Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 01, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    ! -
Frank Cnln who has boon ponding
tnc- summer In Alnsltn lias rolurnedi
to Atrdford.
C, McKeovor who linn bcon playlnc
ball with filsson lit the Northern Call
rot nln league this summor lins re
turned to Mcdford.
Tlioro is n photographer In your
town. II. N. Mackcy, Main and Cen
tral, Mcdford, Oro.
J.K, fcl,oorr- mid family of this city
hro Visiting friends and relatives In
Orescent City thU wcok.
Kred Day. claim Agent of tlip
Southern 'nvUla whs tn.lho cltr jlon
dayrand Tuesday nttendlnj; toironi-
pany justness.
"ZlRoronr III."
Goorpo Ktinimnn and Ute nnd
Mrs. Carder havo returned from a
cnmpliiK trip on Dutto Creek.
Homc-tnndo bread at Do Voo's.
Mrs. Tat Mcro has returned to
Mcdford. after a visit for two weeks
with friends and relatives in North
ern California.
Klro at 11 o'clock Tuesday nlsht
Rutted tho grocery store and bakery
of W. Armstrong on West Main Btreet,
causing $1500 daninpo to stock and
household effects partially covered by
Insurance. Tho origin of the tire Is
Kodak finishing-, best In town, at
J, ,A., Tornoy has returned from a
trip to h(s mining Interests near Hut-
ton, California.
W, II, Goro and wife havo left for
a ten dnyn trip to Portland.
Miss Itcssla Clark or Tho Da'lles.
Ore., who has been vIsltinR Dr. F. G.
Carlow and wlfo for somo time re
turned to her homo Tuesday.
Crater Lake pictures ,a book if
12 pictures, hand colored, tho finest
ever mado of the lake, for sale at
Gerklng & Harmon's studio. Call
and seo them. 2SS East Main street,
pbono 320-J. tf
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Sullivan havo
gono to Tortland for a short visit.
Fred Lewis and wlfo and family aro
In tho city from their ranch near
K. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives mado any time or
plaeo by appointment Phone M.
Miss May Jloko of Central Point
visited friends in Mcdford Tuesday
The first football game of the sea
son for tho local high school team
will bo played at the ball park tho af
ternoon of October 11, with the Ash
land team.
"Zigomar III." "
John Carson of Sacramento Is in
tho city .for a short stay, attending
to legal business.
The Row W. D, Vawtcr and wife
of Grants Pass visited friends in Mcd
ford Wednesday.
"Insurance your best asset." Havn
the best Place your Insurance with
Holmes, the Insurance Man, right if
be writes It. tf
W. I). Johnson of Roscburg Is tran
sacting business in Mcdford this week
William Meadows returned on
Wednesday morning from a ten days
deer hunt on tho Applegote. Ho ro
ports fair luck.
"Zigomar III."
. K. Plasukl of Salem Is In the
city fpr a few ays attending to busi
ness matters.
C. H, Howard of Ruch was a Med
ford business visitor Tuesday.
Private music lessons from CO
cents upward to threo dollars per
leston, according to subject and
teacher chosen. Medford Conserra
ory, College BIdg., 31 North Grape.
The centrifugal pump for the Ster
ling mlna leased by the Buills inter
ests has been drawn to the mine, with
the aid of two county tractors. The
pump weighs 60,000 pounds, and re
quired considerable effort to drag it
ovor tho heavy grades en routo to tho
mine. Tho motor to operate the
pump will bo taken up this week, and
tho work of Installing the machinery
will begin at onco.
Grants Whcoler of Red Dluff, Cal.,
Is a business visitor In tho city this
' Zigomar III."
Sheriff William Slnglor returned
this morning from a trip to Salem
whoro he took Mike Epanos and Frpd
Seymour, condemned murderers to
tho state prison. Mr. Slnglor made
a short trip to Portland.
