Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 18, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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.Eilltor nml Mrs. W, U. Urowor of
Horiio Wvor wero down altoiidlnj;
tho ball nnme MondAi. There were
about tucnty-flte hero from Hordc
River for tho name.
Judge Halo, II. D. Norton and A.
0; Hough, Grunts Purs attorneys,
tn'rrlod ft few hours In .Medford Rat
urday. Orogonlun agenry at Do Voc's.
Mr. and Mrs. a. Slovor went to
Ashland Friday to attend the funer-
nl ot tho Into Kuv. J. a. Slover, who
was an undo of tho former.
G. C. .MtClendPii or Goiu Hill, n
wolljinown plonoer, wa In Med
fold Saturdny nftcrnoon
Oiut lb. maple sugar at Stringer's
A. S. Klclnlia minor mid C. Galla
tlu wero over from Ajiplopato Satur
Mrs. Xulllo Towno Orlsez, who has
been (siting In tho valley, has re
turned to hor homo In northern Cal
ifornia Holiday offer 50 nor cent off. Up-to-bato
Stndlo, 232 East Main.
J. A. O'Hrlen of Huch, was a Med
ford visitor Monday. Ho says tho
Anptegato la the most prosperous part
of Oregon.
J. M. Kershaw, tho Angora goat
king of, tho Antelope, was one of
those who witnessed the ball game
A daughter waa born at Oakland,
Cal., November 11. to Mr. and Mrs.
1). H Plymale, formerly of Medford.
A grand jury at Hoseburg has be
gun an Investigation of the killing of
George Blgham on Trail throuh mis
take for a- deer two weeks ago, ami
several Medford peoplo are" stated to
he called as witnesses.
Wheeler Osborne of Grants Pass
was In Medford Monday attending
tho ball game.
Do you know that Princess Zaldle
will bo here next week? Sho will ap
pear at tho hospital fair and It there
Is anything your heart is longing for
go to her and she will toll you how'
you may obtain It.
Tom Flynn of the Blue Ledge dis
trict was iu the city to see tho bait
game Monday. Tom walked -19 miles
and wanted principally to see Chris
ty Mathewson. He will return to
Hutton Cal. tomorrow.
Attorney Canton is attending to
legal business in Jacksonville today.
County Clerk Gardner and office
force were In Medford Monday at
tending tho ball game.
Mrs. J. E. Shearer ot Grants Pass,
spent Monday in Medford visiting
friends and attending the ball game.
C. C. Prim was over from Jackson
ville Monday for a few hours.
Miss Flora Thompson of Jackson
ville visited in Medford Monday af
ternoon. Misses M. L. and A. C. II. Doosey
will havo homo made hominy for sale
at the public market on Saturday's
and at tho leading groceries on
Wednesdays. All old patrons pleaso
remember the dates an'd places. 207
Tho regular meeting of the city
council will bo held tonight.
Tho state highway commission has'
opened offices In tho third floor ot
tho National Bank building to be oc
cupied by Major H. L. Bowlby and
llesldcnt Engineer Klttrldge.
Don't ovorlook tho Princess Zaidle
nt tho Hospital Fair.
A. II. Casey of Roseburg Is In the
city for a few days attending to
It. II. Smlthson of Santlam is vis
iting for a few days in the city.
Ralph Burgess has returned to this
city after an absence of six months
during which tlnio he spent in south
ern California.
Nothing Is hidden from Zaldlo.
Ralph Burgess returned Monday
from San Francisco where ho lias
been for tho last blx months. Ho
will remain hero until after tho holi
days. W. It, Coleman was over from
JacksoiiTlllo Monday to see tho ball
Ono lb. sliced bacon In glass, 30c
nt Stringer's, Vj lb. 15c.
Mrs. LuulJa Mlnto of Grants Pass
is vlBltlng Mrs. C. S. Manning at 720
Welch street this week.
