Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 20, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Hnlii t(inltlit nmt tomorrow
Mux. 18: Mln. :M Pro. .!MI.
I'urtylliltil Ynr,
IMIIv KlKhlti Yrnr
tfrcOFOUD. OREGON. TIirRSDA V, NOVUM!! 15 K, 20, 191.1.
NO. 207
207 Second Strut""
TOTAL $107,534
Slnlo H l(jli way Engineer nnd Mem
lins of County Court Pleased at
Sccurlnu Prlco Uiulcr Estimated
CostNino Olds Received.
Operations to Begin at Onco, Prom
ise Successful Contractors Equip
ment to Oo Wired For.
KomoI A McDowell IaikkImk com
imny of Tiiromn, Wwili., worn Thars
tiny awarded the contract for grading
Ih n nrlfle Highway over lliu UUkljou
mountain,, hy Hlnto lllghwiiy Hugl
mxir Mow Itiy ami tho county court,
Hid piictt IioIiik l07,f.3l.30. Tluty
worn I lie loMioi of ilio nltiit iinni, who
I'M. All bids woro rejected on pav
ing tlm Central I'olnt-.Mcdford rond,
n being loo high. Tim rou.l will hu
13 Hilton long, 21 f,.i W,io.
Kennel & McDowell hlil 2 rents mi
Mirth uxcamllon. 3S cent on loonu
work, TS routs on solid rock, 60 cents
per mjimro roil on clearing rlr.hl-of-wiiy,
$ to mr square rod on grub
bing, II. u6 per foot on corrugated
Iron ciilicrl 12 Inrh, l uo on 18
Inch, 12 on 21 Inch; 72 on 12 Inch
coiiurtn cuHort, l.i)o on IS Inch,
mid 1 2 'on 2 1 Ituh; 70 routs pur foot
on 12 Inch vitrified tile, 11.30 on IS
nub, 2.ri3 on 21 Inch. On ruble
niAoiifyr per cilblc yardf claim A,
concrete, 111, per ruble ynrd; CIass
II. 110; Class C, 110; reinforcing
steel, C por 100 pounds.
Other bid tolnled nn follow' Am
bromi lllrdsull Co, I'ortlmnl, 1121,
IJHi.UO; i:, F, Jnhiiiinu, I'ortlnnd,
1 1 10.003 30; l Mc I) Fuller. I3..
i!rt.1,S3; Jeffries &. lluftton, I'ortlnnd,
ll!t,73!i,!M; Ilndeu limit., Kugtitie.
1131.010, Oil; J. W. Sweeney, Port
hind, It 1.690. DC; llnrber Aiihphnlt
Paving Co, 1115,178.12; Turner Co.,
of Kan Francisco, 1108,710 20.
-Mr. I-', A. Konsel will mowi to Mod
ford nt onco nnd bncouio n pormn
uetit ruNldenl of (ho city, lie likes tho
illy nnd the country mid linn Ioiik
minted nn excuse to eoino I in re. 111m
partner, Mr, McDowell, will also mnvu
hero durliiK construction.
Work will nlnrt nt once on tlm road,
eiiiliuieut In beliiK ordured mid
uuup will bo oHtuldlMiiM nt once.
Ilnth niemhorit of tlm county court
nnd Hlnto Highway Hnglneor Ilowlb)
urn highly pleniieil with the price no
cured, an tho cHttmntcd cent hud been
flKured nt 1120,000.
HAN KUANOIRCO, Nov, 20. "l'ay
I our employe dot out wiikoh mid the
Hlnto iitllioad coiiiiiiUhIuii will llutou
to tho pniponltlon of iiIIowIiik tho
coinpauy to iiiIhu ltn raleu for burtliM."
wiih tho proiulMU iilvun tho I'lilluiun
co;npmiy today by John t-'uhluuimi,
preHlileut of tlm ntnto rnlliond coin
iiiIhhIoii. Tlm company had appllud
to tho coiiiiuIhhIoii for puruilsHlou to
iuIhii IIh nitcH.
