vjtf9Wfii$trttvn4 rivw ? 'PXGEFOTJU. RTEDFOTITJ MATE TRTBITNrfi. rRT)"POni, OT?ECIOtf. rOND'AT. NOYTnTRR !tmn, E 414 AT 'I IOCAL AND L PERSONAL W AS IV TRIAL ON TUESDAY A WU" BURNS MURDER YW HI v '.V Mrs. J. A. Kelts of Talent, accused Jointly with tier husband with ns hnnlt with n deadly weapon was nc qulltcd by n Jury In the circuit court Saturday. Hit mnto was convicted. Dr. 12. T. Staples of Ashland Is in town today attending the hall i;nmc. Oregonlnn agency nt Dp Voo's. Miss nuth Cawltly of Gold 111 vis ited friends In Mcdrord Sunday. Dr. P. C. FaRo returned Sunday from o huHtnc-ss trip to Los Angeles. Ouo lb. uiaplo sugar at Stringer's 3 Be. Col. Oeorgo P. Minis spent Sunday In Medford visiting friends. D. H. lttco of Ashland Is In the city on business. Holiday offer CO per cent off. Up-to-Dato Studio, 232 Kast Main. Albert Hess was In from Eaglo Point Saturday visiting friends. N. P. Sauss ot Hilt, Cal., la in the city on business. Misses M. h. and A. C. II. Doosey will havo homo rando hominy for sale nt tho public market on Saturday's and at tho leading groceries on Wednesdays. All old patrons pleaso remember tho dates and places. 207 Dick Donald, manager of Dud An derson, returned this morning from a three day's trip to Portland. Deputy Krult Inspectors Aitklns and Myers aro In tho city today. Ono lb. sliced bacon In glass, 30c nt Stringer's, 4 lb. lCc. W. W. Usshcr of Ashlnnd Is In tho city today attending tho ball game. O. A. Kllng of Gold Hill Is in tho city today on business. Wynne Scott, ono of tho most up-to-dato portrait artists on the Pa cific coast Is taking chargo ot the portrait department for tho Gerkin & Harmon Photo company, 228 East Main Etrcct. " J. Ij. Summers of Rogue River Is In Medford on business today. Ciydo Martin of Gold Hill is tran sacting business In Medford. Burlap sacks wanted at Russ Mill. Will Drown and Sam Holmes ot Eaglo Point aro Medford visitors to day. Ed Staples and M. J. Lawrence of Ashland wcro Medford visitors Mon day. Milk and cream at DeVoe's. " Sergeant Pat Mcgo of tho police forco will go to tho hospital this afternoon to bo operated upon in the morning for appendicitis. Pat has been ailing for somo tlmo, and his many friends wish him a speedy re covery. Charles Towno of Eagle Point is in tho city for a few days. "Insurnnco your tieat assoL" Have the best. Place your Insurance with Holmes, tho Insurance Man, right It ho writes It. , Frank Farroll Is In from his ranch to sco tho hall game. Dert Anderson pt Grants Pass visited friends In Medford Sunday, and remained over for tho ball game. 7 liars of soap, 25c nt Stringer's. Tho high school football team will play Ashland in this city net Satur day. Kodak finishing, best In town, at Weston's. Joo Dcoman, exmayor of Gold Hill, is in tho city today, a ball game visitor. 20 lbs. beans at Stringers' for 91.00. " County Commissioner Con Lccver was among tho Central Point vis itors to tho ball gamo. Crator Lake pictures ,a hook ?f 12 plcturos, hand colored, the finest ever mado of the lake, for sale at Oorklng & Harmon's studio. Call and boo them. 228 East Main street, phono 320-J. tt Senator Von der HcHen of Wcllei) is In tho city to sco tho ball game. K. D. Weston, commercial photos rapbor, noz&tlves made any time or place by appointment Phons M 1471. Don Rader returned this morning from a trip to Wlllnmotto points. Ho will havo a talk with his bona, Clius Comlskey ot tho Whlto Sox, this af tornoon. ; Remember tonight Is your last chnnco to see tho New York Giants vs. tho Athletics In tho 1913 series nt tho It Theater. This will bo Jn connection with