Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 07, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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friuMimno iovkiiV aftkhnuo.v
uxcniT Sunday nv fi'iiia
Tlio Democratic Times, Tim McJfonl
Mall, Tlio Mcflfnrrt Trlliuno. Tlio South
ern OMConlnn. The Ashlnml Trltuna
Off ico Mail iMhimo nollolmr. SS.27.:
Norm l"lr street; telephone IS.
Offloliil 1'nrer of tlw City of Mcilfonl.
Official l'npor of Jockoon County.
aiCOUOn PUTNAM, Killlor ami Mannwr
Kntnrod s sccond-clasH matter nt
Modfonl, Oregon, under tho not of
Mftrcli 3, IS7S.
mt-nnnRTirTO? rates.
Ono yenr, by mull. . .... -IS.JtJ
Onn tnonlh. Uy mull. .. - f 0
Vtt month, ilMlvorml by enrrur In
Mr.ilfnf.1 Jnnkmititlllc ntnl Ccn-
tlAl Point- . .50
Wokl. l'"" "wr .. -. l.RO
Dally nvorngrt for iloxon months omV
tnp November SO, 1911, 17M.
Tho MslI Trll uni 'n n sile nt tho
lorry rw titaiKi, .-sin rrncico.
Portland Hotel NVws FtnnJ. Portland
Portland Now Co., 1rtmtid. Oro.
W. O. VrliHno. tVnttlc Wniih.
mil tsicA Wlro United Press
itrnrniiD. rmr.rtow.
Metropolis nf Southern Oregon nd
Northern .CAllfurnla. nnd tho fnstcst-
crowitiir city in urcpon.
Population U. 8. consua 1910 SSIO;
rMlniiitcrt. 131210.000.
Kivo hunoera thousand dollar Gravity
water sysiom comwiua. cuing unei
pimply pure mountain water, and 1" 1
miles of streets paved.
Tho annual Teachers' Institute for
Jackson county for tho year 1913 will
bo held Jointly with Josephine county
nt tho high school building In Grants
Pass, commencing at 10 o'clock a. in.,
Monday, October 20th, and continuing
thrco days.
Tho Southern Pacific and the Pa
cific and Eastern railroads have grant
od special rates of ono and ono-thlrd
faro for tho round trip on tho certifi
cate plan, on all fares of raoro than
fifty cents. You will pay full faro
going, taking a receipt therefor from
tho soiling agent. This receipt, when
countersigned by tho secretary of the
instltuto will cntitlo you to a return
ticket for one-third fare.
The loading hotels of Grants Pass
havo offered special rates for visiting
teachers. Prlvato rooms and board
can bo obtained at reasonable rates
by writing to K. U. Tumor, chairman
entertainment committeo, Grants Pass
Oregon. Members of this committee
will moot all Incoming trains.
All teachers aro required by law to
attend this Instltuto, and It Is unlaw
ful for any public school In the coun
ty to bC In session during tho tlmo
of the Institute.
Following aro extracts from the
Oregon school laws: "Tho county
superintendent shall hold annually a
teachers' county Institute, tor a term
of not less than threo days, for the
instruction of teachers and those de
siring to teach; and all teachers In
tho public schools of his county shall
bo required to attond; and tho super.
lntcndont of public Instruction may,
at his discretion, upon a written com
plaint of tho county superintendent
revoko tho certificate, or refuso to
grant a cortiticnto to any teacher who
refuses to attend, tho county Institute
without causo If the Institute
Is held during tho session of school,
tho directors shall bo required to
grant threo days tlmo, of actual ser
vice to their teachers to attend said
Instltuto, during which time their pay
as toachcra shall continue." (Section
74, pago 42, Oregon school laws, 1913
LOS ANOKLKS, Col., Oot 7.
ITold responsible by ti coroner' jur.
for lliti killing of hor divorced bus
bum!, lYutik SI. Ivy, Slru. Edith Ivj
Voiced toduy her confidence that she
will bo fre- ! by a jury.
"When a jury of real men Itenr
no tell tho things I Imve to tell they
enu do but ono thine;," Sirs. Ivy gait!
"Fiank Ivy win u bud, bud tuna. He
ruined hit own (laughi'i, nail fc-lu
was only 15 yenrt of aye. I did so
oiety a good act whim J shut him."
Slis. Ivy shot and killed Ivy n
week ago, Slio is hold pomlinjr th
netting uf tho dute of hor .rial.
Commercial Slates.
