Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 30, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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"nrlj.tlilnl Tear.
Unity KlKliIti Yr.
President Wilson Decides Hucrta
Must Go and That Intolerable Con
ditions In Mexico Must End Imme
diatelyIntervention Probable.
WiAKIIINOTON', Oel. 110. Army
ami iimvv were held in lewllnrsH o
iluv fur Mexican w'lvlco mi III"
.hiirlcst notice Preiddciil WIIhiui
Imped they would nut lit) needed, hi
udw-or mmM, hut limt iiilructcd
both dcpnilmcntH l hit prcpnied.
Tim chief oteeullve, it will ex
plained, liml decided positively tlml
I lun In iiiiihI go mill nuri'i'il with
IIiiikk who hold (lint the present In
tolerable conditions hi Mexico unci
(Mil immediately.
OiiImIiIm pri'HHUK) In favor of
American intervention to reur' or
der Ihih been of tin nlniiiu'tl. For
eign diplomats in Mexico I'itv lutvc
iiurMl Ihi'ir governments llmt tln'V
ni'i' no ehriuco of im'iico iinli'fft lh'
Pulled States uxi'H fore.
Coiililrnt Intervention
Tlio prwiih'iil. it wn wild, was for
tin fiptt lime coimiilcring till view
John l.iml. his iniiirv in Mex
h'i, wns planning u riittil I'ffnrt lo
deal wllh llnt-rlii. II wiix stated. II
wnt. taken for uintitfil llinl ho woiiltl
r, w hi suggestion of mi iinni-tln-
between tin wnrring Mfxirnn fnc
lioni nntl n general Irrlioii, safe,
guarded hv the civil niithorilii".
In tin' mcniitiuio lh" power art'
ri'lutittintlv upholding America's ihui
intervention MiIIt'V.
If l.iml iiiccIh with another rrhtiff,
It wn Niiiit. the president would de
cide immediately whether t nil'
America's armed force to re-tnn
nulrr or lo recngnlro tin rebel
lender. Oencrnl Ciirrniirii. iih head of
n dcfacln government nml penult
him In Imp'irt arm.
Tint elder ohioi'llon rniii'd to tin
Inlli'r plan wa llinl il prolmhly
would hi' iinnlifnetiirv lo tin i'W
cr. sineo it would involve continued
A.wilt .Mcvlinii fungir
It wn understood llmt there havi'
nlri'iidv hecu exelinucc of views on
this point hi'twi'i'ii th" I'niti-d Stall"
nud tin olhi'r (miwith.
President Wilnou'M plan i com
plrli'lV prepared, hill In' decided thin
morniuu' not to submit it t othe cah
inet until next week.
Tho delnv i to enahh' him to mm'
whnl course tho new Mexican con
gress will adopt. II will meet in
Mexico Citv Snlurdav. Onlv n frac
tion of tho slates will he represented,
hut an nrgiinUiilinn will ho effected
and a cnnviis mnde of iih many of
the votes ciihI liiHt Sunday an lire
It wiih th" expectation here today
that llm IiiiIIoIk for lluerla will be
declared yold mid Hint General Blau
iptet, tin vlec-presidcntial cmididatc
on tho ticket with Huerta, will he
healed an president.
If this ImppeiiH, Hit I'niled Slate
will refill" to reoiii'iilre. in lucde
cenHiir, and In nivinif the world no
tice to IhU effect, Freaident Wilhiin
will outliuo Hin new policy, which
may mean Intervention.
OA8A HLANCA, Morrocco, Oct, flO.
Mnny woro ropoiteil duiul today In
(our dlimnroun Hlilpwrui'ka on tho
Moroccan connt.
Thorn wnB a turHflo liurrlrnno
nloiig tho North African coiiHt hiBt
nlKht. Today tho seaa woro utlll
frlKlitful. Many count towns uur
forinl uovoroly.
