Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 24, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Tl Street
Medford Mail Tribune
Ittin IoiiIkIH nml Tucntliiy
Mat. (II; Mln. .
furlyUilfil Tir
Dully Klwhtli Vwr
NO. 210
Trolley Dullilcr Permitted by Mayor
and Council to Do as Ho Pleases,
Altlioufih He Has No Franchise
Across Drldyc.
Claims Annie Too Sharp, Out Gcrlg
Says It Is So Purposely to Make
Cars Go Slow.
.Meilford's now 510,000 conorolo
Iniilcit i being turn up liy K. K.
Ilnlti for his trolley line. Accord
inir to KnnintMT Willimn (lorig of th
I'. V I'.., muter whoso supervision tho
bridge won onuntniutoil, thin notion
will mnleiiully damage tho bridge,
nml i entirely uncalled fur.
This noon work was begun touring
up lln truck on tin1 west end of ''"
bridge. (Ily Knginoer Aninpnr
km id Hint ho did not know lV uliocn
authority tlm work huh permitted to
proceed, No one seemed to know.
'I'lio Mnllis I'nmpiiuy linn no frnii
i'IiIdd on tlu bridge, nor nny liaht
to tear up tho truck or niter it. I'u
dor tlio franchise, tlio I'ompnuy !i
pcimlntdon to iiho tlio bridge, nit 1
, pays nu iiuminl sum for it mho, but
no richt to lay rail upon it.
Tlm llullirt cotnpnny has ijll iileir:
objected to tlio sharp angle of the
rail laid upon tlio bridge. This nn
tin was, however, placed Ihere. lv
design, hinted Mr. Orrt, to force
trolley earn to Mow down who.i
lra t-r.iii; tho bridge.
Mayor Purdln wild this afternoon
Unit nM fur n he know no notion
would i tuki'ii to stop Hid llulliV.
nml Mint iiiwuiiuoh ns thev hud u
fraudiNe, thorn wn no way to atop
thorn. Ho nit III tlm reason was to
cliinitintn a shnrp nngle, mid (hut tin
rlty engineer lintl drnwn tl linen for
tluit purpoo. Tin) mnyor nNo do
elurrd tlmt ho did not see liow the
Hullm' woro cut going to p'l re
turns on the monoy thoy nro invoi-
Tlm !nmk In laid cast of tlm
bridge mid pnrl of tin) concrete ir
fnoo n in. There Is no foundation un
der the lien, except lirokcn rock or
lirokeu coimrelo. Turn material TilN
the excavation to tlm lops of Hie
lies. Tlieu coiierele in put in tut to
t.f the tics. Tlm result, miv niit-
eors, will tin thnl when pressure, i
placed on the. rails, the lien, resting
on Iopho foundation, will give, the
ennerete crnek nnd wnter n't under,
nud the track uradually go to p-eoo
Hut the council in willing.
HKATTI.ti, Wash., Nov. 2 4. Tho
neeount of tlio iloath of Mudoro, given
liy a fornior forolgu diplomat, now
resident of Souttlo, who wuh In Mexico
tit tlio tlmo of tlio killing, differs ma
terially from that by llonry I.uiio
Tlm diplomat') vorbton follewa:
"When Kollx Dins aticcoodocl In In
tercHtliiK (Ittnornl Iluortu In Ills plan
to ovurthrow Miuluro nml nrroot him,
lluiy rotlroil to tho Uultod Stutcu om
luiKuy for a conforonco.
"audi an action la nlmoat without
precoilout and could im huva boon
without tlio Hiiuctloit of tho Amorlcnn
"After Mndnro'a arroat, Huorta at
tumptud to kill him by offering him
not hi UK to ont but moat, Maduro ho
lm; a Htrlet vegctaiinu. This would
havii ovuiittially roaulted In Muiloro'u
doiith, but no that ot Buaruz, for tho
vli-n-iireHliloiit ato moat and coutlnuod
"Tho reason for tho kllllni; of
tlicHo two moil, waR bocniiBo they
had lenmud dmliiB tho first day nt
their Imprisonment, nil of tho dotalls
of tlio denlliiKH between Standard
Oil mill Iluortu ami between tho
HothHdilldH InteieatH and KelU lMax.
"Thoy know too much and for
foltod tliolr Uvea na a roault,"
hoer a ran
Scores of Mexicans Appeal to For
el(in Diplomats for Protection
Against Conscription No Format'
Itles Surround Methods.
