PXaTCFTVB. IN8M9UM4 m iniii ! i Jeff Says: "Faint Heart Never Went to Sing Sing" By "Bud" Fisher 9 ocrr, a wKti uti Lui.. xnr (,AV WlYi to KUI'CAY fVr MHi. Vou r,o votu ony cv;iv Li "1 IMti You COKU ""(VCV. x'ut civil you 'zroutc. ". -j ioueo. nov you bo '"BJ'W'tAllMG AMU WO rftp UjfJP An. i (to 0KiH YoiVi; coy VoUk a ,,0 1u ''UWT VCtCj. I'l-U VMT '-CAborrtvIN6, KMV tllfc. MEmrOTW MATH TRIRU'N'R, MKDFORD, OI?KfJOX, MONDA V. XOVKMI5KK .', 10I.T -;":ftfi"."11"l',' f n 9rW. V IV OUT. aMMVaMW "W S S& m It- I ! timm. .vv &2S -r. " ' w '-wjS5i5, I EAGLE POINT EAGLETS I lly A. (. llowlott " ...ii i ii i T .Mr mill .Mm. David Imuran former. I)' nf .Iniluoiivlllu. cmno imiI llm flmt of tlin wcnk mill miKiiln'il it ronni at thi Hiimi) Hliln. 'I'lii'' nro K'Jlnc mo (lit "lil Hr CokMii (iIiick Jnl nl'iivii Iimmi, now iiwiikiI by V, A. I.iidllow of I'orllnlnl, itml Mil liitn the iniiniiKi'iiii'Ml of (lie on hiinl. I linvu nut inrnml t wlmro .Mr llcrln. llm formnr iiiniini:-r of tlm orchnril. In "Iiik Mr. Iltirlu liml (our nppln i.rlii'rii til m ! mil thin. I'rliln)' morn Ihk (Inlitli iii tlio imcUliiK iiiul Hum Mr llitrln Mil iiioNit mnl Mr. Iliiia-iui Hill mm n In ami luKu clmrKu- Mr Cn) ton mnl wifii or on tint par n ilii' or tuo ncn on tlinlr way to MmUunl an m ItuutvuuH (or .Mr. VixiikIiii to rovi up on lilit Iiuiiiu limit. .Mr. MrClotiit vli linn n utorn on I h(' romt (roiu Imro to I'rottiorL vln Trull, wnii nlno on tint umiio rnr (or M6l(onl. .Mr. ItitKpilnlo of l.nko rici-k ii nd olio of lilii iliiuitliturn utiru nlo KiM'iiKi'ri (or Mmlfonl. to hlii tlutt liimltii'm In linjirov Ihk ll')' Aaliimlu Iiuh lioiiKlit a (Inn lot of (lilim wuro (or tho Chrlittun trnilu. t)ii of our civil KnclnnTH, .Mr. A', ami mm of hi linlticr, uprnl tlm iilnlii Mill im mi lliulr way from Cm tcr I.nho tvliurn tlmy limo ln'i'ii un liHKtHl ilurliiK I tin KUiiininr. Au.iiiir Hit inllorn mi far ulnro I wruli- IhmI worn MUi Murlu NoMntrmu of Uik rrtrnk, on Imr wny to Mi'il font anil K. IC. I'lillltm ami V. M. l.ntti of I'lotineo Work. V. It. Dituruii, n fooil liupoclor of HflliMII. Htmllt lliu iiIkIU with u.n Wmlnukiliiy. Ho Imil lnitn ii In tlm l.ukn rmnk rouiilry IooI;Iiik throtiKli tlm ilnloltiK In tlittt i'cIIimi unit wlillu mi IiIh ruumlM nlonpiut at tho Huiiuy Hlilu to tnitc tlm (am llitim. Mo unlil tlint wlion ho rnmo Imclt he wn romliiK linrii unuln. v Wniltiumlay iiIkIU II. 1.. DoiIko, Jr., mill IiIk inotliiT, .Mr. II, I.. DoiIkd. .Mrn. W IC liiKrnoll. Mm. I. 0. KUh ami .Minn Hlill I'Uh of Mcitfor.l, tnim In iilmiit mIx o'clock (or niimr ami itfinr Hiiuiulnr.ly (iiJoIiik u K""l hi)iiiu uinal tlioy ri'iinlrcil to I ho par lor ami upon I a couplo of lioum with iuiimIc atiil Koclal.cmminm, tliuu wont on tholr way to tholr hoimm In Mud for.l. WoiluPHilny iidvnioun .(I W. Wniim lny, mm of our carpi'iitcm was on tho top of liU hIhhI on a latltlor tryliiK to fix a plaro nroiiml tlm fluo ami tho foot of tho Inililur Hllppoil, cntiBliiK him to fall, nml In futlliiK ho rn rolvml u NorloiiH cut on tho forohouil, ono on hlv lip. Hkliiiiuil IiIh iioko qulto hailly ami wrvnchoil IiIh rltthl arm ho Hint ho hun to Iny off (or u fuw llU)H. .MIhk I nor. WlllltH ramo out (ruin hnr homo, I'limlm, with hor hrothor Hoy, tho mall contractor, to attuml a mi'iiiliiK of tho loilmi of ltulioliiiha, roturiiliiK thu noxt day, DurliiK tho piiBt wuulc Hay