II fi PUGHEITOUII. L OCAL AND DiTPCnMAI ...w .. j Hoglnald It. Parsons oC tho Hill crest orclinrda has gono to Senltlo for n month's visit. II. L. Irwin nnd Mrs. Irwin leavo Friday to upend tho winter In Chi cago. Hen Hur will glvo a Hallowe'en danco Friday, October, 31st, masked nccordlng to tho occasion. Home niado pumpkin pie. Tickets DOc. At tho Mooso Halt. Chas. Ony, Sam Sandry, lllley Ham tnorsley and Don Wilson ot Itoguo lllver, havo returned from a hunt ing trip up Kvans and Graves creek, to Willows l'rnlrlo nnd beyond, bring ing homo flvo bucks. Wilson will re turn In tho wlntor to hunt and trap cougar and bear, signs being so plentiful. Sixty deer havo been killed In this district this season. Nate Illdeti secured n tlno buck noar Drownsboro on a recent hunting trip. Homc-mndo bread at Do Yoo's. John Darneburg has returned from n hunting trip up Graves creek. 3. II. Holmes has been a patient at tho Sacred Heart hospital for the last flvo days. Digester Tankago for topping off hogs and for growing pigs. Korl- nek Veterinary Homcdy Co., South ern Oregon distributors. 19S Col. A. P. 1'eake of Dalley City. N. I)., Is In tho city a guest of S. A. Nye. Carl L. Wlnbcrg of Auburn, Ind., Is a Mcdford visitor. , Kodak finishing, best In town, t (Vcston's. " Atnasa P. Peako ot Valley City Is visiting Mcdford. G. G. Urndley of Thrall spent Thursday In Medford. Crater Lake pictures , book if 12 pictures, hand colorod, tho finest ever mado ot tho lake, for salo at Corking & Harmon's studio. Call and sco them. 223 East Main street, phono 320-J. tf W. E. Johnson, formerly manager of tho Hotel Nash, is in from bis gold mine in tho Slsklyous. W. A. Hansen ot Eureka Is a Mcd ford visitor. Don Hur will glvo a Hallowe'en danco Friday, October, 31st, masked according to tho occasion. Home mado' pumpkin pic. Tickets COc. At tho Mooso Hall. " It. H. Neubcrgcr and wife ot Port laud are Mcdford visitors. II. E. Wiener of Eaglo Point was a Thursday visitor In Medford. E. D. Weston, commercial photog rapher, negatives mado any time or place by appointment. Phone M 1471. ' Judge G. W. Dunn of Ashland, who is on tho Jury panel, spent Wednes day evening in Medford. II. E. Edlthoff ot Corvell, Cal., Is a Mcdford visitor. Den Hur will give a Haliowo'en danco Friday, October, 31st, masked according to tho occasion. Home mado pumpkin pic. Tickets 50c. At tho Mooso Hall. J. Crocker and wife and Bert Shel don and wife of Goldendalo, Wash., ure Mcdford arrivals. R. X. Clarke and wlfo and Miss Helen Clark ot Grants Pass visited Medford Thursday. Co mo to tho Presbyterian chapel Friday 3 to 8 p. m. and get a good dinner. Price 3 tic, children 25c. J. D. Cunningham of San Fran cisco, a pioneer of this section Is vis iting friends here for a few days. Frank Netherlands ot Dig Butts Is visiting In Medford, and attending court in Jacksonville this week. Don't forget that tho Wonder Store has a full lino ot Haliowo'en goods. Miles Cantrall ot tho Applcgato Is In tho city today, A. P. Helms of Talent was a recent Medford visitor. Don't forgot tho Halowo'en dinner Friday, 5 to 8 p. m. at tho Presby terian chapel. All you can cat for 3Gc. Frank II. Madden ot Central Point motored to Medford today. Joseph Glnet of tho Sterling dis trict Is hauling his crop of drlod prunes to Medford for shipment tJ Portland. Digester Tankago for topping off hogs and for growing pigs. Korl-nelc-Vetorlnary Remedy Co., South ern Oregon distributors. 