilHutliiK mwi. llnry iitiiilUloim In (lu mhooln. "Tiuu'lniCH ii r iiitKllont nml refill to Inku (Im rtiHimiiHtlilllty for Iiiiiiiik llio hpIi6iIh up. Tlio iinTlorH prmlilijii tor liy tlm lit n t IkkIhIhIiiio nliould lii'li) out mom nml lump tint hulinulrt oltmu," nlin m(uii to Dr. Vu lli H. U'llllu, tiliiln licnllli officer, nil ilnr wliiuui illrnulloii lliu limpvulliiii trip urn iniulo. .Mm. ICitlly ntporltMl tlint tlio rlonu- 'Ht nml lint lotpt Ni'liool foiiml on th.ii iinllro trip wnn In JuHttpliliut rotiiity. whom Mlm Vlvliiu llrntlicrtou, iikim) IS )wrn. of I'nrllmiil. who rriiil iiulcil from WiikIiIiikIoii IiIkIi m'liool Inal )nnt', In toiirliliiK. Tim Ht-liool wit r rlvmi. thu chllilri'ii wnro the I'limiiimt or nuy unt on tint trip nml tlii iituitiuitn with tlin wont milium liiNtln nml ioiituii(iil of nuy. Klin ro portrt (Imy nut pntpitrlui: to i;vo "Tim Jljlilnli of tin i Cliiilit" mtt Thtinnlny nidi! nt thu M'liool Ikiiuk. Tim uomt M'liool, Mm. Kitll) con ti'inln, u nit n two room IiuIIiIIiik In Joiojilfluo county, lmm (wo nlMiirx urn In rliurKi'. Onu Ikih lwii ii (cscIht In Now Vorl; for Irt imrn Tlmrn thu wIii'Iiiwh looLril nt If tlioy liiul not liiiin wnnni for wwr, nml tlmro nppi(iri to tut no iriilniim of inr HvtiMiplm: or iMttatiltiK tlin floor Mirny umiHi of conliiKliiim kln ill i no vurii foil in! mill Mill Im iron (ml l llm county lion till officer to whom tlm (mm Iikmi Iimmi roporli'il "Ini pi'tlKo,'' I" common hKIii illimo ro porttul. In mil wlioro tliomi ills- n mm nru found llm loiiilltluii hodIii to Im Ki'uvml, It Ik roporli'il REMARKABL E IN PASSES I Pt N Win H Htlll. tlm ('niitnil Point SIN L It Im IHi u grcnt ilnl of iilwimirn oirliurilUI, who illiil iiiiilili.nly ut l,o Hint tlm iininin,! munt of tin- llonultiil AiikdIuh IbhI wiicli, iiko 70. Mint an I'nlr iuimoiwim-a thu flml iippi'rmuo iiiiiihiiI thiirnctdr, nml Rtuntly ho-Jur tin- Itoxno Hlvur Vnlloy Plpplun In IomuI hy nil who hmiw liliu. Miy," upwliil romort nt 7 30 tonight nt nml uioilimi, lii iiIiiiIij fu' uc'iiinlnt miciiN, hut tliiMo rosoroil him. '(Irtlrrf tiro llltl ifiToiuJ tononi mil) Hnr-' 'hirt Alfonl mill Wllllmn Vnwtnr nro. the liarltoiiDi, uhlln Don Snvibcrry nml lltriimn Piirutkur nro thu ImnKo. It Ih not oVoiy illy thu nlzo of M'l fonl tlint cftii proiluro kiicIi womlnr ful hIiikuih an tlano olijlit ho)K nml olKlit Klrln, Miirli iruillt In duo to .Mrn AmlrxwH who hmtrnliiml thiiiti nml hIki In huppy to praiont tlmrn to tlm miotic lovnra of Alodforil TJi PuitoliiMi wmpilHltiK tho Jourii; laillo octdtl nrn ttm MlmnH G'nmlinu Aiirirnwd, .loncphlim Hunt, llolmi I'll nirkor, Katlmrliu) Dminf, MnrJo (Jnti, Ktluil (iiithrli), Dorothy Wlckn nml MuiiI KuwDnrry, Tlm octttu will KlfJ rovornl huIoc- CHEAP COSI OE L POSTA ROAD WORK .Miior Cni-iliniil of tin I'ortnl lonl fiiKHU'iTH ll that tlic nwnnl of coiitnutx or ('mint work iu poxlnl romU will not hu ilflnyrd, hut will In mmle nt oiii'i', J. K, How unl, Jr., is tlio Id wont hliMcr, nml In lilil ini irtui'li lower limit IIiom of olh era tlint lie will irnlmlil he nwnrilii