llarnlHh, (luorim KlHlmr, .Mr, IIcuh, J, tlrovi'r, Jnko Jouou and Chnuncoy Flory havo ruturnml from thulr hunt Iiik trip. Thoy roport that kiuiio lu qulto iicnrco ami hard to find mi account of ovcrythliiK botnu no dry. 1 1 hIiico I IuhI wroto (or tho Mall Trlhiiuo I havo hoou doliiK mimo rid luit trylm; to do HouuithliiK for, tho .Mull Trlhiiuu compiiny and miccooded failly woll coiiHldorliiK that monoy 1h ho vory Hcarco. I vlultod tho huautl ful homo of Mr. and Mm. L. K, I limit and found thorn J tint iih huny nH thoy could ho pacltlm? apploM, Ho told inn that ho had calculated to havo iihout (Ivo or nix huuiliod hoxori of upploH hut liiHtcud would havo oluhtcou humlrod hoxua ami thoy uro film mum at that. 1 thou wont to Mr. Cinliln'H orchard hut ho wan not at homo, hut Mr, ()unulouhiiHhor iihowod urn around. Thoy havo tholr uppltm all packed, iiluo thmiHiuid hoxua nml all haulod off oxcopt throo iai i or four humliDil mid liy thu tltno thU ilit In print tho appli-H will ho on tlnj en i ii for liliiiuiiil. I'rom thnro I ,M.'iit to Mr. (.'. IMkoII'h. Ho Iiuh a fliin yeiiiu: orchard JoIiiIiik tho ('or- hill tircliniil mnl nvorythliiK fixed u lu kooiI hliapi). Ho wa covered with red pnl n I tsheu I arrived nri ho wan pnlntliiK hlu Mood khml. I'rom them I wi-iit to lir V II. NiiiIIiik'"i Ii Iiuh not much of mi orchard, hut U liiriiliiK hlu attontlou to raining fluo hoci. mid ho linn nomo nx in nlm mi Hiiy one innxU to want. I'rom thoro to A II Hortitn'n, hut I did not '" 'him, hut miw a neat HOliMluntlal j vs nwon liriilc.i' that ho ha Jiut hullt tirriHiM l.lttlo Motto creuk. Prom lairo to tleorKu II. Ilrown'n abuvo llrowmlioro, whom I flulmihei ii my ilnn work I did biuliiemi with all of ilium oxcept olio nml ho will ho 'prepared to do hmilneini lu a fow dn)M. Hut I uro that I am Kottlur; my letter t Ioiik aKulu mid I did want to tell the readem of tho Mali Trillium what 1 nw on my round, I but will have to vtop rlht here. PHOENIX I i T '- ' The cltUcuiihlp mcetlliK held under tho aiiHplri'ii of tho V. T, V. at the home of Mrn. H. I. Copu wax lnn;oly nttamled. in compllnnco with hur reiiuext of tho county W. C. T. I', prenlilent nprclal pni)or no mmlo for the mircenH of tho rnuno of Temp I mice In KukIo Point at tho PoIIh next Tuemlny. The referendum iiienmruH wore then taken up. Mm. 0,'c. Scott preneulod tho iinUoralty mennuro In mi nblo mid InteremltiK mniiner. Tho dUcunaloti wmi led by Mm. P. Malm itren, who voiced mi earnest plea for the biipport of tho mennuro lu tho niinie of tho CoIIcko club organiza tion. Mm. W, V. Illinium effcctlvo ly presented the county attorney uieamiro and mado n HtroiiK plen for homo Kovernmeiit. Tho iIUoiihsIoii on this wum In u Koucral manner. Mm. Hchurmau Ih noon to lenvo to malio her homo lu ('alifornlun nml It Ih hoped that a larito number will ho prenent. Tho ineetliii: Ih open to all. A. II. Hmmtou linn returned from the ennt whuro ho Iiuh been hpoudluK the ptint two inoiitliH with relatives mid frleuilH. Mm. It. Mooro nml Mm. I.uthcr Htancllff trmiHartod hiiBlnoHS In Jaclc Bonvlllo ThurHday. Mm, Johmiou, of Bnlt I.nko City, Utah, h tho ituciit of hor coimln and family, Mm. M. Khceta of North Phoe nix. Work haa commencod on tho Krouml where the npray nmnufartur Iiik plant h to ho located, Tho dluciisBlon on tho workmen's compensation moaauro waH oponod by thu prealdent of