Vt f '- VmWaMMIMX rnnmt JJ nf McM SOClSsfc f . I nl f,( DI Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER I'nlr tonight nml Wednesday SECOND EDITION MKDFOKl). OKIWON, WHDNKKDA Y, OCTOBUR 22, 1918. NO. laT forty Ihlnl rent Dillv I IkIiIIi Vnr. HUERTA FORBIDS FELIX DIAZ TO LAND BUT LATTER DEFIES MEXICAN DICTATOR ?, . feT, DIAZ VIRTUALLY PRISONER UPON GERMAN VESSEL ULI Hun la's Representatives Pleail Willi Diaz Nut to Land, Without Sue-1 ens Swears He Will Go Ashore, ! Bill Is Blocked hy Hcd Tape. Life Not Worth Murh If He Lands Atrrsl of Fi lends Momentarily Ex Iioctml Kopl Afloat Until election VKKA CIH'Z. Oil. 13 Despite M i ho nbaUrlM thrown In III w.y hy Ilia port mithurltl'-a, Otwerii rVtu m IhhUwI her. Unlay fror.t Hm ntmMp Cwonvml' nfmr n Ionic tlfUy. ntl Mfiit tn tilt tit Hie r iM.liiw' bttWH la tb city. Hlhla nil MUV U th troop or twllrrt, it inni.ll crowd naHiered nml i;bril him. Whn Dint iipupared on n bi Irony to lw IiU nDknitlodKi whnu a wsH In th tltriinn miulo n short tph, MklnR plainly If Dim IM'tutt! to run (or preldiiit. VHIIA CIII7, Mm., (VI. 'JJ.- lb" lying I'nivl-ioiirtl 1'iomloni llnriln'- M-l-ilull Ivpfi'iMMltHlliM to lli fl00, ti"iornl IVIix Iu.k wto t.dny Ilint ih ..mM land hum imiiioiliHtly, wlmlltur HtMrU liked tt or not. Ha did not do mi rw ipimlly n In liml irileiidril, Iiowpwi', fnt lhmunh oimIImh quibbling over nun it lr N.rt fmiMHlitiM tlm local nil (Uoritir held liim virtually pris oner on Him (human sloiiinnliip Cor- IHtliNU lll1tUltHlt til" I'olflKHIII. Whii Diax landed in Hiiwtnn h .leicnu gunhoti' " waiting lo bring hi wlu Wm t'rn. It wi will lo IltiMtii, imlcin.ibly h emu 4iiniit.. UUu did not i'ohivnI lii iiiiition Mint lit would nl lo Mux ic in tii for tin' Smidny oleelinii if Im hoarded thin M'Mi'l. Iln look tlio Herman tonmhip fnicnio,uilii instead. ' I'leml Willi Din. Fixe miW from the Vera Ciu. iuuy, another Mexican ttnnlioul nii't tliti ( ori-i.i uvitila hut night. l'p the ImliUr onto tlm Cnronrwvndu'i dock iiliiiiliiil (loiirrrtl ViitiiuiirAiiKii', 'ti I'ml Illnjiimil' riMt M'crftnrv. Hi'tiiiK in tliln iimliiiii'i' ih lliu'ita';i nlrti'ntnliui. With him ' M OKntlnn nf proiiiiiiont llui-rtiHtn. Thoy hint noun, lln'y wihl, to hop Din. iin to hunt until lifter tin i-liv-tion, lli would Kiimdy i'imilii'ul lhi truiri-h' if Ik' did IhiiiI. 1I miKht iuil 11 until. iwtl I'lixN hy umniniiiK 011 liuiinl llio t'orrornvndn. An u Komt imlriiil, would ho not icmiiiu on hoiirdi (Contliiiicil on pnRo 2.) E PLOTS I PLYMOUTH, MnBH., Oct. 'J'J. Httoru tiwtlinony thnt ho ovorhontd u oonvomaHou hotwnii Mih. Jounlo May Kalon nml Minn Juno Koyfl, hoc ilniiKliter, lu which Mm. KoyH finlil Hint Admiral Joaoph O. Knton hnd liriimmuil to hor Hint thoy kill Mm. Koyn' liiiHbniiil and Mm. Hilton und k tn Uuropo toKothnr, wiih kIvoh thU uftoi-uoon nt tho trlnt of Mm. Knton, ehniKod with poltionliiK tho ndinlrnl, hy itulpU KoyH, tho dofonduut'H uoii-lii-luw, Koya toHtlflcd thnl Mm. Koyii wont to Amdulppl to vIhII hor mother on tho namo day tho defendant wont to vIhII her dnti;htor. nml thnl tho con veiHutlim occurrod nt thai tttuo, On honiliiK tliltj coufoHHlou, from hor diviiKhlor, Kojh mild, Mm. Knton im imidliitoly touk a train for AhhIdIppI, und Hint ovonliiK tho 'ndinlrnl wiih lukou III und later dlod. Tho iiroHociitlon rcHtoil Its enso nt four o'clock, und court ndjournod un til tomorrow, m MURDER H1CKEN ARMY AND NAVY READY TO MV AGAN ST HUERTA Crisis In Mexico So Serious That Preparations Completed (or Action at Moment's Notice Serious Anil- Forclii Outranks Feared. BilINi Attitude Offends Wasliiti(lun Wilson and Bryan In Conference Over Situation In Mexico. WAHIIINdTON'. ct. 