198 S. G, Van Dyko nnd wlfo of Phoe nix are visiting in Medford today. N. W. Kline of Griffin creek Is in Mcdford today on business. Money to loan. Ono fund ot (JO0.0O and ono of f 1000.00, on im proved country property. Carkln & Taylor. Weeks & McGowon Co UNDERTAKERS Lady Assistant Day Phono 227 Night I W. Week 103-J-2 l'Jioues A. K. Orr 078-M A. It. Curtis nnd llnrry Silver ot Ashland nro In town today. Tho high school footbnl team will play Ashland at Ashland tomorrow afternoon. A number ot students will accompany the team. Haliowo'en dinner Presbyterian chapel Friday C to S p. in. Every thing that's good for 35c. K. E. White ot Trail Is visiting In Mcdford this week. Attorney Porter J. Noff nud wife who have been visiting In Minneapolis the last month, are duo homo this af ternoon or In tho morning. "Insurunco your beat asset." Have the best. Placo your Insurnnco with Holmes, tho Insuranco Man, right It ho writes It. tf Frank Keoley of Gold 11111 trans, acted business in Medford Wednes day. Henry Metx left today for Wash ington on nn extended visit with friends and relatives. Don't forget that tho Wonder Store has a full line of Hallowe'en The diversity ot Rogue river crops Is illustrated by a display ot local grown English walnuts In the window of tho Allen Grocery company. Thoy havo not been polished up, but nro good size, tho meat texture is firm, and tho shell formation perfect. This is rare outside ot tropical climes. Major Chas. E. York, director In chargo of tho Coast Artillery Corps band, is In Medford making arrange ments with tho Seventh company for tho appearance ot this well known organization ot 30 pieces In Medford next February. Milk and cream at DoVoe's. " Capt. Collins, U. S. A., spent Wcdnesdny Inspecting tho National Guard company. Jack Merrill has left for Klamath Falls where ho will Join a duck hunt ing party for a ten day's outing. Wynne Scott, ono of tho most up-to-dato portrait artists on tho Pa cific coast Is taking charge ot tho portrait department for tho Gcrkln & Harmon Photo company, 22S East Main street. The ladles ot tho Catholic church arc making arrangements for their annual fair. Gcorgo Hall ot Eugene Is spend ing a few days In the city on business. Fresh lump llnio In any quantity. Medford Lumber Co. At Garrcttson Is superintending the construction of building Improve ments at the Modoc orchard. The work will take a month. Tomorrow is tho last day ot tho deer and quail open seasons. Mrs. C. H. Ausslcker and son. Richard left Wednesday afternoon for a visit with relatives and friends In Nebraska, South Dakota. Iowa and Illinois. They do not expect to re turn until spring. Jack Merrill leaves for his Klamath Falls ranch today whero he will Join George Carpenter, Drooks Spencer and Spraguo Rlegel for a week's shooting. Later the party will bo Joined by Slater Johnson and Austin Corbln. Charles Sutter of Anderson, Cal., Is visiting In Mcdford for a few dnya. Homer Young of Rogue River, spent Wednesday In Medford. F. W. Carnahan Is getting ready for a trip to his gold claim on Silver Fork in Northern California. Hubbard Bros, who planned to erect a concreto structure on the slto of tho Union Livery stublo havo re jected all bids, and wll Issuo a now call with changes In specifications. Stops towards the building of tho Elk's club rooms at Sixth and Cen tral avenuo under way, Ray Toft pur chasing tho dwelling thereon, and is having it moved to a lot on Board man street. EVERY WOMAN wants and need these books. At an expense of many thousands of dollars and nearly two years' time we havo completed and ready for delivery, the Six Volume International Cooking Library by 47 of tho World's Famous Chefs United Stutcs, Canada and Europe. Recipes