Jack Neff, Frank BuicheU and
Charles Horn of Crescent City camo
over to witness tho ball game Mon
dny. Columbia yarns for sale at the
Handicraft Shop,
C. C. Walker of Ashland formerly
of tho Valloy Record, spent Monday
in Medford,
Robert Nixon, postmaster of Yreka
Cat.- who has been lsltlug In Med
ford, left for Ills homo today.
Weeks &McGowan Co
Lady Assistant
Day Itiono IEJ7
NlRlit F. W. Weeks lD.T-J-U
Hiomm A. E. Orr 078-M
John W, Cox arrived from Fort
Klamath Mondny, where be has ex
tensive renl estate Interests. He will
loao for Berkeley, Cal., soon.
It. V Nell, J. P. Dodge and I). H.
Barueburg of Ashland are transact
ing business In Medford.
Regular meals iiiul lunches home
cooking, Johnson's Cafe, formerly
Mission Restnurnnt, nun oil to -S 8.
Central. 210
H. D. Mills of Butte Falls spent
Mondny nluht In Mcdtord. He has
been on Jury duty at Jacksonville dur
ing tho past several weeks.
At the It moving picture theater
Weantoka Tribe will exhibit a series
of slides every evening giving the
origin nnd history of tho Improved,
Order of Rod Men. the slides nro very
Interesting as it gives the close con
nection of tho bultt of our republic
Laic and braid for tho new filet
embrolderle at the Handicraft Shop
Col. George P. Minis roturnod to
Seven Onks this morning.
George H. Kelly of Eugene, a mem
ber of the state gamo and fish com
mission, arrived In Medford on tho
morning train.
Chicken dinner 50 cents. St. Mark's
Guild hall, Saturday from 5:30 to
7:30. 205
Chnrlcs E. Bordan has gone to tho
Sterling mlno to Install the big pump
and motor recently hauled there.
Mr. nnd -Mrs. I. A. Pruett of Roxy
tnn district wert of the many who
camo to Mcdtord Monday.
Wynn, Scott, ono ot tho most up
to-dato portrait artists on tho Pa
cific coast is taking, chargo ot the
portrait department for the Gorkin
Jc Harmon Photo company, 228 East
Main Btrcet. "
Lynn Purdln and S. A. .Parker were
down from Ashland Monday.
Mrs. A. F. Eddy qf Oakland, Cal.,
nnd Gcorgo Slover of Shasta county.
Cnl aro guests of Mr. and Mrs. A.
St. Mark's needlework sale Friday
and Saturday In store formerly oc
cupied by Golden Rule. 205
Joseph Shaska, the contractor and
A. C. Hough, tho attorney of Grants
Pass, nro business visitors In Med
ford. B. F. Piatt, tho attorney, was In
Jacksonville Monday on profctsolnal
Milk and cream at DeVoo's.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roper of
Grants Pass visited In Medford yes
terday and today as guests of Mr.
and Mrs. O. Davis.
Lee Bradshaw, of Brownsboro, and
A. B. Chartraw of Derby are In
Tea served Friday and Saturday af
ternoon during the Guild bazaar.
J. A. Kllgour, Evans creek's base
ball fan, returned homo this morning.
20 lbs. beans at Strlugors' for
J. F. Crump and J. W. Pcrnoll of
Applcgato spent Monday night In
"Insuranco your best asset." Have
the best. Placo your Insuranco with
Holmes, the Insurance Man, right it
he writes it. tf
Mr. Cofin has been In California
and disposed of considerable homo
Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien, who have
been spending several months at
Santa Barbara, Cal., returned to
Medford yesterday.
Why not Join the class of bright
young peoplo who are attending th.j
night school at the Medford Business
College? 207
A. E. La Ponto of Central Point
and W. Ager of Phoenix, tarried a
few hours In Medford today.
Crater Lake pictures ,a, book it
12 pictures, hand colored, tho finest
ivor made of the lake, for sale at
Corking & Harmon's atudlo. Call
tnd see them. 228 East Main street,
phone 320-J. tt
County Commissioner Joe Smith
of Rogue River Is In the city today.