'it -Ko tlirntiiiliiK vnm tlic Mi-xlrnti nltuntlnu vontlilitrmt toilny tlint nil iirttporA tliiim irn runijiluttMl for liiuiltiui iMiim movim hy tlm army nnil unvy nt n iiiiiiiiiI'm iiotlio. Mtiry Mirn-inlliiK iliwpntrli (rom Moxtro (Ml) Mild Vorii Crwt liullcntoil ii fiirtlii-r KroMtli or nntl-fori'lKii mul iMt lully niitl-Aincrlciui tfolliiK Mom Aiii'irlouiirt woro rojiortixl (li' Iiik llio toiiiitry. It unit lutlmntoil hy t ho Mnt il'1 iHirtiiK'iit Hint 1'roitlilout WlUon n jinllcy of nuii-lli)r(iriiicii will ln nl hort tn uiiIiim norlouM nntl-foruli;n outrHKuM nIiiiiiIiI ocfiir, hut tlint nurh oiitrnKon wrn furi'tl wnn tiractlinlly uiIiiiIUimI In iiilmliilmrntlou clrcli'i. Thnt tlm M ' I ran tilictloim uoxt Xiimluy will Im fnrclout uvorjoun full rut tnlii. .Majority for Xono What wnH ili-ouiixl llkollost wn Hint with four rnnillilatu Iltiurtn. Dln. (inmhon nml C'ntcro In tlm flulil, utinu woulil rrci'lvo tlm roil Htlttitluuitl laajnrlly nml lluortn woulil lmily (ontliuin hh illctntor. Sui'li nit oiilrouio It wan roucoiluil iiilr.ht ciiNlly iirfolpltalo nucli nvrloiiH trouble an to iit'cowllntu Immuillnto Aniorli'iiii net tun. Not much offort was niniln to run ciuit Hid fnit (hut KiiKlnml'H attltmlo Iiiih hi'itii iIUiIii.'kIii to tlio WiibIiIuk ton KDMirninout. IIiikIIhIi fornlKU MlnUtor Kir Kitwnnl (Iroy wan ca re fill to nxiilnln to AurtiaiMinilor IMko. Aiuorlc.i'rt ri'pri'm'iitatlvi' In J.omloii thnl llio pri'HiMitatlon hy tlio MrltlHh inlnUtiT In Mi'Xlro nf hU rri'iloiitlalu to Itunrla, Immoillntoly follow Iiik his proclamation of n illctatoruhlp, wna n nioro Vuliifhli'iico," nml hy no meuiii tn ho lntorproti'il as a ulitp nt the Uultiul HtatoH, whlrli wiih nt tlio nuiiio llmo iixprio'Hilm Hit iltujilcniiuro nt llticrtu's action. Sir IMuanl StainN Cat At tlio Kiuuu tluiK, "colurlilouco" or no "roliu'liluiici," tlio luclilonl hup- plMU'il. Morn than thlH, Kir Kilwnnl onhl unthliiK hnil yut orcurrtul to miiko him holluvi) MiiKlanil miulo n lulHtnkn In rvcoKiiUliiK Huorta. It wan hoped that tlio illrtnlor'a hlKhnmlinl hohnv lor ri'contly would load lo a with drawal of DrltlHh recognition, rroBldont Wllrinn ami Soorotnry llryati conferred froi-iioutly durlut? tho forenoon. No nniioiiiicemoiu vxd mndo coiicornliiK tlio unturo or ro- milt of their dollhomtlotu, which worn ltuown, liowovor, to rulnto to cuudltloua In Mexico. WAUiA WALLA, Wiibli., Ool. 22. Having hold ol'l'ioora nt liny for twonly-four houm, tluontoniii,' their IIvoh if limy ontorod liin house, David Yiiughn, inosidont of tho Windiing tou Loan cc Tnmt oompauy, today called u phyHloiuii mul asked thai ho ho Riven inedionl aid. Ofi'ifom am Mill Kiinrdiug llio liouso. Vaughn is njpiueutly reenvorinj; from tho fit of toiuporary iusuuily which caused him to hurrioudo him self in his homo. Lust night nit offort was iniidn to nvoroomu him with gus liherulod through a Hjnall hole in one of llio windows. Tho attempt wits unsiio-ccssful. DICTATOR OF MEXICO r 1 1 10 SUCCEED self; MEXICO CITY, Ool. 22. T out- wnrd nipenrnnoo tho .Mo.ionu onp-l tt nl oouliiiuod timet toilay. I ho jhu lioe mid imow wore on liiuul, how ox or. Foreigner e.xproimod the opinion thnt Sumlny'ii olo would he ery light. They ooiiidered lliiorln Hiiro to will unliHW, porhnw, ho nhoidd prefer to prevent any eumli date from M'curing n mnjorily, that he might remnin diotutor. In any wilt, it wan holiowd, hin wiho woufd prevuil, ninoo hi trimi eon Did tin) eleotiou innchiiiory. Disregarding nil his preiout pledget, llueiiu nniiounecd his pre.