"Tho portora on tho l'ullmiui car,"
wild KhIiIdiiiiIu, "mo paid hucIi Hcant
wiiKeii that tho public; Ih foicod to
Klvo thorn n living by 'coiiiIiib acroHs'
with tips. Wo mo conlnced that
iiuiHt of tho coiiiplalntH iiKiiluHt tlm
l'ullmiui company aro duo to tho
fad that tho traveling publln has to
'dlK up' for thu portora to pit au
loiiiinodutlona which thoy had to
mirvod beforo hniul."
Wcmllliiu Shops Burn
N'KNDMNO, Or., Nov. 20. The
miu'liiiio hIioh of tho Hopth-Kclly
Ltunhnr eoniiun,v vu ileatVoycil by
fire 1'iuly today. Luna CHtimatoil itt
lonl Couilrny
LONDON, Nov. 20.- Lord Cow
drny, hem! of tho llrltUh IVarnon syn
dlcnte, which linn Mexican Interest
aiuoiiiitlm; to nillllouii. nke.l Amort-
can protection today for hit property
and omployus Ainbniindor I'oko
milled li In rcqucnt to nMilucton. Ills
lordnhlp took tho orcailon to deny
hkbIii to tlm nmbaundor that the
rearnon ayndlcato has flunncuJ
l'rcl(1ent Muertit. ,
SIIATTLK, Nov. 20 The Ameri
onn I'ViJcriilmu of Labor in on ree
onl toiluy iin fnvoiini; (he future or
Kiiuirnliiiu of n xililieiil labor parly,
lollowiu (ho piihHiiuc of llm rcMilu
tioiiH eonuuilteeV hiibslitule for Dele
pile (Icorgc L. llerry'rt ret.outiou fn
Miriiij; thu orKiiuiratioii of uch n
parly now.
Thm ii the fii-st lime Unit Ihe fed
ernlioii Iuih minntiuecil its policy in
fiiviiiiii polilienl cuileavor as n
whole. Tlm Horry resolution, which
wiik ilo Tea I cil, eullcil for u eonfereiice
with the hoeialinl parly lo effect un
uuilcrHlmiilin. This wan oppoHeil b,
Delecato Max lltiyeH of Ohio on be
half of tho KoeialistK, who said (hat
flurh nu ngi cement could not be
reached, owiiil' to thu nocinlisl iuIck
iiU'liiiist iiffihiitiuit willi oilier pur-
lied. During lii-i hWcch, Hayes in
vited nil thu ileloL'iiteK o read tip on
iln iloclrinci) mill (hen join thu mi-
WABIIINOTON, Nov. 20. l'resl
dent W'Hkou today Bent to tho sunatn
tlm miinlnatlnu of Henry N. IMuilull
of I'oorln, III,, to ho mnbatftiaitor to
HiiBBla, 'J'ho nomination waa re
ferred to tho foreign rolatlomt com
inlttoo, where thoro Beenieil likely
to hu n flKht over It.
A lottor wna rocontly mado publlo,
purporting to bo from 8onnlor Lowla
of HIIuoIh nnd mUlroaucd to I'ludoll,
In which tho lluualan ombnaay wna
offered for n yonr, without work and
merely for tho honor It would bring,
If I'ludoll would m;roo to rualgn nt
thu end ot tho atatod porlod. Tho
propoBltlon Bcouiod to bo mado ns n
reward for political eorvlcoa,
Ah aoon na IMndull saw tho lottor
(u pi lut, howovor, ho doulod that ho
Lowla uhortly afterward doulod' that
ho mi nt or wroto It. It was hub
peeled but no proven that It wna
written by Lowla' formor prlvnto sec
retin y, Bldimy Moulthrop, now uu
dor nrrcat chartscd with forgory.
Prices Too High to Suit State En
gineer Will Rcadvcrtlse Later, r.i-
cludlnu Ashland-Mcdford Road-
Most Bids on Asphaltlc Concrete.
Best Bid That of Bldwell, Hayden &
Co. of Portland, Though Specifi
cations Not Up to Others.
