. . PA'GMOUtt MDFORD' TVrATG TRTBUNR. MF.DFORP, ORIWOtf. 'rTKSDAV, OtTOHKK L8. 101.1. AlEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE ANT IN'llKPI'Nni'NT NJVVHIA11,'1I l'UIJt,lHlli;iJ KVK11Y AKVKKNUON H.VX'KI'T hl'NIJAY )Y TUU MHUPOIID l'llINTlNQ CO. Tho Democratic Timon, The Moilfonl Mull, Tlio Arrdford Trllninn, Tlin Potith cm OrnRonlnn, The Anlitun.l Tiltitino Qfflca Mnll Tribune JimMInc, 3fi-37-:d 'North l'lr atrrct. toluiilione 75. OfflrJnl INtncr of tlio City ot MctUord. Official t'npcr of Jarkpon County, QUOnai: 1't'TNAM, Hillter nn.1 MnKr REMEDYING PETITION ABUSE Kntarol tie nidand-clttt matter Ht ittolfiirii. Oropftit, undfr tho art of March 3, 1ST P. JJUHOCnirTION HATES, 8ne yoar, by mH . . .... . . .JS.W Hy month, br ma'i . .46 Per month, iltlUrrrrt iy carrier In Mcflfonl, Jtirki nvii.o Niid Cen tral Point. . . 0 Baianta wily, br mall, )r ynr. t o WmUcly, Pr yrar . ..- . 1.10 uwoitN c:ncui.AT:oif. flatly nVnmit r,r Htttn month end ln Novctalxr lo. nil. i"5i Tribune Is on mle nt the ivh Ktuhil. Pin rmnoljco Tb Mall lrrv Noivh Portland llot-l N.i Stand. Portland Pnrtlntid Ni Co.. Portland. Ore V. O. Whitney, Seattle. Vah. rail Seated Wire United Xrtia Sltpatchta. MEDrOKD. OREO OK. Mvtropolla of Southern Ore Rim and Northern California, mid tho fastest- Krnuin rlly In Oregon. Population V. S. emus 1910 SS40; eatlmate.1, !! 10.000 rive bunderd thousand dollar Gravity Vtr Slem coinplctcil. giving finrat supply iwro mountain water, and 1T.3 miles .of street a jinved. INntoffle receipts for year cmllnc Noj'BOJbcr JO,. 1911, show Increase, of It per cent Ilanner fruit city In Oregon ltosue ltlvcr Spltxcnberir apples won awcep ntnken prtn and title nf "Appla Xing' of the World" nt tho National Apple Show, Spokane, 1909, and a ear of Newoun won Tint rrixe In 1910 nt Canadian, International Applo Show, Vancouver, H. C MRS DROWN SOBS ARRAIGNMEN I OAKLAND. Cal.. Oct. 2S. Sol) lilnc hysterically, "don't say that word 'nun-dor, " and protestlns; plt cously that she did not slay her hus band, Archer O. Drown, Friday morn liiB, Mrs. Milllo Drown wna ar raigned boforo 1'oMco Judge George SatnnolB horo today. Finally, when tho indictment bad been read, Mrs. Drown collapsed moaning hi tbe amis of tho prison matron. A now puxzlo has arisen in tbe case over tho discovery that but ono bullet penetrated Drown's head. Two other bullets have been found1 but tho fourth ono is unaccounted for. Tlloro wcro four bullets fired from Mrs. Drown's revolver. Tho pollco-bavo abandoned all other theories to nccount for the crimo and now place tho niotlvo as jealousy alone. ' T? OHiMER 'SENATOR JONATHAN ROrWNE. .Jt. proposes lo introduce mi initiative bill to remedy (he abuse of tho'veferondum as exhibited bv the university- and compensation referendum.? and of the initiativo as shown by the submission of sectional and personal measures and of the L'oealllo gratify spite, lie would accomplish this by proinoiting tne paut circulation ot petitions. The effect of such a measure would be to limit the use of the initiative, relereuduni and recall as a court of last resort for the people. .In other words, public senl i inent would have to be strong enough for the people to voluntarily circulate and sign petitions ot their own accord. The bill Mr. .Ronnie has-drafted reads as follows "From And ftr the watac of thin act It ahull bo unlawful for any person to ulvo. otter to kIo. promise to Klvo or cntuo to b Riven, tlliectly or Jndlrattly, any valuable connldorntlnn. 