Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 22, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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.T, H. "I.ittto Joe" WINon of Talent
was struck b) nn auto drhen by it".
J. 9. Orth. while crossing the street
to outer n buggy In fiont of the Nnsh
Hotel Tuesday night. Ho sustnlnotl
no Injuries, but was shaken up and
Mr trousers torn.
Oconto Tliomnsen of Oregon city Is
Rpcifdlng a few dnjs In tho city at
(011(11113110 .Imdlnot-B Interests.
ifbmc-lniulo bread at D Voo'b.
Tho schools of tho city will bo
opened In tho morning, tho teachers
institute nt Grants Pass ending to
dnyt .Mlko Womnck has returned from
n trip of Inspection of tho reported
Kolti lodge find on tho Siskiyou road
grade, hnd says it Is a "slipping"
from tho tnaln ledge. Mr. Womack
ascertained those facts In a day.
Digester Tankapo tor topping oft
Iiors and for growing pips. Korl
hek Veterinary Remedy Co., South
ern Oregon distributors. 19S
Tho Misses Kthel and Gladys Curry
of this city who tmro been visiting
friends nnd relatives In Washington.
I). C. for tho last ten weeks, are on
their way home, traveling by boat
from Now York to Now Orleans. They
will reach Medford tho last ot next
week. '
Will H. Wilson mado a business
trln to Ashland Tuesday.
Kodak finishing, Dest in town, st
Miss Muriel Ilurrls visited with
friends near Ashland for a few
hours Tuesday afternoon.
Jacksonville this week Is taking on
tho liveliest nppcaranco in months,
with tho grand Jury in session.
Tho L. O. O. M. will give an Invi
tation dance, Thursday evening, Oct.
23rd, 1913. Invitations can bo had
from any Moose.
Harry Young, of Brownsboro,
mado tho final proof on his home
stead near that placo today. Mr.
Young has mado many Improvements
on tho land, and has a young pear
orchard thereon that will be in bear
ing in a couplo of years.
Crater Lake pictures ,a book tl
12 pictures, hand colored, tho finest
ever mado of tho lake, for salo at
Gerking & Harmon's studio. Call
and sco them. 228 East Main street,
phono 320-J. tt
George A. Steel, ex-state treasurer
ot Oregon, wag a guest at the Walling
ranch, fast week'.
Hert Anderson, of tbo engineering
department of tbo Grants Pass-Crescent
City railroad, has returned from
a week's visit at Medford.
Miss Coffin will ho heard In song
at tho It Theater tonight. 1S3
Mnnagor Iiurkhart of the Star
Theater gavo a special exhibition of
tlw "Retter Babies" film to Mcd
ford's doctors this forenoon. The
picture proved a big success and was
heartily endorsed by thorn.
A train load of now cars for tho
I'., i:. & K. electric line passed
through this city Tuesday on routo
to Kugctio from tho Baldwin loco
motive works.
Bowling at tho Nat.
Clydo Nlles, former superintendent
of Iloguelands now manager of tho
Leonard Orchard company near
Grants Bass, has moved his family to
tho latter placo.
I'hll Mctschan, Jr., Is visiting the
valloy from Portland looking after
local interests and enjoying' a vaca
tion. B. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives mado any time or
place by appointment. Phone M
Sllversldo salmon fishing Is re
ported good at Grants Pass and
many of tho big salmon are being
Among those taking forestry ex
aminations for positions as forest
rangers nt Grants Pass arc: Fred G.
Mclntyre, Harry J. Schmidt nnd Hob
crt A. Dean of Grants Puss; Chns. F
Allen or Ashland; Walter U. Derrick
and Jatnoa 13. Howard of Kerby;
Claudo 13. Marblo of Gallco; and
Harry A. Puarso and Stophen J.
Bpoorl of Port Orford.
Bowling nt tho Nat.
Tho entertainment of tho South
land Jublleo Quartet as a whole was
j-.viiuuuvvu uiiu oi tno nost evor
glvon hero under tho direction of the
Y. M, C. A. I'nsadene Dully News,
August 27. At Christian church,
Aiewora, Saturday evening, Octo-
nor 2 ., 1S3
Mrs. h. King of Portland is a Med
ford visitor.
H. V, Wilcox of Honolulu is a guost
of the Medford.