Squad of Soldiers Search Cafes and
Shops and Seize Whoever Is De
sired for Service.
MKXK'O CITV, Kov. JI.-KcoreM
of MexlemiN nppenled to foicimi mp
loinata hero today for protection
nKiiluat roiiHcriptiuii into President
Huertii'rt nimy.
A remnrknhle fentnrc of tlio rnno
wan that inoM of tlm npprnU ciiine
from woini'ii whom the president ih
drnftitii; Into service for duly an
eookn nnd'niin.iH.
UN coiiKeriplinn methods, tlinnisli
primitixe, nro effective. Sjipindt of
Mildicro are nent out to nrour the
Ktreetrt nml rnnnnrk the enfcti for
likely cnudidateH, and whenever one
In neen Im or hho In iinprenned
Klrnljjhtwnv Into Horviee. There nro
no fnniiiililicfl whntever.
Amoni the applicant for nld nt
the Unit od SlntcH oinltnMy were mi
need woman nnd her two dnui;htciH,
all of whom had heeu ended on for
commUxiirv duty.
rhnru'D iVAfftiirrn O'ShniiKhnonHy,
like the ri'M of the foreign diplo
liint here, will compelled to tell llwwto
mid other applicant for protection
that. imiMimich na thev wore citir.ei)).
of Mexico, ho wuh i)rer)vtH In do
nnvthiuc for them.
Kcportti were icoolvod todny of ten
hjcoiihcipii'iitiiil lintllct between fed
c rain ami rchoN,
other precedent wn Kmntdiod to
hmitlicreeim todny when n cabinet
member appeared in portion on the
Hcnnto floor to hear n debate in
wliielt bin department lis specially
Jt wan Secrelury of the Tronwir
Willinm (1. MoAdoo, nud tho Jebato
relnted to tlm currency (piestto.i.
.i)Adno Bat on tho democratic, side
ami lintciicd intently, thotiuli of
eourne Im hud uotluni- to pay. He
promihod to ntteml future currency
kosmoiih whenever posaihle. It wuh
predicted Hint thov will extend mcr
threo inontliH.
Senator Owen opened tho diaciih
k!oi Immcdiutelv l'ollowlni; tho re
pot t Hindu by tho iidmiuixtrntmu
demnuraiio memherri of tho hanking
nml ourreney oommitleo opposiui; ft
central hank with branches, .Sena
tor Hitchcock wan scheduled to fol
low Owen.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21. l'rebi-
don(. Wilson npent today putting the
iiuiHliiug totiehea to 'Ids meahiign to
uougreHH, It will go to (ho pi inter
tomorrow, 'lhu prosident plana per-
Houally to rend tho message at a
joint! Hcsbion of tho house nud sen
ate, tho exact data to ho determined
nt consultations to ha held soon with
tlm lenders of tho two branches of
It was believed tho reading of the
meHHngo probably would ho delayed
on account of tho fact that tho ex
tra session iiiiih into tho regular
Tlio message, It ia understood,
dealH villi Mexico only to tho extent
of explaining what tho government
liuu douo up to duto,
Bf'jB i Val
kkkkVV ' i'4kkkH
Cnplnin Jninen fllijif.ou of tlm
Shnkexpinre iivenuu Motion, Cln
oiiko, haa been npoiuled chief of
police in plnee of .luhn McWeeny,
roMinicd. lie has grown up from the
ranka under the civil horvico rulea.
Tlm couniKe of the new chief has
heeu tried. Ilia capture of car-barn
robherH after nu idl-dny right nt
Millcrx, Ind., M'veral yenrn ago con
Uy the npiHiiiitmciit the report
that Mayor llarriMiti favored mim
ing u woman for the place is ihs
p laod of. If tho inuvor ever hud
Modi a ibonulil he reconsidered II.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2 1. Tlmt
o.x.l'ostmnator (lenernl John Wuiin
mnker's sou, Itoduinu, watt wanted
by federnl inveMigntors in connec
tion with tho inquiry they nro push
ing into charges that the great Wan
munker mercantile cslablihbments in
New York and I'hilndolphln profited
enormously by n series of customs
frauds extending over n period of
fifteen years, was reported on high
authority hero today.