-t-deiiliul eandidney lust night, with (lonernl Dhuupiet n second on the tiokct. Agninst Huerlii wore ex Foreign Milliliter (Inmhon and Oen oral Cnlero, tho noininees respcot ively of the Cutholie and lihernl par ties, (lamlioii has hoon from the first entirely under Itiiertu's emit ml. Culoro hits heon a weak oaiultduto who has hardly mndo u enmpaigu. Agninst lluertn nlso wih Uencml Diur, nt sen on his way home from Kiimpe. Huertu nekuowledged that Dins was strong, pel haps stronger than Huorta himself. 24 CITY OFFICIALS EAST ST. LOUIS, 111., Ool. 22. Twonty.four former city officials hero woio indicted today hy the SI. Clnit' county grand jury. Most of them wore charged with conspiracy to defraud tho city, and all with inii nicipal grafting of hoiiic. sort. Among the indicted ex-offieinls wcro ex-Mayor Charles Lambert and ex-Treasurer Fred Oorold. Tho ol It ers wcro former aldorinon and heads of municipal departments, Ceroid wns neoused of oiuboszling $,"0,O00. According lo tho grand jury's fig ures, tho city wns cheated out of nioro limn .f 100,000. SENT TO MEXICO PAHIS, Oct. 22. Tho hattleships Condo mid a cruiser, tho nniuo of which Iiiih not yet hecii aiiimunced, wero orduri'd loduy to Mexican wat ers to protect French iutep'stt. Tho vcavulti Miilimi dtilo was not blutcU. - ' m ,-i HUERTA DECLARES HiMSELFCANDIDATE AND YOUTHFUL RIVAL, NEPHEW '" - yu net In EXT1 placed on gray LONDON, Oct, 22 I'nloM Kor- oIbh Secretary Sir Kdwnrd Grey Is prompt In putting an cxtliiKiilnher upon Sir Lionel Cnrden, JCngllnh niln Utur to Mexico, Indications today wore that both of thorn wbuld be In trouble. Tho London press wan almost n unit today In warning tho KiiKllsh Koveruiuent annlunt any policy which might eauso even n shndo of 111 reeling In the United States. Sir Lionel's action In presenting his cre dentials to Provisional President lluertn Just ns the latter was receiv ing tho American rebuke for as huiiiIiik tho dictatorship, wns not up prowd hore. Ills statement jester day thnt the "t'nlted States does not understand conditions In Mexico," wns roundly denounced. "It cannot bo denied," snid tho Loudon (ilobo, generally a bitterly auti-Ainerlcnn paper, In an editorial today, "that President Wilson hns grounds for complaint against tho llrltlsh policy In Mexico." SLIGHT RBUmON OF NHW YOUK, Oct. 22.- A slight reaction of prices occurred soon af ter tho stock .market opened today, Tho mora important Issues .wero gen erally lower, steel dropping i, and ltcndlug, Cm, Amalgamated mid American Car 1, Canndlau Pacific 1. 'Wabnsli preferred roso US Later nil tho lending speculative fav orites declined about a point, mid tho market continued dopressed for tho remainder of tho day, several two point losses being recorded. Tho closo wns Irregular. Uonds were easy. LLOYD GEORGE PLANS STATE LAND CONTROL SWIXGDOK, England, Oct. 22. Government control of tho ''laud monopoly through tlio medium of a new cabinet porl folio was referred to by Clinncellor of tho Exchequer David Lloyd-fleorgo in a speech here today as among the national iidmiii istration's plans for the immediate future. "Jt will bo known," ho said, "as tho ministry of laud, and will deal witli all questions relating to reul estate titk's," BRTSH PRESS ASKS ER OF PREVIOUS DICTATOR, WHOSE GENEI2AL PEUX DIAZ. fr BURNS HELD FOR IS INDIFFERENT: 1' C. Horns, a tramp, Is held for the murder of Jeff Coldsou, a crippled buKKar at Tnlont la.t Sunday, by the sheriff's office tipHifini)" Verdict of I tho coroner's Inquest last Tuesday nfternoon. Another