IticlN fur 'tuning the Mrdford-Cru-
-j trnl Point roiiil were ultocellier (on
Ihigh in tit" oiliiion of the slate h'gh
iwuy engineer unit members of the
eouuly court, utnl thin fuel caused
tlm rejeotiou of nil bids Tiiuroiliiv.
Ilcfori) liiils nrc asked ut-niii the sur
cy of the Ashiuud-Mcdfnrd mail
'will have been eoutplclcd ntul IiiiIk
m called for on the entire strip from
Ashland to rentrnl Point.
The following were the bids m
cclvcil :
Clark-Henery Co. Aspliiiltir con
crele, $1.21; two. inch Wnm-nite,
f 1.35; two-inch W'nrrenilc, grnxel in
stead of crushed ruck, $1.30; iiHi!uilt.
j two jn,.hcH( wi, i,,,.,, ,ill(i,.P. .:.
nKphultic rouercle, Inn inrhcx, with
flilntlor. one inch, 1.3".
Wirrcn Const ruction Co. AfcphnU
tie concrete, two inched, .$1.20; Vr
renitr, two intiu-d, $1.38; Wnrrcnlte,
two ineheHj pnivrl, $1.33.
AmtiroM lllnlKnil, Snlcmiihnl
lie concrete, two inches, $1.15.
Schcll & Schell Oil rnncndnrn, tin
Ibirlicr Asphalt Pavinir Co. Ak-
iphallio eouciele, two inelirx, $1.12',.
IHdwell, Ilnydrii & Co., Portland
AsphnUic concrete, two inches $1.10.
ipcccificittinuH incomplete.
Tho comparative fipireH are not u
fair linnis to figure tho cosl. ns the
iNpecificnlions of nil contnictors ilif
tfercd, Minio onllini for much better
pavement than others for tho snmo
iinuifi unvement.
Collusion nmoiiR rontractorn on
pnvhiK blila wna hinted nt by mem
bers of tho court.
SALKM. Oro Nov. 20. Declaring
Hint tho roatrlctlotiB ot tho constitu
tion must govern IcRlalntlvo Intent,
tho supremo court today hold that
tho workmcua' compensation law is
not oporntlvo until Juno 30, uoxt
yeart This nppllea to tho Inauranco
Employers can contrlbuto to tho
Industrial accident fund before this
date, but no Injured oinployo can ro-
celvo benefits therefrom prior to that
Tho decision dismissed n writ of
mandamus nppllod for by tho Salem
hospital to compel tho secretary ot
atnto to audit a claim contracted
with It by tho Industrial commtsalon.
Uultod States circuit court ot ap
poalH today uphold Judgo Doollng'a
flno of 2000 against Socrotary David
O. Norcroaa of tho Western Fuel com
pany, as well as his order that Nor
cross ro to Jail until ho turns over
tho company's books to tho federal
grand Jury for lnspoctlou. Tho trial
ot tho company's olght officials on
chargos ot complllclty In nn alleged
conspiracy by which tho ivrosecutlon
saya tho government was short
weighted out of about H.000,000 on
coal for federal uho baa been set for
December U,
?ar Mi mb mm.'-.
v-sfi w fell ' MnT;H
yW wmSrKk AMSKmXf, i v
KuAJelinc J.Scott HF Ws. 1
lUtOWNSVlLLi:, Tev, .N.h 20.
Most of the 300 or uu-ro feilcrnls
killed when (lenernl Ooiiralcs nnd
liis rebel forces cn)turcd Victoria,
wero mnssaercil, nt-eorihn; to mes
sages received here today.
After tho fh;ht hud niged for
hours, the accounts suid, it was de
eided (lint it would be best for tin
hulk of the federal troops to quit
tho city mid retreat lo Tula, leaiuc
uboiit 350 to hold Hie dot'ciuca and
thus delay u rebel puruit.
This plan wu carried mil ami af
ter the dcpmtini; hotly had hct-n
c'lven a fair stint the eomiiianiler of
tlioto who remained rode out uiulei
n fln of trneo to siirreiuler.
