Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 03, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Medford JMail tribune
Tho tttinocmllo Times, Tli Modfanl
Mall, The Mo.lford Trlbun. The South
ern Oroponlntl. Tho AMilnml Tribune.
Office Mall Trlbuno UulMtnir. 36-17-29
Nor tli I'lr ktrret; telephone 75.
Official Pnpcr of tlio City of Mctlfont.
Offlclol rnper of Jncksoa County.
QKOltan PUTNAM, fcdltor ami Mniuiffcr
Knterrd n cconrt-cli matter nt
Voilfonl. Oregon, under tho net of
March 3. 1S79
One yrnr. by mull. 18.00
Ono monlh. by mull .,...........-..-.... .60
Per ninnth. ilnllvrrcd by currier In
Mpilfnr.1. Jnrloonvllla mid Cen
tral lwlnt ...,.. .80
Bntjnlnr only, by malt. Per year..- 'S.00
Weekly, per yrir - 1.80
KRERHNDUAIS on five measures are io be
Pnlly mrraRo for clevon months end
ing November SO, 1011, T5t.
Tho Mull Tribune la on sale nt the
Perry New Htuml, San Krnnclco.
Portland Hotel New Stand. Portland
Portland News Co.. Portlnnd. Ore.
V. O. Whitney, Seattle. Wiuih.
rull leased Wire United Ir
Metropolis of Southern Orojron nnd
Nurthcrn California, nnd tho fastest
growing city In Oregon.
Population U. 8, census 1910 SS40;
estimated. 1911 10.000.
Flvo hundcrd thousand dollar Gravity
Water System completed, clvlnc finest
supply pure mountain water, and 17.S
nines or streets paved.
Postoffleo receipts for year ending
November SO, 1911, show Increase of 19
per cent
llanner fruit city In Oregon Itocue
niver Hpltxenberg apples won sweep
stakes prlza nnd title of
"Apple Xlnf of the World"
at tho National Apple Show, Spokane.
1909, nnd n car f J'cwlnn xun
rint rrlxa In 1910
nt Canadian International Apple Show,
Vancouver. IV C
rirst Prize In 1011
At Spoknno 'National Applo Show won
by carload lot of Newtowns.
Itocuo Itivrr near hroueht hlshest
rices In nil markets of tho world Jur
is tho pant six year.
I'roltntc Court
In tho matter of the last will and
testament of George D. Peters, de
casedc. Final account of executor
In tho matter of tho estate of
Js'lcholas Cook, deceased. Order ap
pointing executor and appraisers.
In tho matter of the estate of G
W. Clarno, deceased. Order contln
ultiR hearing on final account.
In the matter of tho estate of Ed
gar W. IJronlcy, deceased. Decree
of final settlement and order of dls
In tho jnnttor ot the estate ot John
Kacklam, deceased. Ordor npprov
Ug flnnl account and discharging
In tho matter of the alst will and
testament of Mclford V. Smith, de
ceased. Orijrr approving final ac
count and directing distribution of
In tho matter of tho estate ot It.
K. Sutton, deceased. Order direct
ing sale ot pcrooual property.
In tho matter of the estate ot J. X.
Smith, deceased. Order appointing
dny for flunl settlement and direct
ing publication ot notice.
Artlcols of incorporation of tho
Mining & Milling Co. filed.
upon Tuesdav, and even voter should uinko it a point
(o come out and oast, his vote. These measures are: State
university repair fund, State university building appro
priation, sterilization aet. county attorney aet, workmen's
compensation net.
There is no division of sentiment among progressive
citizens on Tour of these. The two state university hills,
the county attorney aet and the workmen's compensation
act all should he voted favorahly upon.
Of thent all, the most, important to the people is the
compensation act. which provides a state insurance for
workmen, doing away with needless litigation and exces
sive premiums of casualtv companies. The measure is fair
to omplove. the emplover and the puhlic. He sure and vote
yes 0& X Yes.