man unknown Is named as Hum's accomplice. The grand Jury will take up tho evi dence against Hums this week, and he will bo given a trial at tho term or tho circuit court beginning noxt Monday. Inhumanity of tho slayers of Coldsou was tho striking feature of tho evidence at tho Inquest, and Hums wns Identified positively. Sec tion Iloss older of Talent tosttfled that ho snw the shooting, mid hoard n nun toll tho wounded victim, "to shut up or ho would shoot again," another testified that Hums, whtlo Coldsou was laying on tho ground, kicked him In an cfort to mako him walk, and Miss Suslo K. Arnofd testi fied that Hums held his hand over tho dying youth's mouth to keep back his Incriminating tale. Tho wit nesses also testified that Hums, Coldsou, and another man wnlked around Talent for two hours with a bullet through tho cripples Intestines, and that while ho begged to bo al lowed to rest thoy Insisted that ho walk. All were drunk, the tostluiony showed. Hums is about 32 years old, n week's growth of beard Intensifying a cold, heartless looking face. Ho stands In a slouching attitude, mid his clothes show tho wear and tear of a vagrant life. While being Identified by tho different witnesses ho leered mid sneered. Ho has lit tle to say about himself, the murder, dls past. PLACED UNDER ARREST MONTEl.EY, Mox., Oct. 22. -Daniel and Evnrista Madero, brothers of tho Into President Francisco Mn doro, wero arrested hero today, charged with plotting to throw the city into tho rebels' hands. Tho federals said the plot was dis covered through papers found on the bodies of rebels killed in battle. STATUTORY CHARGE BY JEALOUS WIFE DROPPED itosKnuna, or., Oct. 22. Tim statutory charge against Hobert Conies, wealthy liuubormnn of Aboi decu, Wash., and Lillian H. Carter of Portland wero dismissed in jus tico court today. Tlio couple wero arrested on complaint of Mrs. Coates October 11. LN 0LDS0N POPULARITY HE FEARS U JI INDICTMENTS : ADDED TO LIST BY GRAND JURY Tho Erand jury this afternoon ul i 2 o'clock returned true hills against j .Mrs. UvMiie Kuoutzeu l Hie Mcatn iboat tlitrici for rtwiiilt to attempt) to commit mayhem on the person of. .Mrs. ltliveii, wh-e arm wa broken! in mi attack, mid against Charles M. j Patterson for larcenv by bailee. Thit inorniinr tho ermul mrv visited the1 poor farm and investigated condi tions there. Practically nil o Tuesday after noon was devoted by the grand jury to the investigation of the circum stances surrounding tho shooting of Elmer Conger by his brother, A. P. Conger, hit Saturday, throuvh mis taking him for a doer. All the mem bers of the ill-fated party were be fore tho grand jury, und told their stories. A. 1. Conger, tho brother who fired the fntal shot, is distracted with grief and fours are felt by his friends of a breakdown. JAB EACH OTHER SACItAMr.NTO. Cal., Oct. 22 -Following a fist fight at Hutfalo Park hero late yesterday, Harry Wolver ton, manager of tho Sacramento Coast League club, Is nursing a badly dis colored eye, and "Ulg Hill" James, n Portland pitcher, who was his an tagonist, i u under treatment for a dislocated thumb, which prevented his pitching yesterday's gumo. Accounts of tho lnipromtu boxing bout differ, but those who witnessed it say that Wolvertoti opened hos tilities and struck James. The i pitcher cunie back sharply, and tn the close-up work, Wolverton fared badly and wont down for tho count. James is considerably lighter than tho to rm or manager of tho Now York Amorlcans. Had blood Is said to havo existed betwoon the two men over slnco both wero connected