ui i SECOND EDITION Kortjr.llilrit Ynr. DnIIvKIkIiIIi Vmr OF F. B. ! White House Wcdtllnu Ccremcny on Scheduled Time Amid Scene of nam Beauty, President's Daughter Is Mmrlcil Presbyterian Vows. eight Hundred Guests, Including Dip lomats, Statesmen, Relatives and Friends. WASHINGTON. Nov. 3fl. Amlil u nceno of rare ltn.ti I , MIm JohbIo Wooilrow Wilson, anroud daughter of President nml Mrs, Woodrow Wilson, wedded rrnticlrf II. Hnyro, of Now York, hoii iif Mr nml Mm Itoliurt II. 8nri of Poniiaylvnnln tit 4:30 o'clock (IiIh nfteriioon. Surrounded li foreign llptoiiintit resplendent In llii'lr brilliant, uniforms, tlm hlglmat official In tint service of tlm country, limmhcm of llm moat exclusive social M-l of tlm rnpltiil, InclmlltiK auvernl hundred friends nml kinsmen of the two families, tlm tirlilnl couple look ttm l'riMti turlnii vow In tlm i;nnt room of t lift white homo, tlm scene of tunny famous nm hUtorlc gntlmrlUK, Slitiirlly .Mark Ceremony Simplicity marked tlm ceremony, lint tint scene ni one of rojnl splon itnr. Women In lirltllniit gown, tlm rorpN of nldc to ttm prcatdcut In uniforms, tlm bntnlsiuon hidden bo hlml tlm bnnk if palms nml flowern In full droM rcgnlln, Iho bride, charming In n rich crrnm wlilto sntln K0v.il, nil combined to innku t li If, llm thirteenth while lion mi wedding, tlio immt notnlilo of nny of tlm twelve tlnt have precede It. Tlm llr. Hyt venter Writeach. of Princeton. N. J., fntnlly piutor of Iho Wilson during their rmlilcmro In tlm nnhoralty low ii, performed tlio ceremony. Departing from llm tuiinl citatum of while house wcddluvs, tlm tirlilnl couple entered tlio vAitt room to tlm HtrnliiH of (.ohoiigrlu'n wedding march, pin) imI liy tlm United Htal'n imtrlim Imml nn'il nrrompnnlcd liy tlm voices of n group of St. John'ii Pro testant Kplacopnl rliurcli rolr boy. Tht lirdlnl party formed In llm din ing room, nftor tlm WIIhoii nml Savro fnmlly purlieu liml entered tlm cant room from tlm Main stairway- Tlm sou clients liml nlri'iuly foiiml their places. Mr. Hnyro nml his IiomI mnn, Dr. Wilfred T, (trcnfcll, of l.ubrn itor, descended tlm state stairway nml proceeded (o IiIh poitlllon ut tlio light of tlio nllnr. down of While Sntlii .hint ns tint clock pointed In I 30 o'clock, tlm marine Imml which liml previously iiln ml softly, struck up llm wedding march. This iu taken up liy tlio choir hoys, who awaited llm lirlilnl party In tlm wool nml it tlm rcil corridor, Itmllnnt In Imr shimmering roho of whlto sntln, nml IcanliiK on tlm loft nrrji of tlm prosl limit tho brlilo (ook up tlm triumphal inarch to tlio nllnr n raised pint form near Iho Kruat window opening on to tlio oust torrnro. Following cniuu tlio attendants, Mian MarKarot Wooilrow Wilson, slstor of tlio lirldo. iim maid of honor; Minn Kionuor linn dolpli Wilson, nnothor itator; Mian Mary tl. Wlilto, or flultlmoru; Mian Adttlluo Mllclinll Scott, of I'rlncoton, N. .1.. nml Mian Marjorln 'llrown, of Allauta, (loorKla, nit lirldoMmnliU. Ildiijainln II, Ilurtou of Now York, Dr. Hcotll C'lnrk of Caltiiu, Man., Dr. (Illhort llonu of Montclalr, N. J., mid ClinrloH K. llunhos, Jr.. of Now York, acted as milium. With pur fttctly timed trend, tlio lirldo nml Imr latlmr nacomlnd tlio dlun wlioro tlio (Continued on page a.) SPITE OF WEDDING WASHINGTON', Kov. 