Tho (irook Btoamahlp MIhuoIuiikIiI
mid tho Uormnu uhlp Martini woro
known to liovo boon loat mid It wub
hollovod all on hoard thorn purlahod,
Tho HjmnUh Htomunhl) I.yrla and
tho French stoaniHlilp Carahollu worn
iihIioio and pouudliiK to pieces on tho
rockH today.
It wiih ImpoBBlblo for roflciiors to
roach thoso on tho utraudod shlpa,
on account of tho mountainous boiib.
Moil could bo HDoii olIiiKlng to tho
rlb'Klug o( bpth vomiols,
No Definite Returns From Election
ns Yet Coiijrcss Likely to Seat
Dlanquct British Ambassador In
Wroiin Wllh Associates.
MKXICO CITV, Oct. :i0 -Kh d.'f
inltn ri'luniM from SundajV eleetion
wen) c avmlnlile today. Mexicaun
expresheil llm opinion that ronyrcMH
will ileelare lluerla ami lllniupiel
eleetcd: Hint lluerla, hciut; ruiihlilu-
tionnlly harred fioiu hiiccitiHiih
hiiiiitclf iim piehideul, will retiic; thai
ItlmupiclMill tal.1 the pimt, and Hint
lluerln will rule the country tlirouh
the foiuiitr, whom he ihimiuutex.
lllplomntN HUiiKrei
Much had fi-eliim wan licKiiiiiliisH"
develop aiuonir iiiMiiherH of the dip
lomatic coriH today eoiiceruini; the
xiluatiou. They line ln-en eonferr
it ttr loKi'ther intermittently for n
week, hul have failed lo njjieo on a
Sir Lionel Cnrileii, tin KukIMi
iiilnlMler. Iiiih heen particularly cm-
nhntic in hin ilinKreemeut wiih all
tin other ihploinatM. The otlien
hne hi'i'ii cmiitllv emphatic in li"
MKrei'lnt: with Sir Lionel.
The I'imliklimaii tiuipieitionahlv
him mnde himoelf diliked amont.' hi"
colleairueH. Wlhont openly iiimr
no, they iinilouliledly coinddcr that
he ri'tircHrntii Hrilinh cummerciiil in
IcrcHtM, mid it ilintiuetlv dixpleaien
lliein to iherve how eloc he in to
the lliiertn u'OM'nimeiit.
Afide from lint diHairreenienl he
Iweeii Sir Lionel mid tit rcl of the
diplomatic eorp, the olher mcinherH
of tin corp an more or le- liid
cil miioui; iheiiiiichiw.
.No ('iiiiiincnt Olitnlnatilo
Ko comment from official miurces
wiim ohtaiimhlc on reiHirU that Frei'
idcut W'llxoii will demaml lluerla'
retirement mid Hint the power iniulil
liiiek him in hii demand. Men who
know the dietalor well, however, said
they douhteil if nmthiin; nhort of
Hiiperior force would imliiee him to
le!i hin prexenl power.
N'ewH wiih receiicd of continued
fiKliliiiir lodav nl Monterey, where it
wiih nald 100 or CiOO men have al
ready fallen on both Hide.
VF.IIA CHI'., Oct. 30. That Hen
oral Felix Diaz wan licinir treated
practically like a piisouer on the
Failed State battleship Louihiiniii
wan learned here today. It was said
he wan not even allowed lo receive
isilorn without a xpecial permit.
It wan underritood Hint the pro
caution wan taken lo make il impos
sible for niiMiiio to RUfpcct that he
wiih allowed to make an American
vchscI u refiiKO from which to plot in
mtfety iiKiiiiiht'llin Mexican kvciii
incut, uvcu with lluerla at Hit head
of it. N
John Mud, the prcHiilcnlV ends
nary, wan preparini; n complete re
port on the Hiluatioii today.
