Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 18, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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who ill CliiiNlnum ulvlnjr, "lid IIiiiJohU ill Medfoid we Mould Im m
(liealor Medfoid elnh winheM lo roJltlod.lo a porlion of ic fund lo imo
mind you thai Wed Ciohm xeiiU uie.iii oinitinml rnrinx for Miteli a pn
iin of (ho thliiKH you will need, flk'il And lichiir llmnkful Hint we
I.iihI ('hrlHtuum Medl'ord mild uiok llnvij no hucIi naKij, wn enn do it (rrenl
Weil Ci'miH hoiiIm Hiiiii any oilier eil deal of uood in helping koid.i oilier
III llp Mali) exeepl I'ortluml. The eoiniiiunlty not ho well hlexMfil wilh
ptoeeedH of Ihe unlit of the Mninps I- it perleel eliinatn by huiinir Ihue
uhoiI In hu war on liibeieuloi-i' . Red Crofi mil- for our Clin lien
Klioulil wo have a eir.o of tuheieii piielmj;eH, Tin i,a!' will be pl.ieed
on mile in the orcM next inontli.
lut why all the pupil of Iho high
Meliool did nol leeeivo n biiudU J
roii miltiiih i u mystery to im
lono i!ominitlee, iiici' moro limn
enough bundle uero prepared lor
llie uM'niKO allii.daiiee. Hut Im
that iik it i.ny, the rofc eomiiii'lee
in K"ilif'i''il tlmt Iho rt,wi 'iid
taken nml plnnlod, and will irmko nn
effort to Hiipply nil tlio who receiv
ed none. Ah soon a tlio wenllier
pormllH, Mr. A. A. Ilird will c.ill
tlio ('ommittei! lojfotber uml pn.mro
Iho neeeminry miniber of mtUUnn,
which will bo di!ributed lo tlio pi
piU who warn not Mipidied hint week.
Ho Biiro to Reek out the I'rineeKH
Zniilco nt Iho hoipilnl fair to Im.v'o
your forluno (ojd. Hbo lm delved
deeo into tlm hiibtnu inywtories ?f
tlio nnelonlH, nml from tlio ntnr hn
learned n wonderful loro that in-
Hiinw prann nml ImppinOHS nml pros-
perity to the one who corner to her
seeking the Jicht.
There were twenty members of the
literary deportment prodqnint thn
Mjmdny'fl mooting, in pifepf llm
rain. Tho hosleftn., rif tho ,thi.v wit
Mr. 8tilllvan(nml tlm topic, $llotijn
min Frntiklin,'' was n)nt ililefhlhig
ly proNeittcil, Mlas ltazolrfpo'fc moIii
ndded inueh lo tho progrnm Wld Ho
iiIho responded to an oueor1 'fn
department i iloinp; very crcditnhlo
work nml in Htoailily f;ronlt
NUW YOltK, Niv. IK Tliu flmt
of U NDilt'N or ititlcli'ii by DimiIh llrnn
ddlH, on "HninlliiK thn Monoy Truitl"
will niivnr tomorrow In lliirpur'tf
"Tim iloiiiliiniit olutiiniit In our fl
uttiirlnl ollnitrrliy In llm In vm tnciit
luuikor," It Mill Miiy. "TImi nriuoliitml
lunik nuil (niM( mill llfn liiHiirnncu
rdinniiiilmi nm It Ih tooln. Tliu con
trulli'il nillromlH nml lmlillu nervlco
ntid Induiitrlnl corporation nm IiIh
"TIioiikIi iiruptirly lint nilililtiiinnn,
tliioo Imnkiir lientrlitn tliu IhihIihim
worhl n niiiHlDrn, mo Hint iiruclliiilly
no Inritu mituriirlMo ran lio tinitxr
I nl nil niir-nfiilly without tlittlr pur
tklimtloii nml iipirovnl.
"Tim key to tlmlr iiowfir In nimbi
untlun mid rone. nitration, lutunnlvu
nml coinitolii'imlvo,"
Tim urtkln will tlmn iIchltIImi tlio
ilnvolopinmit of lrivtiiiunl tmnk
nmnliiK a ini-uinliiimt mnoiiK miicIi
roncoriiH tlm Iioiihi-h of Murpui unit
(,'oinpniiy, l)ri'fl mid Coiupnny, l.i-u
llluulnnon nml Compmiy, I'nalioily
nml Coinpnny, nml Kiilin, I.uub nml
SAN I'HANCIKl'O, Nov. 18, It
mined today, not only in Sun Fiiui
imhco, Imt throtiKli nil of norllii'rn
Ciilifornlii. In Id-it llluff tlirni wiih
rntliur loo inucli of it, tin- ri'ronl lin
ing l.'Jd inrlii'H nl ft n. in.
Tim Meno hlurlcil nliont 1 1 Mini
ilny niht, nml tlm wcnlhrr formis
(it pri'ilii'tcl Hint it would i'oiitiuui
nil of Tiiiilny nml innylio Ttiduj
Tliu uliiiirtnmi of tin' rone commit -liv
lui received u iitnnlior of iuiiiir
irn from pinjil who linvo no idiil
ilnn in Hi'liool nml yi't wihh to m.
