a?.,,..,., ,.f. PAGE TWO. MKDFOKI) MAIL TIUBUNK MMDKOUM), OWKdON. WUDNKKDAY, NOVUM IWK '2(5, H)K1. vi NEWS OF THE ORCHARD Some Historical Facts Concerning Blight Wlmt tlio 1'itltcd Suites l)oirtinent of .nrlctiltun llit Done mill N Doluj:. (Continued from Yesterday) lteforrlitR (o tho matter of plant hroediiiK by the ilejiftrtment of nprl culturo, It should be understood Hint ttie most valtinblu work hns boon done In nil lines by the office linvlmr thin work In chnrpo. Not only has I tircedlUK I'een jirnntlced for tho pur-j l)oacl, jiobu 01 producing unpins rcsiKieni vnrltloB of near tree, but careful Btudlci hnvo been nmdo on practical- rot. He nlso demonstrated tho mi'thod of control of tho bitter rot of apples, which has been so de structive In Virginia and other states to the south and west. It was Prof. Walto who demonstrated the control of pear blight, control of ilii'iivu .wuuws, rusuuu .mil lime as well as the control of peach blight on the Pacific co.ist. We could go on at considerable length giving a long line of diseases iy mi pmuis wimuMu ...u.u r studied by department experts In nf fceted by diseases which make them ' vhch contro, Jnethoi,8 originated by unprofitable or difficult to grow. An lhm h6 bcen vcn 0 K farIlop i . i. i i iiuuicuic uiiiuum ui worh una uvv for ,,, Hg(J , th .. I. ... I...lli. .. , oltmi. I rn.uu .i inu UH.-UUIUI, .11 I'uuuu, v-.n us . ,,Jats from iHsoases. I runs, nunun, cerenis 01 nil kiuus, protection of The depart- in ullt hn nlsn liimn iinrttmlnrK- nr nnd along other lines. Tho most me ,a ,hc 8UlJy of bactoral dUea8C9 notable men In charge of this workjof 1)lanU Ur Irw,n R &UMh nnU nro Carlton. Orton, Weber. Shammol.!nU nMOclalei haVe carefui,y ,ludetl Hartley and others. These men M ,e, ftS lscovcrod lw,Ce ns nlanv have had no other work thnn thnt of bacU,rla, disoaM?a of lltanu ns nU ,ue producing blight resistant, rust re- othcf line8tlgators ,n tho worItI com. slstant. wilt resistant plants, which ,,.,, Thnv ,1BVA nU hni, tn ., are to be grown by the farmer as i reel many a loose piece of work done 8oon uimr iuu.m, n-w u- Jnon ,n other lnMltul,ong. Thla monstrated. - , ,, n matler o( rccord alld cannot be It has been suggested by some, as dls,)Uled. Kor lnstnnce. Dr. Smith previously stated In this paper, that ,ms aludoJ nnd descr,bed lho baclt!r. tho findings of U.o scientists t !,,. of beani bKht of niIberry. Washington do not readily reach the (independently by Q'Oara and by farmer. Let it be said that this is a ,,. .,., wii ,. -..n olive knot, leaf spot of larkspur, bac terial spot of plum and peach, (In dependently by O'flara and by Ilorcr) black rot of cabbage, wilt of cucur bits, wilt of sweet corn, wilt of to mato, egg plant, Irish potato and to bacco, angular leaf spot of cotton, timl rnt nf rnmnnnt tmlm ntiil ntlinr rinnnrf mnnf nf ntfrlrlllf lir. fhrminh """ " " ' . uesldes r. Smith's work, other tho present Assistant Secretary of ' orkers n hls iaborntory havo dls. Agriculture, Dr. D. T. Galloway, that ' re1 and dps,hpil tt ,naf . of .M..iA.t .1... a1I I.....'.. 11m.tlAt,V' I VMUBCU liiu null niiunu awuvmua mlxturo to bo known (1SS7 Circular .. ., t.. ..