And Now i . i im ! w i phi s m - i i m nw - mill ! - ,. ., .., i i M.,.M. p..., ., ., i i mjmfmi- n i i. . . p.. i . ...i.i...- ZmSS,? frt;,J.ccclTONW ui-&u .--- 7r 3 UaMTCCfe?l iiteJv' 1$Pr TOFVi yr''1 iirHiUstr JlL mfT -A '!il ' ? BUKnO LUuINu bKUUnU S HAS- I KANl'ISCO. Nov 2C. 'Mint I'maUn Hums, tliu Oakland lightweight U )litltiK wn prnelknl ly (hn uunulmou vurdlut hero toduy ill tint thoiiiwuiln who wlimmiil Inxl lllglll SO MltlMit go lltTi" between 1 In rn niul Johnny Mr('urt) of Him l'miii im'o TniH lltittM, won (b do ttololi Mint won li n wltlij margin, l it t II was miiiiilly clear Unit Imil ho Shown hU nlit time form Im would hnvn Mowed nmi) ( lit Hun Frmii'l. i itn A ullimlug loft J-ili win) tin) bout fur Uurim. MH'urtlo's pcculUr boulder itt'f i'ti'. by which hn keeps lil Jaw ImrliHl In tliu in uncle of lilit lofi arm. ki'iu Burns mini lirlucliu; Into I'Ih) hlk rlKht criHw ulth nu- ilo Kri' of nri'iirncy. Ily iurtiil tills ! uiit-tt n iIiiii tin.i'M or iiioro but ll luimll) liiiuli'il on tliu hlilu uf thu Han rritnrUrnii'n lirnil. "LET-ER BUCK" AT ' STAR THEATRE TONIGHT Tlm Stnr TlnutiT li;i tictiriil for tixlii) unit tomorrow mi uxiiritlonitlly treiit: would ii plioioplny unlltloJ ' Tlio i'i l(i) .MiiKiiutu," tliuro urn fvirnl UirlllluK nuil itxcltliiK hciukiii In llil" plrturo, mi nniiunl roiluo l uliouu In nil Hit Klory. with buck Inn broncho. rblltiK lrorn, ulr. Tlinu iitliur iliutoiii)H ooiupliito (Im plr tiin proKruni nml tlm bill i-totui with n ih-IiiI mliloil nttrnrtluii (or tmliiy only. Mr I.hii Ki'iiiu'il) In inimical ihiIoh mul uovollliiM. .Mr. KuiiuiHly In it iiiiiHlrlan uml rotno.i hlKhl) ri'cuuiuii'tiiloil. li Ik iIu)Iiik of llm HavaphoiioH, rlnlrlimt uml violin In impcilally kooiI. CoiuIuk I'rlilny ,Mtn I'lNko In "IVn of iriTrlitrvllluN. 'I'll In In tlm (Imt uf tlm fmnotiK playor proiliii'ilouii to bi mi'Oii luro unit In Hini'cl nml proiliuvil iiiuIit tlm pi'i nuiiiiI NiiponlHlou of Daniel rroluiiuu NIJW WKHTMINHTKII, ll. C, Nov. 20 Tlm llrllUli North America liriiurh bunk at AkuhhU, II, (.'., whh Imht up uml rohhml iMtonliiy aftor noon by hIv nmn nnui'il with iKIoh mul vvhoHii fiii'uN worn covi'iiul with bltm limiilkoichlofH. Tlm robbuiH Niici'iii'iloil In uiiikluK tlmlr imcapo with u coiiHlilorublu hiiiii of monoy. thu mnoiiut of which Ih not known. I'ohhi'h of provincial' polled hnvo loft for tlm hcoiiu of tliu robboi'.v. Tlm robbuiH nro bullovi'il to Im Immlml In thu illructlou of Vmicouvur. First Church of Chrlstj Scientist A Tlllllll;H(;ill(; hOI'vil'O will liu Imlil 'I'liuiMlny inoriiiut; ut 1 1 o'i'look. Siilijout of litssuu- hciniou, "Tliiinlin KiviiiK." Tlm puliliu Ik cuiilinlly in vileil. Cliiiivh i-dirii-K, 'Jl Ninth Oukilnlc. HI'lICIAIi TV(l IIKKIi I'KTiritlJ AT IT TIIIUTKIt TONMIIIT "Thu Itlilillu or tlm In Hohllur," KiiIcuii'h two part "Mnilulyu Made" ilutorllvu Ktory proHimtuil ut thu It Thoutur liiHt nlKht to u InrKo crowd will bo hIiowii ukuIii loulKlit. MIh Ailed .loyi'o an dutuctlvo in call ml upon to rliul tlm khluaiipoil cMldruu of Tliuiutou AudruwH, n inllUonalro. A pldtuiu of tlm pouioat uuctlou of NoW Voile plump lu uhown mid MTCDFOTtn Jeff Is Thoroughly in Sympathy iMiiiIuIjii lunriiM 111 i' KilnitiiliiK I Iiii jtn tlm linllciotliiii of tint iiillllonulru'A 'iliiiiulitur. I Tint i;lrl tli'i'iily tittrHt'il In mit- tli'iiii'iit work iiml upon Imr futlicr'H 'ri'fumil tit rii-oiiiirnln with Imr. klil jnupK Imr )nuiiKir lirutlinr nx an oil Jim I Ionium (!nuKtorii who Iciirn uf tinr iiluii l.liiiiti then) liolli. TlirmiKli fiiicnii'iit of a tin uoldlur unit tlm ilrui; Imlilt, tlm KuiiKtvrH nro trnvud. inn thu chllUri'ii n-nciicJ uf. lor a Imlr rnlxliiK flxht lictwi'i'ii tlm i;miKmpr uml tlm (ifflrnrH. I I WILLOW SPRINGS TWIGLETSI . . .