" .- I ' V c e t it ,, . 44,,4 i.M-i- Sfc Medtord Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER 'Hlwwors (onlgttt anil Jair Balitrilnr Mat. 77j .Mlti. 40. Kurty'tliltil Trur Onllv-Kliililh Vflur MIODFORD. OltKOON, MM DAY, OCTOBER 21, 101.'). NO. 185 DEFIES UNITED STATES, THEN ASSERTS HE WILL NOT SERVE IF ELECTED PRESIDENT HA GLEAM OF HOPE NOW BRIGHTENS MEXICAN CRISIS Altrr Matters Go as Far ns Pos sible Without War, Situation Im proves Hucrta Modlllcs Defiance hy Incluillnii All Powers. Diaz Seeks Protection at United States Consulate, While Stalf Is Deported Upon Warship. WAHIIINOTON, ()l. 21, Aflor miller Imil mum about iiM inr nw thoy puiwlbly com Il tin. nlmrt of uctunl IlKhtlug, tun .Movlcitu situation Im proved slightly till afternoon. Tlml lit to say. Hocrotary of Hlnto Jlrmn announced thnt llio ndinlnU Irntliin had rtrlvml punitive nmiur HiirtMi from lr'itliti'iit lluortn of tho liitK'r'M tliMorinliiMtlon nut to ruunlii In office, oou If elected Htitutn). ,iiruiim Nut Hum Wimlilimloii officialdom took tlitn nuiirnriro for whatever 'rli Individ mil of flrlnl considered It worth. 'I'll') majority roinnrkwd, In various wii. thnt lliierla hint gUu nMiirunroH lm funi which ll woiilil hnnlly hnvo paid to rely on too luiillrltl. Moroni or. officialdom wnntod to l.jow what would happen If Hominy's iiltx'lliin should prun iiultlos. lloiiallly to hi candidacy to mcci'iin Tho Miulcun constitution provide himself ah president. Ilo trusts nb thnt tho wlmiliiK candidate In a prosl- oluloly no one. ntul It was the, con iImhiIaI nlo-tlun muni hnvo n major- nsun of opinion thnt ll would bo Ity iim well a it jilurnllty. II pro- uonfo for him to ilo so. , ttds also that n curtain proportion j li-flc 1'iilinl sinu of tlin couiitry'H entire volo mint ho ' Tho provlnlonnl prrtlilciit'it Hlnto (nut. If nn rtimlliliito r.'t mnjor- uii'iit to tho forulRii illplomnl hnro Ity- nml with four In tho floltl. this )itortliiy nrfotiioon cruntml n t re- la vory llkoly or If tho totnl voto fnlhi linlow tlin rniulrcil flKuro, tliuro nnmt tin nnothor olia'tloii. Ilui'ila ItniiiiliiH IMilnlor If iilthnr of tlionu tlilliM hIioiiM hiippnii, lluurln luu iitnmily ilcrlnri'il thnt ho uonlil hno to liohl ovor un til nflur niiothur oloctlon. Ilo mlr.lH ili-lny nnothor 0110 lmtuflnltoty. Still, tlii'rn n n Klontn of hopu In SiK-rotiiry llrynn'H luiiioiiiiromi'iit. Anil tlmro wnn nnothor Klonni lluiirln MllKhtly moillflDil liU iloolnrn tlou of yvnturdny thnt hu would not purmll forulRii lutorrornuco In Moxl rim iifuflm. Tim doclnrnllou, iih ho iiimlii It orlKltmlly, plnlnly nii'iiul ho would not pnrmll "Amurlcnu I nl it frtnri)." Todny ho inidiaHUoi tho fuel thul ho inoiiul IntiTfi'roiiro by "nny powur." (JllllllfjIlIK OffCllkhl'lH'fH Tho iiini'inlmi'iit Hindu bin wordii hotuiiwhnt loim offmiKlvo lit IoiihI to AnnrlrniiH. A hwrt pU'iulm; dctnll wiim Unit Jluortn a uudorxlnod to l.nM) Diirrcrlrd hluiBidf nl tho ruk lioMtlon of llrltlith Mlulhtur Kir l.loiml Ciirdnu. (.'iiriluu'H ntlltudi), nlmoHl of hoxllllty toward tin) Unltnd HtntcM, and of complnciMiuy townrd llunrtn, Ih loiiHldnnid boro Hnrloimly to hnvo compllcntod rolnttoiiH liotwcim Wnali ItiKton nml Mexico City and ri'Krot wiiii full nt HiIh adilltlounl kU;ii of It Ih liifluiiuco ovnr tho dictator, ovin IhoiiKb. In IIiIh liiHtaiU'o, ll tiuomcd lo hnvo bcun iihuiI In tho lutori'ntH of