- i.. .fi iiceus corrutiiuii, iu inu iuuj ui the control of plant diseases by tho various means no group of men In tho world have bcen so active and havj done so much as tho department scientists who have charge of plant disease investigations. It was the authorised nine additional Inspector to servo for mich time ns tho condit ions demand. Tho matter of equipping nnd main taining a laboratory for the study prl mnrlly of a remedy for blight by tho pathologist, us recommended b tho conference committee. Is deemed In expedient. In view of the cost, tho ef forts that wo are assured by the 'United States government nro being jmade by the department of agricul ture, and the work being done by stnto experiment stations, to find a remedy backed by the largo resources at their commuud. Your committee Is strongly of tho opinion that the situation permits of no temporising, and that the fruit industry of this alley, especially pear growing, can be presorted only by tho willing cooperation of the growers nnd n strict observance of tho law. We recommend your consulting the public officials iu seeking udvlc. and your aiding them to discharge their duty efficiently. Your committee will continue in force to meet future conditions, nnd subject to our commands until such time ns its existence becomes unnec essary. In the meantime wu solicit your cordial assistance to our mutual Interost. Obediently. Krult Growers might Committee. W. A. SU.MNKK. GKOllGK PUTNAM A. C. AU.K.V V. II. MADDUX D. w. stexi: W. I. VAWTKK 11. C. GAItNKTT W. V. II. CAMPIUJMi J. A. PtiltltY S. V. UKCKW1TH Kx-offldo. K. W. OAW.TOX, Secy. Kx-offlcio. Medford. Ore., Nov. 22, 1913. OPEN BIOS FOR BUILDING CULVERTS POSTAL IOWA! llids for the Installation of cul verts and bridges on' the rural mall deliver; unites out of Medford mid Cent ml Point were opened this noon at the Medford by Major W. A. Cross- land lm villi; charge of the work. No bids were uwarded but It. 1). Howard of this city wns the lowest bidder at $3S30 for the work. Thero were five other bids ns follews: Cum mlngs X- Leonard, $5t:u; A. H. Sharp. $101 1. J. Stowurt. $tIOi: Win. Anderson, $i!!3S; Garrison, $T?SD, and Cnlvlu. Shnskey and Wni key, $7.tU. The bids will be sent to Washing ton. D C, and bo awarded .from there about .luuuary I. 't j Every Street In Medford All the machinery and space, for passengers and crew of n new Kng- lish dirigible balloon nro contained within It, tho Idea being to overcome wind resistance. No. 3) nnd used throughout tho United States. Tho department through W. M. Scott also solved the question of protltablo peach growing in tho southern and eastern states, by tho introduction of the self-boiled lime sulphur In tho control of browu sugar beet, soft rot of calla Illy, soft rot of carrot, and other vegetables, and a leaf disease of nasturtium. The soft rot of tho sugar beet was discovered by Dr. Hedgcock and Dr. Metcaif; the walnut blight by Dr. Pierce, also department Officials. (To be continued.) H UE T AI LAND HOW BLIGHT COMMinEE MAKES REPOR MAKES A HIT Tho Roj;uo Hiver valley exhibit nt tho Chicago Land Show lias made a sensation xvitli 214 products grown on ono farm by D. M. Lowe of AMi land. Tho Portland Commercial club xvrileii (he Medford Commercial club ns per telegram: "Oregon is attracting tremendous attention ami the booth i crowded 'with real farmers mid earnest seek- ors after information, many Kections of the country hpcndiiif,' iivu to ten timet ns much as Oregon, are paon by with only ordinury intercut, white Oregon is rivctim; the closest atten tion. 31 r. Lowes exhibit has been tho theme ot unusiiiil newspaper publicity. His hpeciul individual of onc-furm exhibit is a tremendous hit nnd will probably continue to be tho biggent triumph of tho land show, nnd will certainly advertise the Itoguu Hiver valley inan.effectivo way. Tom Ilicunrdson of Portland write the club to endeavor to xciid u large delegation to Hoseburg December -I iu order to definitely