nrrcpForcn math TrcrouNrc, mfodford, orfion, TiintsiuY, octomw no, ion. PATfTC TrtRTnTn . k l m of i orc mm $13,700 NETTED FROM 10 ACRES OF Jh llll'IU IMII(' III Kllgllll I HIT mvnl H. W. IIiiikIiiwii, owner n' the Mi- niHl IIII'IiIIIiIn Hlllll till I'lllp limn Ivil noin Ttir $ 1 11,700 net. TIiIn i not nil. I'l.iin 'J 1 1 iii'ii'H of nilo ho paoUd IIiIM Ihixi'n. IViiiii '27 iii'iiw iif miiiiii; priir irci'n In' iinekt'd MllOO Iiom'n ill' pcnrti. I'min iiiionr Ul) ni'ii'M n' applo ui'i'liiiiil In' imi'ki'il 7000 hnto of it 1 1 - pli'K. I'riun mnillior t'M iii'ii'm or nlil I m'ii r nii'liiiitl Im Iihm fmi'ltnl 17(10 boxen nl' ClnirKi'iiii, I 1011 liu.v" iif llHllli'tlN. 27(10 lUM nr Wilder Xi'llt MNirn Tliii ioIiiiim urn iml nil In. Tin' bulk miih hnlil n tin iiri'linnl, hiiiih' lllilll'l Oil l'Hllxil.'111111'lll. Wlll'll III!' ii'limm nil' nil In Mr. IUiikIiiiiii mImIi' (lint ho cull I'Miii'liiNlM'h pl'iiVe In tin' iiini.t iluiililiiii; TIliilllIlM lllHt llll'll' IN hitf IIKIIII'V III till' or- I'linrd huiuo, Mr. IlitiKliiiin'H ni'llil!ii tin mil iiit nl llm iiri'linnl. Finding tluit IIik rimil li; liU MirnviMii nreliurd uiih in liml hIiiiih1, III' HI lli tl'IIIIIS nl mirk Mini ln'iil il ilrnKMnl nil Ntiiiniii'r. Now lit Ihim iih'ii nml ti'MIHH H VMHk lllllxlillK mil nihil ttrnvnl niiil romirfaoiiiK throo mile ti f nd. Id mtv llml llu lima frmii IimhIIiik fruil mnl lniniinr nor nnir nwiU i urwiter limn Iho oiit of InitlilliiK Mini jnxtirii"! tin I'vpi'iim. Ho HMirtM ihnt if ovorv farmer nml nrrlmrdM iiLiipiTHloil In iimil wurk nml lii'til (In mini In front nf Ihoir pnitriv ilmirwi'il Ihev would find il inoiicv in liiir iwii'hi'N. TIiiin Mr Itiiielinin pruxiv llml In' U mil miIv Mir'rmifnl ori'liiinlitl, lull n iiroirnKo rltlren ns will. S PORTLAND, On. Oct HO - Tim jmnr oi'iiwiti linn wound iii for tlio year In ory antliifiiriiiry Hhiipo, no minting to W. I' (Iwiu, head of tlio pulling fnrroM of tlio Northw intern I'rult KxcIiiiiiho. In (art. tin Hoamiu for Hone has hIomiiI amlil rntluir unusual oxclto iiiniit nml ratlii'r oxtroine prlco. Tim local iirtiuiiKt report llui lanl of ItN offerings of Hone hoM on tlui Now Vork iintrknt nt nn ntorngo of $192 for half boxes ami 3 10 for lioxiw 'I'll In la an minimal prU-n. rminldorlug llm recent MnmlliiK of the poar t ratio ami (tin overloaded condition of tlio trniln prior to thin time. Tim oxchaugu reports tlio aalu of Km Inst thri'ii rnr of Comlco poura In Now York, wlththu market MtamlliiK flruior tlimi for noino tlino, Tlmru U mi lniproeil foulliiK In tlm applo tnnrkiit, mnl tlio outlook for tlio linimnllnlti fiititro U oxchciIIiikI)' Kootl, iinlexH t Intro h mi ovuriitiutiiN unto of offcrliiHH, RoSoral union worn rcporlml liy lornl Inturi'iitH from $1.76 iipwaril for ox trn fmiry H)ltrnturK Mi'l $ ISO for Vollow NowtowiiM. Tlio Mltiintlim Ji fur tlio lioHt In ihnt uiu'tlon llin; rlOMur to tlm lUicky tiioiinliiliiii tlimi lo tlm Atlantic nliouril. TIiIh Ih prolmlily ilim In tlm fact that Atlan tic mmhonnl cltlcH hnvo heen heavy pitrehiintirH of Pacific imrthwoiil np- PIuh for nomo t lino, thnrcforo tlm Itn inoillnto wantM of tlm t ratio aro qulto well tald'ii euro of, No now ilovolopinoiiU