Digester Tnnkago for topping off
hogs nnd for growing pigs. Korl
nek Veterinary ltemedy Co., South
orn Oregon distributors. i9g
I.Mdy Assistant
Day Phono 2i7
riklii 1'. W. Weeks 103.J.2
l'liones A. L Orr U7H-M
F. P. Ulster ot Portland U a re
cent arrival.
11. V. lloslnger or Scnttlp spent
Wednesday In Medford,
Bowling nt tho Nat.
James Mathews nnd wife or Phila
delphia are recent arrivals.
Floyd I. Howard ot Berkeley Is a
Medford visitor.
"lusuranco your best asset." Have
tho best. Placo your Insurance with
llohner, the luBurnnco Man, right it
be writes It. tf
H. T Holdon of Portland Is again
In Medford.
Leo Jones of Whlttior. Cnl., spent
Wednesday In Medford.
Bowling nt tho Nat.
Frank G. Owen nnd S. F. Owen,
timber nfeti ot Portland are In Mod
ford on a business trip,
11. Wortondyko of Portland Is
spending n few das In Medford.
Milk and cream at DoVoo's.
V. B. Hurst ot Wolf creek was
Medford visitor Wednesday.
W. J. Weaver of Kenesaw, Nob.,
arrived in Medford Tuesday.
Bowling at the Nat.
W. J Goobel of San Krnnclsco nnd
8. 11. Beton of Benecla are recent ar
Joe F. Kelly of Griffin creek spent
Tuesday In Medford.
Wynno Scott, ono of tho most up-
to-date portrait artists on tho Pa
cific coast Is taking chargo ot tho
portrait department tor tho Gcrkin
& Harmon Photo company, 228 East
Main street.
H. K. Warner ot Eagle Point was
a Medford visitor Wcdncsdny.
James E. Grelve of Prospect was a
Medford visitor Tuesday, reporting
tho heaviest travel In years nnd a
prosperous season for the hotel of
which he Is proprietor. He has built
a new storo nnd Is making extensive
Improvements for tho coming season.
Bowling at tho Nnt. "
William Ncllls of the Prospect
district, who recently sold his ranch,
located noar that place, left yester
day for Phoenix. Ariz., his old home.
Ho will meet Mrs. Ncllls la Los An
geles. C. W. Bender of Talent, plead
guilty Monday afternoon before Jus
tico Taylor to the chargo of permit
ting minors to play pool In his pool
room. Mr. Bender was fined tho
minimum charge.
Fresh lump lime in any quantity.
Medford Lumber Co.
A bard times social will be given
by the W. C. T. U.' Wednesday even
ing at S o'cloc kin tho M. E. tent.
Every body come in your old clothes
and have an old fashioned good
Frank Adams of Astoria is In Med
ford. F. N. Goffe of Springfield, Mo., ar
rived In Medford Tuesday.
. J, A. Glyendenlng of Ft. ones was
a Medford visitor Wednesday.
E. Smart and C. II. Bryco of
Grants Pass, spent Wednesday in
Hnlph PIttock of Applcgate was a
Medford visitor Wednesday.
J. kldston, royal commissioner ot
fruit for British Columbia, and It. M.
Winslow ot the department of horti
culture for Canada, are In the city
today and are being shown tho val
ley by Reginald Parsons and A. C.
Randall. This afternoon they am
making a tour of Inspection of the
valley and orchards, Htudylng fruit
conditions and methods.
It. II. Parsons has returned from
a business trip to Seattlo and found
niuch interest manifested In the
Jackson county road bond salo.
Prof. P, J. O'Gara has been called
to Seattle by tho serious Illness of
his sister.
PORTLAND, Or., Oct. 22. Mayor
Albee nnd Chief of 1'olieo ('lurk
wore made defendants today in un
injunction suit filed by Fred Jo
belmaii nkin' that tho officials he
restrnined from Interfering wtli
fctreet meotiiiK'i hold by himself nnd
associates. .lobelmnn wns nrreited
ii week ngo for fitreet snenkinir,
Tho eomjiluint is Imbed upon the
contention that the cotibtiltitnuib nnd
laws of the Mate and tuition-tire lie-
intr violated liy the polico in their
efforts to stop bjieukinjj on the
WINNIPEG, Man., Oct. 22. Sup
porters of Younj; Snvlor of Indian
npolih were loud in their cliiiin today
that ho knocked out Freddio Welsh,
(ho English lightweight ehampinn,
fnirly in their contest here Monday
night. A punishing left to tho groin
put Welsh down for the count.