'J.'i. l'li'irt. iliuit WilHou wiih nt liU (U'Hk Hovorni ininiilcH I'liilim' tliiiu UHiiul Imlny. Ho hiiw llm ihuiiI nmnlii'r of ciillnrH ami then eoulVi'icd with llio uii'iuhom ol IiIh culiiuut until 1 :!ll o'clock. Wlicn OHO Ol' tllO eulllllOt Ol'licOIH lOlllilllllM him liml today wiih Ids iluunhtcr'n woililiiitf dny, tlio picsiiloiit niuiloil. ''Well," ho tiiiidt "I urn not mi iin liortiuit fiifiiro In tlio covemony. JESSIE WON BECOMES BRIDE m Medford PHOtS III THIRTEENTH WHIE HOUSE DDK WHICH WAS SOLEMNIZED IS MOON wx KStesSSH5l 8P En liii i falalalalalalalalalalalavi. . g jEjalaKi Vi Jxr aa.iaBHil8l8l8iaBpBA v m .ram hi raraT b AFJVaiaiaiaiaizjvw'flyafjvjv aph pHnpjBuT V.aBBFjBajfBjfBH famVJpaBB'7kBflssn 4BbhiMVJBpjBBH imimimimimiamimHhlaimLimiml IT lmBSIiiiiiiiiililEaiBVBfe(im9HilBlmHimimiml I atVlHl' alllllllllHHK'Hr allLr ' ' BH lallllllllllllVT-jalillllllllllllHW fMC3Kv.l''aamamamamR' m ' aB v HW Bar .rr ---rnr-rTr. -? .., JiBrm' Bai J'yll llBmamamV A ?iPV UIHBi amaamaamamamV V t.jam v W (l$Ef lmaatm(aaVI(f 1 Vi 1 WK'aHlLiiH !mEimaV Sflgl W , M LAW HELD ILLEGAL ML t mjBM m UHANNtL ! m 4T M; JifSt jars WFSI RFNS RFK 'MFxra'S RHBFKT IM U hMii ! XHCV ""i1"!?"31 t ?": r; nmn mnrwo i 111 lllLLnlllLI IL XvTtt i ' ' the old rcRlatrntlon Inw which re- DU I li Ul I ILLi 10 a vvii ri r to W .lmaamBaam&aHlf' X f MPKAL UAHLh ?SS8aNSst5- rr-lfir-. jrs ? W W M TAfflHS ' I V?WICHT IW WWII US ltKKxTTrkw .. I'ltTI.ANI. Nov. '!". Dcclitrmt: itnft'ititililo the project of itntnlilnh im a nit -foot channel lietwccu Oro loii Cllv ami Kuyciic in tho Willam ette river by meaiw of ilmnn ami locks Ih'i'iiiimi of iho Mioriiioii" firl eot ami tlm iiuumil iiininteiiauec elinrKC, Major J. Mclmloo, piveru meiil i-iiKHKH'r, todny filed villi tlie Portlaml chamlier of commerce u formal report cowjjjrjjj jjiojitia lion. Major Melmloo fimlx thai the coxl would exceed $11.11(10,11011, of wliieh $1,(11)0,0(10 would Imve to he expend ed for 'JO damn and lock between Orepm Citv nml Coivalli-i, and 7,()IIO,0(IO for 1 1 daiurt ami IocUh between Corxalli ami KupMie. He found tho mninleniwico co.t wmilil ex il $:i(J0,000 per year. The jjt'a! nuniher of dum- reouir cil, Major Melmloo found, win. he caue of the low biiiikx of the river which, with fewer ami higher dmn. would caue damaKiiiK overflow in time of hmh water. Major .Melmloo crlticihcil Ihe lack of co-operalion on tho part of the local interectn. AGE TO CABINET WASIIINtJTON, Nov, UT. MnvliiB flnUlied bla lueaKUKo to counreiH Prcaldont Wllaoa Htolo Hum from tho wlilto hoiiao WL'ddlUK fcatlvltlva to day to rend It to liU ratilnot It wntt umloratood thntlt wiih ov.m in ore indlcu) thnn had boon expected nml tho prt'Hldciit had boon counted on to embody In It koiiiu docldodly advanced IiIciih. The cnbliu't inenibom nlo dla ciiHHod tho .Mexican iiltuntlon, th) pre.ldcnt oxplnlulim to tlmm Hint ho aent John Mud to Tnmplco to K-'t n flmt hand report on conditions thero lio did not look for ono, how over, boforu Thuradny. ,, ,'''' ' KoiiMKit wiiiti: iieiisi: vi:tniN(is. Mm. I.uey 1'u.mio NYashlimtou, sister of Mrs, Madison, and Judgo Todd, March 11, I SI I, -f Aiiiiiv Todd, rolntlvo Mrs. Madison, and Itepresentntlvo K, 11. Jackson, IS! l, Mario Hester Monroe, daiiKhter of President Monroe, and S, U. (louvornour, Mutch 11, 18:20. Mnry Mellon, nolco Mm. Adanis, nml John AdaiiiH, 1S20, Mury I.owIb, iliuiKliior rresldent Juekson's Intlmato friends, and Alphom.0 Josoplt (loor rnKolnt, 1830. Mnry Kuston, nleco rresldent Jnckson, nml Mr. I'olk, rolntod to President I'olk, 1833. ' Kmlly Martin, rolntlvo President JackHon, nml Lewis llnndolph, nbout 1833. Kllznboth Tylor, dnuKhtor l'roslilont Tylor, nml William Waller, 1S42, Kllon WroiiHluUl (lrnnt, diumhtor President (Irani, nml A. 0. 