Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 24, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PA Alii TWO.
A mcctltift fl' the dlrcctora of tlic
Commercial chili lins lie-on tolled for
tlrtu evening ftt 7 .10 o'clock.
W. (. AltltnliiiK-n or Sim Krnncls
co, auditor of tho Cnlltornln-OroKun
1'owcr company I In tlio city on com
jutiiy btialncsB.
llomcmndo lircmrt at De VotVs.
Hired Commlpsloncr Ownoy rat
ion liad n force of man at work tlio
Inut counlo of days donning up tlio
nlloyii of tlio down town districts.
Sltcrlft .loo Motrftler of North Yn
lcltiin, Wanti., nrrluvl In Medford
this momliiR, and will loovo tonlRhl
with K. C. Klllson aliened to liavo
pAcscll a niimlior of worthloM chocUs
upon tlio motrlinnU of that city. Kl
lleon was Arrested In this city last
Sunday, upon descriptions furnished
hy tho Ynklma nuthorltlos.
Sco the many beautiful now Stylo
Craft coats at Ahrons. 1S5
A. S. Doan of Weed, Cal., is spend
ing a fowdnys In tho city.
Attorney Giib Nowlmry was a lcsnl
visitor in Jacksonville. Friday.
Miss Kathcrlno Scott of lloddlngs.
Col., Is In tho city for a few days.
Digester Tankago for topping off
hogs and for growing pigs. Korl
nek Veterinary Itemed? Co., South
ern Oregon distributors. 19S
Peter Applegate left Friday for a
stay at tlio Iluzxard mine on Ump
qua divide.
G. A. Kmcry of the Now York
Central lines, spent Thursday In
Doollttle and Stoolo in a musical
novelty net Is tho best act of vaude
ville over at tho Star. Sco them to
night. 1S5
Max W. Klmmcl of Canyorivlllo
was a Friday visitor In Medford.
II. G. Wlmer and Kd Conley of
Englo I'olnt spent Thursday In
II. Isaac of Ashland was n Friday
vinltor in Medford.
Kodak finishing, best In town, l
J. C. Pendleton or Table Hock
spent Friday distributing somo of
his choice apples to customers.
Andrew Joldncss of tho III no Lodge
district Is in tho city for a fow days.
Now Sport coats at Ahrons. 1S5
Miss Dodo Clay of Fresno, Cal.,
well known In this city is visiting
with her mother and friends.
K. 11. Cndson of Spokane, "Wash.,
spent Thursday and Friday In this
city looking over conditions.
Doolittlo and Steelo In a musical
novelty net Is tho best net of vaudc
vlllo over at tho Star. Sco tbcm to
night. 1S5
Tho quail and deer seasons in tho
Itoguo river valley clone November 1.
and a number of local hunters arc
planning to make a last trip against
tho hunting dollcacles next week.
Tho quail havo never been so com
pletely cleaned out as this season,
though plentiful at tho start.
Alton YVhlto, a former high school
student, now employed at Wood, is
visiting friends and relatives In this
Crater Lake pictures ,a book, if
12 pictures, hand colorod, tbo finest
ever inado of the lako, for salo at
Corking & Harmon's studio. Call
and sco them. 228 Kant Main stroot,
pbono 320-J. tt
Tho section crow of tho Southern
1'nclflc la engaged in making tho fall
clean up of tho yards.
Shorirr II. Slnglor returned
Thursday from a trip to Portland on
county business. ,
The now fall models In Kabo and
La (irccquo corsets aro In at Ahrons.
Although HoIlowQ'on Is a week
uway a number of small boys find It
Impossible to wait and last night
tipped over u numbor of woodpiles
near tho Jackson street school, rous
ing tho Iro of tho owners.
W. C. Frultt, n forest ranger sta
tioned at Iltitton, Cal., in tho Crater
I.nko forest reserve, who has been
l.iKlng tho forest rangers' examina
tion in thin city this week, returned
Frldny morning to his work.
Doolittlo and Stoole in a musical
novelty act is tho bust act of vaudo
IIIo ovur at tho Star. Soo thorn to
night. 1SS
I'at Flaherty of Wnthlns, Oregon,
Is in tho city attending to business
OrchnrdlsU of tho valley are put
ting on cixira forciw of packers and
plckors to haudlo tho crop of New
towua, now bolng picked.
