f - . uii msii'. auuit A 07 Sccont! Street 9 i 1 1 Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Itnlu tonight nnil Tlitn-firtny Mar. (II; .Mln, :il Pro. .0. rorly-llilnl Ynr. Dully-- ICIkIiIIi Vnr MUDKOIU). OKKOONjJWIiDNKSDAV, NOVUM BUR 20, 10KJ. NO. 212 MEXICAN REBELS WIN GREATEST VICTORY FEDERALS FLEE LEAVNG A ON AH Estimates of Killed Vary From 300 on Dctli Sides to 1500 Wounded Twlco as Numerous Hospital Ac commodations Most Inadequate. Battle Raued Over Twenty-Mile Front Federals Forced to March 200 Miles to Base, Kl. PASO. T.v., Nov. 2(1. -Parlies of Mexican ii'licl MilitiiTH went searching tho dtert miiith nf Jiiuicz IihInv fur tin' victim of llicir Iml tin with tlm fYduniU Monday and Tiii'hiIhv, in which the lulter wcr- IIIVIV lIl'flMltl'll, E limit I en of tlio number of killed varied from .'100 mi both siilen lo ,i total uf IfitlO. The find figure M't'lllCll (M'llllilllV (l(l lllW, Tilt! III.- Iit w(ih n'rlicw mi exaggeration. Tlu wounded, however, were ftillv twice MM lllliueroim IIH lIlOHC wild per- ilicil outright, mill ( (lm wounded i n i'iinii( tlmi a frightful pio portion would kiii'i'iimli. tfllpplld llimlrqiintt' Mcilii'iil attention, Hurcicnl sup pliiM niul hospital iti'i'imiiiotlitloun win- so rnliculoindy iiinili'iiiiili lliui lllllv HlOSO Willi till! IIIOHt desperate InirU received tin) Mightc-at treat ment. Men jj It bodies lorn . b,v shrapnel or with crtihcd niul bro ken Ihuii'n cared fur tlirinncUcH us IhI llii'V I'oiilit stolidly niul uncom pliilniiigly, Ill Piimi phyididniiH niul iiiiioh iliil lln'ir hot, lint they were completely swumpcd mill from tin' ichnU' iipmmI In tin- Kill Cross no roaponsc linn jn been received. Tlmt it wimiI iIIik Miino time, per Iihm eeral dii, liel'nre the uuin tier of eilMinltlt'M in tin buttle eolilil In determined with ivin approximate neemiiev whm evident. Twciil)-Mllc I'ront The light raged uliing a twenty inile ft ii t niul throughout the entire leiiKtli of iIiin line tlm oppomiiK forces hiii uil forwnnl mill buck wnnl. in iiimiv ttiMtuii,i4 for several iiiilen nt a lime, ho Hint llieto was mi immense men of desert In lie search it. Of the wounded who still rc tiiniiieil tin llu' field (oilny there was not iniieli hope of finding nny alive Thiol tttoiif. if tinHiing else, it wns believed, wnnhl have finished Ihem Tim rehel Iohhch, Iht'ir officers Miiil, would hn (ouipnriitively easy to learn, when (he men am gathered together again, liy a simple process of selling Hiohii tlown an dead who me uiuiccoiiuted for. Tim federals, however, fle.l into lilt! desert to tin) soiilhuuid, whole, without food or water, ami furred, through llm loss of their trains, t trump (hn 200 miles to their huso ut Chihiiiihuii City, it wan hcliuw'd they would periwli hy rn'orew, inom mlsur ahlv than if they hud fallen before lehel hiillels, 10 E INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 2(1. Pint liieliiialion thai ho would lesion his offieo to enenpo impcaehment ('Iiiiiki'h liu heliiivi'H will lui proforretl hy hit: ImihIiioss hceaiiho ho favored the hlril)t'H in thu recent Htreelear hlriko hi'ie, if llm ti'uniHlurH ko out on a Hlrilce, wan voiced horo tlii.i inoiniiiK hy Afayor Smith. Union official.1) hiivc prouiiiicil to notify Shank in amplo tiuio for him lo re fiiKii if Ihu leamHlci'ri decido lo walk out. Union lahor and organized eapK.il we lo lining up hero today for a fin tali fij;ht. Thu uioicIiiiuIh uhsci! thuy do not wish lo ho liuutlicnpped hy a mayor ftieudly lo tiuiouism mid openly iickuho