Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 15, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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wim i !!' mw ! w wmn n" '
13. M. Mlehaelson ot l'eitlaml la
nrtaln visiting tho vnllox
11. 11. Tronsnu, Austin Corbln and
Corbln IMroH ot Knslo l'olnt are
anions tho orrr-nrdlsts uondtuR
WcdnuHtloy In Medford.
W. A. I.nldlnw ot l'ortland la n
Medford visitor.
llomo-inado broad at Do Voo's.
13. .T.Knlcr ot Ashland was n do
volopmoiU league dotefiatu Wodnos
ilny. Loo 1). Tlernflv, traveling passsn
Ker nnont of the Ursat Northern,
Pliant. Wednesday In Medford.
Addison Uonnott, tho veteran edl
tor, now special writer on the Tort
land Ornronlnn, nrrlvod In Medford
Wednesday to report tho Develop
ment lA'iiguo metlnR at Medford tor
his paper.
C. M. ltlohards, tho piano tuner Is
now nt home, 817 West Tonth, owno
phono S90. ITS
M. T. Mlohcl of Idaho Springs, Is
n Mcdtord visitor.
Hotelier I.lnn and Mrs. Linn of
Portland nro hnrp looking aftor their
orchard interests.
It. L. Wilson of Control Point
spent Tuesday In Medford.
Digester Tankage for topping oft
hogs and for growlnc pigs. Korl
nek Veterinary Itemedy Co., South
ern Oregon distributors. 19S
It. D. Wagnon. the single tax ad
vocate, of Portland, is visiting tho
Jesso W. Churchill of Yrcka, Sid
ney Sprout of San Frnnolsco and p.
O. Steelo of Yroka, officials of the
California-Oregon Power company,
aro In Medford on a business trip.
Kodak finishing. Den iu (un, t
Your last chance tonight to fee
"The Invadors." or "The Hustler
War' 'In tho Hole In the Wall coun
try, Wyoming, fought In 1S92 be
tween cattle men and homesteaders
nt tho It Theater. The largo at
tendance last night was highly
pleased. Don't miss it.
Special vaudevlllo tonight, llattle
Wado Mack, Irish comedienne, two
nights at the It Theater A gen
uine Irish singing and monologue ar
tist portraying "The Apple Vendor."
Played hero two nights at tho Ugo,
a few years ago. 17?
Mrs. T. J, Fuson and baby nro vis
iting Mrs. G. P. Jaster at Grants
Coming to the Star Friday and
Saturday, "In tho Colls of tho Py
thon. '
County Commissioners W. C. I.e ov
er of Central Point, and Joo Smith
ot Koguo Illver, aro in the city to
day attending to county business and
attending tho Dooster's Rally this
lid Popo of Union creek spnt the
first part ot tho week in tho city.
Crater Lake pictures ,a nook if
12 pictures, hand colored, tho flnost
ever mado of tho lake, for salo at
Gerklng & Harmon's studio. Call
and sco them. 223 East Main street,
phono 3 20-J. tf
Tho Elks' lodgo will opon tonight
tho bids for tho excavation for their
new club rooms on Central avenue.
Major Ilowlby, stato highway on-
gincor Is In tho city on business.
Coming to tho Star Friday and
Saturday, "In tho Coils of tho Py
thon. According to a letter received
yesterday by Moso Iiarkdull, Ad
Wolgast, forncr lightweight cham
pion of the world, who licked Uat
Nelson at Mllwaukeo Monday night,
will arrive It: Medford about October
20, and spoud a month on his ro
cently acquired stock ranch near
Euglo Point. Mrs. Wolgast will ac
company her husband,
Harry Pollutt hag gone to Port
land to attend to busluosa matters
for a fow days.
3. p.- Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives made any tinio ot
place by appointment. Phono M.
H. O. Ilrown of South Jacksonville
spent a few hours In tho city Tues
day afternoon.
Mrs. H. Donnls of Kaglo Pojnt
vpent yesterday in tho city shop
ping. 'AH kinds or warm clothing to be
had chonp nt tho rummage sale In
Palm block by Presbyterian Jadlos.
Tho Commercial club and tho
Itoguohinds company nro exhibiting
largo squash and pumpkins, product
of this valley, that aro attracting
much nttoutlon.
James Pond of Uutto Falls spent
Tuesday in Medford attomtlng to
business matters. Ho loft this morn
Jug for San FraucJsco, wboro hi
will spend tho winter.