new. Never before published. Very complete aud easily understood. Each book complete. Do Luxe Recipe Books, Library consists of THE SALAD BOOK THE CilAFINO DISH BOOK THE AFTERNOON TEA BOOK THE DAINTY SWEET BOOK THE BREAD AND PASTRY BOOK THE DESSERT BOOK CO Cents each, Prepaid $2.50 Set, Six Books, I'ropuld Beautifully Embossed Covers, three and four colors In attractive Carton Mailers. Money refunded it not de lighted with theso books. MOST IDEAL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR SALE A good Ford car, now tires and full equipment. Prlco $350.00. Medford aGrago. FOR SALE 1 1910, 40 h. p. Bulck, good conditions. Cheap. Med ford Garage. LOST Bunch ot hoys, return to Mall Tribune. HETWFOTTO MAIC TRTBUNT3, BRISK SALES OF AROUND VALLEY Orchard property In tho Rogue river valley onjojod brisk sates this week, tjvo sales being reported by Woods and Mcsslngor. Fred Pease bought 19 acres of tho Hemlock orchard for $ 13,500, and will build a modern home ou tho land. J. 11. Patterson of Fort Benton, .Montana, bought tho Jny Andrews place of "0 acres on Griffin creek for 110.000. Otto Jacobs paid A. Horn GtiOCl for n 40-ncre tract north of tho city. Five acres of the Messenger placo near Talent was sold to Jack Lent of Chicago for ,2500. All tho purchasers are on tho ground. IE KANSAS CITY, Mo., Oct. 30. New Mat en, Conn., was selected to day ns tho convention city In 1915, by tho National Council of the Con gregational church, meeting here. Los Angeles was chosen for the 1917 session. In npproval of the recent closing of San rFanclsco's barbary coast, tho na tional council udopted the following resolutiens: "Wo are informed of energetic ac tion by tho officials ot San Francis co In tho Interests ot moral Influence at the exposition. We commend tho foresight ot theso officials and lu worse such action." RITCHIE TO FIGHT MURPHY IN FRISCO SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. .10. Wil- lie Ritchie, lightweight champion, nnd Harlem Tommy Murphy will lie M'en in netio,n here on Tlmnkgiiu; day in n twenty-round bout, neconl in to the declaration today of Jimmy Ilolmii, the Oakland promoter, who lias taken over Kddie Grnney'n No vember permit here. Rohan sn Hiti'hie lias accepted his offer of .flll,.")()0 to meet Murphy, nnd has wired (lint lie will reach San I'raii-ci-co in time to ntnrt tntiuin; No vember 10. TO $75 AND SKIPS Somo four weeks ago Foreman Wil son of the Dod so orchards wrote a check with a lead pencil payable to Clm Cans for $5. Now It Is alleged Gans ralbcd the check to $75, and migrated to parts unknown. Tho loss was discovered this morning. Gans was a young mnn employed at tho ' Nat" rink nnd as a cigar clerk. Sussex A strikingly smart shape which makes it the first choice of a host of men who want a "classy" collar Ide Stiver 2 for 25c don't spread apart at the top Ceo. P. Ide 8c. Co., Troy. N. Y, bu&ii d Suit Sts a bii Mi Suit IvCtSnJTNWi Which? AHE you looking for bargain coun ter glasses? Are you willing to wear cheap glasses Just because they are cheap? Do you consent to having eyes tampered with at tho risk of their permanent Injury? Then this message Is not for you. Dut It you value tho precious gift ot sight; if you wish to retain It; It you appro slato skill, then It Is for you, and you aro asked to como whero absolute accurucy in correcting eye defects Ih pluccd above every other considera tion. Dr. Rickert Over Deuel'Hi Medford ORCHARD PROPERTY (3 MEDFORB, OttEOON. TWTCSDAY, OOTOTITTC HO. WANT BOOSTERS FOR PASS MEET The coinmltteo having In ehnrg) arrangements for the convention of