Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 26, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    MRDFORD MAlli TU.1HUN10.
L. A.
$ i
eronlor highways iuu trunk linos,
will ilovoto 1(8 innln work for thu
promotion nml rnuKtritrtlon of link
ntul Intorat rontls to tho mnlu nil it
runk roiuht.
KtitlotM'iiu'nt of lT. S. IVMumMiT
Make Demand Forcible
Be Trifled With
' iMtivil From tlio Offloo of
Work of tlio Trl-Stnlc Association tihto m. two otiu-r contomnintca , xiik costmastku ciunkum.
I, . , , , mnln hlshw.iH known na tho" Atlnn- v., 10 2i?o .
Dcscr biu hv Secretary Oman za- .,- ,.... , .... . ,M- n''l'u
"" "". t'Mcniunir norm nun Office of V ret Asat. I. M ln..
Wnvhlncton, Oct. IS. MM 3.
Highway Bulllllrin In Tlircc States. ;0McmnnB north .nn.l south front hr,b uotlfM that It I. tho '.hulrc I
, niiluth Mlnnosotn, to Nov Orltnn. of tho Department that thoy co-
, I.oulrlann. Those two inoln IIOOS ottornlo with Stntii nn.l nniintv mi. I VThm n nn t. tho a!.,, . ..... i.
i " .-.....,, . ....... , ,, ,.,v ,,,.-, vwiufet'i .imn' n
lion Broad In Scope and Abets I80"1' frt,m "nnKor, Maino to Minmi.
!, iivj .it K!Pi-iit iiiftiinnji
Ask tor S S 5. and Don5 Stand for iha
"Jus as fiiiod" Talk,
Assistance Given In Organizing Cam-, connect with tho Northern Control 'thorltlvs In tho umlottUT to Improvo' ?'V, WPrlp, ' '"' ho make t n-lxoVwo mom onrcfuity iii'mii timn a'n H lv
palgns for Better Roads and ,"! South. M.iniin, whij, ainiho comiu.on or tho nh..o rotu.s.; $ !Z WZJXtXZ
conuoct with the l'aciric lllhway. 'Tho Uonmtmottfo attention has been JuU ns rpunn worked on tun. .uM ,u, ,v, ttBl, w,i,wtM hLiih, If tlm hioolt
ASSlStlllU BOIld CffOrtS. Sl (iicut Iltliwn-. nttrnrtiMi to nrnrlniimtlniiH Umm.l I -SS3ji.-.irSv ... K' Mck. n nru thi iumrlltlni; oltunonln iif
jaiar. aI 3hrari N2U&.
lty (iCorRo K lloon
Tho Trl-Stnto I'nclfle Const (Sood
Itonils nrsoclntlon, organised nt Kuro
ka, Cal., on AuKtist 21, 1013, hna
concentrated and cr.VBtallltoil a senti
ment In bringing the Reed road Inter
est of tho three elates together and
Is alrcadj recognised a strong ally
to tho larner highway associations I
"All public undertaking to he
great must havo tho sentiment of the ;
peopjo bade of It, and tho greater
tho backing, the greater tho success .
and so with good road associations J
Every member enrolled becomes an!
ndrocato of good roads, and it Is the
purpose of this association to buliJ (
up, a largo mombcrshlp, becomes a
power, enabled to demand from tho
fountatnhcad such legislation and en
ncttuont as tho voice of tho people
will call for."
The Pacific Good Roads Associa
tion Is not organized for a slnglo pur
poso centered upon a specific high
wny, but will ndvornto and promote
tho building of roads everywhere In
the three coast states. It is broad
In scope, with manifold road Inter
ests and therefore, grcatoly assists
tho work of tlio greater Pacific and I
tho larger highway associations. For
that reason It creates good road sen
timents nnd holps build tho very
roads which tho largo associations
need In routing their continuous
nlnglo highways through tho various
Object of Orgiiiilratlon
Ono of tho primal objects of the
Pacific Coast Oood Roads Associa
tion is to assist county, municipal
and district corporations by promo
tion, exploitation, and publicity, fur-
Thou again tho six hlt,hwns eon-.from time to time l the llovernora
nect with thirteen, trunk highways. 'of StaUw do.lgnnMng certain duys ns
? ' vvil
The Country lt ml Ileforc tjclcntlflc linptvtfuictit.