0111 ploy liiont or niipoltitnunu for (ho vurpo of inducing: any other pui-sou to circulate or nocuro Hlgimturoa to any petition for the Inltlrttho. Korerfiidum, or Itccnll, or for plnclng the uatn of nn Hrou utran any ballot or for tho nomination of any pcron for any orrlce provldel for by th evonstltutlon or tho laws or th" stato or Orepon or of any municipality therein. An person convicted ot tho lolatlon of any or the provisions of thtta act shall be puulhnd I15 a fine of not Ws than $100 nor more than $1000. or by Imprisonment in the cuntt Jail not less than ono mouth nor more than one year." In support of the measure. Mr. Ronnie, who is a firm believer in the Oregon system, and would prevent its dis credit through abuse, says: The poIp purpose of the Oregon Sy?tom of Popular Government Is to secure an offoctlvc- prelon of the will of tho people. So far as tho Initiative, lleterendum. Direct Primary and Hocntl do secure such expres sion, thoy are inclinable powers In government. To the oxtont that they fail in this regard, they nrc defective, and remedial monsures should be adopted. The beitinnlnK of action under these reserved powers must be by 1 petition which Is designed to represent a certain amount of public sentiment In favor, of n speciflo movement. Kxporloncu has shown, however, that men favoring certalu measures or candidates employ others to circulate petitions and secure slRiiature thereto, paying n specified sum for enrh signature secured, with tho result that the petitions do not truly represent public scntlmrut. To U16 extent that a petition doos not represent the de Biro ot tho people. It Is n means of deception. Kxporleuco has also shown that the practice of employing paid circulators not only results In securing signatures out of proportion to public sentiment but encourages unscrupu lous persons to forge signatures. This evil has boon so pronounced not only In Oregon but In Ohio that remedial measures are urgently needed. Wo must preserve unimpaired tho right ot potlttotL Hut preservation of tho right of petition does not rcqulro continuance of the practice ot em ilolng paid circulators any more than preservation of tho right to vote re quires continuance of tho former practice of paying men to go to the polls, AH that Is necossary Is free opportunity for preparing circulating and filing petitions. Mr. Bourne invites the co-operation of those who be lieve in the effectiveness of such a measure to aid in circu lating petitions and those who are willing to voluntarily offer their services are requested to address him at Port land, Chamber of Commerce building. fnctii- or in much us nrconxim could lie replaced in little Hum nml ivl little eohi, ho small tint! Hie in- I Iciest Hint would he pilned from not tyuiK up n Inrpo iimonnl of money id Hip iwo-inoh suil'iice Injor would neatly pay for he rottffnciit)r. Different Tj pes "N'ot nil slivlc highway nro to lie of this 1ve. Tliu conunisiott will ouler different kinds of vonds. 111 keepiuij with Hie locality nnd Irnffic conditions, lint Hie typical typo of stale liiielwny will bo Hie concrete base, bituminous siirfnoc type, 'flic conuivto will Inst for centuries. In addition to Fletcher's opinion, nulontobtlt"ls nnd fanners who lmve oecntion to Hie new liinhwny strip of several miles between Sne- ramento nnd Konille niv iinmimse lv jdensed with that road. ll "ur- fnce m ns smoolb as !. well griulcd, wide nnd willi Mionlders enough lo nllow the pnssiiitr of three or four vchlclen tit one time. The new nutomobde art. which jroes into effect January 1, will yivc the hiitliwHy commission about one half its revenues for the upkeep of Hie road, nmeuntliij: lo about SfiDO, 000, which tho comuiiiou esllmnleis will kerp tliop roads in jf,ud condi tion nil the lime. With foundations (lint will lust forerr and money lo rcidncfl surfacing and repair tbe slighte-t defect, California N ltnv intr good roads built by the liigliuin couiint.'