. it '"" MT3DF0UD MATT TR7nHNR. MKDFORD. ORKCIOX, TUESDAY, OPTOHRR 28, 1013. ' ri1lmiM.-IH '' TOTE TTTRETJ PCKE L DISCUSSES MIS PHASES 0 K STERLZATION F BILL Kor tlm benefit (if tho uiuuilivrH (if (lui (Irontor .Mmlford club, Dr l'lelud iIIikmihhoc) tlm Httirlllrutluii litll Monday atti'i iKiitii In (tin library. A lively debate followed, part of tho dull iiniiitliitrn fnvorliiK tlm hill and part (ipikxIiik It. Tlm doctor niii In jmrl an follow "Tlm t'OHltlvn iirKUinxntH In thin eimo himi rutlmr dm bout or it, IhniiKh I nut K'iIhk to vutn on dm iH'Krtllvn tliln. Criminal Ii'IhIi'IicIm) nrn InrKiily horodltnry. Only ulKht pur rout of cilmliiahi huvu iiornuil mUiiIIh, Aiiioiik imlillurH, tnkliiK tliuin Juat tin duty ronm, thirty-two per cunt Imvo normal mUiiIIh. Criminal In Hililltlou to t IidI r Imredltnry criminal loudoncy, luno no mmim of moral ro Miotialblllty. CrlmlnnU, dnvnKuit Hint children nil whow dm nnuie ten iltnirlvn, "In tlm notorlou JnKn fmnlly ot New Jiimuy, tho criminal inothur, MnrKorot, had I SOU !uncmnlnnt who could tm trniml. Of tin-no 1UU0 worn criminal, "In iinollmr cnuo n tit u ti who wn n crlmlnnl anil ilruuknril, whom) (nth nr nnil brother viiro dm nuio, nmr r lfl n renpoctnblti wumnii. Tlm woman died nt tho birth o( hur only chili). Thli chllil r.rew tip to ho nn 'Uiilli'iit nhto inluUtor. "Thou thitro I ntnvlmu. A crimi nal will nppear In nn ImiH'Mt, utrnlKht forwurd fniully. Thin loudoncy I mippom'it to In) hnniluil down from nviirnl lii'imrntloiiR back. "In nil of thin country, but eipc clnlly on thli I'acltlc coiut, our blood I mliKil of ninny niillotiallllo, o dint wo hno no crlmlnnl cliu. In dm older niintrli of Kuropn, wlmrn pimplo nro morn Uolnlod, thuy hntu Kinwii n criminal dun, "A innii of dm vory bout antuio ilr u in limy bi'coum u crlmlnnl from environment. Many inuii with crlm lnnl loudimckm never bi'conm crltnl uali ln'cmuo of eiercUo of thulr will or fonr of die liw. "ThU pri'iuiit uti'rlllxntlon Inw li too Indefinite. It doe not Htntu how many member of dm nlutu board of health linut m on n rrlmlnnl. Tlm Into bimnl could dcloKnto lt dmrlty to oiio doctor. AUo, nono of tho nioinboni of tho ntnto bonrd mlKht hno any uxmirleiico In crltnl iioIok)'. If dm board U In doubt It jdioutd Imvo nuthorlty to call In ox purl who nro qualified to pnin on nuch matter. "Tho Inw doo not reulru Hint dm fniully, friend or guardian of any crlmlnnl bo notlflod of iiuch opera tlou. Thin In a very pcrloun defect. Tlmro In nlno nothliiK In dm Inw to ninko tho proceeding of thu bonrd public. In tho hand of a corrupt bonrd of health, or with corrupt up erlntondoiit of ntnto liutltutloiiH It would bo jimmIIiIu to work n ureal hnrdihlp on innuy people. "Only ili per cent of our crltnl nnU nro over broiiKht to trial. When iiliiuty-flvo per cunt nro nl InrK", It doe not aeum nn UioiikIi tlm law ii-i u Id ncconipllnh much kooiI, oven