PAGEFOtnt MEDFORD MAIU TRfBONK MEDFORD, OREGON', TTirixSDAV, NOVUMlVfitt in. 101,1. BEDFORD JHAIIj TRIBUNE runr.iHiii-.n nvntir aitkhnoon nxrfCt'T fiUNPAT I1T Tiru MiwrOitu PIUNTIKQ CO. fc Tlii ntnftrntt.S TlmnM. Thf Mmlfonl Mull. Tlia .Mcilforil Trllmne, Tfio South rn OrPRortlnn, Th slilnnd Trltmnn Offlcx Mull Trlliuiio Ilullillni:, 25-57-J3 North Kir Mrootj trloplnno 76. Offlclnl fonr of tho Cltr of Mwlfor.1 Offlclnl IMpcr ot Jackson County. OKOHOi; PUTOfAM, IMltor nml MnnnRer THE MEXICAN MUDDLE. Cheap and Easily Made, But Ends a Cough Quickly llnvr to ?tnlo thn Vrry Ilit Count, itpuir.l) u( iimii.s tnll) tiuiirittitcril. BM ItntorNl n picond-class mailer nt JtcMfonl. Ort'Kon, under Uw net of Mnroli 3, 1579. BUiwcmrrioN baths. On )ir, l) tnnll... .. -.JS.0u One month. Ity mH .. . . .80 Per month, ttollvnrfil hv carrier In MriKnnl. JncNsonvlIla nr.l On trnl Point - $0 PAturilny tm'y 1." iiiaIm per year.... i. Wooklv. per year - l.aQ 1 SiGNA L TOPREVENTWRECKS NEWLY NVENTED Cr.KVKLANI), Ohio. K. 1.1 Seven jenrs it go Carl llttht, then 1'), witnessed, n rnilnwd wreck. An on gincer of n switch engine had n-ked a tower man whether a certain in Fengcr train Inttl iv.t-'-cii that point, lie as informed it It it l and pulled lus engine onto the track. A few initMttcs Inter the engineer was dead, n passenger trnin wnt wrecked nntl several oilier live wero lost in the collision. Tlio tower man had made n mistake. Today Cnrl llnhl, elec trician nnd inventor. has perfected what ho believes to lc the one com plete, most important railroad sig nnling nnd safety device in existence. 1IU invention, he claims flnhe danger ignnls before tho engineer's eyes right in tho engine cab hence fog or other bad weather condition wlli not interfere with tho engineer getting all signals. An ingenious contact device is the key to the invention. In explaining his device Unhl shows n miniature louiimuiiYc on a iiiiiiuuure inirs. .v vlitto light burns in the engineer' cab ns long as the track is clear for thrcj "blocks" ahead. Another train on tho track within that distance ennses n contact which shows n green light in tho cab. Within three blocks of any break in the rails the contact flashes n red light in the cab. If for some reason the lights shonld not work, n bell rings auto matically. Perhaps the mot valuable part of tho invention is feen when the en gineer dies or falls unconscious nt his post. If such is the case, nnd tho red or gren lieht shows, the breaks nrc automatically thrown on when the train enters the lnt block, llnhl has worked for seven years on tho invention, nnd is seeking recog nition from the railroads. He is con sidering placing his inveutio before members of tho interstate commerce commission. TXW (list incnishod. follow citizen, .7. R. Howard, is lnneh - worried over .Mexico, aeoordiim; to his communication j printed elsewhere. 11 o fools almost like going to war him sol f to avenge tho losses of his speculative countrymen. Manv nartisan minors are also disnlavimr arroat iinna .. ...' . . . .-.... '..," ' . ,' ' M' ..i.. .. -.,....1. j. I.. ....II.. nonce wit n nvsuient w uson presumably nooanso lie un(si1M;,vm;;; not plunge tho nation into a coolly and bloody war, .'nul j ;ir,.,ol,VrrrillvAl,UV,VhVntoyctMlllti 'Vm';; thereby sacrifice a thousand times as nianv Americans a., v.,,.w,,,,,k :" Mioki, mui h iiin. 1 I A l I ttKI. IIHI. Itir I'UMU' I III ItHl lllltll. llltK. are endaiurered in loxico. iiu.,ui croup ami it'.."""