III Jj$jt"-J "
11 JvC--iiJi t" l
WoSlL' n --f-
m&ariG ccf& 'good r o ao s
A3ft "'?'' V'r" ?'' ,h' 'V " J'V ' " S''
The Countrj lt.ul After lt Jiiipi-ncuietit
Map xvllh I.OKcml uliowlnt; nil lllnh-n-ityif.
Trunk and Link ItouJ under con
MlUri.illun In tlio tlirtti lutes.
nlfihlng statistics regarding lateral
road dovolopments, givo ndvlco on
legal proceduro, regards bonding or
raising lawful funds, dovito methods
of conducting road campaigns, and
wrero funds are available, send men
to districts who aro conversant with
tlioie matters, nnd by other legiti
mate meant, to briug about tho con
struction of lateral or link highways
connecting and Intersecting both
nmlii and trunk highways In Cali
fornia, Oregon and Washington.
All lmito.1 to .loin
Any one In favor of this work U
earnestly invited to Join t! laud
nblo enterprise.
There ure National goiornuiout
old, nnd a number of ulgh'y t'ti r'"ii'
lilshway and good road associations
with a purpose contorod uon speci
fied localltlcr. Thwe ai-f iroprl)
recognized us the advocato of tho
wain and trunk hlehwn. On th
Pnclflc coast thero are four of tho
main highways contemplated whlcti
uro all Important to Washington. Ore-
nn.i . .. a nniir......i mi.... . ... .
dun uuu lyiiiuuiiiia. ijiuj- ure Known i
as tho "Pacific Highway," extending
north and Bouth through the states
of Washington, Oregon nnd Califor
nia. Tho "Northern Highway," ex
tending east and west from tho north
OBBtern states Intersecting tlio Pa
cific Highway at Seattle, Washing
ton, tho "Lincoln" highway, extend
ing cast nml west from tho middle
states, Intersecting tho Pacific High
way at Sun Francisco, California,
and tho "Southern Highway," extend
ing rom tho Bonthorn atutes, inter
section tho Pacific Highway tit Snu
Plego, California,
Officer of AxsoclntJun
Memtwaiilp Card,
located In the most populated dls-, "Good Roads Da8" nnd postmasters,
(rlcts of tho Cnltcd States, of which as representatives In their communl
three interact with the Pacific High- ties of the National Government, ara
way. These throe lines are clarified expected to manlfost ns actlvo an In
under tho National Highway System terest In this movement as Is consist-
an tho "Pugot Gulf," "Lake Moun- ent with tho proper performance of
tain Pacific," and "Santa Fe" trunk jthoir official duties,
highways. DANIEL C. ROPKR,
California proposes under a legls- f First Asst.-P. M. Gen
latlvo act or 1910, to oxtoml tho!
-...- .v ,.uu ...h,., wuj mu- Contrlbutlni;
ion, v.niuurnin, to mo noruicrn uor- jwr annum . f l 00
dor of the state, to bo known as tho suu,ioinu XtemtorUlp Card "Jr
"Coast Trunk Highway," passing annum ... ..-,. to 01
through the principal cities along the Ufc st"briip Can! :s.oo
Pacific coast and Interacting tho lSuU"!.TT' "rT V""1 .to
n , ., . . L .. nin l9 otribitlng minlwrhlp cards
Pacific Highway in tho southern part wh!eh may u ltfntii b. ,wll BU1,W,)K
of Oregon. mambar to iilno vlucU oontrltiutlng
The states of Oregon and Washing- nwnltws.
ton aro promoting and hare partly , J'"' ID?"1"'" "f, '"uu', to Vvan,tJ"
completed the Columbia Rlvor Trnnk car4ll, wllWl ,,. hy nuoh llfe
Highway. This Is ono of the Import- member to twiy-rour atnglo oontriluit-
nnt trunk lines on the coast. It has ,MS mintr.
morq than readied tho promotion ' '" w" ""?! ,h ,,,M'r',,'", " 'uwl
, . , , , ... iwit nml uridnwM unmt li forwiir.kcl to
period and is ondorsed by the moat,b. H,ors,Bry rr UI,roiiiinmt.
Influential ami practical road hiilldora I oi'i'lCKi'.K
of tho land. This highway will con- j Dudi- v. ltc luddijic. Caiiforni.i,
nect with tho Piijtot Gulf Trunk line. ,''"',,,Jfn1!: , , . , . ,
... . . . . , , ... ,. ll K CoIIIhk, QxtrumUr, WitHlitngton,
which again Intorsocts with the! vie Prwldwit.