1 Snrtorls, Mny 31, 1871. Kmlly'piatt, nleco President Hayes, nml (Ion, Hussoll HastliU's, Juno ID, 1878. Francos Kolsom nml drover Clovolnnd, prosldonl, Juno 2, I881?. Alice Uoosovolt, dnmthtor President Hoosovelt, and Uepreseutntlvo Nlcholus I.onKWorth'. Teh. 17, 1U00. , ' . , . ilrotion HI&tnMnM SooliUr ?f)7 Second Street MIODFOltD 'Cvery blow struck by tlio nlcdgo on tlm no' Medford viaduct. Injurea Il more than yenre of trnvol," ntntos J, S. Howard, tho founder of Mod- ford nml pioneer oiiKlneer of South ern OrotTou. "Tho cntiro brldgo is n solid man. of reinforced concrete, tho ralln nru n part of tho ro-lnforce- inent. Tlio Jnr of tlio blow of sledgo upon drill rnuncs tho entire structuro to lbrnto nml shatters Its Holldlty. "It U a slinmo to permit this un called for Injury to our flno now lirldKo, simply to enable, n trolley lino to muko mi easier curve. Thy lirJilKo nuioiiKH 10 ino peopio nnu inn city officials oiikIU never to permit Its Injury." NotwIthstnmlliiK protests, tho llul- lis company is koIiik nhend yeronoly with their nttnek of approprlatlnK tho Htructuro so an to hwIiik tlio rails from tho renter of tho street to ono side. About 30 feet of tho west end of tho structure Is affected. ANOTHER FHANK SAYnE WEDS MISS WILSON OIlANni:, Tex., Nov. i.V. ('oiueidciit with the wedding todav of MihN Jehfio WJNon, daughter of IMxident ami Mrh. Wilxou, to rrnucirt H. Suyrc, Mi.s Jcio WjImiii, tliliif-litor of u farmer, was married heie to" lVaneis Sayre, n nierchiiut. 4I4 BLUWb INJUKt MAKE: WULb'Aol BRIDGE SEVERELY ANSWER FOR LOSS SAYSJOWARD AGENJSJNCURRED Mail Tribune OlWJOX, TUESDAY, NOVUM BKIfc 25, 313. Civil and porhnps criminal action will bo started by persons victimized by Ad Wolgnst In his four-flush play of buying a ranch near Medford. Papers are being drawn for civil ac tion to bo Instituted In the Michigan courtH to recover money spent upon WolKnst'n order and criminal action In Oregon for cnaplracy to defraud by J. K. llnrkdull and Claude Miles, who have been buncoed out of ap proximately 11500 by tho pugilist. WolpaM rent llnrkdull, says tho Intter, n check on a Michigan bank, for 1750 nml Instructed htm to buy n tenm and wagon and other farm fixtures. llnrkdull deposited the check, nml drew $700 ngalnst it for these purchases. Then the Medford bnuk In which the check had been deposited, wns notified that payment had been stopped by Wolgnst, but llnrkdull was stuck for these and other expenditures. A day or two after tho purchase of the tenm, tho ranch foreman, n former trainer of Wolgnst, sold presumably upon wire from Wolgnst, tho team ami other equipment for less thnn half price nml skipped with tho money. Other expenses woro Incurred upon wrltton nnd telegraph instructions nml payment upon checks to pny stopped, giving the appearance of conspiracy to defraud. Damage suit Is also threatened by Mr. Heath from whom tho orchard nt llrowusboro was purchased, as no caro was taken of It by Wolgnst ami It became badly Infected, despite warnings from Inspectors to clean up. OF . GAY TO LOS ANGKLKS, Nov. 25, nurr Harris, negro, convicted of tho mur der ot Mrs. Kobecca Uny, n Chris tian Science practitioner, wns sen tenced todny by Judge Willis to ba bunged. No dnto was fixed. Harris two months ngo enterod tho office of Mm. Gay In an offlco build ing ami bent her to death with a ploco ot gas pipe, Ho flod to San Dlogo where ho was arrestod. Ho Inter confessed to tho murder ot Mrs, Mllvlun Uosktns, wlfo ot a Comptou ranchor, two yenra ago, nml to sov orul minor crimes. More thnn one million workers em ployed In tho metal