- --jr ...., -. -- 4V - -A ,r -W. jBlWJXVWtfr, ,-HI9jSrtHni(K rtrfflon tlJstfM-lfinl 8oo!V ?rt7 Second Street Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER ttnlu tonight mill TiipmIav Mat. no? jiin. :ia; Pre. jii. . Forljr.llilnl Twr llnlly- KIkIiIIi Ve-fir MNDKOIW OUKflON, KM DAY, NOVUM HIM 28, 11)13. NO. 213 STATE HEAD AT CEREMONY FOR HIGHWAY START Snm Hill, Father of Good Roads Movement, Turns First Shovelful of Earth in Road Over Siskiyou Mountains. Governor West, County Officials nnd 100 Prominent Citizens Present Hill Pays Tribute. In llit presence of Governor West iiihI llm Ntiiln highway ciiiiitniHHioii Mint a hundred prominent ellli'MK or ,liicl,ou enmity, tlin first Hlnfl('u1 of earth in tin' oniHtruetlnn of t lt I'Huifiit Itiifhtvnv in Oregon wii tllllU'd HllM nflcriUHIII IIV MUIIIU'I Hill, fiilhor of tho good road move iio'iit in tin iinrlhwot. Tin- in marked the bet-inning f w'rk on tin $1117.000 grading contract !! Iukl witIc for tin new roHil iimt iho Sin .knoii iihiiiiiIhuw, ii IukIiwiiv twentx fur lVl in width ili xlv per crn' mioiinum credo, tliHt will In' linn' surfaced sixteen fcot in width. Tin urwv traverse the k lim of tin Sikivmm mid llu huthwnv will If iiih' of the scenic hnuIowtnU of tin1 wot Id. 'Ore!," tmid Xrr. Hill, "In in lh- lll HllHK of II IIV Of tilt Ktll ( fol ituid rond ooimlruiiiiui. Oregon be gin where tin' other stale lin lofl off. mid Iimh ln advantage of a'' llioir experieucf. Tudnv mark tic beginning of poniiMitout likfhwnv con. si million In tit hIhIi'. .Incuson roiinlv point" lli w-iv '! Iwid Or iiioii mill il cxnuiplc will lie nHillv r.dlowwl by ulU't Short fcpooehiw wore made lv Gov ernor We I. iho onuiil court mid ri'iirovi'iilntivOH of Iho vnrioiiM rum lueioinl elub. Preceding III" core--iiiony. mi elaborate luncheon wn nerved hv I In A "hliiiiil Ciunmoroiul rliili nl tin Holid Oregon. Superintendent I.iiwkoii of tin xliilii penitentiary U iri'inrintr t' liitli-li a iHnri' convict stookiido aim camp to work luiiMHH'r on mi ex tensive rock out. Tin' I'liinu will In' lnliilmtl after tin fitt of tin' i-iir nnd in not nn ''honor" enmi TIiIh Mirliiin of work w'iim not iiirlnd rit in tin' Ixcnunll fi .McDowell eon tnii't. Mi'oNrn. Hill mid llowlliv nrriwd mi lln SIiuhIu Limited l'riilnv llinill int.. Governor V"t, SriTctiirv of Slntn Oli'olt mid Siipcrinli'iidi'ir I.imvhoii en mi' on tin' ineriiini: tniin At 11 oVloi'k. iici'oiiiimiiii'd liv hoiiii' ttiirlv Mt'dfnrd ritiri'im. tin iilor wi'in tnkoii to AnIiIiiiiiI, nnd nftor luiu'lii'on to wIuto work lirpnn on tin' now' lino. E WASIIINflTO.V, N'ov. 'JH. Tim rniifiicy cmu'iiH irori".ci'd rapidly lodiiy. II wiirt (lxpci'li'd tlinl tin' fiiiii'im hill would lin I'umph'tt'd liy toinoirow nluht mid I In' ili'lmto on tho nu'iisiiri) mIiii I Mondiiy. It wiih hi'liiivi'd horo Hint ovt-ry di'iiiocnillo jiii'iiiIiit of tho Hi'iiiiln i'. ccpt Si'iinlor llili'lii'iick of NrhnihM. would Hiippnit tho I'lmium hill to finiil pnPHiiKi', nltlmuKh Mwriil olhi'i' dt'iiionrulH limy Hiippnit lh ri-puhll-cniiri on iHiilniii mni'iuhiii'iitH. Tu Hdiitinicivt of tlio ciiumiH, il wim do iduri'd lo'hiy, in ovciwlu'lmiiiKl.v UKiilnst providiiiK moio thnil twolvi' 1 1'iomil liiinkH, FLIGHT MEETS DEATH PARIS, Nov. 128. Word Hint Avi ator D'Ari'ourt, who wiih IryinK to liy I'voin hum to Cairo, had luiulih'd illi liin auroplano mid a pmtHanRor into tho TaiiriiH inoiiutuiiis mid Hint D'Aivoiirt mid liin pompaiiion wiro iiiihuri, hut that tho liuudiiuo wiih wrwiki'd, conipolliiiK tlio ulmiidoii liicnt (if tli" nilil, wild mi't'ived horn tliiu aflornoon. UR NC MUCUS PROGRESSES RAPIDLY 'LEADS NOT