1'iiro roHi eiitlinp. If llioy will Itnn
tli'ir,iiniiicn nml iiddrrMhiH with .Mr.
A. A. Mini, plioiin 80fi, nn effort will
lio iiiinli" li.y (ho uommilti'i' to hniil,v
tlirni with I'llttiliKrt.
Mm. Mini nlxo him in lintj't a
IniVi' iininlu'r of iliihliit hnllm nml
I'lirynnntlicinnm iIiiiiIh for iliMriliu
ti'in to tlio one who will tnki llifiii,
with the iilra t KiviiiK llu'in upoci'd
I'ltri1. no thn flown oiin lm exhibited
nt tins flower hhow next yeur. The
Hiito Ditlilia iihsoi'intion hns iihkoil
t Int t Mnlfonl will roniiolo for :i
number of iriiM that they are jiv
inn for tlio different vnrielie of
iluhliiiH. Tlio I'liiimto of Meilfonl n
iiiviiilly adapted' to thin itmiii ll.
"nt flower nml I hero is no reason
why we xlionlil not enrry off nny
niimlior of tin-He I'liixoM. l'hoiio HUft
nfter 7 lAilock nny ovi'iiiiii.
OwiiiU' to tlio fuel (lint tlio clmir.
mini of tlio hoiiHeholil economic
hi'otioii, Mr. A. A. Mini, iiIm elmir.
Iiiiiii of Iho ii-o committee, ami won
er.v liuxy diritrilmtinj' the iomi out
tinpt on WeilneHihty nflermion ol
hiHt week, ihero wiih no mot'ling i-f
lliin hoi'lion held. There now up
penrn to ho no oxnet ihito on whieh
Ihin meelim; enn ho held oilier than
tlio rcKtiliir meeting time in Deceni
Iter. Hut if thn Indie who wih to
join Ihi Knelion will leave their
mums with Minx Itohinsnn in the
lihrnry the eliiiiiiiiiin will nrriiiio for
a tiee!nl meeliiiK nml will notify
eaeh one.
Al Iho regular meolinu of the ex
rmitivo hoanl on Momlay of InM
week two now ineinhcrrt worn milled
to iho meinlierhhip eomuiittee, Mix.
W'. II. Humphrey ami Mm. .1. T. Sum
erville, Thn eluli iih u whole should feel
it thoir dnlv to invito every new.
eniuep to heeoino a ineiuhor of tlio
clnh and not wnil for Home niemhor
of tlm oomiuitteo to neek them out.
llifvo yon a now neithhorf ('all
on her. tnako hoc feel at homo ami
nro"her to join tlio eluh nml ho
meet your own friends.
I.ohI In Iho roue eominitleo rootn
hint wook, four pnii'H of roso kIioiiih.
Sumo of IhoHO hlienrs wore liljjhlv
jirired hy thoir ownorn, ami if nny
ono oarried Ilium away liy miHliiko
wo Nhoiild ho ulud to liavo them loft
tit tlio Mail Tribune ofl'iee.
Found In tlio nmo eonimitleo
room, ono pair jjrny jjIovch. ono pmr
KoiuHotH, ono nnihrella. (.'all nt Mail
Tribune offieo for Ihein.
Tlio time !h ilrnwiiit,' near when wo
lieuin (o think of our supplies for
r: 4W t - - -
W" TOCltJ.0UKb L.V.
fc: r?k-mEAMHicAM Toa.m sue l
While the Supply Lasts
To Every Purchaser of a 10c Cut
of SPEAR HEAD Plug Tobacco
This special offer is made to induce you
to try SPEAR HEAD now. After using a
10c piece you will know that it is the best
plug tobacco made.
Only One Handkerchief to a Purchaser
iJr 1
Asii?- -,t-"
Every ingredient that enters into tlpc manufacture
of SPEAR HEAD is the very best that Nature produces.
The controlling idea in making SPEAR HEAD is to
produce the best tobacco value in the world. The
lasting qualities and delightful flavor of SPEAR HEAD
can be found in no other tobacco.
The taste is not a whim, it is the expression of
approval of the tongue and palate when treated to
something which is pleasing.
Buy SPEAR HEAD today beiore you forget. After
using it you can't forget it.
Notice to Dealers
Look today for Fret Offer sign on your dealer's
window or you may bo disappointed. Dealers
have only a limited supply of these Handkerchiefs
and cannot obtain more. Got a 10c cut of SPEAR
Tags from SPEAR HEAD are redeemable for valuable presents
listed in Premium Catalog, copy of which will be sent on request made to
the TOBACCO COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, INC., No.l South Park, San Francisco.
This is n special offer and we want ovory dealer in Hertford to be supplied with Spearhead Handkerchiefs so thatho Chii
make this speeial offer to his customers. All dealers who have not yet secured a supply 10C Spearhead Handkerchiefs to
make this offer, can do so by applying to Ch G. Boas at Spoarhead headquarters at the Hotel Hodford, between the hours o
0 and 7 Tuesday oveuiug, Novembov 18, '
' t