Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 29, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Wltf Ashpolo returned Tuesdny
frpm Portland where ho went with
three rnrlonds of cattle which he sold
on the Portland mnrkots.
MIbs Dorothy llllvcns who was
caltod to Sltfloii, Cnl., recently hy the
IIInoBB of her father returned to
Jledford thin morning.
Tho Indies of tlio J'irst Methodist
church wilt give n hnrtest homo din
ner hi tho church batomont Wrdnes
day evening, commencing at 0 p. nn
Adults, .15c: children, 20c. K very
body Invited. 1S9
W, 11. Acheson of Klamath Knlla is
In tho city on business.
Krcd Lewis and family of Wellen
spent Tuesday In Mcdford visiting
and attending to business.
Uon Hur will glvo a Hallowe'en
danco Friday, October, 31st, masked
according to tho occasion. Home
niado pumpkin pie. Tickets' 50c At
tho Moose Hall.
MIbs Sara Norwood of Central
Point spent Tuesday In Mcdford.
Major Howo of llend, Ore., a pio
neer of that section is visiting
friends In this valley. Ho Is an old
Indian fighter, and campaigned
against tho Modocs when Captain
Jack was on n rampage.
Homo-msdo bread at Do Voo's. "
Coborn of Klamath Kails rodo
"Grlzily Murphy" at tho ball grounds
Tuesday afternoon, In n flno exhibi
tion on a hcrctoforo unrlddcn bron
cho. Henry Phlpps remained on
"Nero," tho buclslng bull thrco
Jumps. Quito a crowd was present.
Digester Tankago for topping oft
hogs and for growing pigs. Korl-
nek Veterinary Remedy Co., South
ern Oregon distributors. 19S
Dud Pernoll, Oakland-San Fran
cisco pitcher in tho Coast League,
pascd through Medford to his homo
in Grants Pass recently, after a
fairly good season.
Ed Slasher of Trail who spent the
end of last week In this city has re
turned to his home.
Kodak flnUntng, best In town, m
Merchants of tho city havo received
a shipment of Ohio chestnuts, which
nro niucn reiisncu by rormer resi
dents of tho cast.
Tho police havo again warned aiy
tolsts to "go round tho spot," bo
causo a few were inclined to violate
tho regulation.
Crater Lake pictures ,& book it
13 pictures, hand colored, tho finest
arer made of tho lake, for ealo at
Corking & Harmon's studio. Call
nd sco them. 228 East Main strcot.
phono 3 20-J. tf
Don Rader, tho local youth, who
Trill report to the AVhito Sox next
prlng has written Comlskcy asking
for a clianco to snake tho trip around
In any capacity that offers. Don
will likely learn tho decision of his
boas when tho GlanU-'Whlto Sox ap
pear hero Nov. 17th.
Ashland theater patrons, havo re
sdrved a number of seats at the
Page for tho appcaranco Friday night
of Henry Miller in "Tho Rainbow."
Den Hur will glvo a Hallowe'en
danco Friday, October, 31st, masked
according to tho occasion. Home
made pumpkin pie. Tickets COc. At
the Mooso Hall.
, Mrs. P. J. O'Gara, who went cast
with Miss Mary O'Gara, who is ill,
'Is expected homo tho last of the
v. R. Coleman of Jacksonville,
spent a few hours in the city Tues
day afternoon.
JS. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives made any time ot
place by appointment Phone M
Mrs. F, V. Carnation has returned
to tho Illuo I-edgo district after
spending ten days In this city.
A. H. U rover of Grants Pass is
in tho city for a fow days pu busi
ness. Den Hur will glvo a Hallowe'en
danco Friday, October, 31st, masked
according to tho occasion. Home
mado pumpkin pie. Tickets 50c. At
tho Mooso Hall.
MIbs Mary Tatu of Grantu Pass
spruit Tuesday In this city tho guest
ot friends,
Tho grapo crop of tho valley Is
ary large this year, tho consump
tion not being sufficient for the
supply. Tons ot fruit is laying on
tho ground. Tho wine, press at
Jacksonville, and tho cannory at
Talent, however liato usnl much of
tho crop.
Digester Tankago for topping off
hogs' and for. growing pigs. Kori
nok Voterlnary Remedy Co., South
ern Oregon distributors. 198
County Commlsbloners W, C
I.eovor and J, C. Drown spent a few
hours n Medford today.
J, llnerthnls returned Tuesday
from a thrco day's deer hunt near
Trail bagging ono.