with tho Amerlcau Lcaguo, where James formerly was with tho Cleveland e'ub. SULZER OPENS CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS NEW YORK NEW YORK, Oct. 22. Ex-Oovcr-nor Willinm Sulxer opened hondquar ters today in n llrondway hotel, whence ho will wage his campaign for tho stale assembly as a progres sive nominee. DR. CURRY OF BAKER ON TRIAL, FEDERAL COURT PORTLAND, Or., Oct. 22. Dr. II. E. Curry, u prominent physician anil surgeon of linker, Or., was placed on trial today in tho federal court on charges of uing tho mails for an unlawful purpose, SEVMOUR SAYS PR01SESEALED MURDER SECRET Condemned Man Writes From Peni tentiary Sayiny He Will Make a New Confession, This Time Telllnrj Who Was Slayer of Dedaskalous. Says Real Murderer Is Laughing at Him Now, But That a Promise Has Sealed His Lips. Frank Seymour, alias I'arkor, who with Mlko Spanos Is sentenced to bo hanged Oct. 31, writes tho Mail Tri bune promising another "confession" before he dies, In which ho will reveal the namo of the real murderer of George Dedaskalous, tho Greek ho Is convicted with Spanos ot killing. Seymour made somo six different con fessions whllo hero and recently rnado a seventh, to tho warden of tho penitentiary, similar to ono of thoso made here, In which Tom Frekas, tho Greek section hand, recently con victed ot stealing apples, is accused of tho crimo. Seymour Is evidently growing younger with tho years, ns ho says ho Is but IS, whllo tw6yraJrsTagd!?no claimed to bo 19. Tho lotter is evi dently a plea for sympathy to aid In securing signatures to tho potlllou being circulated asking the governor to pardon. Desplto tho fact that tho murder Was rovoltlngly cold-blooded, and both convicted men worthless degenerates, tho petitions havo boon freely signed by thoso who do not bellovo In capital punishment. Tlio lotter follews: OREGON STATB PBNITNKITAUY, Salem. Ore., Oct. lf.th, 1013. Editor of. Mall Tribune, Dear Sir, You will do mo a great favor by publishing what follows, I have been sentence to hang on tho 3,1 of this mounth, I would llko to say that, I am hanging beacuso, I wns foal enough to keep my word. I gavo my word that I would not toll who killed George. If it had not been for me. they would havo been lots of dlferonco. I would not be where I am today It I had did as iho sherlf ask mo to, tho man that killed George, is laughing at mo now. I saved hint nud hang myself. I havo got nobody to blame but myself. It was Just a lot ot ignorants on my part, the papers aro all tho tlm telling about them to greeks, If you don't know that I am not a greek, I will toll you I am not a greek, but I am not any butter. A Greek Is Just as good as I am. My father Is English, And my mother Is Spanish. I got word to day that my mother has beou died tow years. I loft horn lu 130C i was in Kneo pants when I loft. I am IS years old. I think it is pretty hard when a man my ago has got to dto. Hut I am going to let you know who killed George, tho greek, beforo I dlo. I am, Yours truly FHAN1C SEYMOUR. ROLLER TOUGH TUSSLE SAN DIEQO, Cal., Oct. 22. John Dorg, tho Portland wrestler, is look ed on hero today with favor as a ro wilt of his match lust night with Dr. D. F. Holler of Scnttlo, who has as sumed tho titlo of champion slnco (loteb's retirement. Although Holler won in straight falls of forty-two and twenty-fivo minutes, he was given tho tussle nf his lifo by a man twenty pounds lighter, nud was ropcatedly baffled by llerg's agility mid gnmoncfiH, 'i,'ho crowd hissed nml jeered (he Seattle man for his tactics and "jawing." 1 49 1 V M i';i 4