Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 03, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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h -
Henn.or It, Von dcr Uellon of Wet
ioh was n Medford vls'tor Frldnx-,
Ohrls N'atxvlrk xvbo is building the
mnrntlaiu Btnct8 for Kiir'c l'oint.
ivna n recent Modfonl xisllor nnil re
jibrtn thnt the xvorlt is more than half
Mrs. K. H. Splcor of Actel'.po xxnsj
in Medford Friday.
Krtwh todnx. Cat, Shrimp. ItarrtaK.
StilM finlm. llnck CbMJtl Alno JtHitik
fujh. lodftfM Finn ami Poultry bo.
Mousses ' ;
?. Snmrf of OranU V&t snt Frl
day inpdfprd.
jMj. Atlanta' o( Oakland nnil, 1I.JO.
VoRol'ftt I.os AnirilM nro Ruoatrf'of
the Hotel.
-Tlioro is n photographer In your
town. II. tf. itftckoy, Main nnd Con
trol, Modfonl. Ore.
J. F It. AVoblwr of Portland is n
punt of tbp Hotel Medford.
M. II. Munson ot Portland Is mnk
liiKa business trip to valley points.
Frank Illank of Council Hluffs Is a
Medford arrival.
Senlshlpt nnd Olympla oysters in
lm Ik or cans, nlfo all kinds of Im
ported and American cheoso. Mod
ford ?FIb1i nnd Poultry Co.( phone
' Paul Schliltz of Anaconda Is spend
ing, a few days In the valley.
D. II. Grant, formerly of Ashland,
now of Portland, Is renewing ac
quaintances .in the valley.
"ZlRomar III."
D. M. Horn of Hornbrook Is a Mod-
ford visitor.
Otto Uapp and wife, F. V. Glld
den and wlfo of San Francisco cotn
prlso an auto party visiting Medford.
Homc-mado bread nt Do Vo'e.
F. II. Smlthson of Oakland is a
Rtiest of tho Medford.
H. V. VnuRh nnd wlfo of Los An
geles arc now arrivals in Medford.
Kodak finishing, hen In town. t
F. U Kclsey of Omaha is a Sled
ford visitor.
II. D. "Wollonwehbor of Washing
ton, D. a, Is n guest of tho Medford,
- Eugene ltico, wlfo and sister art
among now arrivals from Minnesota.
"ZIgomnr. III."
Paul Dennlnghaven of Chicago Is
a Medford visitor.
Porter J. Ncff loft Friday on a
two week's business trip to Duluth
and other Minnesota points. Mrs.
Neff who has spent tho past moriih In
.the oast, will return with htm.
Crnter Lake pictures ,a book if
12 pictures, hand colored, the finest
over irindo of the lako, for Bale nt
Gorklng & Harmon's studio. Call
and see them. 228 East Main street!
phono 320iJ. ' tf
W. II. Alison, .formerly- ninployod,
by tho Southern Orogontan and "Med
ford Mali, who loft six yian ago la,
becorao editor of a Crdscont City
paper, arrived from tho latter point
Friday, on route to WeavcrvlUo, Cal
to assumo charge of tho "Weavervlllo
Journal. County Supervisor 'West
Dnloy of Del Norte county accompa
nied him. Mr. Duloy Is proprietor of
tho Hotel Del Xorte at Crescent City
nnd is tho guist of the Josephlno
county court, Inspecting county roads.
Mrs. Wayne Leover of Central
Point visited Thursday in Medford
with her mother, Mrs, Jeromo.
"Zlgomar III."
M. M. Mathrs nnd son Harry ol
Ashland transacted business in Med
ford Thursday.
George Llndloy of St. Johns. Ore
gon, Is visiting for a fow days with
his son Frank of this city.
E. D. Weston, commercial photo
raphor, negntlves made any Minn or
placo by appointment Phone M
J. W. Hnnnora has returned from
an extended trip to California points.
Judge Prim of Jacksonville spont a
fow hours In Midford Thursday af
ternoon. F. Morgnu, n former resident of
Klamath Falls has taken up his per
manent rotsMoiice n this city.
"ZIgomnr HI "
W, It. Coleman of Jacksonville
spent Thursday afternoon In Mod
ford on uiMmiMi ,vnd visiting friends.