ronclllntlon, (luoral l'ollx Dliir.' pronoun! In llm l'nlli'd HlaloH conaulali) nt Vorn Crux (Conltnuod on pnRD 8.) IRAL PIA'AIOIJTjr, JIiihH., Ool. 21. Klroii ti'Hliiuony for tho iIoIViiho V'uh ol'fered Imio Imlny by Dr. ln ooli Drown In tho trial of .Mi'H. ,Ioii tiiu JHiy J'Juton, oluuj;ml with tho murilor of hor liiiHlmml, Ailmiral Jo 8oph 0. Katun. Dr. Drown hwoio Hint ho solil Ait liiiinl Kuloii 1(100 tulilotH, ouch eon tnlniiur oiio-liiiiiilri'dlh of n wn of lu-Hcnlii. Hu douluivil ho oiuilioiu'il tho nilininil nliout uhIiij; iirsouio, hut tho ndmlrnl iiimwrnod Hint ho did not onto, Baying if 1'" t'uulil not ho ro Hlorcd lo hirt former vljjor ho would l'inluh llio job himself, DR SI ADM N HUERTA JAILS PERSONAL AIDES FEARING PLOT Dictator Trusts No One Diaz Stall Arrcslrd and Deported to Havana While Diaz Seeks Rcftjjje at Amer ican Consulate. American Steamer Held While Es canton Lcylslators Arc Arrested and Taken Off fcr Trial. MHXICO OITV. Oct, 'i Tint members of l'rotlidouitl President lltiortii's personal hluff, every uinti of whom was nrritttl Int evening, will ho roiirlmnrtlnlluil, iitcurdliiK to In formation frntii official sources to day, ntul It unx IhuiiKht soiiiu of the in inlKlit Ik) jihot. Tim charge ngnluat thu prlsonerJ worn not miulu public but tho lin prnaslon was Hint thoy woro cniiKht corresponding with General Follx Dins. Thnt llmtrtn should lui In diuiRor, or nt nny rutu consider himself In danger, nt till hand of persons iih elosu to him personally am tho mem ber of hi own staff was generally taken iih nil explanation of liU deter inlnntloti not to resign oven for n dny to gho nn nppearanco of constllu mi'iidoiiii Mintuitlon nnd nppnroully nroiuod much iiiurli ruthuiilnHin amoiiK thono woll iiuoiiKh I'ducntcil to iiiulorntand It, by Itn bold dtlnncu of tho rnltod HlntoK. Tho polutM lluurtn inndo woro In lirlnf, an follewn: , Ilo ploilRod hliiiHidf to tho rout ora tion of ponro nnd proiuUod fair elec tion. Ho vnld ho wnii (Intermitted to pro loot foreign IIvun and IntoroKU and oiiunMy dotnriulnnd thnt MoxIciiiia nhould Kottlo tholr own domontlc nf fair without foreign Intorforonco. Ilo ndmlltod It iiiIkIiI provo liu poHnlhtu lo hold a valid election next Hiiudny, and mild In that rami ho would liavn to rontluuo In power un til n valid uloitlou could bo held. In) lie liilorenllon He referred with renpect to I'ronl dent WUhoii and with admiration to thu American people, but declared that If WuiililiiKloii refiiKod to reroR nUo him, It would "rink proclpllnlliiK wliat mlRht hrliiK WnflbltiRtnu fnco In fnco with tho KovorumentR nt London, Parla and Iterlln, and which mlKbt lend either lo the nettliiK ahIiIo of tho (Contlnueii on puro 2.) TO VKKA Cltr., Del. 'Jl.-Arter mnny hout-ri detention, tho Wind Lino Ktoniuor Morro t'nstlo suilod from hero today for llnvnua. The Mexienn nuthoritioH Imil iveu their pormiKKiou for llm vessel to leave. United .Slates Consul Cnnadii had previously issued oluiirnnco pnpors to hor in defiiiueo of tlio Mexioiiu Kovoriinu'iit'ri otileiH, hut Captain Huff deoliuod to leuvo without thu port official!.' eousoul. THEN DYNAMITE SAFE ATTICA, 0 Out. a-l.