"j?rfp.i ' ,,! PAGE TWO. WWDC'Oltl) MAIL TULBUNR iMlflDKOItl.), OKKUON. KATl'KDAV, NOVP.MHKU In, 10 M. SSh ilWS OF THE OBCHD IMS SPIRIT BE RIVER SPITZ YOUNG ORCHARDS l )r. Alfred Daohnowoki, n for eigner ly birth, is now professor of liolnny in Hie Ftiite university of Ohio, He. nocompniiieil tlie photo geographers on their tour nml 1m neled in tho onpiuity f official in terpreter. He will he remembered by the Medford hoN who met him ns trnwOntinsr, fluently the interest hip tnlks civen in Gcrmnti nt the I'm- versily club dinner by Dr. tinder of ITtrrlin, Dr. Tubuef of Munich nnd Dr. Uroekmnnn of Zurich. lie writes ns mnnw concerning the Mrdford entertniument : "Ohio State University, Columbu. 0., Nov. 10, 1013. "Professor 1. J. O'Onrn, Medford. Or. My Denr Mr. O'Qnrn: 1 wish it wcro possible to express to you. to the Medford Commcrcinl club, the University club nnd to (ho people of Medfprd my own ersonnl npprecin- tion of your hospitality. nur splcn did efforts have been the topic of our convorention almost every day of tho mtemationnl phytop'ograplnc ex cursion after lenvlni: Medford, nnd tho letters which I nm now receiving from tho individual foreign members of the party still echo it. To every ono of Us it was a rare and great pleasure to meet so many ladies nnd gentlemen of broad-minded jersonnl ity; gonial, courteous nnd with ca pacity and outlook equally ns big. massive nnd magnificent as is the state of Oregon in scenery and nat ural resources. You and your friends nnd the people of Medford hiivo left the deepest impression upon tin and I thank you most sincerely fpr the honor of having been your j-uest. "With best wishes, I nm, very truly yours, "ALFRED DACIINOWSKI." SELL IN GERMANY NET $2 MEDFORD SHOW HAND! E RETURNS IN CASH The German apple market Is now tho most favorable tor American ap ples and now record prices for Pa cific northwest offerings nro being made there almost dally. At lire- men tho trnilo ts rather excited over tho sales of some apples shipped from this section. Tho Northwestern Krult Exchange has received a special cnblo tolling of some of these, extraordinary tran ter. A carload of l'eshasttn Jona thans sold at an average of J1.S4 per box. f. o. U. for stock of extra fancy grade, but mostly -JH tier. A car load of Cashmere stock, extra fancy and fancy assorted sold at an aver age of J1.6S far both grades t. o. b. Cashmere. A carload of Itoguo River Spltxon burgs, consisting of over half fancy nnd tho remainder extra fancy. Tho latter averaged about $2.00 a box at Koguo River whllo tho former went at J1.G0. Another carload of Koguo River ! lit. LMt.K. .. MtMAfl t,t i . i.t v.-. Spitienbcrgs nnd U100 boxes pf . ,.... ... nt I Newtown, which ho sold for !..; nnd 5-tlor that sold at an average of Jt.Sl a box f. o. b. .shipping station. Among the fine young orchard that nre making n good record N that of K. It. Hnnley, north of .laekon ville. Thi is the second voar his Xowtowiw have produced nnd the yield from .VI aere- of elevcu-vear- old trees is 'J3 car, or 14,dOO lio.xo He ha received returiw on six ear. which netted him ."rl.OO n box at Medford. The other ears nre ex pected to bring still more, but nt the rale of l.fifl a box, the returns will total $23200, or $13" :n ncrc The Au-tin Oubiu orchard, near tiacle Point, is nlso n heavy vielder. From about 20 acre of old tree, Mr. Corhin has shipped 17 ears. Returns on the first car netted him SI nt shipping point. The hearing