Weeks &WcGowan Co
Lnriy Afcblstout
Day PJiono 27
NlKlit I W. Weeks IlW-J-a
Phones A. E. Orr 078-M
Tho directors of tho Jackson
county fair have decided to hold a
race matinee nt tho fairgrounds next
Sunday nftoruoon In an effort lo
make up this year's fair dntlrll ot
?t00. A number of feature events
will bo staged Including Nero, the
bucking bull. AUtla, owned by Dr.
I nouns, wjio nrouo mo siaio record
at Jiosoburg for tho 2:30 pace will
no piuoii ngains; nnrry ,. in u
special matched r-nro. llosttlos those
there will bo othor dnsbo and paces.
F. fl. Uftnt of Klamath county, n
well known cattle man la in tho
city for a few days attending to busi
ness matter.
Coiulnn to tho Star Friday nnd
Saturday. "In tho Colls of tho Py
thon. Mrs. Ifeuton Howers of Ashland
visited with Mr. It. F. Mulkoy tho
first part of the week.
Arthur Gray of Kunonc Is visiting
frlonds and relatives In the valtey
for a few days.
llunminpo sale In Palm block by
ladlos ot Preebytorlan church.
Hunters, according to Carl Tnng
wnld, havo killed all tho Chinese
pheasants on tht Westorlund or
chard tracts. Considerable money
was spent In stocking the orchard
with pheasants and now there Is
nothing left of the birds but n fen
stray feathers on the ground.
SergiMiut Pat Mogo of the police
force who has boon on the night side
for nearly a year has been shifted to
the day sldo for n short period.
"Insuranco your best asset." Hove
tho best. Placo your Insurance with
Holmes, tho Insuranco Man, right It
ho writes It. tf
Fred Lewis and wife of Wellen
visited with friends In this city
Tuesday aftornton and evening.
. P, H, It Ice, a railroad man ot
Dunsmulr, Cal., Is In the city for a
fow days visiting.
Milk and cream nt DoVoo's.
Tho ladlos ot tho Presbyterian
church will hold a rummage sale
Wednosd.i Thursday, Friday and
Saturday vhero Diamond's Jewelry
store formerly was. Mon's suits and
shoes and hats, women's nnd chil
dren's coats and suits," dresses, mat
ting, overshoes, lamps and every
thing you may doslro.
Charlie Young will leave In a few-
days for a boar hnnt in the eastern
part of tho county. Tho bears are
reported plentiful In tho mountain
district, and aro all futtod up for
their long winter's sleep.
Corn for talo nt Burranda ranch.
Phone 591-IM.
Miss Carrlo Drowning of Grants
Pass Is In tho city for a few days
visiting friends and relatives.
Will H. Wilson returned Tuesday
ovonlng from a short business trip to
Grants Pass.
Digester Tankago for tonnlnc off
hogs and for growing pigs. Korl-
nok VotcrJnary Itomedy Co., South
ern Oregon distributors. 19S
Tho telephono company has dis
pensed with tho services of a chief
operator at night.
Verno Van Dyko, who has been In
the country for the last ten days, re
turned to Medford Tuesday for a
short lslt.
Wynne Scott, ono of tho most up-to-dato
portrait artists on tho Pa
cific coast Is taking chargo of tho
portralt.department for tho Gerkln
& Harmon Photo company, 228 East
Main street.
Tho National Guards hold their
regular weekly drill in tho Nat last
night. Tho acutenoss of tho Mexi
can situation has filled tho company
with tho war spirit to the oars.
J. H. Carnation of Klamath Falls
nrrlvod in Medford this morning to
attend to business matters for a
fow days. ,
Col. George P. Mlms of Sovon
Oaks is in tho city today attondlng
the Boosters Itally at tho Nat this
T. Taylor of Itosoburg Is hero for
a fow days visiting and attondlng to
business matter.
The team attached to the Standard
Oil wa.on becamo frlghtonod late
Tuesday nftornoon, and ran away,
tearing down a concrete cluster light
post by tho city park. This was tho
extant of tho damage.
Attorney McCabo, who Is solici
ting 8lunaturos to n potltlon asking
Governor West to commute tho
sonteuco of Mlko SpanoK and Fred
Seymour to llfo, reporta good pro
gress, with fow against giving the
pair auolhor chance. Tho entire
county will bo canvassed, during tho
no.t ten days, and tho petition sent
to Salem tho week of tho hanging
date, October 31.'
