MEDFOftD MAID TRTRUNTC. M11DFOUD,. OTWCIOK, "WKDNTCSnAY. XOVKAiniW. 20, WW. Hedford Mail tribune BLIGHT ENEMY AND FRIEND was. Prophets predicted ruination of .Main street when the depot wat inimnl- -but the predictions failed of real ization. .It will not injure the old part of the city to change the loeatioh of the postoffico to the newer, though public convenience will demand the location of a branch near the present site. .Moreover, the entire matter was threshed out and disposed of years ago. This effort to reopen old sores is a purely selfish one 1 and will moreover be a futile one. The people of Med ford do not sanction any such dog-in-the-nmnger policv. Aledford is not readv to commit bara kiri to enable land Tho onxiigi'iniMit or .til. 100,000 more Ijold for tiprl Io Ciinadii held piices in ohi'i'l". ThU uml'" n to Inl of $10,0110,000 dining Urn move tnout to Cunnilii. ViiKiiilii-t'intillnit Chemical dropped I I -I. U'"d ero iiMului'. The innikel olosrd dull. Heavy Storm nt Sea SAN FIIASCISCO, N.. W TIumo vmh it hciiw ftnim ul "en oil the Pneilie. omul lodnv and IViih weu It'll I'm Mimll shipping ISIS THEATRE AN INDRIMSNOKNT NKWRl'ArKU ruuMHiir.i) rcvRiir aktriinoon GXC13IT BUNDAY HY TUB Micuronu piuntinci cu. T? YERY orchardist must heartily eo-oporato in the I'lutloplu) Tiii'Mhiy anil WVilui'Mhiy The Conscience Fund HuIIh Speelul Fealliiii III two IUmiIn patiii; wi:i:k!.v no. ni Now it ItKOlNAIiU'M fOl'IITSIIIP IMInmii Comedy wm . ..... .". . . . effort to eradicate hlitht, for this infection strikes tit The Democratic Times, Th Mrdfortl Mull, THe Metlfnrd Trllmne, Tho Boulh rn Orcconlnn, Tho AihlRtnl Tribune Office Mall Tribune llullillnit, 5-:-!9 North Kir street; telephono 76. his invested capital. Blight can be controlled here. .It can he. eradicated. All that is needed is thorough inspection followed hy hearty co-operation on the part of fruit-growers. The county is furnishing the inspection, the grower must furn ish the eo-operation. Ulicht is the treat friend of the Roinie River orchardist OfflelM Taptr of the City of Medfanl Official i'ftpor of Jackson County. QHOnac PUTNAM. Editor nnd Mannjrr .lords to raise rents. KnterKl nil (coni-cln8 matter nt HeitarA. Oregon, under tho net of llaroh I, 1879. as well as the great enemy, for it eliminates competition) from other districts where untavorable climatic conditions AWrnplM IMCAMTDV render the warfare against it hopeless. It keeps down the AmLluUnn InrMn I if I nvniliiAlimi nl' nmnv in 4lwt 1'iiifml fHiti .mil Ii'iii-kimx iiii1, IMia Pnigiiini Tlmrxiluy fur dieii'n Fivo Miiliiieo Clill. PXGEFOUll. BUBBCBlrTION KATES. One year, by mall - 15.00 One month, bl" mall . - .60 . Per month, dollxcrrd by carrier In Mciuortl. JBCKHonvme nnu von- rnl Ihlltit -.. -. Rniurdav oniv. by mall, per year. 2.00 .110 UVekly. per year- -i , 1.S0 GOVERNOR m I AND SAM L SIM HIGHWAY Samuel Hill, tho most prominent Rodil romls cntlmsinst of the north west, has accepted tho invitation of tno county conn to turn tnc ursv Bhovclful of j'nrth on the Siskiyou Rrntle, Oregon's first section of the Pacific highway, next Friilny after noon. Governor West hns wired that lie will bo here. State Treas urer Thomas 11. Kay ami Secretary of Stnto Hen Olcott, who, with the governor, compose tho state hiphwn commission, have been invited, but arc uncertain ns-to being able to at tend. Tho party will pather at Hertford nt 11 a. in. Friday mornin and mo tor to Ashland, where they will K entertained at luncheon by the Com mercial club of that city. Tho tnp to tho foot of tho new Sfrkiynti grade, where tho ceremony will take place, will follow immediately after tho luncheon. Mcdford has been invited to send about thirty representatives. Citi zens desiring to attend should no tify