-Yi'BBiiwn looked mora tlinii u ilor.uu rosiilonts in llieir homos hero today, nut thu tc!ehoiiu and el ee trio light wires nnd then il.vnamitod llio postoffieo safe. Thoy oflonpoil with .f'JOOO, l'ossus ui'o in purdiilt, 1 RESCUERS LOSE LIVES IN E All Hope of Saving Burled Men In Stan Canyon Coal Mine Given Up Dead Estimated at 260, Includ Inn Rescuers Who Perished. Conditions in Mine Steadily Growlnrj Worse Poisonous Air Fills All Passages and Tunnels. DAWSON, N. M., Oet. 'JI.-.SIiij; Canyon rout mine No. 'J, iiiiuch- lloiinllly uis on rue litis tiftentoou. I lent nml wnoko were forcing the rexi'tiers liaok from tho wool work- itiKx, wheio it was believed u few men miht still bo alive. A horond explohioti ivun lielieveil iiiiuiilicut. Nothing had boon hoard from Kit pervisiiii; KiiKinoor Weilel, lust n-cn fur iusido the mine. He was imie tionlly given up for ileml. DAW80N, N. M.. Oct. 21. Two membem of a rescue party In the HtnR Canyon conl inlno hero Rnvo their own lives todny In tho effort to aavo pmuilblo survivors of Wvdncday'ii uxploslon. Alnnn lloxnnd nnd JnmoH Lntrd. the two victims, were helmet men In n rescue party. They entered tho mine at 8 Inst nlRht and, disregard ItiK orders Riven hours before, to leave tho Rns-flllud tunnol, bnd stuck continuously at tholr work until C a. m. todny, llnr.ind was tho first ono ovorcomo. Laird tried to support him but him self toppled over ns ho caught his companion in his arms. Though car ried to tho Hiirfnro as quickly ns pos sible, It was too lato to savo them. Conditions Woi-m) KtiRlueer Woltzcl, who was In chnrRO of tho rescue parly, who after a trip to tho surface to fill his lungs with fresh nlr during tho night and returned, hnd not been heard from for threo hours this morning and somo anxiety was folt concerning him, although as a thoroughly exper ienced miner and an otd hand In tho Htng Canyon collorlcs, his friends said thoy believed bo would turn up safe ly. Conditions In tho mlno wero grow ing steadily worso today. Despltn all efforts to vcntllnto tho tunnels, tho nlr was almost unbelievably foul nnd thick with coal dust, threatening a fresh explosion nl any moment. Tho majority of tho members of tho rescue parties wero taken 111 na often ns they cntno to tho surface, yet (hero was n constant supply of volun teers. About 12 men woro still at tho work of rcscuu In tho mlno today. Tliuro was soma uncertainty as to tho exact number of men on tho var ious lovels but according to tho management's cslluiato tho death roll will number -00, Including Iloza und nnd Laird. Tho number of rescued was still 2C and of thrso ono or two mny dlo. Practically nit hopo of saving any moro of 'thoso still entombed bad boon abandoned nt dawn, though tho rescuers continued nt tholr task. Forty-two corpses wero brought to (ho surface with much difficulty this forenoon. W0RTHINGT0N AMES GETS DIVORCE FROM HIS WIFE SAN FHANCIRCO. Cnl., Out. 21. -Worlhingtnii Ames, a well-known (iluhnmn, was granted a fmuf deuree of ilivnrco hero todny from Mrs. Nnrimi Preston Ames, jirominent in California Hociely blnco hor girl hood. Mrs. Ames did not contest tho suit. Amos alleged Mrs. Ames vn guilty of desertion nnd willful uegluut. FALLING BRICK STRIKES AND KILLS LABORER PORTLAND, Or., Out. 24. Struuk on tho head hy u hriek whioli fell from tho thirteenth story of tho Northwestern bunk building, now un der eoiistnietion, Kobert II, Wutkius, u Inhorer, is dead todny from tho injuriua hu received, OM MN DECLARING SI AIN WIR2 INNOCENT, ELLIS REFUSES TO DEFEND LIFE uiRHIRVEfci fcRf IrHvi RRtL RRW MRS. WlULtAM