.orinern anu tno ractnc Higiiway j. w. moCov, Ashtan.i. orcguii, vice
Dr.. J. II. lliillilt. Shii Jimr, CHllfcrnla.
Vlv I'nmiiUint.
II. I', I-rnll'. Altunm, (MUl4rnUi, Troon.
.ami. 11 ll'Hrti, JItilford, Orvifon, h'vero-
uear Portland, Oregon. Under this
system tho throe larger eltlos In tho
throe Pacific coast statoa nro woll
.Minor IHImity
Ilosldfs tho six main and thlrloeu !
trunk highways as above dwirrUeed, I
thero ore a jjreat numbr of or Vtt"I,1B,0i"""'1 ,,,,l Anryiiii
highways, claused as "Link High-' .
ways" (laterals). Tho link road
connect and Intersect the main and f)nnon
trunk highways. Somo of these llnki "
In tho three coast utaton are partly i "
flnlshod, others aro under construe
tlon, and many In a Mate of probio
tlon. ,
Tho Pacific Coast Good Uoadi As
l-'rimk tjullburl, HiMikunq
J. T. Itonatd, Soottla
II. T. OrlKHH, Tucuiiih
II. I,. I'lttock, 1'ortland
" Qci. Itodcerv, Kulom
Win. arline, Marwhfleld
" Chan. Hon fro, Uuftno
Callfiiriila W. J. Mutton, Han J'ranoluto
" M. II. JiiIiiimiii, Hun ilulwj
" a A. WfiiU, CrffKTnt City
T, If. IUiniy, Itwl liluff
Aililri.uu tt II inrnmn rJin I luriu t fi 4 t, a
. A a " nil U t f I.WMIIIIUNIVH MViin " tll'j
sodatlon, ever ready to ioui"t-iv ,r, ,iry
W ii 'i 3rri nri i am
HI (KwtlTfl fx I mtSIbH'
w tmvLhmxMi m
Raises the
Dough Better
suer i
Ens JL
E. D. Weston
Official Photographer of thi
Medford Commercial Clul
Aumtcur Fini.shing
Post Cards
Panoramic Work
Flash lights
Interior and exterior view
Negatives made anv thru
and any place by appoint
L. M. HAIl.MO.V, .Miuuigor.
-208 E, Main Pnouo X471
MTien You Ash for S. H. S. Do So
With rmnhnsbi. They Will
tnmrly nulirrtlt. Why stand fr It Tho
only rcnion whv nny iitoro will tr t nut'
ullute mmirthlnic cl for 8. H. 8. I" th
lint for isroator trotlt. S. S. M. li tl.o
greatest b!ool purlUur Unouru.
i-ir il, Hntiiw. fttt olid niiKiott vf our dull t'. i. H. In primrvl dhrot fnmi
rutlvo IxitHtilcol iimtcMiil. Not u drup (
! urn lit ndditl, Nut n drup of mlniTitlt
In uiod. Thl H one of tlio iiuwt lmiirt.
'pt tlilnKii to Vin'w and to ri'iiionilicf
vhrn yi'ur Mix.l iiVoOm nltantlon.
It Is tlio in. "it cfT.'i'Uv t'io luirril, tlio
iiii . K t and ntiMt nllalilo nusllilno
uii mil for Hlnett IiI.hhI, rliPiim.ltlum
intorrlml Infi-ctlon, mulnrli, hkln illn-iuic.
old voron and nil uftlictlniM thnt luiv In
tllO t'llHxl, hKIo, Jolnti Ulld IIUKll''
An IntumitliDt 1km k on tliu liluol la
inulUnl to tltovu wlui wrllo. Utt u IhiIII.i
of . 8 P. today, tt It tlm wvild'u Krwtt
iiit modlolim. Innlnt uim tlio dp.ittr
Imnilmic )xm II, f. K, nnd don't lot him
riittt Niit tNiiiiotlilnir tlmt Iki cam t ml
imi u friii from lodlda of totii3lt and
other dntrnotlv inlnrrnl dnuti.
If y.'ll Imio tnuil'ln Kttllig H. it. H.
rn t.i Tim ttwlft MMHlflo t'o Jill Hwlft
Itldir. AUottU, U.r, fcr Um cf uijuaru (loot
Hiir Motlv Kir.