SALEM, Or., Oct. 22. Tho sti
jirejno eourt adjourned today to go
to Pendleton to open court Monday.
The court expects to fininli in eastern
Oregon in two weeks nnd will hear
cubes again in Suluin, November 10.
The dilatory tactics entplo.ved by
Contractor Perhnm In completing the
Hbeo bridge are not forth In a pell
Hon presented tho count) court
Woduosda) sinned by nil residents ot
the Table Book district, who nltegji
grent Inconvenience and monetary
loss a the result.
County Judge Ton Velio sn.vs tha'
he has written and wired Contractor
Perhnm nt Mnrshfleld without sat
isfactory result. A fow weeks ago
Perhnm wired the bridge would be
completed October 10. Last week he
wired be would state Inst Saturday
when the bridge would be completed
Since then nothing hM been heard
Only a small force of men - half n
doton or so, are working, or over
have worked on the bridge. Nothing
Is being done on the approaches
Blvltlng on tho mnln structure Is
leliuroly proceeding. Tho first
heavy rain will carry out the fulsv
work nnd temporary bridge, and en
danger the main structure as well as
shut oft tho travel.
The petition reads In part: "For
two months we have bJen compelled
to make use ot a narrow, temporary
structure that is difficult to approach.
By reason of deep and sandy tracks,
sloping grades, hidden curved, steep
ascents, and wot and .rocky rondway,
tho crossing Is now effected with fre
quent delft) s. occasional blocking of
traffic and constant liability to dan
ger of mishap. Already vehicles
have been stalled, wagons over
turned; and the passage of heavy
loads is often a matter of hazard,
and under so mo circumstances, Im
possible." Tho contract was let in April.
the steel has been on tho ground four
months, the time stipulated for com
pletion long past. It has been n
matter of common observation that
from tho beginning the working force
has been ridiculously tmnll, the In
terruptions and suspensions frequent,
the progress halting.
"We submit that tho noar ap
proach of the rainy season Justifies
us In demanding an immediate change
from masterly Inactivity, to rapid,
unceasing and workmanlike construc
tion. We request that uso be mnd
ot the official goad at once."
AIIEHDEKS, Wah.f Oct. 22.
Coinmenline; on President WiIkoii'
KHoy with npoet to Mexico, Con
pressman J. Fordney of Michigan
who i.s here today said:
''I think the failure to recognize
Huertn as president of Mexico h
a mi-tnk. 1'iek out u man for prn
iilmit in .Mexico whooo IiiiihIk are mil
htniued with blond nnd 1 will Mui
you a white crow.
"But the only thiuir In do now i
to stnml with the ndiniuintration in
its Mexican poliey. Let them fcht
down there until thoy have overv
prehideiitinl niirnnt killed mid then
they will hnve jwace."
rilKSKO, Cnl., Oct. 22.Che.lor
II. Unwell, editor of the Frcno Re
publican, ndmittc-d today Hint he had
been urged by n group of proe-,.
kivo leudcrs to run for the United
States senntorinl nomination neninkt
Frnueis J. Ileney at tho irn;re-.-.i
pnmnriOH. Howell f-nid if ho deeiilet
lo mnko the rnee it would merely In
n friendly eontont with Ileney to de
termine tno progressive choice for
the Henatc.
ELM IRA, N. Y., Oct. 22. Willie
Heeeher of New York was haled to-
ilny as n comer heeniiHo of his
knockout Inst night of Hillv Wngni-r
of Chiengo in the sixth round of n
selifilnk-d ten-round beut: A left
liool; lo tho sloniiloh put Wuguer to
Tho Manhattan Cafo will bo opened
tomorrow as a flrst-clnsH restaurant
by tho undersigned. 18C
0. UYKDA.'
Orantn Pass, Ore., Oct. 10, 1013.
Messrs, Graham & Wakoman,
Medford, Oro.
This will inform you that my
claim for loss of my dwelling houso
and contents which was dextroyed by
flro on September 19, 1913, being
Insured in tho Continental Inuuranco
company of Now York, has been ad
justed and paid to my entire satis
faction and I take pleasuro In rec
ommending tho Continental Insur
ance company to nil parties desiring
reliable Indemnity against loss, by
Tho Dally Hint fiom Palis.
