PXGBFOUB. MEDFORD MATH TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. ORKOONT. SATURDAY, OGTOTWft 25, 191H. 'A i M r fc. t ' I- IrJ m Medford Mail tribune . AN INOnPKNDKNT NKWHPAl'Ktl ruut.iHimt) nvunv AnrniiNooN J3XCISPT HUNDAT r TIIH MKuronu NUNTINO CO. Tim 1mocrntle TIiticb, The Mcdford Mall, Tho Moilford Tribune, The Houth ern Oregonlnn. Tho Anhlnmi Tribune. Office Mall Tribune llulldlnc, 35-J7.28 North Hr ntrcct; telephone T&. Official I'ancr of tho Cltr of Mnlfonl. Official Taper of Jncknon County. QlCOnan 1'UTNAM. Editor nnd Mnnrer WOMAN CRAZED JEALOUSY IS 10 KILL SELF CliOVW PHLVCE s OPPOSES KJISJSR linterml ns Krroml-clnm inaltrr nt dtedfonl. Orecon, under tho act of March 3, 1879, SOBSCEirTIOIf BATES. One rear, by mall. . , , 1&.00 Ono month, by mall.. . . .50 Tor. month, delivered by carrier In Meilfont, Jacksonville and Cen tral Point -. -. .BO fl.iturday only, by mall, per year... 5 00 Weekly, per year..--.-. -.. . 1.84 ! BWORlt CIRCULATION. Unity average for elaven months end Injt November 30, 1911, I'M The Mall Tribune la on 'Kale at the Terry Kown Stand, San lrnnclco. Portland Hotel New a Stand. Portland Portland Xotvs Co.. lVrtland. Ore W. O. Whitney, Beattle. Waah. rail LtateA VTIr Unlttd Traa Dlipatchti. MCOrOBD, ORXOOK. Metropolla of Southern Oregon and Northern California, nnd tho fastest Krnnln? city In Oregon. Population O. S. census 1910 SS40; estimated. 1911 10.000. Mvo hunderd thousand dollar Gravity Water System completed. Riving finest supply pure mountain wnicr, ana li.J miles of streets paved. Postofflco receipts for year cndlnc November 30, 1911, show Increase, of 19 per cent. Itanner fruit city In Oregon Homie Illvcr Spltscnberg apples won nweep atakca prlio and title of "Apple Xing' or th World" nt the National Apple Khow, Spokane, 1909, and a car of New'owns won Xtrst Prlio In 1910 nt Canadian International Apple Show, Vancouver. D. C. rirat Irii In 1911 At Spokane National Applo Show won by carload lot of Ncwtowns. Hocuo Illvcr penrs hrotight highest prices In all markets of the, uorld dur ing tho past six jenr. OAKLAND. Cnl., Oct. 2o. - Croretl with jwiloiwv over tho nllcpetl ntton- tions paiil to nnother womim ly her luislmiul, ntul still grieving over the death of her mother two years ngo, Mrs. Millio Drown ftred two shots nt her heart yesterday morning in nn unsuccessful attempt to kill her self, nnd then n few niimtle Inter shot her ltubnnil, Archer C. Drown, twice through tho head, killing him instantly. Twelve hour later Mr. Drown at tempted to kill Mrs. Mario Miller, liousekccncr for Dr. Henry M. Fine, in tho kitchen of tho 1'ino home, placing her rcvohcr ngnnut Mr Miller's hack as she stooped to look at nn oven, but forgetting to release tho trigger lock of tho weapon. Then sho fled. At 11:30 o'clock Inst night sho in formed W. H. Drown, brother of her husband, nnd a lawyer of San Frnn eiseo, of the tragedy. The woman led drown to tho home of tho couple nnd showed tho dead body of her husband. A physician was sum moned and tho police notified. Mrs. Drown wn placed under arrest early today. She is now in a cell in tho Oakland city prison, raying incoherently. II BflLBBUsW CROWN PRINCE OFGCRMANY FIRST WEEK'S REVIVAL Tho close of tho first week of the revival services at tho Christian church shows remarkable iucrcaso of interest nnd several additions. Tho choir is increasing in sizo and arc rendering