.. fHlvllN,HW f a; i mmroiiT) matt, trtbunr mrdport). oi?foriox, Wednesday, November '12, m?,. PXGEFim X ? t t T t t t T I IOCAL AND L PERSONAL Tint Piironl 'IViiiIiimh rlirlo of lli WimliliiKloii hiliool Mill iiiukI ut llm """ r m """ " ' V "' .Mm. Cllllilll Uiilllnlii of I, nil ii iti'mIi linn itoiin lo Uriint Piths lo Hwml dm winiur with hur daughter, Mis, Will 1.iiiiiiIiii. Itcoll V. DntlH of llnrknliiy I mhiiiiI lug it fow ilnn In Mfilfonl. Iff fulh or A. A. Davis, Iihm jMiruliiiHiiil u largti nrxit adjoining tho Htnlo mil ximlly kioiiihIh nl IJniltoluy mill Iihm lilllttl'il It In Villi! Niton. Tho lllllil Ik tho iitoat ni;htl) nroiiiii) tho lm Out) III. nitiiilo sugar lit HtrliiKiir'ii 'f'C. A. H. Ilimi'iilmtiin. llm iioimlnr man- - ' "'"B " MM V III liner of tho lltuilnmn IIiuh In Med-.rago, Mllwaiilifi. k Ht I'nul riillroiul. fonl, In giudually convaliHiciiiK, from In malting Hogim river utility a husl ii severe nllurk of untliiiia mill In iihlo 'iienri l. now to Hit up In Imil. in number I Col. J I. Mutiily loft for Portland week ho experts to ho iililii to ho lli flmt of tho WKuh to ho itoiio kiiv- nhoiit. P. W. Hhapliigh Ih spending n fow ilu)H In iiorlhorn California ntttind- INK lo limine. mutter needing IiIh 'Mm V T tirlevn ami Mm. Molllo attention. Mo Intended to rittiirn tlinllrll of .larlmoiivlllii visited In Moil flrnt of tho wi'iik hut unfortunately broko hlh car iiccoimltatliiK a ilrluy. I'rrpli limit Hiiio In otiy utmnllly. Mmlforil liiimticr Co. Jiuiiho It it 1 1 Nwiintiim In roiiKh niclt a rt'Kiilur f 7 . ' 0 value, npuclttl K OS. AhrKiu. John IMrlt'h loft Tiii'dlay for IiIk homo In (Soilfrt'y lit., nftr a U inoiitlm' vltilt In tliU rlty with hl ll'ft m'lil to tho iunltmitlary hy JuiIko iIiiiikIiIit. Mm. (Imi. It. I.lmlloy ami JCnlklim. Ill noli, (loo. ('. ITIrlrh. Thin In IiIh ( Mm. Jnioph Martin of Jacktioif Hi'ooml vlnll nml ho Ih ho wull pliiiuwl ;lto ami Mm. I'rank Ohotirhaln of with tho vally that ho will rotiiru Klaniath county. Hpont a fow lioum iioxl )'iir. ! In Mcdfonl Ttiixulny. (lniiuhiH Knntorn HluiHitouo on SO IIih Ihiiuh at StrliiKom' for hainl at I'roiliii'om t'rult Co. ,H)l II 0(1 . Itiiury CalliiKhau lnu rolurui'il K. II Mailitou of Cmitral I'olut iIIh fliiin llluii I.imIko ilUtrlcl. whoro ho Irlrl uiotoroit to Moilfonl Tuoiiilay. ha ln'iui imjtur.i'il lu doutomeut work on tho Kt. Alhaim t;roup of copper clnlum. II. 8. Ilrnitrlltf ami (3. Crimen havo reful u patent for a rldltu; at tnt'hiimut to a walk Ink plaw that priiiulniii to he nlunhto. One Hi. llrii Imroii lu t;ttiM, 30c at KirliiKorV, Vi Ih. I Re. Jaroh Kllpjiel linn vtouo to June phluo eouuty to limpurt mliiliiK jiro pert)' hn Ih lulotoHted In. I'rank Ceol and (J. W. Prey rainu down from I. tike creek yekterday. Wynne Kcott, one ut tho iuot up t.iUtn portrait nrtlili on tho !' clftc conat in taktnt; clmrco of thn portrait ilepartuiuul for tho Oorkln k Mnrinnn I'hoto company, 22S Knit Mnln trcet. lloraro I'ettou and P. C. WIIhoii wero out from Kama Valley Tuov day. Dr. nml Mm. C It Hay and their daughter, Minn Mahel. are vIhKIiik lu I'orllaml. A. l.uudKreii of Mutton, Cal , U