aro hIiowii In tlm applo Hltuiitluii iihroail, Ito colptH n ro IncrnniiliiK nml imtiirally thin Iiiih hnil tlm effect or kcopliit; prlcoH from niMiklnK n lilKlmr lovol, lluropo wiih u vury heavy purehiiHor of 'I'aolflo i-oaHl, nppl'oH at tlio aturt of tlm HeaHou, ami thuMu HhlpiimntH aro JiihI IiukIiuiIiii; to appour In tlio innr kutn the to. CAVALRY SENT 10 LKAVKNWOUTIf, ICmi., Ool. HO. Tho fiocond Kqundron of Iho I'ifloonlh oiiviilr.v todiiy looiiived orders to lenvH for Foil lliiiichuon, Ariz., for lipldtir duly iml Inlor tlimi Novuiiilr 7. Thiri will It'iiVo only twenty inon nt, Hiii poB( Jioro for poliiio duly, Tlm liiiimiiiilor of Iho (ronpn, fonnurly blntiont'd luTf, nro now in Twtim. PEARS BY BINGHAM PEAR SEASON N S I A R MEXICAN Fl 1HM IIKMTl-iK, N'. V., Oel. no. There is it inoilernli' ntin.ilily of New Vml; tilnln Imrrelleil xloek li'Auu into emiMiiiiipliiin nl llm iirenent lime. I'niii'V .InnnlliiiiiH nn1 liritiKini; fiotil r o )f.ri) per hnrrel nml other vn ilelioH hiieli iih KIiikk, dill Flower, i'e., nre M'llimj nl I nun 1 In M.7fi, Tweniv-Oiiiieo nml lltililmriNiinn, if.'l In fi.'l.'ifi: New York Tipplim nml (IreeiiiiiKu, V-!.7r lo iffll, A Inrun per. i'inliiMt of llm I't'np linn tfomi 1nlo hlonij,'!' n prieeM riniKiiiK from ,f'J..pi0 to S'l.fiO, with the iiinjorilv of priced iilmXii (he :t murk. Confiileiiliiillv. wemprii New York Iimh proilueeil lilioiit 1.1 per eelil lo "0 per eeill more npplert IIiiiii uiik ori'iiiiillv ch liinnleil, nml the ImvcrM ulm pniil uliovn til for Mock Ihov hne nloreil urn fcellni n little norwitm nt the jiionenl (line nlioiit the poiliilllv of (heir ycllliiu' nlit wild n profit, ovv ink' to thu volume of npploM In lie tiioveil iliirinif the winter. Wn hnvo very few npple in lnnit;e, nml nre ri'iillv oorrv that we hnve nny Morvri. Wn hnve ii few (IreenltiKs nml iihoul 'Ix nr H'Vrn ciirn of reil nriillc iniKtly HnlilwiiiN. Very few- lluM wltii nn letnly In tit Into ei.ii-iinip linn nt tlio proNctit time, which ex plwiiih hv llie ulni'k which it liciii" inlil mi the miirkel nt the prrcrit tiiim i onlv hrinifiiiif VJMl (o f.'I'JV It i ifiitntr into the hnmU of tin Kpceuliilive Irnile for storntji. No Iihm hnlil Jtnlilultm thin week nl :il() t jj'IfiO per Inirrel. f. o. li. hlppiii(,' f Hiitit. loek irrnili'il 'J'-'i inehi'M tin nmt nveniKinc nlioiit Ihree inrliiM, Kiniil clean, well colored Hloek. W had Home flill Flower In from Philadelphia it few dnvn ilk'" that drew .I.U1 per barrel, nml Home fnnev Me!ntoh Hod in Now York drew ?l.7". Chienijo Tlinmeli miction, ear Winter Noli, hull', fl.87; two corn, Co.oienilivo nwtiieinlinii, Medford, Or., Iltmoll, J IS: one onr rolorndo Winoxinii, j?1..1B; few ('olnmdo .Ion ntlimiM, o.xlriit 1.S0, two fancies l, olinieo -fl.M. Now York TIimmikIi niiellon, .'10 onr dceldiiouH fniilH. Winter Noli, f.l.'J.I; one rnr Coloriulo npplos Itninei 1.S.'I, flrimeH .l.."i, (Ireeit iiiK' SI.O'i; om onr Idnho .!oiinlhnn, fl.O'J; one onr WnNhhiKlnn .loiinlh- hum, ?l.h.l; t ninieo, .l.d.l; Anjoii, '-.n7; Comioo hnlvos,; ripe, S'J.7'1; HowoIIh ripe, Noli-, .'