K. D, WeBton, commercial photog
rapher, negatives made any tlmo or
place by Appointment. l'bone It
YV. C. Kellogg has taken a posi
tion of night baggage agent at, tho
fioitthcrn Pacific dopot.
Weeks &McGowan Co
Lady AssUtnnt
Day mono 2U7
NlRht F. W. Weeks 1DH.J.2
VJioncs A, U. Orr 078-M
i. Fred Low Is or Wollon spent n tow
'. . -. .. . .... . ....
Hours in .Meuioru i uursuny imeruouu.
Prof P. J. O'Oarn returned Thurs
day afternoon from Seattle where bo
wan called by tho Illness of his sister.
Keo tho new sport contB In green,
red nnd blue at Ahrons. 1S.
Court Hall will loavo for Portland
(Sunday to confer with representa
tives of tho Cadillac automobiles.
Mr. Hall contemplates tho building
of a garage lu this city In tbo near
Workmen aro busy clearing away
tho debris of tho Union livery stnblo
flro, and work will commence at once
building n now concrete structure on
tho site, it la expected to bo ready
for occupancy by tho middle of Do
comber by Hay Caunyaw.
Digester Tankago for topping off
hogs nnd for growing pigs. Khrl
nek Votorlnnry Itemedy Co., South
ern Oregon distributors. 19S
C. P. Brlggs, postmnstor nt Butte
Falls has resigned, and the place Is
bolng filled by Deputy F. L. Kneel,
who Intends to qualify for tho posi
tion under civil service.
Gcorgo King left Thursday for
Wyoming on a business visit.
"Flue, tho best concrt over given
In Lompoc," wore hoard at tho close.
"I do not hesitate to recommend
them to anyone desiring a clean,
wholesome entertainment." He v. D.
K. lUirnham, pastor M. K. church,
Lompoc, Cal. At tho Christian
church tomorrow night, admission
35 and 50c. 1S5
Jultils Krnttschnltt chairman of
tho board of directors or tho S. P.
company Win. Sproule. president, D.
W. Campbell, general superintendent,
F. L. Htirkhalter, division engineer,
O. C. Morris, assistant superintend
ent, wore In Medrord a few minutes
Inst night on their way north, somo
or the valloy's choicest rrult was
placed on tbo private cars.
Thlrty-rve cars of apples wero be
ing loaded In the valley yesterday.
All who enjoy high class Jubilee
songs, plantation melodies, solos and
choice readings should nttend tho en
tertainment nt tho Christian church
Snturday night given by tho South
land Jitblleo quartottc. They come
highly recommended. 185
George M. Dcrrow Is rollovlng G.
M. Italic as operator on tho Southern
Pacific forco. Mr. Losllo taking Mr.
Notli's place, tho latter bolng In Wis
consin on account of the Illness of his
County Hrccorder Fred Colvlg of
Jacksonville, has returned from vis
iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Colvjg at Grants Pass.
"Insuranco your beat nssot." Have
tho best Placo your Insuranco with
Holmes, tbo Insuranco Man, right it
ho writes It. tf
Mrs. N. Langwoll, of Portland, loft
Thursday night to spend scvcrnl days
with her daughter, .Mrs. W. C. Halo.
Miss Loulso Henry, who has vis
ited Mr. and Mrs. James Holtuan of
Grants Pass for several days and nlso
attended tho institute, returned to
Medford Thursday.
Hov. Hobort McLean, formerly of
Grants Paw, passod through Med
ford Thursday on route to Los Ango-
los, atter spending a fow days among
old friouds. After a short stay In
Los Angeles ho will go to Northern
New Mexico to look atter Spanish
mission work.
Milk and cream at DoVoe's.
J. H. Hogors or Spokane, formerly
of Medford, was a Medrord visitor
Friday. .
Wynno Scott, ono ot tho most tip-
to-dato portrait artists on tho Pa
cific coast la taking charge of tbo
portrait department for tho Gcrkin
& Harmon Photo company, 228 East
Main street.
Fresh lump llmo In any quantity.
Medford Lumber Co.
Miss Mario King left Thursday af
ternoon for Portland whero alio will
attend the St. Mary's academy. She
Is accompanied by her mother who
wjll return to this city Saturday.
MIs'ses Mario Hammond, Edith and
KIsIo Olsln and Huth Schuler wero
among the many frlonds who wero at
tho train to see MIbs Mario off.