Tho university has had no improvements or extensions
for six yeai-s. Its attendance has doubled. If you favor
Oregon !s maintaining a state university you will vote yes
on these two measures. If you want to send Oregon
youths to California and Washington you will vote no.
Progressive citizens will vote yes !HX) X Yes, 'A0'2 X Yes.
The county attorneys bill is a matter ot home rule for
counties. The referendum is invoked by disgruntled dis
trict, attorneys whose districts and salaries have been
reduced by the bill. If you believe in fair play for each
county vote yes '306 X Yes.
The sterilization aet is not a fit subject for parlor dis
cussion. Much mawkish sentiment has been wasted upon
it. Tt provides a much needed check upon the creation of
a criminal class by the sterilization of habitual criminals,
degenerates and sexual perverts. Ample safeguards are
provided. Jt is a common-sense move for the protection
of society. If in administration the law proves defective,
it can easily be amended. It is a step in the right direction
and should be sustained. Yote yes 1502 X Yes.
In addition to the referendum measures, there will
appear upon the ballots of northeast and southeast Bed
ford the propesal:
"Phall stock be permitted to run at large?''
This proposal, if voted down, will protect the farmers,
orohardusts and residents of the east side against damage
by stock running at large, by compelling stockmen either
to herd or fence their ranges. Those who think the bur
den of protecting "their homes from the ravages of live
stock should be placed upon the livestock men and not
upon the property owners and residents, will vote No.
Murrldgu License
(J. C. Poohler and Gladys A. Nel
son. Mark A. Wat kins and Polly
Ho nd.
Circuit Court
C. W. Ileekmnn vs. II. C. Honucy,
el ul. Trnimoript of Judgment from
do'cKut or U. S. district filed.
J. I, Lumber compnny vs. Trail
J. ember conipauy. Judgnitnt for
lloluu C. Dillon vs. I.oulbo Ilea
com, et al. Judgment entered,
Soth Ilong, ot al vs. J. S. Wool
rldgQ. Order allowing withdrawal
of tlumurror.
Southern I'uclflc company vs. Al
v..'da C. Umory. Order dismissing
en ..i e.
I. C. Ilnll nnd C. F. Voting vs. A.
C N'loliolson, et al. Affidavit nnd
t :ir for publication of summons.
C. II. Stark, ot nl vs. Mutual FIro
Puuranco company o I'ortnnd. Or
ilt r douylng motion.
II. M. McFarland b ! O I'orry.
ot al. Order confirming i!u of rwtl ! J0r-
A Non-Hazardous Taxpayer
Upon the Compensation Act
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3. Thoro
wns u general omiiIiis of pollllclniirt
from Washington today to go homo to
President Wilson 'nlul his prlvntu
secretary Joseph 1'. Tumulty, will
leave for New Jersey Vimorrow on nu
onrly tritln. Secretary uf Statu llrynn,
who recently campaigned In New Jer
sey for tho ilomocrnllc nominee for
governor assured l'resldeht Wilson
today thnt James Kluldor would win.
Fielder snececeeoded Wilson ns act
ing governor of New Jersey upon tho
l.ttter's election to tho presidency,
and was nominated to succeed him
Thero was a general outpouring ot
Massachusetts, Now York, Now Jer
sey nuil MnrylAnd congressmen nnd
senators state elections being sched
uled to bo hold tomorrow In each ot
tho states unmed.
To the Editer:
Somo of us who nro not directly
connected with a harardous occupa
tion may think that It is hardly -fair
to tux us to contribute towards the
workmans' compensation fund ns that
Is a matter wholly confined to tho
employer and employee. Tho stnto
recognizes tho fact that there aro
accidents in all kinds of hazardous
work which aro beyond tho control
of either tho employer or employe
and Justly offers to help bear the
burden of them. Again tho nono
hazardous taxpayers asks: "What
has that to do with taxing me, even
It Is only a small tax."