OAK flit from Inrur timlit'i'.
(M'ilVKD. Phoiif in oiu- ortlrij for Tirr Wood r
Coniwood to
Frank I'L Ray
Mi'iihiii'i'ii.t nt (Jii.imiitj'nl
Sixth and Fir Streets. Phono 750-R
Si4iXjte'iXj tHi'i1;XjXXlWlJ i' tt (iklfeW Af t'(i i l i .Ji ;1 I (. V -. i V V i ' f
For Real Solid Comfort
On cltilly cold days or for v. irm'nj "that cold cjrncr" there
is no better heating device than the
Vliercvcr there arc children or old people it is particularly "i
Can't smoic. DoesnV smell. ICay to light ami take care
ol. r.ayto carry Irumnxnntti room, ixo
For Bet Rotuit
Wo Recommrnd
' Peul Oil
Standard OH Comp
(UAUl UlirilA)
nomicai, iiie.peni.c. V'ill LsC a litctintc. 9
Ath to Set It At Your I
Dt'atcr -. Q
v. o. a
in" H I
Just received fall shipment of Hull Umbrellas
Drills your old handles and have thoni made into a
Unll handle when you need a new cover. No extra
charge for making your handle into a Hull handle,
Near Post Offico
I am a power for great good if you do
not abuse my use.
In cases of ncccl-I do my work well.
I am a builder up of health and strength
in the hospital or in the home.
For the invalid or the convalescent for
the tired or overworked 1 oiler a great
help. A little of me goes a long way.
I have been among you for three gen
erations. I'm Known ns Cyrus Nohlc throughout the world.
W. J. Van Schuyvcr & Co., General Agents
Portland, Oregon
wr vm m . m MM. w& w jm o&jd l. mur -wb
rFirm'mm r ir
i -'
.... 1
nr tiurU
Direct from Our Fnctory
( r Ciuli
tenons panel nooitH nv. h.i timinr
t'Ull. I.r.1 t Ui- Hi , I 1
.iMfr .( h, ii i im nM.1, nit! nil' I
IMl IIUrlillH Hi I l fill
rerT.Mii: wihuowii r nit ti""
witii rim. iii.uii i"i, lira ui I'Uin i i'
lii (kmi .... .MM
CAHIMr.NT KAHII, It .Iim mvl IU ,U.f;
I t ft II .IMF lll frvi ... t'
I 111" ll In. ill i
lNnini; riNuit u u- ih Mmii.,
t '. M. Ml . . . ,194
INSIDE DOOR riNIStt, iw .1.1 uf, 0O
WtLUAKS "OOUl ntAL" uoorixo t
I llr. r lollnf I i C ,11 It
3 I l, - It II r - i i , 1 , IIH
- Ill, t lt.ll u IW i II W.U
ASK 1'OH CATA100 MO. ' t
II, w'll '! r ; Krk
I aU un.i.u i-vf J .o..l au-u;f k -il.lj.
w 1U
iW ,11 II inside noon riNistt, nu mt, o , irrTrxzfAf ,i
r -i'i ; wiixiams' "aoui ntAL- aoorixa t i
ilr K.I.. 1 1 I llr. ,r ,.,11 f I ..i II II 11 " ' " ,'
88 Carloads
415 Automobiles
Made to the Howard Aulo Co. of San I'Yanei.sco,
Coast di.strihujors for Huirks. The largest shipment
of automobiles ever made under one draft and hill
of lading. Drealcing the Ihiick record made last
year, when they shipped a trainload of 7f carloads,
containing J175 machines, valued at $I8'2,I()0.(M), to
the Howard company.
All iyj-1 models are left-hand drive, center con
trol, fully equipped, including the famous Delco
Electric Starting and Lighting System.
Come and see the cars.
Valley Motors Traction to.
With the Folks'
Low Round Trip Fares
Vln die
ft Sryt
"Tho Exposition Line 1915'
hetween all points oi the S. V. Lines in Oregon north
and south, including branches: also on the O. & 13..
I'.K. &X.,S. K.C.& W.and J'.K&I'J.
SAfil-2 DAT MS
Superior Train Service, Observation Oars, Dining
Oara and Big, Wide All-Stool Coaches
Gall on nearest agent for specific fares, train sched
ules, aW.
fTohn.'M. Scott, Ocncral Passenger Agent