- , . . I Sum AiuliTHoii nuil family won' Nlioiiint; in (Yutrnl I'oiut lnt Sat- unlaw Minn llllii'l Demi partool; of the t'i'Ntivitii'N sivi'ii ut the Central i'oiut hili Midmol IhiiMiiik l',h' "t unlay oM'iiiiiK- If ('ulifnrniii In nbln o lilit llidr liilijliwiiyn thirty nml forty iiiUuh, wo iiukIiI to Im iililn to viiiiNtrui't u I'i'w mili'H uf irouil mini iiuiiiriliiitfly out of our uilioH. It. Hlilcii hM-nl lnit wi'i-k tn (irmitN I'uhh uml Ai1i'K'itf di-ttiiti in imixuit of liiuinr intcri"t. F, 'frut'v Mill lme Miuulny for NVw York City to lie priwiit nl Iiin HiHtor'K wrililiuu'. ii f tor which ho will lento for tlm Mulo of WuhliiuKtou to rciiiniu for tin winter. (Juito mi oluhnrwto proKrnm wiin romlcrod ut tlm M'huolhoiiso on Wed iioHiluy. I). Stouo in vne of tho iipi'i'l or tn criulii'iito tlu blichl in the Ilojjim Itivor vnllov. Mr. Stono whs ono of tho iiromotow of tide rum iaiu for tho prultirtiuii of orohuriN. l would Im u ureal ucoouunodiitiou to llu people of tho Mirruuudiuc dih trieU of Medfonl mul Central I'oiut if hheds with wool will mid rout over Hiunu could ho oicetod for tho tmo of tlm fanner limine tho ruiiiy wonthor; in it in imw thoro i- im )iroleelinu whatsoever. Tlm (Irani,'!) procrnm will ho orv pleasing thin week, nml tho lofrosh menu will ho jjood. Several now UH'iuhorx will lie vivcu the oliligalion, kii nil ooiiio and have u holiday fes tivity Friday evening. Kail Heft celebrated hU hiitlulav iiuuivorMiry lust Sunday with a din ner party, oniiMhtiu): of the follow H'tf Kiiestfi: .VfeKrtix, uud Momiuiuos I toy Nicholii, llit)h rotter nml dmichtor, Ahin Clark ami Mrs, J. .1. Muclucruoy uud children of llorl laud. I BEAGLE BEAGLETS I . , ; '. Tom Jones hud hiisiuuHs in Central I'ulnt mul Medfonl Wodua-'diiy. ''Windy'' Welch of tho Moudown wan a IhihIiiokk visitor horn Tuesday. Dell Monixou uud llugh Mo-Creii-ht worn in Central I'oiut on husi iii'Mu Tuosduy. Mr. Tyrrell of llm Mendnwrt wiih hero on luiKiiicsH Monday. 1). II. ItiiHM'll and hod, Paul, were in Mcdfotd Sunday nnd hrmiKht Mrs, llnrtsell hnuio. Wo hopo for her Htendy reeovory. Mrs. ItiiiK, who luw been ut tlm lissoll ImiiH) durinj Mrs. ltusoll's ubsoiii'ii in .Med I'o id, returned to her honui at Surdiiiu Crook Tuesday. Karl Casu was in Gold Hill trans uetiii),' husinoHs Tuesday. Mr, Foloihun, Kiiporvisor of dis trict No. 'J, was hero visiting our seliool Friday uml wax tho xuust of Prof. Hvvool Friday nlj;lit. Prof. Jasper Miller I'losed his Holmol work in tlm Mouutuiu distilet Friday with 11 blunt program in tho aftiiruonu, Hn loll for Medfonl Mon day whuru lm expects to ho' loonted for Huum lime. Flora Stnoy olosod hor fall term of suliool ut lower Tiail, Tuesday. Wo urn pleased to receive, -nod news of her bolmul woik thorn. Mrs. Alhoitu Jones uud Flora Slimy cuiiio homo to enjoy tho daueo MATft TRrRTTNR MTCPTrOTtD, OIWIO.V. AVKDNKSDAV. XOVttMTWK 20, nuni at tho Hiney lioiuo Siiliirdiiy nifh(. Miinie wiin furilikhcd bv the ..-m.... . .