I ho joh. Mnjor Cnwmlttiul hn mHilc n re ipmrry nml Imitliiitf it on Hie rn The rock ot 8'M vvn'n ton Inul 1C PROGRAM AI FAIR SUCCESS Tlio TliiiiiUKhliiK intitlciil pro Kraiu.nt tlm llonpltal IVIr wiu n u pcrli inrri'M MtK JonoN Wnlil nml Mm IJulmiilnirr) lmo clntrK" or tin' iiiiuIq nml lint ululit'M loucirl wad ii ml or tho illroctlon of Mm. IM An ilrowH, , Tlm lnillia' iunrtnt, Mimponoil of Mli Corf In. Mm. Honrlcn. MUh Mc NitHNur mid Mm. Hntikor, hiiik Itoi nlnln' Chnrlty. It wnn lionutlfully liitorprntml hy Hiimi) cliurinlnu lnr. urn, llorliort Alfonl'n hnrltoito nolo Mo DtMilloth, wnn ciipoilntl) liliu. Thin jouiiK ultiKur linn n wlilo rmiKi) nml kIvuk womtorftil proinUo MIm Kthol (liithrlo'ri l.u I'nloun, win rocohoil with oiitlniMl.iitiii. Tho hoiik lit mi otil fmorlto nml the nhiKiir n now uni). Tlm joiiiik IuiIIhh' octette, oilier wlni) known iih tlm Uokud Ither Val ley I'oaclieH, MtiiK Tho Tuck. Tlm iiiiuui iniKKotitH u nhnrp polntc'il In utriiiiient of torturi) ut tho koiik In tlmlr froHli ioiitiK oIcoh, wiih lllio mlillUK ereum to nweuli'miil pendie-i-MIm MoNiiKM'r of (Viitml l'olrit, r,nvo n Hplonillil lomlltloit of The Ctpny Trait. Kim linn n imperii run trullo Milin niul ninny plenmuit uun- pllutontH w in ii lieiinl. Five leading cooking authorities all recommend Cottolene tho Ciithhurt tulMlm:. Thu PuhpIic wo Ikimi hunril om or Ih'Ip liofiirn. loil Ihlit In iiimlllvnlv When a roinpiiir.tlvnly oiiiik num. 'n, rtrt mppmihuih of th Plpplim. mt mm umuiiH pnrtmir. .ihhiom wntt. T,,, Un ,, , trttlultiK for wm-.Moiw nml tliuro will Im n duct hy mrMu rocnnl on ( of Krlii. cuiiiliictliiK u iimichuut tiillmltiK IhihI- ir(1l ,IIginK UNd,.r ir Kil Amlrow.'t'nrollnn Aadrown ml Jonophlno ,( t.mi.,i TWh t tho ( .r.iL """" '" ' """, "" '""" for onto tlnm nml woll ilouorvo tholr nooi. ThoiiKh rollovml front lentil ohllu.t. tHiv for ,,j. ar0( ,, ,uj nM( m,loI1. j Wllllmn Vnwti.r. who linn n mom ' ' ""i'-i ' . miu HiMRMrH. niHKiimiunl immonn volw or Kroat,iwll. The rt of ouarrvliiK hi pDmoimlly miHiiiuml tho ilohtH or tlml T, rr-l of tholr oluht ouiu prontlMo, u III romlor n nolo. Mod ford ' .'M c,.,t, of cruiliiiKf .307 rout, firm. promUliiK It In fnthor Jimt ho- uIihn lilumtltiK In liiiriiioti) In n iiionI tniihlf lovoru mint not mlttn this tront. Imulinp. nvoniKO ilikluiioe llirrc font thu Intliir'ii ilonth. tlint ho woiil.l mnmilflii'iit thliiK Thoj will Mm? I It In pomll.lo we m not nlwnyii mill-, 22.1 ooitts. Tlio county cnu.p pity nil crodltorn In full. nevinil t-i-'nlloim Mr 'llnodon- Pish hiive tln Pini-iii- ii'id I'lnrm lunon? mint ,i, nsoil. Mr, Htltt nocttroil n milnrled imul .,.i - it.nttfi im um hunt? tlm im mi Hu y ui I'd nut lu hate a tond uvt i.h...h i.u .i ... r.n... ,1 .11 1111 ti ,i . ----- mh ihihiii,! Htn i niirni it rn in I Mull with WIIhoii llrotlmm or Chlrmto ., ,. Jiudl. ) nml (.ifrt;.. i-rcy to noromi. pair- MM ,)f rontl work unll Kl,rillfc,, Mini mi .ii fvnm Hill mitl4N WOlll I.) pny tlin old dnl)t, whloh ho fluully miomplliihoil, thoutth iloliu; ho kept him u (oinpnrltltoly