C.tiULI S AHP Declnrlnc Hint he ivould make no effort to defend ulnuclf at his trial for Ihe tilling of IiIn wife, William a F.llli. of Chicago, III., who coufesed In the uiuidrr before n Coroner's Jury, refused to see a lawyer. "I nni RUllly." s.ild i: IIk, "ami 1 want to be sent to my punishment as soon ss Kiplblo I have I bled nil (hat I had In the world, and the sooner 1 Join Iht I ln iK-tlor I ulll I plrnsril" HUERTA'S SATIRE TO DIPLI WASHINOTON, Oct. 21. Tho slate deparlinent pulilixhed the fol lowing diipntch from Charge d'Af fnircs O'Shaughnessy (hid nfternoon ns a supplement to Secretary llry nn'H announcement that Iluertii will not ncccpt nn election to the presi dency Sunday: "At n meeting yesterday ILiortn received tho diplomatic corps in the presence of thu cabinet nnd issued n statement saying ho had reason to fenr somo of his friends would pro pose him ns a cnudidnto for presi dent nnd would voto for him. Ho wished to make it known that such n voto would bo null nnd void nnd Hint, oven though ho received n ma jority, his election would bo null nnd void. Ho said that under no cir cumstances would ho ueeept a inan dnto from the iieople at tho lire.M'nt titno and iusiotcntly rciiucxtcd tho diplomntio corps to give their gov ernment! the nhovo information." Secretary llrynn snid ho had re ceived no confinnntion of reports that Huerta had dcclnred foreign powers would support him ngaiust tho United Slntcs. Ho ordered Con sul Canada to protect flcneral Dinz if his life wero endangered. Ad miral Fletcher cabled from Vera CniR thnt tho criiUer Taooma was sent to Tupam beeauso rioting was fenrod there. T PLACED UNDER WT CAIiUMKT, -Mich., Oct. 21. Clmrged with violating llio injuuu tion against picketing, 180 copper mino striken! wero arrested hero to day hy militiamen. Tho strikers wore taken to Houghton, where they will ho given a hearing before, Circuit Judge O'llricn. PREACHER ARRESTED FOR BLOCKING P0RT0LA - SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Oct. 21. Tho Row Snmttol Quiokmire, pastor of tho Howard Street Methodist church, was arrested during the progress of tho Portola parade here today on a charge of distutbiug the ponce. Polieeninn Duffy nssertcd that tho minister retained his posi tion on tho curb when ordered to move ou. IA UNSURPASSED CH1UPREN HCVlU.IAM CCU4S. IS MOST HOPEFUL E CHICAGO, Oct. 2L Addressing tho American Steel and Iron Insti tute hero today, Judgo K. II. Gary, chairman of tho board of directors of tho stcol trust, declared ho be Moved tho business outlook to bo hopeful. "Tho rich nro becoming moro lib oral and more charitable," ho said, "nnd tho poor more grateful for what they receive Itclatlons be tween tho employer and the cmployo nro bocomlng closer." Gary said ho thought business at presohf hesitates "largoly beeauso of unnecessary agitation and ill-considered criticism by thoso not having tho best Interests of tho nation at heart." Ho centinued: "Thcro is too much demagogy and mudsllnglng. It Is not uucommou for public discus sions to treat success ns an offonso and to consldor tho possession of wealth, however honestly acquired, ns wrong. Capital, always timid, is sorlously nffectod by unreasonable and uncalled tor agitation and nt- tack, and It Is becoming frightened." Its confldenco has boon shaken." HYDE'S SENTENCE IS CUT TO A YEAR WASHINGTON, Oct. 