If tlm itnto beard would enrry It out, l-'or iiomwH, nnd I hnvo been n mom hor of thu bonrd for ton yunn, I would not orilur uch nn operation, nnd 1 do not bulluvo that nuy ot my prciiont rollcnKUi'B would," SEVERAL BIG DEALS lly a doal flomul thl moruliiK Dr. 1 C. 1'niso nold to (1, A. Hurt of Lou AiikdIi'H tho bulldluK occuplvd by thu Mudford laundry, tlm prlco not Imlutf iiuuiud, I. nut woflk, W. Ciiiupbdll of thu (lood Kntn roHtutirnut, purclinRod thu roHlduuco ot O, It, Chnffcu on North Itlvumltln for $4000. Itual estate mou report n qulckon Iiik touduimy In tho local situation, with liiaulrlea from nortltwost ami nARturii polntH by pooplo BooklnR In voHtmontH. Thla wlntur, thu pro diction Ih inailo, will mm h number of Inrgu deals In city mid farm property. KLAMATH 10 V01E KLAMATH VMAA, Oro., Oct. 28. In Duconibor tho pooplo ot Kin ninth county will voto on tho uuob tlon of bomlliiK for good rontU In thu uu m of $300,000. Klnmnth county Ih now thu bnnnor county in tho atuto for roaiU, nnd tlmro Ib ovory Indica tion that tho roputntlon nlroady oa tublUhod will bo mnlntnlnod. Thoau who huvu cimvnasoil tho ltuntlon claim that tlm bond Ibhiio will hu votud by a majority ot tbrcu to 0110. DUKE OF CROY WEDS AIM MYSTERIOUS WOMAN THIEF IS SET FREE DE PROTEST miis. ltAJiDon'ii rirzuuan. (IliN'ISVA, Kwllyi'iluml, ()!. UH. Tlm Muldi nl' t'niy uml hU nlii'iidy I'Ulllv weilileil wife, IniiiH'lly Ml''4 N'niicy l.i'iHlmmnii, iliuinlitir ul' .luliu (I. I.elhliniMiin, millmimlro unit Amer iciiii cx-iiinliUNNuilnr to Ocrmnuy, ere iniiiriOil hero tniluy with iiiueh iimKiilliei'iii'i', iii'i'iiriliu to the rllen of I lie KiiMiiiii Cutlmlie elnirell. Tlm Korci'otiHiH'MH of Ilic ciirrinoiiv wiih in miuld'il coulruM lo the iiuii't- ncHrt uml iii'timl Hi'iTi'i-y or yi'uh-r- Htlll malnlnlnliiR tho myalcrjr of her iIiij'h civil iiliinti. TIiih wiih neci'H. Identity, Mm. Ituridolph KltxhtiKh, mild miry fimu tin- fuel thill tlm dukeV to bo tho diticctnlimt of a Vlrjtlnlu fnm rniully uml the inpeior or (leinmny y ,, Ul0 wfo of n ,iroulct Vnh. liimHelf ..ppi.Hc.l tlm l,ri.leK..m,n';i(i((oi tM telmtal ffom (w iimrriiiKe to nuy nnn not of n iiomii., ...... , blood iiH hiiiiHi'll', mi.l it w rcnr...l1T",",' uw 'rk- u,",ur "l thu ccrrmony imIkIiI lm Inteiruptnl' hchImico. Bho npent hlx month, nwnlt or even hliippcil if the opportunity' Iiik thu Htnleino. Kho n chnrccil wiih uivi'H fur inlerfereiue. with tcalhiB two inenh bu In Tlm mil nmrrliiL-e, Imwevcr. Iieiui; cliurclien, to which huo picnueii suiiry leijiilly liiuilinj;, renileri'il furtlu-r oh Bllfl FAVORITE VE E FOR TOMORROW PL PEIALTR! TO GRANTS A SFJGHTi OAKLAND, ('nl., Oil. 