This year tho boys and girls of
thf- grammar schools of tho city nro
making arrangements for athletics
on a larger eculo than Ju previous
years, and apparatus is being In
stalled on tho Washington, Lincoln,
and Itoosuvolt grounds.
Sam Logan, who has lived for 27
years on Elliott creek In tho Uluo
Lcdgo district, was u business vis
itor in Medford Tuesday, nnd loft
for Hosoburg Ju tho evening to visit
relatives. This la his first trip away
from his wilderness homo Iu four
yours. Ham does not sou much of
tho rwflt of tho human family, for his
noarost noJghbor lives 18 miles
away. Ho Is 70 years old and moro
nctlvo than a man ot 30.
Tom 1'rokas, tho Greek in-rested
for stealing apple front tho Snowy
Hutto orchard, wan n section hand on
tho Southern Pacific, not necllon
boss mi erroneously stated.
J tin Kershaw of litninv, and 3 J
other residents of tho Autolopo val
ley havo petitioned tho postal do
parttueut for n trl-wookly rural mall
sen Ire. They now got their mull
at W'luusr and Kaglo Point.
(Continued from pnno l.j
lrt payment for the IhuhR wo in
cliwo herewith our certified check
for :?'I.MU.
"Tlii proposal ! nmilo subject
to tipprovnl by our attorney of the
leirnltty of the 1110, you to prompt
ly funii-li tw certified copy n,f nil
tho noocMwry proccedingx.
''Yours trulv,
"H. M. (JKAXT & CO.
"lly II. 11. Wood.V
IlliN Satisfactory
"Whon the condition of the money
mnrkcl i cinidpred, nnd the fact
(hut Cnlifonim ivntl liomlx.nrc dif
ficult to Mill, the bids offered nro
extremely MitNfmitory-," stfttctl Sluic
lliglnvny Kugincor II. L. Ilowlby,
who came here to attend the meet
'T rode tilinut the county for n
couple of duvs, saw your resource-)
nnd development, tint Mttitfleii as In
your future mid figure the lintuU it
gool invcstinont for anyone.'' tutod
II. H. Wood, the liighe-t bidder.
Mr. Wood U n friend of Snm llilln,
the good roN advocate, mid it !
duo to Mr. Ililrs intere.t m Jack
son couutv's t;ooil roads effort that
he came to Medford nnd nmdo tlir
Other Illds ItccclvtMl
The following were the other hbln
offered :
Continental Commercial Tnmt &
Saving batik nnd K. 11. Kollins &
Co. of Denver. ar nnd neorued in
terest, in Chicago.
X. W. Ilnlsey & Co. nnd A. 1
Leach & Co., jmr hiiiI uccrued in
terest. Two bid, one on full
nmoitut nnd other on $'J00.000.
Hurri-s Tnitt & Saving Hank, mr
and neorued nitere!.
John Xuveeu & Co., par nnd lie
crurd interest, with premium of
Commerce Trust Co., Kansas City,
two bids; one nt par nnd the other
iflnO premium, with ttiiu1utnn
that the contracts let bo npproved
by the bond holders.
Wm. It. Comptou & Co., St. Loui.
$.")00.000, plus neorued ltitoroftt nnd
$'1S77 premium.
Cauey, Foster & Co., Denver, mr.
r arson Son Co., pur and ac
crued interest and $11 premium.
Spotzer, Ilorick & Co., Toledo, O.,
par, offering county tieeruod inter
est. The detail of tho bids carried
various items of cxpen from noth
in'.' to the sum of $'J2.-l.'iO. The Nu
vcen Co. bid rcoeiveil crilicimn
promptlv on necount of the word
ing, allowing for double interpreta
tion. Mile Stownrt of Medford lib pnr
for $300 worth of bonds. This wii
th" first bid received nnd Mr. Stew
art desired to secure tin) fiist bond
I.OXDOX. Ont. IS. The will f.f
the Into J. I'ierpoiit Morgnn, the
noted Xow York finnnoior, wns of
fered for probnto here today. II
hhow8 that organ left un cstnto i'i
Knglnnd worth $.",800,000 His !uir
will buvo to pay mi iiiliaiiliinci) tax
of about $1,000,000.