Shank of violaliu hirf oath of offieo hy aiilinj,' tho uar filrikuru, SHANK THREATENS RESIGN C E NEAR REVOLT News o( nchrl Victory Causes Panic In Capital Soldiers Demand Pay and Threaten Revolt Treasury Is Exhausted. President Wilson Believes End Is Near Carranzn Expected to At tack Mexico 'City. WAHIIINdTON, Nov. 2C (letierul Villa' lclory oxir tho Muxlrnn ( ernU near Janroi prcclpltntotl n ilea ininitii nltuutloii In Mmlro City, ne ronlliiK to lucwmKon from there to il ny. Dcipltu nil tho Kovcrmiivnt'ii cf fort to iniiiriMi It, thu nnwi leaked out Hint thu foileritlii hnd licon rriiBh IllKly (liifented. Thu Boltllom III thu .Mexican capital lonK utipatil, lintnnt ly Juiiiicil to tlm concluiloii (hat thujr uiimt Kill tholr money proiaptly or thny woiilil lomi It former, n thu lluerta reclmo itcciueil to bo totterlns. SolitlerM In I(eolt Thoy liccnmt) .lolcnt In tholr ilc iiinmlH niul threnlculiiK In their at titude. I'nleiH they wero paid off, a military revolt nppeured Imminent. Illtuuiuiit niul perhnp other IiIrIi of flrlnlN wero In ilniiKor from tho en ni;ed Koltllun. With hU treasury empty and his rrcillt exhniiKteil, lluerta was trlnR ileiiperntely to extort lonaa from local ImukcrH. It wnri umlerHtooil thul iioau would ho fortlii'ouiluK unlemi taken hy the dictator practically hy force. Tlmt ho would ilnro to renort to lrtunl hank rohtiery wiih connlil- ered doulitfiil. Iliierla'i. I, 'ml .Near rreitltteut W'llmn wni known to liellevo tho end wan near, lie did not nay. however, what ftepn ho would take after lluerta hail been eliminated. Should General Carranra. thu rehul leuiler, rapture tho Mexican capital, It wiih authoritatively mated hn would not ho rcroKiilxcd mil cut ho culled nu luuuodlnto olectlon. Win. llanrd Halo, who eonferred with Carrnna nt NoRnlcH recently, wan cxpectetl hero tomorrow or I'rl day to report to I'reililent WIIbou por Nonnlly, I OFF WASHINGTON, Nov. H. A ren olutiou provitliu' for coii(;resional investigation of Ihu cost of food in connection wiih tho trust inquiry at the next session of congress was in trotluccil in the house today hy Hep rcscntntivo lltittou of Illinois. The chief purpose of Iho resolution is to disclose facts about cold storage eKrt ami meats. Itepresenlalivo Doruiau of Illino'tK introduced it 1 ('solution calling upon Presitlcnl Wilson lo iuxlto foreiRti piverniucnlH o join wiih tlie United Slates in an international iuipdry into Iho hie,h cost of living. 10 FUND, LOS ANGELES I.OS ANOHLKS, Nov. 2(1. Thvoh tiKittiou of tho campaif,'u fund of II. II. Rose, recently elected mayor of Los Angeles, wan begun today bv the county grand jury. It wiih reported Hint business men who do biiHiness tiudui license of Ihu police commission bad been asked for money lo pay an indehledaess contracted in Iho Hoso emnpuigu. Many persoiiH declined that the Rose umiiugurtJ had tmid that all bills wero puid. HA El OTTERS m CONGRESS PROBES RUMORS RIFE MSJf' .. vBvv.Ab! v LL iir'SSr k Jp. ., t .tAtmm I VV BBBP vBBBBMnS BBBi IV fcM lCiCtAwfc Bhn ffsTv J to 4 ll fiCVl itnr mui-.n VICTOttlANO MU'Crf DRASTIC PLAN 10 T CURRENCY BILl WASUINdTON, Nov. 2(1. OmMic plans to hasten currency legiln,tion were Hindu at the senate democratic currency conference here todny. It was decided to bcejn lnddinc sessions immediatelv from 10 a. m. to 11 p. in. daily without n holiday recess. . thaso hosfcions thu three . currency bills before Iho upper house will be considered, the democratic (.cantor bcint: pledged to support the caucus draft. It was