'J8. Loiiih DEVELOPMENTMEET A Kpieiiil I ruin of IioomIith from Keen of I.oh Ant'l" 'mil Hml Amler- Mcilfonl lo the Ormit I'iihh meeting mn of .Mi'dfilnl, Or., liKlitw('ililc, of if .Simtlicin Orcjfon. Dctelopmctit who I'lnnli licre tomorrow iiIkIiI in u iUukuv in mxiMiI by lien Sholiloii, ifi liiilnli'il U'li-roiiiiil foii'i1!, coiii-l"))'' of tin commilti'i' in t-Iiiirc To ilili'tl (Imir (rniniiiK toilny mill "iifli Kut hiicIi ii trniii it will be uvi-iwnry wiih proiimiMfi'il fH liy liin Irninerx. t ell lfi() tieki't. mill .Mr. Khcld'ni 'I lie iirlicli'H mil for the ncnipper to bclieveH iiiffi'iii( .Mcilfonl ieoil- wiIl'Ii in nt Kl.'l niiUmlH t 0 o'eloek nn1 iiiterewti'il ill uliowinir eo-oper.i- (omorniw I'vcnini.'. mnl liolli nre in lion to ninku it porniblo to hccuru tlm Kinking ii"tiim'e of the murk now. Until Amlcnioii mid Keen will do it little ronil work tmlny, 110 riii that thin will put them on (il-e uml I'l.ulilc llmtn to make the rt'ijtii n-I h)uihImku without drying out. Anileriiii'n InindlcrH nay Iii'h run ditiou is nil Hint eoulil lio ilet-iri'il nnd lln'v i'XM'('( him In win via (he knockout route. It win ticliewi! (he Oii'ifouiiui would cuter the ring u 10 to (I favorite. jielion futile. Tlmro went IIhiiiik of kuokIm, Tlm duke, however, ix now in ox 1'ieiliUKly Imil odor with I'oiiliiienliill loynlly mid tlio iinperor of Oer-i miiny wiih ho much iih'ciimciI Hint nil tho end of l.eilimiiiiii'M term iih iiiii-i hiikmiilor he ninteil him no farewell I audience, lireakinc; n iint,"cttnblilieil ctmtom. TAFT AND WILSON LANGFORD EASILY DEFEATS LESTER DISGUS T ANKER TAFT, Cnl., Oel. 28.-Jack T.oh tei of ;h. Khun, Wni.li., Ikih ipmli fitd today iih ii white despair, ns the roHiilt of his puny hhowinj; iininHl Kniu I.niifiml, wlui liallere.l h in inlii hulimiitMiou in four rounds of n Hi'lieihiled twenty-round match here ycnterday. rillCAflO. Ool. 28. Tlmt former' ''-; wn' ullliiip. for nliiiollmir I'roMilont Tnfl nnd I'r lent WiImmi " r,,,"", ;,f,,,r ';'0, l,c wiiiti'iilwl nru roitjMiiiMihlo for the prei-ent do- linmelf with fcrepinj: hii jaw under oliim in HeeuritioH wnn the hunlen of coor. llu failed to lay n lienxj tlm ndilroHH hero today of OeorKo'jjIovo on the IloMon black ilurini; the Cnldwell, president of the liittmlmoiil jf()r nij llankorn' AHMieiatio.i of Ameriea, jnj 0(1(,(. ,n ,' wrmt fiv m,h conwiition hero. (.. .Iwll hilterl.x . ( h(, foir( Jo (Jjo mn icnouuoe.1 what ho eharaetenreil iih fnim hm IIihh T 'Vovc-rnment irr.tn t.ou" of I.uhIiwm.',,, , (n f( , ,,,.,.,,, 'Tlm riHimn of ho county ;",, rillW, n ,W1., ,, , ri . , ,,,, kot .eneoH oapHnl H dinpis w i I, h, (ti.((, u, , , ,,,,.,,r: - r,n,";r vi 1,,n ,;",,( V ; w r nm.. T ,W e ;;ll,r,,'!,";!,, ,,,', f-j I,u.,.r,,rdV n.iund iniddlo would mliiMriilimi'liifl nppatently wan do- . ,,,,,,.,.,, . ,, (f ,., tennlned to irr. ato anil rrRiiln e I, fl(, u lUHineHH and WiIm.i, ih foll..Mii.k ml m,r M , , .,, IllK foothlepi." n....,.l. It hna boon conjectured that cxccn nlvu ntmopherlc precipitation mltjlit hu nixponalblo for enrtlKiunkea by In crenHliu; dm mipply of Hiibterrnnenn water, leadlm; to a wanning away