- - -r ifhtKOH uml wiin Hplcuilid. A fine, well hehiiM'd criiwil enjoeil tlm oe I'liHiou and ki'i'iiieil to ii't'iel the lleetiuu of the Imurx. riorenco Walker funiiNlied iiiuhio for llm dunce ut the I'omero.V home in tho Meadow n Saturday night. A I limi time in ieKirted. I Mrn. Klherl (lliin wiih lur Tiiom day patroiiiiiiK the little utore. j A iood-hieil crowd Httemled tin 'hchool meeting in Ditriet No. 11, Mountain, Saturday mul a tax of 'Pg iiiHIm wiin voteil fur the main taining of thu selioul. A hvuly de- ilmte n indulged la rcgardim; the iioiitiiiiiini; of hcIiooI ilurinj,' the win ter laoulliN, I'ractioullv all imreiitn deciro an enrlv roNiunptioii of ncliool 'work, hut it hoeinn that ". V. Mor- riron, oiio of the direeton, had prom incd tho next term of school to a Miunt: Indv wIiohii term dm nut clone until the latter part of March, uml thereforo the petition of the pnr cuts must ho turned down. The same direeton had solicited otoi for 0110 (lodfrev In .Juno heemim) of his he im; in favor of n winter school uud other proj'resNive move". CiiIosm the board hcos fit to '.rant the petition of tlm patrons of the school, the matter will ho taken before tho count v superintendent ami their re moval demanded. BUTTE FALLS Mr. Itonj. Picilciihut'K made 11 trip to the valley last week to have some deiitnl woik done, Mr. Mills, who has liceu serving 011 the jury ut Jacksonville is home iifain, , Mr. Huhhaid, Knnie warden, wn in Hutte Fulls last vveelc for a few days. He wont uway convinced that the peoplo around hero are law abiding eitiuus. ltoy Howurd of Kmiehaiia loft Inst Snturdav for Hildress, California, where ho intends spending the win ter. From vvliut Mr. Howard miv theru is a promising future in stme for Hiineharia. Uveryoiio is plunniug to have n joyous time Thanksgiving. The school children are going to give mi enteitainniont Wednesday, evening in the nssemhly hull of (ho school house; thou Thursday evening there will ho two basket ball games (girls nnd hoys), some kind of an athletic contest culled ''Skoo-Wuh" on (he bills uml said to "to bo intro duced for the first time oust of Chi na," mid a hall and a midnight feed. The admissions fur tho hnskct hall games nro, children 1(1 cents, adults lfi cents. For the ball and supper, games inclusive, .l.'J.r, F.vorv one WORTH WIIILI3 Tho Rent Real RurKnlu In Med fonl. Lot SOxlTS with good S room houso with I ucruon stooping porches opening out from each of tho 4 bod roonm upstairs, bnth nnd toilet up Btnlra and down, gtiR In all rooms, hot mul cold running wntor tn all bod roonm upstairs, 80 gallon hot wntor tank, full commit luiHoninnt, tliu drained, eloctrlo light, nnd on ouo of tho host resident streets lu Mod- ford, I'rlco It sold soon, 13200, iu:nxi:tt ixvkhtmicnt co. SPECIAL TODAY For hiiIu, f room house, nu good lot, assoKumuntu nil paid, 900, easy tonus, Flvo room bugiilow for rout, ulco law, 1C, r0 por mouth, Oovoial housus for rout, from 10 to 20 por month. My specialty la looking after nun rosldont property. E. JT. STEWART Room 204 Fruitgrowers Rank Hldg. Office rdiouu 031, Hen. phono 822-J, With Dogs i inviti'd to come uml "he merry." Mrs, Hill Heat inade a biwiueKs; trip to the valley hint week. Mrs. Cnd.ow, clerk of our school I iliKtrml, nw nut lukinx thu school eniiMim Tuosduy. A school election wi held .Monday tn elect a truslie to fill out the tin-' expired term of Mrs. ,K. Hildrctli, I who him moved to Crescent City. Mr.' ClevenpT mux Ihc lueky nomiiieo nnd' we are sure ho will do nil ho oiin for the interest of our Helmut. notici:. Notice Ih boroby bIvoii Hint tho tin dunlKtieil will npply to tho city coun cil of thu city of Medford, OreKon, at lt next rt'KiiIar nioetliiK Deccrabor 2nd, K'Kl, for a llceunu to null spirt tuoiiB, vluuim and malt liquors In quantities turn thnn n gallon, at their place of buslncKB on South Fir street, located ut lots 10, 11 nnd 12, block T, of thu original tovrnslte, In said city, for a period of six months. IIOTKL MOOIti:. Pa to of first publication Novotn bor, 20th, 1!13. ; NOTIUK. Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned will upply to tho city coun cil of tho city of Medford, Oregon, ut Its next regulnr meeting on Dec. 2, 11(13, for a Ilcenso to sell spirit uous, vinous and malt liquors at re tail In quantities less than a gallon at his place of business at No. 2, N. Front street, In said city for n period of six months. Dated Novcmbor 20, 1913. 13. O. UROWN. NOTICE. In tho circuit court for the county of Jackson, stnte of Oregon. lu the matter of the assignment of Mnx Wm. Deck for tho benefit of creditors. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, William Ulrlcli. has been nppnlnted as asslgucc of thu estnte of Max Wm. Reck, an Insol vent debtor, nnd notlco Is hereby WHY? im:ar tracts peak tracts 10-20-30 aero pear tracts, bearing orchard, best varieties, three miles from Medford. Doop freo loam soil. No bettor 10-yenr-old pear orchard In Jackson county. This must bo sold nt onco. I'rlco asked $000 an acre. If you moan business Investlgato at onco. Wo will moot nil computlon. Wo do not bellovo this .can bo duplicated for tho price In any fruit district In tho northwest, No matter what your business may bo, hero Is an invest ment worthy of your consideration. Vnluo U twico tho amount asked. Next year's crop should not owner this amount. J. O. 1UII.VK8, Phono 120-J. First National Uauk hldg. NEW TODAY Somo good gonoral farms, nnd stock ruuehos In tho Evans crook country. Thoy nro all jnouoy mak ers. A 00-ucro form, all In cultivation, In Lovvor Sams Vultoy to exchange (or a good residence lu Portland. 1C ncros of bearing Nuvvtowns nnd pours, closo lu, that will bring tho grovvor this year 10 per cent on tho price asked for tho orchard. 1C0 acres, au Improved farm, In tliq farm bolt of Eastern Colorado. W1U exchange nt 15000.00 for a small ranch 11 oar Medford. Call for particulars ns to those bargains, O. 1). HGON Room I, Jackson County Uauk lllilfi, Phono IQU7-J Klvon to nil creilitors to present any mid nil claims Hgalust thu estate, of ald liiHolveiit debtor within throo months from nnd after thu datu of the first publication of this notice, tlm first publication thereof being on Wednesday Ibu "JCtli duy of Novem ber, A. I). 11113 And alo all parties knowliiR them selvus Indebted lu said Insolvent es tate shall forthwith pay over thu amount due unto cald estate at the office of sntd assignee, at room 1, Jackfcon County Hank Dldtc., Mcdford, OroKon. WILLIAM L'LIUCH. AsslKiiee of the estate of .Max Wm. iicck, au Insolvent debtor. FOIt ItK.N'T IIOU.MKKKKl'INO ItUO.MK FOR HKNT HoiisekeejiinB room, ground floor. 314 So. Contrat. ! : - FOR HUNT FURMSIIKI) ItOO.MS 'FOR RENT Rooms" with or without board. Prefer boarders, 40S So. Oakdale. 2 IS F OR RE N T Modern f urnlshod rooms at thu Cottage, C04 W. 10th street. 228 FOR RENT Largo sleeping rooms, nnd modern housekeeping apart ments, prices very rcasonabto. l'honu 247-L. 222 South Holly street. FOR HK.N1 ntlirr.K! FOR RENT Modern 5 room house, one block from Medford Hotel, also 3 room houso, modern, with range all connected. Phono 3C5-J, 7S-R FOR RENT .1 room bungalow, east side. See Humphrey, S15 East Main St. 212 FOR RENT Modern furnished house. M. A. Radcr, CO North Orange. FOR RENT Rungalow at 109 Geneva avouuo, C rooms besides bath room, two sleeping porches, one enclosed In glass, and attic. Also garage nnd wood shed con taining large horso stall and hay loft. This Is n very beautiful homo. Has a pergola, and wntor Illy pond In rear and Is surrounded by ISO cholco rose bushes. Rent J30.00. Mrs. Peter Steenstrup. FOR RENT Apartment 7 rooms and bath, 9 Roso Ave., comer West Main, l'hono 373-J. 213 FOR RENT OFFICES FOR