tho local union. So iireat was tho Interest In this bill that early In tho (IIbciihsIoii It -wna apparent to nil that n whole mootlut; or bettor yet, a Hurleu of meetings would bo nocosiinry to mako clear ami KriiHp IIh different pluiBoa, Yet tho dlscuHHtou apparently eonflrml lu tho mlnda of nearly nil proaunt that tho bill on tho wholu wna Juat and humanitarian, in tho atrnw ballot tho uiitvemlty appropriation had not ouo dlusentliiK vote. hTo county tit- tornoy and woikmim'B compoiieatlon had onch throo dlHaontliiB votes, but they woro prompted nuiro by a luck ot heliiK fully liomundod that real opposition, Mrs. Shoota' talk on tho Mormon monnro was a rovolntlou to nearly nil pieHont. Sho ahowod how that octopus was now a controlling force lu hovou stntoa, Orogou being one of tho number, and whore it was now trying to fasten a strangle hold on Hovarnl ot our atnto Inatltutlaus and imlustrlea, Sho was followed by Mrs. ohuatou ot Salt I.nko City, Utah who spoke of thu dnnr.or ot tho Mor mon church to our country. At tho else of thu meeting it was decided to hgld u special meutlug at tho homo of Mm, II. Cchiiriunu Monday even U2 Vl I WlVi I Mm JO, ing to taku up thu numbers on tho program which had to ho omitted for lack of (lino. GOLD HILL NUGGETS (Prom the Now.) A force of laborer nml lluemou uiiilcr tho unpen Ulnn of Kngliieer P. W. l)odi;e, n at present employed In rmoiiiitruitliiK tho cnnul of thu local potter plant mid wrecking lliu utnmed Hue to thu Cotitoulal mine. Tho ma terial thu nvcuri'd will bi utlltled lu tho conntructlon of a power Hue to tho slto ii fthu new cement plant. J. A. Calfee, mi aged reldeut of Aiihlnud, wns brought to thin city from Tolo on Tuuidny evening, In a critical condition from the effect of an accident at tho former place. Mr, Calfee had driven u flatting pnrty to Ka Cold, and lis tho wagon crooned tho rnllroud truck at that point, wan thrown from hi tent by tho Jar, atlKlhtlng on hi head nml neck. Un nblo to walk and with every move ment accompanied by Intense pain, ho was conveyed to tho Kelxey hen pltnl In till city on tho evening motor where ho tin nluce remained. It is thought that ho miMnlued a slight dislocation of thu neck, but prompt nml careful attention eliminated this, nml hi present chances for recovery nru considered ecxellent. Ilia daugh ter, Mr. Hurni'tt, of AnhlMnd, was lu nttendnucu thu lutter part of tho week, l.lttlo I.auncolot McMillan, non of Mm. .Mc.Mlllnii of the school faculty, c.iuiu to grluf on Hiiuday afternoon when ho ewnyod n tonty-toof tum ble rfom thu true Into which ho had clamborod. Thu fall wns a suvero one, causing n slight concussion of tho brnlu which conflnod him for suvernl days. "Itoxy" Mexsner. otherwlso lta phaol, passed througli this city on Wednesday afternoon's train, waving a greet lug to local friends. Mcssuur, who was formerly of this city, was recently hold In California, pending mi examination as to hi sanity, and would seem to have convinced tho of. flcliila that hi occeutrcltlea woro largely natural. Prank W. Hooper, prosecuting at tornoy of Htshlyou county, Cul., was In thin city Sunday collecting evl duueo relative to John Wlllnms, tho youthful harbor who Is hold ns tho principal lu n white slavery case at Yreka. Williams was formerly em ployed In this city, and Is n native ot SnuiH Valley. Should tho statu provo Its