1 - ., ' MWPTPQftP WAffi TJirBUNE, MEDFORD, OniSgON, TMffiDAY, (WTOlH'm 2B, .1013. .pkge iihvti,. V ZteZ. It Jeff Is Cdrtainly dn Optimistic Little Boob By "Bud",Fisher ' v "ilyiTAtrVvtvi- iTomI T'V'om U jgu. . umifcs VACAVlQflAvlW;, TMG CboDf I U'llAT't, rUj TG(? -MU'J ! TXZH TMK LAU&H I AWT k)T A ClNT Mt joue ? ivHt TMCV FK,aO TM( CONM N9 -. II' !tf HM't lO.V AJ 1h-ii mo! mo! llHvrt, aiLGAT INCOCUJ TAV (JILL. , on Ate icexet oi1 " ' ',w " TU(, MKTM? a 300 CK AV3VL(i t CIS twii f ' I u 'THAT'S "JO 'VfCM'. AMD "J t'iH "(ClAWw ra IT iwoUUJ &G 3C0, T6e-MCI.' i . . ' , I rPiVirvtf a..v ' . -- - .... . II u vwi nn-n , - w wttu-'w.'' vsa . . j u -A."' "Vtaf i Gd7 a ceT so yvSK, Z&P f BeliliB UX5 DONfT HA'lts To 'ftr 1 tiilUlVW MAfi. MAR. ( 'Si? ,, PA'( MO TJSA.SGa '"' - A . mj ..... b55v:s5yj iiiiiiiikiiUrffMijiM :ui in ?w - ,ll . -x:A Jr ' vvr Ml lis I 41 I I I FISHER GEIS THEATRE AT IIIIANTM I'AHH. Oct 2S H. V, 'llur, Inin or I'orttitiiil, Iimk Ipiixii! Hid Ornnt I'iihm iiniru liuiinu uml 111 lu(nll an iii-lii-iliitu iiiovIiik l'l luri- tiiitlli In tlm liiilliUtiK, mid Mill Kl" itull) iiforiiiiincvH )ciit wlicn itliT whin urn lillU'il. Tim now liintmKwiilaiit will nii'll Hm hoilmi wltn tli' ' Cliovvlntu HoMlor" on Novum tier f., Mini lint n iiutiilir of 'icolluiit HlifKitldim Itoolttnl for Inter tlntio. A K'Hxl llin of ininlMK iilriurt'it will lin contrnrtiiil fur, ntul tlm hitiio opmml with tliiio mioit iiftur tho "Cliuco l.tn HoIiHit" pvrfornmnco .Mr. l'llmr niiiiounrii Hint n itutulfur of linproMMih'iiln will tm limit.) In tlm Interior nrriiiiKmunt of tlm homo FORMER C50LD HILLITE SENT TO ROCK PILE .SatiinW Minnlrty, Into of tu Km. I'll' "t'Clloll run' of lllln cilj, Mriii) n Icn-illiy oiitiiuu in Port Imiil fur hii nlli'inpl ul Mf.ilirur Hon. I In Tni'Milny hit mitcriM u ii)iiMt.iHtMftiiro In llml ni,, uftnr IIHMHK il('HiH'il niK lliiilllro- (.coips tlm -lithl. mul MiriiniM'il it nohor. I Mil lIlli'l'tlMM MTi III till' ilni'l lit tin tout, mul lliii iIhj'i'iI Inni innlcr iiin-l. It whn then Hut niriniiflinly Mumlrtv inmriiil tiix imimUo, in "nil it nil." Ten il mi Ihc inn iiniMl inck ilo wrrn kUmi him in whiili to iMiHltt tint ninlloi'. Muhilny iliimrtri! hU fhwlly in IIiIm i'il nlmiK one monlh hki, Inking llie iiiiijor Miition of hi iH,-nln'i'k with Inni. Tint I'lirllnml npiiHiilt' in tlm fiixl Hiiro rwiiiwil ul' hii Mtili- UMl mIh'HiiiIkhiIx. If I lie len.ilny neuteimt Hiiffine, mul ho in fiulii imln in neiiriiif I rum tmiineolioiiit, .MiiihIii hIhhiIiI he hueli ul hm foim er iiiiU utiMtl hv n Meek horn Moil li, (lohl llill'NeMK. 'Hie ratal l'Uiit')', Thott am ninny iitiuniuil feature In the Knlem inn part plmlo pluy "Tlm I'ulul ImKney," which will bo Menu at Hm It Tliniller Tiioniluy ami Veilneilay nlr.lit thl week, don't lulm It. Hi'vernl of tho Brrnen were piiuliueil In plcturcmiuo VlrKlnla mul a thrlllliu; fox hunt In portr.i)ed, tlm itplrltoi! rhniio over tho fleliln itnd tlm iiinKulflceiu oceim In which a faith lonnhlo "Hum Ilrcakfaut" lit depleted are remarliably nlrlliliiK. Tlm atory ilealH with Hi ion KeiieratloiiH. It I the iMiHliim of Hm mule inoinberH of tlm llallovk family to receive an old eiiMilope on Hielr woildhiK eve. I.'nrli Keiuiratlon lotuntt that Hm family Ih rui mul with a luMt for drink and each