Arthur Cnrr of I.os Ange.cs Is In
tho rlty for n few days attending to
business matters,
"Insuranco your best asset." Have
tho best. Plnco your Insuranco with
Holmes, tho Insuranco Man, right If
ho writes It. tf
Major H, "V. llowlby, slato high
way engineer, arrived Wednesday to
look nfter Pacific Highway matters.
Dr. W. H. Heckmnn, homeopath,
for many ears a practitioner nt
Bedford, Indiana, has decided to
make Mcdford his permanent resi
dence and has opened offices in the
Sparta building. There is n largo
colony of Hcdtoid people in tho val
ley who welcomo this addition to
their ranks.
A merchant located at Davis, Cal.,
writes tho Commercial club for the
prlco on a carload of Blue- Victor po
tatoes, any grower able to fill this
order, advise tho secretary of the
Commercial club.
Milk and cream at DoVoo's.
Harry Cingcado, Mark Welsh and
Hob Dow expect to leae this after
noon on a hunting trip In tho Lake
crook country.
R. F. Fike of the Warren Con
struction company arrived In Med
ford this morning.
Wynne Scott, ono of tho most up-to-dato
portrait artists on tho Pa
cific coast is taking charge ot the
portrait department for tho Gcrkln
& Harmon Photo company, S2S East
Main street.
H. D. Tronson of Eaglo Point
spent a few hours In Mcdford this
A. B. Cornell ot Grants Pass Is In
the city for a few days.
Fresh lump llmo In any quantity.
Medford Lumber Co.
George Cain of latch visited In this
city Tuesday.
The Nash Grill Is making prepara
tions to Install at lunch counter in
tho dining room.
Money to loan. Ono fund ot
$600.00 and one of $1000.00, on Im
proved country property. Carkin &
George Ross of Ashland Is In Med
ford today on business.
Miss Kato Clark of Central Point
Is visiting Mcdford friends this
Tho ladles of tho Presbyterian
church will give a Hallowe'en dinner
In the chapel Friday evening from 5
to S o'clock. Prlco 33c. children 25c.
Carl I. Waugh of New York Is &
Mcdford visitor.
Edna M. Dllyew ot Portland is a
guest, of the Medford.
D. E. Atwoll of Colombus, Ohio,
is a recent arrival.
H. A. Abrlght ot Portland Is n
business visitor in Medford.
A. A. Courtcnoy, Jr., of San Fran
cisco, spent Wednesday in Mcdford.
G. A. Von Schultx of Spokane is a
Medford visitor.
E. G. Eberlo of Now York Is a re
cent arrival.
Max Frcdenthal ot Portland is
calling upon valley customers.
H. L. Nelson and wifo and A. D
Ritchie and wlfo ot Portland aro vis
itors in Mcdford.
John Hunter of Roseburg and D
H. Sroat ot Eugene, spent Wedncs.
day in Medford.
I.OS AXOKl.KS, Oct. 20.- The
body of Jiiss lliuiief Vcrudon, J I,
nn nrltM, was found today in n room
nt the Mission n Ointments hen.
Murk on the girl's tlnout imlicuted
that flic ltiul been hlrnugteil. She
lind been dend about m hour-'.
.Ml l.iuini K. Kovnolds u chum
of MU Vortulou, found Hie body mid
notified the police. She wax hold w
it witness.
According lo Mli KoynohK Miss
Vortidou's body wnx found in it room
uint una neon occupied uy n mnn
known ns . WiNon.
Detectives wen' sent nt once to the
iipnrtiiicnt houo, which N located in
Xorth Hroiulwny, oJom to tho Iiiim
iums section of the city.
Clad Only In Outer (inrmciitH
The girl s body wns found
stretched nero- the bed in the
apartment occupied hy WiNon. It
wnt clad only in outer garments.
The girl and her roommate en
gaged n room ut the Mission apart
ments Monday. A fow hours Inter,
according to the mnnnsemrnt of the
house, WiNon appeared nud engaged
nu apartment across the hall.
At 2 o'clock this momiuc, the
night clerk says, he found n Hrl'
panel in the door of Wil-oit's apart
ment broken, nud when he tnxesti
gated, Wilson, who nppeared in the
dark doorwnv, said thnt he had
slammed the door nnd the glass had
At Wilson's suggestion, the clerk
accompanied him to a nenrbv cafe,
when WiNon remarked that he was
hungry. After eating rolls mid cof
fee the men returned to the Mis
sion nnd Wilson went to his room.
This morning he had disappeared
Wilson Is Supported
Wilson was well dressed when ho
went to the Mission nnd apparently
hud considerable money. He wa
about -10 years of age. He is sup
posed to have come here from Santa
Miss Verndon, tho police pay, was
the wife of August Vernbam, head
wniter in a hotel grill. The couple,
it was said, had been estranged for
two years.