.M0j Ilim lirdvi'H, Anion $1.02; imxe, n.:io. ALONG ROGUE RIVER Chitrhs. .Sk.viiniin nml son, Ilnrry, of upper Trail, returned from tlio val ley WodnoMliiy. Mr. mid Mr. Hnvo T'otioo of Kile 'rook i'n in Medford Oil week. They bought u fine niiio while on their (rip. Dave Pence, (looryo Woekn mid I'rod SturctR drove some nice beef onlllo lo Medford Thnihdity. Wm. .Mi'Clniinlinii Iiiih moved hin miiw mill mid trnoliim onejno to Myr tie froel; from Klk Crook. Mr. mid Mrs, John Wnnior wont to tlm viillt'V TuoHilnv mornint;. Tom Hiiimi'v of fi'iilrnl I'oiiil U Hpoiidiiij; n few dnH willi Jasper llniiiiah. MisHos Mnrv nml Martha Onuo woro In Medford having homo iloulnl wink done last wool;. fr. nml Mm. Clyde IMymiro of YOUR HAIR NEEDS PARISIAN SAGE It Ih n dolbjbtful nnd lnvlgqrntlnt; bnlr tonlo Vlidli MulijldV iionojrntos Into tlm Hcnlp, (teta to tho roots of tlio bnlr, rumovea ilntulrnff, nnd impplloa tho bnlr with juat tho kind of nmir iHhmont It iiooiIh to ninkn It Krow. ParlHlnn Siiro la not Injurious to tho bnlr or scnlp It romovoa ilnntl vuff with ono application nnd atnpa fullliiK hair muldtchtni; of tlio scalp, ParlHlnn 8ko qnlclcly clonnBos, coolu nnd luvlisoratca tlio scalp nml nmltos bnlr thnt la tblu, dull, matted or BtrliiK)' aoft, nbuudnut nml rad iant with llfo. It not only mivoa tho bnlr, but tUvoa It thnt liicompnrnblo kIobh nnd beauty you doslro. (lot n 50 cent bottlo from Cbna, StrmiK now ut once. Hub n llttlo Into the Hcalp you wit bo aurprlsod with tho rcHiilt. Uollnlitod iiBora pro notinco ParlHlnn Siiko tho boat, moat pltmBiuit mid liivlKorntjutf bulr (onto 'mndo, '(Advortlsuuiont.) I ORD HOWELLS BRING$2.48CHIGAG0 WINTER NELIS $3.25 Aleill'oiil i.pcn( tint week cud nt (In; Di'liciicr (lop nnieli, Miihcm Mn I lie, dcHhln nml Myrtle Wlnler wein pleiiMiiul I'lillonj'nn Men, llcinv Ficiieh Kiindiiy. Mrn, Wiillnr lleruimiii vinilcd her eoiihiiiH, Mm, Niuvport nmt MIhm AyeiK IiihI week. ln, A. ('Iiniio iiceompnnii'd her hnilher, Wither lioi'Kiiiini nml l'niiiily, In IiIm home nt Ivinjj for n 1'ew weekH vIhII. School Hiipcrtimir J'oIoikwi !m ik 1 1 1 lite Hi1' Kclinol here. FRAN K8ILVES, RESORT OWNER, WILLIAMSON RIVER, DEAD I !! KI.AMAfl'lf l-'ALLM, Oil. HO. Friink HiIicn, known llironi;linii( Hie iiortliweHf iih owner of (he 1'iiiiioiin Hilvim Willimiihoii river fmhiiiif re him I, died Nuddenlv nl hix homo on Hid Kliimiitli Imlinii renerviilinn xi terdny iih ii roMtilt of ptieiimoiiin. Mr. Kilvetx wiih Inkoii ill Monday niuhl, Iml liix condition win lielievod Iho ri'Mtllt of n Hiiiliten cold. Momhiy he hpciit iiiomI of Iho dnv rowinif finhermcn up nml down Kprinir creek nml WilliiuiiMon river. II ih lieliovcil ho merexerleil himself nml hccnnie very wnrin fioiii IiIh Inliom. In the llihl In devolnpoi a Horlnim cnld nml 'pmminoiiln followed, riiiiHiiif death hefore hin family realized hit condition wiih HcrioiiH. XOTH'i:. Notlco 1 beroliy Klvon thnt tlio unilnrnlKnmt will apply at tlio n'Rii Inr tneotliiK of tlm city council, Nov. fth, 10KI, for a Hci'Iimi to hiII 7iinlt, nilrltuoiiH mnl vlnnun Hr)iiorn nt 3'.' North Front Htniet, for n period of nix tnontliB. M. ANI K, J. ADAMS. Dnted October Slut, 1913. CHICHESTER S PILLS Wv TUT. UlAMtllll IIItAMII. A. IIIAMIIMII IIIIAM) I'll.lA l Dft l tlm k m.i ll.I.Sll.lirt Miilll