enso ngnlnat tho young man, tho allegations being of n particularly revolting character, ho Is certain to receive u lengthy term lu tho peni tentiary, Attorney Hooper la re ported to havo admitted, however, that tho ciiho ugivlnst Williams was not complete. I ALONG ROGUE RIVER I Miss' CliU'H Skyrninii spent tlm week end with lier parents on miner Trail. Mr. N. Onrrett of Moil ford visited lier parentH, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Mo- Cnbo this week. Stun Walker is moving- to tho Scott phu'o to live. Ono of the workmon nt tho Uiver sidu liml tho misfortune lo have one SPECIAL TODAY Sovon-room, bungalow for ront, only $20 nor month. " Fivo-room "cottago, $Tc", TilTmod" orii, Another fivo-room cottage, IS.GO, water paid. If you want to buy n choap homo uoa mo before you buy, I can soil you a stqek ranch" cheap, E. J. STEWART Room 204 Frultgrowors Rank bldg, Office phono C31, Rob, phono 822-J, r ( ci itwri ' Al'.t l WIP ilMti HJUVI. 1 1,1 iia vi ci.mimc, C I'KMIDUU.Mr Vri"r im-. :5K I . -"-" Ktf r -. 'tissiUlyJi of Iiih Jlugom crunhi'il in the ejifil iiUH duller nml liml to linvu it iiinpii tuteil. Sieve .Smith in in Mcilfon the Kiit'sl of liin father, W. S. Smith. Pile Stwell i InidiliiiK n Imrii on hirt pliii'ii on llie liver. .Min .Mnry (lui nml Jtinl JoIuimui took a loiul of ;Jnrikiin to .MiiH'iiril Friday. , Verim Mnlthew w a ploMnnt eitller tit bin uiicleV, (irnnt .MuttliewH, Friday. l'ri'il I'ettigrew hit-, nentlv eouii!el eil ti neat nix- room retinue A eolt heloligiliK In PhilleiiH May field of the Moiulow broke through the well plntfnnu and fell into M'vcrul feet of wnter. They worked lianl to Ui't it out uml almost HiicrceoVil once when the rope broke. Tlieu younc Tyrell went down to hitch the rope mi the homo ami jiiht ns hu had rlimheil out of the well the rock" tvhicli wnllcd tho well fell in nml put nn end to the colt. Thu friend of the Kigliauw sym pathize with 'llitiu in (he sail ueeideut uml dentil on upT Trail. JANE ADDAMS REFUSES I TO COUNTENANCE MILITANCY CMIC.UiO, Xov. 3. Although Jane ,Aildaiiirt reeentlv cxpre -cd the opin ion Hint suffragette inilitnuev u fun ilnmentullv uronir, nml in pite of tho fact Hint she refused to serve o'i lliu uommtiteu ehosen to leeeivc .Mr.". Kmmeliiio l'nnkluirst here, Mm. l'ankhurut wilt ho tho i;ui't of honor nt iv dinner Min Aihlauw will j-ivc tonight, il was announced today nt Hull IIotlHC. ' NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATOR'S SAM5. In tho county court at tho state ot Oregon for Jackson county. In tho mntter of thu cstnta of Henry Harrison Trlplett, deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that C. W. Trlplett, as administrator of tho above named estate, will sell at pri vate sale, tho following doscrlbed promises situated in Jackson county istato of Oregon, on tho terms and conditions hereinafter stated, to-wit: Thu bouthwest quarter ot tho southwest quarter of section olovon, township thirty-five, rati go four west, Wlllumctto Morldlnu, Tho said premises, which aro tho property of tho said estate, will be sold fur rash in hand to bo paid nt tho tlmo of salo Is 'confirmed by the Judge of tho said county court, ThU notice Is publlshod and posted by virtue of an ordor made and on torod by tho Hon. F. L. Tou Velio, J ml go of (ho said comity court, on the 4th day ot Octobor, 1913. Ap plication to purchase tho said laud can bo mado to tho undersigned at WHY? ALFALFA 9.10 AN ACRE. 40 acres, ono mllo from Gold Hill, Just oft Pacific Highway. 