. flonrnlcs' replv was said to have
been that ho "did not widi to Mike
any prisoners," ns he had other plans
nnd could not he burdened.
llcnlirinj; that thoy were doomed,
tho federals barricaded themsolxoti
in tho convent, where they mado their
lust stand fi(;ht mid held out ns Ion-:
ns possible. A few escaped, hut
most of them wero .either killed in
resialinj; the rebel nltuek or hunted
to denlh in the streets nflor tho nt
tackitif force had carried the con
vent. Gonimlo then pursued Iho ret rent
ilif body of IJie federals, overtook
them nt Tula nnd completely united
them, killing many.
Ho was reported lodny mnrehing
on Tampico and it was expected lie
would iitlnck it liiiij;lit.
A jury in tho circuit court tlii
morning leturnod n verdict of mull
slaughter ngiiiust 1 C. Hums, charg
ed with the murder of Jeff C'oldson,
n trump companion in count iy-wide
yvnuduriugs, at Talent n month ago
during a quairel,
Tho juiy deliberated for eighteen
hours beforo agreeing on their find
ings, being divided between lnan
blaughler nnd second degree minder.
For n tinio it looked ns if tlm jury
was hopolcsfly deadlocked, but n
Jouiproiuibo was effected.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20.--Miss
Jesoie Wilson, daughter of the pres
ident, wlio will wed IVmii-is H. Snyle
November 25 in tho White House,
hits selected bridonniuidt. from ainonj;
her friends in ninny parts of the
country, nnd sho hn elioon homo
who nro considered ery prottj-.
Her older sister, MnrKiiret, ivill be
the maid of honor.
There will bo four lirideninuids.
Miss Kleanor Itaiulolph Wilson,
younger sister of the brido-oleot, who
is three join's her junior nnd for
whom a great Hipulurity is predict
ed during tho coming Washington so
cial season.
Miss Mary O. Whito of Haltimore,
nnothor of tho bridosmnids, was in
timately ussoeiiited with Mis .Te-j-,io
WiUou during her student days. They
were classmates nt (lonelier college,
Miss M'nrjorio Hrown of Atlanta,
daughter of Colonel K. T. Hrowu, in
n cousin of the mother of thu bride-to-be.
Miss Adelino Mitchell, Soott ot
1'rineeton will liu.tlm fourth brides
maid. Mliss Soott and Miss .Ioiho
Wilson have been intimute since their
Ni:V VOH1C, Nov. 20. A slow
downward movement started with
the opening ot tho aunrkot. Cann
ulad Pacific. Amnlgnuiatod and Groat
Northern lost largo fractious, but tho
othor changes woro slight.
Later prices doclluod further, but
tho trading was light and tho losses
wero small. , ,
Iloiuls woro easy.
Tho market closed firm,
Ad Wolgast. formor lightweight
champion of tho world, still retains
jhls title as champion check stopper.
i For tho second tlmo In six months
i tho Michigan wild cat has renlgged
on business deals and nipped Shorty
.Miles and Moso Uarkdull.
Tho first of tho week ho sent a
check from Cadillac. Mich., for
13300 on his 117,000 purchaso ot
tho Heath ranch nt Ilrownsboro, and
then wired local banks stopping pay
ment. Ills first payment on tho
ranch of 11000, was cash in hand,
nnd tho pugilist could not recall It.
It Wolgust ever shows In Oregon,
patters In a civil suit will bo served
upon him.
Upon tho authority of Wolgast
Miles and Darkdull mado purchases
of material for tho ranch, totaling
nearly 11000, and by virtue ot tho ex
ring king's peculiar methods aro out
that amount.
A Mr. llrent of San Francisco, a
friend of championship dajs and
sparring partner wns installed as
manager of tlm ranch. He detected
a mouse, a week ago and sold ranch
bolonglug at a loss sutlclont to cover
two months' salary, and resigned.
Wolgast onco bofore stopped pay
mont on a chock glen lis tho pur
chase ot tlm Cantrall ranch In the
Applegate. so the latest is not tho
first manifestation ot thu ailment.