hIkiih tlm plodim. ImpreHnlvo lea uoiih of HiroiiAth and weakiietiu In limn and inuliy draiiiatlo altimtlonu are ilevolnpod In the itniklllK or HiIh pleturo ami an a icbiiU n raro op portunity wan ufrorded for many nbt ablo playorH to appoar. .Mcdfonl I'ldllim I'larcN, Polling plactrn for tho city of Modfonl for tlm election or Novctm uurvjtji, 1913, imi as follews: Modfonl North CuutVal Precinct Clly llnil. i Medfoul South Central Product Building situated 911 tlm corner ot Hoiith Pi out and tttli Htiootw, .Mud ford Not Hi Mala Pieclnct HiiiIUi'h Hall on drape tttrcet. .Mud ford South, -Mali l'reelnct Dwolllug lmiirio at 32(1 Hamilton Htrcot, 0110 door north of 11th Hlreot grocery. Muiirord Oakdale Precinct 209 WohI .Main Bttoot, formerly oucuplod iiy.W. V. 1'Ufoii taljorlmi shop, Moiirord Northeast Product 810 East Main Htreet, samo bolng Hum phrny'H real c,B'"l" uMlco. Aleiirord HouthonHt precinct B2S ICasl Mnlu utroot, Porter Mousy, u ns. -sfiM v'ittr mi. S . . 'rf . -- L (U)l.l) HIM., Ott 28 -Work roiiitniiiiri'il Mo ii diiy upon tliu iioor nllu of tlm Kokiio Jtlvi-r l'utillc Her- vlro ('(irporntluii, Jimt oiii't or HiIh clt, for tlm ilnvitlnpnicnl of poMr ri'QtilriMl by tlmlr rontrnct with tlm lli'iivur-l'orllniut Cciiiunt company. OmIiik ( tli't nppronuli of winter mul tlm (omtiMjuimt IiIkIi nt(ir, tlm pr"iit liiiprowmmiiU will bo larno-l- of n toinpornry imtunt, iloM'lopltiK Ktifflclctu power to supply tlm content jcompnny within tlm next hlxty dn. With Hm approach of next mimmur Hm work of conitrtictliiK n porinn ui'iit dam for Hm developinont. of AUUO horepoer, and Hm liiNtallattoti of a Miiltnbli) plant, will bn rapidly punliwt to completion. I'crinH linn already been Mtured under nuthor liy of the Miito oiiRlneer'H office. Tho Hokum Klvor l'utillc Servlco Corpora Hon nre Miicccmora In Interest to tlm Oreuon Water & I'ower rompntiy. of Mhlch II. I). Iteed wan locnl lunimKer. Tlm nrtlvlty at Hm power ulto U tnki'ii to ttidlinlo Hm Iminedlnto eon rtrurtlou of tlm cement compmiy'it $'.00,000 plant ent of till city. NEVADA PARTIES BUY GRAND PRIZE PLACER A deal uiik oloeil Fridny wlmrehy TlmmiiH (Mr.v WiiIi) WiImiii, one of Hie iiN known tiiinittsc men of Ne vada, become the owner of the OrHiul Prixe placer, the rich mine di eoveied hmt lVliruarv liy T. M. An denmn mi 11 dry guleh triliutarv to Sucker creek, nay the drauU Pant Courier. The price paid for the pniMrty it nuilentood to ho .100,- 000, of which 11 Nuhotuutial mymen( low 11 mum made, Mr. AuderMiu to linvo oiie-fiiurtli interest in the net prnfilH paid by tlm mine ponding M't tlement in full. Thi placer Ik one of the mnt promihlug in the southern Oregon dirt tiiet nud Mr, Anderson him taken Home umiderfiilly Hell dirt from it hince lie fiixl found It. It Is Ineated in a dry gulch and the gravel him been packed on buirort to the creek, 11 ilihlaiiee of 11 mile and 11 half, de fine gold could bo wiiNhcd from it. GETS YEAR FOR STEALING MONSON'S SAMPLE CASE While Churles l Mniisou of Al- Ininy, I raveling representative of the Pacific Paper company of Portland, well known heie, wim Mopping nt the Snieedit Motel ill Kugeue hitvcral dnyx 1IK0, n Mi linger entered the lobby of tho hoMclry and pinking up the mini pie ciiNii belong to tho HnleMumi nt templed to iniike hi