. Ij. P. flrauno who has bou visiting
In this uJty for IV lust month re
turned Thursday to his Nebraska
LessonH In. oljjiia .decorating at 21
South Central. 171
, Mlas Sndlo Norwood of Central
Point spent Thursday afternoon In
Medford shopping nnd visiting with
A force of action hands are busy
putting In now ties on tho slda
t,rnrk8 of tho Southern Paclfio In this
J. M. Under of South Phoenix was
n business visitor In Medford Thurs
day afternoon.
Col. George P. Minis of Seven Oaks
i,is In the city Thursday afternoon.
Colonel Minis is otio of (ho lending
obUtctors to tho proposed changes In
the S. P. schedule to go Into effect
October 5, nnd hnd a short confer
enrti with Agent Hosonbnum on tho
matter during his visit.
Mr. Manna of Seattle who has
bem visiting her slslcr, Mrs. George
Nexxbro of Jacksonville for tho Inst
month returned Thursday night to
her home.
V. 11. Kenny of tho Sams Valley
country was In tho city Thursday.
"ZIgomnr HI."
Charles Palm hns begun the con
striHjtlon.of n ono story hrlck store
room on North Front on tho lot for
merly occupied by tho Fish Market,
which burned a month or so ago.
Editor licrt K, Greer of tho Ash
land Tidings spont Friday in Med
ford. "Insurance your best asset." Have
the best. Placo your insurance with
Holmes, tho Insurance Man, right It
ho writes It. tf
Tho Little Shoperd of the Hilts Is
one of tho attractions booked for
tho Page Theator In tho near future.
Ij. A. Martin has returned to his
home In Uoguo Hlver nfter a short
visit in this city.
"ZIgomnr III."
F. A. Kittrldge of tho Siskiyou
road survey was in the city for n few
hours Thursday attending to business
Dopnty Gamo Warden" Sam San-
dry of Rogue Itlver was In Medford
Thursday afternoon.
"ZIgomnr ill."
J. A. Cnldwoli who has been in
California for the last threo months
has returned to Medford.
Miss Isslo McCully of Jacksonville
will Icavo today for New York for a
visit with her nephew George Mcrrltt
who Is attending tho law department
of Columbia University.
Milk and cream at DoVoo'i.
S. I. Wilson of Talent was a busi
ness visitor In Medford tho first part
of tho week.
H. E. Holdermnnn of San Francisco
is in the city on business.
"Zlgopnr III."
Mr. and Mrs. S. U nennett who
have been vlslMng relatives on Lake
cre?k for the last five months have
returned to their, home in this city.
Game Wardon Hubbard of Ash
land was a visitor In Medford Thurs
day afternoon.
Wynne Scott, one ot tho most up-to-dato
portrait artists on tho Pa
cific coast is taking charge of tho
portrait department for .the Gcrkin
& Harmon Photo company, 22S East
Main street.
. The giiall shooting season opened
October 1; nnd' ai number of local
hunters have bpeq out the last two
days in search of tho delicious birds.
A number, of haunts of quail havo
been protected by trespass notices.
and both are reported quite plenti
"Zlgomar 111."
J. n. Mack of Now York City Is
looking over tho Iloguo river valley.
Free for tho hauling Asphalt
slabs and earth. Apply foreman In
chargo pavement cutting, East Main
street.' 108
Jim Kershaw, tho Antelope goat
ratstr, is In town to wolcomo Ilud An
derson on his arrival this afternoon.
Ilud will apond ten days on tho Ker
Bhaw ranch hunting coyotes.
Piano pupils wanted by young lady
gra'udato of Do Pauw School of Music.
Excellent references. Reasonable
rates. -Telephone 755 or call nt No.
1C North Orango street. 171
The now Soul hern Pacific schedule
ofoctlvo Sunday, Oct S which has
raised a mild wave of protest from
Central Point and other points has
been received by Agntt A. S. Uoson
haunt. Ktery train 011 the
list with tho eeeptlon of No. 13 from
tho north nt lu:2 Is changed. The
Portland papers under tho new sched
ule will arrive at A o'clock, a hall
hour later than nt present. San
Francisco papers will reach Medford
at S:27 In tho nlornlitg, two hours
Inter than nt present.
The schedule Is:
North Hound
No. 12 2:11 A. M.
NO. II ,.... .1:27 A. M.
No. 21 Motor 1 1 : a 1 A. M.
No. 1C r.:20 P. M
No. .12 Motor S:29 P. M.