GUILTY TO ErORTION CHARGE Kmti'II I I'owIit, of K'llik'Hton, S, Y., npiH-iiiri) in court to pli'iut nut Knllty to lliu Imllctiiu'iit rli.irK'iik' cxturtlou, fnuiiil iiKiiliint lilin la foiiiifi'lliiti with tlio colUi'ilnii of i'inniiili:n fumlx from ii Htnlc IiIuIiwiijh cniitriictnr fur tlio ilotiiocriitlc uiiiniik'iTH In 11M1. Mr, 1'iiW' linllil imt nffiT tonlil DMrlct Atlnnipjr Willi lu.iii In lilt luiMtiK.'itliii of nlli-Kttl 'i irtltii; of miimI fiiiiih from con tni tnr Hi' m.iuY im mutrtiK'Ut to nti) hi. ! lint nliiwiii'il in urn-Hi CALLS HANGING OF A TO CAVE N'lAV YORK". Xov. 2.S. "It would ho a lot urn to InitluiriMii to Iihiik lliin Wnki'lii'ld," oiiul .Mrn. .Imni' lmllnw, noi'ii'tv IomiIit, philMtilhro- pi"t HUil i'liininnIoxil, rniuiuruiinjr IihIhv on tjic rum; of tlio W miillli mi. dor imttJo of donjli ia puuieutliiiit for tho inirViltT of Imr ITuiliiiiid. "Hlhultmlitik' "I'lilimrntiiliMii mid mnwkiiliiu'NM." lm roiitinuoil, "it would ho n dotrimi'iit to tho puhho to Iiiimi Coiiiu'olnmt iuiht oil tho Inw of mi nyti for mi 0)0 uinl a tooth for n tooth. "l-'nillmnnoro, tho roturn to hnr ImriNtn wouhl In jn-t iim utroi'ioim if the ."tn to hhoiihl hunt; Jmnos Plow, hor nlh'Kril iiooomplioo, I ilo not holicvo thorn rdmuM ho miy difforoiiro hrtwoi'ii tho puni"luiiont incliil out to Plow- and to Mm. YiiUrild. "llocaiiKo llonxio Wiikofiold i a woman mnkc no difforouoo. W'otu. en should ho iih'u'h oipuit in nil Ihincs iiiulor tho law. "I ouluro to nsHort Hint n pnn rciisiiM of tho nation would ho found ovcrwhi'liuiuKlv in favor of nhnlixh inu cnpitul punisluiirnt. It him no hocu atiolihlii'il piiivly on nrcnimt of iiiortia. FRISCO PLANS WAR SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. L'S.-Kv-lonniuiitiou of incdieitl ipinckn i plnnui'd horo today liy tho htato lioard of moilii'iil oMituinoiH, whit', hns hIiiiIoiI arrauuinu: a iiuihh of cvi iloiico to ho prchcutcd to tho grand jury horo next week. Tho oruciulo Ik in charKo of Dr. Charles It, lltuup. M'crcliiry of tlio hoard, mid Lou's II. Ward. Two nrrcNtri rosiillod today from (ho honrd'H activities. S. L. Ilik' k!iih wiih arrested on tlio cliarco of having miiHiiuoradod as Dr. M, S. Clii'iiowitli, mid W. S. Card was taken into iiuMody on a chnrgo of offering A. G, MoDomioll, iuvesli Kiitor for tlio hoard, a $-" moutlilv hiiho for proloolioii, WASHINCITON, Nov. 'J8. Sounto I end els declared Huh afternoon Hint uiiIohh tlio ROiiatn koph into oxooutlvo HOHhion liofom .Monday, !lfl() of ProH ideal Wilxou'ri liouiiuriiiium will fail of confirmation with tlio oIoho of llio o.tra HOHHiou. Tho iiomiuntiou of Honry M. Pindell of Peoria, 111., to Im aiuhahsador to Riihhia id iuuludod in Huh number, ' DOCTORS BARKDULL QUACK 1 OM WILSON DOUBTFUL T E Salem Saloon Interests Brouuht Suit Decision Statewide In Scope Su preme Court Sustains Ruling Affects Eayle Point. Interpretation Based on Law That Local Option Can Only Be Voted Upon at General Election. KAI.KM. Or.. Nov. t!B. Kery l- rnl option election held in tho Milli on KoM'inhor -I, I'.vociit in towim in uliu-li Hull itnlit u'im (In? ilnv of II T ...... .... ....... -- - , J ri'Kular oily olootinn, in void, ac- I ooidiuc to a dncUinn rcmlcrcil to day, .lttdjo William dalloway of tho I Marion I'oiititv circuit court in IJic Hiiit hroucht hv John Ktillmau, ri- rvontitiK tho Milium intcruM of Sa- li'iii, to lohtrain tlio ooiiuty court I from iHMitinir mi order ilccliirinir Sa i loin tit ho dry tcrritorv an tho roNiill of tho oli'cliou liolil on Hint unto. Judijo (tallowny hawed liin ivv ion on an interpretation of tho law that a local option olootinn oiiuuut ho