SOID BY DRUGGISTS EVfJtVY.HlRE f'oi'iVc (lot)tl colTco there's nolliiii lilce it uniler the .sun; no drink thai can give as much exquisite yet harmless and whole some pleasure. Don't, miss it; and don't take chances. Ask for Schilling's Host and don't be sidetraelced. Promirvpil In ltn nromn I'Ver-freith, 1 lb. 2 lb nnd 2. ciiiih-IOc, 50c, II; money hack. IT WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY No need hnvltiK plica nny lonpor! No need of KiiffcrliiR miotbor day I Htcnrn'a Pile Itemody (completa with lube) will help you or IT COSTS YOU NOT ONI3 CUNT. Thla remedy la n comblnntlon of tho lately dlacovercd, high-priced Adrena lin Chloride with other powerful cura tive principles nml IT 8TOPS THE PILE PAIN IN ONE MINUTE! Ho miro nro wo that Stenrn'a Pile Itemody will benefit you that wo will KICFUNI) YOUR MONHY If you aro not satisfied. Thla la tlio only pllo remedy thnt wo ciin Kunranteo nml wo Know you will thank iih for telllni; you about It. Wo have tho exclusive ncuncy. ills' Drue Store FOR SALE 50 acres rich bottom laud, In np plos, penra, vegetable mnl com. Well Improved, $225 per ncro, snap. 2G ncroa apples nnd penra, good soil, near town. Seo this bargain, 10 acres, part In npplos, cheap. FOR EXCHANGE Cal city lota for cheap laud, or Medford property, will assume. I.nrgo rooming houao for moun tain ranch. Sou mo for bargains In OM'hnngea mid bualucs3 opportuni ties. P. L. TYHURST ISM) W. Mnln St., Medforil, Ore. SPECIAL TODAY Sovon-room bungalow for rent. only 920 per month. Flvo-rooin cottage, ?10, nil mod- orn. Anothor flvo-rooni cottngo. J8.601 water pnld. If you wnnt to buy n cheiiifhomo ueo ino boforo you buy. I can soil you n stock ranch cheap. E.J.STEWART Room 204 Fruitgrowers Ilank bldg, Offlco phono 531, Itos, phouo 832-J, lii.4i Aikxirirffi,ir'A .t4l..urallUJIlrailV I'llUli 11,4 UM "..uiV l..,.. imi4 IU. LU lIUA. Y A.kKI'lll.l'iri'n.TrilM jft mT4 Iv a Aiirdon Hull, Tlio iiiiticrlKtH)il will Hull nt pub lic miction nt UIHcIi'a miction llolmo, on tlio corner north of tin print off leu In thlH rity, on Hiilnnliiy, N'oVomber flrHt, 111 I. 'I, nl two o'clock p. in, Con kIkIIiik of a lai'Ko fiKKorttiiuiiL of Ind om' won rln ; nppnrol, nlno fnriiltnre, ilnMkM, crockcr) warn nml triniku nml viiIIhiih. Turnm utrlctly ciihIi. WIM.IAM IJI.UlC'lf, 101 , AiiRtloiicor. A ml Ion Kale, Tlm timlorMlKHRil will Hell nt public miction nt Ulrlch'n miction boimo, on tlm corner north of llm pout officii In thin clly, on Hatilnlny, Novcrnbor flrnt, 101.1, nt two o'clock p. m. Con KUtlni: of a lur;o ntifortmunt of Iml Ich' wenrltiK appftrcll, alco fnrnltnro, ilonkH, crockorywnrct nml trtinkg and vhIIhoh. Tormn Blrktly raih. WILMA.M UMtlCII, 191 , Aiictloncor. .Mcdfonl I'olllnu IMiicch. I'oIIIiik lilitcwi for tlio city of Medford for tlio election of Novem ber Kb. 1013, nro a follew: Mitilforil North Cuntnil I'reclnct City Hull. Mori ford South .Central I'roclnct IlullilltiK Hltunloil on tlio corner of Houth Front nml 8th HtrcotH. Mmironl North Main I'reclnct HiuHti'n Hull on Grape strait. Medforil Houth Main Precinct Dvrelllni; boimo nt .ISO Hamilton HtriK-t, ono door north of 11th street Krocory. Medford Onkditlo I'reclnct 