assure the mak ing of n, btate exhibit nt AkIiIiiiuI, and it will want lingua Hiver valley to help bring this about. Ho writes that ho hns jut returned from u woelc in California, nnd contrary to the generally accepted opinion, they lire not organized ns wo are, nnd they fully realizo tho fait. Ho urges Med ford's business men to turn out ns they did for Grants l'nbs and mnko the convention nt Hoseburg u rousing success. SUES ESPEE COMPANY FOR FALSE ARREST SAN FHAKCISC0, Nov. 20. Suit for $125,000 iigaiiiht the Southern Puoific railway wns brought here today by Edward A. Fiske, uutomo liilo salesman and club member, for alleged falbo arrest and imprison ment. Fiako wns held iu juil recently for twenty-four hours, railroad detec tives suspeutiug him of being the buudit. who liulil up four Southern Pucifio trains nenr here. He wus re lcnsi'd when truinmun mid pnsseu fow dcclaivil ho was not tho rojibor. T TO FRUIT GROWERS To tho fruitgrowers of Rogue Itlver valley:: Your commltteo appointed by tho authority of the mass meeting on tho 8th instant to consider and act upon tho matter of orchard inspection, begs to report as follews: A thorough discussion of tho situa tion, meeting tho district horticul tural commissioner, and tho county court, havo brought out the facts that the growers In many Instances havo failed to co-operate with the author ities, have been negligent, and in somo cases havo wilfully defied tho law In tho matter of handling blight. The result of this has been for tho authorities to take tho position that the growers aro responsible for much of tho damage done. This position Is, In tho opinion of your committee, both justifiable and reasonable, and jour committee has asked that tho law be enforced Irrespective of cir cumstances. At tho same time, It Is apparent that the past year has been an un usually favorablo one for blight which created a situation beyond the con trol of tho inspection forco, and to meet this situation, to protect those growers who havo observed tho law, and to protect tho fruit industry as a whole, tho district horticultural com missioner and the county court havo lias Ik Slmt-o (if tli,. Proof Tlut Kid ney SlitfeieiH cck Ilacknihe'' Klduejs weak? Distressed with urinary Ills? Want a reliable kidney lomeily? Don't liuvo to, look far. I'se what Medford people recommend, IJvory street Iu Medford hus Its cases. Hero's eiie Medford man's exper ience. Let C. C. Krltm, till N (Jrovo St.. tell It. Ho says: "Judging from personal experience with Doau's Kid ney Tills, I feel Justified in recom mending them. 1 autfurcil from n dull ache In the small ot my Sack for months. The kidney secretions were also unnatural and at times re tarded. l'ou learning of Drain's Kidney I'llls, I obtained a supply and began using them. The contents of two or three boxes entirely rid mo ot tho trouble and improved my health. 1 know that Donn's Kidney I'llls can bo relied upon to give re lief If taken as directed." Kor sale by all dealers. Price tiO cents. Koster-Mllburn Co., Iluttnlo, New York, sole agents for the Dotted States. Homember tho name Doau's nnd take no other. Ladies' Therapeutic Massage Parlors I havo located in Medford, room Here's a test that will prove what you can do with Coftolene When frying doughnuts, just fry a few in ordinary lard, and the rest in Cottolene. You wiM notice that those fried in Cnttnlenp enme to thn trmM20 M. K. & II. bulldlm;. to tiractlcd fkst they come up almost in- 8ClcnUflc b0l,jr maisnginB. using stantly in Cottolene. Next, when the doughnuts are done, you