escape with it. Mo was canturcil, however, by tlm police mul tlm grip returned to ilH owner. Thursdav the thief, whoso name i T, V Nugent, wan nrrnigued In the elniull couft nt Kugeue, vhevo hn pleaded guilty to larceny from 11 duelling ntul mum Heutcnced hy Judgt l.uwieiieo T. Marrirt to nerve one In fiovon years in tho Oregon state pen ilentiary at Salem. j . I KANES CREEK ITEMS I Mrs. Miginbothmu mid tlm child ion upent Suturdiiy mid Sunday In Mod fonl, the guests of relatives: mul flieiids. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy MeChoneliio of Saldino crook spent Sunday on Iviinort crook the guestn of their par ents, Mr, itnd Mrs. Householder. Mrs. Hyqily mid HUlo daughter miiilo it liil to (hauls Push mi Sat urday for medical treatment for tho Utile girl. Mrs. John Mnrilou spout n day re cently with Hold Mill fiienils. Svliool u)oriliU'itlont IVttoraoit nit Ailtjliii A 1 mill tlm IliirilniiellH Nehool an offi ial ImII mi Friday. Mi: inni Mix. Lwm Hpenl n day ill the huh elly recent I v on Imihiuch. The Utile child of (leoruo llitrin Imtham, wliieli linn liecu unite hick, U Imlter. Dr. "hihnlm of (lol.i Hill Is in nttciiiliinoe. Kniien i'vuk liiiHinvsN vinltorn to (told Mill tliU week were Mr. nud Mm. I.imi, Mr. mul Mrw. Ilij;iiiliotli urn, Mr. ICiioIIh inni kou .Ifilui, Mr. mid .Mr. MoiiHclioliler, Mr. Marker, .Mr. mid Mrn. IVuuell, Mrx. Mardon, Mr. MopkIi, Mrn. Myrley, fleoro Sliinii, .lohn Chandler, .MIhcc Kulie and Mninjie Foley and Weallier Prophet Pouter. Weather Prophet Fouler foreiiHU rniu mid cooler weather fur the week eml'ini' Oeloher. Mr. Miikoii iiiudii ii InihineHH trip to (Vtitnil Point on Snttinlny. Mrx. .lumen I.uwriiiico hpent (he Intler part of tlm week with "(lardeii Iiomo'' relatives and friend. Dad Mudhoii of (lold Mill made a InihiniWK (rip to Kane Creek one dav recently. Mr.. Mean mid the children of Wil low Springs weie tlm piextM of her mother, Mr. Mrowu, not lon ince. Vim Menderxoii hpenl several days reeently the fienl of Minn 1 .tin Ma ton. PHOENIX -vM Mrs I K Buillii. .mil Mm I ullmr ""u" lo wla ul0l " -.ouw.O" ....,- ! " . . .'. .1 . boarlug C per cent Interost, payable Stnneliff spent Saturday in Meilfnrd.lsoml-.innually nt any Hmo beforo Carl Cobleicli of Butte Fulls spent! purl of Ins) week in town, U'tiirt Culver is in the hills 011 11 hunting vacation. Marry Houston and J. Vmulvko spent last week hunting in the lulls. Mis Norah Shaffer spent last week with friendrt at Foots- Creek." The concert nud euteitaiumeul given by the Fireman's hand was well attended. The progiosK mmle by the baud during the short time it bus been orgmiireil under the able leader ship of Professor M. I). Mill, was the subject of much fluttering comment. John Basin, ueeoiiipauieil by his three boys, returned from Fish Lake the first of Hm week. Mr. Bnillie returned la-t Weiliies day from Vancouver. British Colum bia wlieio he Nilcil his mm for 11 few dayrt niter attending tile Mate PrcHhylcriaus in I'm Hum!, While in Vancouver he vMted Frank WJlbor ami Henry (lokey, foimer resiileiits of Phoenix. Me found both gentle men well mul prospering in their bus in ess. Tho W. C. T. V. will meet at tho home of Mrs.' S. C. ('ope Thursduy afternoon. The loforeiuUiin ineus urcs il all be discussed, Mrs. A. SPECIAL