Lnst winter Tom Jonos. former
manager ot Wolgast. bet local flsht
fans $1000 Hint K. O. Hrown would
boat Hud, Ho gave his check, When
ho reached Frisco ho was stricken
with Wolgnstltls nnd uunullod his
SIIANOHAI. Nov. 20. K.N-Minh-tor
to the United States Wu Ting
Fang received today from President
Yuan Shai Kui nu offer of the Wash
ington legation ngain. Dr. Wu vo
licd that ho would take it if raised
to nn embassy, hut not us u legation.
Mlzzl Hajns.ts to nppoar In vnuile.
vllle. . -
mm ob
Dictator Claims British Fleet Is Sent
to Aid Him Son-nvLaw on Way
to Washington Bcnrlnn. Message
Mexican Congress to Meet Tottlght
Unconditional Retirement Expected
as Soon as Way Is Made Safe
Quarrels With Blanquet.
MEXICO CIT, Nov. 20. Presi
dent Hucrtn, who nit nlong him
sought to give his adherents thu iin
iressimi that the -Kiwcrs would sup
port him against tho United Stutes,
intimated to them today Hint tho
British West Indies siptndron, on ita
way to Vcrn Cruz, was coming to
oppose the American wnrships there
As his Inst nets under the dictator
ship, President Huertn today doubled
tho stamp tnr on checks, rcccipi,
contracts nnd other publics docu
ments, decreed n heavy increase in
the tobacco, alcohol nnd petroleum
taxes nnd authorized the banks to re
lieve the small ehmigo famino by is
suing 1 nnd 2, Jieso notes.
The new congress is scheduled io
meet tonight. "
Sends Son-in-Law
President llucrttV-l son-in-liiw,
General Luis Fnentns, who loft hero
Inst night on n mysterious' mission,
wns reported today to bo on his wny
to Washington with n message from
Huerta tb President W5Iboii.
Tho supposition wns Hint Huertn
had n proposition to mnke which win
ft little short of unconditional retire
ment, that hu could not mako it to
Emissnry Lind liecnuso the latter haft
refused to receive any message from
him other than announcement of hit
resignation nnd that he hud resolved
thcrcforo to communicate with tho
head of the Washington administra
tion direct.
Harrusseil Financially
AecordingKto Mexican politicians
tho dictator has been so hnrrnssed
by financial worries that ho would
hno resigndo nlrendy hut for ouo
thing the risk to which he will ex
poso himself if he HiirrendiirH the
reins beforo congress rulifics nil hh
nets ns provisional president.
This is the real c-ru.v of the situa
tion, Hicbo persons udd. IJuerlii has
dono things whilo in office for which,
unless they can be legalized, his suc
cessor might easily have him shot.
If a rec-ogntzedly legal congress de
clared that ho noted lawfully, how
ever, he would ho protected.
Until ho can somehow accomplish
this, be cannot, for his own snfoty'n
sake, givo up his post, it wns ns
sorted. A rumor was current Hint Huortii
and his war minister, General Uhui
quet, huvo quarreled violontlydis-.
agreeing concerning nlmost ovary
phase of governmental policy. Soma
believed mi open rupture between
them imminent und feared It would
complicate thu situation seriously.
(WANTS PASS, Nov. 20.
Messrs. George Speako nnd J. M,
Turnbow, former residents of Pal
ouse, Wash., were in tho city Wed
nesdny from tho Grnvu erc-ok dis
trioti wheroi they huvo just closed, a
donl for tho purchaso of the Jordan
Gulch plncor mining properly from
Frank Stuvcnsoii. This properly
comprises 110 nercs, including sonio
rich placer ground as well tin agri
cultural acreage, ind will hq devel
oped by tlio new owners. Tliere i
already upon tho property much pip
ing nud n hydraulic "giant," ipid
some valuable finds hare been mado
upon it, Mr. Stevenson 'huviug foiittfl
tv nugget nt one" tlmo that weighed
one und one-qumter pounds. '