1 . ' n PAGE TWO. MEDtfOKl) MMli TUNH1NK MlfiUKOKD, OKKOOX. IWIDAY, NOV10MIWK 28, 1911). , I. IOCAL AND L PERSONAL ft-?!- Mr. nrnl Mrs. P 1 Nutting nwl dnliRhtor of Omnia I'(i, Air. qml Mrs. O. .1. Stono of Ashland, wnre the Kuesln of Mr. and Mrs, A. V. Stono, nt thulr ranch homo ThnnksRlvlng. J, Vcbii of Tolo district nintlo n trli to Mcilford tho first of tho week. 15, 13. 6mn lias licoii In Jackson ville In tlic Intorett of tho Oregon 1.1 fo, Orosonlnn ncency at Do Voo's. Ir. 1). N. Hunch has bron vis itlK In Jacksonville, tho guest of hnr Son, Hay Hunch. Kdrilo Mcnsor, n monilior of the Pittsburg baseball club, passed tliroiiRh Mod ford recently, on routo to Portland. Mo Is a son of Henry Mcn sor, formerly of Jacksonville. Holiday offer fiO per cent off. Up-to-Dnto Stidlo, 232 East Main. Oscar Lewis and Mr. Walt of Jack sonville Bont Wednesday afternoon In Med ford. The case of M, M. Wolch vs. tho heirs of Ceorpo Walt. Involving a homestead claim In Squaw lako dis trict, which was decided In favor of (the latter, has been appealed to tho secretary of the Interior. Over five hundred children en joyed tho moving picture matinee Thanksgiving afternoon given by K. O. Urown. Charles Hosley of Ashland was a recent business visitor In Medford. It. D. Hoko of Willow Springs dis trict motored to Medford Wednesday. J. K. Howard, state representative from Douglas county. Is spending Thanksgiving In Medford. Mrs. E. M. Jnnnoy of Washington, D. C, is a recent Medford visitor. Sheriff Singlor, and his deputies. E. W. Wilson nnd Charles Gay, havo returned from Salem, where they de livered Fuller, Odcn and Hums o tho penitentiary authorities. George E. Boos, secretary of the Pacific Good Roads association, wltl leave for Northern California next week, in tho interest of that organi zation. E. D. Weston, commercial photog rapher, negatives made any time or placo by appointment. Phono M 1471. William Hlgbam Is down from his ranch In Trail district. Tyson Deall of South Central Point transacted uslness In Medford oc Wednesday. Kodak finishing est In town nt Weston's. Prank Kowalsky, who Is employed on tho Grants Pass-Crescent City rail road, is visiting In Medford. J. L. Rowo aud W. II. Kinney of Sams Valley wero business visitors In Medford Wednesday. Milk and cream at DeVoe's. The revival services at tho Medford Methodist Episcopal church, corner of Dartlett and Fourth streets, con tinue with unabated Interest, flno congregations, enthusiastic and In spiring singing led by chorus choir. A largo number havo been converted, and nightly seekers present them selves at tho altar. Subject of pas tor's sermon this evening at 7:30 will bo "The Man Ho Might Have Been." Fresh eggs. Phono 201-J4, 21C Tho city council at its regular meet ing Tuesday night will appoint a reg istration board for the city election. Miss Amy Tuttlo of Sams Valley Is visiting Medford friends for a few days. "Insuranco your best asset." Hav tho est. Placo your Insuranco with Holmetf, tho Insurance Man, right if ho writes It. tf Dan Titnan of Montague Is In Med ford for a few days, Fletcher Fish Is up from Talent for a short stay. Tho high school. Chosen Friends, and collcgo basket ball teaniB have begun training for the winter cam paign. Saturday tho last day of the re moval sale. Watch us grow. Ahrens H. F. Mulkoy nnd wlfo nro spend ing Thanksgiving with volallvos In tho Willamette vnlley. George Kntten of Mnrshtield Is )n tho city for n few das. Tho Misses Nell Stotni nnd Fay l'ankey spent Thanksgiving with friends nnd relatives nt Hoguu Hler. Tho Ashland high school defeated Klamath Falls at Ashland Thursday 10 to 0. Many Medford fans