Wannmnker, Sr., tried for four
bourn Saturday to explain why no
question of "crsoiinl guilt" was in
volved in tho eases ho settled with
Secretary of tho Treasury Mac
Veagh for $100,000 durihg the elos
in tr moments of President Tuft's ad
ministration. Tlm government was understood
to have htroug circumstantial evi
dence, hut not many witnesses to
support its claim that lingo quan
tities of dutiable goods were import
ed by tho Wannmnker houses marked
"samples,1 which, under tho law, nro
not dutiable.
Itndmiin Wanamaker was said to
ho in Palis,
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24. Francis
II, Snyro of Now York nnd Prosldont
Wilson's daughter JcbhIo will ho mar-
fled at tho whlto house tomorrow,
nud today thoy woro making tholr
final propnratloiiH for tho coromony.
Dr. Sylvostor lleach, who will offi
ciate; f)r. (Ironfall, 'who will "stand
up" with tho bridegroom nud scores
ot ushors, gift bearers ami othors
woro ntronmlng In and out ot tho
oecuttlvo rosliloiu'o.
A rohearsnl ot tho coromony was
sot for (i:00 this nftornoon and after
wards tho presents will ho shown to
lutlmnto frlonds ot tho Wilson and
Snyro families, In tho evening thoro
will bo n dlnnor uml a dunco may
B 1
AM 0
More Lives Sacrificed In Airship
Experiments when Lieutenants'
Kclley and Ellington Arc Crushed
to Death Beneath Huge Biplane.
No Cause A&sJgned for Accident
Machine Gliding to Earth When
Nose of Biplane Tipped.
SAN DIKflO, Oil., Nov. 21. Two
more lives worn sacrificed todny to
army aviation experiments here when
Lieutenant Hugh M. Kclley nud Hoc
ond Lieutenant Kric L. Klhngton
wrro crushed to death beuenth a
lingo Wright biplane, following n fall
of nboul eighty feet on the pivcrn-
tnent ntintion fiehl at North It-land,
No cnuso hnd been assigned for
tho accident tip to Into today. KelK
ami Ellington hnd been in (he mr
about five tnlnutos, making a perfect
flight, nud were returning to the
field for n lnnding. Tho innrhine
wns clidinc like n great bird tnwntn
tho enrth at whnLis declnred to hnve
been n iionual (ingle, when sudden
ly tho nose of the. hie biplane tipped.
Full lo night Craft
A cry went up from the wntchers
below. It wns n double control ma
chine nud both aviators are declared
to havo made frantic efforts to right
heir frail crnft. Their efforts were
futile nnd tho biplnno fell crnsh ng
lo tho ground, n nuws of twisted
wreckage, n inilo from camp. The
two aviators were instantly killed.
When cn'mrntlctfruKhcd to the pile
of splintered wood ami steel they
found the mangled bodies partly
pinned beneath the debris. There
wns miming Dr. Wiley, tlio camp
physician, could do. The heart of
encb man hnd censed to bent. The
faces of both were recognizable, but
the bones of their bodies were bro
ken and crushed.
Hundred Seo Disaster
Hundreds of San Diegnns wit
nessed tho accident from windows
nnd roofs of office buildings where
they hnd been wntching in tho hope
tlmt Lincoln Heaehoy would todny
attempt to loop tho loop. Those who
saw tho accident from this sido of
he bay declnro that tho aviators
wero uiakiiu; n beautiful lauding,
when in a flash their machine stop
ped, turned straight downward and
dropped in n lino to tho island.
vail souiffo
CHICAGO, Nov. 2 L That Theo
doro Vail, president of tho Ameri
can Tolophouo and Telegraph com
pany, Bought at a mooting of Inde
pendent tolophouo owner In Chcago
In 1010 proposed n morgor of tho In
dependent and Doll Intorests wns tho
testimony hero today of Itlchard Val
entino of Jaucsvlllo, Wis., president
of tho Hock county, Wis., Tolophono
company In tho government's suit for
tho dissolution of tho so-called tolo
phono trust.
"Vail suggested," said Valentino,
"that wo do something to stop 'ruin
ous competition.' Ho proposed that
In tho localities where tho Hell com
pany had tho most subscribers that
tho Hell company should absorb tho
ludopondont company nnd that In lo
calities whoro tho lndopondont com
pany hud tho most that It should ab
sorb tho Doll company.