their usual good bill of pictures. Don't miss it. Tho regular meeting of tho city council will ho held tomorrow night. Bpoclal holiday offer good for ten days only, GO crayons given away, vnluo JC.OO each, mado from any photugraph or tin type. Samples on display. Tho Up-to-Dato Studio, 232 E. Main. Thono 12-R. Weeks &McGowan Co UNDERTAKERS Jtixdy Assistant Jy Phouo 227 Night F. W. Weeks 103-J-3 Vlutwm A. B. Orr 078-M Tho trial ot U. C. Hums charged with tho murder of .loft Coldson nt Talent last October, will begin tho circuit court tomorrow morning. Coldson was a crippled tramp beg gar, and tt Is nllegcd Hums shot him during tho progress of a drunken quarrel. The case will last at least a day. After tho murder trial tho cases of Hoggs and Titus, accused of con tributing to tho delinquency ot Myrtle Hanscom and Beatrice Kava naugh will be called. ASKS COUNTY COURT FOR FRUIT INSPECTORS Tho committee ot nine orchardlsts solected nt n mass meeting Inst Sat urday to devise ways and means to exterminate tho blight met nt lunch eon yesterday and decided to ask tho county court for monetary assistance toward appointing six moro Inspec tors making a total of ten to assist tho county pathologist in tho work of extermination. J. A. Perry and Frank Madden wero appointed to confer with tho court at their meet ing this week. OREGON GAME, BUT U. 0. W. WINS BY SCORE OF 10-7 PORTLAND. Nov. 17. Tho Uni versity of Washington defeated tho Oregon university and won the north west conference championship by u score of 10 to 7. The gamo furnished tho most brilliant exhibition ot foot ball over seen In Portland. Sunday wh another bit tiny nt tlu CluiMinn ehuroli. mul ulthomjli tliey did not roach tho CHH) murk in! tho Sunday M'hool they hull n nt tenunnoo of 111, one of the Inrsiwt Sunday schools that out assembled in Medford. Thoro wa nu moronso of SO ox or tho jnvviom Sunday and n pii-turo xvns taken of tho entire school. Moth ohurvh sorxioos were largely attended and highly enjoyed. Ton xverc added to tho church durini; the day nml .several xvoro haptired, Services nt :.10 tonight, followed by baptismal son ice, OBITUARY I Ronk. Samuel II. Honk was bora March 14, 3S":t. and )in-ivd to his reward November (5, 1013, at 2 a. m., at his homo in Cougar valley. At the time of his death, near l'ort Kock, Ore roii, he xva I0 yenrs, 7 months and 2.1 days of aRc. Ho xva horn in New Ross, Indiana, and came to Oregon .sex en jenrx ago. Was mar-j ricd four years np llie tilth of last March in Medford to IVail I.oxicr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. K. I.o-j xier now of Wood row. He became a Christian nml united xvilh the Christian church in Medford three years ago Inst Juno. Ho leaxes to mourn his lo?. his wife, father, two sisters nml throe brothers. PORT lH'UON", Mich., Nov. 17. Wreckage found uvoutly on the Canadian shore across the In ho from hero Avas practically identified today as that of tho tcnm hargo W'xoni ing. The, W.xoiniiiic. with a consort, passed hero n week ago last I'ndiix and is bol'iexed to haxc foundered in Saginaw hay. The crexx was com posed of txeuty-onc men. CONSERVATION CONGRESS MEETS IN WASHINGTON WASHINGTON, Nov. 17.