."! President Wilson has. we think displaved ijreat wisdom tiVraSZ'tl'K"!! and liatience in dealini' with .loioo. lie warned Ameri-, "f;1,!,,T,,,l1,i, nlv,J.0!,!,T,o.(.!'l",,'.l,(l" 1 ., , ... i . i. c'nt ortlil in it pint pottle, nnd mid cans months atyo to leave and will demand an account niu: I ti' sutr svrm. ;iuua t.p....(ui for i)roporty ami life lost, as soon as a stable government is i ?. oup' ltto ,,r thrvc huur uu iictnlililiml 11. 1i.ic viil'itoiul In vixnumiy.. n Timilnf tvinl I .'H"lt takes rlelit lioU o( it pihiisIi nu.l ...,..,. .v-..v ... ..v .... .v...... ... .x.v. .,..... .. ......... .. " j mi8 lUllHU'l linttlltll rtiiii. It llllllUI who bv assassination and (he bullet. Imanced bv conuner-i ?.(w ' niritr. n.un niigiaiy Uw rial interests, has seized the power and abolished consti tutional government. Ho has not died to reign powers to keep hands off. lie has concentrated the army ami navy ready for action if woio comes to worse, and at the same time' notified the world that the Tinted States would grab no more land by conquest. Americans in 'Mexico wore not invited by the American government to go there. Nine tenths of them are there to exploit rather than dovolopo. Tho birthright of tho Mexi can people has boon bartered away bv grafting rulers and Americans have through "concessions" corruptly ob tained, secured for a song, properly worth millions. Mexicans do not become industrial slaves except under duress. "Why should they, when for countless centuries they have lived their idle, carefree existence, supported by the bounty of nature? "What more could wealth do for them1? Their love of liberty is inherent, as is their right to the land, and intervention would simply fan the flames of patriotism into undying hatred of the "unngo with a long war of extermination the only out come. Of course the administration is not telling of its oven effort lest it be thwarted. And the newspapers, unable to obtain authentic news, print all manner of hearsav and rumor. Holders of concessions, safe in their Wall "Street offices, denounce the "weak policy" of a president who re fuses to hastily and needlessly shed blood and treasure by indulging in a costly war to protect selfish interests. The common people bear the burden of everv war. They furnish the human sacrifice and pay all the bills, and it is in their interest, rather than those of special inter ests, that President AVilson is patiently trying to avert bloodshed. WHERE TO GO TONIGHT IT ii leatre TOMtllir OXI.V 7 l M. Self Convicted l.utiln Two Uoel Special "Till: IMIIISIDKNT'S SCIICI.M." Kittcm PAGE THEATRE FRIDAY NIGHT, NOV. W "Xi: KU KNOWN IO SMII.K" HloKrnpH Comoily "SCKNTINU a Tiatitmi.i: emMK" Comt'ily lite both fxivllfiit (ratlin. 1'iitvA. hh Krliup j mi know, Is 11 mot uimuMk eopi'rtitrutnl otituptMiml n( Norway vrhito pine evtrnrt, rirli In gunitu-ul mnl tli other mtturitt lionllug pine rli mmts. No other preparation will u tlio work of l'imc In tliiit mixture, uIIIioukIi ftrnlnnl liotii'V i-sn do until Itntnul nf the migur nvrujt. I( drslrttt. TIiihisiiiiiIh oi liti!n;w i.s in tlio I'nttcdl ,..,.., . . . . Slates nn.l C.nuuln now w tliU I'lnox 'wy ilonl.lo tlekolH Kit on Imek ntnl Stignr Snti rrmnlv. 