Southern Oregon Commercial clubs and "boosters" at tiinuls Pass Nov. Cth, Is perfecting plant lu make that a notable gathering. The MedfoVd members of tho coin mltteu nud Secretary Streets of tho Commercial club believe that this af fair offers an oveeptlounl opportunity for Medford to "make good" along Hues upon which oiuc of tho neigh boring towns and Portland have ac cused us of repeated failures. Mr Streets hns called a meeting of some of tho active club workers for 7; 30 this (Thursday) evening at tho ex hibit building to discuss this oppor tunity. All Interested In Modford'n progress are Invited; especially nro tho merchants and business men urged to bo present. FOREST RENTALS BRING SALEM. Ore. Oct. 30. Oregon' share from tho rental and sale of for est reserve lands wlthlu Its borders this year totals 153,930.7:!, accord lug to a statemnnt prepared by Sec rctasy of State Olcott. Under tho fed oral law tho state Is entitled to "3 per cent of tho money derived by tho government from .tho rental and salo of Its forest reserve lands, and tho statement. In addition to showing the total, Bhowti the amount each county will receive. Tho money Is divided equally between the school nnd road funds. Tho forest reserves In Ore gon cover IC.01'3,220 acres. Tho ap portionment went to tho Southern Oregou counties as follows' Curry i97;007 2, OS LOG Douglas 1.H0.SSI 3. 903.79 Jackson 707 SS 2.171.70 Josephine G1S.213 2.13S.72 Klamath . . . 12IS.190 4.3'iS 50 Lake 1.252.3S7 4,373.15 HAIR STOPS FALLING. DANDRUFF DISAPPEARS--25 CENT DANDERINE Saw Your Ilalr! .Make It Soft, (lossy, Fluffy, Itciiutlful Grown Hair nud i Pnno It Try na you will, nftor an applica tion of Danderlne, you cannot find n slnglo traco of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not Itch, but what will please you most, will bo after a few weoks' use, when you seo new hair, fine and downy at first yes but really now hair growing all over tho scalp. A little Dnuderlno Immediately doubles tho beauty of your hair. No inference how dull, faded, brittle and A Strong Display of Women's Fall Foot Wear This storo hereafter will bo known for Its oxtrn good valuo giving but wo will tell you plainly wu have never excelled tho values here offered AT hii.oo, ijci.no AM) ?l.oo The big variety of styles from which you ran chooso Is tho thing you will notice first when you como hero, Also tho long range of sizes nud widths. 2-n.aaa to eo. Wo are nftor tho Hard To Fit. Come und bu fitted if you have trouble with your feet. Behling's HELLO! YES THIS IS 70 Scheffelin's Grocery J5S"rVvW 4 PHONIT" HENRY MILLER AT THE PAGE FRIDAY IN "THE RAINBOW" VjlQ9HHHHH WjjKKMKv H ST 0f M M I1 lHrHMIHlsHMbbX I Bgg. .IP. -l JIM-T- .! SLIGHT CREDIT IN BUD'S VICTORY OAKLAND. I'nl., Oct. .10. Little credit witti given ltutl Andeiou, the Mcilfiinl sernpper, today for Inn knockout hero hint night in the fifth round of n nelieduleil ten-round limit of luiis ll con, the Lou Angelcn lightweight. The Oregoniun out neighed ReiM bv ut least fix wiind, forfeitiuc $100 rntlicr limn weigh in. Keen weighed exuetlv I'll miiiiiiN, nnd it wns believed that the Medford hoy weighed between ,1 10 nnd ll" pouiuN. The police Mni'pcil the tinctcii context in the fifth round after the crowd luiil veiled to Referee .lurk Ortieo to call u halt. Keen nhuwcd mi fulrlv well ut lout? riinise work. hut he appeared frightened thnuih out the contest. Aiulotxui "tailed Itees hlcedini; from the mouth in the M'cond round nud then wore him down, with liodv blown in the third nnd fourth round.. Anilemon floor ed Itees with a right to the chin