NKW YOIIIC, Oct. HO. Fiicndrt of
ox-l'rehidcnt Caulm of Venezuela
announced today Hint, nflor a three
nionlhrt invcrttipilion, they cannot
diicovcr where ho in, and believe him
either dead or in n. Vcneuelan
LAHMDO, Tex., Oct. HO.-Federal
troops Heized Hidalgo, Mex., forty
inileH up tho Hin Oraudo rivur, today
after eight hoiirs of fighting with
rebel troopH, Fivo fedoralrt mid four
lubulu woro killed in tho engagement.
V 0
Jury Holds That Admiral Died by
His Own Hand "I Am So Happy,"
Declares Acquitted Woman, "My
Family Needs Me."
FLYMOFTII, Oct. .'HI. The jury
in tin ciie of Mrs. Jeiinic May Fal
un, ncciiHcd nf murdering her Into
liii-bnnd, Hear-Ailmiial Jon (I. Futon,
retired, by Hilmiiiig him, returnifl
a verdict of aiipiiltal at 'clll a. in.
today. Tin jury had been out miicc
7:15 IiihI nighl.
At H o'clock. Mm. Knlmi left for
her home at Aiinuippi. She nniil
bin wnrt happy, hut felt the need of
a long reft. "
Mr. Falon wn arnttted a few
lart after the tnlniirnl'H death lal
March and eharKed wllh hin murder.
An aulopuy hhowed he had died from
IMiihOiiiritr, nrnciiic being fouiiil in ev
ery organ of the body affected hv
that poison. Min. Fatou protected
her innocence from the start, hut (he
wan held in iail without bail.. She
maintained thai tho admiral died by
bin own IiiiihI, ami introduced ci
ib'tice to show (hat he was n ictim
of both the linuor mid drui: habits.
He fore leaxini; for her home, Mrs.
Knlou issued the following state
ment: "1 am so lutppy over the verdict
because of my mother nml dmiL'htcr
They both need me. My freedom
means much to them."
"rtlnro I hnvo been In Jnll I have
written n xtory of my life. It la much
Htrniiger thnii fiction, too.
"I'm koIiik homo now mid keep
chicken nud been no I rnu nmku n
IMiig nelllng eKKi nud honey."
Ni:V YOmC. Oct. 30 Kxtromo
dulliieii marked tho opening ot tho
lock mnrkot today. Tho fractional
arlntloiirt from eiterdny'8 clouo were
mi Hinnll Hint no well defined trend
wnii revealed.
Tho lens uctlvo uhnrea flgurud In
the only wldo movements during tho
vnrly houm. Delnwnro nud Hudson
nnd Texna rompnuy lout 3, United
States Kxiremi gained n jiolnt nud
Vulcan Detlunlug preferred lost 5 4.
Later tho mnrkot took a down
ward courno nud Canadian Pacific,
Union Pacific, Steol nnd Heading ro
ncted 1. Shortly boforo tho noon
hour prices tended upward until tho
henrn Hucceedod In halting tho rUo
but further thnu thin they wcro un
able to make much headway, Keno
of tho nctlvo uhnrea vnrled moro
thnn 4 In either direction from yes
tordny'a close. Honda wero Irregu
lar. Tho market cloned stondy.
l'OHTLANI), Or., Oct. 30. Ac
cording lo a cuhlegram received
hero today tho lliitish hteamor Clav
erley, which willed from Forlland on
September 15 for Limeriok, Ireland,
went uground at l'untii Arenas,
StraitH of Magellan, and will ho n
total loss. Tho vessel was laden
with 208,000 bushels of whent, val
ued nl 41418,000. Tho Claverley was
under charier to Kerr (lifford com
pany, grain exporters, of Portland.
No details were given in tho cable
gram, hut it was helioM'd hero tho
crow escaped.
MF.XICO CITY, Oel. a0. Police
arrested several men last night on
llm strength of an ncotwntiou that
they wero implicated in a plot to as
sassiuuto President Huerta, nud to
day tho police, wero ransacking the
capital Tor other buspuuts,
Mail Tribune
OlfKflON, Tlll'KSDAV, (HTOHUR .'(), 10IH.