'IhU plitu lin ovvry tenth llrkoi. r.O tlekolH or t.ft.n lKtt imltittiil. but tl.c old wnw. h ,. , nil romli nut imi hum mwir lu-in iiimiitM.i " " ' ! ". "" "..... It low n)t nml oil k'k rwulta lmvo mmlc It itumriiKi'lv populnr. A mutrnntr of ummtuto tIf.utlon, or money promptly rcitimiiii, gm wun tlil prepitriiiioa. " Your ilrucirUt Iim l'incT. or will crt It for jou. If not, wna io ii' nure vo ii. wnync. am "CASGARETS" CLEANSE n OF ANIMALS. LIVERlNDIBOWaS VlI'XA. Xov. 13. That he ha. hticeeedcd in chnnpinK the ex of nni- mnls through trnnp1antins certntnt rtliltiil Ci- Mm trtitlA Irk IliA fiimnln and vice vcrn. wan the somewhat Mnrtlinc nuuounccmont made today Cure Slrk Uenilnclir, Constipation, llillouuiM, Sour Stoiiuifli, Itail llrcsitli I'nnily Cntlmrtlc . GEOL T. FOR DAILY ASSAULT Mr. William Cool U on trial in the r-iicnit cfiurf tolv or! it year-old indictment ,luirfjiij nmilt upon V. C. Daily, prominent Tako Creek pio neer. Ilccnnso .Indue Kelly condiift ed tho defense of her lunhauil on a hiiiiilnr churKC last Xovemher and te I'liii'd an ucoiiitlal, the court iinnied iMtorni'v Ik R Jlulkey to act ns fcpo- priiKcculor. Jfi-. Ccol is allowed to hnve hit I .il witlt n "ni'or" lioo duriit; tho jinvn'-s of n quurrol 18 months iiko i r tho dicing of n ditch. TIip ci lire feol family oiifjaged in the h.iiil. The evidenco will bo com piled this fiftornoon. I). II. llroflitnan of Ashland, thirvi-d with indecent exposure, u m i iied h vn jurv tln. tuorninsr. Get a 10-cent box now. Aro you keeplni; your liver. Btom- in a publin nddrcss hy l'rofeor ach anil bowels clean, puro nnd fresh Stcinnch. In other words. I'rofe-or with Cascarot or merely forclns a Sleiiinch says he hn mndc female paisaBeway et cry fow days with salts, animals inula nnd main into female, cathartic pills or castor oil? This Is To prove his statement, he showed important. animals in which he declares he 1ir. Cascarcts Immediately cleanso changed the sex. He declared that tho stomach, roniovo tho sour, until placing tho-raale glandi. into femnlo gestod nnd fermenting food nnd foul animals changed the entire nature of cases; take the excess bile from tho the latter nnd vice vern. Ho be- Jltvorand carry out of tho 8) stem tho licves that f-imilar oKrtioin are constipated waste matter and poison (lOhhiblo on liumnn beings. . j In tho bowels. ' " No odds how sick, headachy, bll- NOTICK. Jons and constipated you fee.!, a Cos- Strajcd or stolen from my rango, caret tonight will BtrnlKhtoryon out 150 sheep or more. $25.00 reward' by morning. They work whllo ou win uo puiu tor imormaiion tnai win sleep, a lo-cent box from your load to their recovery. Mark, silt In druggist will keep your head clear, right and tho reverso wether mark stomach sweet nnd your liver nnd upper slope In right. bowels regular for months. Don't It. It. MINTEIC, forget tho children their llttlo In- Coffee If a thousand coffee drinkers wore, in con vention and the chair man should say: those who want the best oof how many do you think would remain seated I "Which would you rather have: the assur ance that you could have a cup of the best coffee every morning for the rest of vour life, or $100 You can have the best coffee in the world every morning bv asking for Schilling's J Jest. Don't delay delight, order now. Cuming I'rlilii) nnd Siittn ilnj Nlujlits "IN convict cnitir STAR THEATER TODAY Ladies' Therapeutic Massage Parlors I havo located in Medford, room 120 St. V. & II blilldlng, to practice scientific body maseaslng, using Ilattlo Creek, Mich., vanllnriuni meth ods nnd guarantee satiifnctlon. Mrs. Emma Walker l'liono MIIIMt Work for physicians solicited HONOR OF LADY BEAUMONT A strom,' two reeler Pm mi Mil i mn m nfc . n - .