made tho trtp. Kent Herbert of Gold lllll Is In the city for n few dns. The Golden Link Hlble class of the rthptlst church met In tho church Tuesday, Nov. 2.", 3.0rt P M for tho election of officers. Or Evan Mains Carlow was ro-elcctcil as class presi dent, Mrs. Evans vice-president, Mm Reach, secretary and treasurer Mrs, E. C. HogsQtt, reperter: chairmen of committees wero Mrs Stearns, mem bership; Mrs. Howo.lt. cradle rell: Mrs. Evans, devotienal: Mrs. Marsh secial: Mrs. Wilson, calling. Teach er, Mrs. C. R. Young. The Anxllllary of the First Hnptlst church of Medford hold their annual election, nt the church Tuesday, Nov 24. 1913. Tho following officers wore elected: President, Mrs. W. T 1). MacCullough. first vice-president. Mrs. R. W. Stearns, missionary chair man; second vice-president. Mrs. E J. Fouts, calling chairman: third vice president, Mrs. L. H Kent, social chairman: treasurer, Mrs. A, F. Wal dron; secretnry, Mrs. II C. Garnett; reporter, Mrs E. E. Wilson. The next meeting will bo held on Tues day, December. 2, 1913, n the homo or Mrs. II. C. Garnett. 223 N. Central. All members nro requested to bo pres ent, as there Is sewing to be done. ANNA HELD, PARISIAN BEAUTY, AT THE PAGE THEATER, DEC. 4 WOMEN E 0 IHvKjt.vjt'' x HKi.JaaBwVQtiaMUaW aMBsWOBMsMiMjIic"' WaiMaaaaaaaB I KANSAS CITY, Xov. 2S. Hnvinjr satisfied themselves that Mtfsnuri and Knnwis fanner nr r?ttinp no more than IS to 110 cents per doxui for eggs, while tlie local retail jirice is 40 to -13, officer of the Consum ers' league, Kuiimis City Atlienneum. Housewives' lenpio and Women's Christian Temperance union nn- uounced tndny thnt they will join the ejW boycott until pnees are reduced Our Debt to President Wilson SCHENECTADY, X. Y., Nov. 2S. Thirty-two strikers of the General Eleetriu company's plant here were appointed special policemen todnv by Commissioner of Safety Colo nnd in structed to see thnt pickets did not forcibly interfere with employes de siring to resume work. Compnny officials declared today that 2000 employes had returned to work, but the strike lenders inr-Mod that 100 wns neurer the corrqet num ber. Representatives of both t fne tions conferred in Mayor Lunn s of fice this afternoon in nn effort to reach u settlement of the dispute. THE DIE IN RESCUE AI SEA (From tho Public.) JMih'titnti'il the bn.ionul for the Iml- Thriee ble.-ed i this country in '" i . ,i . ... ,:. . .. ...., r ""' wrso even than snob evils lmvini: nt tho pro-ent tune n mail ori ... . , """" 'would hnve been the settnn: buck oi peace in the White IIouo. Not h ,l ri,j-n wrj tm, lH mv or, ,a. penee-nt-nny-irice man is bo, but u point of fruition. .Men's minds nro for the sake of pence. ' w eentorod upon xocinl pmhletiix ns never before. Nor uns there ever such intelligent eoiMprelieiiHiou of the iiu'hlions. Wnr thrust upon u nt this time would menu u display of uoiv palriotisui, big contracts for army nml navy supplies cheap mili lurv hemes, mid a debauched con gress. In a Irire we should bo in the puMou nnd tumult of the re construction iky thnt followed the Miss Iua Cochran a student at the University of Oregon ut Eugene, will Teturn to college Sunday, after spend ing Thanksgiving with homo folks. Joo Wilson of Talent spent Thanks giving evening in tho city. Watch us grow. Wo movo to larger quartern Monday. Attend tho removal salo. Ahrens. Mr, and Mrs. D. II. Allaway of Trout Lake, Wash., aro visiting Mr. and Mrs. W, C. Allaway, 210 Ileatty Htrcot. W, R, Coleman was over from Jacksonvlllo for a few hours this miornlng, A, A. Smith of Klamath Falls is In the city for a few duyn, Weeks &McGowan Co UNDERTAKERS Lady Assistant Day Phono 227 o Night P. W, Week JOH-J-a I'liones A. E. Orr 07H-M SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 28. The steamer President of tho Pacific Coast line -will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon, It was announced here to day, having sustained no serious dam ago buffeting tho storm In which three seamen aud a passenger were lost fifty miles off Coos Hay, Ore. !''