Prof. P. J. O'Gara who was called
to Seattle by tho serious llluobs of
his sister last week returned homo
yoHtorday bringing his sinter with
J. Kldston, royal commissioner ot
fruit ror Canada, and It. M, WInslow
of tho department or horticulture ror
British Columbia havo loft for the
uouth after spending two days In this
valloy liihpoctlng rrult conditions,
uud local methods. Thoy wore
taken on an auto tour or tho valley
by H, H. Parsons, visiting tho JJIII
crest orchards and othor points of in
terest. N. L. nonnctt loft Friday on a
week's hunting trip in tho hills.
Onrl C'nthermnn of Knlnmnz'M,
Midi., tins ojioucil an auto puiiit shoj)
nt IIH ,s. tent nil avenue, and gunr.
nulees firf-t-clnBH work. Ho bring;.
rccomnu-udntiouK from his old home
nnd expectH to do u hif,' linsinosH thin
full nnd winter. See him before get
ting your auto nnintcd.
With Medford trade Is Medford made.
KAOLK PASS. Toas. Oct. 21.
That Mexican rebels had captured
Monterey wns roporled hero today.
It scorned Impossible to trace the
rumors to any definite source, but
on tho south sldo of the border
they nppoared to bo generally be
lieved. It was coiiBlderod unlikely today
that any election will bo hold Sun
day In tho state of Conhulln, Covor
nor Mans having boon so much do
layed on his way to Saltlllo, tbo capi
tal, by broken bridges that It wns
improbable he would arrive In tlmo to
Ibsiio tho uecest-o proclamation.
DENVER, Colo., Oct. 24.T. J.
Cliaso of Palmer take, Colo., was shot
and Instantly killed nnd K. A. Clark
or Denver, probably mortally
wounded by a lotto bandit, who ran
amuck hero today, holding up five
pedestrians within a row blocks of
each othor. An automobile load of
detectives gax'c chase to tho highway
man but up to a late hour this after
noon ho had not been apprehended.
Chaso wns not even given a chance
for his life. Without a word tho
bandit sent a bullet Into his heart.
Chase dying lustantly.
N'KW YOKIC, Oct. 121, The r-lo.-k
market had u Ntrong ii-ulorl-mo nt
today's opening. (1utics on earl,'
trades were narrow, hut as the hiv
mlvnncctl the leaders gradually nd
vnnecd, sleel gaining 3- i. Later the
inuvemeitt ht-ealuo irreguhtr, hut nt
noon tho net chiiiyo- wero Mitall.
llonds were irregular.
The murk-t elo.-od sternly.
PAN' J'KANCI.stO, ('!., O.t. i
Kilwiinl If ay and Hurry Vanh-n,
two of Knglund'i hct golfirs wen
K'hcdiilcil to arrive here during the
day to c-oiiipottt in tlin golf muteluw
promoted hy tho Purloin nthletit
ooinmittee. Varihm lias won thr
J'.ritidi ohuuipioitxliip five tiinom uud
in siahl lo he one of the het all-round
golfers in the world.
(Continued from pago 4)
Monroe doctrine or to tho appalling
Injusttco of Intervention by tho
L'nltod Statoa In Moxloo."
He gave wnrnlng that enrorcemont
or Its will In Mexico would cost tho
Unltod States, "In addition to at
least 25,000 Uvea, more nionoy than
the ontlro foreign Investment lu the
Ho outlined a broad syttom of
Mexican reforms, including national
ization or tho land, but expressed the
opinion thnt It will bo a long time bo-
foro tho government can bo anything
but ono by tho fow of tho many.
Hi Main's Hidden Haml
Huerta took pains to omphaslzo at
a meeting with tho diplomats today,
that he said ho would not submit to
Intorforonco from "any power." It
was considered as an attempt to avoid
Klving too much offense to tho
L'nltod Statos, by giving tho Impres
sion that ho referred to it alone.