H. It. Irwin left this morning for
Klamath Falls, whnre he ulll spend
ten days duck s,ho.otjng.
Milk nnd croam at DeVoe's.
Dr. J. It. Koone roturnod Wednes
day morning from Portland whero he
was called on legal business regard
ing a homestead near Uutto Falls. .
11, K, Mailing, Koneral traveling
freight agent of the Chlcngn and
Northwestern railroad for tho Pacific
coast arrived In Medford this morn
ing for a business lstt.
"Shorty," Miles made an auto trip
to Kaglo Point Tuesday, returning by
night owing to auto trouble.
Wynne Scott, ono of tho most up-to-date
portrait artists on tho Pa
cific coast Is taking chargo of tho
portrait department for tho Gorkln
& Hnrmon "Photo company, 22S Knst
Main strcot,
Charles Gay returned Tuesday from
a trip to Salem, whero ho attended
tho opening of the state fair.
Jew Cramer, who wa9 operated
upon Monday by Dr. PIckcl for np
pondfcltls i reported to bo improving
raining. . u
' 1 ' i
Weeks 4 McGowan Co
vsdt aaaiHTAjrr
Oar VIioiip
M V W. Wvriin Kt:..T.2
Flwnna i . v. n mttd
Zigomar lit." .
W. J. Scott,., the Autloch rnlichor
and financier, spent Wednesday in
Pat Swayne. tho Applegate farmer,
was a Medford visitor Wednesday.
Vaudeville- tonight at Page.
R. h. lturdlck of Ashland made n
business trip to Mcdford Wednesday.
R. J. CoTo of Hilt spent Tuesday!
In Medford.
"Zigomar III."
Mrs. G. Mcncll nnd Mrs. Wilson
of niggs; Cal., aro Medford visitors.
K. V. Johnson of SIsson was In
Medford Wednesday.
T. H. Benton of Grants Pass spent
Thursday In 4ho metropolis.
Tonight is Pant ages vaudeville at
S. S. Gilbert and wife of Portland
aro recent arrivals In Medford.
A. U. Sunno, Mllo Thomson, Harry
Adams and D. O. Jacobs, represent
ing; the timber syndlcnto negotiating
for'UuUo Falls timber arrived with
hColonel Mundy Tuesday and left for
Rutto Falls Wednesday to look at tho
Attond Mann's third birthday sale
and get a beautiful souvenir free. lGi
H. D. Mills of Butto Falls, mana
ger of tho Dewing timber interests,
was a Tuesday visitor in Medford.
J. Frank Brown, and Wm. Von dor
Hcllen of Eagle Point were Mcdford
visitors. Wednesday.
"Zigomar III."
Austin Corbin with his guest,
Douglass Grant, came In from tho for
mer's Eaglo Point ranch Wednesday.
Rev. W. D. Vawtcr and wlfo of
Grants Pass aro Mcdford visitors.
Attend Mann's third birthday sale
and get a beautiful souvenir freo. 1C3
W. D. Johnson of Roscburg is a
recent Medford arrival.
A half dozen cars of poles and ties
to be used by the Bullls Interests In
tho construction of the trolley lino
arrived Tuesday, nnd nro being un
loaded. Jako Ivltzel, a trapper in tho Illi
nois river country is in town, making
ready for spending the winter trap
ping in that district.
"Zigomar III."
Charles Gargonl of Weed, is In the
city attending to business matters.
Tho work of digging the potato
crop of tho Rogue river valley is now
In full swing. Tho ncrcago planted
this year was nearly twlco as large-
aa last year, and tho yield will bo the
largest In years.
Pant ages vaudevlllo tonight.
Attorney Evan Reames returned
this morning from Portland.
Jim Edwards, a twin brother of
"Shine" Edwards, who has been work
Ing tho last six months for the South
ern Pacific railroad at Red Bluffs,
Cal., Is In tho city for a few days
visiting friends and relatives. Ho
lived In this city for a number of
years, and Is well known.