Hurlap tack wanted at Kiihh Mill, Weeks &McGowan Co UNniORTAKKWS f.aily .HkUtnnt Dny I'll. me '-."J 7 NlKht 1'. W. W'wkn IDJt-J-'J I'Iioiii-h ,. I". Orr II7M..M M t t t T ? y r T f ? ? f T t f T ' 4 Just a Few ' .Mr. Mini Mm, V. w. v,iln of1 AiiIiImiiiI allitiiiliMl tlin llii'ittur lii ' I (l...lf .. I ,.. I I MiiiiMi i iii'iuuiy nigiit. TlH'y nn fSiii'HlH of Mr. Mini MrH, A. Htiltlmnl. .1 H. Krim-o mill IiIh family of .Vol Hi .liirliKoiivlllo worn In .Medford TllI'MllllV. Ml'. I'niri.n luft In il... nvitiilm: for IiIh ol.l luuim m ti..,i luwn, on a IiiihIiioxm visit I MMK .....I rrcnm nl BVo,.V II. K Hlliio linn gone to .Montague. iCitt, mill will inturn toiiuinoiv. tin niTOiiiimiiluil Mr. Ilnrlow of tlui iliti't. A. Nnili, tloltcl ugenl of tho Koiilh mil PnHflr depot In Miiiironl. who went to WIhtoimIii to VlHll IiIk inolli. or. iicniuiimipil hy h wlfo. rtiiruui1 Tiumlay. i "liiHiinuini yoi.c best tmont " llim-1 i ho limit, Plnro your Insurance with Holmes, llm ln.nr,...r.. i.. i.i n' In- writes It. t r ' .1. W rnm.v imvuiim. .r n... n.i eral ilaH, " bars of tump. 2fic at Hlrlngcr'H. Mm II. II Dow, Minn Kstelfn Levy i ford Tuesday. A. (Irlimum mnl .liinum Omnia of Antelope district tiuusartijil business In .Medford Tuesday. Up-lo-Dato Studio f,,r Christmas sperlnllles. Lowest prices, liot work. 221 Cliarli'n (lay had rotiirncij from Huloiii, whom ho ilollvinil two nnr. O. 8. Illacl.ford of Willow HirliiK dliitrlet ami CharleM MurKnn of Trail are lu Med ford. W. I. Vnwter and (). (.'. Hock tiuiile a lrli to JarkHouvlllo Tuesday. tleorKi' II. Cnrpentur nml wlfo ami John V. Merrill loft Medford Weduen. dny for California, etiHteru and I'u ropean polntH, They will ho roiid un til iiprluK. Dlnenter TmikaKo for topping off i hoK mid fur Krowlni; plr.. Korl nek Veterinary Iloitmdy Co., South. ern OrcRnn dlitrlbutori. 1US C. II. I.orkwood mid wlfo of ll:i Oienn are ;iientit of tho Medford. I K. Churchill of l.omn, Moul., hni nrrUml lu Medford, InteiidliiK I" iimko hU permmieut home hern. II. !'. I'lntt. tho attorney, ha cmnu Imck and located at 2 111 (liiruetl Corey lllilc .M. I. True and 8. II. 8loor of AmIi land were Medford vUltom Tuemlny. C. II. .Ion en of Mill trnimncted IiuhIihwh In Medford thU week. It. Kent of Central I'olut Ih l " ") "" hiiHlneM. More new utitrliumed Hliaptm Jiml lu at AhreiiH. W. T (Ireeim of ItoKtm Itlver lu lled Medford TiiiMdny. JuiIko (leorKo Dunn of Aithlnud wiih lu Medfurd Tuesday on IiiihI nemi. DlK0lur TmikaKo for toppltiK off Iiokh and for grewlm: plK. Korl nek Volerlnnry llomudy Co., South oru OruKon dlttrlblHorw IDS Canvas Glovos, limited tliroo pair to a customer, por pair 5 Wool Sox, big bargain, por pair 10$ GOc Police Suspondors, good ones, pair...;.'. '.. 