"Ooinoreiiil Qualities of tho Shite
of the United States and their Localities-,"
by T. Nelson Dale, is tho title
of nn ntlvimco ohnpter from ''SUiier
al ItesoiueoK" for 2012, just ismietl
by tho United States geological Mir
voy. The report includes a com
nieruial clu&bjfqutian of Aincricati
pjntes, under clay and mien alatea,
with fading niiij unfading eliornctor
ifltie.i, sub-divided into, various col
fri'd s?Iulc8. It ulso descrihes hiief
ly thu depoiiitH in tho fourteen slates
jn which Plato is produced in com
tiprciul quantities.
irR MAIL- TRU3lTN13 is
iion front M. L. Allison
this paper's remarks upon the spite work going on in
Klamath county, wherein those who failed in tho effort.
to recall County .Judge Wortlen are, turougn tne courts
forcing Klamath county to repudiate its just debts.
2sTo reason or excuse is offered for the repudiation, but
an invitation is extended to
Nod and head the move to
Mr. Allison confesses himself one. 1 lowever, as is custom
ary with his class, he neglected to inclose carfare so.
thouirh such a iob would be a most commendable occu
pation, the invitation is declined.
As proof of the wisdom of
received, Mr. Allison incloses
boom town of omen, showing much propertv delm
oucnt. Tlis proves nothing;
collapsed, that the owners,
hard up. It lias nothing to
prevent, payment for county supplies received and used.
Counties and communities, like individuals, cannot
afford to be dishonest and
Spitework always reacts
practice it. It is the brand
Xo one wants to settle in
its debts. Lveryone avoids
ried to extremities.
Repudiation is a spite fence built around Klamath
county that will do more to keep out needed settlers than
any amount ot advertising can bring in.
Those who practice it ought to' leave the county for
the county ,'s good.
npIIE law creating the state fish and game association
should bo amended so as
lrom southwestern Oregon.
Southwestern Oregon offers tho best hunting and fish
nig iu uie state. .More man
a commercial .asset. A representative to look after its
snorts on the state board is i mnerative.
No reflection is intended upon the present board,
which is composed of two Portland men, one Salemite and
two from eastern Oregon. The board has done as well as
could be expected with so much territory to look after,
the needs of a large portion of which the members are
necessarily unfamiliar with.
tlnekson county ranks next to Multnomah in number
of licenses issued, both hunting and fishing, having 3498
hunters' licenses and 2934. anglers' licenses.
Southwestern Oregon in
Jackson, Josephine, Douglas,
wij, a total ot iu,u:m licenses,
m tlio state excluding .Multnomah. This entitlos this sec
tion to representation.
The commission should be enlarged to seven members,
the new members being from southwestern Oregon and
the Pacific coast counties. This would givo even- portion
of the state representation.
Let sportsmen bear this in mind and pledge all legis
Iative candidates to work for such an amendment.
What to Do With
Wc arc justly proud of the beauti
ful nppenrnnce and the progressive
bess of our city, hut can it he thnt
wc have reached Mich n stnte, either
through progression or elimination,
thnt wc hnvu no jwor among i?
Frankly I usk for information for
tho sole purpose of knowing how to
dispose of clothing that is erfectly
good, hut either outgrown or some
what out of fctylc. I have spoken to
several persons nnd have heard oth
ers discuss tfiis very question re
cently, but so far as I know, no one
suggests Anything hotter than hum
ing up the discards as trash, and it
does seem n shnme, almost n crime,
to destroy anything thnt, could he of
use o nnyono, with winter coming on
and so much real want in the world
In tho larger cities the Snlvntion
Army or tho Associated Charities
look after theso conditions, hut is
thero any organization or person
here who does or will net as n medi
um between giver and receiver ?f
Will the City. Council Please Answer?
Medford, Ore., Oct. C, 1313.
To tho Editer:
A few things wo would like to
1. Why tho city tho city authori
ties dono'havo sumo ot tho vacant lots
and parkings burned off heforo the
rainy season begins and stop tho dun
tr of flro to a great oxtont, besides
dcstroyJnc hushuls of weed seeds?
2. Why they allowed tho steel
tallE to bo laid In the guttors, so long
heforo thoy will bo used, to catch the
filth nnd dirt and breed dlseaso?
::. Why thoy don't put In a filter
at tho intake or somowjicre along the
line, as other cities havo done, there
by giving us purer and hotter water
to uso
1. Why tho men on tho police
force don't wear their uniforms any
more? They are a very nice looking
hunch with tho exception of threo
or four when thoy dress Ilko police
men but othorwiso look punk.