Attend Mann's third birthday sale
and get a beautiful souvenir freo. 1C3
George H. Benton of Grants Pass
transacted business In Medford to
day. Prof. O'Cara, who has boen in a
San Francisco hospital for tho last
two weoko recovering from nn opera
tion, is reported to be rapidly im
proving, and will return to Medford
the last of next week.
"Zigomar III."
Jack Altken, fruit Inspector of
Rogue River is In tho city attending
to routine business.
F. H- Cowles, the fire protection
authority, and family are spondlng a
fow weeks In Santa Barbara, Cal.,
visiting friends and relatives.
Vaudeville at Page Theater.
C. C. Prim of Jacksonville In in
the city for u few hours today.
Attend Mann's third birthday sale
and get a beautiful souvenir freo. ICG
A now Industry has been launched
in this city by R. St. James who Is
operating a shingle mill on East Jack
son street. Tho output Is mado out
of whlto plno which is shipped from
Butte Falls, for uso In tho mill here.
Tho fahlngles of this wood are used on
all roofs and aro noted for their
leading qualities.
"Zlgomnr III."
Dick UunnKI, tho man who piloted
Nud Anderson lo within n notch m
tlio world's lightweight v-hiininonsbii.
todny denied the ittxrt from !
Angeles that tho Azcvi'dii-Andct-MU,
mnteh wns cnncclled. Donald sud
thnt he wrote .Matchmaker .I'muit
liohnn of tho Oakland Wlipeluuti'
club Inst night ntddni thnt the r
Holes of agreement ho sent line for
hi sigiinturo nmt inftinuiitff Mohan
that he would send his money fi
tho weight nnd nppearnnoo forfeit
when ho receives I he nrttulos of
Ihid will arrive in Medford lomor
row nnd Friday mid pluj : two-night
vnudevillo engngnient nt the l'nirr
theater, nfler which ho will lone for
the hill to rough it n week, in pr
pnrntory t minim: for the Oakland
mnteh. After the week in tho hill
Anderson will loae for Shannon's
wort nl San Hnfnel, where he will
do the rost of his training. Ander
son will he neeoiupaiiied on hi.s trip
to tho mountain! hy Frank DuptiK
who will net as Anderson's rubber
during the training nt San Hnfnel.
OAKLAND. Cnl.. Oct. 1 Pro
moter Jlmmay Rohan of the Oakland
Wheelmen's club denied today the
report from I.oa Angeles that the Azc-vedo-Andcrson
bout scheduled for
this city October 29 had been called
"I know nothing of tho cancella
tion of this bout," Rohan said, "and
ns far as I know, Anderson Intend
to fulfill his engagement with Azcve-
do here. If ho has run 6ut of the
match, I know nothing of It."
Azcvcdo and Rohan leave Friday
for Los Angeles.
1 ' v 15 ..
' ' !ir.
i'Ji ..
' "i'2 ..
L . . ,.,. I (2
H ibK '25 ..
s ' & i: :
Woathor report
Soptomlior, lil;l,
for I lu month of
- .TS
&l -
$10 '
. .: .7'1
'. 0 1
: u i
J. Tcusrhcr, Jr., of Portland. tra
eling ngent of the Hovs and OirU'
Aid Society of Oregon, sjient Wed
nesday in Medford looking after the
schools' interests in this locality mid
inveptignting local eues.
The society reheues honiolens, ue
gleetcd or abused children of Oregon ;
receives, by legnl commitment or oth
erwise, children from the juvnile
courts of this nnd other ceunties:
provides for siioh until hiiitiihle
homes or employment nnd oversight
nro found for them, nnd coutiniie n
syhtemntie attention to their condi
tion nnd treatment.