TODAY Soveu-room bungalow for rent, only $21) per month. Five-room cottage, $10, nil mod ern. Another five-room cottnge, $8,50, water paid. If you want to buy a cheap home sou mo beforo you buy. 1 euii hell you n stock ranch cheap. E. 3. STEWARD Room 204 Fruitgrowers Bank lildg, Offlco phono 531. Bos, phono 822-J. FOR SALE 50 acrcii rich bottom lniui, in ap ples, pours, vegetables ami corn. Well Improved, $225 por aero, nunp. 25 acres apples and pours, good soil, near town. Soo this bargain. 10 acres, part In nppii1", cheap, FOB KXCllANUK Cal oily lota for cheap lnnd, or Medford property, will nsHiimo. Largo rooming house for moun tain ranch, Soo hm for bargains In oxchangos mid business opportuni ties. P. L. f YHURSF ltio v, Willi St.i Metlford, Ore. IT , ?i ;ywiflDfiSD'1 'M,Mi .m$ -'''"$&& ('. Scot I will preJH'iit the iiniwndty iipjiroprintion mid Mr. 1 V. Bar iiitru tho county ntloruey menfiiiref. The workirien'rt compoiiKation tnln uro will also he prevented. Mr. KlieelH will proxehl the Mormon me nace. Mr. Khcctti lived for several yenrn in Utah mid known whereof nlie ppenkB. The tneetinp i open to the puldie mid till who ant interowtcd in thfo eivio iimlioim nre enrnelly uracil to attend. A xlraw hallot will be laken on each of Hie referendum 1 meiiHiiroH. Como and vote.. At tlm PrcHuytcnan chtireh Sun day John Bonar and Heorpe Itelierts were elected delepsteii to nttend the coming Sunday hohonl convention in' .Mcuioru nun nnymoiui riHii, .Allien Gnmmill and Clayton Kleuer to at tend (he hoyrt cmncnlion neon to be held nt OrnntH Van. NOTICK. Notice, In hereby given that tho undcrflgned will apply at the regu lar meeting of the city council, Nov. 4th, 1913, for n llccmo to Belt malt, tplrltuoim and vinous liquors at 32 North Front street, for n period of ilx months. m. and r. j. Adams. Dnted October 21st, 1913. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given thot tho town council of tho town of Phoenix, Oregon, will reecho scaled propnyala mr 1110 purennso or ita iui;. water, :30 o'clock p. m. on tho 10th day of November. 1913 Bids may be mailed or delivered to the town recorder of said town on or beforo said date and 110 bid will bo considered for less than par and nc crued Interest nud tho council re serves the right to reject any and nil bids. All bids must ho accompaulod by a certified check drawn upon 1 sonio state or national bank of Jack-j son county, Oregon, for 5 per cent j III (1117 4UIIUIIIIV Ulll IUI P.llll I'UUlia, Satd nmoiint to be forfeited to said town as liquidated damages In caeo the sniuo shall fall to purchase and pay for said bonds In nccordunco with said bid within thirty dnys nfter bo lng notified ot the acceptance of said bid. F. K. FURRY, Recorder of tho Town of Phoenix, Oregon. FOR IlEXT FL'RMSIIKD A ITS. FOR RENT Largo sleeping: rooms, and modem housokoeplug apart ments, prices very reasonabto. Phono 102C-L. 223 South Holly street. FOR HKNT OFFICES FOR REN'l Largo, comfortable of fice, rooms with elevator aervlco, steam heat, hot and cpld wator. Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture & Hdw. Co. WHY? ALFALFA ? AN ACBE. 40 ncrcB, ono mile from Gold Hill, just ott Pacific Highway. 