24. Presi dent Wilson today commuted tho sentence of Frederick A. Hydo from two years and of Joost Schneider from fourtea .months to 3G6 days im prisonment. Ho did not, howevor, mlt tho fines of 1 10,000 and 11000 assessed respectively against Hydo nnd Schneider. Tho two men woro convicted of laud frauds in Orogou and California. WASHINGTON, Oct. 24. h, L. Mulit oi Ashland nnd II. K. Alberts of Salem nro today appointed na tional bank examiners bv tho secre tary of tho treasury. Mulit will bo assigned to Oregon and southern Washington nnd Alberts is iiimlo ex aminer at large. BUSINESS OUTLOOK AYS JOG GA CURRENCY BILL IT Senate Committee Favors Aldrlch Plan of Central Bank Proposed by Vandersllp of Standard Oil Bank Wilson Firm for Regional Plan. Government Proposed Central Insti tution With Government Controlled Branches Favored. WASHINGTON, Oct. 21. Trouble over the currency bill is ahead, if I'niled Stntes Sonnlor Hnslow of! Ivuusus knows what ho is tnlkimj about, it was predicted todny among nntionnl lawmakers. The struggle, promised to develop between ihe partisans of the regional banking system provided for in tin Glns-Owcn bill, nnd ihe supjmrtnrs of tho central bnnking plan propos ed by ex-Comptroller of the Cur rency Frank A. Vnndor'in. WINon Stands Pat President Wilson notified Ihe members of the scnnlc currency com- mitteo today Hint he would not nc ccpt under nny cm) mtances the substitution nf the central form for the regional plan. In fact, he said, ho would not sanction nny funda mental change in the present bill. It was known positively thnt he consid ers nnderlip's "Suggestion a all street scheme to befog Ihe currency issue. Commenting on tho president's notification, Senator Dristow inti mated plainly thnt the senate com mittee would, nevertheless, bnsc .ts report on the bill next month on Vnn- derlip's suggestion. Ho denied that it was merely n slight variation from tho Aldrich currency scheme. Favor Central Hnnk Resides Senator Hristow, it was said Senators Reed of Missouri. Hitchcock of Michigan, O'Gommn of iew lork nnd Nelson of Minnesota, members of tho currency committee, favor a government-controlled cen trnl bank with govcrqnicnt-coutroHi'd branches. It was predicted there will bo n hard fight ou the senate floor un less an amendment is provided. BOGGS AND TITUS A John Dee Indictment alleging blackmail against Dan Cameron was returned by tho grand Jury this af ternoon. Tho alleged blackmailer will bo arrested at onco by tho sher iff's office. Tho indictment sots forth that an attempt was nuulo to extort $2000 from Camoron for se crecy in an alleged Immoral esca pade. Cameron fought tho oxtor tloulst a not true bill bolug returned upon a statutory charge. Hoggs and Titus, alleged to hnvo decoyed Myrtle Hnuscom and Uea trlco Kavnnaugh, young girls to Ash land fqr Immoral purposes woro In dicted for contributing to tho delin quency of minors. A John Dee in dictment was also found lu tho satuo case, , Indictments woro returned against Richard Dee and John Dee for ex ploding dynamlto In Dear creek for tho purposo ot killing fish. W. T. Green was Indicted for tho alleged burning ot a church at Wlmor. W. II, Mynatt was Indicted for grand larceny and A. C. Urockmau for Indoucy. Tho Inquisitorial sessions will bo concluded somo time Monday. OAKLAND, Cnl., Out. 21. Hold ing n dead pet cockatoo to