In adopting this measure of con
ciliation, Huerta Ik said to havo boon
acting under Instructions from tho
British Minister Sir Lionel Cardon,
Fighting lu Progress
Fighting botwoou fodornla and
robela wns reported at last accounts
In progress at Monterpy, but, wlrpa
being down, no very rccont particu
lars bad boon received. Before tho
battlo bogan, it was rumored, Kvar
Lsta and Daniel Mudoro, nrrosted In
Moutoroy on a chtirgo of plotting to
turn tho town over to tho rebels,
wero Btnrted under a heavy guard for
tho capital. Despite tho American
warning that thoy must not bo
harmed, It waH belloved hero that
tho Madoros will bo lucky If thoy
can have their lives, ,
United States Consul funmla 1c-
too to omssifv,
WANH5D Girl ror "genoraT" liouVo
-work. Phone C 11-113, or address
Box 98-A. '
uicil Unit lie mill Mint luitl mi.N tlttug
to do olTiemlly with ftoiieinl Hiitr.'
I'sonpo 1'ioui liji Ijrotlu'i'-in-luw'n
"Mr. l.iiul uinl 1 met Uonernl Din
on tlio eoiiiur miiir Ms house," miid
fnttmlii, "mnl walked wttli liliu lo llto
(ionium hold."
The Aiuorioim ooiWiihilo ninl I lie
hotel adjoin cdpIi other, mid from
tho hotel tlio t'ugltUe .liod into
('minria'ii oll'i.eiiil resilience.
Tho iioit niillioiitiofr'iNHtlt'oil Iho
oontnl ihi.s iitlonumn iii llio Meno
Cn.-tlo'ft dcU'iilioii M, nut Inloiulotl
UK an affront.
(Continued from Page 1)
was regarded ns n situation- fraught
with peril. Dlaa asked for tho pro
tection ot tho American flag and
there was nothing to do but glo tt to
him. Still, ho was retarded as :i
dangerous gutwt. In view of the ser
ious consequence which must follow
any attempt by his enemies to do him
violence iu such a sanctuary.
)m. Uuiikci-oii-i (iieit
Ho received an offer from lliterta
of a apodal train to take him to Mo
leo City but rofusod to placo him
soir In the dictator's power. Jose
Hcuuotia, vlco-presldeutlnl candidate
on tho ticket headed by Diaz, was
quoted In a despatch trout Mexico
City, however, as saying lid expected
tbo Inttor at tho capltol within 2t
The Incident or tho detention ot
the American steamer Morro Cnstte
at Vera Crux, geomed likely to pass
off without causing International
complications, though lhuro are yet
explanations to bo made.
After holding the steamship at tho
quay all night, the Vein Cruz police
toel: off four Mexican passengers,
Congressman Prtda and Statu Legis
lators Deschaiups, Victoria and Pin
erro, and allowed tho vessel .to sail
fur Havana, on route to New York.
Political Orfeiidors
They explained that It was only
detained that this quartet, wanted on
political charges, might bo arrotod.
Fulled States Consul Canada had
previously Issued clearance papers ror
the Morro Cnstlo In defiance of the
port authorities, but Captain Muff
declined to use them without Mexi
can official approval.
Tho members of Diaz ponwnal
staff, who landed with hltn In Vera
Cruz and a private enrioad of his
friends, who wero on their wny from
Oavnco wore still he)d prisoners and
it was reported they would bo d-
Pnpo's lliiM-p-.iu" Muki-s Slik, Sour,
ia-y SltmuiiiiH Surely Fti-I Kino
lu I'Ihj Miiiiiti-x
Time it! In five mlutitcs all stom
ach distress will go. No linJlKestlon,
heartburn, Bourntntu or belching of
gus, acid, or eructations of until
gcnted food, no dlzluos, bloating,
foul breath or 1ioiu1kc1i.
Papn'M l)lapislu Is notod for Its
sliced In rogulatliiK tipaet stotnnclis.
It I tho auriwt. qulokost and most
certain Indigestion remedy In the
wholo world, nnd busldos It Is harm
less. Millions of mn and women now
oat their favorite foods without fear
thoy know Pnpo's Dlapiipsln will
save thorn from any stomach misery.
Pleaso, ror your sake, u-t a large
rifty-ceut case of Pnpe's Dlapepsln
from any drug Btnro and put your
stomach rlitht. Don't keop on bolng
Inlsorablo llfo Is too shortyou aro
not hero long, so make your utay
agrooablo. Kat what you like and
dlxest it; enjoy It, without drond of
robolllou In tho Btnmnch.