County Autopsy Surgeon Maische
examined the liody. He said the girl
undoubtedly lind been Mrnngled. Ap
pareutly she had been .seized iinex
pectedly nud had not struggled.
Professor O'Ouiu has iccoied Iho
following fiotn the California slnlc
commission of iiottieulluie:
"Dear Sir; In 'Hotter Knot' for
the month of October, HUH, I note
nn in lido on pour culture, liNtoiy
and present status by t yon, which
pleases me veiy much. W nro on
doavoring to gie out just such in
formation in our uiouthlv bulletin for
tho farmers of California.
"Inasmuch us our climatic condi
tions arc so much like tlioo of Or
egon, T thought Hint peihnps ou
might be willing to lel us use this
nitiole or that, with your knowledge
of California, jou. might bo able lo
revise sumo for our uo. It would
be n groat help to our giowcis nud
we would appreciate this ery much,
1 assure ou.
"Trusting to hear from you rcla-
live to this mallei- and thanking you
for the many Juvors in the past, I
nm, yours crv tmlv,
"K. O. KSSin, secielar.x."
October '27.
A (Jood ttnok to lime.
With accurate knowledgo and a
thorough Intimacy with his nillijcrl.
.Mr, Ralph 11, ltandall, hits JiiRt com
pleted, Tor The Chns. II. Lilly Co.,
their now Poultry Hook, which In a
decidedly aluablo addition to every
poultry man and fnrmoi-'ti llhriuy of
tost hooka and bullet Ins. Tho book
hnit been written, not so much with
the Idea of being a catalog, but rath
er In tho uatuto ut u guide tor poul
try men.
From first to Inst of Its forty
eight punos, It Is teeming with
thltiKH ltally Interesting and oty
useful, about poultiy. The Itigot
Sound eountrj calls for siicclal treat
ment' In Poultry Culture, conditions
being entirely different front tliono
In tho east, a'ud this book ha been
built up with thin kuowledKo III view
It deals among other thlugx. with
Tho lliisliloss of Poultry Culture,
Brooding Chirks. I)n eloping Young
Stock, Feeding for INofli. K'kks the
.Maine Issue. Picturing I'oiiltn for
Market, Ducks nod (icctc. DI.i.uch
or Poultry, Artificial tiiculmllou Cap
onjelug, Young Chicks. Moat Food
forPoultrj I'lgo.Mis The Plillo Hn
ten), Lieu nud Mltcs. Stuoutlim; OiiIm
and other nhHoiMug mattcin ot In
iciest and Importunce
AniiMig tlio iniiiiy poultry hooks
published, (his ono iiIuihIh out with
lodcplilliK dlxltiiutlnu as ouu of the
host of Us kind.
Tho Dluirt, II. Lilly Co., Hoaltlc,
vVhhIi , will gladly mall Ihln fico to
alt who unk mr II, but early appll
nil Ion h iicresMiiiy an Iho piolmhlll
Hun aio Hint thin flmt eilltluu will
hoou heroine cnIiiiiinIoiI,
For Sale
Frank H. Ray
i,'5 Tr....,i n atM wl T?i cfn
g laiuai-uiAWHumA-iiuij, a uuiui iuu-xi, $
Delicious "IVult l.aatlw" in'l
lliu in Teuilor Mltlc Sloinmli,'c mill tliiwols
Tcias arrived In town last night
and will do some wondcrrul work In
the lino of physical culture nnd
strength. Texas will exhibit his
powers tomorrow night at the Uls
Theater. Ho has Just plaed at the
Hclllg In Portland, Salem, Ktipeno
and Hoseburg, at Antlers Theater.
Ho will maku a big street parade
Saturday at ono o'clock ami will pull
eight tons, 15 wagons by his neck
nnd do other stunts.
With npparent ease ho twists
horseshoes, bonds bars of 'Iron with
simple raps over his cllett nnd back,
stralghteulng the Iron ngnln with a
similar rap and (n other ways my
stifying his audience.
Ono of his feature exhibitions Is
holding In his Jaws a bar ot Iron with
eight men on either side nnd bond
ing tho Iron with n Jerk ot Hit) Jaw.
Ho also drles numerous nails in
thick boards, pulling them out with
his teeth wltfi ease.
KANSAS CITY, Oct. 20. Tho
national council of Congregational
churches, in convention here, declar
ed today unanimously in favor of
international pence, and adopted res
olutions asking President Wjson to
disband army and navy mid to cense
building warships.