.slou. BALD AT 35 Clcan-c the Scnlii; NoiirUli the llulr and .eer (!ttn llahl, l'"o ParUliiu Sage E TO HELP OUT E CREEK COUNTRY "i ' " W.SlllNr.TON Uot. S8 -SonnWr l.nnc has taltml up tne run ho or w tiers In Iho Mitlo nrcek region, In tho Koguo river country piu'tlcularly u .Iqsophliie and. Ourry. counties. TIoy ddslro to huvo a road, (.onntruelgd across tho mouptuln lint owing to tho largo areas t Intro' Embraced .In tho forest reserve am In tnllroad grants, there In nn inifflclimt In eoi'uo from tuxes to nibtit tho cost. Senator lniu fi'ijh that ho known tho rejtlon well, that It Is 0110 of tho most delightful to bo found nnyw'ho'rc, nnd was famous In tho days ot tho early gold seekers as tho location of Happy' Camp. "The action ot tho govern- j meut In grunting away millions of j dollars worth of land and In con serving much more for tho fotewts," said he. "has deprived tho people ot ! much of tho taxable value that they j should be able to draw- uu and I I shall try to get Secretary of tho In-' lerlor l.auo to make a rensounldo at-' Inwnnro for roods. I'nllliig In thnl J I shall nsk congress to make nn up-1 proprlatlou. as It Is In common Jus-1 tico bound to do. If it refuses, I shall feel very much hurt." PAGE THEATRE OCTOBER 31 ST HENRY MILLER in "The Rainbbw ; The dcliyhtful dramatic comedy which charmed New Vorl; for a season at the I liberty theater. ( One season in New Vorl,:, all last year in Chicago, Reston and Philadelphia. .Metropolitan cast and beautiful production, .Mr. Miller plays Med ford only on his tour be tween Portland and Sail I'YaiieiHco, SEAT SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY MORNING. .PPICKS: Lower floor. $1. $!.:.(); Paleoiiy, first row, Jr'l..)0, 1.1)0, TV and ."iOe. NOTICE Positively none scaled during the acts ISIS THEATRE VOTE PROGRESSIVELY KIKIT, Oct. 2S. Professor fcik orogky of Kieff niiiverxity declared a a witnot-H nt tho lleilis triul to dny, bis belief that "ritnnl munlen" tiro common union;; tbe Jews. A dis OHition from the nrehimaiidrite Am broiius was nlso rend into the rec ord, telling of many enses of such murdor of which tho Arcbinmi'drito bad beard, but mentioning none of ivbicb be bad netual knowledge, Tbe Iloilis prosecution wns sup posed to huvo rented its rnse, but orders woro said to linvo been re reived from Stl l'uterlJurg to bolster it up still further, tho higher author ities feeling that tho showing hu been very xvenl: thus far nnd that there wuh homo cluineo ot nu uc- (Iiiitttil. 1'mfosRor Sikorohky mid Hie Arebimundrile ure bitterly unti-Juw-inli. NI8W YOltK. Oct. 28. Small and irregular change marked tho open lug ot tho stock market today. Cana dian I'nciiio lost lVj and Westing Iioiibo a full point. Union Pacific declined half. Hook Island pre ferred advanced a point tit tho open InK but lot tho gain on tho next transaction. I.ntor In tlKcdaV tho niarkot ro lyunod tho alow upward inovemont xylth whlcll tho week bogan. Price fluctuations avoragod about n point, with the advance In full awing nt jipon. Uonda weto steady. Tho innr ;t closed weak. THIEVES STEAL KNIVES FROM ASHLAND. STORE XTO argument worth v of the name is made against the L n TJnivcrsitv of Oregon appropriations bv those who have invoked the referendum because there is no argu ment. 1 For six veal's tho work of the university has been ham pered by this constant abuse of the referendum. In this time the attendance has been doubled and the standard of the university raised a remarkable showing, considering the conditions. The talk of saving the taxpayers money is nonsense, for the appropriation has alreadv been provided for, and if not thus utilized, will be diverted for other purposes. The talk of the university in politics and "log rolling" is bosh, for the university will henceforth be provided for upon a nullage basis and not again come belore the leg islature. Consolidation talk of the university and Agricultural college is merely to becloud the issue. The work of tho two institutions is different. Each has its sphere and the tendency everywhere, is to segregate the institutions. To use the Oregon system to cripple and dwarf the state's educational system is to bring it into universal dis repute. For a state like Oregon to have to send those desiring higher education out of the state to get it, is a disgrace. . The best advertisement the state can have, reflecting its education, culture and progress, is a strong university and every progressive citizen should make a point of it lo go to