C. And Inst, but not least, how tho
city of Medford can afford to hlro two
street commissioners to look aftor
threo workmen j If they havo money
in voeoipt of n ooimnutiien-
ol! Klamath Falls objecting to
come over into the Land of
eject the knockers, of which
refusing to pay for materials
a delinquent tax list of the
except that. tJio boom has
along witlia lot of others, art
do with injunction suits to
repudiation is dishonest v.
to the injury of those who
of littleness.
a community that repudiates
localities where spue is ear
to include a representative
mar, Hunting and tisiimg are
which mav bo crrnnnod
Curry and Coos issued ;n
-iu per cent of those issued
Worn Clothing
It is 'hard to give second hand
clothing to nnyono except n very
good friend who is nbout ns woll off
as you nre, nnd does not need your
gift. It is truo thnt very few ior
sons, though kindly inclined, iu
graceful givers of charity.
It is difficult for Sirs. A. who
has received second hand clothing for
her children from Sirs. II. to he
lievo Hint Sfr. II.-- will not mention
tho fact of her good deed to some
ono or more of her neighbor. The
IKior do not want to bo patronized.
This mny not ho leheo proper spirit
but it is human. Here in a splendid
opportunity for some ono or somo
ojganization to confer a double
blessing on mankind. And if this
middleman bo tactful nnd depend
able, our poor, if nny we have, need
not want for nothing, for from whnl
I know of tho people of this com
munity, no houost call for help will
go unanswered.
to throw away, better give It to somo
ono that needs It.
13. II. II.
Notice Is hereby Blvon that tho tin
dorslgnud will apply to tho city coun
cil of tho city of Medford, Oregon,
nt Its next regular mooting, October
21st, l'JV, for a license to sell malt,
vinous and splrltous liquors at his
place of buslnoss, No. 1C, North
Front street, Medford, Oregon, for a
period of six months.
Dated Oct. Cth, 1013.
MUni'HY & CO.
Superfluous hair romoved'ln two
minutes, without pain. Not Injurious
to skin. Samplo freo. Wolobol
Uros., Portland, Oro. 170
John A. Perl
Lady Assistant.
Phones M. 47 and 47-J-3
Ambulance Service Deputy Coroner
The Hopeful
I'udor the nbovo caption, Chivrltis
Unruelte Wolf, tho tnlentod editor of
tho Ashland Hecord, 1ms a clover fish
ing Btory In tho October Outing-, In
which tho of forts of tho unlucky fish
ermen nro huimuously portrayed.
Tho following ponton of tho couttl
butlon shows tho stylo In which It Is
1 havo Just nindo my first attempt
at fishing in an Oregon stream. I'vo
tried In tho lotus swum pit ot Illinois
nnd the mud rivers nt Iowa, tho lakes
of Idaho nnd thu streams of Wash
ington, tln ocean dnps of tho Cntti
llnn Islands nnd nmldst the hrcakors
of I'unot Sound, ahum the lordly
.Mississippi from thu Minnesota lake
to Cairo, up tho Cmnbnrlnnd In Ten
iH'sseo and on tho Frnxlor In Cunnd.i.
Lastly I've tried It on tho Hoguc, at
tho foot ot Table Hock Mountain, In
Oregon, t haven't rnuRht anything
to speak of yet but still havo hopes.
I do not even blush to sny that tho
most ordinary scrub has sat alonKsldo
mo in n boat and caught fish so fast
that his reel got hot whllo tho most
thnt enmo to me was n carload of
snags nnd a sunburn nose. As cap
tain ot a snagbaut It would bo hard
to find my equal no snag would es
cape with mo In command hut a
salmon cannery that duponded on mo
for Its supply uould probably be shut
down for tho next three or four
thousand centuries.
Wo reached tho historic llocuc
while the sun yot lingered behind tho
dlstnnt mountain tops. There's a
thrill In tho morning air ot Southern
Oregon ns It comes to )ou laden with
tho scent of tho pines and tho myriad
flowers. There's a thrill at slKht of
tho turbulnnt stream thnt battles Its
devious nny past many a boulder thnt
strews Its pebbled floor. You c-nsa
to wonder, ns you Kazo, that the red
skin fought for It nnd died for It
when the white man came, (iold It
from source to mouth
In its depths
as many anclont "diggings" still at- worm was n treK or roil mat np
tost and tho bonos of many a I lred to he trying to get somo place
grizzled minor htoach In the gulches !'l '" several' hours late. Tho
that It drains. No more beautiful
stream was ever given tho king of
game fish for n homo nnd In no
stream does ho thrive nioro prolific
ally. "Tho Itoguo" Is well named
for It entices tho sportsman roguish
ly, and oftentimes unfolds him In Its
Icy depths.