15$ 10c Handkerchiefs, going at, 3 for ..;,-m , 10' Ono lot of Boys' Bib Ovoralls, pair. A good lino of Work Pants CHEAPEST STORE IN THE GREATEST CHRYSANTHEMUM PLANT IN WORLD. I ' ZHjMIT-A' 1S, ' Wii''M"'" '"" ' " " fc jiviiH CHKVOWirHLMUIt PUMT (CHjrrrCCH TLET IN DIMETC2 ARRIVING T THE MU'JCUM Of fftTUKftL MISTOfiV Tlii'itlMne i lirjMiiiiilii'iuuui pliint, which Ih exhlhlteil nl the Cliryxnntlic'uium Shn In the Mu.euin of Niiinrnl History. New York. Is tin largest lu the world. II N lMiun frol In illriiiieter Mini more than neiuii feet In height, nml rnrrfeii mile lliilp two tlHUi'iiml lilowoms. To nunc the pliintM to thu Museum Mpeel.il .vHtfuus Hute eiisaiieil mnl miuiiileil MilUemeii vH'ortnl each nnKiui nil the way I'lte prme.M of iriinniridlloii mt upli'il mure Hum fhc hourt. In onh-r to i:et ih.. .l.mi Into the MiJM'Un Ininrt the irmirMim of one of tin- doom had lo he return it I 'red Iteed him rot ti rimd from nnr- vy work lu tho SUklyou. "Doc" Morion, who haa heeii vis IIIiik nl lluriiK, Ore., and at Califor nia point returned to Medford Tiinx day. (iouuluo MiiKliirn Illuitono on hnud at Producem I'rult Co. 203 Al l'nnkny of Central I'olut In lu Medford for a few dnyH. Al Knottn of Cold Mill nttondod to liiiHlueift lu Medford Tuotiday. Ilonie-iuitik Hrenil ut l'"i Vnn'n Cecil Ilrown returtiod Tutmday uittht for a week trip to I'ortlnud. "Dee" HtoxeiiHou and wlfo lull this ftnornluK for n lalt with rotative In Krir.no, Cal. Deputy I'rult lmpertor M.urii of Central I'olut la In tho city today. Crater l-uko picture. .. book if 12 picture",, hum! colored, ttio ftneat aver mndo of thu lake, for alo at OerkliiK & Marmon'H etiullu. Call tin! co them. 22X Kant Main atrcol. phonn 320-J, A. II. Conor)' of Weed, Cal., HlMiudluK n few dnH In tho city. John Ward of Crautn I'au lit tho city for a few day. lu Special valuer, in coatH, l3.pri and .IS. 00. Ahruni. .that city. T. .1. Purlin of Knula I'olut In In ; K- U. Webton, couimcrclM photog Medford today ntteudlHK to buMiienH. apln-r, dukaIIvos made any time or Arthur Cray of AkIiIiuiiI vUlted lu ,)lnco by ippolnttuont. Phone M Medford today. 1471. More new coats JuhI In nl Ahrens. I Mm. Fred Lewis of W'ellon Is In Dick Donald, malinger of Hud An- Medford today visiting nud shopping, demon expects to leave for Portland j High grndo, six octaves, parlor or tomorrow for 3 short visit. gnn for salo cheap. First class con Miss Carrie Preston of Itoguo dltlon. .Mrs. Mario Otturdnhl, S45 Hlver vlidted Medford frleudu for n Dakota avcauo, phono S05-Y2. 200 few hour today. I T. 11. K. Mathnwny hns returned and see thnt it is mndo by tho "Call- A l.iuidKren Iihh rnlurned to Hut- from n nhort trip on the Applegate. 'fornln Fig Sjrup Company." Coun loii, Cal., after lilting In Medford Cold Thrvnd tdlk bote nro lion- 'terfelts nro being sold hero. Dou't for n few daH. , ravel top, $1.00, $1.50. Ahrens. 'bo fooled! ...,.!.', 35tf ... 98 Will H. Wilson's WEST There is r. . . -..,.--. "Tho Prince of Tonight" somewhat the worse for wear, appeared nt tho Pag TuotMlny night to a fair size s crowd. Thu piny Inckn tho vim o Its earlier presentation, hut tho old Kings still plcnsu. Tho scenic effects woro good, mid the diameters well taken. Mlis Sara Norwood of Central ,,,M,k Mother! If tongue U Coated Point vlsltod .Medford friends tho' JUo "California Sni. of I'lgs" first of the week. j t,l'ft ' Mvels Col. (ieorgo .Mlnih of So von Onksj was In Medford for a fuw hours I Mother! Your child Isn't natural Tuesday. 