the polls and vote yes on the university appropri ations. Only by perfecting our educational system can popu lar government bo made a complete success. Don't grow Imld at SB aa thous ands of men do ye! and Women ulao. Failure, to keep the hair pro perty notirtoliwl uml the scalp freu from dandruff Is one of tho main cnutea of baldness. If your hair Is thinning out Im mediate action Is necessary. Pari sian Sago Ia Just what ou need to remove dandruff, stop falling hair and Itching scalp 'nnd make thu hair strong, beautiful and vigorous. This dollgiuful and refreshing hair tonic which Is now sold at drug gists and toilet countori in 50 cent bottles, Is rigidly guaranteed. If Parisian Sngo does not glvo complete satisfaction Chas. Strang wlU return your money. Parisian Sago steely supplies hair needs.. The first application removes dandruff, lnvlgorn.A,tho scalp and puts life and beauty Into thin, dull and failed hair. PliotoplnjH TilCMtd "'id Wednesday '1 in-: wiii;i:us or r.vn: Sellg Spetlat In Tuo Keels P.VTIIK WltKKI.Y X III ,lW8 .mux TuiiivstSwitifriiiCHrr featuring John lluuny l'inch nnd flora Coming Tliur-dny Only S.Wiai IIV TUU IwVIOIV Vltngra'ph Specls! In Two Itiwls IT Ik eatre How" California Builds State Highways Coffee An all-wool garment to keep you warm and hold its color; a cotton one at half . the price that does neither; which is cheaper Coffee that pleases and cheers and coffee tiiat doesn't what's the use of comparing prices .' "What's coffee for? Quallty-o c 0 n o m y makes Srlillllug's Dent the least ex pensive. In aromu-tight cans; 40c u lb money ! k. (FrH Ike- Sacramento Ueo.) lover nearly every other form cr SerorfU .newspapers lmvo publish- roadu is Hint it will not, buckle ind cd reeentlv tbe ebnrgo Hint tbe "new innkn tbe ridgos iienn.s the roid th. t A VOID IMPURE MSLH for Infants and Invalids Got HORLICK'S TOMOIIT 7 P. M. Tuesday and W'eduesduy "Tin: r.vr.u. i,i:,rv Kali'in's dramatic classic In 2 parts. A gripping story and a thrilling foxhunt. "I.OVi: IXffK.'XITO" A snappy, clover comedy, full of funny situations. Keennny. "HSU WITH A STOItAtii: HAT. TK'HV IX ITS IIKAIX" "COXSTAXTIXOPU:", Pntho "PltOMI.'XAIlK IX ItOMI?" llasklns and nankins Piano, traps, drums, otfvcu Page Theatre (Well Mealed and Ventilated) Wednesday, Oct. 29, 1 Night Only special .Scleeied Hill from Orphcnm. Paut ages and Sullivan iV. Considine Circuits The Big HciullincL's CLAYTON and DREW PLAYERS Present "OTHELLO OTTDONE" A si ivani from start lo finish. Kive People. Special Scenery ami Mffects. .... THE LOWES Wonderful and Senna- tioiml Kent h with the Uiaso Davo (Smiloa) Gardnor Singing his own Songs. PAGEOSCOPE duiisMou -Lower I-'loor ."(V, Halcoiiv .'loc. Doors Op,n 7 P. M. O'BRIAN and LEAR Charaetcrizations SANTUCCI The Wixard of the Aeeol'dcon WOOD SaL roi; oaie OAK. FIR, LAUnEL AND SLADWQ0D IN TIER, CORD At(p CARLOAD LOTS Frank H. Ray scenic yav(l ftt Sixth aml FJr Sta 1 1 .. i . i . i .o; i wXfx w w iwiiAtsty iui PHONE 7C0-R Coming ThuriMlay night only "TIIIJ IIIMS OP STItlPH", l.llbln S reef, ".iiatLsi,ii axii tin: iioi.v l-AXO." NEW YORK Giants vs. CHICAGO White ox Medlord, Nov. 17 It means the Ordinal and Genulno Q.Aiira Coic nnflv MALTED MLR,t'ecureseiUscarly fctnte bigbways beinif conbtrueted under Hie $18,000,000 bond Iwitie ure of poor quality, an accusation mot v originatiiif; and fontered by di- f-niihlifd contraclorx. The Oakland Tribune in puhlifchiii? Mich n fetory rectntlv nf-kml The lleo for iiiforiuu- mnl'Aa frnirdin,. r,nf, i.iifiOMwni fil jolts nnd jar on nitttiy other tjlf of roods. Onclticli Siirfuclng "Some cnntrniitorri have eoiilcid ed for- n mirfnoiti' of nt liwt two inebtw. The commission iiivc-titr.t flio Willinm Simpson Iluidwnie ?oro nt Abblnnd wH cnlered ,by tliiovcs Jronduy 'iiisht t nnd' 'throe dg):oii knivori stolen. The inline Yillinm SlmpMon is enprnved on each bjiulc, which ought to be n incaiiH of fcjieedy detection of tho burglars. -t tion ot tlio quality of the roads wnon fi(1 (i.jg tboroimblv. A two-indi this paper oxproHed satisfaction with llllV0r ...011i,i .... . nliltlM H rni.. the puridity with which they wcroj,,,. a jiaf.iM(,i, ny(,r nnd would Ium bein" built. nl.mil livnlvn venr. Tlin liiilf-lncli I ; '- I'letcjier DcfemU ltontN I layer will bif-t tbrno yenw or moic Stnte Illt'liwav Knaincor Austin H.!whon it enn be ronowtd for ubout tho Flotchor of tho highway cnmnilMinn is the expert on rond lniildiiiK. Tn explanation of the roads hoiug buill FJcU'bor said: "jrost of the "Into biglnvnys mo licintr buill with n foundation of Rolid pcncreto four or five inohos in depth. Tlio surface below that ii first care fully pratk'il, so tho concrete will last for nil time. Upon thfc is placed tho wenriiij; fiurfaoe, a thin oontiiir' of iifrphnliio oil of a ppcniul quality and htono sgreejiinfe's, forming a bitumin ous pfirpct from tbreo-oi;lilbs to one bnlf inch in .tbicknosB to serve n n wonting Bitrfnco to protect tho con oieto. ' - . i "This stylo of roud was only se lected after tho most exhaustive tofcls of the wcniiuc qualities 'of other roads. An mlvaniiigo it bus mtercsf Hint would money tied up in a Tho two-inch layer much more inclined be lost on the two-inch layer. would iil"i) bo to bucklo and trsiis .'. f a. . The Food-Drlnk for all Agos Rich mdk, malted grain, in powder form. For infants, invalids nd growimr children. I'urcnutrition, upbuilding il whole body. Invigorates nursing mothers awl tl aged. More healthful than tea or eolfec. Taks no aubtltuto. Atk for HORLICK'S UORUCK'S Contains Pure Milk On .sale at Nash and Med lord hotels, The Qui, and Hrown k Mall. Reserved seats $2; general admission $1. would need more enrc. "We hnvo taken snmples from slate liiulmnyH that lmvo been under heavy trnffio for eij,'bt months, and tbe condition is exceedingly good. The conerelo is in excellent condi tion nnd the hitumlnoim surfacing liltlo worn. "Evory three yenrs tbo enliro mir- JoKn A Perl UxidertaKer Lady Assistant. 2H 8. IlAKThlSlT Phones M. 17 anil 17-J-a Ambubuice rJcrvlco Deputy Coioucr E.D.Weston Official Photographer of the Medford Commercial Club Amateur Finishing Post Cardri .f . Panoramic Work Flash lights Portraits Interior and exterior views- Negatives made anv tiuif and any place by appoint ment. 208 E. Main Phone 1471 Winter Is Horo Tho Timo to Tako ' The Wonder ful Chinese Herbs For All Ailmonts World's Famous Chinese Doctor 295 Second St., Ashland, Or, T. Foo Wah Herb Co. Offico Hours, 9.. A. M. to 8 P. M, Evory Day Raises tfoetoou&h j Better I Al I. GROCTRS o J sfCWQUh-. i ' I i i' if SPHHRHMmHL ii r ii r, Draperies W tarrr a v ry oomnlelo lint of 1ii t. . U.t rurtal'ia. rUlurra. ato., an'l ili all in,. n iiiliilaii,rlMK A aim' 41 iMi'ii I'l lnoK arir thla winrk rl'l '.: HI .1 v l KlVfl OH ItlMlll v ' i l iKiaallila tn gut In vau I'.n IH((. ll C.'!", Wook3 & McGowan Co. T. F. PRATT "The Healer" hat madii tho blind nee, tho dent hear, tin) lanio ajkt tlio utck. gut well, riftpen yours' of practical expcrluncf) In troatlug chronic, dlaenieH. Conaiiltntlon free. I.o tnted at 3IG N. Ilartlctt St. I'liouo l)l'J..M. MiMlfunl, Oro. Tho Crtuin "Wristlet" Watch SEE Martin J. Redely Tin; jj:vi:m:u Kor ovory thing now and upto dato Jn tha Which, Jowolery, cut kIiihu and silverware linen. Near lot Office u aii&uf Mrfc1! ?tf P "If JI turn JV. . mm m Betft located and mest: n , n ,, 1 'f. ,. .1.' - . 3 T 1JU kLAAItA .'-..t.,M'-u'IJi I . . v ." r j ttjili . !.' I I .1 vy ii-- uotci m tne City. Running distilled ice water in each ropm , , rCuropean Plunj n lit Cnrte Cafp- , , ,,i Tariff, on Mooma j 12 room .... $1.00 each GO room .... 1,80 raili CO rooms .... 2.00 ouch 00 roqnn !lh nki!( bath 2,00 oach GO rooini vtllh prints bilb i'.CO each 30 iullei, bedroom, par- ' a lor and bath 3.00'oneh For inor'e than onogueitadd $1.00 extra to tha above ruto for oach additional uuoit. rteduellon by woel: or month. m iTiwnqiCTaraiiniragaa i iii T Si Vi (T IS 1 'V. 1 ' 41 I i' , '!,.. ViA. "VwVi(t .. .