Ton can fish as you Ilko In the
Itoguo with spoon or fly or salmon
eggs or all thrco and unless you'ro
n hoodoo to tho fishing gamo you'll
make a catch to talk about for yoara
to come. I happen to bo a hoodoo.
I used to think it was something odd
In my looks that scared tho fish, or
that they folt hurt became of my dis
inclination to wade out and moot
thorn face to fnco and mingle with
them in their honu. Hut thoy had
no complaint on thnt score this tlmo.
I waded right out and steppod on n
slippery stono nnd sat down among
them and offered to scratch their
I looked Ilko a regular sport, too.
as tho brisk waters rippled through
my blue overalls while summer
zephyrs toyed with tho assortment of
trout flics that decorntod my lint. 1
made a pleasing picture with Table
Hock, scciy of famous Indian fights,
In tho background waist deep In
limpid pools or broastlng tho riffles
with tho sang-froid of a vote ran and
whipping tho waters Ilko two women
killing a snake.
At times my tncklo go mixed with
tho wearing apparel of a friend or
clung to submerKod debris or flut
tered from tho branches of adjacent
treos, hut other Uo Iznnk Walton
would havo been proud of mo. Ho
Friday, Oct. 10
Prices-50c, 75c, $1 and $1.50. Tickets on Sale Thursday
A splendid story of lifo in tho Ozark Mountains in Missouri, full of human interest, witU an
influence that is wholesome and helpful.
far as my appearance and notion wove
concerned any fish with senso enough
to come In nut ot thu wet shuuld havo
boon pvoud to havo hls.scnlp ailovn
my belt nnd my fallnru to catch any
thing Is n mlstory.
The (Inh worn thoio and (hero was
not a dub oii tho river who handed
his fllocj and spoons around more
gracefully or goaorously. I offered
the host assortment of fisherman's
Junk on the market to every fish that
showed lils uiho but tlibru wore no
takers. Thirty-pound salmon Jumped
Jumped six foot In tho air to look at
me apd trout of all Sizes and shapes
and colors disported thomsclvos nbout
ins. 1 waited tho rUer from utnu In
tho morning till flo Iu tho evening
with guoso plmpleti as hlg us hnru
aclcs hdornliiK my submerged propel
lers and didn't eyeu catch a cold.
Wo All Know It
I was tromhlluK on tho verge of
cntchlnn: n fish on several different
occasions on my trip to tho Itoguo,
but something always happened. I
tried to look backwards once nnd
watch tho Professor laud n stcolhond
and stopped on a slippery stone and
got my logs tntmlod up In my line.
I was after a thirty-pound Chinook
thnt tlmo and If The I'rofessor hadn't
mndo so tuurh fuss out his stool-
head the snlmou and I would hao
looked like the famous trademark on
the bottle of rnd-llvor oil.
Aftor that It seemed to mo n hot
ter place to flrh, Iu n gcuteol nnd
orderly manner, would be up around
n bend of the rlvnr fur from tho mad
ding crowd. 1 had Just not nicely lo
cated and was fishing ns serenely
and quietly as If It wore the heart
ot tho Sahara Oosort -and Just nbout
as successfully when something
butted In from up the river.
It burst upon my privacy without
knocking nnd never even offered to
Introduce Itself. My first evldsnro
I ' I'rosonco In that part of tlu
streak was causod liy nn animated
red sweater. It had a pair of human
legs waving nrotind from tho bottom
lof It nnd a man's head sticking out
at the ton. I learned afterwards that
the object was n male human
It seems that ho honked a big snl
mou nnd it stnrtotl down the river.
Ho followed, banging to thu polo.
When thoy cnir.o to n sharp curve
In tho river bank ho thought hn could
head It off by cutting across tho el
bow of laud. lie cut across all right,
lie also cut a dido and a gash In his
Just ns he started across tho elbow,
his lino caught In his reel nnd bclngj
busy untangling It on tho run, Iu
order to give his fish more ropo ho
failed to note an offset In tho plateau
of small, smooth rocks over which ho
was gamboling. Ho found tho offset
nil jlght. I Iu ovoit told me, aftor
wards, thnt ho had fished around
there for years and knew It was there
nil tho time.
Tho probabilities are, howovor,
that Its location Is now more firmly
Impressed upon his mind. When hn
stepped off Into It ho lundvortuiilly
loft ono of his logs up on top of It,
nt an agio of about forty-five di-Rroos.