. fnA I nuharn the Hprt vlepf ago passenger, was washed ovor- board by a heavy sea. Three mem bers of the crew, J. Shane, fourth of ficer; O, Junack, qiiiirter-master, and II. Hansen, seamen, went to his rescue aud wero drowned when their small boat was overwhelmed by the waves. pen oo mnii Seldom indeed does mnu bwvc such un opportunity for mischief us bus fallen to the bit of President Wil son. Americans have been ooiumonu nbly patient in their confidence in his ability to bundle the Mexican trouble. Hut there has not been a dny since it begun thnt there would not luivo been a opulnr uprising, bail ho but gixon the word, to fol low the fins into .Mexico. And of late there litis been it feelins; on the part of mnny that wo should, in spite of ourlvps, Iw forced into united intervention. Continued pa tience, however, together with gen tleness nnd firm M)-, still pr'omi-o a IK'nceful outoome. Hut siiiKso n belligerent bad oc cupied the White House at this time, n mnu fond of notoriety and seeking jHjrsonnl nfrgrundizemuiit. A word would have buen sufficient to bring on the clnsli. Aud once started, the struggle would hnve beuu drawn out till thousand of men bad perished, vast amounts of prnnorty IihiI boon destroyed, ttud the national debt doubled. nAd after the miserable, bjg-drawn-out " war hud been brought (o n close, wo should liae lind tht' inevitable orop of widows, cripples nnd pensioner, togeihc with tho undying hatred of a neigh boring people. And for what J Mcrolv because ambitious elneft.iins in a pnrtiullv chiliad countrv bud t CVifieo If you nre wishing for a buttur ;ITtH' than the ono vou aro iisintr trv Sitbillin'H Host; jukI if you don't ngri'o with ift that it is hotter than any other, your grocer will return vour nionov. Order today; you may forget tomorrow DR. W. H. HECKMAN Ilouicopath PHYSICIAN AMI SnWJKON Office Spnrla Ilulldlng Offlro Hours 10 A. M. to .' P. M. JHJjRDMORjB GUS tho Tailor MAKES SUITS TO FIT AND FIT TO WEAK WIFE SLAYER BATTLES EF E COIl A, HI., Nov, 28. Frunk Mc Adams lato last night shot and killed his wife ut a dance in the opera house here, Tho slayer eluded other dancers and today barricaded himself In a building. Sheriff Roy, at tho head of a posse of deputies and citi zens, battled for uovoral hours with McAdams, one bullet tearing away Constable Hagerman's lower teeth, At 10:30 o'clock McAdama com mitted suicide by bending a bullet through his head. ARROW (COLLAR tin 28 li ChiM, tiMlO, Ik Co., he. H,Ir tSSLsT""! HLLI X ,fesz Ml . . mm -i m a .i n. M'" '&mtr 'Vfc i v M.t K , it -vu -v ti& & , KSmv 2i"AtT -r I ASffVf Hed Se HP) WENT- INDIA UISE' THROUGH the Med!- to Bombay Including iti! LeKal blanks lot sale at the Mall Tribune office. tfj errnen, SnezCanal, I Indian Ocean and Colombo, letrlps through a, The Holy Land and pi, itopplng at Interest points In Europe, Asia Africa, by the S. S. CLEVELAND C0.0) From Nw York, Jtouarjr 18, 1014 93 Days $700 and up lodudloK it.ore ctcurilom and tllnccctmjr tipoiti AUo cruU to Writ Indlei, Panama Canal, Around lli World, tlirough m Pautaina Can, and Mditrranan trip. SnJor lovkUt, stating ttuln HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE 100 Pencil St., Sun rraucloco, Cu., or Local Agents, Ladies' Therapeutic