William Ulrlch wllf offer at private
sale all the furnlturo and household
effects of over kind and nature bo-
longing to Mrs. P. S. Steenstrup, at
109 Geneva nvonuo, In this city. The
furniture Is first class, and will bo
sold at about one-third ot Its actuul
value. Sale to begin on Nov. 19th.
1913, from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. at tho
above number. Terms cash.
Miss Nan Gago has returned to
hor homo In Klamath Falls after a
week's vlBlt hero.
7 bars of soap, 25c at Stringer's.
Dick Donald, manugor of Bud An-
dorson, expects to leave tho end of
tho week for Los Angeles.
Kodak finishing, Ooni in town, t
SANTA FE, N. M., Nov. 18. The
Nuvujos, who look tho war trail it
few days ago because bevernl of their
number wero wanted by tlio federal
authorities on various criminal
charges, wero reported today to lie
gathering leinforccmciils rapidly at
their stronghold on licuutiful iwiiin
taiii, southwest of tho Snip Itouk
State Fish and Game Commissioner
George Kelly of Portland nnd Master
Fish Warden Kd Canton spent Tues
day In the city to enforce the order of
, tho statu commission for the build-
'l .. ......1..... 4I..1... .... ... .1... H..I.1
IHK ui iiiiuinrr unuwti.i tit urn iumi
Ray dam. 11. C Stoddard, super
intendent of California-Oregon Pow
er company, nnd Harry Foster, engi
neer, loft this afternoon with the
game officials for Gold Ray to look
over tho site, and make preparations
for tho beginning nt once of construe
tlon on tho now flshway.
Kd rnderhill, after boiiu- releu-ed
from the hospital yesterday, nn
nouneed that the sculp wound in
flicted by a bullet was cnu-ed by nn
accident and not suicidal intent. Mr.
Underbill expluiiw his refual to ride
in the ambulance driven by hi up
)xi.ed rival, by Miying he liu ii di--like
of this form of vehicle.
IIAliKISUritO. Pa.. Nov. 18. -John
1C Teller, governor o lVnn-vU
vania. U to be the next pre-ident of
the National league.
A committco representing the
laoguo magnates will offer Tenor the
pre-ideuoy tomorrow, nnd it wus
learned from n reliable -ource that
lie would accept. The only eouditiou
Tener will impose, it wa said, will
bo that lie be allowed to complete his
term as governor. It was understood
thnt n elnuoo in I lie ngrcement cov-
ering tliat condition wits added.
Presbyterian Church
Home mission study all this week
at the Presbyterian church nt 7.30
p. nj. except Tuesday and Saturday.
.Monday tbo subject Is "How to or
ganize Financially and In Institutions
for tho Saving of America." Wednes
day tho subject M "Immigration and
Its Problems." Thursday, tho sub-
joct Is. "Outstanding Evils and Their
Overthrow the Danger and Advan
tages of Concentration ot Attention
on Them." Friday tho subject Is,
"Tho Problems of Our Cities " All
are requested to Join In this study.
Slrk Headache, Ibid Breath, Hour
Stunwrli, Meuii Liter nnd Bowels
Clogged Clean up Tonight
Get a 10-cent box now.
Furred Tonguo, Bad Taito, Indi
gestion, Sallow Skin and Miserable
Headaches come from a torpid liver
and cloggod bowels, which cause your
stomach to becomo filled with undi
gested food, which sours and fer
ments like gnrbago In n swill barrel.
That's tho first atop to untold misery
Indlgostlon, foul gases, bad breath,
yellow skin, mental fears, everything
that Is horrible and nauseating. A
Cascaret tonight will glvu your con
stipated bowels a thorough cleansing
and straighten you out by morning.