Detroit, Mich., has boon mado the
pnrmanont headquarters ot tho Amal
gamated Association of Street and
KIcctrIc Railway employes of Amer
WANTKD--Olrl for general houso
work. Phono Gl 1-113 or address
box 08 A, U. F. D. 378
A roasted oof'iVc beaji
is as )orous as a
sponge; it eau't k!ej) in
its aroma, or keep out
odors, if exposed to air.
Leaving it whole, io he
ground as used, doesn't
keep it fresh.
The modern scientific;
way, as used with
Schilling's J Jest, is to
granulate it promptly
after roasting and pre
serve it in aronia-iight
l-lb., 2-lb and 2 JIj, caps;
4Qc n lb and money back.
nsk )ou ('.entlouteu to find Oils man
guilty of murder m that ho may dlu
the death ho hn so well earned."
While Prosecutor .tones nhoutod
these words to the Jury that If to de
ride the fnto ot Sum .1. Halior, caba
ret sinner, charted with tho murder
of Cherry d St. Maurice, u woman
ot the nlKht ll(o hero today, Rubor
snt tlnaertui; a lend pencil, a ncor on
his fare, and apoatontly uumoed.
Itaber displayed abolii!aiy no. emo
tion a Jones recited tho story of the
killing ot tho woman, a told by the
prisoner In his confession to thu
Joitcu addressed the Jury when
court convened nnd tho first witness
was then called.
Architects, photoKraphors an -I
othora doscrlbell tho Cherry dub,
the scene of the murder, and Mn
Fisher, Identltlentou oxpurt of the
police departniunt. told ot finding
the womuu'i) body.
Clashed occurred between Prose
cutor Jones and J. M. In man, at
torney for the defense, and at ouu
time the men were shaking their fin
gers under coh other's tiosu and
shouting loudly.
(Continued from Page 1)
wireless- apparatus so that it could
lie ucd ugniii.
('oiuliig of Rescue SIiIjh
"At noon the Carinnnin came up.
Other !hiw began to arrive somi af
terward. They launched boats, lull
none of them reached us. Tho enp
Iniu flnbel wircl-s msit)rcs for
help, but they nnwcrcd (lint the sea
wns too horny- no bout could Iic
in it.
"We tried ngain and lot two more
lifeboats. Toward momiiur the" cap
tain scut another tntwsnve by wire
less; My God) Wc can't staixl thi
lung. Our bouts are gone. Send
" 'We've tried our bent,' they re
plied, 'but the sn i tN henvy po
boat can live.
"'We'll uliow'lbem,' shouted Cp
t:in Inch, turning to (lie crCw, nnd
lie called for volunteers to man an
other boot. It wnii almost cert nil i
death, but tunny offered to jro. Four
sailors were ehoeii, nnd 1 wns given
Wacs Are Terrible
"They lowered us mer the ide.
Tho wnes were (errific, but we irot
iff Mifely. Whilo the sailors rowwi
I kept flashing my lMH-ket electric
li-lit so that the watchers from the
surrounding ships might sue wo were
still nlie.
"Wo had nu ah ful slruirgle nnd ii
scorned miles, bill we mutle it. When
wo reached the Oro-scr Kurficr
the sailors climbed up the lines, I
was nlniost exbnustcd, and ns tlo
wero Iitiuhiig me iu, the boat sank
nlmost from under my fret.
Vou Ilii-atlic It Xii Stomach nosings
( tears I ho llcuil .
Uio uaturo's romody for catarrh, or
cold iu tho head, ono that Is harm
loss, yot ijulck and effective
It Is the heallui; oils nnd balsams
of llyotilel which you broathc
through a. small jiocliot Inhnlor. This
curatlvu and antlsuptlc air rouchos
tho most n inoo air cells In tho noxo,
throat and IhI.ks, IUHIiik th catarrhal
Korms, stopplMi; tho offcuslvo broath,
ralsliu; of muoiiH, droppings Iu the
throat, crusts In tho novo and nil
othor catarrhal symptoms.
Tho cuinploto outfit costs only
J 1.00 and Cha, Strain; will return
your money If not uatlsflod. Do not
continue to suffer catarrhal Ills
try Hyomi 1 now today.
I Nave Taken Over The
And whilo thoy Inst will in alto ro-
ducod prices on milts and ovorcoats
mndo from theso goods. Wo will
guarantee perfect fit and satisfac
tion Iu every way. Call and look nt
tliouo goods.