II lit... M .. i ' ', -W
w - m
W ? J2JY. . iM
U.Mit.JNtt'VK J'V efi.
!.. im4 iol w nt-i
Whtto day Rown with tnodlih tashlon
features, the very deep wslst yoke, ths
UecolleU nek nd tho full tunic
POUTI.WI), Ore. CM. 22, To
take action Hint will result In tho
standardization and shape of fruit
boxes, a scoro of box ninnufncturern,
fruitgrowers nnd fruit dealers am
meeting today.
The movtlng was called by the
Northwest Asorlntlon of Box Manu
facturers and repntteutntluvs from
Oregon. Washington and California
are In attemlnnce. At present there
are mventy-two different fruit slsea
iiinnufacturtMl on the 1'nclflc count.
A pUn to reduce this numbr to three
Is being considered.
PASADIJ.VA, Cal., Oel. 22.- The
city is to have n free market, al
though the city nutlioritiex declared
recently they nw no neeeity fur
it and refused to -Mnd the miihII
ntuo'tint of money rt'iniireil lo itnb
lith mid maintain one.
Ihe Shnkenpenre eluli today htm
frnnipd n plan for the projeet mid
the expeitte will be home hv the
women thcmsoliec, the Klks bavin
donated n hite.
(Continued from Page 1)
No, he Would iki. Would lie
Jirotuise, then, to wilhdruw htx cjiii
didaey for pre-ulent nnd prnmi-e to
take no jvart in the Wwliou?
Again, Ito would not.
They talked all night nnd were till
talking when tin Curuoraxudu doeked
nt the tpiay.
Ilia.' Ili-elai-allon
neneral Iltx Ilnl ileolnrotion
was this;
''I will Innd at oni-e; I will not
make imy promises for the futnn'."
(Isnenil VidanrnzoKH mid hi- del
egation rutdicil iKhore. They con
ferred hriofly with the port author!
lie. Then thev hnNloiivi to et
into oominiinicalioit with Miierla.
That tho" were planning n wnnn
reception for Diaz if he Inndeil
teemed eertitin. Jtilid not nppenr so
eertnin, however, that, he would land.
VidauraxngH hml hardly left Ihe nitnv
lieforo the ort iitithoritieH had tied
him fait with mileg of red tape.
It wnn tlie euimenius of opinion
that Huertn will keep Diaz afloat in
eni (mz haihor until nftr elee
lion if he can nml that if he eminot
nnd Din, doe- land, hii life will not
bo worth much.
Arrest of I'llends Kxpcclcd
Tho nrrcut of his friends iu Vera
Cruz xvim inouieutnrily expeeted.
Onlhieukx of fi'.'htiui.' were looked
for nt nny time, Suvornl nl:iniiishe
between the rival piirliHims urtmill"
did.oeeur here, at Mexico City and
olnowhore, hut thus far Ihey have
been of sninll eouseiptenee nnd the
police have suppnwsod them.
Tlie situation wiib more letmo thnu
nt nny time since the present eiisis
began. No one m vera Cruz fell
CAMHRIDfllj, Miikh., Oct. 22.
Conch Houghton wnn n Intsy man lo
'liy galling the Harvard eleven into
In infor Saturdny'H game. 'Storer,
Hitchcock, Ilradley, Trumbull, I'en
uoel; nml Hatdwiek, who had been
Buffering from minor injurioH, wete
milfioiently recovered Ibis afternoon
to resume piactiee.
WANI'KIJ alTin "and "wifiT tohoaril
owner for rent of furnished bun
galow. 417 J. Htreet, off Botith
Oalidiile. 11U
WA.N'TEDOIrl for gouornl house
work. Mrs. IT; II, French, 22 Uobo
Avenue, 186
O.i 'J.