t ruin. Clutirmmi folvix Iihh JHurd tho following will to inemlierH of the eMiitnittee: "All iiieinlmrKof the committee np pointed to nrrnugo mid plan the work of the 'liiMiMling' oomenlion to he held at 1 sTlO p. in., Nmemher (!, mo reipiented to meet ut Ornnts I'iihh at 8 p. in., NoU'iuhur it. All should he on limn!. By order of "W. M. COIA'IO, ehtiinnmi." Heaoutlne dm asBcrtlon that Syd ney, Auitralla, wan tho dirtiest town In tho kou thorn hemlHpherc, tho lor'l ma) or linn orKunlzed a special forco of a hundred police for the preserve- News of Shoes for Women .lint nn Important to you to know tho n own of fthaoa or It n to know tlm latest Htylo features of hntu thu lonnth of Kownn or tho number ot button on glovea. Tho nawn of nhoen in In tho fnnli lonn thnt nre correct to wear nt dif ferent time; In tho matnrlnla that aro unliable for ahoe uae4; In tho riKht height of heelj In the correct atylo of too; In every little detail that makes nhoa buying nn ennlor task for you when you icok our ad vice. ITtfCKS TO rI.KA8K :t.r,(i . ,-,.oo J I Itkm. kkkWv IN OUIt KFF0IIT8 TO IM.KAHK D1SCHIMINAT I.VO WOMRM WB I1AVB TUB JIKU' OF "JOHN KKI.LY," ItOCHK8TKR'S HENOWNED MAKBK OF FINB FOOtWBAH. "wa OI'I'OSITK TOST OFFICB nud rollnpiu of the earth's cruat; but .tlon of cood order, cleanllneaa nnd I It may not bo o. incntneax. I SrM -r-w --jzzvzmn '( 3flrw Zr arS r ? Because it cleans everything you can quickly make your oilcloth or linoleum clean and pretty with COSTS KIRK $55 TO A JmnoH Kirk of tl.U oily wiih fined T'.Ti mid ookIh nuiountiiiK to 10 hy Jiihtleo of tlio 1'oaoo Olonn Tnjlor Monday, upon his plea of putty to tlm chaom of mutiliitinj,' u don for tlm purHiHo of iltHKiiiHiiiK ' hCV Tlm arroht wiih inmlo hy (lamo War di ii A. S. Iliihhird. CALIFORNIA MAN WANTS TO ESTABLISH VINEGAR PLANT Mr. W. F. Hlpley of Jnnesvlllo. Cnllf., la wrltliiR for Informutlon ro KnrdliiR a elder and vlnegnr plant in Medford. Thoy hnvo n system for oxtrnctlnK tho npplo Julco nt n ory low cot and doHlro to lustnll In eoino largo npplo producing country n factory for that purpoao uoxt senaon. STEPHENSON'S SON FOUND DEAD ABOARD A TRAIN .MIIAVAl'KKK, Win., Oct. 28. Ifimo Stephennon, Jr., hii of I'nited SlntoH Sennlor Kteplienson of Wis consin, wiih found dcntl hero today aboard u KnrthwcHtcm, train. StcpliciiHDii, phyhieimiH Hiiiil, had been tlond nn hour wlieu tho hod, wiih found. Death wiih ittm lo heart fnihire. VANCE IN COLLISION E J. A. Viiiico, iimnaer of the Home Telephone company, while ilrivitiK bin nuto .Monday nilit, ootlided with (liiine Wnrden A. S. Uuhhard of AkIi laud mid CouMuhlo Kxlos, who were ridinc; n inotorejole. No one wur hurl. The fiont fork of tho motor cycle wiih liroKon. The motoioyolUte my .Mr. Vmieo wiih on the wrotifr side of the htreel nnd failed to make tho detour mound the hpol. The collision occurred at Kiwr.