rtENi Lurgo, conifortublo of flco rooms with elevator service, steam heat, hot and cold water Low rates. Apply Mcdford Furni ture & Hdw Cj FOR IH-XT MISCELLANEOUS FoTmTnV40" acres with Reed buildings. Room V 1, Jaekson County Ilnnk Hldg, 212 FOR RENT 120.00 per month, storo room ih growing town of Talent; good business openings. Luman Judd, Talent, Ore. 214 FOR SALE HOUSES FbnSAIi:-' Thrcohouses nnd" lots') 412 Laurel St., 411 South Now town street, prlco $4000. Owner new- Sam llnuer, Nealcowiu, Ore gon. 229 FOR SALE ACREAGE FOR "SALK AG and To" "ncro tract closo lu, tucouio property, easy terms. Call owner 392-M. 224 FOR 8AL15 MlhCmit.AXEOCB l-'ORSALE First class team of heavy horses. Inquire Eads Trans for Co.. 42 N. Front, FOR SALE Furniture hoarding and rooming houso, cheap rout.. Always full of bourdors. Address W. C, Mull Trlbuno. 213 FOR SALE 100 tons or first clnss buy, six fresh cows, A-l driving nnd work horsey covorod top do Uvery wagon and spocial made driving cart. Walsh's ranch on Spring st., mllo out N. Roosovolt nvonuo. 230 FOR SALE 2 young milch cows, 1 malo cnlf, 1 bruwn work maro. WUlto Orpington chickens, Keller atrnss strain, Good young Rronzo turkeys. Cull nt 208 Garnott Coroy Uldg., or phono C39-R4. 212 FOR, SALE--Uluck mnro. wolght 1100 pounds, gentle either single or double. Inquire Nash Stables, 211 IfM.'t. VRM FOIt H.W.K .MIKCi:i,L.NKOUS FOIt "SALKSOO i'8. C. Whlto iij horn hens, one year old; alio ICO S. C. Whlto Leghorn, pullets. F. T. Hutler, I O. box No. 836, 1700 W. Main Hi. 212 IWUV WA.NTKU .ILUiK WANrEniincrs" atnradn "niJne! Cold Hill, Oregon, for contract work. Gold Hay Realty Co. IIKLI WANTIU) FE3IAI.K WANTED Girl or middle aged wo man for general housework In tho country. Address A. L., Mall Trib une, tf WAXTKIl MISCELLANEOUS WANTED- Washing dono at homo cheap. 634 Hamilton St. 217 WANTED Stable for one horse ana wagon near 11th street grocer. Address or call 1109 West 11th street. 212 WANTED I will overhaul cars, and , It so desired, will allow owner to help and Instruct them In principals of motor car work. Will do tho work cither at your own home or at my place. Rates very reason able. Address box 44, care Mall Tribune. 214 WANTED Clean rags at Mall Tri bune office. WANTED City and country pro perty for exchange. O. Allder. room 3. RIalto I3!dg. 235 JAPANESE HANDWORK LAUNDRY Handwork wears longer, keeps clean longer, same price as ma chine work. Wo make a specialty of shirts and collars. All ordors called for and delivered. Custom prices. Phono 79-J, 52S South Fir St. 214 FOR EACUAMF. 1 . ,FOR EXCHANGE 110,000 320 aero highly Improved stock ranch, 1 Northern California, clear, for good j ranch here. Clark Realty Co. IX)ST LOST A cnl.l l'nlil link ruff hnttnn - - W.M 0W.H .H. .. ...., Medallion iloslan. smnll phln uut.l ting, reward for return to Mall Trl- uuuu uiiice. .i LOST .Sterling bicycle stolen from 1404 West Main street Monday morning. Has black frame, largo seat, steel rims, front mudguard off. both pedals off. 212 MONET TO LOA.f TO LOAN Havo 12000.00 to loan on city or country property nt eight per cent. E. S. Tumy. 210 Gnr-nett-Corey Uldg. TO LOAN $1000 to J5"00 on good I security. R. A. Holmes, tho In surance mau. tf MONEY TO LOAN On city and close In ranch property. C. A. McArtuur, room 3, P. O. block, Phone 3GS. UUSIXESM DIRECTORY Auto 8uppllr&. LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secrot lu making springs Is the tempering. We are operating the largest, oldest nnd beat equipped plant In tho Pacific northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Sold under guarantee. 