I.OS AXGKl.KS, Oct. J!. Four
men were injured, two seriously,
early today by two explosions in the
plant of the California lilm ex
change. The loss is estimated at
g'.VIOO. i ' . i
(Continued from t'ago 1)
Weeks &McGowan Co
Lady Assistant
Vuy Phono 227
Ilill?r . .F. Week ip:t-J-2
J'iiouea A. B. Qrr 07H-M
First Baptist Church
Law lecturo thU ovonlng by At
torney Newton Hordon, subject, "In
Defenso of tliu Lawyer." Uood
music. Hour 7:30.
Sunday evening Dr. MacCuIough
will glvo a study of Millennial Dawn
Ism, a reply to tho Jucturo delivered
at the Page Theater Tuesday evening
on tho subjett, "Heond tho Grave."
Many requests havo como to him to
toll thorn what Is this teaching. Ho
now summarizes thtso theeries:
1. Christ beforo HIh advent was
not divine.
2. When He was In tho world Ho
was still not divine.
3. His atonement was exclusive
ly human, a mero man's.
4. Since His resurrection He is
divine only. No longer human at all.
0. Ilia body was not raised from
tho dead. ,
C. Hlu second adyont topk placo
In 1874.
7. Tho saints were raised up in
8. Tho final consurmatlon and
end will tako placo iu 1914,
9. All tho unrighteous aud wicked
dead will be given a second chance.
10. The finally rlmpcnltent aro
extinguished hero, and auufhllutod
hereafter. This study wljl bo given
In no spirit of atticism but to In
struct the people as to what it is and
to safe-guard our churches from
falling Into tho man trup of destruction.
80 cubic yards concreto, class
70,000 pounds reinforcing
2. 21,804 cubic yards loose rock.
3. -13,412 cubic yards solid rock.
i. 13,913 square rods clearing
nnd grubbing,
5. 1,030 lineal feet 12 inch cor
rugated Iron plpo.
G. -10 lineal feet IS Inch corru
gated Iron plpo.
7. 57U lineal feet 21 inch corru
gated Iron pipe.
S, S93 cubic yards concreto, class
, I
Tho foregoing quantities aro ap
proximate only, being given as a
basis for tho comparison of bids, and
the county court of ackson county
docs not pxprcssly or by Implication
agree that tho actual amount ot work
will correspond therewith, but re
serves the right to Increase or dc
creabo tho amount ot any class or
portion ot tho work that may bo
dtomed necessary or expedient by
tho statu highway engineer ot Ore
gon. .
Plans may bo seen and forma ot
specifications and contract may bo
obtained at tho state highway engl;
ncor's office, Masonic building,
Salem; and thoy may be sccu at the
office of tho robldeut engineer ut
Tho right is reserved to reject any
and ull proposals, or to accept the
proposals deemed best for Jackson
County Judge,
W. C. LKRVm,
County Commissioner.
County Commissioner.
State Highway Engineer.
County Clerk, Jackson County.
Jacksonville, Oregon, October 29,
19 13. '
Notice Is hereby given that the
undorsicned will apply at the regu
lar mooting of tho city council, Nov.
4th, 1913, for a llrcliso to sell malt,
spirituous and vluous liquors at 32
North Front street, for a period ot
six months.
Dated October 21st. 1913.
Hvcry mother realUen. after uhlng
her children "California Smp of
Figs.' that this I their bind laxa
tive, because thoy to6 lis pleasant
tastu aud It thoroughly ctcfttiM'M the
tender little stomach, liver and
bowels without groping.
When cros, Irritable, fou'rlsh or
breath Is bad, stomach sour, look
at the tongue, mother! if mined
give a teaspuonful of this harmlosn
"fruit laxative," nnd In a few hours
all the foul, constipated waste, nitir
bile atid undigested food passes out
of the bow ols, and you have n welt
playful child again. Vhoii Its little
system Is full of cold, throat sore.
has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, Indi
gestion, colic remember, a good
"Inkldo cleaning" should utwats bo
tho first treatment given.
Millions of mothers keep "Cali
fornia Syrup of I'lgs" haud; they
unow n tcaspoonrui touay savoa a
sick child tomorrow. Ask your drug
gist for' a BO'cent bottle of "Califor
nia Syrup of Figs," which has dlrec
lloija for babies, children ot all ages
and grown-ups printed on tho bottle
lie ware of-counterfeits sold hure, so
don't bo fooled. Oct the genuine.
mado by "California Fig Sruji Com
When "PiimN IHaix'pslu" I teaches
Sjtoinadi Imllgchtloii, d'us ami
Sourness DUuppcars
You don't want a slow remedy
when our stomach Is bad or an un
certain ono or a harmful one
jour stotnuoh Is too valuable-- you
mustn't Injure it with drastic drugs.