"Whoa Vail was asked who would
boar tho expenses It tho exchanges
consolidated ho said it should bo
charged against tho publlo tor serv
ice as tho publlo had benefited by
tho competition, Tho lndopondont
companlos, howovor, nover answorod
tho suggestion."
French Alvator Killed
PARIS, Nov. 21. Aviator Cor
beau fell with his ncronlnuo near
Senlid todny, landed a roadway,
was plorcod b.y n splinter of his bro -
ken uiHuuiuQ uud died instuutly.
When Mlis Annie Morgan, daugh
ter of tho Into (Innnclcr, arrived the
other day on tho great German
steamship, tho Imperator, she had
loino feathers on her hat, and tho
cuatomB oflclals looked at them sus
piciously. "Arc they aigrettes," sho was
asked, for aigrettes cannot o Im
ported to tho United States under
the now tariff law. Actresses and
society, women coming back from
Kuropo who didn't know this law or a was joke, had their aig
rettes snipped from their millinery
by unfeeling customs Inspectors.
MEXICO CITY, Nov. 24. Thoro
was no question today that In at
tending yesterday's bullfight today
President Hucrta mado a distinct
"hit" with tho unthinking among his
follow Mexicans.
Tho so-called sport Is, In tho first
placo, very dear to tho Mexican heart
and to seo their great men show an
Interest In It, gratifies thorn Im
mensely. Asldo from this, they
pointed out that tho president spent
two hours In a mixed crowd of 20,-
000 peoplo, an easy mark for an as
sasstn which was true, though ho
was pretty closely watched by socrot
servtco agents. This was applauded
us a romarkablo exhibition ot tho
executive's fearlcssnoss.
It did nothing to rellovo tho Huerti
government of tho financial embar
rassments which aro pressing It more
soverely dally. It seemed clear
that Prcsldont Wilson has succeedod
effectually in cutting off Huorta from
nil outsldo sources ot supply. Ho has
Increased tuxes to n point where thoy
nro practically confiscatory, but busi
ness Is so flat and ready monoy so
scarco that to pay thorn Is a virtual
Impossibility, and although tho show-
Ins ot rovenucs Is Imposing, dn paper,
llttlo actual cash Is fortltfomlug.
BIRMINGHAM, Kugland, Nov. 21.
Kliza Foibcs-Rohortsoii, n sister
of Forbes-Hohcrtson, tho actor, wns
sentenced today to two weeks' im
prisonment for smashing n Loudon
show window last July. Miss Rob
ertson, who is ouo of the most mili
tant of London's suffragettes, broke
down when sonteneo wns pronounced.
"I nm going to start n hunger
strike," sho dcclnrod. "1 will not
sleep, either, and they will have '.J
releuso mo."
Miss Robertson blamed Home Sec-
MnjY MeKenim for tho failure f
I",,,,HHai11 t0 K1""1 women miu ngui
o uftrai;e.
National Housewives' League De
clares Egg Boycott to Force Down
Prices and Investigation of Cold
Storage Trust Is Ordered.
Poultrymen and Retailers Say There
Is No Unusual Scarcity of Eggs
for the season.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21. Inves
ligation of nil alleged cold storngo
combine wuh ordered today by Attor
ney General McKeyuolds. I'nited
States district nltorncys nnd other
employes of the detriment of jus
tico were ordered to get complete fig
tires beuritiu' on charges that nn al
leged combine is withholding cpz
nnd other products from the market
in nn effort to boost prices.
MeReywdth' order followed the
receipt of the notification from the
National Housewives' lentMio that the
organization hnd declared nn egg
boycott in nn effort to force down
prices, nnd there wns positive evi
dence of n speculators conspiracy tc
keep supplies back.
Price Is Artificial
From cold storage sources cumo
the plaint that the hens wero to
blame, but there wiw information
from both poiillrymcn and retnilcrs
that neither of these two classes arc
profiling by the present practically
prohibitive prices. .
McReynold said ho hud informa
tion indicating that attempts hnd
been mado to, coimr the ttx nnd veg
etable markets. Tho invostigu'ion.
ho snid, would cover nil the Inrcer
cities nnd that if the evidence wnr
rniit, the government will institute
criminal nud civil prosccution-t tin
der the pure food nud interstate
commerce laws.