John A. IFemif , former editor of
the New York Pn . who hit that
newspaper when he found it impos
sible t get ulong with the new
owner, Frank A. Muie-ey, has shown
hm fightit; spirit all through tin
controversy hetweui ( harles F. Mur
phy, hos of Tammany, ami Oou-r-nor
William Ilenuesxy was
the real backbone of the Sulzer opjKi
sitiou t Tammnuv.
TKINIOAI). Colo., Oct. .10. Gen
eral John Cha-c, eommaudiiig the
militia in the southern Colorado coal
fields, was enforcing martial law
vigorously today.
There have heen rumor of trou
ble or impending trouble at several
points in the coal region since the
troops arrived, hut none of lhee re
jiorts were verified except at T
haseo, where strikers, def vim; their
own lenders' orders, fired fifty shots
at a party of mine piards this morn
ing without wounding anyone, ami
nt Agnilar, where a tipple nnd mine
office were attacked voterday aft
ernoon nud Mibseouontlv hurn'i',
though it was not certain that Hie
strikers were responsible for the fire.
General Chase, evidently scenting
n disturbance, nUo ordered two bat
teries of artillery this afternoon to
a point two miles from Ludlow. Why
they wero needed was not clear.
The militia today began a general
disarmament of strikers nnd mine
guards alike. At Aguilar nil the
gunrds and part of the strikers were
deprived of their weapons, the rel
of the lalter hnrving their rifles and
ammunition. The guards nt WaNen
burg nnd Oakview also handed in
their guns.
110STOX, Oct. 30. Willi Oover
nor Hiram W. Johnson of California
on the stump for tho progressives,
tho political campaign in Massachus
etts was heiag fought vigorously to
day throughout the stale. Tho dem
ocrats had u hundred speakers cam
paigning, while $3 rallies were on the
progressive platform for today.
Among Hie republican spellbinders,
Senators Itorali, Weeks, Cummins,
Norris and Sterling woro prominent.
'That's cruelty, all right j divorco
granted," said Judgo Corf today lif
ter Mnry Heel had complained that
her husband James took her. to
dances and then allowed her to lan
guish alone, refusing even to permit
her to dunce with nnyoiio else.
"Hut James danced with every
m-etlv girl he met," ndded Mrs. Heel.
"I had lo play tho part of u 'wall
flower' ',
fjf " Tl '' i
V J. r'&wl J
Effort lo Invalidate Sulzer's Removal
Hennessey Called Upon to Pre
sent His "Little Black Book" of
Graft Records for Grand Jury.
NKW YOHK, Oct. 30. A nult to
(cut, and one which may Invalidate
tho Impeachment of Wm. Sulzer as
governor of New York, was filed In
tho United Hlntcs circuit court of ap
peals hero today. W. H. Moore, was
named as plaintiff.
Attorney John I.cary representing
Moore filed tho suit papers. Ho said
the. action was bailed on the conten
tion that the stato senate was not au
thorized to Impeach Sulzer for acts
committed prior to his taking the
oath as governor.
Governor Glynn and the members
of the Impeachment court wero named
ns defendants. Tho petition also al
leged Hint "New York stato Is ruled
by an Invisible, government, domi
nated by two or three men," In vio
lation of the federal constitution. It
nlso alleged that millions ot dollars
authorizeil for good roads were ap
propriated by thoso controlling tho
"Invisible government."
NKW YOHK, Oct. 30. District
Attornoy Whitman today called on
John Hennessey, 'who was Wm. Sul
zer's special graft Investigator while
Sulzer was governor, to produco hU
"little black book," said to con tain
a stenographic record of a confession
mado by ex-Stato Senator Stillwell
In ShiR-SIng penitentiary.
Henncssy has referred frequently
to tho "llttlo black book" in political
speeches ho has mado lately, as con
taining graft evidence ho gathered
during his Investigation)! for" Sulzer.