Industry In Ger many get a week's vacation annually with pny. SAI.BM. Ore, Nov 25. Perma nent registration Inw Including tho repealing clauses, was declared un constitutional today by the stato su preme court. This action rc-lnstatcd the old registration law which re quires that an elector must register before each election. A peremptory writ of mandamus, sought by tho city of Portland was granted direct ing John H. Coffey, clerk of Multno mah county, to dollver to the city auditor the 1912 registration lists for use at the special election next month. Tho 1913 act Is declared unconsti tutional became tho legislature did not complcto tho enactment of tho law, but nttempted to Involve tho su premo court In connection with tho legislation by making a provision that lu case the supremo court held tho compulsory fcaturo of ihe act jincorc stttutlonal, the remainder of the act would remain lu force. Tho com pulsory feature was not passed upon by tho court. Tho opinion, written by Justice Moore, holds that tho validity of tho act Is niado to depend on a decision of tho supremo court which body Is not legislative. Tho section which provided that If nn elector lost his certificate of regis tration ho could not dbtaln another unless ho had witnesses prove thai tho certlflcnto wns destroyed by n natural calamity Is declared unrea sonable. AS WHITE SLAVER rilAULKSTON, W. Vn., Nov. 2.1. (leorno Jordan was convicted to day of violating the Mnnii while slave law by inducing, Kutli Steel, 11 Kentucky mountain girl of 10, to come to Charleston under proniire of employment nml putting lier impend in n retort conducted by 11 woman known us Hebeecn Hobim-on. The Kobinson woman's trial will begin immediately. Jordan in 11 properoii btiMiiess man here. According to the uirl'n ue,eount, sdie left the retort after u time nml was trying to live honoatlv when Jordan, who in the meantime, liml been indicted, made such threats ngniiixt her if she nppeared its 11 wil iiecs for the prosecution thai, in lier terror, 'ho swallowed, bichloride of mercury. Though she was a vvitncM, despite Jordan's threats, Mio was mi far gone from the poixou that t-he Imd to tivtify from n cot on which xlie was carried into the couitrooin, and repented hearings were necesxary for her to tell her xtory, as sio was too weak to speak for moro than a few minutes' ut a time. Her death U in evitable. TO OPERATE AIRSHIPS' OAKLAND TO FRISCO SACRAMKNTO, Cal., Nov. U.I. Tho San FrunoUeo & Oakland Aer ial Terry company, capitalized nt $'J00,000, was grunted 11 permit to day to opornte tiirships between San Francisco and Oakland. Tho per mit provides for the carrying of jiabsengeid and freight, LD VIRGINIA BUSINESS MAN - IDE. GROOM. BRIDESMAIDS W BEST MAN SALEM, Ore., Nor. 25. Captain Harry K. Mot calf, sent by Governor West to Florence to Investigate tho deportation of Industrial Workers ot the World from thero Nov. 11, made a complete verbal report to the chief executive today. In which ho stated that ho found that tho Industrialists had bicn forced to leave without tho uso of threats or other demonstra tions. Governor West announced that the Incident Is not to be dropped as he Intends to take steps that will fore stall any further deportations In this state. He said ho was preparing a plan of operation which ho would announco in a few days. In a statement Issued by the gov ernment presenting the findings ot Captain Met calf, the governor con demns tho "damnable methods" ot tho Industrial Workers, ami censures tho actions of cltlxens when they