underjilooil that orders for the hpeetling up of currency dulibci aliens came dinvt from the While House. Senator Owen said he thought it omhlc the bill might pan before Cliriiitmaf, in which ohmi h wnekV adjournment would be xisible, oth erwise there would be no rest for the lawmakers except on Christmas and New Year's days. Incidentally, it seemed likely President Wilson' plan for a three weeks' holidav vaca tion would be interfered with. The currency conference was e mimed tliis afternoon nfter Iho reg ular senate session, the bills being considered in detail. It was said Iho caucus would continue tonight and most of tomorrow until the final draft had been approved. The republican ienators had not decided whether or not lo accept the ileinocratio plan. Some of them threaten a filibuster. VILLA ASSERTS MAOERO'S DEATH KL PASO. Tex.. Nov. 2(1. Arriv ing from the front at Juarez at noon today. General Villa issued Iho fol lowing htalenient through tho Unit ed Press: "Nnthiui: 1 could say would imiko matlers better. It is what my vali ant soldiers dnl that scaks loudly and convincingly. They fought for n just cnuso niul they triumphed. "Madcro's death is avenuetl. Soon constitutional government, just if our great martyr, Madeto, would wish. "Tell your country that I will al ways protect Atneticans. Should the federals mm another attack at a bor der point I shall go to meet it with in our own country, us I met tho en emy at Ticrrn lllunea. "I want your friendship, mid 1 tried to show it. No hullcls will fall on American soil while 1 am in command. "I cannot divulgo our futuro plans nor have I nnvlhiiii? lo snv concern ing an attack on Chihuahua City, but it will bo taken care ol,' There was no demonstration at Juarez over tho rebel victory. t. v XSMBMiBIBit . KKbKI VCTORY AVENGES CLOUDS HOVER OVER HEAD OF nSPX IHll''- -.----rrrBMrlBB .r--L -Z i ' t i yUmytlBKK I ' . --sS- MHHHHVHil HIGH PRICE OF JP'-gSW "-. HROUGH : EG S DUE 10 M rm' Wk STORARF TRUST m IfrJf :I wiwtiiite wwi nil lm 'BBBBkBB 'lf-wl III vti PnL jMBVBBBVBBBI , LL Be$ III v aBl,Bf- i ' J&sMul SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 2(1. -As n result of Inst night's conference between pevcrnl hundred egg con Mimern and rcpresenlnlivch of the Sonomn County Kgg Producer' ns Hoeintion, one of two things -will be lone, persons who look n prominent purl iu tho meeting wiid toduy, lo re duco egg prices ''V If the Miponisors can be prevail ed, on to open n municipal cold stor age plant the producers will ship nil llicir cirgs to it n thai the comuiis- tiijttt tttjtn t ill Itn iintiriviil nf nil ehnnees lo juggle prices, or, the mi pentsors refusing, thu producers prtixie to form n co-operative o eietv of their own loi build the plant. The "imposition wns to oslnblish a dirtH't from producer lo consumer system. freeJug out all middle men. i J. M. Murphy, the speaker of Ins night's meeting, summed up Hie sit- 'nation thus: , "Kgg producers are retting tm more for eggs now than al any other time. Prices are high because frch eggs are hearee and the commission men lulve a monopoly on the cold hlorago supply.' E SAN 1)1 K0, Cnl., Nov. 2ll. Of ficers from District Attorney I'tlejV offieo have been henrching n'uice early last evening for Lincoln Henchoy, Hie aviator, lo serve wiih subpoenas for his appearance at 1 o'clock today, lo learn the causes of Mho deaths of Lieutenants Kelly and Islington, who died in nu aeroplane accident Monday on North island. Pcaehey could not ho found, and it is believed