Smith llouiiil
No. 11 5:22 A. M.
No. 2:1 Motor A........9:.17 A. M.
No. t. lOiflS A. M.
No. 15 1:00 P. M.
No. .11 Motor fi:32 P. M.
LONDON, Oct. o Tlieie was u
roniiinlio sequel Itllio leeont Seoll
Snekvillw will mill, in which l.mly
Snekxilln oliililisltcil her Viijht to
over .f:i,(l()0,(ll)0 lirquontheri hex by
tlio Into Sir John Murray Seoll,
when Hon, Vicloriu SiiokllUvVl,
ilniitrlitcr of Lmly Suoktille, wiih
innrrieil to ItnroM NieltolMiit of the
HtilMi foreign office. The bride,
who i 'J I- .vcnrtt nf aire, U 11 elinvni
iu jrirl nml very popular in wtelelj,
hut since the will Miit she luw ln
eonie famous nil oxer Knj-ltiutl 11 .
"Kltllot,'' the pel mime liextoxxed up
on her by Sir John Seoll. The
bridegroom, who i several yenr
older, is the son of Sir Ailhur Nieh
0N011, Mnnnuent uuder-oeeieliiry 11 1
I lie foreign office.
Scott' eveeulors eontcxlcil llie
will, nllegnij; that Luilv tMiekxiile.
SAN' PltANriNtt). '., Oel. !l.
Cliutij; Kow, u Chinese, xvna to linxe
lieen nrniiKueil toilny in the feilernl
eouit Iii'iv, elini-wed xxith eoiuplloily
in 1111 opium MiiugKliii: plot. He xviH
not in (lie coin I room, turnover, xxlien
hia ciim wits enlleil. Tlio juilKe
iihkeil for mi e.vplmmtiou.
uti U iv letter" paid lite ttroi
eulor, "nnil now in the pci.lioiie."
(Continued trout pnr.o l.;
ueeo-miry Mipiulure-), tin for liie
Intiisi' In uppiote the meiiNiitii in l
sllghlly ulleieil ronn, wllh llie enl
ton futitiet M'clion eliiiiliinli'il.
.xlni-lmll ANi Minus
The Iioiinc linxiliif iippioteil il, llie
hill xtlll lie NiKiieil liy Spnnker t'lnik,
roluineil lo llie iunlli Higneil li.x
Vice 1'iCMiileiil Miti'-luill nnil llieu
ni'licil lo Hie xthilo lloune, wlieni
I'M'Mileiit Wiliiih txfll lm xx Mllln ,lji
ilni'e li H1I11I Higiiuluiu uiiileiiieulli
Clnrl,'" iitiil MniHlmir. nml hiuko I lit
lilll ueluiil Iitxv,
The cutiiiiii"! nerxlen will liegin
tuiiMiii: c'lllei'tlniiH on Hie uetx Im-iH
tiiimii nixx, n ioon iim lliey lime i"
CI it I'll IMipinx of i lllXV.
members of tlio enliiiiet nml Simu-
lorr I 'link of AikuusiiK uiul Keui of
Speaker Signs Mill
The 1ioiio of repuwtilntixe by 11
xivn voce xolo nilopti'tt the eonfer
eue report on the lurilf hill toilu.x
Speaker Clark Higneil the hill nml re
turned it lo'lhe stomto, txhete nt 1 ::ii
LONDON. Oct. 3. -After having
courageously captured stage burglars
for more than n enr, "Officer GtiO,"'
has been vlctlmlred by one of tho
professionals. "Officer- C66" Is Per
cy Hutchinson, who has been playing
tho title role In the successful Ameri
can comedy of thnt name at tho Noxv
Hutchinson, who has been unmer
cifully "spoofed' 'over the robbery,
explains that ho arrived home front
the theater at tho usual time, shortly
after midnight, and hav:ng hnd sup
per, carefully fastened tho windows
and doom beforo retiring. Hn heard
nothing during the night but was
awakened by his se'rvant In tho morn
ing and informed that tho placo hnd
been "burgled." There was no sign
of an entry hnxing boon forced so It
was evident that the thief or thlcvei
hnd been In tho house whllo he was
dining. The Intruders evidently wore
connoisseurs, for they raided a big
wino chest, helping themselves only
to tho finest wines and tho most ex
pensive cigars anil cigarettes. In all
they secured Bllver ornnmonts and
clothing to the valuo of $500 nnd
Hutchinson's only chance for a smile
Is over a stago "ermine" muff which
he hopes wll prove n great disap
pointment when tho thieves try to sell
It for real ermine. Hutchinson, In
tho play Is supposed to bo tho only
living sleuth with tho ability and
shrewdness to prex-cnt thlovlng or
capture ovll doers after tho thefts are
committed. Ho generously "acquits"
Hen Webster, tho "burglar" he cap
tures every night at tho thealcr.