hold oscopt at tlio timo of a koii oral Mtalo olootinn or a (jonoral city olootinn, if hih'Ii election eomo on the fir.t TiiomIiiv after the firht Mon dnv in Novomhor. .ludjrc (lallowny cave tlio dry elo meat ton day in which to file nr answer or tuko mi iipmh from Iiih deitisinn. Tlio ilco.Wou i Ntatowido in it" foopo, hconiisp if tho xupniue court hiihlaiiH JuiIko (lallowny it would moan that the iutorios of tlio drv in a half dnimt. ur.,moro cltU will Im void. Tho ileoicion affects llnjjln Point, in thin county, that went wot lit! to (-'. WALL SIREEI STOCKS LIGHT. IRREGULAR Ni:V YORK, Nov. 2S Karly IriulltiK in stocks wnH light nnd prlco chniiRtiB IrreKiimr. Aa n wholo rail road alinroa were fairly atrotiR, but ludustrlnla worn weak. Union Pa cific roso 1; Humloy and Amalga mntod each lout 1, and Mexican Pa troloum dropped U Later In tho oalou prlcoa foil hack after tanking Home hondwny upward, Honda woro stonily. Tho markot closed dull. AGAIN BY WOLGAST Moso Rnrkdiill discovered thin mnrniiiK that ho had btoppod another ono of Ad Wolpist, cx-liKhtwoiKht champion, financial bwiugs. Mo so hoiiKht a 1111 lluick with ouo of tho chooks Wol(;ast riivo him ou tho Heath ranch purohnso. Tho chock was stopped by Wo)j;ast per cus tom. ELKS ANNUAL STAG i PARTY ON iTONIGHT Tho Klks will hold tholr ntuiual bIiik party at tholr lodgo rooms this ovonlni;. A bocIuI timo will ho tho ordor. Spocchoa by prominent Nlka, vaiuLnlllo, mualo and Btory tollltiK will occupy tho tlnio. Itofroahmonta will ho aorvod. Knch Klk la allowed to Invito two, uiul a lurgo nttondnnco will loault, Cult Leader Convicted CHICAGO, Nov. 'J8. Ottoman Ziir-Admdit-iInniHli, loader of tho nun worshipper' unit, was convicted this afternoon by a jury in tho Unit ed States court of sondiii),' obscene lileraturo by express. Tho jury was out two kourt, ou OD NV MB E E IS V D IKED MILITARY COURT TRY TRINIDAD, Colo., Nov. 2S. Gen 'hn Chaise, commanding tho t troops In tho Southern Colorado coal flelda, today appointed a military court martial, to try atrlku cnsei. Whether tho tribunal would try prisoners or only examine witnekies was not announrod. In cither case, It waa feared General Chase's action, by autaKonlxinK the minora, will pre judice tho attempt, Federal Secretary of Labor Wilson la making to settle the atrlko. There wero n number of military prlionora hero and at Walsenburi; to day, Including tho men accused of complicity In tho killing In Trinidad, of Chief Holchor of tho Corps of Mine Guarda and four guards at La Veta. E L STANDS OFF 100 SALT I.AKK CITY, Ctah, Nov. 128. Unless they can catch him mdoop, leadorn of tho 100-odd men who have Ralph Lopez, alleged quadruple mur dered, run to earth In the tunnel ot tho Minnie mine, near Hinlumi, ad mitted today that all they could do would bo to starve him out, Lopez, it was churned, killed a countryman of his own at Riuuliam, wiped out a po-.o of three which was pursuini; him, dodged several other posses and finally fmiud ref uo in tho tunnel, where, with a hi;h power rifle, ample ammunition mid provisions for toornl days, he re sisted' capture. Volunteers to enter tho tunnel af ter him wore hard to find. WESTERN FUEL TO PRODUCE ITS BOOKS SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. i8. That tho Western r'uol connuuiy officials will produce the hooks of tho eon corn before tlio federal e;rand jury hero this afternoon was the belief today of Matt I. Sullivan, Mieciul United States prosecutor. Intuitu tions lmvo been niovn, Sullivan as serted, that them would ho no fur ther trouble about the books. If tho books are produced, it is eeilaiu that tho