somo excellent music. Miss Egbert's solos are also very enjoy able. M. Putnam is proving nn unnsn nlly interesting speaker, nnd while ho docs not almso or scold, he preaches straight, practical religion as ho sees in tho Bible. Sunday will bo a big day at tho meeting. Tho morning topic nt 11 o'clock is "Tho Proof of His Love"; evening' subject, "Tho Grand Old Ark." Song service begins nt 2:30 nnd you' nro cordially invited. . MEXICAN MEDDLING NOT TO BE TOLERATED The German Crown Prince recent!, wnito to lmporl.il Chancellor von lletti mnnu-IIollweg protesting nsitlnst ht mission lielnR given to Prince KmcM August of Cumberland, husband of the Crown Prince's sMer, to occupy the throne of llrtiusukk without cxprei renunciation of pietmislons to the Mau over throne. ADVERTISINGICAMPAIGN,1 M' j r ' T iMi m& !l BY COMMERCIAL CLUB MEXICAN REBELS NOW PROP OF PRESIDENT WILSON XOOAI.ES, Oct. St. A report from Hcrmoslla today Indicated that tho Washington government Is pre paring to negotlnto with General Vcnustano Carranza, tho leader of tho constitutionalists In tho north through a special envor to bo ap pointed br President Wilson. It was said Carranza already had wired instructions for preparations of quarters to bo occupied by tho special representative. This tends to confirm tho reports that tho United States is preparing to rccognlzo tho revolutionists as a factor In tho at tempt to bring about a reign of peaco Tho envoy, It is reported, will un dertake duties similar to thoso Im posed on John LInd, tho president's special roprcsentatlvo now at Vera Cruz. WASHINGTON', Oct. St. Tho United States government is prepar ing to notify the nations or tlio world generally that any Interference in Mexican affair will bo regarded as unfriendly to this government. President Wilson and Secretary Dryan and Consul General Bass Mooro of the stato department, havo exchanged ideas on what tho procla mation to tho world should express. It wilt bo communicated to tho for eign governments In lino with tho policy established earlier of keeping other nations Informed of every step lukcn in handling tbo Mexican situa tion. Tho proclamation will also servo, it Is understood, as an explicit definit ion of tho policy of tho United States, reiterating tho princlplo that recog nition can only bo given to govern ments on this hemisphere founded on law and ordor. It Is practically decid ed to hold tho proclamation In abey ance until after the elections In Mex ico next Sunday. Orrine for Drink Habit TKV IT AT OUIC EXPKXSn Wo arc in earnest when wo ask you to give OltltlNE a trial. You havo nothing to risk and every thing to gain for your money will bp returned if after a trial you fail to get results from OIUUNK. This offer gives tho wives and mothers of thoso who drink to excess an op portunity to try tho OltKlNE treat ment. It Is a very slmplo treatment, c,an bo given In tho homo without publicity or loss of tlmo from bus iness, and at a small price. ORUINE is prepared in two ferms: No, 1, secret treatment, a powder; ORRINE No. S, in pill form, for thoso who desiro to take voluntary treatment. Costs only 1.00 a box. Como in and talk over tho matter with us. Ask for booklet, h. I). Hasklns, druggist. adv. At a meeting of tho directors of tho Commercial club Friday night, steps were tnken towards the further advertising of tho Roguo rher vnlloy throughout tho world. It was de cided to