The hociety is supported liv state
nnd county rontrihutinus, fmm tl
interest of a bequest fund nnd vol
untary contributions of the public
and both organization nnd work nro
non-sectnriaii. It is nlwuy in need
of clothing for children from three
to eighteen jenrs f age; of hooks,,
mngnriues nnd supplies of nil kinds.
In the jiiint two yours the Miciotv
has received nnd en red for !H. chil
dren. Of this number .'J02 were new
cnics, HO of whom cume from Jack-
bou county. In southerii Oregon 1H'
cases have boon inveatignteil.
Mine. London, wife of Jonkheer
John Loudon, new minister of foreign
affairs of Holland, has just come I,ntn
great prominence In Ktiropo by
reason of tho olovatlon of her hus
band to this Important position. Sho
Is n daughter of 11, 11, Kustlc, former
American ambassador to Franco. She
has as wife of the foreign minister
stepped Into a high social position In
Franco, for which by her tact nnd
beauty sho Js fitted. Whllo other
American womun havo presided ove
tho households of Kuropean status
men, nono havo mndu the social suc
cess which Is expected of Mme,
Mln. Incite
Jit trace
W ' .HI
...77 01
00 Kd ' ....
,-...77 !4H ....
,..SI u
. 5 t?
;....& to
-S to
, I!l5 If.
-..lid III ....
Mnxlmum .. Id
.Moan Maximum St 0
Normal Moan Minimum
Minimum 31
Moan Minimum tR 3
Normal Mean Minimum
Mean Monthly TemtMntttiro
Normal Moan Monthly Tiiupratur
Precipitation 4 s
No. of rlear days 19
No, of pnitly cloudy days 7
No. of cloudy days
P. J. O'OAItA.
Locnl MptwiroloslrnI Oliorvnr
Per ( C IIAUNt'M
Todn (- llu thud iiiiiiii'iniv
of the Maim Mole. .IllM thiee Jiul
nvo .1. I'. .Ma an nului ed the stoiii,
mid every dily snee lins, itijouvd
"Th hmliKMM ha irrowt atewdily.
month hy month, year hy yrar,"
alated Mr. Mun. Ml?vr month lm
shown h laijw vnlwM of lni"hion
limn Utn eorrmoiHnf month lh
yr prtw1il.v.
"I nhww.ii nf the morehants "f
ArifBr1rwlH 4" not lIW IhmI iim-s
or ttojflltkltn. Hii-inw"s in ?ery sal
isfnoUwy. My aiiecwis In due to,
clout) attiMtiiiii lo business nnd to
Tribune. I find that dprti'iii
lia,v, and if the lhr wtrcliii'il
Wtnrfd ftimi adverlls it would in
0imm their own htiinM nnd enahlc
MiNlSfwd lo have hftler nwsmHrs."
ioot mim RANK
WASHINGTON, Oct 1.- Official
ronformatluti of the story otunlay
that flvo states In Northern Muxlea
(hutl seretltsl was laeklng hero today.
S(ati Woparttut-nt offleluU Inclined
to doubt the report
LITTLI-: ROtT., Art .Oct 1
Four mounted bandits today rode up
to tho Statu Hank at HirdNUcHc,
near here, djnnnilted and looted the
vafo and galloped away. The amount
obtained by tho roblmrs Is not known,
but probably oxrcedeil $1000.
WASHINGTON, Ofif. Lyt-Tha hon
ule confirmed W. A. Dnlzcll to ho
postnmster nt Kliiiuuth Falls, Or.
Ethel Lovey Js making an nngllsh
provincial lour In "Hollo, Ragtime."
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 1 Cable
grauiB were sent tuduy to tho sover
eigns of all tho kingdoms of Kuropo
urging, at tho Instance of the Mace
donians and ISulgarians of Orccon,
that the policy of the powers bo ono
of autonomy for Macedonia. A tele
gram to tho same offoct was sent
also to Piosldcnt Wilson. Tho deci
sion thus to tuko a hand in tho east
ern situation was mado last night
at a meeting f Unitarians and Mace
donians whero two hundred, repro
sentativcfl of tho two thousand ponplo
of those nationalities In Oregon dis
cussed the situation.