poor until mi J Vrototttoil hi nmrrliiKo to dm woiunti I of hU iholi'o. Mr Htltt iaw ncllto nortliu dm line J tho cltll war In tho nrtlllory. At tho , m)lKo of VIckHhurK ho wait In rhnrr.o of oiio of tlm liixivy hoIko kuiih. Hii, wiim trli'lion with hllmluiNM caunoil from powilor mpoko, and army a ur-1 Heoim iloehtri'il Im wotiid Imionii) por mnmintly hllml uulotiM ho hud hpt pltnl iriutmoiit. All field hoiplin'n worn full ami It wmt proiioiiiiN-d Im-, IhhdIUIi) to mind him north. Duo of tho toliintnor iiiirifm, who aided Imtli fodoraU mid rotiola, ti hituiUoino widow who waa mliilroM of a plnntnllnn nonr Vlrknbtiru, took i rnro of tlm hllml offleor mid poriMiu j ally Interceded with Dm command ' ItiK officer, (lenernl HurhrlilKo. nml prntnllKil upon hint to toud the hllml Hdldlor north ror Hpi'iln) Iron inelit. Htltt reentered hi oyonlKhl nml nortod until tho nml of tho war ' Tho lutorcoMlou for tho lillml mini I with tho KKiiornl, dntolopiHl Into n roiminco, tlmt hnd lln coiicIiihIom nt tho oiitl of tlm war wlmn (tlm lioeninu tho hrldo of tho Konornl. Pur S.'. )oarn Mr Ktltt wan woHtorn roproneiitntlto for Wllmui limit , r1 tlrliiK a yoar aKo. Ho purclmnoil Jo writ! of urrhard ndJolnliiK tho Ma I i!"n onhnrd mid Intoiidnd to upend hit , iIhcIIiiIiik nfa horo. lliu doath wn nuiltloii nml duo to heart failure, ' iiihK jg?jin ill - V -v- I 1 ii it' L I' tB i iiffiBli llliiili iHIfflP' Potsandpans quickly shed their grime and grease, and shine like new when you use GOLD DUST Cleans everything, and leaves purity behind it. 5c and larger packages. EEESFAIRBANKEEZ CHICAOO "Lot iho GOLD DUST TWINS tlo youn work" Mnrion Hnrlnnd Mrs. Sarah Tyson Rorer Mrs. Helen Armstrong Mrs. Mary J. Lincoln and Lida Ames Willis lutvo written n wonderful new book of reciix.'.i duel cooking hints called "HOME HIiLPS." Tho chanters o-t 'How to Mwtstire." "Tables of Compnr ntivo Measures." 'Tune Tablo for Cook inn," etc., arc itlonu well worth Wc will send It to you FREE. irna jy -A., Co ttolene The? recipi'T are prncticnl for evcr'-day use, end Illustrate the uso of and valuo of Cottolene. Cottolenu rwi much farther than any other cookinR fat or shortening, money becjuu: tt is economical; always inuurcs digcbtiblo food. Drop n postal today for your copy of ''HOME HELPS," and order Cottolene from your Grocer. Thorn nro 7000 mnnU on tho Mount of A thou In I'tuthoni .;i'i gmj iafeS . vur j& m tr ' . j . rt-a s j j&FMYmfflwitmm . ' Li K- J w -W - I mMlB -.w j ..wwhi r $S?7MMaBBA- V JMMnr.fB "UMftiJM ll'.URH S tT x .Btscni vMFmmwvm'j "WOTMaat f"" - IHwCihtM u i ifctV bi. $&5mm II IIHENK. FA IRRANK COWPAN71 CHICAOO -W4 r V"' ir w 'ir'irTtrrr-'ir"'fir-irr AAAAAAAA.AAA.A.. A A. A.AA.A.A.A.A.A4A A.A.A.AA.A.A.AA.AAA.A .AAAm. KfiiKjvvi&vK?iy&iyw&& y v ? ? ? ? ? y Page Theatre, Thursday, Dec, 4 GRFFI S AND B CHAMPIONS Himitou (lilffU won Iho iiniiiiiil 'rliiinliHKUIni; milf totirnitinoiit nml .loliii Orth tho t'luy plr.oou inutclt nt tint .Medfiinl (lolf mid Country club jonterdny nftoriiooit, Mr, (IrlfflH victory wait n vory populur olio iih ho hurt only hooit pliilni; tho Kiiniii for ton dau, Thu ltnkit nut In ocollont coiull tltin anil m'atehoH nro holim plnjod ,tivury tiny. On 'Huturday i (iwnopHtalto solf match will ho plaod utartliiK ut U o'clocl;, i Tlm nrorun In K"lf wre: 8. (IrUfU .v.;..i tio.aa n7 I). Clark I" n- U II, (J. iCkiui , !! r. lit l II. Mnililon I9 0 1 1 I.. Citrpontor ....'