re sort to "mob rule." He insists that tho laws shall bo respected by both sides. REALTY GRAFTERS TRIAL UNDER WAY l'OHTLANl). Nov. 23. Walter M. Mnrkillie, n Portland real ettuto mini nml one of the original promoters 01 the Oregon Inland Development eom iiiiny, was the first wit nets tor the government today in the ease ngiiinst Frank llichet and J. T. Conwny, charged with using the mails for fraudulent ptirpotes. They nru al leged to have sold thousands of acres of barren, arid nml mountainous laud under the representation that it was highly productive. Mnrkilhe s testimony followed a lengthy opening statement bv Attor ney Charles W. Fuller for tho de fendants. Mnrkillio testified as to Iho first contract mado bv llm company with John Vcnson, owner of the state school guind sections. The firtt contract made with Veatou was for 113,000 uores of hind to be p.ud for ns sold by tho Oregon Inland Devel opment company nt $U an acre. Con way came into the company about 00 days after ho did, TMnrkillio said. WASHINGTON, Nov. 25. Tho views ot tho minority members of tho sonato banking and currency com mittee on the Glass Owens currency measuro were presented to tho sen ate today by Seuator Hitchcock ot Nebraska. Majority leadors this af ternoon arranged for a democratic. conforenco tomorrow. , WEATHER Itnlti tonight nml AVcthic.v day Max. (l(i Mill, Ml. NO. 21 1 BATTLE RAGING; SALAZAR KILLED EL PASO, Tex.. Nov. 25. Mexi co's biggest battle slnco 184S wiu raging 25 mites south ot hero today. With a force ot 7500 men, Genoral Villa, tho rebel chieftain, was forcing 9500 federals slowly backward along a line 20 mites long, extending from Oauchc, to the southwest of El Paso, in a broad curve through Tlcrra Illanca, almost dlroctly to the sonth, as far as Karagoza, to tho southwest. Though they wero falling back, tho federals wero desperately contesting every Inch of ground they lost. I General Itodrlgucz, commanding the right wing of General Villa's Mexican rebel army, who was wound ed at Daucho, nrrlved In Juarez this' afternoon for treatment. 1 Ho said General Sulazar was killed just before rc-lnforcomcnts reached his division at aragoza and that tho for co undor him was practically wiped out, only a tew escaping un der cover ot the federal artillery, which In turn was. annihilated by tho rebel cavalry. General Porflrlo Talamantcs, Vil la's second lu command, was killed 1 during the forenoon's fighting south 'of Tlcrra Olanca. lll body wns brought to Juarez and burled with military honors. ARREST OF ZELAYA NEW YOHK. Xov. 23.-Kopresen-tutivos of the state department today watched all outgoing trains nml btmunern hete nml searched local ho tels for Joo Santos Kclnyn, fonnor provident of Nicaragua. They were expected to servo ti warrant issued nt tlio rcquoxt of officials of Nica ragua. Zelaya is wanted in Ntyu riigmi, it wax said, on the charge of murdering two Americans named Cannon nnd (I race. . , A dixpatcli from Washington stat ed Xicurngun hud demanded Zcluyu's extradition. E I'AHIS, Nuv. 23. JiuiH's Huzon Hyde, former president of tho Equit able Life Assurance society, wiih married hero today to Couutetd Louixo do (lontaut-Ilirou, a daughter of John 0. A. Letshniaiin, foVmer J American ambassador to Oarmuny. jUuly relatives ami u lew nuimiito I friends wore present. Tlio civil cere mony ws held in the town, hall. Tim jt Kev. Watson ot tlio Holy Trinity . American church performed the re ligious ceremeny: American Ambaii- .sudor Hoi rick ncU'd 11. bct mnn for 1 Hyde. , . , . 11 J .'1 1! TlLnfSM