209 Went Mnln Btrrot, formerly occupied by W. W. Klforl tailoring ithop. Medford Northeam Precinct SI 5 FiiHt Main utreet, mimo belnt; Hum plircy'n real imtnto office, Medford Soulheant precinct 52S Kant Mnln utreet, Porter Hoiihc. NOTICK. Notice la hereby nlven that tho town council of the town of Phoenix. Oregon, will recelvif penled iiroponnla for the purrhwio of Ita 1913 Wnter llouda to tlio extent of bonrlriR C per cent IntoroHt. payable Fcml-anniially ut any time before "30 o'clock p, m. on tlio 10th dny of November. 1913. IlltU may bo mailed or delivered to tho town recorder of anld town on or before anld dnto nml no bid will bo coimldcrcd for loin than par nnd ac crued Intorcit nml the council re bitvob the right to reject nny nnd nil bldH. All bids m tint be accompanied by n certified check drawn upon Home atntc or national bank of Jack son county, Oregon, for fi per cent of the amount bid for Raid bonds. Said nmount to be forfeited to anld town as lbjuidnted damage In enso tho name abnll fnll to fmrchnao nnd pay for nald bonds In accordance with paid bid within thirty days nftor be ing notified of tho acceptance of said bid. V. K. KUUUY. Itocordcr of tho Town of Phoenix, Oregon. FOR ItKNT FURNISIIKU ROOMS FOR RKNTFI Coleman. 100C W. Main. 101 FOR RKNT Sleeplni: roonm, with or without board, close In. Mrs. U. II. Wolf. 3-10 So. Rlvcreldo. 190 FOR RKNT Ft'RNlSllKI) AITS. KOR RKNT Largo Bleeping rooms, and modern housekeeping apart ments, prices very reasonable Phono 102G-L. 222 South Holly utreet. FOR RKNT OITICIS FOR REN'I Large, comfortable of flco rooms with elevator servlco, attain heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture & Ildw. Co. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Two roomed furnished bouse, close in. 417 Jay St., off South Oakdnle. 192 FOR RENT Six room bungalow. first class. Phono 420-J. 195 FOR RENT 0 room modern bunga low, first class. Phono 420-J. 190 FOR RENT OR SALK 5 roam mod ern house with gas range. 731 W. Second St 193 WHY? ALFALFA ?30 AX ACRE. 40 ncres, ono mllo from Gold Hill, Just off Pnclflc Highway. 10 acres In alfalfa, 5 acres In potatoes, 10 ncrca In corn. Rest of trco soil. Good neighborhood. Price $2000. Wo do not bollovo It can bo duplicated for twtco tho price nskod. J. O. 1IAKNKS, Phono 120-J. First National Hank bldg. NEW TODAY A houso nnd about two ncres In tho town of Woodburn, botween Portland nnd Salem, good buildings, well equipped for snaking n living off tho plnco If dosircd. On account of nsthuin tho owner would oxchangu for a plnco ot llko value iu Medford. $4000.00 iuclud It'S a cow mid a nice bunch of chick ens, nnd full equipment and food, O. I). 1IOON Room IS, Jackbini County Hank ltblg. von hi:ni Mouriicn FOR lti:NT -Hoven room lioimo, $!2.ri0. Inijiilro Col. H. II, Bar Iteiil. 100 FOIt HUNT- Threo roomoil now moilcrn biuiKnlow. On pavement, clew In. 117 Jny Ht., off Hoiilli OiikdBlo. . 101 FOR RUNT -Modern xevon room hotiao with aleeplm; porcheg, fur nlalied or iififltrulshed. 0 room hoiil.o, nlHo three room house with berry patch. W. II. Kveihard, 1013 Woat Ninth, phone C07-J, ' FOR RKNT Kurn lulled house, 3 rooms, strictly modern, cloio In. Phono n6-J or 78-R FOR HBNT KIe-rnoni hoiitc. blocka from ponlofflce. Apply Ut. Helms, nt 111 Kir at. North. 