10 acres In alfalfa, 5 acres In potatoes, 10 acres In corn. Dost of free soil. Good neighborhood. Price $2000, Wo do not bellovo it can bo duplicated for twlco tho pHco asked. J. O. BARKKS, Phono 120-J. First Nntlonui imuk bldg. NEW TODAY A houso and about two acres In tho town ot Woodburn, between Portland nud Salem, good buildings, well equipped for .making n living off tho place It deslrod. On account ot asthma tho owner would exchange for a placo ot Hko vuluo lu Medford. $1000.00 includ ing a cow and a nice bunch ot ehlck eiifl, nud full oqulpmont mid food, O, 1). HOON MootU is, Jackson County iMnk, Bldg. MJa LUCK.V .' f XiSm i " !ff? 1l Jfefe 1 ilf iiiiir.. ft ii u t i j t i j J, .i -'.LuB ftr'.-iW ran Jmlf L , gftuiH j" u. Jrlk, L , FOB lli;.NT HOUftKS FOR HKNT New modern 3 room liuiiKalor on jmvement clone In. 417 Jay St., off South Oakdalc. 188 FOR RUNT C room modern bunga low, flnt clam. Phono 420-J. 190 FOR Ri:NT OR SAM-: 5 room mod ern houio with cs rango. 731 W. Second St. 193 FOR RENT Seven room home, $12.50. Inquire Col. H. II. Sar gent. 199 FOR RHNT Modern soven room house with sleeping porches, fur nished or unfurnished. C room house, nlro three room houso with berry pntch. W. II. Ererhard. 1013 West Ninth, phone CG7-J. FOR HKNT -Furnished house, 3 rooms, strictly modern, cloto In. Phono 3CC-J or 7S-R FOR RENT Five-room house, 4 blocks from postofflcc. Apply Dr. Helms, at 111 Fir nt. North. 191 FOR HKNT Furnished two room house, also hall bedroom fur nished for elderly people. 231 East 9th St. 198 FOR RENT Five room house cheap, paved street, water paid: call 1021 N. Central Ave. Phono 795-M. rOK KENT FL'RNISIIKl) HOOMS Foil '"RENT VurnUhed rooms at tho Coleman. 1003 W. Main. 191 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, with or without board, close In. Mrs. O. II. Wolf, 340 So. Riverside. 190 rOU KENT HOUHICKKEPIXQ BOOMS FOR RENT Regular dining "ToonT kitchen, bod room nicely furnished, auodern. closo In. 417 Jay St., off South Oakdale. 18S FOR RENT Two nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. All conven iences, on pavement, closo in. 417 Jay St.. off South Oakdale. 1SS FOR SALE I-AB.M. LANDS Foil SALE Land "bargatns.'u N. Judd, Tnlent, Jacksou county, Oregon, him for sale fruit, garden and alfalfa laud. Tracts from 5 to 1000 ncres; also timber land, a livery stable, lots In Talent, Mcd ford ami Ashland. Write, enclos ing stamp, or, better still, como and examine. Orchards, homes, and farms, In a thriving center In una of the garden spots in tho Rogue river valley. FOB SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Four room houso. k aero garden laud, cast side. A bargain, tonus. Phono 994-W. 1SS FOR SALE OR TRADE Good resi dence property. W(ll take vacant property for part payment or will sei on easy torniB. Address box 55, cure Mall Tribune 189 FOR HALi: MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE White Leghorn chickens Phono 1102-L. 1S9 FOR SALE OR TRADE For top single buggy, a light delivery wagon. Nash Livery Barn. 193 FOR SALE Fresh Jorsoy cow, ex ceptionally good. Phone 500-R2. 