The answer Is all around you non-
hazardous. Kvery board you use
numbers ot men risked their lives
and boiuo foil by tho way that you
might havo lumber to build your
houso. To furnish you with tho
nails yon use, men hare had to go
down into tho mines, , from which
a number ot them never returned.
When your grandmother wanted a
light she mado n tallow candle. "Sow,
you must havo nn electric light and
men are dally giving their lives that
you mny havo It.
Whon your grandfather, or per
haps your father wanted to plant a
tree, ho took his spado and dug a
holo for it, but you demand dynn
nilto nnd tho lives of men nro given
that you may havo help to plant your
trco. It Is theso things which mnko
us ono groat family, willing nnd
anxious to obey tho loving command
of our mastor, "Hoar yo ono anoth
er's burdens."
A Non-Hazardous Taxpayer.
I'hocnlx, Oct. 31.
An Important Issue to Voters
Ku&t hide resident MiouM no)
ooriook tho hloek law qucatiuj on
Hie referendum ballot tomorrow, for
it is, locally hpcnkiu;.', tlio (iio-.tion
in which they have tho mont direct
iorannnl interest. The ninny home
owner in northoHfct nml southettht
Meilfonl preeiiiH who luive buffer
ed from the ilepreilnliont, committed
l,V fetrny lior-ei, cuttle nml lioir
from outside of town, me not likely
to neglect the opportunity awn in
tomorrow's oloetion to protect thm-
selvos from repetition of their m -I
losses nnd ninioyntice. TliJr neigh-
cant Mo precincU include wimo of
tlio fint'nt Inn ilfor Kiinien trncl in
.Jiiekxon comity, hut nil nttempU to
Utilize lliorc tract to prow vege
tables nnd hinall fritiU for tlio inar-ki-l
have ended in failure, liecnii'-e tlie
onttlo ownerb' stock havo lmd free
way o come in nnd ilclrny every
preen thin in fright. Tho poor man
or widow whose hard effort Io guilt
it livelihood in tliit, way Ikivo heon
cm-lied by invailinu entile, Iiiik had
no n 1 1 Kin I oxcepl to the coiinciiiucon
of men, many of whom Imvo hicmed
to think tlicv lmd n voftled rlRlit in
bors who Imvo thus far ecaMil uh . wicli lovie, on the indiihtry of their
trefcpnsnes fchould lie I'ounllv ili-r- iioijclilinrx. They liuve met nil nro-
eetd with them, for il will ho oiilyicU with tho Mined, "You should
n nnontion of time, if the luw i. nl-j fenc out. I am not respoimihlc. The
lowed to slninl ns it now i, n IoiIhw i on in v hide."
(Continued from t'ago I)
hhip of the local lole litis been euu-
A .Mcdfoul linildliig
The ljuildiuir will ho built liv Sled
ford labor nnd of muteriul st'eured,
co far nb pobhiblc, in the local mar
ket. Ktery Klk in expecled to btiiiK Ills
shovel to the tilks hull tomorrow nf
lenioou, iih every Klk mud Uuow a
pliovcl full of dirt nml carry u shovel
irt tho parade, hut tlio eomniittee has
nVnuifted for u number of extra bliov
cls for Ihoo who cannot htipply their
A i-liort ndili'pR will ho delivered
nt tho service of breaking giouiul
rnd Mivtinil, oilier inturcttiug man
'ic'i'tj Imvo In'i'ii iirjaiieil for tlie pro
jjraul, . ,
wliof.0 turn to suffer wil) conic next.
The old Oregon Inw nml uiom of
"fwiciug out" ngniiiht your iifiuli-
xtoolc aliould po. It i a nr-
viinl f pioneer day, when tin ili,
Irii'It, affected by tomnirowV vote
weic pint of tlio free cnilln range.