who wits proxed lo have pruelic.tllv ': '.'" """ ."" ""
.....ii.i .:- 1.1... 1 . 1 . . .; 1 his Hiunulure. A xviiitliii; iiicMKciiicer
at oiiee slutted xxith the hill for the
White House for I'lewiileut WiImhiV
In Hie foitn in xvhieh (he citittf
controlled Sir John, Imil exercised
undue influence. The many nffee-
tiotmlo lellets from Seoll, which
xxere reiul in court, frequently re
rnrrn.t 1.. 'i.:.ti..i'i .....t it ....o 11....,
it-. ii-i i iiim'i iiiim 11 .inn nun , .. , , .. .- lit . l
I 1 ... I ., I , 1 PUSM'U I IV It llllljllll V Ol .11 tO II.
UidnxH bride hecitine famous, llerl', . ... ,,. , ,
tin' turn 1 inn xn- ciiio-cii nun n
turneil lo the lower hiuse Imlnx.
All thai reii'iiiiicil, cecnl for llie
father, Lord Snekville, in 11 nephew (
of tho Lord Snekville who, xxhile!
Itritish nmluiss(iilor nt Washington, '
xvns I he eniwo of the fiimous Snek
xille incident, xvhich resulted in ItW
reenll, at the reipiest of the I'liilcil
StnliM pxvernuienl. Her mother'
n.fia nil illf...ltiimiln j1tii..lttn ..T
-...T .1.. .... ..Il.l.l..) , .., ,n
nmhiisMidor, lv the Spiuii-h ihiucer
I'epilu, nnd sttilnlilv euilcil the Sitek
ille peerage suits hv iiiitrrxiug her
eoiiiiu, the prescnl peer.
Tluif It! "Iim llliiHpHln" .Mnkei'
Vour 1', Hlouhil Slotmii-li
I'Vvl l-lno In l-'lio .Mlinieei
NEW OIH.EANS, Oct n The Fris
co today withdrew from Now Orleans
According to announcement some
time ago tho road removed nil of Its
soliciting representatives and will
have no office hero of any kind.
Hereafter Illinois Central solicitors
will do whntevor freight soliciting Is
done for the Frisco under n traffic
agroment with Itccelxor lllddlo of St.
Louis. In this ensu the freight will bo
shipped via Memphis In care ot the
Frisco lines. Iletlrement of the
Frisco strengthens tho Impression
among railroad men thnt tho Santa
Fo system Is soontto take over tho
Noxv Orleans, Texas & Mexico linos
nnd It Is even said that a deal Is on
between tho Santa Fo and the Eden-
horn Interests for the ptirchuso of the
Loiilrilnnn railway and tho navigation
company so the Santa Fo will have n
direct lino Into New Orleans from
Shroveoprt ns well as Iloaumont,
"Keally does" put hnd stomnrhs In
order --"renlly does" oxoreoiuu Indi
gestion, dyspepsia, gas. henrtliuru and
sourness In fixe minutes thnt--Just
that makes Pnpo'H Dlnpoptdn Hi"
largest selling stomach regulator In
tho world. If what you eat fcritiuiiln
Into stubborn lumps, ou belch gas
nnd eructato sour, undigested food
and acid: head Is dlzsy ami aches -breath
foul; tongue coated; your In
side filled with bile nnd indigestible
waste, remember the moment "I'npe'it
Dlapopiln" comes in contact with the
stnmnch nil such distress vanishes
It's truly astonishing--nlmost marve
lous, and the Joy Is Its liarmlessness.
A larmi fifty-rout ensu of P.tpe's
Dlapepsln will give jon n hundred
dollars' worth ot satisfaction or your
druggist hands you your money buck
H'a worth Its xx eight In gold to
men and women who enn't get their
stomachs rugulatod. It belongs In
your home should nlxvnyn be kept
handy In easo of n sick, sour upset
stomach during the day or nt night.