Medford Tailors
k, j, km; i.v
i , '
I'JK ICnst Mulii Ht.. Upstairs
"Ilul wo hud Miouii ttmu (hat u
boat could live, mid nlinoM iinmedi
nlcly others were lowered 1'iotii tin
liiicts nnd 111" lilV-Kining begun."
Asked how it happened that Ihe
Cnrmaiilii rescued only one innn.
Lloyd replied: ''(led Knows. No
bonis were lowered from lite I'ai-
tjutnnin, cmmi nfler wc hud shown
1 , ii ii... .......
I hem I lie wuv.
Several of the (li-oscr Kirfiint
passengers corroborutcd this state
tnent by l.loyd.
The second officer denied- Hint
(ho crew showed any sinn of cow
ardice or that Captain Ineh was
compelled to threaten them.
(Contluiicil from pnn 1. 1
which iu-coinpnulcd tho' ouo sent by
President Wilson had not hern mado
public today but It was known lo be
a tmnRly phraced Imtuliy rynceru
lux the wifely of tho Imprisoned de
puties. The state department bus kept tho
powers Informed concerning the cor
respondence between tho Anoylren
and Mexican ovrnmcuts and of nil
deUlU of the crisis uetwwu them.
President Wilson mid Secretary
Mryiut had n long talk today in n--gurd
lo the MexicHu niliinlion. The
si'orvlnry nftcrwurd denied that hi
bad ordered l-!uitinry Linil to re
turn home.
llucit.i had made no reply tins af
ternoon to the president's or I"
Ilnati's iixtc- ( bun.
Kuril "Pats-'H
:iioii (imliis
IIUiK-s-sin" ltli"tH
Food, I'iiiIIiik all
StuiOiiili Misery In
I'I to
Tlmo It! Tape's l)Upcplu will
dlnest uuyihliiK you cut and overcome
n sour. isi or out-of-onlcr stomeib
surely within five minutes.
It your iuchIs don't fl( t-omfortablv
or what u vat lies like a lump ot
lend In your stomach, or If you have
heartburn, that Is u slgu of IndlKo
tlou. (let from jnur pharmacist a flft
cotit case of Pspe's Olaieslti and
take a rtoeo Just as soon ns ou mn
Thora will b no eour rlsliiK. no
belch I ti k of illlillnestud food inlx.d
with acid, no stomach gas or heart
burn, fulness or heavy feeling In the
sUiMuch, nausea, debilitating head
achee. dtasiueM or Intestinal griping
This will all go. and. healdt'S. then
wlll be no sour food left otr Iu
the stomach to ihjIsoii our bn-nth
with nauseous odors.
l'upo's Dlapopslli Is n rerlnln cure i
..... ... ,.. ,... i i. I
takoe hold uf your food and dlgents
It Just the same ns If your stoiuiuli
wnsu't there.
Itellef In flvo minutes from all
tomnrh misery is watting for you at
any drug storo.
Tho lame fifty-rent rsss rou
talti cuougli "I'A)h's niApcpsln" to
keep the entire fsmlly friw from
stomnch disorders and IndlKcstloii for
many months. It belotiM Iu your
70 and 71
Schellelin's Grocery
which way io o.
which way yon should have
Experiences Chooses
Experiment Chances
Slop taking diawcK, leave
KvpcrimcnL to those who
prei'ei' the Kxcitciuent of
wondering now Things will
come out. liny your Grocer
ies Jiere, you will know by
sure Avay towards SA'iTS
OIAMIM V. Wo-h., Oct. l.V The
Micccss of woman MUi'irngc in Wash
ington dl be ii-cil - I'liiiipiiigii n r
ttuiucols by women of llnlliiuil in
filthlintr '" 'll l'llit
Al the itiUcs of the HottJrn ot
llinl counlry, (lovortior Ustcr wintc
iriuu MinUler CwrtwiuiHcrliJideii,
telling him uf (ho womlirfu mte
net of eipnU siil'fiie In Ibis attr
and showiiig how th women Mttfis
have -ild iu public affair.
The i'miihuImIioo ol llolliuid In be
ing revised and the oineii nb' in
Ihe midst of n citmpnuni lo w'
riiutl surjriiKe'iuconiorali'd iu I In
new lows.
Uot Our l'i'it't'8 on "What
V.m Will Waul for Hit- W.inliT
SuiM'fKstu-s tt UN'ii'hsli'in.