10 acros in alfalfa, G acres In potatoos, 10 acres lu corn. Uost of tree soil, Good neighborhood. Prlco $2000. Wo do not bollevo It can bo duplicated for twico tho prlco naked. J. O. HARNES, Phono 120-J. First National Hank bide. NEW TODAY If you want to exchange for pro perty in Southern California, I can match your property, Havo both city nml country property listed In tho south nt from $1500,00 up to larger values. 120 ncres on Evans crook, vory woll locntod, fencing, 3G aero wntor right, crops, good houso and other Improvements, aid only $4G.Q0 an ncro. This has u largo tract ot al falfa laud on It, and, la a snap, o. n. iboN Room 1U Jackson County Hank Rldj;, "ws-k, (I !1 pWrVMilAii..i' 'I'll II I I llftiKfi " 'l . "Tv" - "'' Ornrit Pass, Oregon, nftcr tho Cth day of November, 1913. C. W. TIIIPI.KTT, Administrator. NOTICK. Notice In hurehy given that tho town counell of tho town of Phoontx, Oregon, will rcelvo sealed propoials for tho purchase of Its 1013 Water Honda lo tho extent ot (2,000.00 bearing fl per cont Interest, paynblo toml-annually at any tlmo before 7:30 o'clock p. rn. on tho 10th day of November, 1313. Dlds may bo tuaiicd or dcllvcrod to tho town rerorder of said town on or before Mid date and no bid will bo considered for less than par and ac crued Interest mid thu council re servos tho right to reject any and nil bids. All bids must bo accompanied by a certified check drawn upon some statu or national bank of Jack son county, Oregon, for C per cont ot tho amount bid for Raid bonds. Bald amount to bo forfeited to said town as liquidated damages in caso tho samo shall fail to purcbaso and pay for said bonds In accordanco with said bid within thirty days after be ing notified of tho ncceptnnco ot said bid. F. E. FURRY, Recorder ot tho Town ot 1'uoenlx. Oregon. FOR ItEN'T FUKMSIinil ROOMS FOR RENT Sleeping room with or without board. Mrs. G. II. Wolf. 340 S. Rlvorsldo. 199 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Five room house, close In, 319 North Crapo. Inquire at Smlth'e tin shop. FOR RENT Six room bungalow, first class. Phone 430-J. 19S FOR RENT OR SALE 5 room mod ern house with gas raugo. 731 W. Second St. 193 FOR RENT 5 room modern house. Call 43 South Fir St. 193 FOR RENT Apartment, 7 rooms and bath, 9 Rose Avo. corner W. Main, phono 735-J. 19G FOR RENT Furnished houso. 3 rooms, strictly modern, cloio in. Phono 3C5-J or 7S-R FOR RENT Two houso tents fur nished, flno for batching. R. San dors. Gil N. Fir. 196 FOR RENT Soven room house, $12.50. Inquire Col. II. H. Sar gent. 199 FOR RENT Furnished two room house, nlso hall bedroom fur nished for elderly people. 23 4 East 9th St. 19S FOR RENT FURNISHED AITS. FOR RENT Largo sleeping rooms, and modern housekeeping apart inontB, prices very rensonablo. Phone 1026-L. 223 South Holly strcot. FOR RENT OFFICES FOR REN'I Largo, comfortable ot flco rooms with elovator servlco, Btemn heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture & Hdw. Co. FOR SALE ACREAGE FOR SALEi Unrdon and'7ruit"trait for sale. Income city property to trado for stock ranch, M. A. Rnder. FOR SALE HOUSES FORVLE Strictly modern five room bungalow, tiro place, tastily decorated, vory attractive nml new. Close in on paved strout. $2200.00 and tonus. Uig Piuos I.umbor Company. 