Hcnj. C. Sheldon, chairman oC committee on arrangements, at once. I D. M. LOWE OF ASHLAND HIT OF CHICAGO LAND SHOW WASHINGTON. Nov 2rt At (Jen. llllss' request, tho war iloparttuoiU, today ordered tho 20th Tultod Stnten Infantry to Kl Paso. Hilts wnn of the opinion that Americana In Juurex ami vicinity ueeded utrotiKor protection. A telegram from Mr. C. C. Chap man to the Portland Commercial club from Chicago Laud Show says: "Oregon Is attracting tromendous attention and tho booth is crowded with real farmers ami earnest seekers after Information. Many sections of tho country spending ten times as much as Oregon aro passed by with only tho ordinary interest, whllo Ore gon Is riveting tho closest attention. A special individual one-farm exhibit mado by D. M. Lowo of Ashland is a tremendous hit and will probably con tinue to be tho biggest triumph of tho Chicago Land show and will certainly advertise tho Rogue lllvcr valley In an offcctlvo way. Mr. Lowo has received and Is ac cepting invitations to speak before many organizations. This exhibit has been tho tbemo of unusual newspaper publicity. THANKSGIVING SERVICE AT BAPTIST CHURCH Tho union Thiuikiiin? msi-vici will bo held nt the Baptist church on Thursday nt 10 :3J a. in. He v. W. V. ' Shields -will preach (hu sermon. All nro cordially invited to be orosunt. You havo mnny things to bo thank ful for. , Married V llusbcll H. Swank mid Kthul May Smith wore united in mnrriiijjo b" Rev. W. V. Shields nt tho I'rosbytcr inu inauso Tuesday, November -" Mr. Swank bus taught in tho Gold Hill schools and also in tho hich Miliool of Atoriu, mid his brido is ono of the beautiful youn fjirls of tho ltogtto Hier alley, llor jwi enls, .Mr. mid Mr. It. E. Smith, for merly lived in Medfuid. but now io Mdu near Toh. Mr, nd Mru, Swaiit will live in the valley, Charles W. AiMin ami Mary E. Wilbon wuro united in ninr-riugo by tho Hov. W. F. Shields at the Pre byleiinn lnnnse, Saturday, Novem ber -'2. Mr. and Mrs. Austin are from llutlo Fullrt, where. Ihey will make their home. Their many friends in Medford, where tlioy nio well known,' wihh for them rich blessings in their new life uud home. At the Ms Tho Oxford Trio will appear ut tho Itiis theater this evening in bones, both new and old. This act comes highly recommended. A good bill of pictures, including tho tiwo-iteler, "Tho Conscience Fund," Patlu Weokly No. CI and "Reginald's Courtship," comedy, An extra ranged for tli ,inro Thursday. makes the industry extremely profitable in the few regions! -Vi r where it can be controlled. It insures a world-wide' ULIll IU LL market. A fedford orchardist, while taking a course at the Oregon Agricultural college, compiled front information given by various government and state expeirment sta tions throughout the country, the following authentic sum mary of the pear industry in the United States: Mntne Industry practically amounts to nothing. Vermont Industry passed away 20 years ago due to blight. Connecticut Only about r0 acres In the state. Khoilo Island Only a homo orchard Industry. New York Industrv heldlm: Its own iiihI Inerenslm; sllchtlv. Pennsylvania l'ear growing on the decrease for several oars duo to! blight. Indications now of renewed Interest. Maryland Industry about holdlug its own. Mostly Kleffers. Delaware Industry seems threatened owing to blight. Mostly Klef fers. (Note Kicffcr pears nro supposed to be the least susceptible to blight.) .Virginia Pears hero very susceptible to blight and Industry not In creasing. West Virginia Industry amount to practically nothing. 