Insert a two column ad In tho Chicago Trlbuno for November 20, nn Istsuo which will bo, devoted to the districts having exhibits at tho Laud Show. It was also decided to havo two dozens sets of Roguo rher resources and scenes made for two by a Travologuo association, operat ing In tho principal cities and coun tries. Tho regular monthly bills wero audited and allowed, and a number of lcters asking for applo contributions to church affairs re ceived from all parts of tho land. WAUSAU. Wis.. Oct. SI. Wau sau Is entertaining for two days the annual meeting of tho Central Wis consin Teachers' association, which was organized nt a meeting held nt Stevens Point last Juno. g Theatre FACTORY GIRLS LEAP ABLAZE FROM WINDOWS - ' NEW YORK, Oct. 21. A gas oven ou tho top floor of a falx story factory building on Canal street exploded to day lining four, threo of them wom en, Moro than n score wero injured und burned In tho flro that followed. A searchlight played on tho ruins to night whilo tho firemen sought for moro bodies. About 200 wero em ployed in tho building. Tho cscupo of many of tho trapped workors was with clothing ablaze as they climbed out through tho flaino swept windows to tho flro escapes and dropped to tho sidewalks. Spectators beat out tho flames with clothing. HEW I'HAXCIS SCIIiaTTKH, FIRST AERIAL SQUADRON FLIES AT SAN JOSE, CAL. SAN DIEOO, Oct, 21. Tho first aorlal squadron over seen hero and porhaps tho first wltnessod In Amer ica was tho epectaclo beheld at North Island today, when s:x qualified mili tary aviators rose from tho nreo dromo within n fow minutes of each other and flow for a short timo at an Hltitudo of a thousand feet. The rour of the six miotors could bo heard for tulles. The aircraft descended with put attempting nny fleet munouvers. .Minister Kctrnili-Iny IniptNt Church IiK'orjHiralI, AH sickness cured by prayer, no matter how long you havo been sick. Tho sick Journey for thoiisandH of miles to sco Rev. Schlatter, to bo cured. Mrs. Min nie White sido cured of doubly rupturo; Mrs. Hubbard, cured of tu mor; Albert Williams, speechless 15 years, cured; Mrs. Samuel Waggner, cured of cancer In breast; Mm. 8. A. Eastman, deaf 20 years, cured; Mrs. Wobber cured of epileptic fits of 10 years stundluK; John Wulkor, blind, cured; Mrs. Hums for IS years par alyzed, cured. Don't remain sick. Como now, 720 Washington St., Oak land, Cai. (Adv.) w jyjpM Tonight nnd Saturday, 7 1 M. "WHEN WOMEN GO OX THE WAHIMTH" Special feature In two parts, feat uring Flora Finch, EUffragcttlst, and others. Vltagraph comedy "LAW AND HIS" SON" .Dlograph "WINNING HIS WIFE" Lubln HAKKINS & IIAHKI.VS, Music Ceining: Christy MalhewMiu In I'ntlio Weekly No. -I5, Sunday night, 7:00 oMoi-k. ISISIHEATRE Coffee Popr coffer is u bi'cakfast spoiler; starts the day wrong; leaves a frown where a sinilo is needed. Rtd busi ness. Schilling's Best cof fee, .well made and well served, liquid optimism. In aroma-tlght cans 1-lb., 2-lb., 2-lb.; 40c a lb. monoyback. John A Perl Undertaker Lady Assistant. 