In nrcorilnnro wllli tlio pro
a Islrms of the rpglHtratlon lnv,
passcil liy tho Inst session of
tlio Oregon legislature, eery
elector of n inunlrlpalliy,
where the county jireclnrls
nrc not ro-fcriuluoiii with (ho
city unrtls, mint reglNlcr with
tlio city recorder. It will
tlictefoio Is) necessary for.'
rvcrj'ono ileslrlng to vote nt
tho net city ofcmnn to regis
ter at tho reionlcr's office In
tho City Hull not later than
Di'ieniiicr l.'llli, lOi.'t. Itegls
trillion books are now open
and (hero Is iio.othcr placo to
register. . u
Hear In mind tlial jour
county registration docs not
endtlo joii t vo'to ut tho city
i:lmi:k t. i',
Recorder of tlio City of Sled
ford, Oicgoii.
"California S)rti of rig" llit for
'lender Stomach, Liter, ItowoN
'InMcs Delicious
HOinlllo Tliursdny ncoompiuilod hy
her ndopled iliUiuliler,
lleedltli Joikis U nlteinlliiit nolinol
III Medford.
Mi lllKliiliuthiiiu mid Mis Put
lemon mntln n flylittt tilp up from
l)irh, Wednesday,
lllll IIiirIim and hlern Huattcur aro
with im nanhi nftuiv and tibsottdo of
hovsi'hI ninnlhs,
Cain II Jones went to .Medford
Tuesday. "
"OiHiiilpn" iMiiioiiilsuu iimilii a
irln to Parhm after frnft IhiI woh.
Alias 'atiin po I Hainrdayotid
Muuday wrth hur il1or. Mrs. Kmih.
VlthyMs4foid InolrtN Msdinrd iiuhIh
n)t;.vrv rnrnr I'nocumn.viH
kou , n a 141', tIMK
Im it roHiruiUfied. Him a rsvular
twm u( I ha count v conn of Jsclmnu
etinniy, (atr ot Oroirm. ws befiiu
artil buhl ut Jucktiinvlil. In Ibfi coin I
hseao tu ihn mII county and state
on Wednesday. th nth dai of Aiimat.
advsrllalwr. IWinelfmlly Ui Ho- Mmli II1. ' beliia the time and pines
eaort. whe wers prcgent. Hon. K. L.
Tun Vultu. county iuU; V. C. I.tiov
or and J C Kmttn, county coimnls.
laaara; O A llardnw, cvuniy clsrli,
and W M Rhmlcr. eherlff, hn Oih
folio wtua IiuhIhmm aaa traumtetwlt
Contrarti wlih R. H. Pi lemon and
Arthur It ('ham1 as school auprrvlsora
for thu folios Ina year, imi! and at.
IprovMl. lt(Nirt of J. N Pw, t)Htt.
or Imwi tarin. anowina is innmine, o
ftsntnad a art aiprovr4. Charhn Itan
aon Of Central Point. Or . waa appoint
oil coitMtr avaler of welabta anil mm
iirss for Irrm of two yeara. ApiMdnt
moat of lluy It. Harper, doputy absr
Iff. eiamlned and approved HherlfCs
rctrftrt of tlltint tax Mt sxnm
Incd aad approved, f loads nf 8. I,
Drown and J. T. Hu III van aa rnttHiy
fair board, usaailttod and appmvod.
ItoiMirts prMnated ahowtat amuuaUi
tutnftti over to irennrr for the
month of July. W H fttnIr. abortff.