Thoy work while you sleep a 10-cont
box from your druggist will keep you
feeling good for months. Millions of
mon and women take n Cascaret now
and then to keep tholr stomach, liver
and bowels regulated, and ncvor
know a mlserablo moment. Don't
forgot tho children their littlo In-
sldos need a good, gentle cleansing,
too t'',
Tht'i'o is fioi'fce all thu
way from wretched to
delightful, from worst
to Schilling's Jiest.
You may have what
you want for the asking.
If it's Schilling's
Best and you think
either j'ou or we have
made a mistake, your
grocer will return your
If you llku coffee you will
llliu Schilling's Best.
OKANTS PASS. Or., Nov. IS. -K.
It. MoAllistur. hinkoiuun mi an
extra freiuht. Miuthbound. win killed
nt Diiuuiiek Sidiiu;, tlireu index 1'intu
tliw oily, at about I oVIock tills
linouiing, In ImvTiii- necidontnllv till
jli'n beneath one of the riminc on the
tram, lie attempted to pimp on lite
pilot of the moving engine, but li
ped nnd win minimi into pioee. lie
was about 'Jl yeur old and to-ided
in Ko-ieliutg.
Another IJo'oburjr mull, 1. Tin
ner, hrukeuuin ,ou n special freight.
MHittihouud, tost his left loot Inst
liiuht liv fulling from the top of u
car under the tin in near Meihn. He
wan brought t the hopilnl in tin
oil v.
HOrSTO.V, Texas, Nov. 1S--Tralns
were running according to
schedule today on the Atlantic dll
stun ot the Southern Pacific's Sunset
liners. The striking trainmen wort
all back or work and confidence wait
expressed that a settlement would bo
reached, the road having dually
agreed to recelvu a Joint cotttmlltco
from their four unions, without the
necessity for lujlng their grievances
beforo the federal conciliation board
NEW YORK, Nov. IS.- Miss Inost
Mllhollnnd Bnlssefaln. tho stiffra
TOO LATE Tt) cM.ssinr.
FOR RENT Furulshed housekeep
ing rooms, ground floor, 315 N
Bartlett. 210
WANTED To buy two or three
dozen young while leghorn hens. J
Must be good stock and cheap. '
State price. Address box 30. caro j
Mall Trlbuno. -M
WANTED l.onn of $2000 on $700 1 j
ranch property, close to city. Ad
dress K. L., caro Mall Tribune. 210
FOR SALE- Light road
$1.1.50. 1101 UY'.t 9th.
200 '
Aak for
The Food Drink
l .' ' . i. .7 r 'V,T7T" r sr. vr
i worm
t .
Yard at Sixth and Fir Sts.
It's tho nll-yonr-'round car. In gusty
Kail thru Winter's snow in balmy
Spring or sunny Summer tho -Ford
serves its owner equally well. It's the
one car on t)io job cvory day oC the year
IftQD Ih tho uuw prlro of tho Ford runabout; tho
touring car Is $0415; the town cur, $000 all f. o, b.
Medford, complete with equipment. Oet catuloguo
and particulars rrom
Hpartu HulldtuK". Medford, Ore.
ji -
l....l.r.,.l .. ''
getlo, won u cimn In I ho Yorkvllle
police couit today, She appealed to
defend Miss Helen Custel, another
suffragette, charged with llttoiinn
tho sidewalk with uipial lights pam
phlets while Mrs, O. II, I'. Uolluoiit,
Mrs. Eutinelluo PanUhuist and Mrs,
IIoIhscwiIu herself wuro making
speeches at an outdoor meet lug last
night. Miss Custctl was ucipilltcd.
R. 1). Weston, commercial photos;
ip hor, negntlvea niado any tlmo or
Dlaco by appointment. Plums M
"Ciipo's Cold Couimiind" Ui Cold
and (tilppc In n few Hoiii-n
Don't Stuy Stuffed. up!
You ran end grippe aifd break up
a severe cold either In head, chest.
body or lliulis. by taking a dose uf
'Tape's Cold Compound" every two
hours until Unco doxes aro taken.