1!1 KOR RKNT Ki'-nlahod two room bullae, also ball bodroom fur nished for elderly people. 2.1 1 Knst 0th Ht. 1D8 1()R SAi.K CRKAf!i: KOR 8ALH (inrden nnd fruit tract for sale. Income city property to trade for Mock ranch, M. A. Under. FOR SALi: MI.SCL'LLANHOUS TOlPsXLKiSM Just fresh; ten yeura old heifers. AValsh'a ranch on Hirlng atreit. mile out N. Roosevelt Ave. 11)3 KOR 8ALK First rlana dry corn. Mr. McNnSher, R. V. D. No. 1. Central Point, Oregon. Phone Ilxxx2. l'Jl KOR 8ALK O TRADIC For top alnglo buggy, a light delivery wngon. Nash Livery Darn. 103 KOR BALK Fresh Jersey cow, ex ceptionally good. Phono C00-R2. 192 FOR SALI-: Wood, body fir i foot wood In car load lotH. Call or nddresg John Neuner, Ulcndnle. G-o. 207 FOR BALI: Hogs, calves, grain liny nnd alfalfa hay. Robert Uutton, Medford, phono C39-R3. FOR SALK Cheap, several stands Lees. IIox 355, Central Point. 199 FOR SALK Two thoroughbred Jer sey bulls and twenty calves. Walsh's ranch on Spring street, mile out North Roosorelt avenue. 200 FOR SALK A splondld pair of mulea Juat In tliolr prlmo, will weigh 2700 llm., truo as steel and pentlo na lambs, have no further use for them, will take good horse nnd buggy In part payment. Address Medford, Dox S24, or phono 25-R3. 192 FOR SALK Well dried, sound corn, $20 ton, delivered shucked. Phono 19-F23. 193 FOR SALK One 3 year old HnmU tonlan driving mare and ono 1300 lb. 5 year old work horse. Inquire of II. S. Stnncllff. Phoenix. 191 FOR SALK Corn. Clancy. lnqulro Dr. I1KLP WA.VTKU FI-3IAM3 WANTKI) Trusty housokeepor, nlco cook unincumbered wishes situa tion In smnl family. Call corner Tenth and Kvergreon. 191 WANTED SrTX'.tTIONS WANTED Position wanted T by "ro" llalilo married mutt on farm with bouse. For reference ask Stanton Grlffls of Seudder & Kenley or chard. Cnll nt 325 So. Ivy, or phone 102C-J. 191 WANTED Married mnn wishes po sition on ranch. Experience. 1139 West 9th St. 207 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Ono pair of good second hand platform scales. Phono 38C-M. WANTED Good stnndnrd blcyclo. otnto lowest price. Hox CG, caro Mall Tribune. 192 WANTED A homo for two small girls. Cnll nt120SEaBt 11th. 192 WANTED Span of work norses, weighing about 1300 each, not over over S years old. Wilto box 302 Central Point, Oro. 192 WANTED To borrow $1750 nt S per rent, good socurloty. Dox II, care Mall Tribune. WANTED If you have any cast off clothing or Bboea phono 1030-L or call at 130 N. Front St. ISO WANTED For n client, a loan ot $2000 on $10,000 Medford proper ty. Wui. P. Mealy. WANTED To buy or trado for ono or two closo in lots. Ulvo location and prlco. II. 11. IL, caro Mall Tribune. JAPANESE HANDWORK LAUNDRY Handwork wears lougor, keeps clean longer, snuio price ns ma chine work. Wo mnko n specialty of bIiIiIh and collars. All ordora called for and dolivorcd. Custom prices. 1'hono 79-J, 52 S South Fir St. 191 LOST i "-w-.