contempt proceed ings will bo dropped, NAMED COLORADO CASES LN IX U JUST A POLITE INVITATION. MOVE O.N. E TORTURED BY ZAPATESTAS1 MKXICO CITY, Nov. 2S. Gov eminent troops were making frantic efforts today to rescue a prominent federal army offlcer'a wife, caught by Zapatista robels south of here and a victim, according to dozens of In sulting messagca from her captors, of lndcscrlbablo exceasea at their hands. "Wo aro heaping Indignities un,on her," has been tho aubstanco of tho messages, and, defiantly, "conio and got hor." General Gamboa. commanding a federal force, nttacklng a band of the guerillas 100 miles aputh of tho capl tnl was reported today to havo been fatally wounded. It was announced by tho govern ment that American cotton will soon bo admitted duty free, so that tho cotton mills may bo kept running. The supply haa been cut off from tho Mexican cotton district of Torrcoa, where tho rebels aro In control. Tho shortage ot food and fuel waa becoming alarming and ovon tho slender supplies ou hand wero bring ing such prices that only tho rich could havo firea and tho pour wero down to u scant ono meal a day. An actual famine, from which oven tho rich would Buffer, seemed lmmlncut. Thoro wero CO cases of typhoid re ported In tho city and there prob ably woro many moro of which tho au thorities did not know. Tho government got all tho satis faction it could out of tho news of tho federal defeat ot 400 rebels In Tlaxcal. Tho rebels wero said to hava been driven first out ot San Darlnn Texolec, followed to San An dreas Cuampllpa and routed thoro with a loss of r0 or CO. PRESIDENT ZELAYA ;IN T NEW YORK", Nov. 28.- Kx-Pre.M-dent Joo Santos .elaya of Nicaragua was clmfinj; today in tho Tomb, whom United States CommUsiouor Shield committed him without hail yesterday pending tho outcome of the extradition proceedings under which his return to Nicaragua i sought to answer murder charges. It waa expected his counsel would make a hard fight at liU examina tion Monday to secure li's release, on the ground that if an offender at all, his offenses were political and not eruuiuul, A GENERAL'S WF -X. X. UtrtM. CRAIG 1 , TRI AT SHCLHYYILLK. Ind., Nov. 2S, Tho trial of Dr. Wm. IJ. Craig, head of tho Indian Veterinary college, charged with murdering Dr. Helen Knabe, a well known woman physi cian in Indianapolis and former state pathologist, began hero today, 'it was expected that a jury would bo empaneled by Monday. Dr. Knabo, an Austrian by birth, came to America at tho ago of 20 and had been hero about 25 years when kilted. SHo was much inter ested In physical culture and at tracted much attention for her per fection of form. She was found dead In her apartment about two years ago with her throat cut. Tho prosecution maintains that Craig had been engaged to her, that tho engagement had been broken off Just before tho murder, and that less than an hour later Craig waa seen In tho vicinity. Several weird theories havo been advanced concerning tho character ot the defense ho would make, but tho probabilities seemed to bo that ho would offer evidence to ahow Dr. Knabo was desperately embarrassed financially; that slio commlttted sui cide, and that her friends removed 'all evidences ot tho fact that sho died by her own hand before notifying tho police. Tho caso was brought hero on a change ot venuo from Indianapolis. T WASHINGTON', Nov. 2S. Illegal combination of California terminal railroads to shut tho steamors Yale and Harvard ot tho Pacific Naviga tion company out ot San Podro and San Diego business trom San Fran cisco In favor of competing- lines, was allcgod today In n complaint regis tered with tho Interstate commercq commission. Tho complaint doolarod tho Pacific Navigation company main tained a first-class servlco but that tho railroads had arrangod to shift tholr passengors to the Pacific Soast Steamship company and tho Portland Steamship company as tho result ot a ruto agreement. Filipino Dignitary at Rome ROMN, Nov. 