It promptly opens tinggml-up nos
trils and air passages In tho head.
stops nasty discharge or nose run
ning, relieves sick headache, dullness,
foverlshuots, sore throat, snceilug.
soreness nnd stiffness.
Don't stay stuffed-upl Qnlt blow
ing and snuffling! Ease jour throb
bing head nothing else In tho world
gives such prompt relief as "Pape'a
Cold Compound," which costs only 2"
cents nt any drug store. It acts w ltd
out assistance, tastes nice, and causes
no Inconvenience. Be sure ou gel
the genuine.
Recovered from Lung
Trouble Now Insured
Iniutmiro t-iimuinlr wilt nut to'il'l
nr iln nffii-lcil l(ll Iiiik Tfuiit l.
fir ii veil know limn wli'i linn Ix'vu
ftllclnl miit "tin lat-r ba l-vft lii-urvtl.
utli ni'ttiiii mi-mi tint tln ll7' tii'l'lrr
mutt W In ii r.irjr itiNxl -Into nf lirnllli.
Cam-, imt- Lorn trvirtl wtim ljuut
Hiianri nflrr tuUtlf Kikmtli'- All-f-'
tttr. a rrmrilr fur Tlimal -ml lAiui
Trmitilr-, Iihi. uirtiillr iMl tli
iiikIIcmI ti'- uf Iniumurv vuinpuiiti'.
Ilt-iil lilt mi' -
'."IT l)rn Kl. ltrwklTii. N Y.
"U-nllrliirii ANiilt ir -IhI O half
ck I notlml I lilt mr ti'ltti w rni'l.Ur
f-lllni; I nra tniut'lrU wllli nUht
iwrata, n rtrn riiuuli -li'l rr
writ: halne. In fart, atitolutrlr ni atull
thill h-l-rr Atxllt Hit llllli" I itimillt
cl a tilijulcUn, mIiii tul. I me mr Iudk
rrr affrrtr.1 Nut UNDril I wriit to lf
otlir- il.Htur. who, nflrr rtainlnlns mr.
ml. I Itmt I -.- In thi Hrt ala-r- uf l.nnc
Trn'ltilr At till, Rilat I tirti-l li l".r
Krkiiinu'a Attrrattir Itir. nticlil awrat--tutil'xl
alinil linnir1lalrlr, mr rtmah
l-K-nmr lnirr ami Kn'luullr illaapfarnl.
My nrlttit la liuw Hi puiimla aiul my
litivalrlan Ilia iinfflntinnwl III- frrfrrtlf
oiiii.l-lili Ii. tuic-lli-r with tbn fart
Hint I ua- luat lirrli rriitct tijr Imii
illffrrrnt luaurnlirp rninpaiilra fur lliaur-anri-.
niakr. in- un uf mr riittr ro
corrfT lir i:cknian'a AttiT-iUi"
(.rrt.iaiii , w it, oi:n.
(At-ii ntilimtntnl: niori- on rr-jiiwt )
hrknian' Allirallti ha Iwni tmurn j
manr ymra trtt to l mit ifrtmrluHa
for rrrr Ttunat ami Limit Affrrlr-na,
llr.mcl.ill'. IIM'IkMiI mtilii-. hlul.l.itn
VMa ami In ii(il"'IMIli Itir "term,
Cnntalna nl nsn-ttl-. t"liii r MMI
fnriiiini; ilntea, AW fur t-juktrt trlllint
uf rrnirrrlra, ami wrlto to l.rkman
l-iNrnlrr, i'hllnlrtplila. .Va , fur !
deuce. Kur aalv by all Irailliu ilnu.Ula
for all Ages Others arc Imitatwa
"Vr Mr R
uuia a
.H. Rav
PHONE 760-R jj
tfg'a.ti.sjaa - a - - aft - - - nszsas&s.
Itrciitlie Kiveljl t'leais NlutfcdMp.
InOaiucd No-o nod llcml nml Slopn
t'litiiiilml llliiiaig I'iiici Hull
Tr ' lib's Cream llalui."