Papo'B Dlapepsln bolnugs lu your
homo anyway. Should ono ot tho
family eat something which don't
agree with them, or In enso of an at
tack of Indigestion, dyspepsia, gas
tritis or Htomnch derangement nt day
time or during the night, It Is handy
to give tho quickest, surest relief
Let Us Take
Care of your
Neglect of tho walp Ih responsible
ror ;uost hair trouble. Tho scalp
npeds nourishment, inussagu, stimu
lation. Muiiiiollo Treat iiientN and Hio
Pi-Kiimtlo J lay almost work miracles
ror tho hair.
Tho ndvlco or an oxporloncod Mnii-
uollo grnduato Is at your Korvlco
free or charge.
Bring your combings to iih. Wo
dp A No. 1 work.
Marinello Hair Shop
107 Gnmou-Corey jjhlg, X'hoiic (J57-H
ported to llinaua on tho guuhmit
Slalf Pmler Auvst ,
Tlio ineutberii ot lluerta's own per
sonal staff also rcttmliiod under ar
rent, charged, 11 was said, with hav
ing been lu communication with Din.
HoportB weio current thnt Mon
terey had been ruptured by Mexican
reebhi. hut they wore itmorlflod.
If t'lii-i, l-VMM'Mit t'oiistlpuled, 1IIU
It i ti-, Stoiiuuii Sunt', (lo "Coll-
furnln Syrup ot l-'lg"
A luvittlvo today sines a sick child
tomorrow. Children simply will not
take tbo time from play to empty
their bowels, which become cloggml
up with waste, liver got sluggish,
stoluach sour.
Look nt the tongue, mother! It
coated, or your child Is listless, cross,
feverish, breath bad, restless, doesn't
eat heartily, full of oold or lias sore
throat or any ether children's ailment
give a tenipoonful or California Sy
rup of Pigs,"' then don't wurry. be
cause It Is perfectly harmless. 'and In
a few hours all this constipation 1hi
son, suur bile and feruieullug waste
wllWKcutly inova out of the bowols.
and you Imu a well, playful child
again. A thorough "Inside clonus
lug" Is oftlmes nil thnt Is nociHwnry.
tt should be the first treatment nlvou
in any sickness.
Beware of connti-rrelt flu srups
Ask your drugKlxt for a 50-ront bot
tle of "California Syrup of KIm."
which has full directions ror tables,
children of all anew and for Brown
tips plainly printed on tho bottle
Look carefully nnd see that It Is mad
by the 'California Kin 8) run Com
pnny." Don't be fooled!
If you liiitl tlio linic
and sulTieiiMit knnwl
t'dt' tf rccii poITpp
anil I lie propt'i' nmsliutf
aiiil .rintliiii,' ftirilitics,
you iiiiht mast our
own niftVe I'Vt'l'V nioiil
inT beftn'c lii'tviklast.
Still wtt .should say: if
you don't like Hi-hil-lin's
' lli'st ln'ttcf wt
return your money.
If you drink coffee M'' days
In tho year you can't afford not
to try Schilling's IIet,
May Help You ii
Luntjs Arc Affected
!'riMT ilM, fr-li nlr aiM tviup, rte
lintillM nri- Irf'iwll-lal In i-t-rxiix niTi'iinK
fmni I.iiiik 'Iiniililt-: txil In a i:riut innnjr
InrtatHtm rrirln bow that Hit- mMlll-'U
of a uhMI Inr fur IliM ir--tlim li HM.
Itrlally In l-il In Utilising alul n-.if.rr
l'..r ni.i- than tlfl--n r. ir l.'.kniHua
.Mtimlltr, a ni..ll lni Inr ' ami
trftnc i im-Mni. Iiaa ucmin(ill.ln-, uuxl
rmtilu. lUail what It -IIJ Im Ihl- -hm-:
MmllotH likr. Minn.
"Uiitlmn In ttwmulx-r, U-"i. Manh.
lUn. i, C-,i.ini-r. Iln, I w takfii
Willi tii'dM-rrlwii t ttir luimo Mili tuii.
llHrl ink M-ral , mi Uhh lu hut
tinl, My ilM-tnr nUtlanl in lo if" Wraf.
In Nuti'iiilnT I nlarlr.1 fur lMtrar,
11-1. After MX arrival I inrt Mliha.l
UriHt)', li, tiKr 1,'irnlnr nf my i.-i0.