-..A ,, Jt ,, H I, I, t J v A h tH....i ..... ?.. ' V"w 1.11 II AIV1 I Tk Vk J" r. r f -k Mm. wr-wfoi.t . WKHWi tf-li W ' VT,I I ft .t-. JB .H.T.V' -Vr 'IV s., tr, ''i. esaw Ufttf - 1mK H.Zt A toy ... Y:wwv .t u j st- m i 10 x-i-'" H r. t , n "N-a ' . -i ', ftjA or i wo m an coiu t .. 'fex 13 v K'ichitrd .i kiJk'Jt Widtrtn sn - K till , f TuUy Q Xluili I l.'lilj WWAI m i9 " Mfli'Y.,,.-v , .HW?:miiTt. vrmtob J tiVJtCr w M Ml Knglo Point, Oro. sides need a jjentlo cleansing, too. BREATHE FREELY! OPEN NOSTRILS MO STUFFED HEAD-END CATARRH fiifittuit Itcllef When Noo nml Head gr.ut balm dissolves by tho heat of Art ClogKitl I'riini a (old Slop, tip nostrils; penetrates and bonis Nnxly Cnlarrhal Dli Imifics. Dull fin Inflamed, swollen mombrnno JIc.kIikIiu ViiiiIsIic, T. Try "Kly's Croam Dalm." Get a small bottle anyway Jttot to try It apply a little In tho 04tr!!n and Inbtantly your cloKged nope nud stopped-up air passagos of the head will opon; you will breathe freely: tlullncM and huaduohe disappear. Iiy itiorBiDK the catarrh, cold-ln-huad or catairbnl sore throat will bo gono. Km! such misery now! (,'et tho small boltlo of "Hlv's Cream llalm" at any drug store This sweot, frn- whicli lln-b the nose, bend and throat; rlinrH tho air pnssnges; stops aasly discharges and a feeling of clirttnsliig, southing relief conies tin mwllately. Don't lay awal.o tonight struggling for brsnth, with head stuffed; nos trils closed, hawking nud blowing. Catarrh or a cold, with Its running nose, foul mucous dropping Into the throat, and raw dryness Is distressing bin truly needles'!. Cut jour faith Just once In Kly's Cream Ualm" nnd your cold or catarrh wll surely disappear. Which Way Will You Decide ? Wbon ou start out to look for glnt.sos, will j on drop Into the first placo where they are dlsplajod as nrtlclos of merchandise, or will you go whero hklll fa the iMrniuoiinl hsueV Much of our futuro oyo comfort depends upon jour decision. What shall It be? Dr. Rickert OpIoini'lrM, Out Deuel, Medford THE-BERGORSTER TRIO Classy vaudeville act, Twen tieth Century comedians, harmony, burlesque, string instruments LIKE DARBY AND JOAN Kex diania, featuring Mar garcta Fischer and Itcanord A HOUSE BOAT ELOPEMENT Clever coined v Woolworth and Woolworth Music, and .sound effects Always 10 Cents AN EXCELLENT METROPOLITAN CAST Including HAWAIIAN SINGERS, MUSICIANS AND DANCERS A fervid romance, narrating tho .story of tho lovo of an American for an Hawaiian Girl SEATS ON SALE WEDNESDAY Prices 50c to $1.50 ISIS THEATRE i TODWOM.V WHY GIRLS LEAVE HOME Kdison Coined Two Kull Keels BIANCA-VITAGRAPH WESTERN So I inns the Vny--llio. Drama Hero Tomorrow UNDER THE DAISIES Two-I'art Vitagraph Drama WE GIVE GREEN TRADING STAMPS N. Florence Clark VIOLINIST AND TUACIICIt KIrst-ctass Mil lie for all Occasions 1 1 1(1 W. fourth St. I'lioiio 71 IUI POUT HUllOK, 211th., Nov. .'