It's the quickest, surest ami most
harmless stomnch doctor In the world
Weeks & HcGowan Co
ADY ABiarjrr
Onv Phone vr
Ntvht V W, ',.,.lu IOJJ..T.2
At Noxv York (firt game)
It. H. E.
Philadelphia ,'i in 4
New York - ..-.! 3 fl 0
llnttories Cnmiiit, Finiionui nnil
IUifor; Tosromi, Deinnreo nnd Wil
son. T?jnpiros Orth uml Klein.
At Tlobtoit (fiM fame)
llrooklyn . 1 8 0
Boston . .. .3 8 3
Batleriet Ituekor, Brown and
Fisher; Hiulolnh nurt Hnriilen. Um
pires, Byron ami Higler.
At Belroit Phienfro-Delroit Mine
poRtponoil; cold xventhor.
At Wnsliiiiffton (firit game)
II. IF. K.
Boston 2 0 0
XXrol.l.w.f n A n i
All uniiiui"ii .. . .... .. 1 i, c
h Bnllerich -Leninir.f mi,1 Viinn
inuker; Shnw, Oullin nml Henry
Unipiros, Connoily and Dineen.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Oel. .1.
Superior JuilKe Ornhnm'n eye Ixvink
led today xvhen Annie nnd Martin
Knne, innrrieil forty-five years, 0111110
into Ins court here heokinir divorce.
"Come into my chambers," he
nsKcii tne eotiiie, "Detore tiling your
applications. '
Kight miniitofi Inter tho couple
omorKed, nnn 111 nrm.
"Whnt do you uupposo innkes old
couples so foolihli, judge 7" nhkeil
Ivnne. "Oh, ny, your honor, don'
forget io tour up both thoso nppli
entions, xvill you V
(Continued from page 1,)
They Loxo to Tnko It mill It Itocxu't
llnriii tho Tender Utile Stomach.
Liver uml lloxxcls
At Philadelphia, first gamo.
Score n. if. E.
Now York 10 13 2
Philadelphia 13 15 I
Batteries: Caldxvoll and Sweeney;
I'Jon, Shaxvkey, Hush and Lapp.
Umpires: Evans and Egan.
At Cleveland St. Louls-Clovoland
gumo postponed; rain.
Yith Medford traces ts Medford mado.
of tho body nnd Jliss Annn Flirt, u
nirvpnt nt St. Josephs rectory nt the
timo Annn Auiiiucr worked there,
nid that Miis Aiimullor hml jimt
hiicli nmrkK on her body.
Detectives who nrroMed Sehmidl
told of tiikiih, him In custody uml of
Iim eoufeshioii. They hIiowciI n
hkeleh tniulo liy Seliniiilt lo illustrate
lioxx- ho dismembered Iiih victim.
TJ10 jury reliirncd 11 verdict le
olnrintr Schmidt tho murderer nml
ordered him hold to the grand jury,
It xvns expected ho would bo indict
ed hhortly.
Harvard and Pennsylvania have
not met on the gridiron since 1105,
xvlion Pennsylvania won 12 to 0.
If your littlo one's tnnguo Is coated,
It Is n utiro sign tho stomach, liver
and bowels need a gentle, thorough
cleansing at once. Whon your child
Is cross, peevish, listless, pnlo, doesn't
kleeji, enl or nrt naturally; If breath
Is bad, stnmnch sour, system full of
cold, throat sore, or if fox'erlsh. ulvo
n toaminnnful nf rnliriirnln 1itiiii ,. I eellulnr iicllvlty nr tlint pi-ailmr pme
a leaspooniui 01 iniirornia Hjrup of,CM W,C, instunUy cI.uiimh thu worii-
i-lgs," nml in n row hours all tho out colli for tlio nuw rod liluud cor-ologgod-up,
constipated waste, sour "Tho'mo.llclnal of the compo.
hllo and undigested fopd will gently ncnu f H. H. t). Is rtdatlvuly Jiut as
Blood is Purified
Quicktyjn Summer
Here is a Remedy that ha.
Wonderful Action nnd
Promotes Health.
8. 9. llnkrH Vnur Illooil rnrpunrlr
1 uil for Jiuiuui i-rutttiiuii.