(lei a small bottle auywa.v, Just to
tr It apply n llltlo In the nostrils
and lustiiiilb j our eloKned nose mid
stoppeil-iip air passages of tho head
will open; ou will biuitho fioebi
dullness mid hcadiuiio disappear By
morning the catairb. cold-ln-bead or
catarrhal sore throat will be gone
End tuirh inlaen m-w1 (let ths
small bottle of Kb 'a I'reain Halm" nt
any drug store. This sweet ( intrant
Congestion From Cod s
Just rub li brlakb on the ihcnt and
throat tonight, and get tho soothluti
loltif this clean, white
ilntuient, tnadii with
tdl of mustard, gives.
The old-time mustard
plaster used to blister,
Ml'rlTKItOI.K doesn't
Hint's why millions aro
now using It with stiih
comforting results. It hronus up a
cold iiilclter than any mustard plnst r
you over saw
Best for Soro Throat, llrourhltls
Tonsllltls, Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma,
Neuralgia, Headache, Congestion,
J'letirlsy, Rheumatism, l.uiuliiigo,
I'alus and Wit cm of the Buck or J til (its
We have a big stork of all klutU of t-itlv ami are bo !wnn orders
for roso bushes ami shrubbor). I'lno lino of IVrwuul I'tntttii In stuck.
100.1 I'ji't .Main
detachable: interchangeable handles
Just received fall shipment of Hull Umbrellas
Hring your old handles and have them made into u
Hull handle when you need a new cover. No extra
charge for making your handle into a Hull handle.
Noar Poat Office
88 Carloads
415 Automobiles
Mado to tho Howard Auio Co. of Han JtVtuiuiHuo,
Const (liHlribuioi'8 for Buick.H. The largest .shipment
of auioniobiles over Hindu under ono draft, and hill
of lading. Jireaking the. Uiiiek record made last
year, when they shipped a trainload of 7f carloads,
containing IWi mnehiiii.'s, vnlucd at laji.-IOD.OO, to
tho Howard company.
.All 10M models aro left-hand drive, center con
trol, fully equipped, including the famous Dulco
Electric Starting and Lighting System.
Come and see the ears.
Valley Motor 6 Traction Co.
Imliu illsrobes by the heat or the nos
trils, poiit'tinto and Ileitis tho In
flaiitcd, swollen inembiano which
Hues the nose, head and thioal; clouts
tho air passages; nloH nasty iIIh.
ehanies and a fcellmt of eleaiislug,
soothing relief entiles luininillntul).
Don't lay awake tonight struggling
for bioath, with hear, stuffed; nostills
cl lined, haw-Mug nud blowing. Calarrh
or u cold, with lis running noun, foul
IU.UCOUA dropping lulu the throat, and
raw drMiess Is dlstiMtwIug but truly
But nnr faith Jiut otiro- In
"Ely's Cream llalui" mid your cold or
catarrh will riuudy disappear.
SiUaliiN Hiiro Muscles, limine., Chil
blains I'iomIciI I'Vot. Colds of tho
(licit (It preciilH I'unuiiiuulu.l
t our druggist's In 3fin and fit'i!
Jars, and a "pei-titl latge hospital nlm
for I'.' Ml. Sold by
drugglsU overywhero.
Ak cut no suhatltuto.
If tour druHKtit cauunt
s ippb )ou. semi -fie or
:.tli to tho Mimniit
(ll.r. Ciiinpany. Cluwi-
I uiu i.i mill wi t
mail 'in a Jar, pontage prepaid.
MI'S M Hpcrrs. grntluale lilirse,
ilMi r.ibrf riurida, says
I I l ....I ..... ..Ill
v nun t t. ii
I linv.i fiuiiiil II ,iTi',tlliitit f.irtivnri-
tiling that has ait) thing to tlu with
eoltU i.r rbeuninllc nffectlons, I am
n professional nnr-ti mid Ibis prodint
I In lnjier than antliliig I or suw "
I'liimo ;i7t