1 jly rros nnd peevish. Sec It tongue , Special vnluox In outing flannel Ms coated; this Is a sure sign Its little gowoiis, $1.00. I1.4.S. $1.G9. Ahrens. stomach, liver and bowels need a , I'rank I'nrrell wns In from his cleanelng at once, ranch this morning. I When listless, pale, 'feverish, full J. W. Orion of Valley, 8. I)., Is In of cold, breath bad, throat sore, the city on a business and slghtsee- KlIilllK IIUIMIILa. lltfKI 111 lu.li, .1 AVMoii'r Attorney II. !'. Mftlkoy transacted bualness lu Jacksonville Wednesday. Sid Ilrown nnd Hobby Hrevard vls- lf UihI nearby towns Wodnesday (lis ts trlbutlng posters for tho White Sox I (Hunt gamo Monday. Mm. P. M, Merrick Journeyed to .Central Point Tuesday to attend a social evont of the Kastern Star iu Wilson Specials THESE BARGAINS TO BE FOUND only one Wilson store in Medford. Be sure you are in the Hn tho honiitlful rIiowInk of film nl Alir!tm. Olo Jowrmon of Mutton, Cnl in In Mcdfonl on hiiHlricioi. W. A. (JroHHlnnd, nonlor If. H. hltth wny cnRlnccr hnH cnllcd for bltlit for tho coiiHtriictlon of hrlilKcK nml ml- vorts on tho Oregon l'ont Komi iro J'Ct. I A play Homowhnl out of tho orill imry Ih "A .MIiIiiIkIiI MwHianc;." A Knlcm two pnrt ilrnmntlc cIqhpIc to ho uliown 'tonlcht at tho It Thcatcir Tho ntnry dfiiln with no elderly fi nancier who having takon for IiIk nrr-onil wlfo n plrl younccr than his nrtij Hudptf td tho two of liolng In lovo with nth other. Tho oltuntlonn nro powerful mm illHtlnctly unllko any (ici'ii on tho Hereon heretofore. MIdh Allco Joyce, Tom Mooro nml llnnry llallani, tho thrco popular Kalom n'nrK fill tho prlnclplo rolon. AlonK with thin In "Ilronoho Illlly'H Oath," hy tho nmiinny people. "Tim Granlto Iniluntry," and "A Hoy V antcil," comuily hy IMIson. TOM TAYLOR GIVEN i i a jury in me circuit court iia re turned a verdict of $1000 In favor of Tom Taylor, In condemnation proceetllnRg In connection with tho building of a road hy tho county throueh bin tilace In Northeait Mnd- 'ford. The dnmnRo was appraised 'at 1470 hy viewers nnd tho county ; court has decided to tnko another ' route, declaring the coat executive and "Urcy out of proportion. DIDrCHILD WAKE UP CROSS OR FEVERISH? tiuvou i I'm, aii'i'ii ui uvi iiuiutaiij, has stomnch-ache, diarrhoea, remem ber, a gcutlo liver and bowel cleans ing should always be tho first treat ment given. Nothing equals "California Syrup of Figs" for children's Ills; give a teaspoonful, and in a few hours all tho foul waste, sour bile and fur mooting food which Is clogged in the bowels patscs out of tho system, nnd you havo a well and playful child again. All children love this harm less, delicious "fruit laxative," and It never falls to effect a good "Inside" cleansing. Directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups are plainly printed on tho bottle. Keep It handy lu your home. A little given today saves a sick child tomorrow, but get the genuine. Ask your druggist for n S0-ccut bottle of "Cnlifomla Syrup of Figs," then look i Another cut in "Our Special" and "Everlasting Overalls GOOD, WARM OVERCOATS, RAINCOATS AND AWAY DOWN BELOW COST Best Line of Popular-priced