Though It was not given out, Hen
ncssy has said, however, that has a
shorthand record of tho confession
nnd it was said that private detec
tives hero hold another, which Whit
man wants to comparo with Hennes
sy's. Dlctaphono notes also will bo ex
amined for persons understood to
have heard tho confession, they will
bo summoned before tho district at
torney, and If they corroborate Uen
uessy nnd tho private detectives, tho
case undoubtedly will bo laid beforo
the grand jury.
It was considered unlikely that
Whitman would make much progress
with his Investigation before tho city
YF.KA CRUZ, Oct. 30. In answer
to his message explaining tho risk
(leueral Uiar. will run of arrest nt
Tampico it transferred hero to a
commercial steamship, Admiral
Fletcher today received instructions
from Assistant Secretary of the
Navy Jtoosevelt to send the fugitive
from Vera Cruz on the cruiser Tn
coma nnd transfer him at sea to the
northbound New York-Cuba mail
steamship after it hnd left Frogresso,
its last Mexican port of call. All
danger of his arrest and imprison
ment will bo thus avoided. Diaz him
self will decide whether to leave the
mail steamship at Havana or go ou
to New York.
NKW YORK, Oct. 29. John
Schlldknocht, an SIS a weok clerk,
formerly employed In tho offices horo
of Washburn and Crosby, was ar
rested today ou a chnrgo ot omboz
zllng 150,000. For nearly a year,
tho police, say, Schlldknecht posed as
n millionaire, living llko a prlnco in
an expensively furnished npartmont
with a girl who posed ns his wife. Tho
couple, eutortaluod lavishly,
Schlldkucht disappeared two
mouths ago whon tho shortage was
discovered. IIo declared today that
tho girl got most ot tho mouoy.
W A 00
'"cqon Hljfortonl Soclito
207 Second Street
State Highway Commission Formally
Approves Survey, Adopts Route
and Authorizes Immediate Con
A telephone, message received
Thursday from Yrekn states that tho
California state highway commission
nt Sacramento tins formally accepted
the survey of tho Pacific Highway
through Siskiyou county to a connec
tion with Jackson couutyjs new road
and authorized I turned la to construc
tion, the road to be completed as
soon as the Jackson county portion
Is ready. Location ot tho line
through Yrcka was also decided upon.
In consequence, people of Siskiyou
county hold a big celebration at
Yreka Thursday evening.
For some time there has been keen
rlvarry between Montacue and Yrcka
as to which should havo the hlghvray,
a bonus being raised for the purpose
by the people of Yreka to make up
for tho additional expense duo to a
longer route.
Representatives of both Yreka and
Montague appeared beforo the com
mission and presented arguments,
tho commission finally deciding In
favor of Yrcka.
The commission decided to grade
tho road at once, following with a
concrete base. Later it will be sur
faced with an asphalt-screening car
pet. Stato Highway Engineer IJowlby
states that he expects to let the con
tract for surfacing tho Mcdford-Cen-tral
Point section of the road Nov.
19th at tho tamo time. Tho grading
contract over tho Slsklyous Is let.
Ulds wilt be called for shortly.
Right-of-way for curves to replace
tho sharp angles In this section havo
been secured at all corners except one
and It is hoped to tccuro this one
without resorting to condemnation
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Oct. 30.
Discontinuance of the grand jury
inquiry into the Slingly changeling
baby case may bo ordered before
night by Presiding Judge Dunne of
the superior court. This probability
resulted from representations voiced
before Judge Diinno by Attorney 0.
A. Knight, representing Slingsbv
heirs opposed to Lieutenant Charles
"District Attorney Fiekert has
been returned by Lieutenant Slings
hy," Knicht declnred, "ami is using
tho grand jury for his own private
Asitant District Attorney Berry
denied Knight's ellegnlion, hut Judge
Dunne announced ' his intention of
conferring with the members of the
grand jury nnd of investigating
Knight's charges.