Tlioy are parts of a modern cilv and
iln cuviroiiK now, and the people wlio
lm o built 'homos and have planted
lawiiH, gardens and orchards hhould
not he compelled to turn them over
to onttlcmcn for free pnstitrngo
whenever their cattle stray off the
range. That i cxuotly what they
havo been compelled to Hiihmit to ho
fur, without icdross at law. The
burden of the lionie-owneiV nrotec
tion against the cnllle nwnorx lias
been put on the home. II in propos
ed now In put it on Hie caltleiueu,
who nro certainly malting money out
of (heir block, at thp present high
Juices of meat in Medford. Nobody
wants to drive them off tho free
range, hut they hhould bo compelled
to keep their stock there nnd to keej
ihem out of the gnrdeus and orch
ard .
Tho oiitlyiiif; portions of (o two
OrchnrdinlH nlno liave suffered,
having had thousand of young tree
destroyed and thousands of dollar.'
worth of eovor crops eaten up, and
they havo had to grin and hear it.
This is all a rank iniiiHtico and
hhould he slopped. On Iho ono hide
nre the town people, who havo hpent
money and effort to beautify their
lawns nml gardens: the uanlftiifr.
many of Ihem poor men who would
gludly add to Mcil ford's supply of
cheap vegetables and small fruits, if
given protection from stray cattle;
and tho orchaidNts, whoso invest
ments aro the mainslny of Jackson
county. On the oilier side me the
cattle barons, who nre fighting a
measure which simply requires them
to stay on their own land and to
keep off their neiglfbors' prmnNos.
The liicnsnro appears on the ballot
as follews:
"Xo. IIH. Shall sloclc ho allowed
to run at largo in the northeast and
southeast Medford precincts, Jack
son county?"
Mark .'11 1 voto "Xo" on your bal
lot tomorrow.
To tho Kdltur: 1 sec front the col
umns of your pnpor that a wet and
dry election Is shortly to be held In
your neighboring town ot Kagle
Point. While It Is all right tor us
as a rule to let each community set
tle such matters anionic themnelves,
In this Instance I feel that "hat Is
best for ono section of our proipcr
ous Jackson county Is of general in
terest In the live and wideawake town
of Knglo Point. Since Its livorpor.t
tlou less than three years ago, and
tho llconslng of n saloon ltere whlrh
hns been nnd Is now being conducted
by J. M, Vogell In a most orderl)
and quiet manner, tho town has pros
pered fnr beyond tno expectations ot
any of those- who used their even
effort to bring about this condition
of affairs.
Those snmo people' muut surol
know that the amount of money paid
Into tho town treasury for a Hconm
will havo to bo mado up from tnxes
and n portion must comu from their
own pockets. I nm In the town oc
casionally nnd am, ot course, not In
forested In the saloon business, but
It seems to me that tho ptaco is do
ing nioro business niul Is In every
way nioro prosporotii than over be
foro In Its history.
I certainly think that tho citizens
of Knglo Point should think twlro
before casting their ballots, and let
well enough alone. They know,
most of them, how It was before, and
now, 'after two years with a saloon,
which period has been tho more
pcawnhlo nnd law-ubldliig.
Personal grudges and spltcwork
should have no Influence In deciding
such n quostlou. It tho town Is to
continue to prospor, all must work
together for Its upbuilding, or It uiiut
sink to Its former level ot a "bottle"
country village, whom tho young
boys meet someone just from town
at somo old barn or oiit-of-tho way
placo and proceed to fill up, a prac
tice which sooner or later must re
sult In their becoming confirmed
Vours for tho progress ami pros
perity of .lacksou county.
MKXICO CITY, Nov. II. -It limy
bo two weeks yet before tho con
gross wilt moot. It was slated on of
ficial authority hint today. Klee
tltiit returns wore coming In very
slowly, but, If President lluerta had
mado his mind up duflultoty concern
ing his future plans It wan hcllowul
ho would not let this delay the ses
sion. There was no question that tho
National leplslathe body will be pro
lluerta. Xo one doubted that hl
agents nt the polls would nee to this
and they evidently did their work
thoroughly. Aiming the law-makera
known to have been elected nre three
ot his relatives, Including his sou,1
and many ot his eloso personal
friends, Kx-Mlnlusler ot the Interlo
Anrollano tfrrltln, who fell out with
the president some time ngu, wns
elionen n senator from the federal
district, Indicating that he and lluerta
are again friendly.