MJ."..3.1, F l Colvljt. rHor4nr. fes4
rr.eHnd. IIS9 te: (l. A. (lardaer.
rli-rk f" rcilved. l5 It; also
report of Jas M CronentiuYr, tnwunr
er. Khoslna rerlKa In ibo smoMHl of
r.sis'iO 4ml dlabNnximsats Ih tbs
ainount of y'l.SJiSi. WbsrmiHH
all ths forestttni rsporta wsro eanm
lnd and apprertst.
Tbs following bills arerv atMl Mfstn
and nllewrd:
(.Vmitv flnirl
Helen Paan. ultHsaa
F L Ton Velio, eawir
l"de salary , . .
V I. Ton VWIa, travllnf
oxiKHiae . . ....
W. C. IMvor. eoaMH. oim
J. 0. Smith, eomn. cowpsw.
til In
Mra. Downs who has hess
MisUfnitl. nrturtiMl ThunMlny
IwartiviHl. Her many friends
rntulnte bar.
Ilonjamln Udnioudaon nnd family
pasted threnjh hro Monday on his
return to bli rannli above heo' Thui
bad been to tho Stewart runcli mi
ItogiiH i her, for their winter's supply
of fruit.
.Mr. Mills mado n himlnes trip to
Medford la it week
Mr ilal'op retuuicd from Jmk
No liiillurtloii, (,'an, Noiinico or I'p.
Mt .sinimiili If Unfit Take "l'tin)'s
lilnpepln l'iy 'I III
NKWTON W. ROItDKN Attorney at
law, room 7, Spuria bulIdliiK. Med
ford, OrOKon, ". 191
PORTLAND, Or., Oct. l.Six
moiilhr.' offoit on tho pari of Mrs.
Anno fliiihburtf to destroy mi ut ('op
tion alleged to havo existed hotweon
hor husband, Phillip Oinsburj.', forn
iiiiiii of the Hudson lhiy Fur com
pany, mid Miss Mil lie lonelli, nn
employo of tho concern, resulted to
duy in tho shooting nnd killing of
Oinsburg hy the jealous wife in their
room nt tho Whitehall upurlinouts.
With Medford tradu is Mcdford made
WANTKDDrlll for Rowing wheat,
will pay tush ronL Rogue River
Commercial Orohard, Co., phono
FOIt LDAHK Fully equipped placer
mluo. (lold Ray Realty Co.
FOR LKABK Gold 'Ijoarlng mining
prospect which has produced ovor
? 10,000. vfiold Ray Ronlty Co,
FOR KXCHANOK Qaideu and fruit
trout In Hniithorn California, good
houso and 1 atro fruit for property
bore. Hox 50, euro Mall Tribune
FOIt BALK Hhlnglo splints 50o n
load at Medford Bhlnglo Mill. 170
FOR BALK Four room houso, lot
SOxiOO, fruit and burrlns, lights
and city wntor, S&&Q,, Torms, 310
Ashland Ave., Kait Bide, R. Bt.
James, 170
Look bnok at oiir ohlldhoml days.
Itemumjier the "dose" mother Inalatod
on castor nil, cnlomol, rnthartlea.
How you hated them, how you fought
ncalnst taking them.
With our children It's different.
Mothers who cIiik to tbo old form nf
physic simply don't renllso what they
njo. The children's, rovnll Is well-
foundsil. Their tondur llttlo "lusldus"
ar Injured by them.
If your child's stomach. Ilvar nnd
bowels nood cleansing, (tlvo only dolb
clous "Cnlirnrnla B)rilp of FIkh." Its
action Is positive but itnntlu. Mil
lions ot mothers keep this harmless
'fruit laxatlvo" handy; they know
children love to tnke It; that It never
falls to clean tho liver and bowels
nnd sweeten the stomnuh, and that a
tonapoonful gtvorl today navos a;
child tomorrow.
Ask your "druggist for a SO-cont
bottle of "California Byrup of Figs."
which bus full directions for bahlos,
children of nil iikos and for grown
ups plainly printed nu each bottle.
Ulware ot counterfeits sold horn.