193 FOR SALE Ml-SCTCiitiANKOUS FORU.E Fim "class dryconu Mm. McNftsser, R. F. D. No. 1, Central Point, Orogon. Phono 14xxx2. 194 FOR SALE OR TRADE For top slnglo buggy, a light doltvory wagon, Nash Livery Ham, 193 FOR SALE Wood, body fir i foot wood in car load lots. Call or address John Nounor, Qlondnlo, Oro. 207 FOR SALE Well dried, sound corn. $20 tou, dollvorod shucked. Phone 19-F23. 193 FOR SALE Cheap, sevornl stands bees, Uox 300, Central Point. 109 4i i li -'mTi Hl'' CorrnioKT I1i3 for ham;- misci:m,ani:ous FOR SALE Two thoroughbred Jer sey bulls and twenty calves. Walsh's ranch on Spring street, mllo out North Rooscvolt avenue. 300 FOR SALE Ono 3 year old Ilatnll tonlan driving mnro and ono 1300 lb. G year old work homo. Inquire of D. S. Stancltff, Phoenix. 191 i FOR SALE Eighteen graded cows. I Just fresh; and ten year old h-jlfoni I Walsh's ranch on Spring street, mllo out N. Roosevelt Avo. 1?3 FOR SALE Hogs, calves, grain hay and alfalfa hay, Robert Button, Medford, phono H39-R3. FOR SALE Pair of horses, choap. 317 E. Jackson St. 194 HELP WANTED MAXE WANTED Salesman wanted to soil strictly meritorious Florida land. Rig commission. Transportation allowed purchasers of twenty acres. Palm Reach County Land Com- ,pany, box S01, Stuart, Florida. 193 WANTED Man and wife, wlfo to run bourdlng house, man to work on orchard. Rear Creek Orchard. 193 WANTED A bill poster, preferably a man familiar with carpenter work. 11. Klum. WANTED SITUATIONS WVNTEDositlon1' by man and ...If . A..lin..l n .alBM. .. rt ! 1 1 niitJ VII UlbUttiU UU 0U,, UU 1.MI- dron. Has his own team. Ad dress nox 741, Medford. Ore. 193 WANTED A position by exper ienced primer that thoroughly un stauds pruning, grafting and bud ding. Phone 7-F3. 19S WANTED Married man wishes po sition on ranch. Experience n39 West 9th St. 207 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Ono pair of good second hand platform scales. Phono 3SC-M. WANTED Dressmaking and plain sewing at 843 W. Second st. 318 FOR EACHAME FOR SALE OR TRADE At a bar gain, n small bearing fruit farm In city ot Ashland, good bouse, city water and lights. Co mo and seo quick. II. Easterly, G27 Terrace St. l'U FOR EXCHANGE Clenr Los Ange les Income property, $20,000, for ncreago here. Improved ranch near Los An geles, clear, $30,000, for acroago here. Clark Realty Co., 20C Philips Hldg. MONET TO LOA! MONEYTOLdANOn city and close In ranch property. C. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phone 3G8. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED A girl to nslst with houso work R. F. D. No. 1, box 9S-A. Phono 011-R3. HUSINESS DIRECTORY Auto Supplied. LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret In making springs U the tempering. Wu aro operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant tn tho Pacific northwest. Use our springs whon others fall. Sold under guarantee. 