Home Telephone ooinpnnv ot Pugel
Hound went on the rook of I'iiutiirlitl
iWI i notion lieentno tr low rule
ilnuged lor It telephone nnd ho-
'catiM' no allowance hud lieeu uuitle
'for tttinvinliiti of equipment ; not
lieenti-e the Ameiioau Telephone &
TileuiupH company uiwoibed the
iiompniiv, uocntilitig to tolimony nt
jleieil toibi by II. W, lie Vnntey, in qun.i lie a iiniiiiiulei liy nn "ii.
tlte ine-.ligatioii ot" the xo-enlled tel-llly Jfwutlenltliuj' group of lliisrtft'i
eplioue innuopoly. )e) Vainey i a
i n .ill at'eut for the Hell eoiiimu
itnl iKit one tune wih mauauer for
the Home eoiupaiiy iu several oitie
of W(iliinglon nml Drecon.
I lie deelated that while th J Ionic
eoippain was in oxiMenoo in Tiiemtiu.
.Samuel Hill of I'oitlrtiul laid plnux to
put the Sunset eompnuy out of Im-i-
ness in ihe iiiulhue!. lie niil Hill
planned to oon-olidnto nil of the in
dependent ytem of I 'ain't Sound
nnd Oregon with the l'opt Telegraph
Sw?eial lne.tlttor Smtthe oh
jeeted to tliU line of teuliimmy.
Counsel I'ilUliiny dsolured lllll i re
Hponihle for the presimt iiientifn
tiou. It is prohnlile Hill will he omII
ed to testify nt the wiimt to Ih
held in Seattle the hitter part of he
w eek.
OAKLAND. Cnl. Oil. JJ. Mil He
Me Valle, who killed her hntlmnd,
Manuel Do Ynlle, at their Iioiwh nt
Irvington lnt .Inly, wnn mMitencHd
today to five er In Sail (Jiienllli
pnsoii by Jnilgv Dniioliiiti.
Prior to the Kenleneiog, her kl-
torney, A. L. Fiiek, had wlthdrHwii
n motion for a new trial mid krd
that the eue he teferred to the pro
bation court. This the judge refus
to do, nnd after n brief interview
f the ease, iirotonmeed nenKmeo. A
stny of ten dnys wan granted in or
der that .Mr. De Valle umy m her
children utnl other memhunt of hue
Mrs. Do Valle mnrtied .Manuel De
Valle when xhe was mxteen jemii of
ae. nnd from evidence adduced in
court she lived n life of misery with
hlia. Aeeurillliir to textumuiy, De
Valle heal her brutally.
Mrs. De Valle showed no emotion
when sentence was i.itd.
Look Mother! It Toiikiio Is Coated,
Cleauoe Utile HoneU vvllli "Cali
fornia S)rilp of I-'Ikm."
Children love this "fruit laxative."
and nothing else elennsoit the tender
stouini'h, liver and bowels so nicely
A child simply will not stop play-
lit K to empty tho bowels, and the re
sult Is, they hciomo tightly cIoko.I
with waste, liver gtn hIiirkUIi, stom
ach sours, then your little ono be
comes cross, half-sick, feverish, don't
out. sleep or act nnturally, breath 1
bad, Hystcm full nt cold, has miro
throat, stoiiiach-nche or dlarrhooii
Listen, mother! Ken If tongue Is
coated, then glvu a tcaspoouful of
"California Ryrup or Figs," and In a
few hours all the coustlputed wusto,
sour blln and undigested food pamutH
out of tho system, and you have a
well, playful child m;aln.
Millions of mothers glvo "Cnllfor
nlo Syrup of Figs" bocaiiHo It Iu per
fectly harmless; children love It, and
It uover falls to net on tbo stomach,
liver and bowels,
Ask your druggist for a fiO-rniit
bottle of "California Syrup of I'Irs"
which has full directions for bullion,
chlldron of nil agou and for grown
ups plainly printed on tho bottle, He
ware of counterfeits sold hero, (let
tho genuine, made by "California Fig
Hyrup Company." Refuse any other
kind with contempt.
"The Healer"
has made tho blind iico, tho deaf
hear, tho lumo walk, tho nick got
well. Fifteen yoara' of practical
cxporlonco In troallng chronic,
diseases. Consultation freo. Lo
cated nt 315 N. Rarllett Ht.
Phono ODU-.M,
Medfoiil, Oro,
Vi:HA t HI, Me, Del. .".'
-llent crowd kieclrtl lli'in-inl Felix
hit iiiiimiI hero ltnlii . )t
w' tho ttonornl belief Hmt HmtIiiUUH. iIhpiw1h. . toBilluirii im.l
.... . ..'mtUi'iiM III ri minutes- Hint
Homier woiini iiuerpiiM nuy pign
onlliuniitvm for Dlnr, a nu tinli-Uii-eiia
ilemitimlrnlion nnil otien flir.