Boo Hint It Is mado by "California FIk
Syrup Company." Refuse any other
kind with contempt.
Do some foods you eat hit bnrk--Uxie
good, but work badly ferrimni
Into stubborn lumps and cauao a alek.
sour, Kany stomach? Now, Mr. or
Mrs l)))optlc. Jot this dewn: Pap'
Dlapoualu dlaeits ovoryihlnK. loavliiK
uotbliiK to aotir and uit joii.
There, never was anything so aafoiy
iiulrk, so rertnlaty effootho. No dtf
fitrenrn bow badly ear stnwnah Is
disordered ou will net lmipy ndlef
III five tnliiutvs, but wliut pleusiM you
most ta that It strueatbsiis and rtntu
latea oar stouisoh mi you can oat
your favorite foods wlthonl fear.
Moat remedlea Rive you relief
soinotlines tty nr slow, tnt aui
suro. "Pnps's DlapaBatu" Is iiuldt,
positive and psta your atomaeh Im a
healthy condition so tho mloery
won't coow bark.
You feel liferent as soon as
"Pape'i DiapopslM" oomea In contact
with the stomach dlatroaa Just van
ishes your stomaoh nets aweot, no
Kaaea, no nolehlav, no oractattoas of
untllKiMstavl food, )or bond clears aad
you fool fine.
He now, make the beat Inxoalmoat
ynu over made, by Keltlita a large
ftfty-cout case or Pane's Dlapopaln
from any drug store. You realise In
five inliiutM bow uoodlen It bj to suf
fer from IndlKoatlon, dapepalnor any
atomach disorder.
Total t
Cfivult Cniut
U. K. Wllaoo. bailiff t
.1. (' Cnlvert. arMBd jaror..
Ueonio II. 1)441. araad juror
it. ir. ia, Iran! jiror. . ..
1. P. Dodge, araaii iror
Jtm-ph Mayfleld. graad Jatts.
I K Nletiota. gmo4 Jnrr....
W. M Pot ui. grand Juror .
W II. filHRler. fonvylnx
priaonora to Holm
Kill c. tmlib. MpmiM got-
Hug prloonara
Frank flrbutte. gragd juror
U. W. WllaoH, eowMttslg
prbmnera to pen
Total . . , $ j
JasMIre llwirl
Kelts Itllltfkaia. ariliiMta I
. Klmoro. wiliiewi
Kllllklll KI)M. eon.lnhU tnmm
('.It. Full, witiio
Mr. f. II. IVil. witiww. ..
Vni j'arra. witues
L. P. Furveaoii. m'ilna
(I f. OrOV. witltDHM
Lelu flrlir-bv. wihtsa
fllaiM end I'rudhoniajM Co
('. II. Oelletli.. iii.tYre tt
J F. lllltiri, eoi'xt.ible fora
lUeimiH nv. witness
I. F. I In v. wiliiesa
i. no
(Continued on Page Flvo.)
. Ml L .
When you tire of
f mrjr. - ri ri
ggWt Red Sea anil
BV to
f ln
I In,
' 3 un
hi eh-
the Medi
terranean, Suez Canal,
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Bombay and Colombo,
Ih, The I Mi Land und
ipl, itopplnj; t Intercat
; poind in Europe, Aila
it Africa, by the
From H YoiU, Januar 13,1914
93 Days $700 nnd up
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Also CriilkeM to the Oilent, Indln,
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IteiraiKimi trips.
SinJ for loeklrl, ttallnt crul
(MStlmailway. N.Y. Or total tmrntt
proof whiskeytry
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Vy. J. Van Schuyvcr & Co., General Afjcuts
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Out Our VvUiw on AVluvt
You AVillAVmi! for tho Winlor
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H'idSiiir fm . .MH
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.-J.J.?. .:.. '$ JglfcK.s4,Vf.tls , . . v 4JUM..Vfcn.,H ,