192 FOR SALE Ten head hordes; ono pinto pony, 3 years eld: four work nuiros, 4 to 8 yenrs old, wolght about 1000 to 1200 lbs.; 2 saddle liorbcs, 0 and U years old, weight nhout 900 lbs.; 1 mule, C years old, weight about 1000 lbs.: 1 mare, 7 years old, weight about 1000 lbs. Horses can bo seOn at Nash Ltv ory. O. K. Lowe, 1SS FOR SALE Wood, body fir 4 foot wood lu car loud lots. Call or address John Neunor, Gleudalo, Ore. 207 FOR SALE Hogs, calves, grain hay aud alfalfa hay, Robert Button. Medford, phono 539-RU, FOR SALE Cheap, several stands boes. Box 355, Control point. 199 FOR SALE Two thoroughbred Jor soy bulls and twenty calves. Walsh's ranch on Spring stroot, mllo out North Hoosovelt aveuue. 200 FOR SALE Corn. Inquire Clancy, Dr. v SferWSK" 'S- O-1 '111 I I, ?tr rtPyjrcMr 9i5 Z'S) Co FfJU HAI.B MIACRiitiAXKOUH FOB 'sAhBURlit road buggy, 1 : l i'. 1101 W. Kth St. 1S8 FOR 8ALB Urown I.eKliorn breed ing cockerels, 11.00 ench If taken Immediately. Jan. W. Dunlop, Mcdford. 188 FOR SALE- Well dried, ound corn, $20 ton, delivered shucked. I'hono 19-F23. 193 FOR SALE Large team and wagon and harness. Call at 1211 West lth St. 188 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Married man wishes po sition on ranch. Experience. 1139 West 9th St. 207 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Girl or woman for gen eral housework. I'hono 1C-J. 1S9 WANTED Girl for gonorol house work. Phono C11-R3, or address Box 9S-A. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Span of work horses, weighing about 1300 each, not over over 8 years' old. Wrlto box 302 Central Point, Ore. 192 WANTED To borrow $1750 nt S per cent, good sccurlety. Box II, care Mall Tribune. WANTED One horse to work this fall and winter for his feed. Phone 452-W. 1SS WANTED 100 dozen eggs and spring chicken or hen turkey or goose at Manhattan Cafe, IS Front St. 1SS WANTED If you have any cast off clothing or shoes phone 103Q-L or call at 130 N. Front St. 189 WANTED For a client, a loan of $2000 on $10,000 Mcdford proper ty. Wm. P. .Mealy. WANTED To buy or trade for one or two closo In lots. Glvo location and price. H. II. II., caro Mall Tribune. JAPANESE HANDWORK LAUNDRY Handwork wears longer, keeps clean longer, samo prlco as ma chine work. Wo mako a "specialty ot shirts and collars. All orders called for and delivered. Custom prices. Phone 79-J, 52S South Fir St. 191 c LOST $5.00 REWARD - Lost ono white Fox Hound, blnck ears, yellow spot over right eye. black spot on rump, branded "W." on loft shoulder. Address BonJ. Brophy, Eagle Point. Oregon. 192 MONET TO LOA5 MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo in ranch property. ' C. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phono 3G8. FOR KXCIlAaUK FOR SALE OR TRADE At a bar gain, a small bearing fruit farm In city of Ashland, good house, city water and lights. Como and see quick. II. Easterly, ;27 Torrace St. 194 BUSINESS DIKKCTOKV Auto buppMrt. LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret lu making sptlngs Is the toiuporlng. Wo nro operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plaut In tho Pacific northwest. Use our Bprlugs when others tall. Sold under guarantee. 