Massage Parlors I havo located in Medford, room 420 M. F. & II. building, to practice scientific body massaging, using linttlo Creok, Mich., sanitarium meth ods and guaranteo satisfaction, Mrs. Emma Walker Phono KfllMt Work for physicians solicited ART STORE Reduced prlccu on picture framing. pictures and Century Edition of MUSIC 5c a Copy while it lasts Phono Xo. 007-J ao X Cimpo St. Civil Win1. The InrllT wull would bo rebuilt mid iiucrtlious of liiuillon, puhllo ulllitit'H nnd polilicul tcroiiu would ho Kwepl away liy tlic greed mid Ncirinliui'iw Hint uccoiuluinv mil- lliuv openillons. PrcHl.li'ut Wilnon limy nol hnve itoiic till Hie t litttsM lluil he should Imvo ilonci lint lie Imp twoldoil iho one thing Hint no "linuld not lm mi done. This is an Age of . Specialization -in medicinc-in law-in tsnchingj the hadcrs arc those whs devote Hisir entire attention t ohc branch ef their work. Ws arc specialists; clothes specialists. Ws devots all Qur time, all our thought, all our ability tg selecting ths right sort of clothes for discriminating mcn. Ws den t choose cheap clothes; we doh t choose cx travagaht clothes. We specialize in clothes to sell at frsm $15 to $30 ard we boast that nowhere in America can bsttsr style, better quality and more complete satisfac tion be found in mens clothihg thah in our stQrc. Sanii1 npplit'S to our Hoys' (Motliiiitf, Furnishing Hoods. KcnipmhiM', you t-an buy hiMv at the right prico now. Don't lmvo to wait until tho soason is ovor. Wo aro nol al't'ootod with tho rut-prioo salos inotliod. So do your Xinas shopping oarly. Wo, as usual, will, for your holiday purclmsos, put all Tics, Hosiery, fllovos, Ilnudkori'hiofs, Mut'floi-s, Susiiondoi-s, Holts, oto., in a neat holiday oarton roady for mailing or dcliv ory. Tho House of Quality and Right Prices Model Clothing Co HELLO, YES THIS NO. 70 SCHEFFELIN'S GROCERY While preparing a meal, did you over reach for noinnthlng on tho shelf and to your disap pointment found It had spoiled? It was of poor Quality. This would not have happened If .t cmiio Trout our Store. Have an noyance, buy your Orocerlos hero every order Is Inspected by our ordor clerk before leaf ing thu storo. Oho us a trial. PHONIT We Want 25 New Customers This Week Here Are Some Patron-Winning' Prices Not that those specially priced things nro unusual here thoy are not. .For our regular prices would look like bargains in some stores. But we do want 25 now customers this week, and wo offer some very special values to help to soouro them. Are You tp ho one of the "twenty-five." Here arts some price-reasons why you should he: 38 lbs. Cane Sugar for $1.00 25 lbs. .Red Mexican Beans for $1.00 25 lbs. Pink Beans for $1.00 100 lbs. Hood Potatoes for : $1.00 GOc can Rosebud Syrup for 45p .$1.00 can Rosebud Syrup for 85 40e can Breakfast Drips for 30 75o can Breakfast Drips for 55 (iOc Bridal Palls Syrup for 45tJ $1.00 Bridal Falls Syrup for 85p Mc Fancy Table Fruit, 3 cans for 50t 25c si'o Rolianco Shrimp for 20 Pure White Flour, tho sack $1.45 fi Bars Pearl White or White Flyer Soap 250 10c Polly Prim Cleanser ,.....'.5 30c Swift's Pride Cleanser , 5 25c Aero Washing Powder 15 FOUTS' GROGERY i ' Jffpi Jili II IBIii .4. 1 J r RemovafSale on COATS ml t $45 Coats now $35.00 f $35 Coats now $28.75 t One lot of Coatsupto$30 Removal Sale price $15.00 (f $18.50 coat now $13.95 j Children's Co&ts Reduced MRS. H. L. LEACH Export Coraotioro 320 North Bartlett. Phono 5(53 Af. Twenty - seven Days to Christmas llaIIV Nov. 28 fafcaaaJ JM 1 Stocks Are Complete In All the Stores. Begin Your Christmas Shopping. My Hi-atlijuiirtci'M 'J'IiIh Hi'(inonWai Ito at Uiu Wonder Store C I