in the fifth. Keen Muggcred to hi feet before the count of ten, hut nn he was Mill groguv. the police mgunlled firaee lit slop the content. scrnggy, Just moisten n cloth with Dauderiiio und carefully draw It through oiir hair, taking one mail strand nt a tluto. Tho effect is 1m medlnto and amazing your hnlr wilt bo light, fluffy and wavy, nnd hnvo an apponrancu of abundant o; nn Incomparablo Iimtur, soft nous und luxuriance, tho bouuty and shimmer of trim hair health. Get a 25 cent bottle of Know Ron's Danderlne from any drug store or toilet counter, nud pravo that your hnlr Is as pretty and soft as any that It has boon neglected or Injured by cureless treatment that's all. GOOD FIT KIIOi: KTOIIE fri I M "" No Madamo Wo do not glvo I'remluiiiH with our Coffee. You can't make good Coffee out ot poor Henna, You can't expect to make good Cotfeo out or tho kinds that aru half From liuii, for remember, you can't put tho Premium In tho Cup. Have n Cup of our Mocu & Juva Coffeo, known the world over to bo tho host Coffeo grown, 101.1. ?) LIFER CONVICTED Eni I Potter of Ashland, charged with despoiling his own slMter Is rac ing n Jury lu the circuit court this arteinoon. Tho witnesses, It Is said will iiurold a deep dyed tale or sor did depravity, and the caim U ut liaetlng wide Interest lu Ashland. A Jury In being drawn and the taking or testimony will begin today. Moses Lifer charged with burglary was found guilty thin morning. Tho cost or the ninlen of tho world last year aggregated $725,000,000. )! Sick llenitiiehe, Unit Htciilli, Sour Stomach, Menu Liter nud Dowels A iv Clogged I'lieer t'p! (let n Hi-cent box. SUk henilaehe, biliousness, dWtl iiess, coated tongue, foul tnsto and foul breath alwan trare them to torpid liver; dela)ed, fenncntlnK toud lu tho bowels or sour, gass) stomach. I'oUonoun matter clogged In the Intestine, Instead or being cast out or tho ntsteiii In re-ubsorbed tutu thu blood. When thin polmin reaches the delicate brain tlwiuit It cause convention aud that dull, throbbing sickening headache. Cascaretn Immediately cleanse the stomach, remove tlio tour, undigested food and foul gaiion, take the oxross blfn from the liter and carry out all the constipated wnste matter and poisons lu the IkiwoIs. A Canrarot tonight will surely straighten )ou out by morning. Thoy work while )oii sleep a 10-retit box from jour drugKlot means your head clear, stomach sweet and your liter aud bowels regualr for mouths, (Advertisement)) DR. W. H. HECKMAN llIIIC4lMltll PIIVSM'I W AN'll St IK.JKH.V Office Spnrtit lliillillng Offlie Hours III A. M. lo U I'. M. rjai Ul - f ryt.1. I .. It M JfMUKV t fUS unu tiy for Coughs TliU llniur-.TInilo llrtiirily linn mi i:jiiul fur l'ruiiii L llrtiilu. Mix one plat of gmtiulntcl mmr with 'v pint of wiirm water, nnd t ir for '.! lllllilllcK. Put Ubl Ollliet't of I'lllfX (llltv i'iiiIm' worth) III a pint Ixiltle; tli.n mlil the Sllgnr Svtllp. 'lake ii tniaHMiliflll evirv one, two or llireti hour. 'J lil nlinplc reiuedv taken hold of a rinij-li mure ipilrklv tlmn nut thing elm j on ever iiiil. I'mmlly coiuitiorn nil ordinary cough Inmda of 'Ji hour. Splendid, too, fur wliiiim- cough, cpnm(lio croup und LrnnoliltU. It stliuul.ti tlm umx'tlta nud I slightly luxntlu1, which help md a rough, TliU iimki more and hitter cough syrup thun vmi could buy reinlv Hindu for $2.iVI. It keeps perfectly and ttutrn ienaiit, I'lliex In a mnsl vnluntiln conrctf tinted compound of Norway white plno extract, and I rich lu gimtncol iiml other natural pluu clement which aro so healing to the iiiciiihriiiii'. Oilier preparation- will