28 S. UAHTLETr Phones M. 47 And 47-J-3 Ambulance Servlco Deputy Coroner) While the Starlight Travels Two-Reel S. & A. Font tiro INFLUENCE OF THE UNKNOWN Edison Comedy THE ISLANII OF I'EKVEIt.SITY Illograpti Admission & and 10 cents. Afternoons and Evenings. Winter Is Here The Time to Take The Wonder ful Chinese Herbs For All Ailments World's Famous Chinese Doctor 295 Second St., Ashland, Or. T. Foo Wah Herb Co. Office Hours, 9 A. M. to 8 P.'M, Every Day Page Theatre Well Heated ami Void Mated TONIGHT 3 Big Vaudeville Acts 3 SEARS AND D'ARVIGNE High-Class Singing Act in Popular and Operatic Songs " ' BILLY BACKUS The Blaclcface Cut-Up. A sure cure for blues. THE BANCROFTS In a one-act playlet entitled 'The Squire's Decision' replete with old No wlOngland humor BISON l o l Two Part Feature THE GUERILLA MENACE Civil "War Drama i Two Other Splendid Photo Plays d. Admission 10, 15 and 20c )oors opeii? p. in. Change of program each nighf Star Theatre TODAY VAUDEVILLE Doolittle&Steele ELECTRICAL MUSIC ACT A High-Class Comedy Act ,-i Dig Novelty. "WALL OF MONEY" Two-Reel Society Drama, a sure feature ANIMATED WEEKLY Latest News in Pictures TRAVELOGUES "13 AT TABLE" Farce Comedy WOOLWORTH and WOOLWORTH JJest of .Music Always 10c Coming Tomorrow BOBBIE ROBBINS AND COMPANY Jn High-Class Vaudeville. SGOX&SGGXE; WOOD ( For Sale f OAK, FIR, LAUREL AND SLABW00O IN TIER, CORD AND r. CARLOAD LOTS " g g Frank H, Ray Yard at Sixth and Fir Sts. PHONE 750-R eS:)2)S mm$&. Wr w. lff . 1 1 rT . .'i . ..I n.jjk.. ' -..v.. ... iu nr.i iwiku . T-f-v- lrvTi it v rv Protect Yourself Ak tor ORIGINAL GENUINE sflJwKjwV The Food Drinlt For All Agcslliulily Nutritious nnd Convenient Rich mlllt.witli limited jrrnin extract, in powder form (lltolvei in water moro honlthlul than (on or collYo. lined in trnlnliiK nthloton. Tho best (Hot for InfantH, Growing Children, IiivuIhIh, and tbo Atfotl. It ngroon with tho wuukctit ditfoHtlon. An k for "HOnUOK'SV-at llotnlu. rtoHtnurnnt, ranntnln. Don't trttvvl without It. Aim ki ci It nt liuiiu A lunch In n uiluuto. Ill l.uncli Ttililut form, ulno, ivmly to nut, t.'onvuiiluiil mitrllluua. 1KXI ha rttC mm m JUL 'At .'- !i . i;lkl-7i lt'l"lllt, ar iwm IS u R?rllant! fhmouj Hotel NocdfcrlhcLxccllcncc; ?f iy Cui5ino. European platj EiWltHfiVllMMIlWif&UItQAiM Hltimlcil In ttin Itiil. nl I hr Prlnrlimt Tlntlt'r mill Sluill"t 1II rlrt Iti'O'iitlx Itisli'i'iiruli'il mill llffuniMiiM ThrouKliout, nuit lli'tltr i:iuli'il IimIii)- iIiiiii liter Uifuro l.'iiriiiH'iiii I'lmi Itixinis itlilinul liitth, 51.00 per iluy mill up Itixitiis wltli lintli, $-A)i kt ilur Mint up U, J. K.t'!OIAN., MnunKrr. N. K. t'laittu:, At. Mirr. The stronger and rougher whiskey tastes the more harm it will do. Why take chances with your nerves, your stomach, your general health. Cynn N'nl.lc it purr, n,i an pahtatile lW'tllr.l m ilruiViiiK utirncili. SoM all over the world. jVV. J. Van Schuyvcr & Co., General Agents Portlund, Oregon SICKAWMALS m WFJJ. Fir Wrlui I I" f r Jltr fWI lvJ.r (jVv Tbo Dr. KorincI X folomn&hmm MAIili I'll yp rf Cnnsulo lit. Mntl m -U m .l.lit .Ml I. anliM.I mMl int 1. I Mil, i ImMiI-m iiaiI dim. ,ltk i.m.11- ) nt.t lr4rkt.rl. tNl,. f t li.li f rmVflNI.IP. I Mb MU M II. ! Or Kiirln.V. CAW l'p. . jU KJiiy r,Ml' -I nrM 4iiU. liunhurii Cuiut. Wiirm ('! i itr ri4 I'.i.uU. km l'h.lc('iiul.. AImiIt. K'tlwk I .'I I'wwit.r, Hlik I o.l iiih4 ri.l.-. I uul. try !') cihI Tork, III.. Uinixr Itnmilr, l Hm nly. It mii Itr.!), V.r Mill Il.(tfrr, IImi II.iii. ' ttlMU Uml imUlIKUliU, IVr turt In titrt Tnn r t.y n KCP.INEK VtTEHIHARY REMEDY CO. KCOrOAo, ciuee. v. . a. w 40 Per Cent ' ft 1 Formaldehyde f B KOI (Til I) IB BL Prevention of Jl Jl Grain Smut Ij Ml Ijiillclin ex plaining its n.se Kree. M M Medford Pharmacy flL Bl ' Near Post office. w , 1 f