I lull, urtfiil iih In lakh i: klimn'ii Allvrn
Ihi-. I ki-t n laklni; lln- iiimIIiIui- uikI
lmiiruriHt fam. In Manli, into. I rv-luriii-1
lioiw. I am i-Mtnlr mil, InHo
n (wmI iiifllto rtiiil liv w-'ll. Whin
I left lli-iitir mv Hilrfht una ISO ihiuihIi.
I mnr vilili tiA, luy nonnal IviUtit, I
ttwiik ilixl nu-t your Altprnlltit fur 1117
(AiflMarll) I 'A IU. U I'AK.SAL'lt'l'.
fAlHirn; Mori- nil ri--l!Kl )
llrkmnn'a Altrratlrn liaa Ixtli rnrrn liy
iminr yi-nra f - t to I moat ,,f vih..(if
for actrro Tlinat nml l.-ilK AlT-lli.m,
llruni-lillla, lln.ii. liUI AmIiiuu. tUuliU-rn
CnlU nii-i In ittilmltillnz tlic ayalrni.
CoMlalim no iinrioll'-a, h.I.iih t,x tin I.I t
foriiiiiis ilnitrx. AhK for ImhiHiI t Hint;
nf rrioti-ilr. ami vrrlli, In It-Vimui
Ijitwrnlnry, l'liltli'lililn. J'n , fur !
Oviiit'. Tor aalu by nil liailluv ilructlala
An Exclusive Boot
Style for Women
Goodyear Welted
In tltu uoiiicii'n set (Inn mi today
mo offering n iluiihliiK ni'tv Iltitton
Imot liullt mi it luit tlutt Is pnivliiK
ininiotihcly hiiiiIui- In tliu lurK) clllci.
'JIiIh bIkiu will IlltOlfht uoiiicn of
KihmI tnito owing to Hh coi-ml nml
iHiiiutlnil lliit-H,
Viinii iiioru (It Mm 11 mil, tccfilo (on,
hlnilK'it- tuji ft-itliucN not M-i-ii In
lowct- lulccil footwear.
Anil (IcIIkIiI fully easy.
Thorouulilv modern rooms
renting from $8.00 to $lfi.00
er moulli
. Balhroom and liaiindry
Oas and Kloolrie liihls
ICvei'ythin Jui'iiislied
I'lxeept 'finis
LM7 Kivovsido Ho.
Phone !)00-L
"Power of
Is the Tupif at the
Splendid Mush- ly the Choir
and a Soloist.
i For Bright Eyes
and Clear Nose
Rcmnrknblo Catarrh Cure
That Gets Rinht into tho
Affected Parts nnd
Stopu Gatherings,
1 H. P. f. I n VfnUr fr llii- ryr, N
aiiti inrvau
It ! il-flnll'lr V.n.n Dial ralartli ran
t iurr.l I,) I lie plui-lr r f li '
latltiK the l-nvi Willi abtltloial r.-i..ell'M
lliat ali-i liillauimal-rr r,.mlli. through
IHIt Hie IMIir-ll 1IHIW o( all Ih-' .-rgMM
nf IIm- iMMty. ThU la ilmt wllb Ik tmmt
Hwifia Mare Hu.llr. ,.r aa II la wlikfr
knawn. H. H M. It It taken InIu the Mnl
Jint a nalaraUr aa the mutt WrtirlaklnK
fiexl II firnil" lla laflaetire er KTfy
irean In In Iwly, ihrutmh all la. lit
nml nrterlra. ami wial-laa all mimttM aur
rnrra In eirlHiiife tiitlaMitialorjr nrlil aiHl
1 nt her Irrlullinr piUalaot-n fur arlarkil el
taenia Ikfll fffK-lnally rlennat- be ayatein
nml Ibita -t an mil to nil t-Hlatiltal hIii
lion. M, H H rleana ul Hi atoiuarli nf
itinrotn ni-riliHtilall-na, rnal-lea imly re,
IiIimm) makltitf mnlerlala lo enter ttie lulea
linen, ronilillira with kiw fnml i-lalnvnla In
niter I lie rlr, iiImIihi, anl In lnaa limn an
hour la nt nork llirniia-hoiit tbo Ixxly In
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tt-r aiiwtal mtvliv mi any hliMil illaeaan
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n l-iitle uf h H, H. fnm -ur lniUi.
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nmt iiiilhliiK ol- lleunr uf till ultvuijila
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