Hoycott Organized
CHICAGO. Nov. 24. Mrs. Cnro
lino niey, president of the Chienco
Clenn Food club, announced todnv
that she intended writing every wom
en's mngn7ino in thocitv to enli
their nld in n enmpaien nsnint f
price of eggs.
"T intend to appeal to cvorv hono
wife in Chienco to quit nsin" einr
until Mio price falls to 32 cents n
dozen. This venr the whn1onlor
are holding curlond lots nt 32 cent
nnd tho women called off this year'
proposed sale.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24. Presi
dent Wilson was convinced today that
his "diplomatic boycott' policy was
boglnnlng to bo seriously felt la Mex
ico City.
Tho almluistrntlon attributed Pres
ident Huertn'ti circulation of reports
that that tho United States was about
to rccognlzo him to a final desperate
effort toward ro-establtshlng his
crodlt sufficiently to float a loan tor
paying the troops.
Hutlro coutldeuco was expressed
that ho would tall.
Summlug everything up, tho ad
ministration regarded tho Mexican
outlook today as tolerably favorable.
YOKOHAMA. Nov. 24. Tugs woro
still vainly trying today to got tho
steamship Minnesota ot a sandbauk
near Hlko-Slma, In tho Shlmouosokl
Tho MInnosota bound from Manila
for Scuttle, via Honk Kong and Yoko
hama, wont a shoro while trying to
avoid a collision with a sailing craft.
It carried GO cabin passengors, most
ly Americans,
Interstate Commerce Commission
Hears Arguments In Favor of Ad
vances In Tariffs East of Missis
sippi Brandies Attorney.
President of Baltimore & Ohio Says
Rates Too Lew to Permit Lines
From Making Profit.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24. The in
teralnte commerce commission began
hearings hero today to determine-
whether forty-nine railroads east of
the Mississippi nud south of tho Ohio
nnd t'otomnc rivers shall ha permit
ted to advance their, rates on nn av
erage 0 per cent. m Louis D. Ilmn
dcis of Boston is acting as tho com
mission's attorney.
President Daniel Willnrd of tho
Baltimore & Ohio railroad testificn
that the ndvnnces in rates wero ca
sentinl to enable the road to make a
reasonnblo profit. His testimony,
with that of President Delano of tho
Wabash rood, was expected to con
sume two days. It was expected the
commission would ndo against tho
President Willanl was tho spokes
man for the forty-nine eastern roads.
He pleaded advanced costs as tho
reason for asking for increased
rates. Ho declared that arbitration
nml mediation had boosted the sal
aries of employes nnd that snfety
nnd labor laws had inernsed ex
penses enormously.
Willnrd declnred that tho roads
affected earned $1G.:U1.000 loss for"
the year ended June 30 Inst than for
the year ended June 30, 1010. As a
result of diminishing returns Willard
snid the normal developments of tho
railroads' facilities wns checked. '
Delano, who spoke for the linm
enst of the Mississippi and west nt
Pittsburg nnd Buffalo, declared thnt
the prosperity nnd development of
tho entire territory would bo jeopar
dized if tho commission did not grnnt
the road's permission to make tho
increases in their mtes.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21. Henry
Lane Wilson, former ambassador to
Mexico, last night in an address hero
likened tho diplomacy of tho Wilson '
administration to a Mother Hubbard
which covers everything and touches
"We nro now committed to a por
icv in the Mexican situation," said
Wilson, "which will lead to humili
ation or require us lo plnv school
master to every unruly republic be
tween tho Rio Qrnudo nnd Capo
Wilson told df tho efforts of tho
diplomatic coqis nt Moxico City to
save tho city from tho terrible
bloodshed of tho ten davs of bom
bardment just prior to the killing of
"Tlio diplomats of tho Mexican
army bore petitions to Mndorn to
step usido and turn bis powers over
to congress," said Wdsou.
"When tho nnnv added its peti
tion Madero, with his own hands,
killed tho two officora who boro tho
message. Subsequently Madoro
fled and wns captured by tho revo
lutionists uud later nssussiunted in
roveiu'0 for tho death of tho officer
lio killed. Huertn had nothing to
do with it."
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24, The
American Duttloshlp Louisiana, with).
Admiral Fletcher, commanding the
United States fleet on the Mexican
eastern coast on hoard, loft Vera Cruz x
for Tuxpan today. Secretary of the
Navy Daniels ordered the move, fear
lug trouble la Tupan'o vicinity.
' i