2G North Fif teenth St.. Portland. Oro. Attorneys PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-Law, Rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Rank bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Coroy bldg. -Garuott- W. J. CANTON Attornoy and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Mate Btreet, Medford, Oro. Wni. M. Colvlg George M. Roberts COLVIG & ROBERTS, LAWYERS Medford National Uauk Rulldlnp B. F. MULKEY & GEO. W. CHERRY Attornoys at Law. Jackson Coun ty Rank Building. NEWTON W. RORDEN Attornoy at law, room 7, Spurta building, Mod ford, Oregou. , 4r 3TMI Company. HUHI.VE.S8 DIREOIORT Auctioneer WILLIAM TILRICH Llcensod "Auc tloneer for tho City of Medford, Oregon. Terms reasonable. Resi dence phono 101-J. Office Jack, son County Hank bulldlm;. Clilroprncton DR. It. J. LOCICWOOD, Chiropractor, ncrvo specialist. Rooms 203-204-205 Garnott-Corcy bide. Vnpor baths and scientific massage given; nccdlo spray, head and shoulder shower in connection; ndvlco In dietetics, medical gymnastics, hydropthcrapy. Lady attendant. Phono, office 94S. residence C71-R SR. A. R. REDOES, Dr. Louise E. Hedges Mochano-Tnoraplits, Chiro practors, Spondylotberaplsta. These systems. Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-theraphy, etc., produco results in both acute and chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. Over Deuel tc Co., cor ner Main and Rartlett. Hour 9 a. m, to S p. m. Other hours by appointment. Phono 170. Gri)Ke GARDAGE Get Your promisee cleaned np for tb winter. Call on the city garbage wagons for good sorvlco. Phone 62K-L. F. T. Allen, Dentists DR. W. M. VAN BCOYOrt B DR a C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnott-Corey bldg., suite 310, Medford. Ore. Phono 856. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic, wring your werk: to me at the sign ot tho Mall Tribune. Printers and l'ubllihers MEDFORD PRINTINO CO. has tho best equipped printing office in southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf lodgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North FlrSt. Physicians and Surgeons DIL F. d. OARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathlo physicians, 416-417 Carnett-Coroy bldg., phone 103C-L. Residence 26 South Laurel St. OR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE 8. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to diseases ot women. Offices 232 E Main. Phoucs, residence, S11-J2; office S14. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and eurgeoa. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and classes supplied Offlco 228 East Main St.. Hours 8:30 a. in. to 8 p. in. Phone. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack;, son County Bank bldg. Office phone 43-R; resldonce phone 58-R. DR. MARION Physician and sur geon, Stewart bldg., corner Main and Bnrtlott sts.; otflce phnne 27. resldonce phono 27-J-2. 904 West 10th. DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Physi cian and surgeon. Office Palm block, opposlto Nash Hotol. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phonos, office 30, res! donco 724-J. Office hours 10 to 12. 2 to I". DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopath's, pnysicinn, 303 Garnett-Corer butldlug. Phoue 904-M, It. J. CONROY, M. D, Physician and Surgeon. Over Hutchison & Lums den, 215 E. Main St. Phono 77, Stenographers ELLA M. GAUN YAW Palm block. Btonographto work done quickly and wall, i" ' "TT, i . - --77' l'i, --!"'"' SS Ira u for EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Offlco 42 North Front St. Phono 316. Prices right. Sorvtee gur-i ntefld "" '' Wood HawIujc ,K.r t w hi.atrr. wnnn hawKr.I V . . , ... . ,,-n-vr.-- .,,-! -, - pnono H31-.M, 2Unoarawa m. 101 '3 ,iH 3