Officialdom professed Indifference
concerning the meeting at Vera Cruz
Saturday between members of tlio di
plomatic corps here and John l.lud,
the American special envoy to Mexi
co, but foreigners generally were of
the opinion that (he provisional
gevernmiut wns waiting with consid
erable anxletv to . e what would be
the outcome of the conference
A poor pup "or poI'lVo
it! luY-nkfusi uin.v bo llio
uucltMis of a cloud lluil
thrown into a IIuukIpi'
sl onit bHoro llio day is
Tbei'p'tf I bo sootl oT a
sunny mood in Sobil
li nt's Hosl.
Preserved In Its arniimj I lb,
i lb and !." lb caiisi cleanly
granulated! !' a lb money-linek.
light heusekeeping:
colonial flats
Tboroughly modorn rooms
routing from S.OO to $.15.00
por month
Bathroom and Laundry
Clas and I'llpotrio Jiigbls
lOvorytbinj; .KurnisbtMl
.l'l.xi.'upt Jilats
1217 Kivorsido So.
IMiono J)00-L
WLy-. Tin: iMAiniM iiuvio. a
. -
Little lluth .Martin or I'hoenix
(pent the vvcck-cm with Mr. It. ".
Iteamo in this city.
Victor Ilurscll mudo n hip to
Portland this week with a car load
of hogs,
Art Hoswcll and wife of Hilts. Cal
ifornia spent pint of this week with
J. I-.. Uoswell and family Here.
0. S. Moore iniide a husiuesH trip
to tirniitfi I'uss Tuesday.
Quito a number of our people ul
tended "The Itniuhovv" at Medford
Friday evening.
r. f'owlcy, Klincr and Floyd lle,
1 rank and Jim Ine, John Cowley
and Call Smith attended the Hoys'
Conference at Orniili I'iikh Saturday.
Mr. Shaddock ami daughter, lies
sic, have returned from u several
months' at Klamalh coiinly.
Miss I'enrl I'mkcy left for Stock
ton, California, Saturday, where she
tvill spend several wcoJ.H visiting rel
atives and friend-.
H. C. Iteamo lin- sold out his con
feclionery store to Tom Smith.
Mr. Winter of liolliiighuui, Wash
ingfou, is here vi'-iting Mrs. Slcanm
and family.
M.r. am) Mrs. Truly, who have been
at the Modoc for several yearn, left
for Hilt, California, Sunday morning
where they will rc-ide.
lc ti
I kl.fc-l.r. IU. JTlf.J
I -,. A IU I 4 Kl'.. Y
Li. AW.I'lll
. rru
hiaMom) nit m en. i ,
,11111 j.IllmL' H..lAl-1-.lM "
Mend all leaks Instantly without
tho use ot heat, solder, cement or
rivet In granltevv.tro, aluminum, hot
wntor bags, tin, copper, brass, sheet
iron, all rooking utensils nnd rubber
goods. Simply tighten Mendet nnd
leak Is mended. Assorted sizes nnd
wrench In each package. Prlco 10
ami 2Tc a box.
.MISS. J. II. STI.VIiNS, Tolo, agent
for this county. Also on sale nt M.
V. ft II. Co., Medford.
"The Healer"
has mado tho blind see, tho deat
hear, th,o lamo walk, tho sick get
well. Fifteen years' ot practical
experience In troatlng chronic,
diseases. Consultation trco. Lo
cated at SIS N. Ilartlctt St.
Phono MKI-M.
.Mixlfonl, Ore.
John A Perl
I Would Like to Sell
My Home
9Dfi Houth Oakdnlo, eight rooms,
largo sleeping porch, baKomnnt and
garage, furnace nnd flro plnco, lurt;o
lot 7 S x 1 7 r. . Plcnsaufj'st residence
part of town.