portion of the orchard is certain to average over $S00 nn acre or better. A. A. Heraard in the Dig Sticky country bought u young orchard lat year. This venr he took off the first crop from the 12 acre in beariiur. harvcstinir 2000 boxes of VEHICLE RECORDS ON POSTAL ROADS William S. Hammond has been np pointed by the U. S. department of Agriculture as collaborator for the office of public roads. The duty nt inched to tho offico is taking the traffic census on post road No. 1, With observation station nt his resi dence, South Peach htrect, and coun ty rond (Stewart nvenue). Ap pended herewith is traffic record for week ending November 9: .No. vehicles. Monday, Nov. ft 03 Tuesday, Nov. 4 114 Wednesday, Nov. r .10 Thursday, Nov. C SI Friday, Nov. 7 82 Saturday, Nov. 8 120 Sunday, Nov. 9 00 Total .012 Divided ns follows, to-wit: Automobiles in nnd out 184 Two-horse, louds in unci out 0!) One-horsQ loads in nnd out 13 Onc-horso vehicle not loaded in nnd out 223 Two-horse vehicle not loaded in nnd out 114 Motor trucks, etc., in mid out,- loaded nnd not loaded- . 9 f Total -012 Tho commodities hauled consisted pimeipnlly of lumber, wood, upples, dried prunes, liny, wheat, baud. KEEP FORTY-SECOND- IE On (lip evening of November 11 piciubera of tho Women's Relief corps and n number of the (I. A. R. men attended tho forty-second uuntvers nry of tho murringo of Mr. nnd Mr. O. W. Hall on PnJ-n Mrcet. The In dies of tho W. It. O. presented Mrs. Hull with ii recognition pin and lli' gentlemen presented Mr. Hnll with ii mush bowl and spoon. A most en joyable sopjnl evening wns spent, tho suosts depnriing with congjatuhitioi's to their hosts, with wishes for nuipy prosperous returns of flic day. Those present were: Mr, and Mr?. Hall and family, Mr. nnd Mr. Slioiilts, Mr. and Mrs. Audrus, Mi. mid Mrs. Alder, Dun Clay, Mr. mid Mrs. Jtender, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cny, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnulbury, Mr. nnd Mis. Ed Hull, Mr. mid Mrs. Kulilur, Mary Hoscberry, Lena Kobe berry, Hnohcl Kiuyon, Ida Ken worlhy, Dessiu Miller, Saruh Clay, Maggie N"blo, Mrs. Hose, Misses Jvnl Rowley, Dollio aud Qruce SliotiUd. The ontlro German apple market Is reported In 'a better condition, a fact fully substantiated by tho sales men tloncd. Tho English applo market is re ported inactivo and inclined to weak ness. Considerable complaint is mado by tho trado thero of, tho green nppearanco of Pacific northwest of ferings. Apples at American points cast of the Rockies Is rather dull with prices lower but at tbo decline tho market may bo considered fairly steady. nt Medford. He paid .fll.000 for 14 acres nnd will net the first year, de ducting all expense. .?o000. WILD WEST SHOW AT FAIR GROUNDS NOV. 16-19 "Wc" Steal Polatoes (From Koguo River Argus.) The above word spells big pota toes and ninny in a hill. Last Fri day we went to the farm just across the river and while being shown around by W. II. 