Hint ho is dodging the officers in order not to give evidence against tho government. L'tley declared today Hint a sub pocun had been served upon Captain Cowan, who is in charge of thu gov ernment aviation camp here, and that he would cause Irouhlo for (ho army officer, who left here for tho east last night in spitu of the sub poena. STRIKER FATALLY SHOT AT CALUMHT, Mich., Nov. 20. Dur ing a mine strike riot here today, Philip Mihclodicb, a striker, was fatally shot in tho back. Lloyd Ly inmn, a mounted deputy on guard jovor the Caltuuut & Heelu property, !was arrested, charged with the 'shooting. I The outbreak resulted from an ul I tempt by dyputies (b arrest strike sympathizers accused of stoning Ltrikebroakera ou their way to work. . r Jt0'ZBk VIlMv m- -1 vwm?"mm .; &&& w&. . r trnm !" nm Mm v jJ BBBwBWv'aSSv PV "ML WW VCVyTyjJ" I &r V fjtt .iVKW ns. i tj lA&yyvr vvx. - . 3 " n. arLfmr r CENEtCAL OCfiNQUCT MANTLE OF SMOKE VEIL OF DARKNESS CHICAGO, Nov. 20. Chicago wns iu darkness throughout the bus. test hours of todny, all downtown buildings being lighted. Weather bureau officials said this condition resulted from a low barometer pres sure nnd local cloudiness which pre vented tho city's smoke from lifting. Automobiles displayed liglt's and nil traffic moved cautiously in the gloom. Tickers announced (lint the usunl ensh grnin quotations of the hoard of trade would not be carried as the inspection board had reported that it was too dark lo inspect grain samples. A pall of Bmoke settled over (he city ami filled tho streots until (he upper outlines of skyscrapers were almost invisible. AT HAVANA, Nov. 20. pnniel and Evaristo Madcro, brothers of tho late president of Mexico, with several followers, we'ro landed hero todnv by tho American scout cruiser Chester. The parly took refuge in tho United States consulate nt Vora Cruz when sought by tho Mexican authoiities, and were put on board an American warship in the baibor. KEEL LAID FOR LIPTON'S CHALLENGER, SHAMROCK IV LONDON, Nov. 20. The keel of Sir Thomas Lipton's latest American cup challenger, Shamrock IV, was laid today ut Napoleon's shipyard, Gossport. Price of Eggs Slumps SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 20. Fresh egg prices slumped today. The wholesale rate was 8 Ha cents per dozen. Tho retail juice averaged O.'i cents. The high mark of last Saliu dtiy wan 05 cents wholesale. .xjv . r' - . . a c . i njiry C. "Y ' .A. r rf rjrsS- u v.j - WRAPS CHICAGO IN MEXICO'S RULER. NEW MOVE IN BY CONSUL CANADA VERA CRUZ, Me.., Nov. 20. - That tho Washington administration 1 was preparing to take another step ! in tho Mexican situation whichmiclit i precipitate grave rosulls wns stnted here this afternoon by United State? Consul Canada. He made tho statement in explan ation of nu announcement that Emis sary John Lind was e.oected to re turn immediately from Ttnpan (o Vera Cruz. Tho expected develop ment, ho said, mntlo tho emissary's presence hero desirable. , Whnt (he step wns or wliut it- probable result would he, Canada would not say. :iN$oiuiLno SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 20. Pro gre.sives hero expressed some ro grot today nt Governor Joliuson's omission to say in his speech at the party leaders' bnnquct last evening, whether he is a candidate for the United Stntes bcnato or prefers (o run again for governor of Califor nia. Tho general interpretation placed in his address was that while the governor looks favorably on tho scnatorship, ho will make tho gub ernatorial