. l!- C II A. Ciirpoiilur '. Ui I). Caiiontor rM- I 17 M. Hoot rS-yo 18 Tho HliootliiK hooioh worot John Orth 3-3. 1 -10 0. IMkoII 2-l-a 8 H, JnluiHon a-fi-a Ji Mrn. I'attorHon O-l-O I I,, Wiilcoinan .....0-a-l 3 I', llmulll O-l-O 1 K, ItonnioH ..,..,.. 0-3-1 1'J, IMoHlon .......rt,..'.o; 1-3-1 S y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y T y T y y THE THEATRICAL EVENT OF THE YEAR. John Corfs Attraction Extraordinary ANNA HELD All Star Variete Jubilee v t I 1 ! I ! I ! t j! IiIIIIII f ill I iQK43l lllillirim .J'l THE GREATEST CONSTELLATION OF LUMINARIES ON ANY STAGE THE ULTRA VIVACIOUS ANNA HELD ROLAND BOTTOMLY. CHARLES JUDELS AND BEAUTY CHORUS In o Now Musical Playlet. "MLLE. BABY" Yn GEORGE BEBAN & CO. in an Emotional Sketch in one act "THE SIGN OP THE ROSE" The Emperors of Comedy WARD and CURRAN in "THE STACE-DOORTENDER" tn CHINA'S LATEST IMPORTANT IMPORTATION THE IMPERIAL PEKINESE COMPANY MOST WONDERFUL OF COMEDY ACROBATS THE YOUNC HUNGARIAN HIRSCHEL HENDLER RIVAL OF PADEREWSKI THE IDOLS OF ALL EUROPE FRANCIS & FLORETTE IN ARTISTIC BALL ROOM DANCES --4T-r CHARLES AHEARN AND COMPANY IN THE MOST NOVEL AND STARTLING COMEDY BICYCLE , ACT OP INTERNATIONAL RENOWN THIS WONDERFULLY ARTISTIC ORGANIZATION TRAVELING BY SPECIAL TRAIN ON ITS TRANSCONTINENTAL TOUR OF CONQUEST Tho Management Guarantees That Miss Anna Held herself Will Positively Appear. 3EAT SALE OPENS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2. Special Attention Given to Mail Orders Rocoived Now. PRICES: $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 70c, 50c TELEPHONE 418. j 5 ', ' 5 '"''$ "5$ -5-' --" ! t y y y y x y I T y y y V t y y y T T y y y t I t y y y t y y y y T y y 4tS WOOD Vg I3ody Fir. OAIv rut from liirije timhor. ?. r 4 t" r r k t r n!i.i rirnAirn nrAM Tr-rifM v- CJ3IVJ3D. Phone in your ordrra for Tier Wood or 1 iij Lordwoou to Frank H. Ray rcjisurenicnl Ounrantcod I Sixth and Fir Streets. Phone 750-R sG2Xei2)C! High Top Shoes Wo buy the very best they arc the cheapest for you. Another shipment now here $5.50 to $10.00 THE WARDROBE West Main Street BEST Sweet Potatoes 12 LBS. FOR 25c At Conser's Cash Grocery, where vou will find prices always right V. E. CONSER 523 East Main Street i jS5--rBr,w amt-itrBTii $M$iM&i if 5 a, j$kfoh6jSlk V7 J m I'll I -1-. v3h&. mz -nig. a, it rf&jM&j y&wcsi V 4 . y Did you eat too much Thanksgiving dinner? If so, thoroughly cleanse your system before you bocomo sick, It is far easier to arrest a disease in its early stages than to permanently get rid of it later. Come to TAq JgXCL2& JV&v WEST SIDE PHARMACY SATURDAY SPECIAL: Drummers' samples oHair Brushes, regular prices $1 to $1.25; Special Saturday drily for G3. .