will notice the dry, tender surface of the Cottolene doughnuts. They are rich and flaky when the others are often soggy and greasy. You will also be pleased with the delicate, rich coloringofthose cooked in Cot tolene. Send for valu able FREE Recipe Book, HOME HELPS- ll 1 xJJpMW I l rfSESicraiPRANK COAFAHTf CHICAOO 'S Keep It Clean unit Free l'l-oni DN euse by Using Parisian Sago If you want your children to grow up with strong, beautiful and vigor ous hair, teach them to uso Parisian Haye, which can bo had at any drug or toilet counter. It is ono of tho best, most pleasant and invigorating hair tonics on tho market. Parlslun Sage cleanses tho hair and scalp from dust and excessive oils. Quickly removes dandruff, stops Itch-, lug scalp and falling hair. Hair that Is thinning out, faded, matted or stringy almost Immediately becomes fluffy, luxuriant and radiant with life. Uet a lurgo CO cent bottle from Chas. Strang. Ho will refund your money If you are not satisfied. Parl- sion Sago is equally good for "grown ups" nnd children. Kvery otio needs Draperies Wo carry n verr complete Ho of draperies. lac curtain, fixtures, etc. and da at) clunea ot upholitrrlng A pedal man to look after this work fixolualvnly an! will iclvo aa good aervlco aa la possible to Kt In vl the larccat clliea. Week3 & McGowan Co. Hattlo Creek, Mich., sanitarium meth ods aud guarantee satisfaction. Mrs. Emma Walker IMioiio HdD.lt Work for physicians solicited m3fc a est Indies AND 1 THE I ANAMA (ANAL FOUR CRUISES from NEW ORLEANS to Klngalnn, Colon ( I'aUJtini Canal) tl llavaaa. ',55 S. S. FUERST BISMARCK JAN. 24 FEB. 12 S.S, KRONPRINZESSIN CECILIE FEB. 28 MAR. 17 lSDAYSKACiilcosTlZb,.0 sit nti'isiis itttisf ynw YOHir, Jto. II, lb. T. 13. tuth II l. Aftll II l.r S. . VHTilHIA I.LISi: tad S. S. ASIUIIIKA. BtrnS Itr tol!l Atflli ctuUi. Hambure -American Line l H) ruwvll tn., .tan I'riiitiiKiu, Lai or Local AgfiitH. Htnllstli'S Issued by tho Itiisslau factory Inspectors Indicate that wr Mug-class unrest, which had been ul Iiiv.mI dining lho .vents I'.ios-lo, ban ! Mfilhar'c AllVlfiQ To Har Daughlir morn lecenll) ion ien rod in a steiui II v Iiicii'uhIui; ratio ELY'S CREAM BALM OPENS CLOGGED Instantly Clears Ale t'lk-.tiigcHt Von Mixatlie I'leely, Nnty Ulsiluugi Stops, lleiul Colds ami Dull I load in lie Vanish, t'et n siniill bottle iuiywn. Jtut to try It -atily a little In the nostrils and Instantly your clowned norm und stopped-up ulr pasHages of tho lu'iwl iKn, for breath tho nostrils, pcnotiatvt and heal i lho Inflamed, swollen uii'inl ratio which Hues' thrt uosx, hi'iid and throat; clours tho nlr imssams sloiw nasty illsclinines ntnl a feitin of cUmMihIiik. soolhlUR relU-r ionic. ImmedtutelN. Don't la uu:ile toHlght strug- with head siurti'd; - ! aiiw i ia wll oiHHi; uii, will breathe freely dullness aud headache disappear. Hy morning the catmrh, cold-lu-head or cntnrrhnl soro t lit oat will bo gone. Hud such misery now! (let the small bottle ot "Kly's Cwam lliiliu" at any drug store. This sweet, da- nostrils elosml. Imwkluif and blow Iiir. ('Htwrrh or a tnld. with Its run ning uofo, foul mucnua ilroppliiK Into iht throat, urn! rsw di'us it dls trestiux but truh uedli4. I'm your fslih Jut 'iue In Kb a CiAMVin lUilm" and ur enld grant balm dlssoUes by the heat of ,or catarrh will u'l disappear Ilcnl Mvo Doll to lonillola Wuiiibii'a j Greatest llnppliicss. ' Hlio l wbuliiin llsalf who knows of or IcariH of Unit litmmiK ii'imily, Mallii'r's L rli'inl. ll la mi ! I cm ii I nillnilliill fur I li" iil"liiiilniil liumi'li'i mid liri'MKln. It liana