Also a .17-noro tract of vory host
alfalfa land, Hoar crook bottom,
Also n good ranch or orchard tonm,
weight about -70(1 pounds.
Also eight room Iioiiho and bath to
rent on paved street, vory reason
ablo rent.
Heo mo for prlco and terms on any
ot this property.
Geo. L. Treichler
Phono (Ml). It
All kinds ot home-cleaning, deco
rating, painting, paper hanging, tint
Iiiic and furniture revarulshlug. If
It can be done Dirk will do It. guuaro
deal to all.
Ladles In Medford wanting work
In housecleaulng should see mo.
Dick Saunders
.111 No rlli I'lr. Plume. IMll-M
San Francisco
Fine Olds nnioiiinliilp toui'-
iiitf oar will loavc lioiv Wed
nesday fop San I'Yanrisro.
FARE $15
Powell AutoCo
White Sox
Medford, Nov. 17
Secure seats'early
On salts at Nash and Bed
ford hotels, The Qui, and
Hrowii& Ilnll.
Reseivod soats $2; gonoral
admission $1.
Let Us Take
Care of your
NoglcA of tho ncnlp Is responsible
for most hair trouble. Tho scalp
needs nourishment, massaco, stimu
lation. Mai-iiiollo Ti cat meats and tho
PiNmatlr. J Jay almost work miracles
for tho hair.
Tho ndvlco of nn experienced Marl-
uollo Kiaduuto la at your norvlco
freo of chnruo.
IlrlnK your coinblnga to uu. Wo
do A No, 1 work.
Marinello Half Shop
Official Photographer of the
Medford Commercial Club
Amateur Finishing
Post Cardn
Panoramic "Work
Flash lights
Interior and oxtorior viowfc
Negatives made any time
and any placo by appoint
llij,'li-elax niilsieal tiel, nu
aet I'l'oni the Orplieuni eir
euit, a guaranteed attraction.
A society drama, a i'eaiui'c
Kxet llent Heeue.s at tho IT.
of 0.
Clever coined v.
Scenes iu Kngluud.
Coined v drama.
A farce comctlv.
Woolworth and Woolworth,
-Music and sound cffcet.s.
vi ii;vii.i,i: Too.w
HIiikIur, llAiiclriK ami Tnlklnc
D.wuiiiilt'TH of Sorrow, In Their Ilia
A III" .1i,,
Willi Wll.l. .MAItllV MAitV?
KeaturliiK .Mary l'ullor
mi it oiiimt piioropiavH
t'omliin Tomornitv
tiii: "cloii"
In Two lleeln
Lady ABgiutnnt.
88 H. HAItTriKTr
Phoned N, 17 nml 17-T'3
flwOuUnco Bcrvlco Uc)uty Cortmcr I107 (Jnniptt-corey iiidj,'. I'Jimiv 0.T7-H 1 208 Main
1 1. .M. IIAUMO.V, .MiimiKcr.
ToiiIkIiI 7 P. M.
IM'I'III" IVI.'I.M.'I.V vi - -
, MKIIMItl 1W. i"
".Mi:.l(M.V TltAIIiaiV" -
"Till: OTIIIIll WO.MA.N"
Piano, trapH, drtiuiH, otfoctn.
C'omliiK Tiiiih. and Wod, uluh't
KiIIboii two reel feature from ChnD.
Iteado'H colobrutod novel.
y.".?.aI'Y. verr' comi.loto n ,01
.....,... i.. 1 . 11 uuruinm, 1 mures, eta,,
ml do ull olamioa of uiiioltorlii. A
uocliil nmn to look after IIiIn work
uiclim v y ami win viv. ... -!;I
rvlva nn Ih lion.lblo to Kt In vn
tli,laroiit oltkn.
Woeka & McGowan Oo.
N. Florence Clark
Flrnt-cliiBB MiihIo for nil Occaalons
1110 Wi llirlh 8(1 I'lipiio 7I(JJ
vl .