MlnglltiK w-llli vnur fuod. nrounlng
atomnrh nctinn, ubsnrbcd Immcdlntfly
Into your blond tbv fummm rcinifily
kniixvu 11 h H. H. H. tins n w inli'rful 11c
tleiri. Its nuil n iiiiriioHa I to silimilniu
move out of tho bowels, and you havo
a wall, playful child again.
Sick children needn't bo coaxed to
vltul to hiiillliy Mood iim tho nuirlumiit
obtnlnil from Krnln, ment, fulH, miKiirs
or any ntliar part j( our dnlly food U
to thu natural rvcuustrucllvu rmiulru-
Tnitnlii tfif HiA tlHHiina A m.1 lln.... I. ......
talto this hannloss "fruit laxative." compomint of H, H. a xvhluh serve thu
.Millions of mothers keep It handy 1,0-, ?,t,vo ',ur'""c' "' tlnuiiuiluK tho c-l-
. tia-HV w flMStll ItlMI Jl1i;illlfl
AVANTKD TO HK.S'T Threo or four
room furnlshod or unfiirnlahed cot
tage. Must ho modern and clnso
In. C, K. SvnliiKon.
cniiso they knoxv Its action on tho
stomnch, liver nnd bowels Is prompt
nnd sure. They also knoxv a littlo
given today saves n sick child tomorrow.
Ask your druggist for n 50 cent hot-
tlo of "California Byrup of Klgs,"
which contains directions for babies,
children of all ages amj for grown
ups plainly printed on tho bottle. Ho
ward of counterfoils sold here. Oct
tho genuine, mado by "California Fig
Syrup Company." Don't bo fooled!
ment. Tims, In cimcs of old 11 lleuno
such as c-cromn, ncno, herpes, tdtter or
imorluslH. first purify your blood with
H. H. H. so It xvlll ciiithlo tho tlimuos to
rftbulld their cellular HtranKth ami ro
KUlli thvlr normal health.
H. H. H. Is purely u lioliinlcnl product
nnd you xvlll ninko 11 i;reat nilHtalto to
havo sumo rnthuslniit pulin off a min
eral preparation that may do you lr
riparnlilo hnrm,
H. 8. ti. Is uroniirod hv Tho flwlft Boo.
clflc Co, 101 Hwlft nidK.. Atluuttt. flu.,
nnd If you bitvs nny olmtlnutn skill
troiihlii, xvi He to their Medical Depart
ment for free ndvlce. It will bu worth
your whllo to 'do no.
FOIt HA LK Cheap, evoral standH
bees, llox 35C, Central Point. 109
Oct Our Prices on What
You Will Want for the Winter '
Successors to Koichstcin.
Cor. Fir and Second St. Went. Tel. 76.
We Fit With Care
the Feet of Women
mid there's nothing iulle so Import
a nt to tho customer.
A poorly fitted shoo xxlll lead lo all
Muds of troublo. corns, bunions,
fallen arches,
Tho "John Kelly" shoe ro l"r
tlrnliirly reuowiiml for their fitting
Lot us niensuio jour foot- and fit
on to one of tho now style shotxn
In the window.
Comfort nnd six to lu every pair.
cfpilti WELLY
"Good Shoes
oitehiti: I'esrtH'i'ici:
San Francisco Exposition
and How to Get There
Fttr full information of how (o atlcml Hit' Imposi
tion wiih all your (Npcu.M'S paid, iiii'ludin
chiH railroad faiv, hy nicrely paying $U per month
into a local hank on a proposition hiidily indorsed
hy all exposition official and hanker of San Fran
cisco, write yur name and street addrcsn in the blank
helow and mail to
XA.MK ...
Street No.
Exposition jTour
ine Company
In Ready-Tailored
You AlwaysSee Just Exactly
What You Are Getting
while in mads-te-oixler garmsnl's ysu can't
knew until delivery how you are geing to
loek in them.
Hirsh-Wickwire Go's
finest of clolhss rSady-to-wcar aicinlcndcd
ror the man who isexcsptienally particular
abourjVesehtingra strictly high class and
agreeable appsarancc. We invite yeu to
csme to our store and SEE yourself insgme
of their nswlFalland Whiter Mond?ls
today. Buy when you are ready, you ds
hot have ts wait until the ssason is ggneto
buy your jFall wearing apparel hsre at the
right price. We do not have salss, hence
do not have to protsct prices. '
Model Clothing Co.
The Best of Everything for
Men and Boys
4 N.