20 North Fif teenth St.. Portland. Ore Attorneys, PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MRALEY Attorneys-ttt-Law, Rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Bunk bldg. A. E. HEA51ES, LAWYER aarnett Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main Btrect. Medford, Ore. Wm. M. Colvlg George M. Roberts COLVIO & ROBERTS. LAWYERS Medford National Bank Building. B. F. MULKEY & GEO. W. CHERRY Attornoya at Law, Jacksou Coun ty Bank Building. NEWTON W. BORDEN Attorney at law, room 7, Sparta building, Med ford, Oregon. lfll BUSINESS DIKKCTOKV Auctioneers WILLIAM ULRICII Llcnsed Auc tioneer for the City of Medford. Oregon. Terms reasonabto. Resi dence, phono 1GI-J. Offlco Jack son County Bank building. Cliirojinuturs DH. R. J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor, nervo specialist. Rooms 203-204-205 Qarnott-Corey bldg. Vapor baths and sclentlf'c massage glron; neodlo spray, head and shoulder shower In connection; ndrlco In dietetics. medical gymnastics, hydroptherapy. Lady attendant. Phone, office 945, residence 571-1? DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Louts B. Hedges Mechano-Theraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylothcraplsts. Theso systoms, Including dietetics, cu ra ttle gymnastics, hydro-therapby, etc.. produce results In both acute and chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. Orer Douel & Co., cor ner Main and Oartlctt. Hours 9 a. m. to C p. m. Other hours by appointment. Phono 170. Garbage GARBAGE Get Tour premises cleaned up for th winter. Call on the city garbao wagons for good service. Phone 625-L. F. Y. Allen. Hernial DR. W. II. VAN SCOYOO DR C. C. VAN SCOYOC Dontlsts Garnott- Corey bldg.. suite 310, lied ford. Ore. Phono 856. Notary Tubllc HELEN N. YOCKBY Notary pub lic. Bring your work to me at the sign of the Mall Tribune. Printers and 1'ubllMicra MEDFORD PRINTING Co! has "the best equipped printing offlco In southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North FlrSt. Physicians and Surgeons DR? F " G "OARLO i W," 1m EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathlo physicians, 41G-417 Garnett-Coroy bldg., phono 103C-L. Residence 20 South Laurel St. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE 8. LOCKWOOD. M. D. " Practice limited to diseases ot women. Offices 233 E Main. Phones, resldeuco, 811-J2; offlco 814. DR. J. J. EM MENS Physician and surgeon, rrncttco iimitou to oyo, oar, nose aud throat. Eyes scien tifically tcstod and Kinases supplied Office 22S East Malu St.. Hours 8:30 u. ro, to S p. m. Phone, . E. B. PICICKL, ii. D. Offlco Jack son County Bank bldg. Offlco phone 43-U; residence phono 58-R. DR. MARION Physician and sur. geon. Stewnrt bldg., corner Main and Bartlett fits.: offlco phono 27. rosldonco phono 27-J-2. 904 West 10th. DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Physi cian aud surgeon. Office Palm block, opposite Nnsh Hotol. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician acd surgeon. Phones', offlco 30, resi dence 724-J. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 6, , , . DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia Physician, .303 Garaett - Corey building. Phone PQ4-M. R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Over Hutchison & Lu mi don. 215 E. Main St. Phono 77., Btcnogrnplier ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stonographto work done quickly and well. Transfer BADS TRANSFER 4 STORAGE .QO, -rOffleo. 42 Nprth Front St. Phpno 315. Prlcod right. Service guar untend. sis: Wood Sawing J. W. SLATER. WOOD SAWER. Phono S24-M, 120 jionruman avr- 198 ty