This causod htm to go through a
movement ns If ho were uiijolntttig
Ills back and trying to s urn his glz
ThcAiiliirpHr(vnT.I rhli"ilnlo
wt-mi - i lie i.innonru new
cily lor Ihr feet (r a riuaMtr
Cfitnty, yjioii.itiliionilt. SnM
TralclUrV. nmwlirrr, JV Simp!.- l'ltl'l .
All.!"".. Alien S IcIlov.N V
Tlw Mail who put llic i: I. In I' I". i: T.
Drniiintixcri from Harold
Ft wi
Shepherd of the
rani out f i oin uiidor his diaphragm
lthi eyeballs ennui out mid looked at
oapti other ncrosit nls none and bin
polo bt olo off mid stuck Into thu
ground about two rout.
After that ho stood on the uldo of
his head In tho loose stones for n
few seconds and turned ntound on his
ear. Ills logs and arms wore li the
air and ho looked Ilko siitiinthlmt
plantod. Aftor thnt ho sort of wilted
nnd foil over. I had Just started
over to hold an Inquest when he
raised his head to uou If nnyono was
Ills fish, of rmirsfl. away
along with sovoinl that wore content
plating making a deal with mo. I
asked the felow why he didn't gel his
net copyrighted mid soil It to tho mov
ing picture shows, and for half an
hour ho hold his head In his hands
and thought It over, lie said ho was
A fish swallowed my hook by
mistake, ono time up In Minnesota,
but when ho came to the surface and
saw who was holding thu polo ho
kicked up his lutein and galloped off
I saw him the next day, still lugxlng
tho polo around mid showing It to his
friends I jnlght possibly catch a
dead fish In n basket - If soiuooiio
were to throw It to mo real carefully
lint when It comes to catching live
ones, with n hook mid Hue, there's
nothing lining.
Zigomar HI
A thrilling and setisntlounl production
In I tunsslvn rods
Shady & Shady
In vnudcillle, classy and laughable.
The Vegetarian's .
I'nlquu comedy
Field Spiders
Short educational
Woolworth & Woolworth
.Music nod effects
Always 10c
Bell Weight's Groat Novel
Tuesday mid W'otlnoMlny I'logrmu
ii;iii: i;i:uiiY no. id
Till; lit ItMNtl ItlVIIT
liiiblu ilpcflnl Feature In Two I'nrtu
mam: of clock
Home Comoily
Coming 'lliuiNibty Only
nm:.iit(i iviotiik'uki i.kaiuii:
I'leseiitlun Mamuer Mi'dnw, Christy
Malhowsoii unit Other N. V. tllaut
Two ftoeln
Fjf Theatre
IihmI.I) and Wcdiieinhty nt 7 I', M.
"Tin: tun, t of Tin: si:."
HWlKH TM.(l'ait lloMUtlful Light
House Horvku-
Ltihlu, Presents n "Mary" Horlos
" WOMAN" I.V Till! cltimati:"
Tho (lame of tho llndgors
i:cry llMh
r, nnd I
Coining for Tlmrvlity Night
""I lilt I'MMUSIH"
Two Part Vlinzrcpli "Tho lliinny
Bittner's Real Estate
& Employment Bureau
For Sale or Cubango
Wo have JtMt received from our
Fnstern Oregon lyrrespoiulont a largo
list of cxi'lisngps. Come in and see
what wo have.
120 ncrtwi In Hams Valley nt $3S
por aero, somo Improvements.
Wo hnvo n call for 'a good, clear
stock ranch, to trntlo for city proper
ty, vnluo up to 13C.00U, city property
Oood, nw stock of mcrchnndlso to
trade for real ottnto.
Wo have a good 41 nrres, nlfalfa
land, In famous Tularo Vnlloy, Onl.,
unincumbered, to trndo for ncreago
In Itogun river vnllny,
30 nern ranch, 53 ncres In fruit,
mostly pears, small house. Prlco
Wo want listings of houses for
rout, both furnished and unfurnished.
We hnvo a iiumhor of applicants
for ranches for rent.
Woman rook for hotel, $tfi por
Walter, ft por day.
Itnnrli hn'nds.
Olrls for general hniiso work,
Want man with team to tnkn applo
picking crow to nnd from orchard.
Applo pickers.
Corn huskcrs.
1'otntn pickers.
lies. Phono I ODD-A Phono fMH.
OpMH.II Nimti llotrl
HOOMH fl am! T I'VUM limfllC.
" r
? "i
. M& rf.y-.H i .