'J8. Hihhop Denni Dougherty of tho Pliilipipo Islands was received in privnto nudieuce hero today by Pope Pius. AL UNDERWAY INDIANAPOLIS RUSH A M E R I C A N M ENGLAND BACKS Mediterranean Fleet Given Orders to Report at Once East Coast Con centrate Haval Power at Ports Situation Chanu.es. Great Britain Waives All Rights in Southern Waters in Favor of the United States. WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. Tho navy department today ordered tho battleships Kanaaa, Connecticut and Ohio, the Atlantic division, from tho Mediterranean to Moxlcan waters at once. It waa Bald they were going ouly to relievo tho second division at Vera Cruz, but this waa said also when tho third division went, and yet both dl vlslona stayed. Satisfaction waa ex preazed In administration circles at Dngland'a decision to wnlvo Its naval rights in Mexican waters in favor ot tho United Stales. It waa also evi dent that Lord High Chancellor Hal dano of England bad won official dom's regard by a speech commend ing President Wilson's Interpretation of tho Monroe doctrine. That England had waived Its naval rlghta In Mexican waters to tho United States, as it was announced had been done, following President Wllson'a conference with Sir Wm. Ty rrcL was evidently a causa of much gratification here, though It was. said that tho action was in lino with tho policy tho English gorornment has been following lately. AilfiHral Str'airliiophtr CraddScl. who would command whatover war ships England might send to tho Moxlcan east coast, rank Itear-Ad-mlral Fletcher, speaking internation ally, nnd but for England's action, tho situation might havo resulted In embarrassment and complications. So far as could bo learned at tho navy and state departments, no fur ther news had been recclvod today concerning tho casa ot J. F. Wood yard, r., tho American at Vera Cruz, who went on board tho battleship Michigan after being warned that tho Mexican authorities bad Issued a. warrant for him charging him with having aided tho escape of Daniel and Evarlsto Madoro. It was presumed ho would bo roturned to tho United States as soon as possible. RELEASE ZELAYA NEW YORK, Nov. 28. -Ex-President Zelavn of Nicaragua, arrested , Wednesday night ou an extradition ' warrant charging him with murder in his native eouutry, today was or dered released under a haboas cor pus proceeding begun by his counsel before Judge Holt in the federal dis trict court. The writ wus made re turnable at 2 p. in. Monday, tlio sumo day sot for Zelaya's hearing before United Stales Commissionoi Shields in tho extradition proceed ings. In tho application for the writ Zo laya denied that ho was guilty oC murder or of any extraditable of fense. E AT WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON. Nov. 28. Tho Whito Houso refused to admit today that Francis Ji. Suvro and hi bride, formerly Miss Jessio Wilson, wore there, Rcnuests for tho uluus of thy couple, also were ignored. ! Intimnto friends of tlio Wilson, family, however, said tho couplo would ncompuny President Wilsmi to Now York and would sni tumor- ' row for Europe. ' ",' v White Houso servant wore busy today packing tlio wedding "gifts.' ' Many wero sent to Willinmst'owu und others were stored. HABEAS CORPUS 4 IP -J .'V f I