- Scores of delegates-arrived hero today to attend the fifth annual const-nation congros which opens hero tomorrow Munv delegates fax or tho open-door imlicv and would permit anti couser vaiionists to enter the oonxentiou and present their views. To Discuss "St:COXD CII.WCK" Proposition rS ALONG ROGUE RIVER A tiny stranger came a few days ago to brighten th home ot Mr. and Mrs. Alxin Conover by his presence. Fred Hofman left for Everett. Wash., after spending his vacation on the river. Mrs. Mao Daw visited relatives In Medford this week. Jesse Ragsdalo and L. J. Marks ot Trail arc hauling hay from the val ley. Mr. Cuslck made a business trip to Medford. Perry Foster was at Central Point Wednesday laying in his winter sup plies. A killing frost came to the moun tain ranches this week. Tim Dally made a business trip to Medford this week. His slster-In-law, Miss Mia Hannah accompanied him home. A 7?t pound girl baby received a hearty wclcomo Nov. 15 at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. George Cuslck at Trail, Dr. Holt of Eaglo Point xvas in attendance. Mrs. Frank Johnson has moved to tho Rceco creek ranch to send the children to school. Amos Ayers spent Thursday with Lloyd French. Tho Riverside ranch has been plowing with an cngluo and six plows. Mrs. Fry of Trail was an Eaglo Point visitor Friday. ENDED. , STOMACH FEELS FINE Time "Pope's Ilncin!" In Flic .Minutes all Sourness, ;n, Heart burn and Djipcpsti is Gone Sour, gassy, upset stomach, indi gestion, heartburn, dyspepsia; when the food you cat ferments Into gasoj and stubborn lumps; your hoad aches and you feel sick and miserable, that's when you reallzo tho magic In Papo's Dlapepsln. It makes all stomach misery vanish In fivo min utes. If your stomach Is in n continuous revolt If you can't get It regulated, please, for your sake, try Papo's Dlapepsln. It's so needless to have n bad stomach make your next meal a favorite food meal, then tako a lit tle Dlapepsln. Thcra will not bo any distress cat without fear. It's because Papo's Dlapepsln "really does" regulated weak, out-of-order stomachs that gives It Is millions ot sales annually. Get a largo fifty-cent caso ot Pape's Dlapepsln from any drug store. It Is tho quickest, surest stomach relief and euro known. It acts almost llko magic It Is a scien tific, harmless and pleasant stomach preparation which truly belongs In every home. .,..77 ISBiEo DANIEL TOOLE Of New York City, to Close Scries of lllblo lA'clures "Two Salvations, nut No Second Chance," Is tho Interesting subject announced for Pastor Daulel Toolo's free lecturo at St. Mnrk'a Hnll, on Ttiosday uvenlng at 7:45, Nov. 18 This Is the closing lecturo of tho I. II. S. A. lllblo dlscourseso given here. The "Second Chanco" propo sition Is a lively one; no doubt mnny will bo Interested In hoarlng It dh cussod. Tho speaker Is said to bo a man ot raro talents, thoroughly versed In tho Scriptures. Tho dis cussion will bo from an unsoctarlan standpoint, tho lllblo alone being re ferred to for nuthorlty. CHICHESTER S PILLS I.4lr! A.W J'" l'fM f- kl.k-lrr lU.JIlrJ I'llUla Ht4 Ml UI4 ulaiut' I.- .m. ul.l will. 1... ItUijoA. T.Ls lkr. IImv f VMP v iiaMii.nd iiiixmi 1'll.l.s.f-f ta tMlk;.ill!ut.!.lfnt.AIMK'IUI SOLD BY DRLGGIST5 ERiSilRE fvl uwl l- g v tr WILSON REPORTS PROGRESS (Continued from Page 1) who nlso is noting entirely unoffic ially, xvere to get "in touch" xvitli Cnrranzo and to nscrrtuin his plnu, his strength nnd his intentions in tlie event of succoss. Tho administration was furpritd nt tho statement attributed to Car ninzn that ho demanded the lifting of tho embargo on munitioiiH ns a right. If ho mado it, it xvas behoved ho did it "for homo consumption" nnd to hlrongthon him xvith his own followero. Thero was nothing now In tho Mexican situation today, Secretary ot State Dryan said. Ho was confident, ho added, that Huerta would resign Tho Mexican embassy hern asked a full roport from Juarez of the re port that General Villa had executed many of his federal prisoners there. Tho Carranza junta in Washington whs confident that tho embargo on arms would bo raised tills week. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WANTED About six 75 to 100 lb. hogB. Dox 24, R. R. No. 3, or phone C97-R2. 200 i Coffee You can't get fresher coffee than Schilling's Jest. Don't care where you live it's just as fresh as it was one hour after it left the roaster. You can't get fresher or hotter. Ask your grocer for nioneyhack if you think you can. Order today; you may for get tomorrow, Monjeyback means Schilling's Best; and it means the grocer re turns the dissatisfied customer's money as quick as he can. What happens then? She isn't dissatisiied; can't be. Who is? Nobody. The grocer has lost nothing, and she has lost nothing. That's how we look at it. Schilling's Rest was your first definition of rnonoybuck. A. Schilling & Company San 'I'Yancisco 2exsss&s WOOD For Sale OAK, FIR, LAUREL AND SLABW00D IN TIER, CORD AND CARLOAD LOTS Frank H. Ray Yard at Sixth and Fir Sts. PHONE 750-E M ;& N ( 'I h. B? td -a -, ,ipwwm ' V :3cl: jj Hi The Kind of Men Who "Roll Their Own" THEY arc the finest type of men in the world resourceful, persevering active in mind and body always striving, al ways accomplishing in every line of human en deavor. The creative instinct is strong in these men. They like to make their own cigarettes, with their own hands, just the way they want them. They prefer the cigarettes they roll for themselves from ripe, mellow "Hull" Durham tobacco to any ready-made kind they can buy. GENUINE t k ''J, 7 Bull Durham SMOKING TOBACCO (Enough for forty hand-made cigarettes in each 5c mcxc!;) Once a man learns the fresh, rich fragrance and delightful, mellow -yj Jiavor ot "mm" uurnam nanti Alh for FRCE book of "pjpr" with ach Be tack. ATSfeC ifl ""g-Enccori made cigarettes he never 6mokc9 any other kind. The deep satisfac tion and lasting enjoyment afforded bv these fresh-rolled "Bull" Durham cigarettes are a revelation. Get "the Makings" today, and "roll your own." Then you will der st and why "Hull" Durham i9 smoked by more millions of men than all other high-grade tobaccos combined, THE AMERICAN TOD.NCCO COMPANY III iffcsSfoifiii wi: i.iki: TO 1'IT Till: II.Mtl) U I 'IT fly1 It's your I'nll Shoos Hint xvonni inoHtly IntnrcMitud In nml wanting to Intrrost jon about, as wo know you nrn going to buy n imlr or no and xx o reallzo Hint xxo havo no huslmw to oxict you to got thorn from us unless wo can show you ADVANTAdll I'UICII AD VANTAGE, 8TVI.H ADVANTAOi:, WHAIt ADVANTAOI.' nnd xv) aro In n position to show you a)t theso udvnntngos nnd ovon moro. Behling's kiiei: sreui: (i()()l) fit LET DICK;! DO IT! WHAT? All kinds of housn.clonnlng, doca. ratlin:, imlutlitK, pnpor hiingliiK, tint ing nnd fiirnlturo rovnrnlsblng. It It ran bo douo Dick xvlll do It. Siiunro don) to nil. I.ndlfl In Medford wanting work In housi'olunnlng should suo mo. Dick Saunders tl Xnrtli 1'Jr. l'liono OKI-.M vV:HVA4VA4AAAAAAAAAVAAMAAnAt.nAA. vvvwwwvwwrv a 'A A a. t ? T r r r f t ? T t t t T ? T ! Something New in Medford On Tuesday, November 18th "Wo will open a Tounnd Coffco Ifouso at lli5 Jast .Main streol, Medford, and will carry coinplolc lino of' '.reus, Spices, Kxtrads and Coffco. Somo of tho world's best coffee will ho ROASTED DAILY IN MEDFORD ? ? ? ? ? f ? ? t f ? ? ? t T f t AVo arc equipped with up-to-dalo clecli'ic roaster and grinder and will ho ! & pleased to have you call and sec us. Wo also serve coffee free in order to doni- t onslrale our brands. Kemcinbor oponiiifj day and bo sure to visit us. f t f I $ ? ? t t T t ' '-t -J 5$t RitewayCoffeeCof G2SX2Gie