-iile uml fain. ltHOWNSVH.M:, Tex., Oct. 2S. Tlio rchels were cnuccutrutiui; nlmut .Monterey today, nceordin to ndviees from tlm ACoxiean hidn of the border. Six hundred men under General Saueher. mid Soyou were rcpoited on their wuy from Motamorns to rein force, tho boMejfors mid tlio town's speedy fall wiih predieted, Tho reb els wero already entrenched in tho utilrtkirlH, it was uiidettood. GOLD DUST Always ready for its cndlcs3 uses. 5c and larger packages. THE iFAIRBANKSa CHtCAOO ukmt thm COLO DUST TWIM3 do your work" 'S Choice Rogue River Beef "Vc have recently purchased a. nice lot of prime Rogue Tiiver home-grown beef for the block, and as you know, there is none better. "We do our own butchering and therefore have nothing but the best in Beef, Pork and Mutton. FOR EVERY OCCASION "We have everything you could desire in Meats, ' Poultry and Fish and all is guaranteed first-class. i Nice IIome-Grown Lard, 3-pounds, 45c; 0 pounds, . 70c; 10 pounds, $1.40. Phone orders to 46 and get the best. Economy Market V s !!!h&&a -r t -w v w -r v v wwwwwwww w v v v V T V V V w CLOGGED NOSTRILS, OPENfAT ONCE HEAD COLDS AND CATARRH EVANISH lit Ono Mlniito Your Htuffy Xoio mnl II end CleiiiH, Siiccluir mnl Noho HiiiiiiIiik Cease, Dull llemlactio (Joon, Try "Kly'B Croam lliUiu." (lot a Hinall bottle, nuywny, Juat to try It apply a llttlo In tho nos trlla ami iiiHtuntly your cIokkciI uobu mid Htoiiiiod-iip alt imssaKoH ot tho hond wll oponj you will hrentho freely; dullness and hondnclio ills- uppoar. uy moiniiiB urn ciuarru, cnld-lu-hund or cutnrrhul tsoro throat will ha (,'ouo, ' Knd Hitch inUory now I Oot tho uiimll bottlo of "tJly'8 Oninin Ualm" nt iriiy dniK store This awoot, fra Kiaut hnlm dissolves by tho heat ot tlio noxtrllH; ponotrntes and hoaU tho iutlamud, bwoIIuii inombrnuo which linen thu nose, hond and throat; clears thu air nntnmROH; Btops nasty Ulaclmrces and a feolliiK ot clcmialue, aoothliiK lollot comes Immediately. Don't lay ivwako touli;ht stvuKKliUn (or breath, with head stuffed; nos trils closed, hawkliuv mid blowtiiK. Catarrh or a cold, with its ruuuliiK U080 tout mucous dropping Into tho throat mid raw dryness Is distress Iiik but truly needless. ,Put your faith Jimt onco In "Kly's Cream Halm" and your cold or catarrh w)U surely dUappoor, V t t r ? ? y t r y r ? ? t y t t t t y t t t t t y t t V f y Page - Dressier Real Estate We are now located at 320 East Main Street As soon as our listings are complete we will open our Los Angeles office. Two large offices will be active to handle your property. Do not delay in seeing us if you have property for sale or exchange. WANTED Medium priced residences for sale. WANTED Furnished houses for rent. REMEMBER-We buy, sell, exchange or sell. Special attention to care and rental of properties of non-resident owners. PAGE-DRESSLER Offices No. 320 E. Main St Medford. Ore. t t t $ t y t f t y t y I y f t ? ? t t t t & ! '.