not work In tld plan. Making cimuli syrup with l'lnex ami Migur )rup (or trained limieyi Imn proven ut popular throughout tint I'nltrd State and Canada that It U often mitated. Hut tlm old, Mirccmifnl mix ture) liii never been niuulcd. A guaranty of ulmolute nitUfuctlnn, or money promptly refunded, uoc with thU preparation. Your druggUt has l'incx or will git it for 3011. If nut, und to The l'incx Co., Ft, Wayne, Ind. I St l.ilril, Ml moti jMijtiifijr the Mull ttmnnttnt uulth lo uur. The Cruen "Wristlet" Watch SEE Martin J. Reddy tiii: ji:vi:m:k For ovory thing now nnd tip-to-date In tho watch, Jowulury, cut glass aud silverware lines, Ncur Post Office POTTER CASEBEGINS I Sntlnfnctory rcsiiltHiilwnvR follow the V urc of Hai & G0t It rtitdlcntri dsndniff, PrcvcnN frtlllnit hair. I jT, ItratorrM nnlnriil mil I or to ijic y or (ailed Imlr not n ji've, Aloncy back if Doli.tldird, I A: (ml it tiliuneW fUmlaUii! I f nlim H..J-4fl IUh-. ltl.f IMnif, ltJall.r.'S4tjLMUi.,N.it,NJ, .MCHI'OIIII rilAUMAIJY ColTco V dtii'o ynu lo find liclttM' col'IVe (linn Schil ling's Hcslj (If ns pxitl nl Iho price. Money luielc, nl, your grocer's, is our cluil lenc. lu t lb. 2 lb and ':i III anuuii-llght caun; cleanly gran ulated; Hie a Ih. If you knew how much others nro enjetliu: the services at the Christian church 011 would como too, tr you knew how different these meeting are you would ho Interested. If on know that wo havo lu Mr. Putiuau, nut only nu urangelUt of national reputation hut ono of the great llllile preachers, you would want to hear him. If you roulit hear tho splendid music you would fowl ninny ot our troubles aud reel hotter In ory way. It you knew that ynu would bo treated In a dignified and courteous manner and nut bo ombnrraMud, you would reel n freedom lu coming. ir you como you will hear tho fol lowing Hermans: Thursday night, "Tho (lotoway Into tho Kingdom." Friday night, "The Oreat Certain tlen," Sunday morning, "Winning a Crown." I Hominy night, "Tho llaptlsm or thu Holy Spirit." j It you nro a soul winner you will como regardless of your denomina tional relation. H you nro unsaved ynu will bo most welcome. Como. ai m 3 1' I 1 knhWMB Raises the Dough Better ALL GROCERS , J, Mother's Friend in Every Home Comfort anil Safety Anured Btfore the Arrivnl of the Stork. Tlm M Myliiir vthut I homo without a iiiuhr khoiilil mlil ''Mulder' I'rlftiit." In Ihniitniiitn uf American lioim- tlicro l a hoi lie l.f thU aplruillil niiil famuu ri'in city Unit ha uliliil muiiy u woiuiiii Itimuuli UK' lrlii nnlial, mvi'il her from sintering nml piln. kept, her In ln-allh of inlol ami li'ly In inhunci) of tuih fimnj SAil lunl n nii)l wonderful liillneiirn In itevoloplnic A lienllliy, luyely ilUpoi!on lu tlinclili. Then. U mi n(lier rc(ncily n truly n. help tij 1111 1 ure n Moiher' Krlriul, H relieve lh jialn nml illirniiifnrt raiiteil hy h slralii on lliu IIk"Iiii:iiI, luitke pliant thon llhre nml miincle uhtt-li nnture I rip-uit. Hitf mul koothe tho Inflammation of hrrait k'lamli. Moiher'- Prion.! U mi eiternal remedy, net unlay ami not only Imiitihei all ill I rem in ailvHiire, Imt iii.ure a spiedy mil riiiiiiiMn reenvery for thu iimtlier. 'Hum s n hieiuiiiM n henllhy wniiinti with all h-r Mrcnulh iiremrveil to tliorfni.hly vnj'.y thu renrlnif t Imt ihlhl. Mother's rt-nil en he hinl nt ny ilniK "lure nt f 1.1)0 a hntlle, nml I really one. nf tlio grenlent lileitinr ever illmuvereil fr eiprrlnnt iimther. ttrllo to llrmlllehl IteKUlatiir Co,, I'.'H ,l.ainr lllflic.. Atlanta, (In., fur their freo took, Wrlto tuasy, it ii must tuntrmUro. IF? ' i,i' it'