!. r.ffotlK wero rcbumi'il toduv to de teniiliio definitely the identify of the steamship, or nccoiiling to some lake men, of two s(oniuliipa sunk ninth of here in Lake Uuroji. Kigliteen .corpses, believed to havo been members of the Kteiunshiji John WcOeaii, were washed up on tho east fchore near Smsnu todn. John A. Perl Undertaker Lady Assistant. H 8. HAIlTIiKTT l'liones M. 17 ana 47-J-a AnibulHUCo Scrvlco Deputy Coroner RubIHUSTEROLE on That Sore, Tight Chest! Trj this clean, white soothing olnt-i Jars nnd a speitnl largo hospital size tnont. .See how quickly It blnig re- for t'i T0. lief. Accept no substitute. If your drug- MOSTKIlOLi: does .. . gl cannot supply you, SUBJECTS AT Christian Church THIS WEEK siml -Tin or !i0c to tho MTBTKKOU: Com pany, Cleveland, Ohio, and wo will mull ou a Jar. postuge prepaid. I'rof. J. C. Uiidlong, South l.Mino. Conn., says: '"Vour truly I good romody, .Mnstcrolo, has saved Ml'STintOLK for Soro Throat, Hron-i"' "f0' ' wan troubled for years chltls. Srotip, Stiff Neck, Asthma. w'0 Asthma. Pleurisy and allied NeuralKla. Congestion. l'leurlbj, troubles. 1 could gain no relief all that tho old-fash ioned muHturd plustor used to do In the days of our grandmothers, but It does it without tho bllbter! Doctors and nnrscs fittiiklv locommcnd Thursday Jilveninif: "The Greatest Pica in the World Todnv." . y i d a y Evening j "The Oca test Plea in the World Today." (Coualuded. Hhoumatlsm Lumbago, l'alus and Aches of the back or Joints, Sprains, Sore Muscles, Urulses, Chilblains, ProBted Kent CoIiIb or tho Chest (It prnvuutH Pneumonia). At your druggist's u 25c nnd 00c whutover. 1 used but a small amount of your truly remurkablo remedy, and today I am a thoroughly well man In consequence. It Is a Cod send to poor, suffering humanity. Itefor to mo. All letters gladly an- swgrcd," (08) I Mornim;: rn Tho Sunday Communion." Sunday Evening: "The Cry of tho father's Heart." COME TONIGHT NEW YORK Giants vs. CHICAGO White Sox Medford, Nov. 17 Secure seals early On sale at Nash and Bed ford hotels, The Qui, and rirown&JIall. Reserved seats $2; general admission $1. MENDETS Mend nil leaks Instantly without tho iiho of boat, solder, commit or rival In granltownro, aluminum, hot water bags, tin, copper, brass, sheet Iron, all cooking utensils nml rubber Roods. Simply tighten Mcudut and Ionic Is mendm!. Assorted sizes nud wrench In each packaco. Price 10 and -Oc ti box. .MILS. .1, II. HTi:Vi:.H. Tolo, iikciiL for this county. A'ho on sale nt M. !'. & II. Co., Medford. Phone 268 for Milk, Cream, Butter, Buttermilk HUTTIW. 7(1$ I'I'Jtt SQl'AK'K Our Own Delivery Rogue River Creamery Draperies "Vo carry it vary comnleta lint of drapttrle. Itico curlulns, fixtures, etc itntl do all cla(is of iipliolaterlnir. A (poclnl man to Ionic a ft or till work Hxclunlvoly ami will kIvo un koui orvlco bh Is i.oHHllile to .t In oven tlio lurj;pt cllkx. Weeks & McGoWian Co, I. F. PRATT "The Healer" has mndo tho blind boo, tho deaf hoar, tho Inmo walk, tho sick got woll. Fifteen yenra' of prnctlcnl exporlonco in treating chronic, diseases. Consultation freo. Lo cated at 34C N. Dnrtlctt St. Phono l)l)..n. Medford, Or. Ilenutlful I.nnox, tho newest and Ind-Ht Mlerlliig silver puttern, I carry a full line of this pattern, I also dtrry the Pair Pox, ('hnntllloy Moth ers and Plymouth puttorus, also it large assortment of teaspoons In dif ferent lending patterns, E. D. Weston Official Pliotographor of the Medford CominorcJal Club lAinatour Finishing Post Cards Panoramic Work , , Flash lightu Portraits Interior and oxtoriov viowa Negatives made anv time and any place hy appoint ment. h. M. II.MIMOV, .Miiuager. 208 E, Main Paoue H71 ..j.... a-S-TPT.. I