his chest, Anthony Delpolio, nn aged fortune teller, was found dead of gas as phyxiation in his room hero today, STATES BR S It W BOTH INDITED ALSO BLACKMA LER CHOICEST FRUITS FINEST PRODUCTS TOR LAND SHOW Ashland, Grants Pass and Hedford Co-operate to Send Magnificent Display From Orchard and Farm to Chicago Land Show, Nov. IB. Lowe of Ashland to Charge of Ex hibit, .Will Give Moving Picture LecturesDaily. When tho doors are thrown open November 18 at tho great Chicago land show, Hie Rogue River vnlley will bo prepared to show tho multi tudes nn exhibit second to none- of her nnntirfl harvest of fruits and vegetables. Shu has collected samples of her various products, packed them in boxes, transports thcra 3000 miles and places them on exhibition in tho city of Chicago for a reason. Wo send beautiful booklets nnd wriio wonderful letters back cast; wo sometimes, nftcr living here n few weeks, write articles home for pub lication telling of tho "promised land" wo hnvo at lust found, tho big red npplcs, jK'nrs (bat are served in New York hotels on silver plates at COo each; the size of the vege tables, the perfect summer days (tho nights nlways cool), and the glor ious sunsets. And while, w.q at .this lime regret thnt we nro unable to send to tho land show a good sam ple of our September and October weather, we can back up somo of our statements with proofs, something for our enstern friends to see, to feel, to Inste, which we hopo will cause them to think seriously and decide to sco for themselves this land where the world's famous fruit is grown. Ashland, Medford and Grants Pass hnvo delected with euro an exhibit to represent tho Roguo River valley. This will bo in chargo of W. 1). I.owo of Ashland, who takes about two tons of fruits mid vege tables of his own. This valley is exceedingly fortunnto in having a man like Mr. Lowo with tho exhibit in chargo at Chicago. Ilo will, with tho aid of a moving picture machine, show and explain our scenery, orch ards, city buildings nnd attractive spots, during a thirty-minute period dnilv. besides talking Oregon to thousands. 11. Klum's linud-illnm-iucd signs will bo ir. evidence, giving growerb' names. Tho Commercial club of Medford wishes lo state (hut an abundance of our bot publicity litcruturo will bu distributed at tho show. Tho club also desires to thank tho following citizens for their generous (Continued on I'age 6.) I THREATENS SUICIDE LOS ANGKLKS. Cnl., Oct. 21. Spurred by grief ot a girl bride, oft- clals of tho district attorney's offlco horo nro combing tho city today for K. linker, who Is said to hnvo disap peared from Portland sovoral wouks ago, Mcanwiiiio Mrs. Hnttto Iiauor, his wife, has promised to make no further atompt to end hor Ufa until tho offlco has exhausted Its means of finding tho man. , According to Doput yDlstrlct At torney Joos, tho young woman at tempted Into yesterday to leap from a window in his offlco on tho elev enth floor of. tho hall of records. 8ho said uho had pawned her clothing to follow Uakor to Los Angolas and had beon unablo to find him. J003 seized Mrs. Dakor as sho leaped to tho window ledge. Steno graphers in his offlco calmed hor, and after hor promlso had been ex acted, sho was takon to a hotel. Mrs. Dakor declared that sho does not wish to press charges against hor husband, but morely seeks a reunion. DESERTED BD 11 ' 1 ,