2G North Fif teenth St.. Portland. Or Attorney 11. F. PIATT Lawyer. 21C aarnett- 1 Carey Uldg. PORTER J. NBFF, WM. P. MHALEY Attornoys-at-Law. Rooms 8 and 9, Medford Nutlonnl Rank bldg. A. E. RBAMES, LAWYER Garnett Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun Bollor at Law. 123 East Main street, Medford, Ore. Wm. M. Colvlg George M. Roberts COLVIG & ROUERTS. LAWYERS Medford Natloual Rank Uulldln, D. F. MULKEY & OEO. wrCHERRY Attornoys at Law, Jackson Coun ty Rank Building. NEWTON W. UORDEN Attorney at law. room 7, Sparta bulldlug, Med ford, Oregou, Hospital. THE I0Y HOSPITAL, Coutrnl Ppjut, Oregon. J4a PAGE SEVEN By "Bud11 Fisher UL'SINKSS DIKECTOnY Auctioneer WILLIAM t'LRICH Licensed Auc tioneer for tho City of Mcdford Oreguu Terms reasonable Resi dence phono 1G1-J. Office Jack son County. Rank bultdlnr. Chiropractor DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor nerro specialist Rooms 203-204-205 Oarnett-Corey bldg Vapor baths and scientific mannngo given, needle spray, head and shoulder shower In connection; atlvlco In 4!etetlc, medical gymnastics, fiydroptherapr. Lady ntteudant. Phone, offlco 945, rcildonci C71-R OR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Louise B Hedges Mcchano-Theraplsts, Chiro practors. Spondylotheraptsts. Thesa systems. Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-theraphy, etc., produce results In both acutt and chronlu dlseasoa. Consulta tion freo. Over Douol ft Co., cor ner Main and Dartlett. Hours 9 a. m. to S p. m. Othor hours by appointment. Phone 170. OartiMt GARBAGE Got Tour premise cleaned up for tb - winter. Call on tho city garbage wagoas for rood service. Phone 826-L. r. Y, Allen. -' DcntUU dr. w. m. Van scoyoo w DR C C VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett -Corey bldg., suite 8X0. Medford. Ore. Phonn K. Notary rubllc HELEN N. YOCKEY -Notary pub lic Drlng your work to me at the sign of the Mall Tribune. ' Printers and iMiMUber MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing office tn southern Oregon; book binding looso leaf ledgers, bllliug systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Physicians uii Surgeons bit F. G. CARLOW. DR." EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 41C-417 Garnott-Corej bldg., phone 1036-L. Rosldence 26 South Laurel St. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practice limited to diseases ot womon. Offices 232 B Main Phones, residence, S14-J2; office 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practtco limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tostod and glasses supplied Offlco 228 East Main St.. Hour 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone. E. D. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Rank bldg. Office phone 43-R; residence phone B8-R. DR. MARION Physician and sur geon, Stewart bldg,, corner Main and'Rnrtlett sts ; office phone 37 residence phono 27-J-2. 904 West 10th. DR. MARTIN O. BARBER physi cian and surgeon. Office Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phones, office 36, re: donco 724-J, Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD Oatoopathle physician, 303 Garnett- Corey building. Phone 904-M. R. J. CONROY. M. D. Physician and. Surgeou. Over Hutchison ft Lurus den, 215 E. Main St Phono 77. DR. McM. M. DOW, Physician and Surgeon. Central Point, Oro. DR. LYDIA S. DOW. Osteopathio Physician. Central Point, Ore. HtenogriiauT ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographlo work done quickly and well. Transit -l HADS TRANSFER ft STORAGE GO. Offlco 42 North Front IH. Phone 815. Prices right. Service guitr iv V.