-- $5.00 REWARD Lost ono white Fox Hound, black ears, yellow spot over right oyo. black spot ou rump, urnnilod "W." on left Bhouldor. Addrosa llenj. llrophy, Knglo Point, Oregon, 192 FOR KXCMATIWK FOR EXCHANGE Six ncro ranch for city proportij, Clark Realty Co. Incomo $G250. FOR SALE OR TRADE At n bar gain, a Biuall bearing fruit farm In city ot Ashland, good houso, city wntor nnd lights. Come and seo quick. II, Eastorly, 527 Terrace St. 194 I MONKY TO I.OA.1 MONKY TO LOAN On city and closo In rnnch property. O. A. McArthtir, room 3, P. O. block, phono 308. iir.HiMMs iiiitnrroitv Auto Supplier. LAHKR AUTO HPRINO CO. Our big secret In making springs la the tempering. Wo are operating the largest, oldest nnd best equipped plant In tho Pacific northwest. Uio our springs when others fnll. Hold under guarantee. 2i5 North Klf teenth St.. Portland. Or Attornefc i'ORTKIt J. NEKK, WM.IN MKALKY Attorneya-at-Law, Rooms 8 and 0, Medford National Hank bldg. A. K. RKAMKH, LAWYKR (larnstt Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attornoy and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Mnln street, Medford, Ore. Wm. M, Colvlg Ooorgo M. Roberts COLVIO & ROI1KRTS, LAWYERS Medford National Hank nitlldlng II. F. MULKEY & GEO. W. CHERRY Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun ty Hank Ilulldlng. NEWTON W. HORDES' Attornoy at inw. room 7, Sparta building, Med ford, Oregon. 191 Auctioneers WILLIAM ULRICH Licensed Auc tioneer for tho City of Medford, Oregon. Terms easonablo. Resi dence, phono 161-J. Offlro Jack non County Hank building. Chiropractor DR. R. J. LOCICWOOD. Chiropractor ncrvo specialist. Rooms 203-204-205 Garnott-Corey bldg. Vapot batba and scientific marsago given; nccdlo spray, head and shoulder shower In connection; ndvico In dietetics, medical gymnastics, bydroptherapy. Lady attendant. Phone, of flco 915, resldcnco G71-R OR. A. It. HEDGES, Dr. Louise E Hedges Mcchano-Tboraplsta, Chiro practors, Spondylothoraptsts. The systems, Including dietetics, cura tlvo gymnastics, hydro-theraphy etc., produco results In both acnta and chronlu diseases. Consulta tion freo. Over Deuol & Co., cor ner Main and llartlott. Hours 9 a. m. to C p. m. Other hours by appointment. Phono 170. Carnage GARBAGE Get vour premise! cleaned up for tb winter. Call on tho city garbao wagons fot good service Phono G2fi-L. p. Y. Allen. Dcnttstn DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentins Garnett-Corey bldg., suite Medford. Ore. Phone sr.6. 310. Notary Pulillc HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary nub ile. Drlng your work to me at tb sign of the Mall Tribune. Printers and fuulbticrs , MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing offlco In southern Oregon; book binding looso leaf ledgers, billing systems etc. Portland prices. 27 Nortb Fir St. riiyplrlnns nml Surgeons DIL F. 0. CARLOWT DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 41C-417 Garnett-Corej bldg., phono 103C-L. Resldenc 2G South Laurel St. OR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practlco limited to diseases ol women. Offices 232 E Main Phones, resldcnco, S14-J2; offlco SI I. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practlco limited to oyo, car, nose nnd throat. Eyes scien tifically testod and (Masses supplied Offlco 22S East Main St., Houri 8:30 n. m. to S p. iu. Phono. E. D. PICKEL, M. D. Offlco Jack son Comity Rank bldg. Office phono 43-R; resldcnco phono 58-R. DR. MARION Physician and sur geon. Stewart bldg.. corner Main nnd Dartlctt sts.; office phone 27 residence phono 27-J-2. 904 West 10th. DR. MARTIN C. HARDER Physl clan nnd surgeon. Offlco Palm block, opposite J'ash Hotel. Hour 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J, DR. It. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phones, office 30, rest douco 721-J. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD Oatoopnthlf phystclau, 303 Garnett - Coroj building. Phono 904-M. R. J. CONROY, M. . Phjulclan nnd Surgeon. Over Hutchison & Lutun den, 215 E, Main St, Phono 77, Stenogrnpners ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenogrnphlc work done qulckl) and well. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Offlco 42 North Front St. Phono 315. Prices right. Servlco guar' antertd. Wood Sawing w - . ,- J, y, SLATER, WOOD SAWER. Phouo S24-M, 420 Boardnian St. 198 N. Florence Clark VIOLINIST AMI TIUCIIKU, rirat-clnsa Mtialn for nil Occasions 1 1 HI W. Fourth St. Phono 7HI-JT Draperies Wo entry a vary romptot lint of araiwrlv. Inco curiftlnH. futiir. ute., nml ilo nil clnsn nf upliolntitrlnK. prclni man to look tnr this work rxolunlvdy and will rIvii ns Reed Korvlca m In nosnihle to Kt In area the larnrdt cltlns. Weeka & McGowan Co. MENDETS Mend nil leaks Instantly without the use of hoat, solder, cotnont or rivet In granltowaro, aluminum, hot water hairs, tin, ropper, brass, sheet Iron, alt cooking utensils and rubber good Simply tighten Mondot and leak Is minded. Assorted sizes and rcr.t-.h In each package Prlco 10 and 23r a box. MRS. ,1. It. STEVENS, Tolo, ngent for this county. Also on salo nt M. F. & II. Co , Medford. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING COLONIAL FLATS Thoroughly modem rooms renting from $8.00 to $15.00 per month Bathroom and Laundry Accommodations Gas and Electric Lights Everything Furnished Except Eats 217 Riverside So. Phone 900-L T. F. PRATT "The Healer" has mado tho blind sec, tho deaf hear, tbo lamo walk, tbo sick get well. Fifteen years of practical cxpcrlcnco In treating chronic, diseases. Consultation freo. Lo cated at 315 N Dartlctt St. lMiono 002-Jf. Mcilfortl, Ore. I Would Like to Sell My Home 995 South Oakdale, eight rooms, largo sleoplng porch, basoment and garage, furnaco and fire placo, largo lot 7Sxl75. Plcasantcst resldcnco part ot town. Also a 27-acro tract ot very best alfalfa land, Rear creek bottom. Also a good ranch or orchard team, weight about 2700 pounds. 1 Also eight room houso and bath to rent on paved strcot, very reason ablo rent. Seo me for prlco and terms on nny ot this property. Geo. L. Treichler Phono nio-n "" E.D.Weston Official Photographer of th Medford Commercial Club (Anintcur Finishing Post Cards Panoramic "Work Flash lights Portraits Interior and oxterior views Negatives mado anv time and any placo by appoint ment. 208 E. Main Fnona 1471 NEW YOEK Giants vs. CHICAGO White Sox Medford, Nev: 17 Secure seats early On salo at Nash and, !Med i'ord hotels, Tho Qui, and Brown & Hall. Reserved seats $2; general admission $1. . -4