(leneml llinr did not Inml imttieiM
ulely. l'i ti the mouieiil that ihe
ntenmer Cmeoiavado leneliod tin
repteseiitnllveM enfHgml In an el fer:
to pernuftdrt him lo ulny on lnwr.1.
Thin pnilv had hoarded the Urn r
rtiuu itlstniiee off r I'nu from
the gunboat Samfonn. Tltey wuuld
bo iwrfpfllly Nvilliittc to Iimvh the nii
ernl hind, thev i'plainil, any lime
after the Sunday elections, ll.v r
lieliiliug oil the Coeeornvndo tint H
lhn, Ihey neited, the nlrtifitln il
the poll would be grenlly "iinpli
I'ieil, and Dins' forbearaaee nnglit
even avert n naliounl crisis,
Stcfnnl Sawmill Burns
CANItV, dr., MM. 22. The Sle
fan! Mnwmill wn dolroxd bv fi,.
today, entailing n lot of H.iH)il.
When a grocer returns
a dissatisfied customer's
money, she keeps what is
left of the goods.
You see why, don't
you? We can't use a broken
package of goods; that isn't
We want her to have
She'll find out her mis-
they are the
we've got.
S M'llufN ll t mi Mir
A Hcai'lms & t it. janv
.? -a -J ii
rlltimtrii In tlin lint, ot the I'rliu lI
Theater and Klioiiu DMrlit
Hiyeully Itedeiorateil and l( furiiMie.1 'I'lir iiikIioiiI,
ami Metier Lipilppiil Toila)- iliiiu Lver llefuro
I'.uioneaii Plan '
Itminti without hath, si, oo per day ami up
Itooint vvllli tiiiili, fr oo per duv ami up
U, J. KACC.MAN.V, Manager.
N. K. CiaitKi:. Aunt. Slur.
Eads Holkook Coal Co.
Wo dclivoi' ono .sack io one op more (oils any place
in oily. iltm'l auk I'm' credit. ( 'null on delivery
34 South Fir Strcot. Phono 1025-J
Clot Our Prices on What
You Will Wanl for the Winter
Siiccc.sKoi'H lo Woiclialoiii.
Cor. Fir and Socond St. West. Tol. 70.
For Sale
Frank H. Ray
Yard at Sixth and Fir Sta. PHONE 750-R
'I hue It! "Pape'N Utapepxlu" MhI.on
Vnni' t pM'l, llloatoil Minimi li
I ! lino In I lie MlniHr
' lu'rtli. doo' put iuil utommtm in
ordei - 'leall) d" nteifowe Indl-
Just iliAt --nllken. Pnpe's I)hM'Iii
llii) lHtK"Pt skIIIiii tmiiat-h tomilatoi
In th world. If whM you ent fei
monts into slulibeni ItiHip. ou bolrh
has and ei'iialRtH nour, uudlKi'niod
rood Mini acid; htit l diss) nit. I
lichen: breath foul, tongue coated
your Inslded filed with Idle and ludl
K'Stlble wu, lainember tho mo
nifHt "I'nptt's. I)IspJIh" ifl hi on In
eoulurt with tho atnnmrh all socli
dhttri'ts vun Ishes. Its truly iihIoii
Ishln -almost nmnelons, nnd Ihe
Joy l lt htrmtouNfs.
A Ihiro ririy-fMiil ease of 1'npn'i
Dlapeptln will give you a bundled
foliar' north of SHtUluitlon or your
lintitKltt hn4a you your mone mh.
It's worth Its weliht In icold to
limn and wonton who eaa'l net tholr
aloniarh reMlntd. It boloiiRa In
oiir lioiim should uUuvn lo, kit
hnitdy In vo ot a tick, aour. iiit
touiMi-h durliiK the iIh or at nlKbt.
Its the iuleliNi, lurMMt and most
Imnnlemi nloinncti doctor III the world
best salesmen
lift iltNulllou of nionev!., ',
Hun rr.u.iimo
R?rtland'y famous Hold .
iNolcd for Ihe Excellence
IB ...i . . M
HBif ilrl.nirinn l-nrininn h nn
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