run again instead, if nittintenuuco of the progressive or ganization ho has built up in the state requires it. POT UP $54,000 BOND Kensall & McDowell of 'facomn, who were awarded tho $107,000 cou (ract for the construction of the Pa cific, highway over tho Siskivous, to day put up a $51,000 bond for (he exeetition'cif (ho contract wllh Jack son county. MX ED ED PLOT EXPOSED EN NAME OF TOO VELLE Disappointed Contractors Who Threatened to-'.'Get Bowlby's Goat" Make Entry on Books of Auto Tires for County Judge Traveling Man for Bead & Co. Ad mits Falsity of Charge, But Re fuses to Sign Statement to Effect. Unscrupulous methods of contrac tors, dligruntled becauao of failure to dictate policies to thu state highway commission ami county court In tho matter of contracts for tho Jackson county highway construction, sro coming to light. Unsuccessful bid ders raised a howl hore when tho contract for grading was let to tho lowest bidder, a Tacoma firm, In stead of to an Oregon bidder and represented to Portland papers that widespread Indignation existed In Jackson county on account of tho award all of which was fabrication. It Is reported that letters attacking State Highway Knglneor Dowlby havo been sont broadcast to county courts to prejudice them against Major Howl by. After Itowluy's?noat Among these contrafKrs aro Dealt & Company, who In addition to sel ling road machlncrxJLspeclalho on corrugated steel culrerts. Becauso " Major Bowlby did not specify corru-'1 gated steel culverts, but loft the field open for reinforced concrete culverts, Dealt sont him word, according to Uowlby, that they Intendod to "got his goat." Ho sent back word for them to got It. When tho contracts were awarded, T. J. Patterson traveling representa tive of Ucall & Co., who was present, exclaimed vigorously against tho con tract going outside of Oregon, and demanded a list from tho county clerk of engineering expenses In curred ou the Siskiyou road evi dently part of tho program to "get Uowlby's goat." Offervil Tires at Cost Last spring the county court pur chased a car of corrugated steel cul verts from Ileal! & Co., through Pat terson. County Judge Ton Velio gavo Patterson a rldo back to tho Medford Hotel. When Patterson got out, ho told .Tou Velio that If he desired any auto tires, Ueall & Co. would bo pleased to send him a set at coat ex plaining that thoy were In a position to secure them at a very low price and would bo pleased to send a sot. Judgo Tou Velio thanked him, ami said that ho needed no tiros and when he did, preferred to buy them him self. lloall & Co., evidently to furdior their campaign, havo been showing their books to interested Portland parties, to whom Ucall's offor to Tou Voile wo8 told by tho Judgo himself. On theso books appear tho charge. "March 10, V. L. Tou Velio, 12C, $71.72." Tho entry occurs in July, though datod In March, and is be tween two July entries. Ucall's Statement Mr. Ueall, In writing of tho matter said: (Contluued on Page 8) GENERAL ELECTRIC TIE-UP COMPLETE SCHENECTADY, N. Y., Nov. 20.- Two thousand strikers crowded about tho gates of tho General Electric company's plant horo today and stopped workers who sought to re sumo operations. Tho women strik ers wore tho most active among the pickets, Thoy wore led by Miss Jen- nlo Trodeau. It was estimated that 10,000 work ers went out, forcing tho shops to remain closed today. The American Federation of Labor, It was said to day lias not sauctlonud the strike, an tho shops are only partly unionized, ..