Cor. Fir and Socond St. West. Tol. 70.
For Sale 4 -
Frank H. Ray
Yard at Sixtli and Fir Sts. PHONE 7fi0 R
' I ' , .fT? n.n...... I, . " """MA J
---v- n1 Direct from Our Factory . ., .Jj 3
K rvtiTfOiCMa f.Cih ' I
l 1MMMJ a i 1 1 k 7,' ; v, 1 1 1
In a! ; rfl luxrisnAH irrs:A nooss i "it Q
D -t H !, . . . i.i M4i'4, si s i pre .u i
.- 1 I U. III..' ! .'-.i J' ' - I
, v J OOTrAOB W1KOOWS - i.i I'f appi-TSSJBjK I)
i n S X - 9 "" '" '" ' -w ' ' t fr i . u I
H H in. r-. . . . . ' ' .l fl
II N M CASr.KKNr iSM. !! iim ..4 iu S-l- -. .fj-V u
V m t i i i. at r. ii.i tr m , ........ . 1
V S. I " "i '" ' , t .-:v
gH - - -fj INSltlt UStSIl In Dii O..I la l.J- ' J ' ,1
i R ' I I I ihtlr"lKOK IIVUK. . ."Ha'i'.n w. 5 Lri -'-'.-'
U , , V WIILIAXI -BOUi UMi. wwii
fl ' !l il I IIV.i'ii il.M.a.i ft II t ;, ,- --7---,'
I I --JI W 'I -i lli. i-r ...i .r i . , n .. . iiw I , Ji
i f ; - I s -u. lf ""- " -i i MW ! j. -Jl
PI s B v. u .. i i. ' -1 fi j?r L
Mrs. Briggs a
Great Teacher
Hear Her Afternoons at
K. of P. Hall
The baUliu: exhibits and free le.tnuM l.n by Mrs. Nevada llrl
and MIhs lllnuhsm. of ChlraKn am t .i1hh Isrus Mud inlhuslssil.i
crowils iisi'h sftoriioon. Tin mm d that insuy of Medford' best
JflKfr, fi
wQ . V i l
U IT- " " "w
'.. j&.
iJJrKC--k .-"
ci r.m ws'
Ink loolis and Is iindiiuhtudly tho most valuaiilo CooK'h Honk on I'nh
trios, I'liddliiKs, Uroads, (Julum. etc. over kUkii out by any inanufne
turnr. Tlilu beautiful CooU's Hook Is kIvhii to any mio who pur
cliiimis ii LTc run of K (! llaldiiK i'liwdur from their urouui' unit Inlnn-t
tho colored initlflcuto found Iu thu call to tho Inclines. Don't full
to Biiciirii n copy of this unusual rook's Hook. Don't wait until ton
Into to attend theso loehjius. Only n lliultod niiiubor will bo nlvon.
I.aillnu should brliiK u forlc for sumplliiK.
.001.1) 0.MCM
yitKAij UAKi-:
"Uoley" i bl brown tialcali
owned by Court I lull whs burned up
thin iiiiimlnx on Kvoue crwh. iinonl.
lug to telephone iueo roeelvcd
rrom fteoJW !. " wltli others,
wns On P hulilttig trip In that -Hon.
Th uttWitttt " flb'd i
rh wtjltlM h rrtr to nackflrf.
fliol rcsurtltig In blAiH that in
lopd tho cMr. Tu IftM hi nboiit
H i-loi'O prjlBlly CfliTd by lusitr
iinee. "Htsy" we Ihe oldwii rsr In
the Medford tt service.
II. W. UtlcMnty ot Ht. AUrb-s.
Msho, Is In the city tpv A tw d)
on biiHlnoss.
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rooks urs prsssnl. Any liouraKvoper
IntsrvNtud Iu lisvln hisliliful, pslu
tnlilv f'loil cannot alford lo miss nttuiid
Inn ll"i Ii'ctiues ur snudliiK tln-lr IiiciIiIh
If iinablH to attend themselves.
I ii res s SO to fi p. m. uMry day.
The Cook's
Book is Free
Tho CooU's Hook tuud Iu Ihe lee,
turus contains i.vr ) of Mrs. .Innnt
McKtiulii lllU'h licnt reelpi-s. It in II
lllMtiatnd to sliuw how thu fllilHluut link.
l''ItllAV . .
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