95 per cent Kleffers. Tennessee Practically no commercial Industry. Kentucky Practically no commercial Industry. Plight serious. Georgia Industry has never been profitable. Orchards ruined by blight. Florida Industry on decrease South Carolina Industry believed to bo Increasing. Kleffers. Texas Onto an enormous industry started but now practically gone. Klcffors practically the only variety. Arkansas Practically no plantings being made. Alabama Industry not Increasing. Wisconsin No commercial orchards In the state. South Dakota Wind too severe for pears. Iowa Only ono town supplied by n local market. Kansas Pear growing at a standstill. Indiana Industry on a decline owing to blight. 'Missouri At a standstill. Kleffers mostly grown. Illinois Industry decreasing owing to blight. Michigan Slightly Increasing. Mostly Iiartlctts. Nebraska Few commercial orchards. Principally Kleffers. Oklahoma Serious blight. Very small Industry. Montana Docs not amount to much, might. Utah On tho decline. Now Mexico Pear growing on tho Increase. Several valleys offer con siderable promise. Plight not serious. Mostly Iiartlctts. Wyoming Considerable plantings of Dartlctta and Kleffers. Arizona Probably Increasing. Colorado Limited to western slope, might severe Idaho Industry wiped out by blight but ono producing orchard left. Washington Industry standing still. Dartlett, Clargeau and Nellls. California For cars tho leading pear state. Knormous development, 1SS0-1900. Plight kerlous In last ten years, llut output probably In creasing. To this must be added the ravages of blight the present year. Practically every district in the northwest has suf lered more or less severely. Campaigns for J)light control are now being Waged in Yakima, AYcnatchcc and Hood River. Eastern Oregon is the severest sufferer. Tho federal census for 1910 shows a decrease in the; number of bearing pear trees in the decade since 1900 of 1G.8. The pessimistic reports from experiment ststtions shows that the industry is not holding its own in the na tion. The hope -of the future lies with districts like tho Rbguc River Valley, that can .control its ravishes. Xo grower should attempt experiments for the control of blight. Bluestone, Cooper's spray and other fake cures must be eliminated. There is but one proved method for its control, though France, the United States government, Cornell university and nearly every agricultural college in the country has been seeking a cure for decades. The unscientific orchardist cannot hope to accomplish what the trained scientists of the world have been unable to solve and his experiments have cost the valley dearly. The Erejich government offers a standing reward of 100,000 francs for a cure for blight. It has been offered for tliirty years, without a taker. The efforts of tho U. S. department of agriculture are detailed in the orchard col umn. by .Professor O'Gara, who shows that every cure so far found that kills the blight, kills the tree. The success of the industry is assured if blight is con trolled. It can be, by the co-operation of the grower and no labor-and no money should be spared for its con trol. Hence it is a matter of self-preservation for the orchardist to lend his heartiest co-operation in the clean up campaign now in progress. E. NT.W YOUK, Nov. 'Jtl. N'aiiow and irregular price chuugo luatkcd opening dealings in lock toda. Amalgamated mid the llummuii sdocki were heavy, while Kciulitig mid IT. S. Steel made liiht gnitiw. STAR THEATER Star Theatre COMING MRS. FISKE Lr "Tess of the D'Urbervilles" 1 SIX PARTS Under Direction of DANITL FROHMAN ON 10 DAY ONLY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28. TODAY V.UMJKVIU.K t.Ki: KHNMiUV Clmer mimlpat act Tllli rowitov maij.vati: 101 llUon Two Ituelur iih imuuim: st'iti'itisi: Comedy HltAltiS liVlA.N'OI.IID Drama Tltll' IO TOMS ftjMlllO Tint tkamp iu; Paro Commly WOOl.Wninil .V woiii.woitiii MiimIc Admission, 10 Cents MiihUi Tlinl Fit tho Pit-limit