1 'a po's Diapepsiu is noted for Its
speed in giving relief; its harmless
ness; Its cortaln unfailing action In
regulating sick, sour, gassy stom
achs. Its millions of euros In Indi
gestion, d)spcpslu, gastrltloa ami
other stomach trouble has made It
famous tho world over.
Keep this perfect stomach doctor
In your homo keep It handy- got a
largo fifty-cent case from nny drug
Sturo and thou If anyone should cat
Homothlug which doesn't agree with
them; If what they oat las liko
lead, ferments and Hourii and forum
gas; ranges headache, dizziness and
nausea; eructatlotiH of acid and un
digested food remember iih soon as
I'apo's Dlapepsln comes In contact
with tho stomach all Much distress
vanishes. Its promptness, certainty
and ease In overcoming' tho worst
stomach disorders Is" a revolution to
thoso who try It,
., ,
Tljis is Dip K!i'fcpfc
i (1) Kjijo . ijqffeo and
fresh; (2) proper brew
ing; (.') croaiu.
The first itejn pieaiis
Schilling's H(8t-in aroma-tight
cans, ,cvpi'
J'resh. 1 lb, 2 lb and 2 lb cans;
cans; cleanly granulated; 40c
n pound moneyhack.
If you know how much others ar
eaJolng tho services nt the Clirlntlau
church you would come loo.
If you know how different thesn
meetings are ouwouId be Interested.
If you know thnt wo havo In Mr
I'litpiau, not only nu evangelist of
national reputation but! imo of tho
great HHilo pn-achoru, oti would
want to hear him.
If you could hear tho splendid
music you would forget many of
your troubles and feel better in
every way.
If you knew that you would be
treated In a dignified and courteous
manner uud not bo embarrnitseil,
jou would feel a freedom In coming.
If you como you will hear tho fol
lowing sormons; ,
Wednesday night, "Shall Wo Know
Bach Othoro There."
Thursday night, "Tho (intowny Into
tho Kingdom."
Friday night, "Tho Great Certain
ties." Sunday morning, "Winning n
Sundny night, "Tho llaptlsm of
tho Holy Spirit."
If jou nro a soul winner you will
come regardlesH of your denomina
tional relation.
If you aro unsaved you will ho
mflijt 'welcomo.
Co nip.
Thoroughly modern rooms
renting from $8.00 to $10,00
per month
Bathroom and Laundry
Gas and Electric, Lights
Everything jTurnishcd
Except EatB
217 Riverside So.
Phone 900-L
kSi IkkiBSl -nn W IJ S Cuisine. European plan
Hltiiiilcit In tlir Hot, nl tlio I'rliiilpnl
'llicjilcr nud Shopping DIMilit
Itifcntly Itodciorntcd noil Hi futtilolicil Thr iogtoiit
unit Mil tec l,'iippeit Toilit) limn I tcr Itcfmo
ItooiiH nlttmiit bnlli, t.UO per iluy nod op
Itoolllo with Uilli, tsU.OO per il.M Mini lll
ti, J. KM l.M.V.NNi MMiinuer.
N. K. CI,ltM:. At. .Mgr.
Co ,
ine a
.ays e:
Tough men-
rough speech -rough
manners are fast
passing away
And - with it-the drink
ing of rough, strong;
high-proof whiskey
CyrusNoblc mild, nnd purev
,W. J. Vim Schtiyvcr &. Co., General Agents
e Portland, Oregon
Direct from Our Factory
i mom r-Aiirr noons ia, , ,t,v
k " i .
T ' . i k i , il.i.., n ir n i I
I i n . I. 1 . . l It
COTTAOK WINDOWS n r i . , .,
V.HI, I, , ,l..ju l,i, t7t (. lll. ,
Ul t' "i . . ' II W
CAIUICXT MASH, 4 ! m 10 drl
f r r li li , m fn4M llo
I Jli up f,um ... . . 4fo
INS1DK rtNISIt III Ml lkt Iu l...r i..
, . if r m.1 IV
inside tioou rnnsii, - - , wk,
wiLHAna' com iiooiiko j
I . I.T r II . f I 1 ,, li , . II IS
.li, i I II I l , l to
lit, I I I'llwf 1 1 4 II ,, .,,, W.W
ASK 1011 CATAMJO 0. "
t I : , U l n i a
r - 1
l'-- rfv
i'i .--Jr
SOLD FOR 1014 '
Wo have thoigciiey Tor Jackson counly, Buy a
' Buiek and ho pleased. ,
Ask for a ride and find out ahout dolivory.
Trucks for sale.
Tho new 101-1 models arc here and we ask your per
sonal inspection before huyiiig a ear.