"If I find Knight's ehnrges are
true," said Judge Dunne "I shall in
struct tho ernnd jury to drop its in
vestigation." DISSOLVE PURITY
friends of Mr. nnd Mrs. Clement
Cunningham, between whom ti di
vorco suit is jumdiug beonuso the
husband wanted to break u "purity
pact" of fourteen yenrs' duration,
wero trying today to arrange n coui
nrouiise. Tho plan proposed was to permit
tho granting of a deereo of divorce
or of nuuullmeiit and then for the
couple to remarry. Tho friends ar
gued Hint tho "purity pact" would
terminate automatically with the
inarriago to which it referred and
would uot apply to tho now one.
Mrs. Cunningham asked her law
yers whether they agreed with this
view and wns awuitiiig their opinion.
If they could couyineo her, sho said,
that her friends wcro right, sho had
no objeetiou to tho second uiurriuee.
1'nlr tonight mill Frlday
.Mnr. TO, Mln. JW.
no. :too
Georrjc BIgham Victim of Tragedy In
Woods Near Trail Huntlnrj Party
Enjoins Secrecy Bringing Body
Here Sheriff and Coroner Lcavt.
fleorgn Bighnm of Oregon Citv,
member of a hunting pnrty, was mis
taken for n deer in tho underbrush
near Trail this morning nliout 31
oVIoek. and neeording to reports,
killed. Sheriff Singler nnd Coroner
Kellogg nre on the way to tho scone.
According to tho meager reports
at hand Bighnm was shot by a mem
her of hi own pnrtv who fired into
the hnih, an he wns heating his way
down n gully. After the shooting,
Bighnm wns taken to Skyrmnnn's
ranch nnd the news phoned to tho
sheriff's office.
Ranchers near the ncoident scene
had been wnrned hv the other mem
hers of tho party lo givo out no in
formation nnd even county officinis
experienced difficulty in getting dc
tails. The man who fired the fatal
shot is unknown.
The party will reach Medford late
today nnd mi inquest held tomor
row. This is the second "mistaken for
a deer' nccidcnl this month, the other
being the death of Elmer Conger of
Central Point.
GALVESTON. Tex., Oct. 30.
Colonel Frank West, commanding Iho
second United Slates cavalry at Fort
Bliss, was ordered hero today with
his entire command, hut without, to go on hoard nrmy tnins
xirts, awaiting them at this port. It
wns problematical whether tho
troops would sail, but it wns believed
here that their destination would ho
Vera Cruz. The second army divis
ion hero was kept in readiness to
move at a moment's notice.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30.-Sydney
Brooks, tho English traveler and
writer, just hack from n visit to
Mexico, was received by President
WiUon today. The president, lie
said, after the interview, outlined his
new Mexican policy to him. Brooks
pronounced it clear and definite, hut
did not Miy whether lie thought it
would satisfy England.
IIo denied the story Hint Lord
CowJrey, the Englishman whoso oil
war with John D. ltookefeller linn
been declared rc&poiinihlo for tho
troubles in Mexico, wns extensively
interested there or that ho has dic
tated England's Mexican policy.
DUBLIN. Oet. 30. Mrs. Lucille
Baud of Loudon, daughter of ox-
Governor Gago of California, appear
ed in tho Kingston polico court hor
today to answer to tho kidnaping
ehurgo ou which bIio wns before tho
onmo tribunal October '23. Her case
was again continued for one mouth.
Tho kidnaping chnrgo was connected
with tho effort sevornl wcll-kuown
London women nro making to find
homes for tho children of striking
Dublin transport workers.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 30.
Senator Chamborlain has Tcuiiostcd
tho secretary of agriculture to ex
tend to Oregon tho experimental plan
of giving furm communities tolo
grnphio news of crop information.
Tho plan is now in operation in tho
six middlo westorn mid southern
stales, and consists of telegraphing
crop conditions to a central point in
cncji btnjo for transmission to all
stuto uowbpapors.