'Sisson we got into a pntcli of potatoes that belong to Frank Hull and we proceeded to steal n hill. We found .thirteen no tntoes in tho first hill and we took six of thorn, nnd fhoe six weighed six pounds, the other six were large enough to jccl. Wo opened np one more hill nnd found twenty-six potu toes in it and not one but that could be put on the table. ' O. C. Odeu of Warner wn in our office and he said tie could do n one better nnd he came in again yes terday nnd we almost believe he did do better. Ho left us four potatoes thnt weighed six pounds and three ounces. Some potatoes, ch! THE GREATEST PLEA IS CHRISTIAN UNION Tho subject of Kvangellst Put- Havo you a horso that nobody can ride? If so- feed him oats or any thing clso to make him at his best (or worst) and bring him to tho fair grounds any day of November 1C to 19. Sims & Chandler's Wild West show will bo hero then, and they offer $10u for any horso too mean for any of tholr cowboys to rldo suc cessfully. This offer has been mado by tho management all season, but so far it has not happened that tbo $100 has man's sermons on Thursday and Krl bcen forfeited. Tho management is day evenings was "Tho Greatest Plea ready and willing, tut so far, buck 'in tho World today." Of course, this and pitch as they might, none of tho plea Is Christian union and tho cvan horses havo been unablo to conquer brought about according to tho Mule, this, bunch of happy cowpuncbcrsa ' In responso to tho Invitation, two Tbo company carries SO head of young ladles, threo boys from tho tho meanest horses In Klamath coun- Sunday school, ono mothor and one ty, including 'Rlmrock Johnnie," tho of tho splendid young men of tho unrldablo outlaw. Daring exhibitions city mado the noblo confession, mdk of horsemanship are to bo a part of ing 42 added to tho church during tho program, which includes trick, tho meetings. riding, roping, ropo spinning and After services last night several many other frontier sports. A big wore baptised. There will bo no sorv wlld west parado Is a dally feature , Ico tonight, Raptlsm again Sumiuy Don't miss It. , night. Tbo horses and riders aro at thci fair grounds ready for tho opening! Mlzzl Hojos Is to appear In vaudo. show Sunday. I vlllo. pi mH ,.--... SM-t.tJwmmx vi ( t Kiim ,;,. JMJlWt. . L;l KA LI S3 ? I fen MrA rasST i -& M i m .v-W iE -t -ii 1 J!F, 11 We are open for Business We have opened up what we expect to make a FIRST CLASS Tailoring Establish ment in your city, and would be pleased to have you call and inspect our line of woolens- If in need of anything in our line, jve would be pleased to make it for you. Suits and Overcoats $30 and up. Trousers $8 and up. "MADE IN MEDFORD " GUS -the Tailor AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAA.AA.AA.A.A. A MMH:-t?-'t ROYAL Baking Powder Saves Health and Saves lIoney an d 'A Makes Better Food t'4 " f &, ! t t f ? ? ? f t t t T t t t ? ? ? ? r t ? t T T f ? f t T T t T t T t t t T t y " '' ' ' ' V WW Mazda Lamps Another Reduction in the price of Tungsten Lamps On iifM.'Ount of iniju'ovofl iiio'tliods of inaiuifaoturo. tlio prico of .MAZDO has boon roducod as follews: rp UNOS'l'liJN LAMPS Si'.u in Oandlii Old Now Walls. Powor. Vvuuu Prico. -lo .12 $ .10 Jji ,:ir -.0 .10 ..10 .Mo 20 20 .10 .Ho 'io M2 ,,ir ,:i5 00 o0 ' .(50 Aft 300 80 .00 .80 W nn 3 .an .1.20 250 .200 2.2f) 2.00 The old stylo carbon typo .Ifi-candlo power lamp usoh 50 walls per hour, Tho Now 'I'lintf sten Lamp of Hie same candle power uses ONLY 20 WATTS PER J 10 U ft. Yon can save money on your light bills by using TUNGSTEN LA MPS. "Wo aim to furnish perfect oloctrie service. PHONE, "WRITH oivOALf. at our offico if there is anything wrong 'with your service, and wc will adjust tho difficulty promptly. California-Oregon Power Co. 216 West Main Street Offico First Floor Phono 108 Salesroom in Basement Ak.ft.tTk.TA. f T V ? ? ? V ? ? ? ? ? ? y T f ? ? ? t f t Y ? ? ? ? Y ? ? ? ? Y ? ? t ? Y ? Y f Y Y Y f Y f ;K4; ;oXo