t'offio Night Wedue.ilny IT Theatre Tuesday, and Wttluemlny Night The Riddle of the Tin Soldier Kiileui, 2 Heels, featuring Allro Joyco im lleteetlw). A llattln With Police, and Full of Thrills MAlioNNA OF Till: HTOItM lllogrnph IVaturliiK Mlllan (llth wmi.v FincNosiiiF ;i:as:h Vllnnrnpli IVntiirlng Untidy and Shorty An extra strong proRrntii, htwit fniiiHiii'd pliotoplnys, perfect projec tion, Marin foy place, good inualo nly 10c MRS. H. L. LEACH Export Corsotioro ,TJ(J North Harlletl. Phone HUH M. DR. W. H. HECKMAN iiiiini'iiiitii riivmt i w ami si ikm:on Off In- Sparln llillldliig I iff lie ItniirM 10 . M. In !l I. M. John A. Perl Undertaker l.tdy AioUtsnt, KM H. IIAItTliirtT I'luuirfi . I? mill I7-J.3 linliiilaiirx Urlr l"llllt (Ntrniifr J J J " v v "X- w " 5 w 5 comeuy, program hiisjbceii ni--1 lio ehildren's 'freo mat- an Ill-advised move CJPiCTTLATiOX of petitions at this late day to change the location of the postoffico is ill-advised and can only result in community discord and delay in construc tion. The plans for tho building" are now being drawn and any interference would result in at least three or four years' additional delay which perhaps is all that the petitioners hope to accomplish. The petition threatens to renew tho old east side and west side of the tracks controversy divide the commun ity into factions when unity is essential. A divided com munity cannot succeed its energies are wasted in self destruction. The west side was built up because of the unnroeToss- iveness of landlords and property owners in the older por tion of the city. These landlords raised rents on the main street to a prohibitive point, and supplied no storerooms itl mln riin.Li i'Anr.iti.d J-1. 1 . i 1 .1 Z . . - . -I 11- . 1. 1 wii amu Biiuuis, luri'iuK inu utuituil up Ol IIIO WCSt Sale. In the postoffico matter, the west side won because of its superior enterprise in raising a fund for the purchase of me site donated as a subsidy to the government. Had the east side shown similar enterprise, it would probably havo secured the building. There should be no east side or west side only Med ford. "What benefits one part of the city benefits all. The expenditure of the $100,000 for the federal building will benefit tho entire city, and the city needs the expenditure. The benefits of tho postoffico as a center of business nro overestimated, just as the depot as a community center ? ? r T t t ? ? t ? ? T ? ? t t ? ? ? ? ? ? T t t t t t T t Page Theatre, Thursday, Dec. 4 THE THEATRICAL EVENT OF THE YEAR. John Cort's Attraction Extraordinary ANNA HELD All Star Variete Jubilee r JlSVH tttLLulJ THE GREATEST CONSTELLATION OF LUMINARIES ON ANY. STAGE THE ULTRA VIVACIOUS ROLAND OOTTOMLY. CHARLES JUDELS AND BEAUTY CHORUS In a Now Musical Playlet, "MLLE. BABY," GEORGE BEBAN & CO. in an Emotional Sketch (n ono act "THE SIGN OP THE ROSE" ' The Empcrori of Comedy WARD and CURRAN in "THE STAGE.DOORTENDER" CHINA'S LATEST IMPORTANT IMPORTATION THE IMPERIAL PEKINESE COMPANY MOST WONDERFUL OP COMEDY ACROBATS A THE Y0UNC HUNGARIAN TlHIRSCHEL HENDLER w RIVAL OF PADEREWSKJ THE IDOLS OF ALL EUROPE FRANCIS. &' FLORETTE IN ARTISTIC BALL ROOM DANCES s t t t T T CHARLES AHEARN AND COMPANY IN THE MOST NOVEL AND STARTLING COMEDY BICYCLE , ACT OF INTERNATIONAL RENOWN o THIS WONDERFULLY ARTISTIC ORGANIZATION TRAVEUNG BY SPECIAL TRAIN ON ITS TRANSCONTINENTAL TOUR OF CONQUEST The Management Guarantees That Miss Anna Hold hornolf Will Positivoly Appoar. SEAT SALE OPENS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2. Special Attention Given to Mail Orders Rocoivod Now. PRICES: $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c TELEPHONE 418. ylA . Y V V V ? r y ? ? v T v t ? ? ? ? ? ? r ? ? -t ? -:? ? :? T ? T f ? f f ? ? T t t ? T t ? ? f j -