Shoes in the City Good Oil Grain Work Shoes, only - A few Trunks, Suitcases and Handbags remaining from will be sold at reduced prices to make room for a carload ONLY AT OF C. K. I'atlemon on trial for Inrcon c.y hy hnllfo for iceurliiR a net of hnrnriHH, upon MlHroproientntlon wnn acriulttcil hy a Jury In tho circuit .court Tuomlay. Connlilnratlnti was ftal;en of tho fact thnt I'nttemon hml hern In tho county Jail hIiico July nwnltlnK trial Tnko "PniM-V Dlnpepln" nml in l'lc .Minnies Vou'll Wonder Wlint llernuie of .Misery in Stoiiiacli Wonder what upset your stomach which portion of the food did the damage do you? Well, don't both er. If your stomach Is In a revolt; If sour, gassy nnd upset, and what you Just ato has fermented Into stub born lumps; head dizzy and aches; belch gases and acids and cructato undigested food; breath foul, tonguo coated Just tnko a little Pape's DIa pepsin and in flvo minutes you won der what beenmo of Uie Indigestion and distress. Millions of men nnd women today know that It Is needless to have a bad stomach. A Ilttlo Dlapepsln oc casionally keeps this dellcato organ regulated and they cat their favorlto foods without fear. If your stomach doesn't tako care of your liberal limit without rebel lion; If your food Is a damage Instead of a help, remember the quickest, surest, most harmless relief Is Papc's , Dlapepsln which coats only fifty cents i for a large case at drug stores. It's j truly wonderful It digests food and !sets things straight, so gently nnd easily that It is really astonishing. Please, for your sake, don't go on and on with a weak, disordered Btomach; It's so unnecessary. MRS. H. L. LEACH Expert Corsetiere, 326 North Barllett. Phone oGtJ M. Let Us Take Care of your Hair Neglect of the scalp is responsible for most hair trouble. Tho scalp needs nourishment, massago, stimu lation. Mnrincllo Treatments and tho Prismatic liny almost work miracles for tho hair. Tho advice ot an experienced Marl nello grnduato Is at your service treo of charge Dring your combings to us. Wo do A No. 1 work. Marinello Hair Shop 407 Gnrnett-Corey Hide Phono 037-11 126 N. right store before you buy BBBBv anok-hBB ANOKA JtMw ARROW (COLLAR Clutttf Pbodf A Co., In MtkM j 1 - IIS I.I 11 MENDETS Mend all leaks Instantly without the iiao of heat, solder, comont or rivet In granltuwaro, aluminum, hot j water bags, tin, copper, brass, sheet Iron, nil cooking utensils nnd rubber i goods. Simply tlghton Mendot r.nd leak is mended. Assorted sizes and wrench In each package. I'rlco 10 and 2Sc a box. MILS. J. 11. 8TKVi:XS, Tolo, fluent for this county. Also on salo at M. P. & II. Co,. Medford MEN'S UNIONSU1TS at $1, $1.40, $1.75 $2.50 and $3 The Wardrobe WKST MAIN HTItM-rr SUBJECTS AT Christian Church THIS WEEK Tucsdnv Evening: "What Is the Pearl of Great Price!" "Wednesday E veni u t? : "What Must I Do to V,b Saved?" Thursday Evening: "Tho Greatest Plea in the World Todav." P r i d a y Evening: "The Greatest Plea in the World rpi..,. rv.,i,.i...iwi Sunday Merning: "Tho Communion." Sunday Evening: "Tho Cry of the Father's lleart." 33 SUITS $2.24 carload coming Front St.