wiiiiili'rfnl hi' Ihu'iicv. ii 1 1 n y s nil fenr, iiiiiIIim a 1 1 piiin, I" a itriiU'fiil en eniiriiiii'iiii'iil to llnj iit'ctaut iiiatlii'r, iiinl iM'iiiiiln lit r to in tluiii h tlu- pctlad Iwi'py, In '!"' I',l Ulinl tn iiiilluiila w..m.m r.Mlrjt Imp i nri.i aa naliilo ttilt'iiili'd li HliaiiM. M'liv allien nfMulliersrili'iid iimln'S llm iiUH.IiHiillnnt'iilld lesimlWhe liiiMflulmi. Hum nil stmlii and icu.h'il iil'in the uniM mi. I liKiuiniilH UiimiIiIhI. iiinl. In ineiif a iM-rlisI ( disttMiifvrt snd wuimim'til dretnl It Is n reii u( ihIui ripem- iiinl Joyful ex- iHI'Utlull. There U nn nmiieii, no innrnjiiB sIiHimsis, no iirruilM twIlllllllK, IKilie of thst isnialallt alfHlli kliulMI III mi liuillV wi II. This ilnilil n-iiieily enu l' laid uf any ilmi.lst st Jl.lHi ii bellle. Write l Until Held Itiaillluter C . U.'IL Lilllliir lll.lil.. AI- Uuln, (in., for lltclr bwik to iiseiimt luollirla. -rtit . i '' Wiili U IV ' aTwlalHBBaH m u u V wv W aw "" vlMI WBa?9HHivii a 3 ! I WJJKsT PBDwLLb 8 ' I' ANNUAL PROCLAMATION THE PEOPLE OF MEDFORD AND THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY HAVE MANY THINOS TO BE THANKFUL FOR THIS YEAR AND ONE OF THEM IS THE FACT THAT MEDFORD HAS AN UP-TO-DATE MILL WHERE THEY CAN GET Anything they want in Woodwork GET IT MADE RIGHT, WITH MODERN MA OHINERY BY EXPERT WORKMEN, FROM FIRST CLASS MATERIAL. IF YOU ARE NOT ONE OF OUR CUSTOMERS TRY US. Medford oorCo "If Ita Made of Wood Wo Make It." it. Oregon Agricultural College PAKMKItS' VI-:iK December H to lit, lllDt This will be a notable event in tho educational history of Orch'on, Farmers' Co-onoratlon will bo tho leading topic of a stimulating series or lectures. Tho wcelc will bo crowded with discussions, nnd de monstrations in everything that makes for tho welfare of tho farmor and home-malcer. wi.vi'Kit shout ceritsi: January ,1 to :tO, 1011 Tho ColIeKo has sparod no effort to make this tho most complete short course In its history. A very wido range of courses will bo offered In Ucnoral Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Poultry Keeping, Mechanic Arts Domestic Science und Art, Commcrco, Forestry and Music. Numerous lectures and discussions on FAKMNHS' CO-OI'KH-ATIO.V, at homo and abroad, will bo a leading feature. Mako this a pleasunt and profitable winter out ing. No tuition. Accommodations reasonable. lioduced rates on ul) railroads. For further Information address H. M. TKNNANT, Ilogtstrar. L'orvallla, Orr&on. Farmors' Business Comes by Cor- 1 rospoudonco wlthou; tulttju. Twenty-nine Days to Christmas mr&m. I Nov. 26 i Patronize Horn e Industries THESE GOODS ARE MADE IN THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY. KEEP THE MONEY AT HOME Early Shopping Means Better Bargains. My Ik'iidijimilciH TIiIn Kensoii Ito ut tho ISZlmr Will Wonder Store We havo changed our name, hereafter tho Mission Furuitiiro Works will bo known as The Pacific Furniture and Fixture Factory FToino of the "Pacific Cedar Chest. E. G. TROWBRIDGE, JR. Proprietor 113 South Holly Medford, Oregon. Medford Iron Works E. O. Trowbridgo, "Prop. General Foundry and Machine Works Pacific 401; Home 2981 i. Res. Pac. GOIH; Jfoiuu 227b. Cement Drain Tile Irrigation Pipe ETC. "It's Strongest and Everlasting" MEDFORD CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO. Factory N. Riverside Ave. Phono M-652 For lho best of EVERYTHING MADE OF WOOD See us. "Wo make a specialty of OFFICE FURNITURE and FIXTURES, MANTLES, SCREEN DOORS and WINDOWS, Etc. Factory Corner South Fir and 11th Sta. tfoth Phones MEDFORD SASH AND DOOR CO.